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<!--This manual describes the filesystem of CentOS Artwork Repository.

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Written by: Lionel Cons <> (original author)
            Karl Berry  <>
            Olaf Bachmann <>
            and many others.
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<a name="trunk-Identity"></a>
<a name="SEC4"></a>
<h2 class="section"> 3.1 trunk/Identity </h2>

<a name="SEC5"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.1.1 Goals </h3>

<p>The <tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt> directory exists to organize CentOS
corporate identity artworks. 

<a name="SEC6"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.1.2 Description </h3>

<p>The CentOS Project corporate identity is the &quot;persona&quot; of the
organization known as The CentOS Project.  The CentOS Project
corporate identity plays a significant role in the way the CentOS
Project, as organization, presents itself to both internal and
external stakeholders. In general terms, the CentOS Project corporate
visual identity expresses the values and ambitions of the CentOS
Project organization, its business, and its characteristics.  
<p>The CentOS Project corporate identity provides visibility,
recognizability, reputation, structure and identification to the
CentOS Project organization by means of corporate design, corporate
communication, and corporate behaviour.
<p>The CentOS Project settles down its corporate visual identity on a
&quot;monolithic corporate visual identity structure&quot;. In this structure
The CentOS Project uses one unique name (The CentOS Brand) and one
unique visual style (The CentOS Default Theme) in all its
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> <strong>The CentOS Brands</strong></dt>
<dd><p>The CentOS brand is the name or trademark that conncects the producer
with their products. In this case, the producer is The CentOS Project
and the products are the CentOS distributions, the CentOS web sites,
the CentOS promotion stuff, etc. 
<p>See section <a href="repository_5.html#SEC13">trunk/Identity/Brands</a>, for more information.
<dt> <strong>The CentOS Themes</strong></dt>
<p>The CentOS themes are a set of image files connected all together by
one unique visual style. Each theme is organized in different visual
manifestations, in order to cover each visual manifestation of The
CentOS Project (i.e., distributions, websites, promotion stuff, etc.).
See section <a href="repository_17.html#SEC83">trunk/Identity/Themes</a>, for more information.

<p>Inside a monolithic corporate visual identity structure, internal and
external stakeholders use to feel a strong sensation of uniformity,
orientation, and identification with the organization. No matter if
you are visiting websites, using the distribution, or acting on social
events, the one unique name and one unique visual style conect them
all to say: Hey! we are all parts of the CentOS project.  And,
probably, some vister will say: Can I join the party?  Yes you can, it
is free. :)

<a name="SEC7"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.1.3 Usage </h3>

<p>To produce identity artworks, use the following commands:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> <samp>`centos-art render 'path/to/dir''</samp> </dt>
<p>When <samp>`path/to/dir'</samp> refers to one renderable directory under
<tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt>, this command renders identity artworks using
both related design models and related translation files.
<dt> <samp>`centos-art render 'path/to/dir' --filter='pattern''</samp> </dt>
<p>When <samp>`path/to/dir'</samp> refers to one renderable directory under
<tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt>, this command renders identity artworks using
both related design models and related translation files that match
the regular expression passed in <samp>`--filter='pattern''</samp> argument.
<p>To control the number of files produced by <code>centos-art</code>
command, you need to look into the translation path and provide a
regular expression pattern that matches the translation path, or
paths, related to the file, or files, you want to produce.  
<p>The regular expression pattern you provide to <code>centos-art</code>
command is applied to the translation path from its very beginning.
It is not the same to say <samp>`5/en/01-welcome'</samp> that
<samp>`01-welcome'</samp>, the frist expression matches but the last one does
<p>When using <samp>`--filter='pattern''</samp> you don't need to specify the
file extension. It is removed from translation path before applying
the pattern, so it doesn't count here.

<a name="SEC8"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.1.4 File name convenctions </h3>

<p>As file name convenction, inside CentOS Artwork Repository, both
text-based and image-based file name produced by <code></code>
script has the same name of their translation files without
the <samp>`.sed'</samp> extension. The file extension is set as follow:

<a name="SEC9"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> When text-based files are rendered </h4>

<p>Text-based files end up having the same extension of their design
template file.

<a name="SEC10"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> When image-based files are rendered </h4>

<p>Image-based files always end up having the <tt>`.png'</tt> extension. 
<blockquote class="orange"><img src="/home/centos/artwork/trunk/Identity/Widgets/Img/icon-admonition-idea.png" alt="Info"><h3>Tip</h3><p> Once <tt>`.png'</tt> images are created, other image formats
may be created using the <code>renderFormats</code> post-rendering
action, inside the image-based related pre-rendering configuration
<p>See section <a href="repository_39.html#SEC202">trunk/Scripts/Bash</a>, for more information.

<a name="SEC11"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.1.5 See also </h3>

<table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="repository_53.html#SEC294">3.50 trunk/Translations</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">

<a name="SEC12"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.1.6 References </h3>

<ul class="toc">
<li> <a class="www" href=""></a> (and related

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