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<!--This manuals documents relevant information regarding the deployment,
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            Olaf Bachmann <>
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<a name="Filesystem-trunk"></a>
<a name="SEC17"></a>
<h2 class="section"> 2.3 The <tt>`trunk'</tt> Directory </h2>

<a name="SEC18"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 2.3.1 Goals </h3>

<p>This directory implements the Subversion's trunk concept in a
trunk, branches, tags repository structure.

<a name="SEC19"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 2.3.2 Description </h3>

<p>The <tt>`trunk/'</tt> directory structure is the main development line
inside the CentOS Artwork Repository. Here is where we produce the
information required by The CentOS Project corporate visual identity.
Additionally, here is where documentation and automation scripts are
conceived to make both understanding and using of CentOS Artwork
Repository easier for everyone.
<p>The <tt>`trunk/'</tt> directory structure covers the following topics:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> <strong>Identity</strong></dt>
<dd><p>This directory organizes the production of images in different formats
and some non-image formats like XHTML and text files, as well. This is
the perfect place to consolidate <em>The CentOS Artwork SIG</em>. If you
are interested in producing art works for The CentOS Project, this
place is for you. 
<p>See section <a href="repository_8.html#SEC22">The <tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt> Directory</a>, for more information.
<dt> <strong>Documentation</strong></dt>
<dd><p>This directory organizes the production of <em>CentOS Artwork
Repository Manual</em> (i.e., the place where the documentation you are
reading right now is stored in).  If you are interested on improving
The CentOS Artwork Repository Manual, in this place you'll find the
Texinfo documentation structure you need to work with.
<p>See section <a href="repository_62.html#SEC313">The <tt>`trunk/Manual'</tt> Directory</a>, for more information.
<dt> <strong>Localization</strong></dt>
<dd><p>This directory organizes translation messages specifically produced to
satisfy internationalization needs inside the CentOS Artwork
Repository. This place is perfect to consolidate <em>The CentOS
Translation SIG</em>. If you love translating, you'll find lot of messages
waiting for you to translate here.  
<p>See section <a href="repository_51.html#SEC258">The <tt>`trunk/Locales'</tt> Directory</a>, for more information.
<dt> <strong>Automation</strong></dt>
<dd><p>This directory organizes the production of <code>centos-art</code>, a
command-line interface specially designed to automate most frequent
tasks in the repository (e.g., image rendition, documenting directory
structures, translating content, etc.).  If you can't resist the idea
of automating repeatable tasks, then take a look here.
<p>See section <a href="repository_64.html#SEC323">The <tt>`trunk/Scripts'</tt> Directory</a>, for more information.

<a name="SEC20"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 2.3.3 Usage </h3>

<p>When we need to create branches or tags, the <tt>`trunk/'</tt> directory
structure is the one used as reference to build them. Take a look at
the following directory structure construction and notice how the
<tt>`/Scripts/Bash/Cli'</tt> string is repeated in the paths and how it is
put on it:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> <tt>`trunk/Scripts/Bash/Cli'</tt></dt>
<p>This directory structure provides the main development line of the
<tt>`centos-art'</tt> command-line interface written in bash. In this
directory changes may occur pretty fast and in unpredicted ways. This
configuration could provoke that the <tt>`centos-art'</tt> command-line
stop working in a manner unprediceted due the way changes are
introduced to it.
<dt> <tt>`branches/Scripts/Bash/Cli/1'</tt></dt>
<p>This directory structure, however, provides an intermediate place for
less unpredicted changes and that way to provide more stability than
<tt>`trunk/'</tt> directory structure is able to provide. 
<p>Notice that we used a number to identify the branch (the number `1' in
this case).  Changing this number we could create several branches
that could be maintained at the same time to fix specific problems
simultaneausly otherwise difficult to fix in an unpredictable area
like that provided by <tt>`trunk/'</tt> directory structure.  Once the
specific problems has been fixed, the branch is merged into
<tt>`trunk/'</tt> and removed from the repository file system.
<p>If you are the only person working in the repository, you probably
don't want to worry about creating branches at all and prefer going
straight from trunk to tags. Ask yourself: If I'm the only person
working in the trunk directory structure whom else could introduce
unpredictable changes but myself? In that case, such changes wouldn't
be unpredictable at all, don't you think? 
<dt> <tt>`tags/Scripts/Bash/Cli/1.0'</tt></dt>
<p>Instead of removing the branch directory structure from the repository
file system, it could be very convenient to create a check-point in
time with such problems fixed and so providing a predictable release
of the <tt>`centos-art'</tt> command-line interface.
<p>Notice that we used the number 1.0 to store the tag. These means that
we are creating the tag number 0 from the branch numbered as 1 (i.e.,
the first number before the dot represents the branch number and the
second number after the dot represents the tag number).  
<p>Using the <tt>`centos-art'</tt> command-line from tags diectory structure
does provide more stable results than those from branches or trunk
directory structures. The tags directory structure doesn't introduce
changes at all, so you are safe to get what you expect after reading
the release notes for that tag. This configuration is not possible
supported on trunk nor branches since they do change through time.

<p>It seems to be no other immediate use for this directory but those
described above.

<a name="SEC21"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 2.3.4 See also </h3>

<table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="repository_5.html#SEC5">2.1 The <tt>`branches'</tt> Directory</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="repository_6.html#SEC12">2.2 The <tt>`tags'</tt> Directory</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">

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