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<!--This manual describes what the CentOS Artwork Repository is and what
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<!-- Created on October, 30 2010 by texi2html 1.76 -->
Written by: Lionel Cons <> (original author)
            Karl Berry  <>
            Olaf Bachmann <>
            and many others.
Maintained by: Many creative people <>
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<a name="trunk-Identity-Themes-Models-Default-Distro"></a>
<a name="SEC110"></a>
<h2 class="section"> 3.18 trunk/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro </h2>

<a name="SEC111"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.18.1 Goals </h3>

<ul class="toc">
<li> ...

<a name="SEC112"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.18.2 Description </h3>

<p>It applies to all major releases of CentOS distribution.

<a name="SEC113"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> One theme for all major releases </h4>

<p>Sometimes, specific visual manifestations are formed by common
components which have internal differences. That is the case of CentOS
distribution visual manifestation.  
<p>Since a visual style point of view, the CentOS distributions share
common artwork components like Anaconda --to cover the CentOS
distribution installation--, BootUp --to cover the CentOS
distribution start up--, and Backgrounds --to cover the CentOS
distribution desktop--.  Now, since a technical point of view, those
common artwork components are made of software improved constantly.
So, we need to find a way to keep one unique name and one unique
visual style in artwork components that have internal difference and
also remark internal difference as well.
<blockquote class="orange"><img src="/home/centos/artwork/trunk/Identity/Widgets/Img/icon-admonition-attention.png" alt="Important"><h3>Important</h3><p> Remarking the CentOS release schema inside each
major release of CentOS distribution --or similar visual
manifestation-- takes <em>high attention</em> inside The CentOS Project
corporate visual identity. It should be very clear for people which
major release of CentOS distribution they are using.

<p>In order to remark the CentOS release schema, the CentOS Artwork SIG
uses a release-specific brand design named &quot;The CentOS Release
Brand&quot;. The CentOS release brand is compossed by the CentOS logotype
<em>and</em> the CentOS major release number (as specified in CentOS
release schema definition). In this solution, the CentOS release brand
is set inside all release-specific artworks (e.g., distribution,
installation media, etc.) in remarkable way.   The CentOS release
brand is the design component that lets us remark the CentOS release
schema inside the monolithic corporate visual identity structure we
propose to use.

<a name="SEC114"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> One theme for each major release </h4>

<p>Other way we've been using to remark CentOS release schema is
applying one unique theme for <em>each</em> major release of CentOS
distribution.  That is, if we have 4 major releases of CentOS
distribution, we need to provide 4 different themes to cover each
CentOS distribution available.
<p>Inside CentOS Artwork Repository, you can create many themes and that
is very convenient. But using one unique theme for <em>each</em> major
release of CentOS distribution would bring visual isolation among
distributions, websites and promotion visual manifestations. If the
CentOS project would maintain just one CentOS distribution (and many
experienced graphic designers ready to create beautiful artworks) this
model would be nice. Indeed, this model looks quite similar to that
one used by Fedora project, doesn't it. But no, the CentOS project
maintains near to 4 major releases of CentOS distribution in parallel,
and that fact makes a huge difference since the corporate visual
identity point of view.
<p>If we use one unique theme for <em>each</em> major release of CentOS
distribution, which one of those themes, does we use to cover other
CentOS visual manifestations, like websites and promotion stuff? 
<p>In whatever case you choose some release-specific distribution user
will be visually isolated from other CentOS visual manifestations like
websites and promotion stuff, even if the CentOS brand is present in
all visual manifestations. In such a case, probably, users will end up
asking themselves, why my CentOS distribution has this design and the
CentOS website another one? Isn't them on the same project? With luck
the CentOS brand will exonerate user form visual isolation.

<a name="SEC115"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.18.3 Usage </h3>

<a name="SEC116"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.18.4 See also </h3>

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