Blob Blame History Raw
<section id="repository-history-2012">


        &TCAR; development was eventually stopped at November 2011
        until July 2012 when we needed to make the
        <command></command> script a bit more
        customizable than it presently was. For example, it was
        considered as a need that functionalities inside the
        <command></command> script must be not just
        conceived independent one another but reusable in different
        contexts as well.

    <simplesect id="repository-history-2012-UpdateLocales">
    <title>Make Localization Of <command></command>
    Script Specific To Different Contexts</title>
        The procedure used to locale messages inside the
        <command></command> script has to be re-designed
        in order to accept such pluggable behavior into the script. We
        couldn't publish unique <filename></filename>
        and <filename></filename> files because they
        may contain different information in different contexts. For
        example, if you are using the <function>render</function> and
        <function>help</function> functionalities you only need
        translation messages for them and not those from other
        functionalities that may exist in the central repository but
        you didn't download nor use into your working copy.

        One solution for this could be to have independent PO files
        for each functionality of <command></command>
        script which are combined to create the final PO and MO files
        that <application>gettext</application> uses to retrive
        translated strings when <command></command>
        script is running. For this solution to be effective, you must
        be selective about the functionalities and locales directories
        you download into your working copy. For example, if you want
        to use the render functionality and its locale messages only,
        you must download the required directories and exclude others.

        In case you don't want to be selective and download the whole
        repository, the creation of the
        <filename></filename> and
        <filename></filename> files will occur
        automatically the first time you run the
        <function>prepare</function> functionality (which require the
        <function>locale</function> functionality to be available), or
        later, by running the following command: 
        <screen>centos-art locale Scripts/Bash --update</screen>

        For more information about the <function>prepare</function>
        and <function>locale</function> functionalities, see <xref
        linkend="scripts-bash-locale" /> and <xref
        linkend="scripts-bash-prepare" /> respectively.


        As shown in <xref linkend="repository-history-2012-2" />, both
        <function>Commons</function> and <function>Locales</function>
        functionalities will always be required directories. The
        <function>Commons</function> directory contains the common
        functionalities and the <function>Locales</function> directory
        contains the standard procedures you need to run in order to
        build the final <filename></filename> file
        used by <application>gettext</application> to retrive
        translation strings when the <command></command>
        script is running. Remember that
        <filename></filename> files aren't under
        version control and they are built by combining each
        funtionality message.po file into a PO and later a MO file.

    <example id="repository-history-2012-2">
    <title>Directory structure of a rendering-only context</title>
    <screeninfo>Directory structure of a rendering-only context</screeninfo>
|-- Locales/
|   `-- Scripts/
|       `-- Bash/
|           `-- es_ES/
|               |-- Functions/
|               |   |-- Commons/
|               |   |   |-- messages.po
|               |   |   `-- messages.pot
|               |   |-- Locales/
|               |   |   |-- messages.po
|               |   |   `-- messages.pot
|               |   `-- Render/
|               |       |-- messages.po
|               |       `-- messages.pot
|               |-- LC_MESSAGES/
|               |   `--
|               |--
|               `--
`-- Scripts/
    `-- Bash/
        |-- Functions/
        |   |-- Commons/
        |   |-- Locales/
        |   `-- Render/

        A practical example of using the solution described above may
        be found when you are working on the corporate identity of
        &TCP; and then need to start a new corporate identity project
        for another organization. You want to keep the directory
        structure of &TCAR; and its automation tool, the
        <command></command> script.  Your new project
        requires you to introduce new functionalities to
        <command></command> which don't fit the needs of
        &TCP; (e.g., you want to introduce a
        <function>report</function> functionality to mesure how much
        connect time do you consume through your PPP internface.) or
        you just want to keep the directory structure of your new
        project as simple as possible.

        To go through this it is possible to mix specific parts of
        different central repositories into one single working copy.
        This is the working copy you'll use to manage your new
        project. In <xref linkend="repository-history-2012-1" />, we
        see how the <filename class="directory">Render</filename>,
        <filename class="directory">Locales</filename> and <filename
        class="directory">Commons</filename> directories which come
        from the &TCAR; has been integrated into the working copy of
        your new project.
    <example id="repository-history-2012-1">
    <title>Mixing automation functionalities.</title>
    <screeninfo>Mixing automation functionalities.</screeninfo>
|-- Locales/           
|   `-- Scripts/
|       `-- Bash/         
|           `-- es_ES/
|               |-- Functions/
|               |   |-- Commons/ &lt;--| from
|               |   |   |-- messages.po
|               |   |   `-- messages.pot
|               |   |-- Locales/ &lt;--| from
|               |   |   |-- messages.po
|               |   |   `-- messages.pot
|               |   |-- Render/  &lt;--| from
|               |   |   |-- messages.po
|               |   |   `-- messages.pot
|               |   `-- Report/
|               |       |-- messages.po
|               |       `-- messages.pot
|               |-- LC_MESSAGES/
|               |   `--
|               |--
|               `--
`-- Scripts/
    `-- Bash/
        |-- Functions/
        |   |-- Commons/ &lt;--| from
        |   |-- Locales/ &lt;--| from
        |   |-- Render/  &lt;--| from
        |   `-- Report/

        At this point, your working copy contains files from two
        different central repositories. One repository provides the
        files of your new organization project and the other one
        provides the files related to the <function>render</function>
        functionality from &TCAR;.  In this environment, all updates
        commited to the <filename class="directory">Render</filename>,
        <filename class="directory">Locales</filename> and <filename
        class="directory">Commons</filename> directories at &TCAR;
        will be available to you too, the next time you update your
        working copy. Likewise, if you change something in any of
        these directories and commit your changes, your changes will
        be available to poeple working in &TCAR; the next time they
        update their working copies.

        Understanding the need of mixing different central
        repositories into a single working copy is an important step
        for reusing the functionalities that come with
        script, but it is not enough if you want to customize the
        information produced by it.  By default, the
        script uses information related to &TCP;. You probably need to
        change this if you are producing images to a different
        organization than &TCP;. For example, some of the information
        you might need to change would be the copyright holder,
        brands, domain names, mailing lists, and so forth.  To change
        this information you need to duplicate the file
        <filename></filename> and rename it to something
        else. Later, you need to edit the renamed version and change
        variables inside according your needs. In <xref
        linkend="repository-history-2012-1" />, we used the name
        <command></command> instead of
        <command></command> so the information we set
        inside it could reflect the specific needs that motivated the
        creation of a new project without affecting those from &TCP;.

        Most of the information you need to change in your duplicated
        version of <filename></filename> file is
        controlled by a set of read-only variables. You modify these
        variables here and they will be available all along the script
        execution time. For example, you can change the value of
        <varname>CLI_WRKCOPY</varname> variable inside your duplicated
        version of <filename></filename> to change the
        absolute path you use to store your working copy.


    <title>Enhance The CentOS Logo Construction</title>
        The CentOS Logo is made of two different components known as
        The CentOS Symbol and The CentOS Type.  Presently (at the end
        of September), to produce these components, we create one
        <acronym>SVG</acronym> image for each PNG image we want to
        produce, store it in <filename
        directory structure and run the command: 
        <command>centos-art render Identity/Images/Brands/Logos</command>

        This model works and scales well in situations when there
        isn't a need to reuse final images among themselves. However,
        when you need to reuse images among themselves, a better
        solution is required. The goal here would be: don't create
        <acronym>SVG</acronym> images for PNG images you can build
        based on other PNG images.

        This might be achieved through one of the following ways:

        Create a new specific functionality to achieved the goal.
        Needed because the <xref linkend="scripts-bash-render" />
        specific functionality uses <acronym>SVG</acronym> files as
        reference to build images (i.e., one <acronym>SVG</acronym>
        image produces one PNG image). 

        Modify <xref linkend="scripts-bash-render" /> functionality to
        work in different modes based on file type or file extension.
        The first mode would use <acronym>SVG</acronym> files as
        reference to build PNG images (just as it was doing so far).
        The second mode would use a configuration file named
        <filename>render.conf</filename> as reference inside the
        design models directory you want to produce images for so as
        to build the related PNG images.  In this second case, the
        configuration file specifies how final PNG images will be
        produced (e.g., by appending or overlapping them one another).

        For example, consider the following command-line:

        <command>centos-art render Identity/Images/Brands/Logos</command>

        This command should evaluate which type of rendition will be
        done, based on whether the source file is a scalable vector
        graphic (<acronym>SVG</acronym>) or a configuration file.  To
        make this decision, the <command></command>
        script looks for <acronym>SVG</acronym> files first, and
        configuration files later. When <acronym>SVG</acronym> files
        are found, the <command></command> script uses a
        list of <acronym>SVG</acronym> files and process them one by
        one excluding any related configuration file that could exist.
        On the other hand, if no <acronym>SVG</acronym> file is found
        inside the related design model directory structure, the
        <command></command> script will use the
        configuration file with the name
        <filename>render.conf</filename> to create images as specified
        inside it. When neither a <acronym>SVG</acronym> or a
        configuration file is found inside the design model directory
        structure, the <command></command> script
        finishes its execution without any error message.  For
        example, if no <acronym>SVG</acronym> file is found inside
        directory and the
        configuration file exists therein with the following content:

models  = "Identity/Models/Brands/Symbols/centos-symbol-forlogos.svgz Identity/Models/Brands/Types/centos.svgz"
formats = "xpm jpg"
heights = "48 78"
fgcolor = "000000 ffffff"
bgcolor = "ffffff-0"
command = "/usr/bin/convert +append"

models  = "Identity/Models/Brands/Symbols/centos-symbol-forlogos.svgz Identity/Models/Brands/Types/centos.svgz Identity/Models/Brands/Types/artwork.svgz"
formats = "xpm jpg"
heights = "48 78"
fgcolor = "000000 ffffff"
bgcolor = "ffffff-0"
command = "/usr/bin/convert +append"

        The <command></command> script should produce the
        following image files:


        The final location for storing images output inside the
        repository is determined by using the design model directory
        provided as argument. Basically, the
        <command></command> script changes the path
        components from Models to Images and adds foreground color,
        background color, height value and image name to it to
        differentiate rendered images.

        In case you need to restrict the amount of files you want to
        produce including their formats, heights, colors and commands,
        you need to modify the content of the related
        <filename>render.conf</filename> configuration file. There is
        not any command-line option available for such tasks. The most
        <xref linkend="scripts-bash-render" xreflabel="render"/>
        command-line options can do for you is when there are more
        than one configuration file inside the same design model
        directory and you need to specify which one of them will be
        used as reference. In such case you can use the
        <option>--filter="REGEX"</option> option.

        When images are produced through configuration files, the
        <command></command> script takes the order
        provided in the list of design models to build the list of
        images you will work with through the command specified. For
        example, the order in which images will be appended or

        Localization of logo images will not be and must not be
        supported in any way. That would bring disastrous confusion in
        the area of visual recognition.

