Blob Blame History Raw
# -- This function standardize file and directories
# name convenction inside the working copy of CentOS Artowrk
# Repository. As convenction, regular files are written in lower case
# and directories are written in lower case but with the first letter
# in upper case.  Use this function to sanitate the name of regular
# files and directory components of paths you work with.
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 The CentOS Artwork SIG
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id$
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

function cli_getRepoName {

    # Define short options.
    local ARGSS='f,d'

    # Define long options.
    local ARGSL='basename,dirname'

    # Initialize arguments with an empty value and set it as local
    # variable to this function scope.
    local ARGUMENTS=''

    # Redefine ARGUMENTS variable using current positional parameters. 
    cli_parseArgumentsReDef "$@"

    # Redefine ARGUMENTS variable using getopt output.

    # Redefine positional parameters using ARGUMENTS variable.
    eval set -- "$ARGUMENTS"

    # Define the name we want to apply verifications to.
    local NAME=$(echo $@ | sed -r 's!^.*--[[:space:]](.+)$!\1!')

    # Look for options passed through positional parameters.
    while true;do

        case "$1" in

            -f|--basename )

                # Reduce the path passed to use just the non-directory
                # part of it (i.e., the last component in the path;
                # _not_ the last "real" directory in the path).
                NAME=$(basename $NAME)

                # Clean value.
                NAME=$(echo $NAME \
                    | tr -s ' ' '_' \
                    | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')

                shift 1

            -d|--dirname )

                local DIR=''
                local DIRS=''
                local CLEANDIRS=''
                local PREFIXDIR=''

                # In order to sanitate each directory in a path, it is
                # required to break off the path string so each
                # component can be worked out individually and later
                # combine them back to create a clean path string.
                # Reduce path information passed to use the directory
                # part of it only.  Of course, this is applied if
                # there is a directory part in the path.  Assuming
                # there is no directory part but a non-empty value in
                # the path, use that value as directory part and clean
                # it up.
                if [[ $NAME =~ '.+/.+' ]];then

                    # When path information is reduced, we need to
                    # consider that absolute paths contain some
                    # directories outside the working copy directory
                    # structure that shouldn't be sanitated  (e.g.,
                    # /home, /home/centos, /home/centos/artwork,
                    # /home/centos/artwork/turnk, trunk, etc.) 
                    # So, we keep them unchaged for later use.
                    PREFIXDIR=$(echo $NAME \
                        | sed -r "s,^(($(cli_getRepoTLDir)/)?(trunk|branches|tags)/).+$,\1,")

                    # ... and remove them from the path information we
                    # do want to sanitate.
                    DIRS=$(dirname "$NAME" \
                        | sed -r "s!^${PREFIXDIR}!!" \
                        | tr '/' ' ')

                    # At this point, there is not directory part in
                    # the information passed, so use the value passed
                    # as directory part as such. 


                for DIR in $DIRS;do

                    # Sanitate directory component.
                    if [[ $DIR =~ '^[a-z]' ]];then
                        DIR=$(echo ${DIR} \
                            | tr -s ' ' '_' \
                            | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' \
                            | sed -r 's/^([[:alpha:]])/\u\1/')

                    # Rebuild path using sanitated values.


                # Redefine path using sanitated values.
                NAME=$(echo ${CLEANDIRS} | sed -r "s!^/!!")

                # Add prefix directory information to sanitated path
                # information.
                if [[ "$PREFIXDIR" != '' ]];then

                shift 1

            -- )
                shift 1


    # Print out the clean path string.
    echo $NAME
