diff --git a/wireshark-1.1.2-nfs41-backchnl-decode.patch b/wireshark-1.1.2-nfs41-backchnl-decode.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..119a7e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wireshark-1.1.2-nfs41-backchnl-decode.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+diff -up wireshark-1.1.2/epan/dissectors/packet-nfs.c.orig wireshark-1.1.2/epan/dissectors/packet-nfs.c
+--- wireshark-1.1.2/epan/dissectors/packet-nfs.c.orig	2009-02-15 08:22:57.000000000 -0500
++++ wireshark-1.1.2/epan/dissectors/packet-nfs.c	2009-02-15 08:31:28.000000000 -0500
+@@ -652,6 +652,8 @@ static emem_tree_t *nfs_file_handles = N
+ static int dissect_nfs_stateid4(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, proto_tree *tree);
++static void reg_callback(int cbprog);
+ /* This function will store one nfs filehandle in our global tree of
+  * filehandles.
+  * We store all filehandles we see in this tree so that every unique
+@@ -8648,6 +8650,7 @@ dissect_nfs_argop4(tvbuff_t *tvb, int of
+ 	proto_item *fitem;
+ 	proto_tree *ftree = NULL;
+ 	proto_tree *newftree = NULL;
++	int cbprog;
+ 	ops = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset+0);
+@@ -8969,6 +8972,8 @@ dissect_nfs_argop4(tvbuff_t *tvb, int of
+ 					hf_nfs_create_session_flags4, offset);
+ 			offset = dissect_rpc_chanattrs4(tvb, offset, newftree);
+ 			offset = dissect_rpc_chanattrs4(tvb, offset, newftree);
++			cbprog = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
++			reg_callback(cbprog);
+ 			offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, newftree,
+ 					hf_nfs_cb_program, offset);
+ 			offset = dissect_rpc_secparms4(tvb, offset, newftree);
+@@ -9612,6 +9617,313 @@ static const value_string layoutreturn_n
+ 	{ 0, NULL }
+ };
++static const value_string layoutrecall_names[] = {
++	{ 1, "RECALL_FILE"},
++	{ 2, "RECALL_FSID"},
++	{ 3, "RECALL_ALL"},
++	{ 0, NULL }
++/* NFS Callback */
++static int hf_nfs_cb_procedure = -1;
++static int hf_nfs_cb_argop = -1;
++static int hf_nfs_cb_resop = -1;
++static int hf_nfs_cb_truncate = -1;
++static int hf_nfs_cb_layoutrecall_type = -1;
++static int hf_nfs_cb_clorachanged = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_argop = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_resop = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_getattr = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_recall = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_layoutrecall = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_pushdeleg = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_recallany = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_recallableobjavail = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_recallslot = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_sequence = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_wantscancelled = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_notifylock = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_notifydeviceid = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_notify = -1;
++static gint ett_nfs_cb_illegal = -1;
++static const value_string names_nfs_cb_operation[] = {
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_GETATTR,                             "CB_GETATTR" },
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_RECALL,                              "CB_RECALL"     },
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_LAYOUTRECALL,                        "CB_LAYOUTRECALL" },
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_NOTIFY,                              "CB_NOTIFY" },
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_PUSH_DELEG,                          "CB_PUSH_DELEG" },
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_RECALL_ANY,                          "CB_RECALL_ANY" },
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_RECALLABLE_OBJ_AVAIL,                "CB_RECALLABLE_OBJ_AVAIL" },
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_RECALL_SLOT,                         "CB_RECALL_SLOT"},
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_SEQUENCE,                            "CB_SEQUENCE"   },
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_WANTS_CANCELLED,                     "CB_WANTS_CANCELLED" },
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_NOTIFY_LOCK,                         "CB_NOTIFY_LOCK"},
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID,                     "CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID"    },
++        {       NFS4_OP_CB_ILLEGAL,                             "CB_ILLEGAL"},
++        {       0,      NULL }
++gint *nfs_cb_operation_ett[] =
++         &ett_nfs_cb_getattr,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_recall,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_layoutrecall,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_notify,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_pushdeleg,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_recallany,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_recallableobjavail,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_recallslot,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_sequence,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_wantscancelled,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_notifylock,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_notifydeviceid,
++         &ett_nfs_cb_illegal
++static int
++dissect_nfs_cb_layoutrecall(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, proto_tree *tree, packet_info *pinfo)
++	guint recalltype = hf_nfs_layouttype4;
++	if (recalltype == 1) { /* RETURN_FILE */
++		offset = dissect_nfs_fh4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, "filehandle");  
++		offset = dissect_rpc_uint64(tvb, tree, hf_nfs_offset4, offset);
++		offset = dissect_rpc_uint64(tvb, tree, hf_nfs_length4, offset);
++		offset = dissect_nfs_stateid4(tvb, offset, tree);
++	} else if (recalltype == 2) { /* RETURN_FSID */
++		offset = dissect_nfs_fsid4(tvb, offset, tree, "fsid");
++	}
++	return offset;
++static int
++dissect_nfs_cb_argop(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree)
++	guint32 ops, ops_counter;
++	guint opcode;
++	proto_item *fitem;
++	proto_tree *ftree = NULL;
++	proto_tree *newftree = NULL;
++	ops = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset+0);
++	fitem = proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, offset, 4, "Operations (count: %u)", ops);
++        offset += 4;
++	if (fitem)
++	  	ftree = proto_item_add_subtree(fitem, ett_nfs_cb_argop);
++	for (ops_counter=0; ops_counter<ops; ops_counter++)
++	{
++		opcode = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
++		if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
++		  col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%c%s", ops_counter==0?' ':';',
++				  val_to_str(opcode, names_nfs_cb_operation, "Unknown"));
++		fitem = proto_tree_add_uint(ftree, hf_nfs_cb_argop, tvb, offset, 4, opcode);
++		offset += 4;
++	/* the opcodes are not contiguous */
++		if ((opcode < NFS4_OP_CB_GETATTR || opcode > NFS4_OP_CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID) &&
++		    (opcode != NFS4_OP_CB_ILLEGAL))
++		  	break;
++	/* all of the V4 ops are contiguous, except for NFS4_OP_ILLEGAL */
++		if (opcode == NFS4_OP_CB_ILLEGAL)
++		  	newftree = proto_item_add_subtree(fitem, ett_nfs_cb_illegal);
++		else if (nfs_cb_operation_ett[opcode - 3])
++		  	newftree = proto_item_add_subtree(fitem, *nfs_cb_operation_ett[opcode - 3]);
++		else
++		  	break;
++		switch (opcode)  
++		{
++		case NFS4_OP_CB_RECALL:
++		  	offset = dissect_nfs_stateid4(tvb, offset, newftree);
++			offset = dissect_rpc_bool(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_cb_truncate, offset);
++			offset = dissect_nfs_fh4(tvb, offset, pinfo, newftree, "filehandle");
++			break;
++		case NFS4_OP_CB_GETATTR:
++		  	offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_layouttype4, offset);
++			offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_iomode4, offset);
++			offset = dissect_rpc_bool(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_cb_clorachanged, offset);
++			offset = dissect_nfs_cb_layoutrecall(tvb, offset, newftree, pinfo);
++			break;
++		case NFS4_OP_CB_NOTIFY:
++		  break;
++			offset = dissect_rpc_opaque_data(tvb, offset, newftree, NULL, hf_nfs_sessionid4, 
++							 TRUE, 16, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
++			offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_seqid4, offset);
++			offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_slotid4, offset);
++			offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_slotid4, offset);
++			offset = dissect_rpc_bool(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_cachethis4, offset);
++			/* skip refs -- assume 0 */
++			offset = offset + 4;
++			break;
++		  	break;                        
++		case NFS4_OP_ILLEGAL:
++		  	break;
++		default:
++		  	break;
++		}
++	}
++	return offset;
++static int
++dissect_nfs_cb_compound_call(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree* tree)
++	char *tag=NULL;
++	offset = dissect_nfs_utf8string(tvb, offset, tree, hf_nfs_tag4, &tag);
++	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
++		  col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO," %s", tag);
++	offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, tree, hf_nfs_minorversion, offset);
++	offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, tree, hf_nfs_callback_ident, offset);
++	offset = dissect_nfs_cb_argop(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
++	return offset;
++static int
++dissect_nfs_cb_resop(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree)
++  	guint32 ops, ops_counter;
++	guint32 opcode;
++	proto_item *fitem;
++	proto_tree *ftree = NULL;
++	proto_tree *newftree = NULL;
++	guint32 status;
++	ops = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset+0);
++	fitem = proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, offset, 4, "Operations (count: %u)", ops);
++	offset += 4;
++	if (fitem)
++	  	ftree = proto_item_add_subtree(fitem, ett_nfs_cb_resop);	
++	for (ops_counter = 0; ops_counter < ops; ops_counter++)
++	{
++		opcode = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset);
++	/* sanity check for bogus packets */
++		if ((opcode < NFS4_OP_CB_GETATTR || opcode > NFS4_OP_CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID) &&
++		    (opcode != NFS4_OP_ILLEGAL))
++			break;
++		if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
++			col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%c%s",	ops_counter==0?' ':';',
++					val_to_str(opcode, names_nfs_cb_operation, "Unknown"));
++		fitem = proto_tree_add_uint(ftree, hf_nfs_cb_resop, tvb, offset, 4, opcode);
++		offset += 4;
++	  /* all of the V4 ops are contiguous, except for NFS4_OP_ILLEGAL */
++		if (opcode == NFS4_OP_ILLEGAL)
++		  newftree = proto_item_add_subtree(fitem, ett_nfs_illegal4);
++		else if (nfs_cb_operation_ett[opcode - 3])
++		  newftree = proto_item_add_subtree(fitem, *nfs_cb_operation_ett[opcode - 3]);
++		else
++		  break;
++		offset = dissect_nfs_nfsstat4(tvb, offset, newftree, &status);
++	  /* are there any ops that return data with a failure (?) */	   
++		if (status != NFS4_OK)
++			continue;
++	  /* These parsing routines are only executed if the status is NFS4_OK */
++		switch (opcode) 
++		{
++		case NFS4_OP_CB_RECALL:
++			break;
++		case NFS4_OP_CB_GETATTR:
++		    	break;
++		case NFS4_OP_CB_NOTIFY:
++			break;
++			offset = dissect_rpc_opaque_data(tvb, offset, newftree, NULL,
++							 hf_nfs_sessionid4, TRUE, 16,
++							 FALSE, NULL, NULL);
++			offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_seqid4, offset);
++			offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_slotid4, offset);
++			offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_slotid4, offset);
++			offset = dissect_rpc_uint32(tvb, newftree, hf_nfs_slotid4, offset);
++			break;
++		    	break;
++		case NFS4_OP_ILLEGAL:
++			break;		  
++		default:
++		    	break;
++		  }
++	}
++	return offset;
++static int
++dissect_nfs_cb_compound_reply(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
++	proto_tree* tree)
++	guint32 status;
++	char *tag=NULL;
++	offset = dissect_nfs_nfsstat4(tvb, offset, tree, &status);
++	offset = dissect_nfs_utf8string(tvb, offset, tree, hf_nfs_tag4, &tag);
++	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
++		col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO," %s", tag);
++	offset = dissect_nfs_cb_resop(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
++	return offset;
++static const vsff nfs_cb_proc[] = {
++        { 0, "CB_NULL",
++	  dissect_nfs3_null_call, dissect_nfs3_null_reply },
++        { 1, "CB_COMPOUND",
++	  dissect_nfs_cb_compound_call, dissect_nfs_cb_compound_reply },
++        { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }
++static const value_string nfs_cb_proc_vals[] = {
++        { 0, "CB_NULL" },
++        { 1, "CB_COMPOUND" },
++        { 0, NULL }
++void reg_callback(int cbprog) 
++	/* Register the protocol as RPC */
++	rpc_init_prog(proto_nfs, cbprog, ett_nfs);
++	/* Register the procedure tables */
++	rpc_init_proc_table(cbprog, 1, nfs_cb_proc, hf_nfs_cb_procedure);
+ void
+ proto_register_nfs(void)
+ {
+@@ -10964,10 +11276,29 @@ proto_register_nfs(void)
+ 		{ &hf_nfs_cachethis4, {
+ 			"Cache this?", "nfs.cachethis4", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE,
+ 			TFS(&tfs_yes_no), 0, NULL, HFILL }},
++		{ &hf_nfs_cb_procedure, {
++		   "CB Procedure", "nfs.cb_procedure", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC,
++		VALS(nfs_cb_proc_vals), 0, NULL, HFILL }},	
++		{	  &hf_nfs_cb_argop, {
++		    "Opcode", "nfs.call.operation", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC,
++		      VALS(names_nfs_cb_operation), 0, NULL, HFILL }},
++		  { &hf_nfs_cb_resop, {
++		      "Opcode", "nfs.reply.operation", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC,
++			VALS(names_nfs_cb_operation), 0, NULL, HFILL }},	
+ 		{ &hf_nfs_lrs_present, {
+ 			"Stateid present?", "nfs.lrs_present", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE,
+ 			TFS(&tfs_yes_no), 0, NULL, HFILL }},
++		{ &hf_nfs_cb_truncate, {
++		    "Truncate?", "nfs.truncate", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE,
++		    TFS(&tfs_yes_no), 0, NULL, HFILL }},
++		{ &hf_nfs_cb_layoutrecall_type, {
++			"recall type", "nfs.recalltype", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC,
++			VALS(layoutrecall_names), 0, NULL, HFILL }},
++		{ &hf_nfs_cb_clorachanged, {
++			"Clora changed", "nfs.clorachanged", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE,
++			TFS(&tfs_yes_no), 0, NULL, HFILL }},
+ 	/* Hidden field for v2, v3, and v4 status */
+ 		{ &hf_nfs_nfsstat, {
+@@ -11132,8 +11463,23 @@ proto_register_nfs(void)
+ 		&ett_nfs_gid4,
+ 		&ett_nfs_service4,
+ 		&ett_nfs_sessionid4,
+-		&ett_nfs_layoutseg,
+-		&ett_nfs_layoutseg_fh
++		&ett_nfs_layoutseg,		
++		&ett_nfs_layoutseg_fh,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_argop,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_resop,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_getattr,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_recall,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_layoutrecall,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_pushdeleg,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_recallany,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_recallableobjavail,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_recallslot,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_sequence,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_wantscancelled,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_notifylock,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_notifydeviceid,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_notify,
++		&ett_nfs_cb_illegal,
+ 	};
+ 	module_t *nfs_module;
+@@ -11169,9 +11515,9 @@ proto_register_nfs(void)
+ 	nfs_file_handles=se_tree_create(EMEM_TREE_TYPE_RED_BLACK, "nfs_file_handles");
+ 	nfs_fhandle_frame_table=se_tree_create(EMEM_TREE_TYPE_RED_BLACK, "nfs_fhandle_frame_table");
+ 	register_init_routine(nfs_name_snoop_init);
+ }
+ void
+ proto_reg_handoff_nfs(void)
+ {
+@@ -11179,7 +11525,7 @@ proto_reg_handoff_nfs(void)
+ 	/* Register the protocol as RPC */
+ 	rpc_init_prog(proto_nfs, NFS_PROGRAM, ett_nfs);
+ 	/* Register the procedure tables */
+ 	rpc_init_proc_table(NFS_PROGRAM, 2, nfs2_proc, hf_nfs_procedure_v2);
+ 	rpc_init_proc_table(NFS_PROGRAM, 3, nfs3_proc, hf_nfs_procedure_v3);
+@@ -11208,7 +11554,4 @@ proto_reg_handoff_nfs(void)
+ 	fhandle_handle=create_dissector_handle(dissect_fhandle_data_unknown, proto_nfs);
+ 	dissector_add("nfs_fhandle.type", FHT_UNKNOWN, fhandle_handle);
+ }
+diff -up wireshark-1.1.2/epan/dissectors/packet-nfs.h.orig wireshark-1.1.2/epan/dissectors/packet-nfs.h
+--- wireshark-1.1.2/epan/dissectors/packet-nfs.h.orig	2009-01-15 10:28:17.000000000 -0500
++++ wireshark-1.1.2/epan/dissectors/packet-nfs.h	2009-02-15 08:31:28.000000000 -0500
+@@ -127,6 +127,23 @@
+ #define NFS4_OP_ILLEGAL						10044
++ * NFSv41 callback ops
++ */
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_GETATTR						3
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_RECALL						4
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_LAYOUTRECALL						5
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_NOTIFY						6
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_PUSH_DELEG						7
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_RECALL_ANY						8
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_RECALL_SLOT						10
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_SEQUENCE						11
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_WANTS_CANCELLED					12
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_NOTIFY_LOCK						13
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID					14
++#define NFS4_OP_CB_ILLEGAL						10044
+ /* for write */
+ #define UNSTABLE 0
+ #define DATA_SYNC 1
diff --git a/wireshark.spec b/wireshark.spec
index cafef43..9b883c5 100644
--- a/wireshark.spec
+++ b/wireshark.spec
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 Summary: 	Network traffic analyzer
 Name: 		wireshark
 Version:	1.1.2
-Release: 	0.pre1%{?dist}
+Release: 	1.pre1%{?dist}
 License: 	GPL+
 Group: 		Applications/Internet
 %if %{svn_version}
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Source3:	wireshark.desktop
 Patch1:		wireshark-1.0.2-pie.patch
 Patch2:		wireshark-nfsv4-opts.patch
 Patch3:		wireshark-0.99.7-path.patch
+Patch4:		wireshark-1.1.2-nfs41-backchnl-decode.patch
 Url: 		http://www.wireshark.org/
 BuildRoot: 	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ Contains wireshark for Gnome 2 and desktop integration file
 #%patch1 -p1 -b .pie
 %patch2 -p1 
 %patch3 -p1
+%patch4 -p1
 %ifarch s390 s390x sparcv9 sparc64
@@ -208,6 +210,9 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+* Sun Feb 15 2009 Steve Dickson <steved@redhat.com> - 1.1.2-1.pre1
+- NFSv4.1: Add support for backchannel decoding
 * Mon Jan 19 2009 Radek Vokal <rvokal@redhat.com> - 1.1.2-0.pre1
 - upgrade to latest development release
 - added support for portaudio (#480195)