Blob Blame History Raw
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    <title><MM-List-Name> Info Page</title>
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    <p><mm-errormsg-listinfo> | <mm-errormsg-listadmin> </p>

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	   <h2>About <MM-List-Name></h2>
	   <p><MM-displang-box> <MM-list-langs></p><MM-form-end>

	   <p>To see the collection of prior postings to the list, 
	       visit the <MM-Archive> <MM-List-Name> Archives </MM-Archive>.</p>


	  <h2>Using <MM-List-Name></h2>
	  <p>To post a message to all the list members, send email to
	  <a href="mailto:<MM-Posting-Addr>"><MM-Posting-Addr></a>.</p>

	  <p>You can subscribe to the list, or change your existing
	    subscription, in the sections below.</p>

	  <h2>Subscribing to <MM-List-Name></h2>
     	  <p>Subscribe to <MM-List-Name> by filling out the following form.</p>

			<td class="description">Your email address:</td>
		  	<td class="value"><MM-Subscribe-Box></td>
        		<td class="description">Your name (optional):</td>
        		<td class="value"><mm-fullname-box></td>

			<p>You may enter a privacy
			password below. This provides only mild
			security, but should prevent others from
			messing with your subscription.  <strong>Do
			not use a valuable password</strong> as it
			will occasionally be emailed back to you in
			cleartext. If you choose not to enter a
			password, one will be automatically generated
			for you, and it will be sent to you once
			you've confirmed your subscription.  You can
			always request a mail-back of your password
			when you edit your personal options.
			<MM-Reminder> </p>

			<td class="description">Pick a password:</td>
			<td class="value"><MM-New-Password-Box></td>
			<td class="description">Reenter password to confirm:</td>
			<td class="value"><MM-Confirm-Password></td>
		        <td class="description">Which language do you prefer to display your messages?</td> 
		        <td class="value"><MM-list-langs></td>
			<td class="description">Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest? </td>
			<td class="value"><MM-Undigest-Radio-Button> No <MM-Digest-Radio-Button>  Yes	</td>
			<td colspan="3" class="center"><MM-Subscribe-Button></td>

	<a name="subscribers"></a>
        <h2><MM-List-Name> Subscribers</h2>
