Blob Blame History Raw
# -- This function provides shared variables
# re-definition for all rendition actions inside script.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Alain Reguera Delgado
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
# USA.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id$
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

function render_getIdentityDefs {

    # Define the translation file absolute path. Only if we have a
    # extension at file's end we can consider that file as a
    # translation file.  Otherwise there is not translation file.
    if [[ $TRANSLATIONPATH != '' ]];then
        TRANSLATION=`gettext "None"`

    # Check translation file existence. This may seem unnecessary
    # because we already built the file list using existent files.
    # But what happen if any of the files already loaded are removed
    # after being loaded? well, just skip it.
    if [[ "$TRANSLATION" == `gettext "None"` ]];then
        cli_printMessage "`gettext "None"`" "AsTranslationLine"
        cli_checkFiles "$TRANSLATION" 'fh'
        cli_printMessage "$TRANSLATION" 'AsTranslationLine'
    # Define the design template absolute path. This definition is
    # done by interpreting the matching list and translation path
    # information.  This defintion needs to be coherent with those
    # defined in render_getFilesList function.
    if [[ "${MATCHINGLIST}" != "" ]] \
        && [[ "${TRANSLATIONPATH}" == "" ]];then
        # Remove the template (`Tpl/') string from FILE for those
        # images based on design templates. This avoids the creation
        # of an extra `Tpl' directory under Img. We want to save
        # primary PNG file structure directly under Img/ not Img/Tpl/.
        FILE=$(echo ${FILE} | sed -r "s!^${SVG}/!!")
        # In this case just one primary image is rendered.
        # Template points to the value passed in the template
        # argument.
    elif [[ "${MATCHINGLIST}" == "" ]] \
        && [[ "${TRANSLATIONPATH}" == "" ]];then
        # Remove the template (`Tpl/') string from FILE for those
        # images based on design templates. This avoids the creation
        # of an extra `Tpl' directory under Img. We want to save
        # primary PNG file structure directly under Img/ not Img/Tpl/.
        FILE=$(echo ${FILE} | sed -r "s!^${SVG}/!!")
        # In this case one primary image is rendered for each
        # design template. Template absolute path points to a
        # design template (see LOCATION's definition).

    elif [[ "${MATCHINGLIST}" == "" ]] \
        && [[ "${TRANSLATIONPATH}" != "" ]];then
        # In this case translation files are applied to design
        # templates with the same name (without extension). One
        # primary image is rendered for each translation file
        # matching.  Template and translation files use the same path
        # and name relative to their PARENTDIR. Translations use
        # extension and templates .svg extension.
        TEMPLATE=$(echo ${FILE} | sed -r "s!.*/${PARENTDIR}/(.*)!\1!" \
            | sed -r "s/\.${EXTENSION}$/.svg/")
    elif [[ "${MATCHINGLIST}" != "" ]] \
        && [[ "${TRANSLATIONPATH}" != "" ]];then

        # Create a template and translation matching list.  With this
        # configuration we can optimize the rendition process for
        # artworks like Anaconda progress slides and installation
        # media, where many translation files apply one unique design
        # template file.
        # Previous to this feature, there was one (repeated) design
        # template for each design holding the same design in all
        # cases, basically a raw copy. This structure is very hard to
        # maintain so it was reduced and optimized as we described
        # above.
        # The idea is to create a link and customizable relation
        # between translation files and design template files in
        # pre-rendition configuration scripts and then interpret it
        # here.
        # This way we pretend to eliminate duplicated design templates
        # saying something like translation,,
        #,, and apply to the single design
        # template A.svg.  Or,,, to A.svg
        # and and to B.svg.
        # Possible configuration 1: In this first case,
        # translation files and design templates share a common
        # portion of the path.  Sometimes, we call this common
        # portion of path the ``bond path''. This configuration is
        # strictly used under the following situations: 
        #  1. There are too many translation files to apply to a
        #  single design template. This is the case of Brands
        #  artworks (see: trunk/Identity/Brands) rendition, where it
        #  is very difficult to maintain the relation list of design
        #  templates and translation files. E.g.:
        #  bond/path/template.svg: \
        #     bond/path/ \
        #     bond/path/
        #  2. Translation files are under a directory with the same
        #  name of that used in the design template. All translation
        #  files inside this directory will be applied to the single
        #  design template that has the same name of the directory
        #  containing the translation files. E.g.:
        #  bond/path/green.svg: \
        #     bond/path/green/ \
        #     bond/path/green/
        BOND=$(echo $TRANSLATION \
            | sed -r "s/^.*\/$PARENTDIR\/(.+)\/.*\.${EXTENSION}$/\1/")

        # If there is no template at this point, start reducing the
        # bond path and try to use the result as template.  This is
        # needed in those cases where you have a directory structure
        # with various levels of translations inside it and want to
        # apply the last available design template that match to all
        # translation files in the directory structure.
        if [[ ! -f "$SVG/${BOND}.svg" ]];then
            until [[ -f "$SVG/${BOND}.svg" ]] ;do
                [[ $BOND =~ '^(\.|/)$' ]] && break
                BOND=$(dirname "$BOND")

        # Possible configuration 2: If no template is found using the
        # previous bond paths reduction, then lets look using design
        # template and translation file base name bond only.  Use this
        # configuration as much as possible.  Note that it is much
        # more flexible than possible configuration 1.
        # In this configuration, the pre-rendition configuration takes
        # the following form:
        #  template.svg: \
        # \
        if [[ ! -f "$SVG/${BOND}.svg" ]];then
            BOND=$(basename "$TRANSLATION")
        # Possible configuration 2.1: If not design template was found
        # with the .svg extension, lets try design template without
        # extension. This configuration is useful to render plain text
        # files that doesn't use an extension (e.g., see inside
        # `trunk/Identity/Release' directory structure).
        #  template: \
        # \
        if [[ ! -f "$SVG/${BOND}.svg" ]] \
            && [[ ! -f $SVG/{$BOND} ]];then
            BOND=$(basename "$TRANSLATION")
        # Define design template applying bond filtering.
        TEMPLATE=$(echo "${MATCHINGLIST}" \
            | egrep "$BOND" \
            | cut -d: -f1 \
            | sort )

        # Sometimes one BOND pattern can match more than one design
        # template (i.e. 2c-tm pattern match in: 2c-tm, 2c-tmd,
        # 2c-tmdr).  It makes no sence to apply one translation file
        # to many differnt design templates at the same time.  This
        # way we need to reduce the design templates found to just
        # one, the one matching the BOND translation path exactly,
        # without extension.
        if [[ $(echo "$TEMPLATE" | wc -l ) -gt 1 ]];then
            # Remove `' extension from BOND. This is required
            # in order to build the BOND design template correctly.
            BOND=$(echo $BOND | sed -r "s/\.${EXTENSION}$//")
            # Reduce template designs found to match BOND design
            # template. Take into account design templates extensions.
            TEMPLATE=$(echo "$TEMPLATE" \
                | egrep "${BOND}(\.${EXTENSION})?$")
        # Sometimes we need to apply all translation files to a single
        # design template.  At this point, if there is no design
        # template available yet, look inside matching list and use
        # its value as design template for all translation files.
        if [[ "$TEMPLATE" == '' ]] \
            && [[ "$MATCHINGLIST" =~ '^[[:alnum:][:digit:][:punct:]]+(\.svg|\.html|\.htm)?$' ]];then
        # If there is no template found at this point, we need to
        # prevent an empty template from being used. It is a missing
        # assignment definition in the pre-rendition script surely.
        if [[ "$TEMPLATE" == '' ]];then
            cli_printMessage "`eval_gettext "There is no design template defined for \\\`\\\${FILE}'."`" 'AsErrorLine'
            cli_printMessage "$(caller)" "AsToKnowMoreLine"
    # Remove any release number from design template's path.  Release
    # directories are used under Translations structure only.
    # Removing release numbers from design template path makes
    # possible to match many release-specific translations to the same
    # design template. There is no need to duplicate the release
    # structure inside design template structure.
    TEMPLATE=$(echo $TEMPLATE | sed -r "s!^$(cli_getPathComponent '--release-pattern')/!!")
    # Remove any language from design template's path. Language
    # code directories are used under Translation structure only.
    # Removing language code directories from design template path
    # makes possible to match many language translations to the
    # same design templates. There is no need to duplicate
    # language code directories inside design template structure.
    if [[ $TEMPLATE =~ '^[[:alpha:]]{2}(_[[:alpha:]]{2}){,1}/' ]];then
        # It seems like the first directory referes to a language
        # code. At this point we check if that value is a valid
        # language code. 
        if [[ "$(cli_getLangCodes $(echo $TEMPLATE | cut -d/ -f1))" != '' ]];then
            # The value is a valid language code. Remove it from path
            # so design template path can be built correctly.
            TEMPLATE=$(echo $TEMPLATE | sed "s!$(echo $TEMPLATE | cut -d/ -f1)/!!")

    # Redefine design template using absolute path.
    if [[ -f $SVG/$(basename "$TEMPLATE") ]];then
        # Generally, template files are stored one level inside
        # Tpl/ directory.
        TEMPLATE=$SVG/$(basename "$TEMPLATE")
        # Others, template designs may be stored some levels inside
        # the template structure. At this point, we look deeper inside
        # template's directory structure and redefine template path.
        # Avoid using duplicated names inside template directory
        # structure. If there are duplicate names, the first one in
        # the list is used and the rest is discarded.
        TEMPLATE=$(find $SVG -regextype posix-egrep -regex \
            ".*/${TEMPLATE}" | sort | head -n 1)

    # Check existence of TEMPLATE file. If design template doesn't
    # exist we cannot render it; in such case, stop working for it and
    # try the next one in the list.
    cli_checkFiles "$TEMPLATE"  'f'
    cli_printMessage "$TEMPLATE" 'AsDesignLine'
    # Get relative path to file. The path string (stored in FILE) has
    # two parts: 1. the variable path and 2. the common path.  The
    # variable path is before the common point in the path string. The
    # common path is after the common point in the path string. The
    # common point is the name of the parent directory (stored in
    # trunk/Script/Bas.../Config/Firstboot/3/
    # -------------------------^| the     |^------------^
    # variable path             | common  |    common path
    # -------------------------v| point   |    v------------v
    # trunk/Identity/Themes/M.../Firstboot/Img/3/splash-small.png
    # What we do here is remove the varibale path, the common point,
    # and the file extension parts in the string holding the path
    # retrived from translations structure. Then we use the common
    # path as relative path to the image file.
    # The file extension is removed from the common path.  Instead we
    # set the extension when we create the final file.
    # When we render using renderImage function, the structure of
    # files under Img/ directory will be the same of that used after
    # the common point in its related Translations or Template
    # directory depending in which one was taken as reference when
    # LOCATION variable was defined. 
    FILE=$(echo ${FILE} \
        | sed -r "s!.*${PARENTDIR}/!!" \
        | sed -r "s/\.${EXTENSION}$//")
    # Re-define directory absolute path of final output directory. As
    # convenction, when we produce content in English language, we do
    # not add a laguage directory to organize content. However, when
    # we produce content in a language different from English we do
    # use language-specific directory to organize content.
    if [[ $(cli_getCurrentLocale) =~ '^en' ]];then
        DIRNAME=$IMG/$(dirname "${FILE}")
        DIRNAME=$IMG/$(dirname "${FILE}")/$(cli_getCurrentLocale)

    # Remove leading `/.' string from directory path. This is required
    # in order to define the final file absolute path.
    DIRNAME=$(echo $DIRNAME | sed -r 's!/\.!!')

    # Check existence of output image directory.
    if [[ ! -d $DIRNAME ]];then
        mkdir -p $DIRNAME

    # Define absolute path to file.
    FILE=$(echo $DIRNAME/$(basename "${FILE}"))

    # Define instance name.
    INSTANCE=$(cli_getTemporalFile $TEMPLATE)

    # Remove template instance if it is already present.
    if [[ -a $INSTANCE ]];then
        rm $INSTANCE

    # Create the design template instance.

    # Replace translation markers with appropriate information.
