1444df Ver. 1.10.1

Authored and Committed by peter 11 years ago
    Ver. 1.10.1
    - Backported rtpproxy dissector module
    - Removed outdated, and applied upstream patches
    Signed-off-by: Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov@gmail.com>
file modified
+1 -0
file modified
+1 -1
wireshark-0001-enable-Lua-support.patch wireshark-1.2.4-enable_lua.patch
file renamed
+13 -1
file renamed
+23 -10
file renamed
+15 -4
wireshark-0004-fix-documentation-build-error.patch wireshark-1.8.x-pod2man-encoding.patch
file renamed
+15 -11
wireshark-0005-fix-string-overrun-in-plugins-profinet.patch wireshark-1.8.x-dcom-string-overrun.patch
file renamed
+13 -1
file modified
+55 -55
file removed