Blob Blame History Raw
%define move_yum_conf_back 1
%define auto_sitelib 1
%define yum_updatesd 0
%define disable_check 0
%define yum_cron_systemd 1

%if 0%{?rhel} <= 6
# rhel-6 doesn't have the systemd stuff...
%define yum_cron_systemd 0

%if ! 0%{?rhel}
# we don't have this in rhel yet...
BuildRequires: bash-completion

%if %{auto_sitelib}

%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}

%define python_sitelib /usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages

# We always used /usr/lib here, even on 64bit ... so it's a bit meh.
%define yum_pluginslib   /usr/lib/yum-plugins
%define yum_pluginsshare /usr/share/yum-plugins

# disable broken /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-bytecompile
%define __os_install_post %{nil}
%define compdir %(pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion)
%if "%{compdir}" == ""
%define compdir "/etc/bash_completion.d"

Summary: RPM package installer/updater/manager
Name: yum
Version: 3.4.3
Release: 125%{?dist}
License: GPLv2+
Group: System Environment/Base
Source1: yum.conf.centos
Source2: yum-updatesd.conf.fedora
Patch1: yum-distro-configs.patch
Patch5: geode-arch.patch
Patch6: yum-HEAD.patch
Patch7: yum-ppc64-preferred.patch
Patch20: yum-manpage-files.patch
Patch21: yum-completion-helper.patch

# rhel-7.0
Patch30: BZ-801067-remove-kernel-modules-from-installonly.patch
patch31: BZ-1002977-use-the-provide-version.patch
patch32: BZ-1033416-yum-error-on-non-us-locale.patch
patch33: BZ-1050902-manpage-formatting-errrors.patch
patch34: BZ-1052994-yum-cron-install-unsigned-packages.patch
patch35: BZ-1041395-depsolve-loop-limit.patch
patch36: BZ-1053289-misc-perf+UI+simple-bug+docs-fixes.patch
patch37: BZ-1052436-group-bundle-pre-f20-fixes.patch
patch38: BZ-1040619-yum-cron-reporting.patch
patch39: BZ-1062959-add-fs-command.patch
patch40: BZ-1052436-group-bundle-docs.patch
patch41: BZ-1058297-remove-del-for-weird-anaconda-C-NULL-exception.patch

# rhel-7.1
Patch100: BZ-1130939-dont-create-lockdir-directories.patch
Patch101: BZ-1113395-verify-permissions-mask.patch
Patch102: BZ-1097383-usr-readonly.patch
Patch103: BZ-1095161-setopt-spaces-handling.patch
Patch104: BZ-1095157-traceback-when-empty-history.patch
Patch106: BZ-1138205-needs-restarting.patch
Patch107: BZ-1102585-variable-substitution.patch
Patch108: BZ-1096147-history-search-crash.patch
Patch109: BZ-1087911-update-minimal-manpage.patch
Patch110: BZ-1063181-upgrades-for-install-only.patch
Patch111: BZ-1147992-debuginfo-install-dolock-exception.patch
Patch112: BZ-1095146-file-uris-normpath.patch

BuildArchitectures: noarch
BuildRequires: python
BuildRequires: gettext
BuildRequires: intltool
# This is really CheckRequires ...
BuildRequires: python-nose
BuildRequires: python >= 2.4
BuildRequires: rpm-python, rpm >= 0:4.4.2
BuildRequires: python-iniparse
BuildRequires: python-sqlite
BuildRequires: python-urlgrabber >= 3.9.0-8
BuildRequires: yum-metadata-parser >= 1.1.0
BuildRequires: pygpgme
# End of CheckRequires
Conflicts: pirut < 1.1.4
Requires: python >= 2.4
Requires: yum-plugin-fastestmirror
Requires: rpm-python, rpm >= 0:4.4.2
Requires: python-iniparse
Requires: python-sqlite
Requires: python-urlgrabber >= 3.9.0-8
Requires: yum-metadata-parser >= 1.1.0
Requires: pygpgme
# rawhide is >= 0.5.3-7.fc18 ... as this is added.
Requires: pyliblzma
# Not really a suggests anymore, due to metadata using it.
Requires: pyxattr
# Suggests, needed for yum fs diff
Requires: diffutils
Requires: cpio

Conflicts: rpm >= 5-0
# Zif is a re-implementation of yum in C, however:
# 1. There is no co-operation/etc. with us.
# 2. It touches our private data directly.
# ...both of which mean that even if there were _zero_ bugs in zif, we'd
# never be able to change anything after the first user started using it. And
# of course:
# 3. Users will never be able to tell that it isn't weird yum bugs, when they
# hit them (and we'll probably never be able to debug them, without becoming
# zif experts).
# we have two sane choices: i) Conflict with it. 2) Stop developing yum.
#  Upstream says that #2 will no longer be true after this release.
Conflicts: zif <= 0.1.3-3.fc15

Obsoletes: yum-skip-broken <= 1.1.18
Provides: yum-skip-broken = 1.1.18.yum
Obsoletes: yum-basearchonly <= 1.1.9
Obsoletes: yum-plugin-basearchonly <= 1.1.9
Provides: yum-basearchonly = 1.1.9.yum
Provides: yum-plugin-basearchonly = 1.1.9.yum
Obsoletes: yum-allow-downgrade < 1.1.20-0
Obsoletes: yum-plugin-allow-downgrade < 1.1.22-0
Provides: yum-allow-downgrade = 1.1.20-0.yum
Provides: yum-plugin-allow-downgrade = 1.1.22-0.yum
Obsoletes: yum-plugin-protect-packages < 1.1.27-0
Provides: yum-protect-packages = 1.1.27-0.yum
Provides: yum-plugin-protect-packages = 1.1.27-0.yum
Obsoletes: yum-plugin-download-order <= 0.2-2
Obsoletes: yum-plugin-downloadonly <= 1.1.31-7.fc18
Provides: yum-plugin-downloadonly = 3.4.3-44.yum
Obsoletes: yum-presto < 3.4.3-66.yum
Provides: yum-presto = 3.4.3-66.yum
Obsoletes: yum-plugin-security < 1.1.32
Provides: yum-plugin-security = 3.4.3-84.yum
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

Yum is a utility that can check for and automatically download and
install updated RPM packages. Dependencies are obtained and downloaded 
automatically, prompting the user for permission as necessary.

%package updatesd
Summary: Update notification daemon
Group: Applications/System
Requires: yum = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: dbus-python
Requires: pygobject2
Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig
Requires(post): /sbin/chkconfig
Requires(preun): /sbin/service
Requires(post): /sbin/service
Requires(postun): /sbin/chkconfig
Requires(postun): /sbin/service

%description updatesd
yum-updatesd provides a daemon which checks for available updates and 
can notify you when they are available via email, syslog or dbus. 

%package cron
Summary: Files needed to run yum updates as a cron job
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires: yum >= 3.4.3-84 cronie crontabs findutils
%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
BuildRequires: systemd-units
Requires(post): systemd
Requires(preun): systemd
Requires(postun): systemd
Requires(post): /sbin/chkconfig
Requires(post): /sbin/service
Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig
Requires(preun): /sbin/service
Requires(postun): /sbin/service

%description cron
These are the files needed to run yum updates as a cron job.
Install this package if you want auto yum updates nightly via cron.

%setup -q
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch20 -p1
%patch21 -p1

# rhel-7.0
%patch30 -p1
%patch31 -p1
%patch32 -p1
%patch33 -p1
%patch34 -p1
%patch35 -p1
%patch36 -p1
%patch37 -p1
%patch38 -p1
%patch39 -p1
%patch40 -p1
%patch41 -p1

# rhel-7.1
%patch100 -p1
%patch101 -p1
%patch102 -p1
%patch103 -p1
%patch104 -p1
%patch106 -p1
%patch107 -p1
%patch108 -p1
%patch109 -p1
%patch110 -p1
%patch111 -p1
%patch112 -p1

# Do distro config. changes after everything else.
%patch1 -p1


%if !%{disable_check}
make check

[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT

%if %{yum_cron_systemd}


install -m 644 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum.conf
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{yum_pluginslib}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{yum_pluginsshare}

%if %{move_yum_conf_back}
# for now, move repodir/yum.conf back
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/repos.d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum.conf

%if %{yum_updatesd}
echo Keeping local yum-updatesd

# yum-updatesd has moved to the separate source version
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-updatesd.conf 
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/yum-updatesd
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/yum-updatesd.conf
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sbindir}/yum-updatesd
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man*/yum-updatesd*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/yum-cli/*


# Ghost files:
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/history
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/plugins
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/yumdb
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/uuid

# rpmlint bogus stuff...
chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/yum-cli/*.py
chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{python_sitelib}/yum/*.py
chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{python_sitelib}/rpmUtils/*.py

%find_lang %name

%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
# Remove the yum-cron sysV stuff to make rpmbuild happy..
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/yum-cron
# Remove the yum-cron systemd stuff to make rpmbuild happy..
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_unitdir}/yum-cron.service

[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT

%if %{yum_updatesd}
%post updatesd
/sbin/chkconfig --add yum-updatesd
/sbin/service yum-updatesd condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1
exit 0

%preun updatesd
if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
 /sbin/chkconfig --del yum-updatesd
 /sbin/service yum-updatesd stop >/dev/null 2>&1
exit 0

%post cron

%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
#systemd_post yum-cron.service
#  Do this manually because it's a fake service for a cronjob, and cronjobs
# are default on atm. This may change in the future.
if [ $1 = 1 ]; then
 systemctl enable yum-cron >/dev/null 2>&1
#  Note that systemctl preset is being run here ... but _only_ on initial
# install. So try this...

if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/yum-cron -a -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/yum-cron ]; then
 systemctl enable yum-cron >/dev/null 2>&1

# Also note:
#  systemctl list-unit-files | fgrep yum-cron
# SYSV init post cron
# Make sure chkconfig knows about the service
/sbin/chkconfig --add yum-cron
# if an upgrade:
if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then
# if there's a /etc/rc.d/init.d/yum file left, assume that there was an
# older instance of yum-cron which used this naming convention.  Clean 
# it up, do a conditional restart
 if [ -f /etc/init.d/yum ]; then 
# was it on?
  /sbin/chkconfig yum
  if [ $RETVAL = 0 ]; then
# if it was, stop it, then turn on new yum-cron
   /sbin/service yum stop 1> /dev/null 2>&1
   /sbin/service yum-cron start 1> /dev/null 2>&1
   /sbin/chkconfig yum-cron on
# remove it from the service list
  /sbin/chkconfig --del yum
exit 0

%preun cron
%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
%systemd_preun yum-cron.service
# SYSV init preun cron
# if this will be a complete removeal of yum-cron rather than an upgrade,
# remove the service from chkconfig control
if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
 /sbin/chkconfig --del yum-cron
 /sbin/service yum-cron stop 1> /dev/null 2>&1
exit 0

%postun cron
%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
%systemd_postun_with_restart yum-cron.service
# SYSV init postun cron

# If there's a yum-cron package left after uninstalling one, do a
# conditional restart of the service
if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then
 /sbin/service yum-cron condrestart 1> /dev/null 2>&1
exit 0

%files -f %{name}.lang
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
%if %{move_yum_conf_back}
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum.conf
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum.conf
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/repos.d
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/version-groups.conf
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/protected.d
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/fssnap.d
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/vars
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
%(dirname %{compdir})
%dir %{_datadir}/yum-cli
%exclude %{_datadir}/yum-cli/
%if %{yum_updatesd}
%exclude %{_datadir}/yum-cli/*
%dir /var/cache/yum
%dir /var/lib/yum
%ghost /var/lib/yum/uuid
%ghost /var/lib/yum/history
%ghost /var/lib/yum/plugins
%ghost /var/lib/yum/yumdb
# plugin stuff
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d 
%dir %{yum_pluginslib}
%dir %{yum_pluginsshare}

%files cron
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-cron.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-cron-hourly.conf
%if %{yum_cron_systemd}

%if %{yum_updatesd}
%files updatesd
%defattr(-, root, root)
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-updatesd.conf
%config %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/yum-updatesd
%config %{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/yum-updatesd.conf

* Thu Mar 05 2015 CentOS Sources <> - 3.4.3-125.el7.centos
- CentOS yum config
-  use the CentOS bug tracker url
-  retain installonly limit of 5
-  ensure distrover is always from centos-release
- Make yum require yum-plugin-fastestmirror

* Mon Jan 12 2015 Valentina Mukhamedzhanova <> - 3.4.3-125
- Roll back the broken lvm patch.
- Related: bug#1047793

* Thu Nov 13 2014 Valentina Mukhamedzhanova <> - 3.4.3-124
- normpath() file URIs.
- Resolves: bug#1095146

* Mon Nov 10 2014 Valentina Mukhamedzhanova <> - 3.4.3-123
- Fix debuginfo-install doLock() traceback.
- Resolves: bug#1147992

* Mon Sep 29 2014 Valentina Mukhamedzhanova <> - 3.4.3-122
- Don't look for upgrades for install only packages.
- Resolves: bug#1063181

* Wed Sep 24 2014 Valentina Mukhamedzhanova <> - 3.4.3-121
- Fix variable substitution.
- Resolves: bug#1102585
- Fix history searching for [abc] character lists failures.
- Resolves: bug#1096147
- Fix update-minimal command in the man page.
- Resolves: bug#1087911

* Thu Sep  4 2014 Valentina Mukhamedzhanova <> - 3.4.3-120
- Fix and refactor utils.get_process_info().
- Resolves: bug#1138205

* Thu Sep  4 2014 Valentina Mukhamedzhanova <> - 3.4.3-119
- Don't create lockdir directories.
- Resolves: rhbz#1130939
- Mask st_mode to fix verifying permissions for ghost files.
- Resolves: rhbz#1113395
- Check /usr for writability before running a transaction.
- Resolves: rhbz#1097383
- Make --setopt handle spaces properly.
- Resolves: rhbz#1095161
- Fix traceback when the history dir is empty.
- Resolves: rhbz#1095157
- Test for lvm binary before using.
- Resolves: rhbz#1047793

* Tue Apr 15 2014 James Antill <> - 3.4.3-118
- Remove CHUNK argument from open() for weird anaconda C NULL exception.
- Resolves: rhbz#1058297

* Tue Apr  8 2014 James Antill <> - 3.4.3-117
- Remove del for weird anaconda C NULL exception.
- Resolves: rhbz#1058297

* Tue Mar 25 2014 James Antill <> - 3.4.3-116
- Fix traceback on removing doc dirs.
- Resolves: rhbz#1062959
- Tweak docs for groups info, showing yum remove results.
- Resolves: rhbz#833087

* Tue Mar 11 2014 James Antill <> - 3.4.3-115
- Change docs for groups to make group_command=objects clearer.
- Resolves: rhbz#833087

* Sun Feb 23 2014 James Antill <> - 3.4.3-114
- Fix /etc/yum.conf saving in fs filter.
- Resolves: rhbz#1062959

* Fri Feb 21 2014 James Antill <> - 3.4.3-113
- Add fs sub-command and container creation fixes/optimizations.
- Resolves: rhbz#1062959

* Thu Jan 23 2014 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-112
- Improve yum-cron messages and error handling.
- Resolves: rhbz#1040619
- Enable yum_cron_systemd
- Resolves: rhbz#1040620
- Update "yum check" description.
- Resolves: rhbz#1015000

* Mon Jan 20 2014 James Antill <> - 3.4.3-111
- A few simple perf, UI, bug, and docs. fixes.
- Resolves: rhbz#1053289
- A few group related bug fixes from pre-f20 testing.
- Resolves: rhbz#1052436

* Wed Jan 15 2014 Valentina Mukhamedzhanova <> - 3.4.3-110
- yum-cron: fail when sigCheckPkg() returns 2
- Resolves: bug#1052994
- depsolve_loop_limit=<forever> should try forever

* Fri Jan 10 2014 Valentina Mukhamedzhanova <> - 3.4.3-109
- Fix quotes in the manpage
- Resolves: bug#1050902

* Wed Jan 8 2014 Valentina Mukhamedzhanova <> - 3.4.3-108
- Replace optparse._ with ugettext
- Related: bug#1033416

* Fri Dec 27 2013 Daniel Mach <> - 3.4.3-107
- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27

* Thu Nov 21 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-106.2
- _getsysver(): compat behavior when both pkg name and provide match.
- Related: bug#1002977

* Wed Nov 20 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-106.1
- _getsysver(): use the version of the provide.
- Related: bug#1002977

* Tue Nov  5 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-106
- More reliable po.localpath file:// URL test. BZ 1004089
- Disable drpms for local repositories. BZ 1007097
- docs: fix formatting of "yum swap" examples. BZ 1009154
- docs: update "yum check" extra args description. BZ 1014993
- Implement pkg.remote_url for YumLocalPackage. BZ 1016148
- Give same non-exist msg. for install @foo as group install foo. BZ 1018833.
- UpdateNotice.xml(): sanitize pkg['epoch']. BZ 1020540
- yum-cron: support download/install with update_messages==False. BZ 1018068
- Fix some bugs in setopt for repo config. entries. BZ 1023595.
- Add loop limit for depsolving. BZ 1017840.
- Small change how distroverpkg config. works. BZ 1002977.
- _readRawRepoFile: return only valid (ini, section_id). BZ 1018795

* Fri Oct 25 2013 James Antill <> - 3.4.3-105
- Always call group commands when in non-groups as objects mode.
- Resolves: bug#1002439

* Fri Oct 25 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-104
- Same-mirror retry on refused connections. Helps BZ 853432

* Mon Sep  9 2013 James Antill <> - 3.4.3-103
- Add cache check to repolist, using "!". Document repoinfo.
- Add epoch to updateinfo xml output.
- Add missing translation hooks for ignored -c option message.
- Try to smooth out the edge cases for cacheReq not ever updating data.
- update /etc/yum-cron-hourly.conf. BZ 1002623
- Tweak y-c-t and history redo msg. BZ 974576.
- docs: $arch does not map 1:1 to uname(2) arch. BZ 1003554
- checkMD: re-check when xattr matches but size==0. BZ 1002494
- Use new comps. mock objects to re-integrate group removal. BZ 996866.
- Add "weak" comps. groups, for installed groups.
- Add msg. to help users deal with RepoError failures. BZ 867389.
- Give msgs about install/trans. obsoletes a higher priority. BZ 991080.

* Tue Aug 13 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-102
- smtp-compliant email_from default. BZ 982696
- Fix the .reason handling and update/depupdated split. BZ 961938.
- Override users umask for groups files, so users can read it. BZ 982361.
- Also check groups dirname(), for better user messages. BZ 982361.
- Add "--disableincludes" option to yum. BZ 911422
- yum-cron: override the default stdout codec.  BZ 992797
- fix file:// repository && downloadonly. BZ 903294, BZ 993567
- deltarpm: _wait(block=True) should not wait for all running jobs. BZ 991694
- make mdpolicy=group:small default, add group and pkgtags. BZ 989231
- yum-cron: use the [base] section to override yum.conf. BZ 968529
- Don't unlink .drpm files from file:// repos. BZ 999591
- waitForLock() raises YumBaseError. BZ 1001154
- checkMD: re-check when xattr matches but size==0. BZ 1002494
- Add per-repository "keepcache" option to yum. BZ 1001072

* Tue Jul 30 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at> - 3.4.3-101
- Pass arch of package to applydeltarpm. BZ 981314.
- Clean up new files when reverting to old repomd.xml
- Get correct rpmdb path from rpm configuration
- repoMDObject.dump_xml() "distro" tag fix
- Fix parsing of power7+ platform string. BZ 980275
- updatesObsoletesList: add repoid arg. BZ 984297
- findRepos: handle re.compile() errors. BZ 984356
- updatesObsoletesList: add repoid arg. BZ 984297
- Preload from root cache when --cacheonly. BZ 830523, 903631
- Add debuglevel option to yum-cron.conf BZ 873428, 982088
- RepoMD: support loading/dumping of <delta>s.
- yum-cron: use [base] section
- yum-cron: fix the download but don't appy updates case. BZ 983076
- group install/update: handle "No Groups Available" exception. BZ 983010
- misc.decompress(): handle OSError, too. BZ 989948
- yum-distro-configs: update installonly_limit default in yum.conf.5
- Remove "kernel-modules" from installonly list. BZ 801067

* Wed Jun 26 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at> - 3.4.3-100
- Move the import statement up. BZ 902357

* Mon Jun 24 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-99
- Update to latest HEAD.
- Fix igroups not being reset in "ts reset" and anaconda. BZ 924162.
- Check for bad checksum types at runtime. BZ 902357.
- fix --cacheonly edge case. BZ 975619.

* Wed Jun 19 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-98
- Update to latest HEAD.
- Add simple way to specify a group of pkgs. for version. BZ 913461.
- Change group install => group upgrade for installed groups. BZ 833087.
- Give more text when telling user about y-c-t, mention history. BZ 974576.
- Fix the tolerant yum.conf text.
- Skip installonly limit, if something has set check_future_rpmdbv. BZ 962757.

* Mon Jun 17 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-97
- Update to latest HEAD.
- Minor updates to fssnapshot command.
- metalink: Don't assume maxconnections is always set. BZ 974826.
- DeltaPackage: provide returnIdSum(). BZ 974394.

* Fri Jun 14 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-96
- Update to latest HEAD.
- Add real logging to updateinfo parsing.
- Merge fssnap command.
- Extend repos.findRepos() API so it can handle repolist input.
- Add a prelistenabledrepos plugin point.
- Auto. enable disabled repos. in repo-pkgs.
- Do cacheRequirement() tests before doCheck().

* Fri Jun 14 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-95
- DeltaPackage compat fix. BZ 974394

* Wed Jun 12 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-94
- Update to latest HEAD.
- downloadonly: prefetch also pkg checksums. BZ 973380
- Fix superfluous dots after "via" in man pages. BZ 972764
- support "proxy = libproxy" syntax to enable libproxy. BZ 857263
- checkEnabledRepo: run prereposetup if necessary. BZ 826096

* Mon Jun  3 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-93
- update to latest HEAD.
- Workaround anaconda passing None as group name. BZ 959710.
- Fix second part of igrp as grp problems. BZ 955236.
- Add a fuzzy matcher for numbers in format_missing_requires. BZ 718245.
- Hide the "downloadonly" option when nothing to download.
- Add the "minrate" option. BZ 964298

* Tue May 21 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-92
- update to latest HEAD.
- returnPackagesByDep() API fix (really old break).
- Try to make groups conversion better.
- progress.start: supply the default filename & url.  BZ 963023
- drpm retry: add RPM sizes to total size.  BZ 959786
- YumBaseError: safe str(e).  BZ 963698

* Mon May 13 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-91
- same-mirror retry also on timeout.  BZ 853432

* Wed May  8 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-90
- Massive hack for Fedora/updateinfo stable vs. testing statuses. BZ 960642.
- Don't load updateinfo when we don't have to.
- Tell which repo. we are skipping the updateinfo notice from.
- Compat. code so we can treat groups/igroups the same. BZ 955236.
- Don't highlight the empty space, Eg. --showdups list.

* Thu May  2 2013 Bill Nottingham <> - 3.4.3-89
- Fix defaults-for-environment optional groups change. BZ 958531

* Tue Apr 30 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-88
- update to latest HEAD.
- Allow default on Environment optional groups.
- Tweak load-ts output.

* Fri Apr 26 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-87
- update to latest HEAD.
- Make --downloadonly skip userconfirm prompt.
- Turn metadata_expire off for yum-cron.
- Skip var_arch storage in yumdb.

* Tue Apr 23 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-86
- update to latest HEAD.
- A fix for environments and not installed groups. BZ 928859.
- Add downloadonly option to download prompt.

* Fri Apr 19 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-85
- update to latest HEAD.
- A couple of fixes for yum-cron using security.
- Add documentation for updateinfo merge.

* Thu Apr 18 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-84
- update to latest HEAD.
- Move yum-security into core.
- A bunch of minor fixes for yum-cron.
- Update yum-cron to add security/minimal/etc. updates.
- Add socks support to proxy config.

* Tue Apr 16 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-83
- update to latest HEAD.
- Update yum-cron to make it worthwhile on Fedora.
- Fix the installed/depinstalled split.  BZ 952162
- rebuilding deltarpms: fix the callback==None case. BZ 952357
- Reuse mirrors when max_retries > len(mirrors).  BZ 765598

* Thu Apr  4 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-82
- update to latest HEAD.
- Keep installedFileRequires in sync. BZ 920758.
- Add repo-pkgs upgrade-to.
- Document autoremove commands.

* Thu Mar 28 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-81
- update to latest HEAD.
- Fix optional packages getting installed by default. BZ 923547.
- cacheReq() added to groups command.
- Finally fix the installed obsoletes problem.
- Sync specfiles.
- Turn checking on, and fix check-po script.

* Wed Mar 27 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-80
- package also %{compdir}'s parent
- set correct dir when bytecompiling /usr/share/yum-cli
- add fast package name completion (disabled by default)

* Wed Mar 20 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-79
- add BuildRequires: bash-completion

* Wed Mar 20 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-78
- update to latest HEAD.
- add bash-completion aliases, use pkg-config.
- spelling fixes

* Tue Mar 19 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-77
- move bash-completion scripts to /usr/share/  BZ 922992

* Tue Mar 12 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-76
- Change groups_command default to objects.
- update to latest HEAD.
- Add timestamp to transaction object for plugins etc.

* Mon Mar 11 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-75
- update to latest HEAD.
- Fix deltarpm=0.
- Fix double unlink. BZ 919657.

* Fri Mar  8 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-74
- update to latest HEAD.
- Fix obsoletes in "yum check".
- Drop drpm rebuild defaults back to 2 workers.

* Thu Mar  7 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-73
- update to latest HEAD.
- Queue for drpm rebuilding.
- Sort drpms.

* Wed Mar  6 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-72
- update to latest HEAD.
- Translation updates.
- Smarter selection of drpm candidates.
- "makecache fast".
- Minor updates.

* Fri Mar  1 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-70
- update to latest HEAD.
- Reimport the size calculation fix.

* Thu Feb 28 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-69
- drpm: Fix getDiscNum() sorting bug. BZ 916675.
- Move to just dumping upstream HEAD again.

* Thu Feb 28 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-67
- drpm: fixed the yum._up==None case.
- drpm: repo_gen_decompress() to handle all comp types.

* Wed Feb 27 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-66
- fixed getDiscNum bug
- fixed rpmsize calculation
- obsoleted yum-presto plugin

* Tue Feb 26 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-65
- start downloading drpms before rpms
- deactivate presto if deltarpm package is not installed
- rename "presto" option to "deltarpm".
- new DeltaPO class instead of in-place rpm=>drpm patching.

* Fri Feb 22 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-64
- use multiple applydeltarpm workers (4 by default)

* Thu Feb 21 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-63
- Added native drpm support.

* Tue Feb 19 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-62
- update to latest HEAD.
- Add cache-reqs.
- Fixup specfile for Fedora <= 18 usage.

* Mon Feb 18 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-60
- update to latest HEAD.
- Auto expire caches on repo errors.
- Use xattrs for cache checksum speedup.

* Fri Feb 15 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-59
- update to latest HEAD.
- Add load-ts helper.
- Update downloadonly plugin version obs.

* Fri Feb  8 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-58
- update to latest HEAD.
- Add pyxattr require for origin_urls for everyone.
- Fix yum-cron service file and scriptlets.
- Fix instant broken mirrors problem.

* Thu Jan 31 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-57
- update to latest HEAD.
- Fix autoremove foo.
- Speedup/fix repo-pkgs <foo> update with obsoletes.

* Wed Jan 30 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-56
- update to latest HEAD.
- Add yumvar dumping into yumdb.
- Add ui_repoid_vars configuration.
- Update translations.

* Tue Jan 22 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-55
- update to latest HEAD.
- Add repo-pkgs update/list and tweak remove-or-sync.

* Mon Jan 21 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-54
- update to latest HEAD.
- Add repo-pkgs docs. add erase/etc. aliases.
- Fix for 895854.

* Wed Jan 16 2013 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-53
- update to latest HEAD.
- Add repo-pkgs.
- Add swap.
- Add remove_leaf_only and repopkgremove_leaf_only.
- Add metadata_expire_filter.

* Tue Jan 15 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-52
- update to latest HEAD
- _lock(): yet another exception2msg fix.  BZ 895060
- use yum-cron.service.  BZ 893593
- YumRepo.populate(): always decompresses new database

* Wed Jan  9 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-51
- update to latest HEAD
- Include langpacks when reading and writing comps. BZ 879030
- selectGroup(): Fix a typo. BZ 885139
- move the basename checking into _repos.doSetup(). BZ 885159
- bash completion: offer nvra for multi-install packages
- fixes extra '</pkglist>' tags on multi-collection errata. BZ 887407
- Include the update date in updateinfo xml. BZ 887935
- Complete provides/whatprovides with filenames. BZ 891561
- New locking code.  BZ 865601

* Thu Dec 06 2012 Zdeněk Pavlas <> - 3.4.3-50
- update to latest HEAD.
- Check for possible inf. recursion and workaround in skip-broken. BZ 874065
- Don't error in history list, when we have no history. BZ 802462
- Avoid converting to unicode and back in dump_xml_*.  BZ 716235
- po.xml_dump_{primary,filelists,other}_metadata() cleanup

* Wed Nov 28 2012 Zdenek Pavlas  <> - 3.4.3-49
- update to latest HEAD.
- Fix ugly paths in po.xml_dump_*(). BZ 835565.
- Fix yum-cron requires.

* Mon Nov 19 2012 Zdenek Pavlas  <> - 3.4.3-48
- update to latest HEAD.
- add skip-broken option to yum-cron.
- get rid of bogus "Downloaded package .. but it was invalid."
- clean up misc.to_xml(), make it faster.  BZ 716235.
- checksum not available implies checksum does not match.  BZ 825272.
- avoid checksumming existing .sqlite.bz2 files.
- fix circular obsoletes in transaction members check. BZ 868840.

* Thu Oct 25 2012 Zdenek Pavlas  <> - 3.4.3-47
- replaced with the new (very alpha)

* Thu Oct 25 2012 Nils Philippsen <> - 3.4.3-46
- bump release to ensure upgrade path and satisfy PackageKit deps

* Wed Oct 17 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-44
- update to latest HEAD.
- Add downloadonly into core, and enable background downloads.
- Lots of minor fixes.

* Fri Sep  7 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-43
- update to latest HEAD.
- Use .ui_id explicitly for backcompat. on strings, *sigh*.

* Sat Sep  1 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-42
- update to latest HEAD.
- Fix missing self. on last patch.

* Fri Aug 31 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-41
- update to latest HEAD.
- Don't statvfs when we aren't going to copy, and using relative.

* Thu Aug 30 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-40
- update to latest HEAD.
- Fix rel-eng problems when repo.repofile is None.
- Don't statvfs when we aren't going to copy.

* Tue Aug 28 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-36
- update to latest HEAD.
- Fix environment groups write.
- Allow merging of updateinfo.
- Add releasever/arch to repoids on output, if used in urls.
- Merge mirror errors fix.

* Thu Aug 23 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at> - 3.4.3-34
- Some users skip setupProgressCallbacks(). BZ 850913.

* Wed Aug 22 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at> - 3.4.3-33
- update to latest HEAD.
- Set multi_progress_obj option
- Show full URLs and mirror errors when _getFile() fails.

* Thu Aug 16 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-32
- update to latest HEAD.
- Some fixes for new environment groups.
- Fix "yum upgrade" download verification. BZ 848811.

* Fri Aug 10 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-31
- update to latest HEAD.
- Big update, mostly for "environment groups".

* Sun Jul 22 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 3.4.3-30
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Jun 20 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at> - 3.4.3-29
- update to latest HEAD.
- quote uids to keep cachedir ascii-clean.  BZ 832195
- show_lock_owner: report errors if we fail.  BZ 745281

* Thu Jun 14 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at> - 3.4.3-28
- update to latest HEAD.
- No async downloading when --cacheonly.  BZ 830523
- misc.decompress(): compare mtime without sub second precision. BZ 831918
- preload_from_sys to user dir with --cacheonly, BZ 830523

* Fri Jun  8 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-27
- update to latest HEAD.
- Fix for ppc64p7 detection.

* Wed May 16 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at> - 3.4.3-26
- update to latest master HEAD
- Fix using available packages as installed, due to strong_requires.
- Remove tracebacks on MD downloads. BZ 822009.

* Mon May 14 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at> - 3.4.3-25
- update to latest HEAD.
- merged multi-downloader code
- rebased yum-ppc64-preferred.patch
- dropped arm-arch-detection.patch (moved to HEAD)
- renamed yum-update.cron to 0yum-update.cron

* Fri Apr 27 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-24
- Add code for arm detection.

* Fri Mar 16 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-23
- update to latest HEAD.
- Also fix "yum check" for strong requires. bug 795907.
- Fix for "Only update available" on downgrade. bug 803346.

* Fri Mar  9 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-22
- update to latest HEAD.
- Fail on bad reinstall/downgrade arguments. bug 800285.
- Fix weird multiple obsoletion bug. BZ 800016
- Check for a compat. arch. as well, when hand testing for upgradability.
- Allow changing the exit code on non-fatal errors.

* Thu Mar  1 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-21
- update to latest HEAD.
- Translation update.

* Wed Feb 29 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-20
- update to latest HEAD.
- Lazy setup pkgSack, for localinstall/etc.
- add support for 64 bit arm hardware.
- Hack for "info install blah" to never look at repos.
- Fixup resolvedep command for mock users.

* Mon Feb 20 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-19
- update to latest HEAD.
- Add a yum group convert command, so people can use groups as objects easily.
- Document the new group stuff.
- Generic provide markers for installonlypkgs (for kernel/vms).
- Minor updates/fixes merge some older branches.

* Fri Jan 20 2012 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-18
- update to latest HEAD
- Added group_command, but didn't change to groups as objects by default.
- Minor updates.

* Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 3.4.3-17
- Rebuilt for

* Tue Dec 13 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-16
- update to latest HEAD
- Have users always use their own dirs.
- Minor updates.

* Fri Dec  2 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-15
- update to latest HEAD
- Init "found" variable for distro-sync full. BZ 752407.
- Fix _conv_pkg_state when calling with history as checksum. BZ 757736.
- When a repo. fails in repolist, manually populate the ones after it.A
- Fix a corner case in exception2msg(). BZ 749239.
- Transifex sync.
- Hand fix the plural forms gettext stuff.

* Wed Nov 30 2011 Dennis Gilmore <> - 3.4.3-13
- add patch from upstream for arm hardware floating point support

* Mon Oct 17 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-12
- update to latest HEAD
- Basically just an update for transifex sync.

* Fri Oct 14 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-11
- update to latest HEAD
- Some edge case depsolver bug fixes.
- Output the GPG fingerprint when showing the GPG key.
- Update bugtracker URL back to redhat.
- Allow reinstall and remove arguments to history redo command.
- Let resolvedep look for installed packages.

* Wed Sep 21 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-10
- update to latest HEAD
- Fix for history sync, and saving on install.
- Lots of minor bug fixes.
- Speedups for upgrade_requirements_on_install=true.
- Fix generated data using bad caches.
- Changes for yum-cron.

* Tue Aug 23 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-9
- update to latest HEAD
- Update translations.
- Minor UI tweaks for transaction output.
- Minor tweak for update_reqs_on_install.

* Mon Aug 22 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-8
- update to latest HEAD
- Fix upgrade_requirements_on_install breaking upgrade typos.

* Fri Aug 19 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-7
- update to latest HEAD
- Fix syncing of yum DB data in history.
- Add upgrade_requirements_on_install config. option.
- Don't look for releasever if it's set directly (anaconda).
- Expose ip_resolve urlgrabber option.

* Fri Aug  5 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-6
- update to latest HEAD
- Add new yum DB data.
- Add hack to workaround broken python readline in yum shell.
- Make "yum -q history addon-info last saved_tx" valid input for load-ts.
- Add "history packages-info/stats/sync" sub-commnands.

* Fri Jul 29 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-5
- update to latest HEAD
- Lots of really minor changes. Docs. and yum-cron mainly.
- Output yum_saved_tx file.

* Fri Jul 15 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-4
- update to latest HEAD
- Weird old bugs fixed for new createrepo code.
- Add --assumeno and an easter egg! Also allow remove to use alwaysprompt.
- Fix \r appearing on serial console etc. BZ 720088.
- Fix umask on mkdir() as well as open. BZ 719467.
- Fix traceback when enabling/disabling repos. in GUI.

* Thu Jun 30 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-3
- Fix the skip broken tuples => dict. bug. BZ 717973.

* Wed Jun 29 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-2
- Add ppc64 arch. change for BZ 713791.

* Tue Jun 28 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.3-1
- update to 3.4.3
- Real upstream workaround for rpm chroot and history insanity.
- Minor bugfixes.

* Wed Jun 22 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.2-2
- Workaround rpm chroot insanity.

* Wed Jun 22 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.2-1
- update to 3.4.2
- Lots of smallish bug fixes/tweaks.
- Lookup erase transaction members, by their name, if we can.
- Added pluralized translation messages.

* Tue Jun 14 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.1-5
- update to latest HEAD
- Lots of smallish bug fixes.
- New groups command.

* Thu Jun  2 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.1-4
- update to latest HEAD
- Fix RepoStorage problem for pulp.
- Add list of not found packages.
- Minor bug fixes.

* Tue May 24 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.1-3
- update to latest HEAD
- Tweak "yum provides"
- Don't access the repos. for saved_tx, if doing a removal.
- Fix a couple of old minor bugs:
- Remove usage of INFO_* from yumcommands, as -q supresses that. BZ 689241.
- Don't show depsolve failure messages for non-depsolving problems. BZ 597336.

* Wed May  4 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.1-2
- update to latest HEAD
- Fix consolidate_libc.
- Update translations.
- Add history rollback.

* Wed Apr 20 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.1-1
- Fix umask override.
- Remove double baseurl display, BZ 697885.

* Fri Apr 15 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.4.0-1
- update to 3.4.0.

* Fri Apr  8 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.2.29-10
- update to latest HEAD 
- Likely last HEAD before 3.2.30.

* Fri Mar 25 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.29-9
- update to latest HEAD 

* Mon Feb 28 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.29-8
- take out the hack-patch from 2 weeks ago.

* Mon Feb 28 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.29-7
- latest head including all of Panu's rpmutils/callback patches

* Thu Feb 17 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.29-6
- add rpmutils-recursive-import.patch to work around recursive import problems

* Wed Feb 16 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.29-5
- lots of hopefully NOT exciting changes to rpmutils/rpmsack from head.

* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 3.2.29-4
- Rebuilt for

* Tue Jan 25 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.29-3
- latest from head - fixing a number of minor bugs

* Thu Jan 13 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.29-2
- grumble broken skip-broken test :(

* Thu Jan 13 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.29-1
- 3.2.29
- add yum-cron subpkg

* Thu Jan  6 2011 James Antill <james at> - 3.2.28-17
- Allow kernel installs with multilib protection ... oops!
- Don't conflict with fixed versions of Zif.
- Add locks for non-root.

* Tue Jan  4 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.28-16
- fix skip-broken conflict - thanks dgilmore for the catch

* Tue Jan  4 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.28-15
- latest head
- conflicts zif

* Thu Nov 11 2010 James Antill <james at> - 3.2.28-14
- latest head
- Perf. fixes/improvements.

* Tue Nov  9 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.28-13
- once again with head

* Fri Nov  5 2010 James Antill <james at> - 3.2.28-12
- latest head
- Add load-ts command.
- Fix verifying symlinks.

* Wed Oct 20 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.28-11
- latest head
- depsolve enhancements on update/obsoletes
- show recent pkgs in history package-list instead of a specific pkg
- bz: 644432, 644265
- make sure urlgrabber is using the right config settings for fetching gpg keys

* Fri Oct 15 2010 James Antill <james at> - 3.2.28-10
- latest head 
- Fix major breakage from the "list updates" speedup :).
- Close curl/urlgrabber after downloading packages.
- Allow remove+update in "yum shell".
- Fix output of distro tags.

* Thu Oct  7 2010 James Antill <james at> - 3.2.28-9
- latest head 
- Add localpkg_gpgcheck option.
- Speedup "list updates"
- Doc fixes.

* Sat Sep 25 2010 James Antill <james at> - 3.2.28-8
- latest head 
- Speedup install/remove/etc a lot.
- Add merged history.
- Fix unique comps/pkgtags leftovers.

* Tue Sep 14 2010 James Antill <james at> - 3.2.28-7
- latest head 
- Fix PK/auto-close GPG import bug.
- Fix patch for installonly_limit and enable it again.
- Fix rpmlint warnings.
- Remove color=never config.

* Fri Sep 10 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at>
- latest head 

* Fri Aug 27 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at>
- obsoleted yum-plugin-download-order

* Thu Aug 12 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.28-3
- latest head
- fix gpg key import
- more unicode fixes
- output slightly more clear depsovling error msgs

* Mon Aug  9 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.28-2
- latest head
- unicide fixes
- sqlite history db conversion fixes

* Fri Jul 30 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.28-1
- 3.2.28

* Wed Jul 28 2010 Mamoru Tasaka <> - 3.2.27-21
- Again rebuild against python 2.7

* Mon Jul 26 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.27-20
- latest head
- minor fixes and doc updates
- hardlink yumdb files to conserve spacde
- cache yumdb results

* Thu Jul 22 2010 David Malcolm <> - 3.2.27-19
- Rebuilt for

* Fri Jul 16 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-18
- Latest head.
- Add history addon-info.
- Add new callbacks, verify and compare_providers.
- Fix rpm transaction fail API break, probably only for anaconda.
- Bug fixes.

* Fri Jun 25 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-17
- Latest head.
- Allow reinstalls of kernel, etc.
- Tweaks to some user output.
- Allow Fedora GPG keys to be removed.
- Add history extra data API, and history plugin hooks.
- Bunch of minor bug fixes.

* Tue Jun 15 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-16
- Latest head.
- Fix install being recorded as reinstall.
- Make localinstall not install obsoleted only by installed.
- Fix info -v, on available packages.
- Fix man page stuff.
- Deal with unicide on rpmdb problems.
- Allow to work.
- Add ville's epoch None vs. 0 code, in compareEVR.

* Fri Jun 11 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-15
- Latest head.
- Add filtering requires code for createrepo.
- Add installed_by/changed_by yumdb values.
- Tweak output for install/reinstall/downgrade callbacks.
- Add plugin hooks for pre/post verifytrans.
- Deal with local pkgs. which only obsolete.
- No chain removals on downgrade.
- Bunch of speedups for "list installed blah", and "remove blah".

* Wed Jun  2 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.27-14
- merge in latest yum head:
- change decompressors to support lzma, if python module is available
- finnish translation fixes
- pyint vs pylong fix for formatRequire() so we stop spitting back the wrong requires strings to mock on newish rpm
- add exit_on_lock option
- Deal with RHEL-5 loginuid damage
- Fix pkgs. that are excluded after being put in yb.up ... BZ#597853
- Opt. for rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=...). Drops about 30%% from remove time.
- Fix "remove name-version", really minor API bug before last patch

* Wed May 26 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.27-13
- minor cleanups for yum-utils with --setopt
- translation updates

* Thu May 13 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-12
- Latest head.
- History db version 2
- Some bug fixes
- More paranoid/leanient with rpmdb cache problems.

* Wed May  5 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-11
- Fix from head for mock, mtime=>ctime due to caches and fixed installroot
- Fix for typo in new problems code, bug 589008

* Mon May  3 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.27-10
- latest head
- fixes yum chroot path duplication
- yum.log perms

* Thu Apr 29 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-9
- Latest yum-3_2_X head.
- Added protect packages.
- Bug fixes from the yum bug day.
- Added removed size output.
- Added glob: to all list config. options.
- Fix fsvars.

* Thu Apr 22 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-8
- Latest yum-3_2_X head.
- Add deselections.
- Add simple depsolve into compare_providers
- Speedup distro-sync blah.

* Fri Apr 16 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-7
- Latest yum-3_2_X head.
- Add the "big update" speedup patch.
- Add nocontexts ts flag.
- Add provides and obsoleted to "yum check".
- Add new dump_xml stuff for createrepo/modifyrepo.
- Move /var/lib/yum/vars to /etc/yum/vars

* Mon Apr 12 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-6
- Latest yum-3_2_X head.
- Fix the caching changes.

* Sat Apr 10 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-5
- Latest yum-3_2_X head.
- Remove the broken assert in sqlitesack

* Thu Apr  8 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.27-4
- more latest headness

* Fri Mar 26 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.27-3
- Latest yum-3_2_X head.

* Tue Mar 23 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.27-2
- broke searching in PK, this patch fixes it.

* Thu Mar 18 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.27-1
- 3.2.27 from upstream (more or less the same as 3.2.26-6 but with a new number

* Thu Mar 11 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.26-6
- should be the final HEAD update before 3.2.27

* Wed Feb 24 2010 James Antill <> - 3.2.26-5
- new HEAD, minor features and speed.

* Wed Feb 17 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.26-4
- new HEAD to fix the fix to the fix

* Tue Feb 16 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.26-3
- latest head - including fixes to searchPrcos

* Wed Feb 10 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.26-2
- grumble.

* Tue Feb  9 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.26-1
- final 3.2.26

* Mon Feb  8 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.25-14
- $uuid, pkgtags searching, latest HEAD patch - pre 3.2.26

* Thu Jan 28 2010 James Antill <james at> - 3.2.25-13
- A couple of bugfixes, most notably:
-  you can now install gpg keys again!
-  bad installed file requires don't get cached.

* Fri Jan 22 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.25-12
- someone forgot to push their changes

* Fri Jan 22 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.25-11
- more fixes, more fun

* Fri Jan 15 2010 James Antill <james at> - 3.2.25-10
- latest head
- Fixes for pungi, rpmdb caching and kernel-PAE-devel duplicates finding
- among others.

* Mon Jan  4 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at> - 3.2.25-8
- latest head