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<title>The CentOS Artwork Repository: 3.42 trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render</title>
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<a name="trunk-Scripts-Bash-Functions-Render"></a>
<a name="SEC248"></a>
<h2 class="section"> 3.42 trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render </h2>
<a name="SEC249"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.42.1 Goals </h3>
<ul class="toc">
<li> ...
<a name="SEC250"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.42.2 Description </h3>
<a name="SEC251"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> Renderable layout 1 </h4>
<p>Design models (<tt>`Tpl/'</tt>) and design images (<tt>`Img/'</tt>)
directories share a common parent directory under `trunk/Identity'
directory structure.
<div class="float"><a name="trunk_002fScripts_002fBash_002fFunctions_002fRender_003a1"></a>
<pre class="verbatim">trunk/Identity/Widgets
|-- Tpl
| `-- file.svg
`-- Img
`-- file.png
</div><p><strong>Figure 3.20: Example of renderable layout 1.
<a name="SEC252"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> Renderable layout 2 </h4>
<p>Design models and design images don't share a common parent directory.
Instead, design models (<tt>`Models/'</tt>) and design images
(<tt>`Motifs/'</tt>) are stored separately on another inside different
directory structures under <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/'</tt>.
<div class="float"><a name="trunk_002fScripts_002fBash_002fFunctions_002fRender_003a2"></a>
<pre class="verbatim">trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/
`-- Anaconda
`-- Header
`-- anaconda_header.svg
`-- Anaconda
`-- Header
`-- anaconda_header.png
</div><p><strong>Figure 3.21: Example of renderable layout 2.
<p>The "Renderable layout 2" emerged from "Renderable layout 1" to satisfy a
need that "Renderable layout 1" cannot (and should not) satisfy: Produce
images using a combination of different design models and different
visual styles.
<p>The "Renderable layout 2" layout is used at the following directory
structures only:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes/Motifs/$THEMENAME/'</tt></dt>
<p>This directory structure controls the main development area of themes
artistic motifs. In this directory structure we find components that
cannot be produced automatically (e.g., Backgrouds, Concepts, Color
information, theme Screenshots, etc.).
<dt> <tt>`turnk/Identity/Themes/Models/$THEMEMODEL/'</tt></dt>
<p>This directory structure controls the main development are of themes
design models. In this directory structure we found design components
that specify <em>how</em> artistic motifs' backgrounds are applied to
each image design that need to be produced. Inside design models you
find translation markers used by translation files in order to
translate images in different languages, releases, and architectures.
<dt> <tt>`branches/Identity/Themes/Motifs/$THEMENAME/$BRANCHNUM/'</tt></dt>
<p>This directory structure controls the secondary development of theme
artistic motifs. In this directory structure we find components that
connot be produced automatically <em>plus</em> components that are
produced automatically (e.g., Anaconda stuff, Bootup stuff, Promotion
stuff, etc.).
<dt> <tt>`branches/Identity/Themes/Model/$THEMEMODEL/'</tt></dt>
<p>This directory structure does't exist, and it never would. Theme
design models are concentrated in just one place
<dt> <tt>`branches/Identity/Themes/Motifs/$THEMENAME/$BRANCHNUM/$TAGNUM/'</tt></dt>
<p>This directory structure
<dt> <tt>`tags/Identity/Themes/Model/$THEMEMODEL/'</tt></dt>
<p>This directory structure does't exist, and it never would. Theme
design models are concentrated in just one place
<a name="SEC253"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> Duplicate renderable layouts </h4>
<p>A renderable layout is formed by design models, design images,
pre-rendition configuration scripts and translations files. This way,
when we say to duplicate rendition stuff we are saying to duplicate
these four directory structures (i.e., design models, design images,
pre-rendition configuration scripts, and related translations files).
<p>When we duplicate directories, inside `trunk/Identity' directory
structure, we need to be aware of renderable layout described above
and the source location used to perform the duplication action. The
source location is relevant to centos-art.sh script in order to
determine the required auxiliar information inside directory
structures that need to be copied too (otherwise we may end up with
orphan directory structures unable to be rendered, due the absence of
required information).
<p>In order for a renderable directory structure to be valid, the new
directory structure copied should match the following conditions:
<li> To have a unique directory structure under
<tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt>, organized by any one of the above
organizational designs above.
</li><li> To have a unique directory structure under
<tt>`trunk/Translations'</tt> to store translation files.
</li><li> To have a unique directory structure under
<tt>`trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/Config'</tt> to set pre-rendition
configuration script.
<p>As convenction, the <code>render_doCopy</code> function uses
<tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt> directory structure as source location. Once
the <tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt> directory structure has been specified and
verified, the related path information is built from it and copied
automatically to the new location specified by <var>FLAG_TO</var> variable.
<p>Renderable layout 1:
- centos-art render -copy=trunk/Identity/Widgets -to=trunk/Identity/NewDirName
- trunk/Identity/Widgets
- trunk/Translations/Identity/Widgets
- trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/Config/Identity/Widgets
- trunk/Identity/NewDirName
- trunk/Translations/Identity/NewDirName
- trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/Config/Identity/NewDirName
<p>Renderable layout 2:
- centos-art render -copy=trunk/Identity/Themes/Motifs/TreeFlower \
- trunk/Identity/Themes/Motifs/TreeFlower
- trunk/Translations/Identity/Themes
- trunk/Translations/Identity/Themes/Motifs/TreeFlower
- trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/Config/Identity/Themes
- trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/Config/Identity/Themes/Motifs/TreeFlower
- trunk/Identity/Themes/Motifs/NewDirName
- trunk/Translations/Identity/Themes
- trunk/Translations/Identity/Themes/Motifs/NewDirName
- trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/Config/Identity/Themes
- trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/Config/Identity/Themes/Motifs/NewDirName
<p>Notice that design models are not included in source or target
locations. This is intentional. In "Renderable layout 2", design
models live by their own, they just exist, they are there, available
for any artistic motif to use. By default `Themes/Models/Default'
design model directory structure is used, but other design models
directory structures (under Themes/Models/) can be created and used
changing the value of THEMEMODEL variable inside the pre-rendition
configuration script of the artistic motif source location you want to
<p>Notice how translations and pre-rendition configuration scripts may
both be equal in source and target. This is because such structures
are common to all artistic motifs (the default values to use when no
specific values are provided).
<p>- The common directory structures are not copied or deleted. We cannot
copy a directory structure to itself.
<p>- The common directory structures represent the default value to use
when no specific translations and/or pre-rendition configuration
script are provided inside source location.
<p>- The specific directory structures, if present, are both copiable and
removable. This is, when you perform a copy or delete action from
source, that source specific auxiliar directories are transfered in
the copy action to a new location (that specified by FLAG_TO
<p>- When translations and/or pre-rendition configuration scripts are
found inside the source directory structure, the centos-art.sh
script loads common auxiliar directories first and later specific
auxiliar directories. This way, identity rendition of source
locations can be customized idividually over the base of common
default values.
<p>- The specific auxiliar directories are optional.
<p>- The common auxiliar directories should be present always. This is,
in order to provide the information required by render functionality
(i.e., to make it functional in the more basic level of its
<p>Notice how the duplication process is done from `trunk/Identity' on,
not the oposite. If you try to duplicate a translation structure (or
similar auxiliar directory structures like pre-rendition configuration
scripts), the `trunk/Identity' for that translation is not created.
This limitation is impossed by the fact that many `trunk/Identity'
directory structures may reuse/share the same translation directory
structure. We cannot delete one translation (or similar) directory
structures while a related `trunk/Identity/' directory structure is
still in need of it.
<p>The `render_doCopy' functionality does duplicate directory structures
directly involved in rendition process only. Once such directories
have been duplicated, the functionality stops thereat.
<a name="SEC254"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.42.3 Usage </h3>
<ul class="toc">
<li> ...
<a name="SEC255"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.42.4 See also </h3>
<table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="repository_46.html#SEC256">3.43 trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Render/Config</a></td><td> </td><td align="left" valign="top">
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