diff --git a/SOURCES/zlib-1.2.11-IBM-Z-hw-accelrated-deflate-fix.patch b/SOURCES/zlib-1.2.11-IBM-Z-hw-accelrated-deflate-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..927cde1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/zlib-1.2.11-IBM-Z-hw-accelrated-deflate-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+From 772ddd6500a74220e641782cc2ee892433197192 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: IBM developers
+Date: Mon, 25 May 2020 14:09:48 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix for Z hardware-accelerated deflate for s390x
+ architectures
+ configure                     |  7 +++
+ contrib/s390/dfltcc.c         | 94 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------
+ contrib/s390/dfltcc_deflate.h | 10 ++--
+ deflate.c                     | 12 +++--
+ 4 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure b/configure
+index 66caece..bfe4386 100755
+--- a/configure
++++ b/configure
+@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ case "$1" in
+       echo '  configure [--const] [--zprefix] [--prefix=PREFIX]  [--eprefix=EXPREFIX]' | tee -a configure.log
+       echo '    [--static] [--64] [--libdir=LIBDIR] [--sharedlibdir=LIBDIR]' | tee -a configure.log
+       echo '    [--includedir=INCLUDEDIR] [--archs="-arch i386 -arch x86_64"]' | tee -a configure.log
++      echo '    [--dfltcc]' | tee -a configure.log
+         exit 0 ;;
+     -p*=* | --prefix=*) prefix=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`; shift ;;
+     -e*=* | --eprefix=*) exec_prefix=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`; shift ;;
+@@ -137,6 +138,12 @@ case "$1" in
+     -c* | --const) zconst=1; shift ;;
+     -w* | --warn) warn=1; shift ;;
+     -d* | --debug) debug=1; shift ;;
++    --dfltcc)
++      OBJC="$OBJC dfltcc.o"
++	    PIC_OBJC="$PIC_OBJC dfltcc.lo"
++      shift
++      ;; 
+     *)
+       echo "unknown option: $1" | tee -a configure.log
+       echo "$0 --help for help" | tee -a configure.log
+diff --git a/contrib/s390/dfltcc.c b/contrib/s390/dfltcc.c
+index d187796..face8f1 100644
+--- a/contrib/s390/dfltcc.c
++++ b/contrib/s390/dfltcc.c
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ /*
+    Use the following commands to build zlib with DFLTCC support:
+-        $ CFLAGS=-DDFLTCC ./configure
+-        $ make OBJA=dfltcc.o PIC_OBJA=dfltcc.lo
++        $ ./configure --dfltcc
++        $ make 
+ */
+ #define _GNU_SOURCE
+@@ -230,31 +230,28 @@ struct dfltcc_state {
+ /*
+    Compress.
+  */
+-local inline int dfltcc_are_params_ok(int level,
+-                                      uInt window_bits,
+-                                      int strategy,
+-                                      uLong level_mask);
+-local inline int dfltcc_are_params_ok(level, window_bits, strategy, level_mask)
++local inline int dfltcc_can_deflate_with_params(z_streamp strm,
++                                                 int level,
++                                                 uInt window_bits,
++                                                 int strategy);
++local inline int dfltcc_can_deflate_with_params(strm,
++                                                 level,
++                                                 window_bits,
++                                                 strategy)
++    z_streamp strm; 
+     int level;
+     uInt window_bits;
+     int strategy;
+-    uLong level_mask;
+-    return (level_mask & (1 << level)) != 0 &&
+-        (window_bits == HB_BITS) &&
+-        (strategy == Z_FIXED || strategy == Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);
+-int ZLIB_INTERNAL dfltcc_can_deflate(strm)
+-    z_streamp strm;
+ {
+     deflate_state FAR *state = (deflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+     struct dfltcc_state FAR *dfltcc_state = GET_DFLTCC_STATE(state);
+     /* Unsupported compression settings */
+-    if (!dfltcc_are_params_ok(state->level, state->w_bits, state->strategy,
+-                              dfltcc_state->level_mask))
++    if ((dfltcc_state->level_mask & (1 << level)) == 0)
++        return 0;
++    if (window_bits != HB_BITS)
++        return 0;
++    if (strategy != Z_FIXED && strategy != Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) 
+         return 0;
+     /* Unsupported hardware */
+@@ -266,6 +263,17 @@ int ZLIB_INTERNAL dfltcc_can_deflate(strm)
+     return 1;
+ }
++int ZLIB_INTERNAL dfltcc_can_deflate(strm)
++    z_streamp strm;
++    deflate_state FAR *state = (deflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
++    return dfltcc_can_deflate_with_params(strm,
++                                          state->level,
++                                          state->w_bits,
++                                          state->strategy);
+ local void dfltcc_gdht OF((z_streamp strm));
+ local void dfltcc_gdht(strm)
+     z_streamp strm;
+@@ -349,22 +357,24 @@ again:
+     soft_bcc = 0;
+     no_flush = flush == Z_NO_FLUSH;
+-    /* Trailing empty block. Switch to software, except when Continuation Flag
+-     * is set, which means that DFLTCC has buffered some output in the
+-     * parameter block and needs to be called again in order to flush it.
++    /* No input data. Return, except when Continuation Flag is set, which means
++     * that DFLTCC has buffered some output in the parameter block and needs to
++     * be called again in order to flush it. 
+      */
+-    if (flush == Z_FINISH && strm->avail_in == 0 && !param->cf) {
+-        if (param->bcf) {
+-            /* A block is still open, and the hardware does not support closing
+-             * blocks without adding data. Thus, close it manually.
+-             */
++    if (strm->avail_in == 0 && !param->cf) {
++        /* A block is still open, and the hardware does not support closing
++         * blocks without adding data. Thus, close it manually.
++         */
++        if (!no_flush && param->bcf) { 
+             send_eobs(strm, param);
+             param->bcf = 0;
+         }
+-        return 0;
+-    }
+-    if (strm->avail_in == 0 && !param->cf) {
++        /* Let one of deflate_* functions write a trailing empty block. */
++        if (flush == Z_FINISH)
++            return 0;
++        /* Clear history. */
++        if (flush == Z_FULL_FLUSH)
++            param->hl = 0; 
+         *result = need_more;
+         return 1;
+     }
+@@ -418,7 +428,7 @@ again:
+     param->cvt = state->wrap == 2 ? CVT_CRC32 : CVT_ADLER32;
+     if (!no_flush)
+         /* We need to close a block. Always do this in software - when there is
+-         * no input data, the hardware will not nohor BCC. */
++         * no input data, the hardware will not honor BCC. */
+         soft_bcc = 1;
+     if (flush == Z_FINISH && !param->bcf)
+         /* We are about to open a BFINAL block, set Block Header Final bit
+@@ -433,8 +443,8 @@ again:
+     param->sbb = (unsigned int)state->bi_valid;
+     if (param->sbb > 0)
+         *strm->next_out = (Bytef)state->bi_buf;
+-    if (param->hl)
+-        param->nt = 0; /* Honor history */
++    /* Honor history and check value */
++    param->nt = 0; 
+     param->cv = state->wrap == 2 ? ZSWAP32(strm->adler) : strm->adler;
+     /* When opening a block, choose a Huffman-Table Type */
+@@ -792,17 +802,20 @@ void ZLIB_INTERNAL dfltcc_free_window(strm, w)
+    fly with deflateParams, we need to convert between hardware and software
+    window formats.
+ */
+-int ZLIB_INTERNAL dfltcc_deflate_params(strm, level, strategy)
++int ZLIB_INTERNAL dfltcc_deflate_params(strm, level, strategy, flush)
+     z_streamp strm;
+     int level;
+     int strategy;
++    int *flush;
+ {
+     deflate_state FAR *state = (deflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+     struct dfltcc_state FAR *dfltcc_state = GET_DFLTCC_STATE(state);
+     struct dfltcc_param_v0 FAR *param = &dfltcc_state->param;
+     int could_deflate = dfltcc_can_deflate(strm);
+-    int can_deflate = dfltcc_are_params_ok(level, state->w_bits, strategy,
+-                                           dfltcc_state->level_mask);
++    int can_deflate = dfltcc_can_deflate_with_params(strm,
++                                                     level,
++                                                     state->w_bits,
++                                                     strategy); 
+     if (can_deflate == could_deflate)
+         /* We continue to work in the same mode - no changes needed */
+@@ -812,8 +825,11 @@ int ZLIB_INTERNAL dfltcc_deflate_params(strm, level, strategy)
+         /* DFLTCC was not used yet - no changes needed */
+         return Z_OK;
+-    /* Switching between hardware and software is not implemented */
+-    return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
++    /* For now, do not convert between window formats - simply get rid of the
++     * old data instead.
++     */
++    *flush = Z_FULL_FLUSH;
++    return Z_OK; 
+ }
+ /*
+diff --git a/contrib/s390/dfltcc_deflate.h b/contrib/s390/dfltcc_deflate.h
+index a129a91..947b1e4 100644
+--- a/contrib/s390/dfltcc_deflate.h
++++ b/contrib/s390/dfltcc_deflate.h
+@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ int ZLIB_INTERNAL dfltcc_deflate OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                      block_state *result));
+ int ZLIB_INTERNAL dfltcc_deflate_params OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                             int level,
+-                                            int strategy));
++                                            int strategy,
++                                            int *flush)); 
+ int ZLIB_INTERNAL dfltcc_deflate_set_dictionary OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                                     const Bytef *dictionary,
+                                                     uInt dict_length));
+@@ -29,11 +30,14 @@ int ZLIB_INTERNAL dfltcc_deflate_get_dictionary OF((z_streamp strm,
+     } while (0)
+ #define DEFLATE_RESET_KEEP_HOOK(strm) \
+     dfltcc_reset((strm), sizeof(deflate_state))
+-#define DEFLATE_PARAMS_HOOK(strm, level, strategy) \
++#define DEFLATE_PARAMS_HOOK(strm, level, strategy, hook_flush) \
+     do { \
+         int err; \
+ \
+-        err = dfltcc_deflate_params((strm), (level), (strategy)); \
++        err = dfltcc_deflate_params((strm), \
++                                    (level), \
++                                    (strategy), \
++                                    (hook_flush)); \ 
+         if (err == Z_STREAM_ERROR) \
+             return err; \
+     } while (0)
+diff --git a/deflate.c b/deflate.c
+index 9b09718..9284483 100644
+--- a/deflate.c
++++ b/deflate.c
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ const char deflate_copyright[] =
+ #define DEFLATE_SET_DICTIONARY_HOOK(strm, dict, dict_len) do {} while (0)
+ #define DEFLATE_GET_DICTIONARY_HOOK(strm, dict, dict_len) do {} while (0)
+ #define DEFLATE_RESET_KEEP_HOOK(strm) do {} while (0)
+-#define DEFLATE_PARAMS_HOOK(strm, level, strategy) do {} while (0)
++#define DEFLATE_PARAMS_HOOK(strm, level, strategy, hook_flush) do {} while (0)
+ #define DEFLATE_BOUND_ADJUST_COMPLEN(strm, complen, sourceLen) do {} while (0)
+ #define DEFLATE_HOOK(strm, flush, bstate) 0
+@@ -589,6 +589,7 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateParams(strm, level, strategy)
+ {
+     deflate_state *s;
+     compress_func func;
++    int hook_flush = Z_NO_FLUSH;
+     if (deflateStateCheck(strm)) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+     s = strm->state;
+@@ -601,13 +602,14 @@ int ZEXPORT deflateParams(strm, level, strategy)
+     if (level < 0 || level > 9 || strategy < 0 || strategy > Z_FIXED) {
+         return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+     }
+-    DEFLATE_PARAMS_HOOK(strm, level, strategy);
++    DEFLATE_PARAMS_HOOK(strm, level, strategy, &hook_flush);
+     func = configuration_table[s->level].func;
+-    if ((strategy != s->strategy || func != configuration_table[level].func) &&
+-        s->high_water) {
++    if ((strategy != s->strategy || func != configuration_table[level].func ||
++        hook_flush != Z_NO_FLUSH) && s->last_flush != -2) { 
+         /* Flush the last buffer: */
+-        int err = deflate(strm, Z_BLOCK);
++        int err = deflate(strm, RANK(hook_flush) > RANK(Z_BLOCK) ?
++                          hook_flush : Z_BLOCK); 
+         if (err == Z_STREAM_ERROR)
+             return err;
+         if (strm->avail_out == 0)
diff --git a/SPECS/zlib.spec b/SPECS/zlib.spec
index 4884bd9..cf54db5 100644
--- a/SPECS/zlib.spec
+++ b/SPECS/zlib.spec
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Name:    zlib
 Version: 1.2.11
-Release: 13%{?dist}
+Release: 14%{?dist}
 Summary: The compression and decompression library
 # /contrib/dotzlib/ have Boost license
 License: zlib and Boost
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Patch3: zlib-1.2.11-optimized-CRC32-framework.patch
 Patch4: zlib-1.2.11-firefox-crash-fix.patch
 # fixed covscan issues
 Patch5: zlib-1.2.11-covscan-issues.patch
+# fix for IBM Z optimalizations
+Patch6: zlib-1.2.11-IBM-Z-hw-accelrated-deflate-fix.patch
 BuildRequires: automake, autoconf, libtool
@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ developing applications which use minizip.
 %patch3 -p1
 %patch4 -p1
 %patch5 -p1
+%patch6 -p1
 iconv -f iso-8859-2 -t utf-8 < ChangeLog > ChangeLog.tmp
 mv ChangeLog.tmp ChangeLog
@@ -90,19 +93,15 @@ export CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS"
 %ifarch ppc64
 CFLAGS+=" -O3"
-%ifarch s390 s390x
-export MKFLAGS=""
-%ifarch s390 s390x
-MKFLAGS+="OBJA=dfltcc.o PIC_OBJA=dfltcc.lo"
 export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now"
 # no-autotools, %%configure is not compatible
+%ifarch s390 s390x
+./configure --libdir=%{_libdir} --includedir=%{_includedir} --prefix=%{_prefix} --dfltcc
 ./configure --libdir=%{_libdir} --includedir=%{_includedir} --prefix=%{_prefix}
-%make_build $MKFLAGS
 %if %{with minizip}
 cd contrib/minizip
@@ -163,9 +162,12 @@ find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name '*.la' -delete
+* Mon May 25 2020 Ondrej Dubaj <odubaj@redhat.com> - 1.2.11-14
+- Fix for Z hardware-accelerated deflate for s390x architectures
 * Tue Oct 29 2019 Ondrej Dubaj <odubaj@redhat.com> - 1.2.11-13
 - Added -DDFLTCC parameter to configure to enable 
-- Z hardware-accelerated deflate for s390x architectures
+- Z hardware-accelerated deflate for s390x architectures (#1659433)
 * Tue Oct 15 2019 Ondrej Dubaj <odubaj@redhat.com> - 1.2.11-12
 - fixed covscan issues