Martin Sehnoutka 36d02c
%global with_lua 1
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
%global with_maxminddb 1
Michal Ruprich fb64c4
%global plugins_version 3.2
Jan Safranek d91ac2
Jan Safranek 9db68d
Summary:	Network traffic analyzer
Jan Safranek 9db68d
Name:		wireshark
Michal Ruprich a25bdc
Version:	3.2.5
Michal Ruprich 00c1cc
Release:	1%{?dist}
Michal Ruprich c5af8d
Epoch:		1
Jan Safranek 9db68d
License:	GPL+
Peter Hatina fe8eca
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
Martin Sehnoutka c7832a
Martin Sehnoutka c7832a
Source2:	90-wireshark-usbmon.rules
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
# Fedora-specific
Patch2:		wireshark-0002-Customize-permission-denied-error.patch
# Will be proposed upstream
Patch3:		wireshark-0003-fix-string-overrun-in-plugins-profinet.patch
# Fedora-specific
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
Patch4:		wireshark-0004-Restore-Fedora-specific-groups.patch
Peter Hatina 1fba24
# Fedora-specific
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
Patch5:		wireshark-0005-Fix-paths-in-a-wireshark.desktop-file.patch
# Fedora-specific
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
Patch6:		wireshark-0006-Move-tmp-to-var-tmp.patch
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Patch7:		wireshark-0007-cmakelists.patch
Radek Vokál 977e92
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
#install tshark together with wireshark GUI
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Requires:	%{name}-cli = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Requires:	xdg-utils
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Requires:	hicolor-icon-theme
Michal Ruprich 461349
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
%if %{with_maxminddb} && 0%{?fedora}
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Requires:	libmaxminddb
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	bzip2-devel
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	c-ares-devel
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	elfutils-devel
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	gcc-c++
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	glib2-devel
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	gnutls-devel
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	krb5-devel
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	libcap-devel
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	libgcrypt-devel
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	libnl3-devel
Radek Vokál 5742d5
BuildRequires:	libpcap-devel >= 0.9
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	libselinux-devel
Jan Safranek 9db68d
BuildRequires:	libsmi-devel
Jan Safranek 9db68d
BuildRequires:	openssl-devel
Jan Safranek 2c07b0
BuildRequires:	desktop-file-utils
Radek Vokál bc92d5
BuildRequires:	xdg-utils
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	bison
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	flex
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	pcre-devel
BuildRequires:	perl(Pod::Html)
BuildRequires:	perl(Pod::Man)
Martin Sehnoutka 88f0a0
Buildrequires:  libssh-devel
Peter Robinson f31be2
BuildRequires:	qt5-linguist
Peter Robinson f31be2
BuildRequires:	qt5-qtbase-devel
Peter Robinson f31be2
BuildRequires:	qt5-qtmultimedia-devel
Peter Robinson f31be2
BuildRequires:	qt5-qtsvg-devel
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
BuildRequires:	zlib-devel
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
%if %{with_maxminddb} && 0%{?fedora}
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
BuildRequires:	libmaxminddb-devel
Jan Safranek df20f8
Michal Ruprich 2b137e
%if %{with_lua} && 0%{?fedora}
Martin Sehnoutka 36d02c
BuildRequires:	compat-lua-devel
Radek Vokál 68e7ca
Martin Sehnoutka 3a952a
Buildrequires: git
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
%if 0%{?fedora}
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
Buildrequires: python3-devel
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Buildrequires: cmake
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
#needed for sdjournal external capture interface
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
BuildRequires: systemd-devel
Michal Ruprich 0b4a35
BuildRequires: libnghttp2-devel
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
Michal Ruprich edaade
Obsoletes: wireshark-qt, wireshark-gtk
Jan Safranek d08c88
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
Wireshark allows you to examine protocol data stored in files or as it is
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
captured from wired or wireless (WiFi or Bluetooth) networks, USB devices,
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
and many other sources.  It supports dozens of protocol capture file formats
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
and understands more than a thousand protocols.
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
It has many powerful features including a rich display filter language
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
and the ability to reassemble multiple protocol packets in order to, for
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
example, view a complete TCP stream, save the contents of a file which was
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
transferred over HTTP or CIFS, or play back an RTP audio stream.
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
%package	cli
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Summary:	Network traffic analyzer
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Requires(pre):	shadow-utils
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Requires(post): systemd-udev
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
%description cli
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
This package contains command-line utilities, plugins, and documentation for
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
Radek Vokál 70a7db
%package devel
Jan Safranek 9db68d
Summary:	Development headers and libraries for wireshark
Martin Sehnoutka b4a8ad
Requires:	%{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} glibc-devel glib2-devel
Radek Vokál 70a7db
Radek Vokál 70a7db
%description devel
Radek Vokál 70a7db
The wireshark-devel package contains the header files, developer
Radek Vokál 70a7db
documentation, and libraries required for development of wireshark scripts
Radek Vokál 70a7db
and plugins.
Radek Vokál 70a7db
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Martin Sehnoutka 3a952a
%autosetup -S git
Radek Vokál 70a7db
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
%cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" \
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
  -DBUILD_wireshark=ON \
Michal Ruprich 2b137e
%if %{with_lua} && 0%{?fedora}
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Radek Vokál 68e7ca
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Radek Vokál 68e7ca
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
%if %{with_maxminddb} && 0%{?fedora} 
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
  -DBUILD_mmdbresolve=ON \
Jan Safranek cf8ee4
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
  -DBUILD_mmdbresolve=OFF \
Jan Safranek cf8ee4
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
  -DBUILD_randpktdump=OFF \
Michal Ruprich f7db04
  -DBUILD_androiddump=ON \
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Björn Esser f4d1cc
  -DBUILD_dcerpcidl2wrs=OFF \
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
  -DBUILD_sdjournal=ON \
Björn Esser f4d1cc
Jan Safranek 1bd4cb
Jan Safranek 771ef2
make %{?_smp_mflags}
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/wireshark.desktop
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Jan Safranek 5edc23
#install devel files (inspired by debian/wireshark-dev.header-files)
install -d -m 0755  %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/wireshark
Radek Vokál 70a7db
mkdir -p "${IDIR}/epan"
Jan Safranek 5edc23
mkdir -p "${IDIR}/epan/crypt"
Radek Vokál 70a7db
mkdir -p "${IDIR}/epan/ftypes"
Radek Vokál 70a7db
mkdir -p "${IDIR}/epan/dfilter"
Jan Safranek b3df85
mkdir -p "${IDIR}/epan/dissectors"
mkdir -p "${IDIR}/epan/wmem"
Radek Vokál 70a7db
mkdir -p "${IDIR}/wiretap"
Jan Safranek 05869d
mkdir -p "${IDIR}/wsutil"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_udevrulesdir}
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
install -m 644 config.h epan/register.h	"${IDIR}/"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
install -m 644 cfile.h file.h		"${IDIR}/"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
install -m 644 ws_symbol_export.h	"${IDIR}/"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
install -m 644 epan/*.h			"${IDIR}/epan/"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
install -m 644 epan/crypt/*.h		"${IDIR}/epan/crypt"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
install -m 644 epan/ftypes/*.h		"${IDIR}/epan/ftypes"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
install -m 644 epan/dfilter/*.h		"${IDIR}/epan/dfilter"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
install -m 644 epan/dissectors/*.h	"${IDIR}/epan/dissectors"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
install -m 644 epan/wmem/*.h		"${IDIR}/epan/wmem"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
install -m 644 wiretap/*.h		"${IDIR}/wiretap"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
install -m 644 wsutil/*.h		"${IDIR}/wsutil"
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
install -m 644 ws_diag_control.h	"${IDIR}/"
Martin Sehnoutka c7832a
install -m 644 %{SOURCE2}		%{buildroot}%{_udevrulesdir}
Radek Vokál d59b99
Martin Sehnoutka 838c0b
touch %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{name}
Peter Hatina fe8eca
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
# Remove libtool archives and static libs
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" -delete
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Peter Hatina fe8eca
%pre cli
Jan Safranek 05869d
getent group wireshark >/dev/null || groupadd -r wireshark
Peter Hatina 1bc718
getent group usbmon >/dev/null || groupadd -r usbmon
Jan Safranek ca94db
Peter Hatina fe8eca
%post cli
Igor Gnatenko 6bdff2
Peter Hatina 54a65b
/usr/bin/udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=usbmon
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Igor Gnatenko 6bdff2
%ldconfig_postun cli
Peter Hatina fe8eca
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Peter Hatina fe8eca
Peter Hatina fe8eca
%files cli
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
%license COPYING
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
Martin Sehnoutka 838c0b
Martin Sehnoutka 838c0b
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
Martin Sehnoutka 838c0b
Martin Sehnoutka 838c0b
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
%if %{with_maxminddb} && 0%{?fedora}
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Martin Sehnoutka 838c0b
%attr(0750, root, wireshark) %caps(cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=ep) %{_bindir}/dumpcap
Martin Sehnoutka 838c0b
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
Radek Vokál 70a7db
Peter Hatina fe8eca
%dir %{_libdir}/wireshark
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
%dir %{_libdir}/wireshark/extcap
Peter Hatina fe8eca
%dir %{_libdir}/wireshark/plugins
Martin Sehnoutka 88f0a0
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
Martin Sehnoutka 88f0a0
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
Michal Ruprich f7db04
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
#the version wireshark uses to store plugins is only x.y, not .z
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Radek Vokál 27fd80
Jan Safranek 1bd4cb
Jan Safranek 1bd4cb
Peter Hatina f670be
Martin Sehnoutka 88f0a0
Michal Ruprich d2f2ba
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
Peter Hatina c9a65b
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
%if %{with_maxminddb} && 0%{?fedora}
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Peter Hatina fe8eca
%dir %{_datadir}/wireshark
Peter Hatina fe8eca
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
Radek Vokál f699be
Radek Vokál 70a7db
%files devel
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
%doc doc/README.* ChangeLog
Radek Vokál 70a7db
Radek Vokál 70a7db
Igor Gnatenko 3a632b
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Michal Ruprich a25bdc
* Thu Jul 02 2020 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:3.2.5-1
Michal Ruprich a25bdc
- New version 3.2.5
Michal Ruprich a25bdc
Michal Ruprich f7db04
* Fri May 22 2020 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:3.2.4-1
Michal Ruprich f7db04
- New version 3.2.4
Michal Ruprich f7db04
- Enabling build with androiddump (rhbz#1834367)
Michal Ruprich f7db04
Gwyn Ciesla d47fff
* Mon Apr 13 2020 Gwyn Ciesla <> - 1:3.2.3-1
Gwyn Ciesla d47fff
- 3.2.3
Gwyn Ciesla d47fff
Michal Ruprich 00c1cc
* Fri Apr 03 2020 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:3.2.2-1
Michal Ruprich 00c1cc
- New version 3.2.2
Michal Ruprich 00c1cc
Fedora Release Engineering 8a1a55
* Fri Jan 31 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:3.2.0-2
Fedora Release Engineering 8a1a55
- Rebuilt for
Fedora Release Engineering 8a1a55
Michal Ruprich fb64c4
* Thu Dec 19 2019 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:3.2.0-1
Michal Ruprich fb64c4
- New version 3.2.0
Michal Ruprich fb64c4
Michal Ruprich f997cd
* Wed Oct 30 2019 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:3.0.5-1
Michal Ruprich f997cd
- New version 3.0.5
Michal Ruprich f997cd
Michal Ruprich 4c7255
* Tue Aug 20 2019 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:3.0.3-1
Michal Ruprich 4c7255
- New version 3.0.3
Michal Ruprich 4c7255
- Fixes CVE-2019-13619
Michal Ruprich 4c7255
Fedora Release Engineering d6c928
* Sat Jul 27 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:3.0.1-2
Fedora Release Engineering d6c928
- Rebuilt for
Fedora Release Engineering d6c928
Michal Ruprich c5af8d
* Tue Apr 09 2019 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:3.0.1-1
Michal Ruprich c5af8d
- New version 3.0.1
Michal Ruprich c5af8d
- Fixes CVE-2019-10894, CVE-2019-10895, CVE-2019-10896, CVE-2019-10897, CVE-2019-10898, CVE-2019-10899, CVE-2019-10900, CVE-2019-10901, CVE-2019-10902, CVE-2019-10903
Michal Ruprich c5af8d
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
* Mon Mar 11 2019 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:3.0.0-1
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
- New version 3.0.0
Michal Ruprich 2313f2
Fedora Release Engineering 126f16
* Sun Feb 03 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:2.6.6-2
Fedora Release Engineering 126f16
- Rebuilt for
Fedora Release Engineering 126f16
Michal Ruprich 22c6ca
* Mon Jan 21 2019 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.6.6-1
Michal Ruprich 22c6ca
- New version 2.6.6 
Michal Ruprich 22c6ca
- Contains fixes for CVE-2019-5716, CVE-2019-5717, CVE-2019-5718, CVE-2019-5719
Björn Esser f4d1cc
- Add explicit curdir on CMake invokation
Michal Ruprich 22c6ca
Michal Ruprich 0b4a35
* Wed Jan 02 2019 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.6.5-2
Michal Ruprich 0b4a35
- Adding libnghttp2-devel as BuildRequires - needed for HTTP2 support(rhbz#1512722)
Michal Ruprich 0b4a35
Michal Ruprich ebdcc6
* Mon Dec 10 2018 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.6.5-1
Michal Ruprich ebdcc6
- New version 2.6.5
Michal Ruprich ebdcc6
- Contains fixes for CVE-2018-19622, CVE-2018-19623,  CVE-2018-19624, CVE-2018-19625, CVE-2018-19626, CVE-2018-19627, CVE-2018-19628
Michal Ruprich ebdcc6
Michal Ruprich e29a41
* Mon Nov 12 2018 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.6.4-1
Michal Ruprich e29a41
- New version 2.6.4
Michal Ruprich e29a41
- Contains fixes for CVE-2018-16056, CVE-2018-16057, CVE-2018-16058
Michal Ruprich e29a41
Michal Ruprich 2b137e
* Mon Jul 23 2018 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.6.2-1
Michal Ruprich 2b137e
- New version 2.6.2
Michal Ruprich 2b137e
- Contains fixes for CVE-2018-14339, CVE-2018-14340, CVE-2018-14341, CVE-2018-14342, CVE-2018-14343, CVE-2018-14344, CVE-2018-14367, CVE-2018-14368, CVE-2018-14369, CVE-2018-14370
Michal Ruprich 2b137e
Fedora Release Engineering 3a9a31
* Sat Jul 14 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1:2.6.1-3
Fedora Release Engineering 3a9a31
- Rebuilt for
Fedora Release Engineering 3a9a31
Michal Ruprich 816b14
* Wed Jul 11 2018 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.6.1-2
Michal Ruprich 816b14
- Fixing build error with newer qt5 version
Michal Ruprich 816b14
Michal Ruprich 276c25
* Thu May 24 2018 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.6.1-1
Michal Ruprich 276c25
- New version 2.6.1
Michal Ruprich 276c25
Michal Ruprich edaade
* Tue May 15 2018 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.6.0-2
Michal Ruprich edaade
- Added Obsoletes for wireshark-qt and wireshark-gtk
Michal Ruprich edaade
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
* Wed May 02 2018 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.6.0-1
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
- New version 2.6.0
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
- Fix for CVE-2018-9256, CVE-2018-9257, CVE-2018-9258, CVE-2018-9259, CVE-2018-9260, CVE-2018-9261, CVE-2018-9262, CVE-2018-9263, CVE-2018-9264, CVE-2018-9265, CVE-2018-9266, CVE-2018-9267, CVE-2018-9268, CVE-2018-9269, CVE-2018-9270, CVE-2018-9271, CVE-2018-9272, CVE-2018-9273, CVE-2018-9274
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
- Switch from autotools to cmake
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
- Removed python2-devel(#1560284) and libssh2-devel from dependencies
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
- Removed python scripts
Michal Ruprich 97ece0
Michal Ruprich 461349
* Thu Mar 15 2018 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.4.5-2
Michal Ruprich 461349
- Removing dependency on wireshark from wireshark-cli (rhbz#1554818)
Michal Ruprich 461349
- Removing deprecated Group tags
Michal Ruprich 461349
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
* Fri Mar 09 2018 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.4.5-1
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
- New upstream version 2.4.5
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
- Contains fixes for CVE-2018-7419, CVE-2018-7418, CVE-2018-7417, CVE-2018-7420, CVE-2018-7320, CVE-2018-7336, CVE-2018-7337, CVE-2018-7334, CVE-2018-7335, CVE-2018-6836, CVE-2018-5335,  CVE-2018-5334,  CVE-2017-6014, CVE-2017-9616, CVE-2017-9617, CVE-2017-9766
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
- Removed GTK+ based GUI (rhbz#1486203)
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
- Corrected LDFLAGS in spec (rhbz#1548665)
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
- Alternatives are no longer needed (rhbz#1533701)
Michal Ruprich 3f69e3
Igor Gnatenko 72cc96
* Fri Feb 09 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 1:2.4.4-2
Igor Gnatenko 72cc96
- Escape macros in %%changelog
Igor Gnatenko 72cc96
Michal Ruprich 5712bb
* Fri Jan 19 2018 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.4.4-1
Michal Ruprich 5712bb
- New upstream version 2.4.4
Michal Ruprich 5712bb
- Contains fix for CVE-2017-17935 
Michal Ruprich 5712bb
Igor Gnatenko 958cdf
* Fri Jan 05 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 1:2.4.3-2
Igor Gnatenko 958cdf
- Remove obsolete scriptlets
Igor Gnatenko 958cdf
Michal Ruprich 527e86
* Wed Dec 20 2017 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.4.3-1
Michal Ruprich 527e86
- New upstream version 2.4.3
Michal Ruprich 527e86
- Contains fixe for CVE-2017-17085, CVE-2017-17084, CVE-2017-17083
Michal Ruprich 527e86
Michal Ruprich d2f2ba
* Thu Oct 12 2017 Michal Ruprich <> - 1:2.4.2-1
Michal Ruprich d2f2ba
- New upstream version 2.4.2
Michal Ruprich d2f2ba
- Contains fixes for CVE-2017-15189, CVE-2017-15190, CVE-2017-15191, CVE-2017-15192, CVE-2017-15193, CVE-2017-13764, CVE-2017-13765, CVE-2017-13766, CVE-2017-13767
Michal Ruprich d2f2ba
Martin Sehnoutka b4a8ad
* Tue Aug 08 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 1:2.4.0-6
Martin Sehnoutka b4a8ad
- Use epoch in Requires (rhbz#1478501)
Martin Sehnoutka b4a8ad
Martin Sehnoutka 88f0a0
* Thu Aug 03 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 1:2.4.0-5
Martin Sehnoutka 88f0a0
- Add libssh as a build dependency (rhbz#1419131)
Martin Sehnoutka 88f0a0
Fedora Release Engineering ca644a
* Thu Aug 03 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.4.0-4
Fedora Release Engineering ca644a
- Rebuilt for
Fedora Release Engineering ca644a
Fedora Release Engineering 277ea3
* Thu Jul 27 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.4.0-3
Fedora Release Engineering 277ea3
- Rebuilt for
Fedora Release Engineering 277ea3
Martin Sehnoutka 7c0782
* Fri Jul 21 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.4.0-2
Martin Sehnoutka 7c0782
- Move init.lua file into the main subpackage (rhbz#1463270)
Martin Sehnoutka 7c0782
Martin Sehnoutka c7832a
* Thu Jul 20 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.4.0-2
Martin Sehnoutka c7832a
- New upstream version 2.4.0
Martin Sehnoutka c7832a
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
* Thu Jun 29 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.4.0rc2-1
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
- New upstream version
Martin Sehnoutka 4cab85
Martin Sehnoutka 288d90
* Mon Jun 12 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.2.7-1
Martin Sehnoutka 288d90
- New upstream release 2.2.7
Martin Sehnoutka 288d90
Martin Sehnoutka 962d67
* Thu May 25 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.2.6-5
Martin Sehnoutka 962d67
- Add triggerin script to remove old alternatives
Martin Sehnoutka 962d67
- Remove appdata.xml as it is provided by upstream now
Martin Sehnoutka 962d67
Fedora Release Engineering 04bd53
* Mon May 15 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.2.6-3
Fedora Release Engineering 04bd53
- Rebuilt for
Fedora Release Engineering 04bd53
Martin Sehnoutka 36d02c
* Mon Apr 24 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.2.6-2
Martin Sehnoutka 36d02c
- Build with lua support (resolves: #1259623)
Martin Sehnoutka 36d02c
Martin Sehnoutka 7e59e9
* Fri Apr 21 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.2.6-1
Martin Sehnoutka 7e59e9
- New upstream release 2.2.6
Martin Sehnoutka 7e59e9
Igor Gnatenko 3a632b
* Fri Apr 07 2017 Igor Gnatenko <> - 2.2.5-2
Igor Gnatenko 3a632b
- Stop patching pkg-config
Igor Gnatenko 3a632b
Martin Sehnoutka b9fc4c
* Tue Mar 07 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.2.5-1
Martin Sehnoutka b9fc4c
- New upstream version 2.2.5
Martin Sehnoutka b9fc4c
Martin Sehnoutka d0b500
* Mon Mar 06 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.2.4-3
Martin Sehnoutka d0b500
- Fix python_sitearch macro
Martin Sehnoutka b9fc4c
- Fix path in desktop file
Martin Sehnoutka d0b500
Fedora Release Engineering 6ed7ef
* Sat Feb 11 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.2.4-2
Fedora Release Engineering 6ed7ef
- Rebuilt for
Fedora Release Engineering 6ed7ef
Martin Sehnoutka 7c8558
* Wed Jan 25 2017 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.2.4-2
Martin Sehnoutka 7c8558
- New upstream release 2.2.4
Martin Sehnoutka 7c8558
Martin Sehnoutka 1c104c
* Thu Dec 08 2016 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.2.2-4
Martin Sehnoutka 1c104c
- Change update-alternatives name from wireshark to wireshark-gui; Resolve:
Martin Sehnoutka 1c104c
Martin Sehnoutka 1c104c
Martin Sehnoutka 838c0b
* Thu Dec 01 2016 Martin Sehnoutka <> - 2.2.2-3
Martin Sehnoutka 838c0b
- Move all executables into /usr/bin/ directory
Martin Sehnoutka 838c0b
Peter Robinson f31be2
* Fri Nov 18 2016 Peter Robinson <> 2.2.2-2
Peter Robinson f31be2
- Build QT GUI with qt5 (rhbz #1347752)
Peter Robinson f31be2
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
* Fri Nov 18 2016 Peter Robinson <> 2.2.2-1
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
- Version 2.2.2
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
- See
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
- Use %%license, spec cleanups
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
- Put udev rules in right location (rhbz #1365581)
Peter Robinson 1f2c60
* Wed Nov  2 2016 Peter Lemenkov <> - 2.1.1-3
- No longer uses adns ( )
- Remove --with-ipv6 switch ( )
- Change GTK option switch ( )
Kevin Fenzi d123d4
* Tue Sep 13 2016 Kevin Fenzi <> - 2.1.1-2
Kevin Fenzi d123d4
- Add Requires(post) for systemd-udev to avoid rpm scriptlet failures
Kevin Fenzi d123d4
Peter Hatina f0e481
* Sun Jul 24 2016 Peter Hatina <> - 2.1.1-1
Peter Hatina f0e481
- Ver. 2.1.1
Peter Hatina f0e481
- See
Peter Hatina f0e481
Fedora Release Engineering 58c4a5
* Tue Jul 19 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.1.0-4
Fedora Release Engineering 58c4a5
Fedora Release Engineering 58c4a5
Peter Hatina 87a825
* Wed Jul 13 2016 Peter Hatina <> - 2.1.0-3
Peter Hatina 87a825
- Fix typo, install ws_diag_control
Peter Hatina 87a825
- Related: rhbz#1347869
Peter Hatina 87a825
Peter Hatina d62567
* Mon Jun 20 2016 Peter Hatina <> - 2.1.0-2
Peter Hatina d62567
- Install ws_diag_control.h into standard include directory
Peter Hatina d62567
- Resolves: rhbz#1347869
Peter Hatina d62567
Peter Hatina c9a65b
* Tue Jun 14 2016 Peter Hatina <> - 2.1.0-1
Peter Hatina c9a65b
- Ver. 2.1.0
Peter Hatina c9a65b
- See
Peter Hatina c9a65b
Peter Hatina 34cad2
* Thu Apr 28 2016 Peter Hatina <> - 2.0.3-1
Peter Hatina 34cad2
- Ver. 2.0.3
Peter Hatina 34cad2
Peter Hatina dcb4bf
* Tue Mar 01 2016 Peter Hatina <> - 2.0.2-1
Peter Hatina dcb4bf
- Ver. 2.0.2
Peter Hatina dcb4bf
Peter Hatina 7d05a9
* Tue Feb 23 2016 Peter Hatina <> - 2.0.1-3
Peter Hatina 7d05a9
- Fix missing Requires in wireshark.pc
Peter Hatina 7d05a9
Fedora Release Engineering fee8d0
* Fri Feb 05 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.0.1-2
Fedora Release Engineering fee8d0
- Rebuilt for
Fedora Release Engineering fee8d0
Peter Hatina fe8eca
* Thu Jan 14 2016 Peter Hatina <> - 2.0.1-1
Peter Hatina fe8eca
- Ver. 2.0.1
Peter Hatina fe8eca
- Introduced wireshark metapackage for wireshark-cli and wireshark-gtk
Peter Hatina fe8eca
- wireshark-qt and wireshark-gtk contain the GUI applications
Peter Hatina 1e9825
- See
Peter Hatina 1e9825
* Fri Jan  8 2016 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.12.9-1
- Ver. 1.12.9
- See
Peter Hatina fe8eca
* Tue Nov  3 2015 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.12.8-2
- Fixed Wireshark detection in external projects using wireshark.m4 script.
  See for further details.
Peter Hatina 2304af
* Thu Oct 15 2015 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.8-1
Peter Hatina 2304af
- Ver. 1.12.8
Peter Hatina 2304af
- Dropped patch no. 10 (applied upstream)
Peter Hatina 2304af
* Fri Aug 21 2015 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.12.7-2
- Enable libnl3 (see rhbz#1207386, rhbz#1247566)
- Remove airpcap switch (doesn't have any effect on Linux)
- Backport patch no. 11
- Fixed building with F24+
* Tue Aug 18 2015 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.12.7-1
- Ver. 1.12.7
- Dropped patch no. 11 (applied upstream)
Peter Hatina d41950
* Tue Jun 30 2015 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.6-4
Igor Gnatenko 72cc96
- Move plugins to %%{_libdir}/wireshark/plugins to avoid
Peter Hatina d41950
  transaction conflicts
Peter Hatina d41950
Peter Hatina 22f47f
* Fri Jun 26 2015 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.6-3
Peter Hatina 22f47f
- Disable overlay scrolling in main window
Peter Hatina 22f47f
- Resolves: rhbz#1235830
Peter Hatina 22f47f
Peter Hatina 3eb69c
* Fri Jun 26 2015 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.6-2
Igor Gnatenko 72cc96
- Add symlink plugins/current -> plugins/%%{version}
Peter Hatina 3eb69c
Peter Hatina 7ec8ad
* Thu Jun 18 2015 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.6-1
Peter Hatina 7ec8ad
- Ver. 1.12.6
Peter Hatina 7ec8ad
Peter Hatina d2308a
* Wed May 13 2015 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.5-1
Peter Hatina d2308a
- Ver. 1.12.5
Peter Hatina d2308a
Richard Hughes 22b5a4
* Thu Mar 26 2015 Richard Hughes <> - 1.12.4-2
Richard Hughes 22b5a4
- Add an AppData file for the software center
Richard Hughes 22b5a4
Peter Hatina e86e29
* Thu Mar  5 2015 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.4-1
Peter Hatina e86e29
- Ver. 1.12.4
Peter Hatina e86e29
Peter Hatina 8fa75b
* Mon Feb  2 2015 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.3-3
Peter Hatina 8fa75b
- temporary: disable lua
Peter Hatina 8fa75b
Peter Hatina ee4727
* Mon Feb  2 2015 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.3-2
Peter Hatina ee4727
- rebuild with gtk3
Peter Hatina ee4727
- fix gdk crash
Peter Hatina ee4727
Peter Hatina 97be54
* Thu Jan  8 2015 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.3-1
Peter Hatina 97be54
- Ver. 1.12.3
Peter Hatina 97be54
Peter Hatina dc6ff5
* Mon Dec 22 2014 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.2-2
Peter Hatina dc6ff5
- fix CLI parsing by getopt_long
Peter Hatina dc6ff5
Peter Hatina 05ceca
* Mon Nov 17 2014 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.2-1
Peter Hatina 05ceca
- Ver. 1.12.2
Peter Hatina 05ceca
Peter Hatina 9604b4
* Mon Sep 22 2014 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.1-1
Peter Hatina 9604b4
- Ver. 1.12.1
Peter Hatina 9604b4
* Tue Sep 09 2014 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.12.0-5
- Install epan/wmem/*.h files. See rhbz #1129419
* Wed Sep  3 2014 Peter Hatina <> - 1.12.0-4
Peter Hatina ed57f9
- fix fields print format
Peter Hatina ed57f9
Rex Dieter 81ac0f
* Mon Aug 18 2014 Rex Dieter <> 1.12.0-3
Rex Dieter 81ac0f
- update mime scriptlets
Rex Dieter 81ac0f
Peter Robinson 3393f0
* Mon Aug 18 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.12.0-2
Peter Robinson 3393f0
- Rebuilt for
Peter Robinson 3393f0
* Tue Aug 05 2014 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.12.0-1
- Ver. 1.12.0
- Dropped a lot of outdated patches.
- Added /usr/sbin/captype application.
- Added temporary workaround for missing in the official
- Removed outdated --with-dumpcap-group="wireshark" cli switch. It doesn't work
  during rpmbuild, and we still set group explicitly in the 'files' section.
- Removed --enable-setcap-install. Likewise.
- Some ANSI C header files were moved to epan/
Peter Hatina 585496
* Fri Aug  1 2014 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.9-1
Peter Hatina 585496
- Ver. 1.10.9
Peter Hatina 585496
Peter Hatina d77a65
* Fri Jun 13 2014 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.8-1
Peter Hatina d77a65
- Ver. 1.10.8
Peter Hatina d77a65
Dennis Gilmore 749f09
* Sun Jun 08 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.10.7-3
Dennis Gilmore 749f09
- Rebuilt for
Dennis Gilmore 749f09
Peter Hatina 454784
* Fri May 30 2014 Peter Hatina <> - 1.0.7-2
Peter Hatina 454784
- add AMQP 1.0 support
Peter Hatina 454784
Peter Hatina 62e5aa
* Wed Apr 23 2014 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.7-1
Peter Hatina 62e5aa
- Ver. 1.10.7
Peter Hatina 62e5aa
Peter Hatina 54a65b
* Fri Mar 21 2014 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.6-2
Peter Hatina 54a65b
- Reload udev rule for usbmon subsystem only
Peter Hatina 54a65b
* Sat Mar 08 2014 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.6-1
- Ver. 1.10.6
Peter Hatina 9dcc3e
* Fri Mar  7 2014 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.5-4
Peter Hatina 9dcc3e
- Fix Capture Dialog layout on low resolution displays
Peter Hatina 9dcc3e
- Resolves: #1071313
Peter Hatina 9dcc3e
Ville Skyttä f83569
* Sun Feb  9 2014 Ville Skyttä <>
Ville Skyttä f83569
- Fix --with-gtk* build option usage.
Ville Skyttä f83569
* Wed Jan 29 2014 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.5-3
- Fixed paths in the desktop-file (see rhbz #1059188)
* Mon Jan 13 2014 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.5-2
- Updated RTPproxy dissector (again)
- Fix rare issue with the Sniffer traces (patch no. 23)
* Mon Dec 23 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.5-1
- Ver. 1.10.5
- Don't apply upstreamed patches no. 18, 19, 20.
* Thu Dec 19 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.4-2
- Fix endianness in the Bitcoin protocol dissector (patch no. 19)
- Last-minute fix for wrongly backported change (patch no. 20)
- Fix FTBFS in Rawhide (see patch no. 21 - recent Glib doesn't provide g_memmove macro anymore)
* Wed Dec 18 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.4-1
- Ver. 1.10.4
- Don't apply upsteamed patches no. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
- Fix variable overflow (patch no. 18)
- Updated RTPproxy dissector (backported three more patches from trunk)
Peter Hatina 4459b5
* Tue Dec 10 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10-3-9
Peter Hatina 4459b5
- remove python support
Peter Hatina 4459b5
Peter Hatina 1bc718
* Tue Dec 10 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10-3-8
Peter Hatina 1bc718
- fix read permissions of /dev/usbmon* for non-root users
Peter Hatina 1bc718
* Mon Dec 09 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.3-7
- Fix error in the backported RTPproxy patches
* Fri Dec 06 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.3-6
- Updated RTPproxy dissector (again), squashed patch no. 15 (applied upstream).
- Use proper soname in the python scripts
- Don't apply no longer needed fix for pod2man.
- Fix for main window. See patch no. 15
- Fix for SCTP dissection. See patch no. 16
- Fix for rare issue in Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol dissection. See
  patch no. 17
- Fix building w/o Lua
* Wed Nov 27 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.3-5
- Updated RTPproxy dissector (again)
- Allow packets more than 64k (for USB capture). See patch no. 13
- Don't die during loading of some SIP capture files. See patch no. 14
- Backport support for RTPproxy dissector timeouts detection. See patch no. 15
* Wed Nov 13 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.3-4
- Updated RTPproxy dissector
Peter Hatina 23f616
* Thu Nov 07 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.3-3
Peter Hatina 23f616
- fix subpackage requires
Peter Hatina 23f616
Peter Hatina d45687
* Wed Nov 06 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.3-2
Peter Hatina d45687
- harden dumpcap capabilities
Peter Hatina d45687
* Sat Nov 02 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.3-1
- Ver. 1.10.3
- Dropped upsteamed patch no. 13
* Tue Oct 01 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.2-8
- Added support for rtpproxy conversations (req/resp matching)
Peter Hatina 13974b
* Tue Sep 24 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.2-7
Peter Hatina 13974b
- fix build error caused by symbols clash
Peter Hatina 13974b
Peter Hatina 1fba24
* Tue Sep 17 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.2-6
Peter Hatina 1fba24
- move default temporary directory to /var/tmp
Peter Hatina 1fba24
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.2-5
- Convert automake/pkgconfig files into patches (better upstream integration)
- Restored category in the *.desktop file
- Install another one necessary header file - frame_data_sequence.h
* Thu Sep 12 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.2-4
- Enhance desktop integration (*.desktop and MIME-related files)
* Thu Sep 12 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.2-3
- Fix building on Fedora 18 (no perl-podlators)
* Thu Sep 12 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.2-2
- Add an OpenFlow dissector
* Wed Sep 11 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10-2-1
- Ver. 1.10.2
- Actually remove the console helper
* Mon Sep 09 2013 Peter Lemenkov <> - 1.10.1-1
- Ver. 1.10.1
- Backported rtpproxy dissector module
Peter Hatina 24e4ab
* Wed Sep 04 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.0-11
Peter Hatina 24e4ab
- fix missing ws_symbol_export.h
Peter Hatina 24e4ab
Peter Hatina f0bdc1
* Wed Sep 04 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.0-10
Peter Hatina f0bdc1
- fix tap iostat overflow
Peter Hatina f0bdc1
Peter Hatina 629325
* Wed Sep 04 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.0-9
Peter Hatina 629325
- fix sctp bytes graph crash
Peter Hatina 629325
Peter Hatina 2607a0
* Wed Sep 04 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.0-8
Peter Hatina 2607a0
- fix string overrun in plugins/profinet
Peter Hatina 2607a0
Peter Hatina b22cb9
* Tue Sep 03 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.0-7
Peter Hatina b22cb9
- fix BuildRequires - libgcrypt-devel
Peter Hatina b22cb9
Peter Hatina df34ac
* Tue Sep 03 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.10.0-6
Peter Hatina df34ac
- fix build parameter -fstack-protector-all
Peter Hatina df34ac
Dennis Gilmore 64a933
* Sun Aug 04 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.10.0-5
Dennis Gilmore 64a933
- Rebuilt for
Dennis Gilmore 64a933
Peter Hatina c14c50
* Mon Jun 24 2013 Peter Hatina <> 1.10.0-4
Peter Hatina c14c50
- fix pod2man build error
Peter Hatina c14c50
Peter Hatina 376acc
* Mon Jun 24 2013 Peter Hatina <> 1.10.0-3
Peter Hatina 376acc
- fix bogus date
Peter Hatina 376acc
Peter Hatina 1a225d
* Mon Jun 17 2013 Peter Hatina <> 1.10.0-2
Peter Hatina 1a225d
- fix flow graph crash
Peter Hatina 1a225d
Peter Hatina f670be
* Mon Jun 17 2013 Peter Hatina <> 1.10.0-1
Peter Hatina f670be
- upgrade to 1.10.0
- see
Peter Hatina f670be
Peter Hatina 376acc
* Mon Apr 08 2013 Peter Hatina <> 1.8.6-5
Peter Hatina cd4905
- fix documentation build error
Peter Hatina cd4905
Peter Hatina f0c20e
* Wed Mar 27 2013 Peter Hatina <> 1.8.6-4
Peter Hatina f0c20e
- fix capture crash (#894753)
Peter Hatina f0c20e
Peter Hatina 36d36e
* Tue Mar 19 2013 Peter Hatina <> 1.8.6-3
Peter Hatina 36d36e
- fix dns resolving crash (#908211)
Peter Hatina 36d36e
Peter Hatina 773285
* Mon Mar 18 2013 Peter Hatina <> 1.8.6-2
Peter Hatina 773285
- return to gtk2, stable branch 1.8 is not gtk3 ready
Peter Hatina 773285
Peter Hatina f77839
* Tue Mar 12 2013 Peter Hatina <> 1.8.6-1
Peter Hatina f77839
- upgrade to 1.8.6
- see
Peter Hatina f77839
Parag Nemade 70571d
* Sun Feb 10 2013 Parag Nemade <paragn AT fedoraproject DOT org> - 1.8.5-3
Parag Nemade 70571d
- Remove vendor tag from desktop file as per
Parag Nemade 70571d
Peter Hatina 78d021
* Tue Feb 05 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.8.5-2
Peter Hatina 78d021
- fix gtk3 layout issues
Peter Hatina 78d021
- NOTE: there may be some windows with broken layouts left
Peter Hatina 78d021
Peter Hatina edd50b
* Thu Jan 31 2013 Peter Hatina <> - 1.8.5-1
Peter Hatina edd50b
- upgrade to 1.8.5
- see
Peter Hatina edd50b
Peter Hatina 7d90fa
* Mon Dec 03 2012 Peter Hatina <> - 1.8.4-1
Peter Hatina 7d90fa
- upgrade to 1.8.4
- see
Peter Hatina 7d90fa
Peter Hatina a0ea7f
* Tue Oct 16 2012 Peter Hatina <> - 1.8.3-2
Peter Hatina a0ea7f
- backport dissector table fix
Peter Hatina a0ea7f
- TODO: remove this after new release
Peter Hatina a0ea7f
Peter Hatina 592910
* Thu Oct 11 2012 Peter Hatina <> - 1.8.3-1
Peter Hatina 592910
- upgrade to 1.8.3
- see
Peter Hatina 592910
Jan Safranek d91ac2
* Tue Sep  4 2012 Jan Safranek <> - 1.8.2-3
Jan Safranek d91ac2
- added back compatibility with RHEL6
Jan Safranek d91ac2
- GeoIP build dependency made also conditional on with_GeoIP variable
Jan Safranek d91ac2
Jan Safranek 2accc8
* Wed Aug 29 2012 Jan Safranek <> - 1.8.2-2
Jan Safranek 2accc8
- fixed " cannot open shared object file" error
Jan Safranek 2accc8
  message on startup
Jan Safranek 2accc8
Jan Safranek 2209c3
* Thu Aug 16 2012 Jan Safranek <> - 1.8.2-1
Jan Safranek 2209c3
- upgrade to 1.8.2
- see
Jan Safranek 2209c3
Dennis Gilmore 206f10
* Fri Jul 27 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.8.1-2
Dennis Gilmore 206f10
- Rebuilt for
Dennis Gilmore 206f10
Jan Safranek 08d607
* Tue Jul 24 2012 Jan Safranek <> - 1.8.1-1
Jan Safranek 08d607
- upgrade to 1.8.1
- see
Jan Safranek 08d607
Jan Safranek d08c88
* Mon Jun 25 2012 Jan Safranek <> - 1.8.0
Jan Safranek d08c88
- upgrade to 1.8.0
- see
Jan Safranek d08c88
Jan Safranek 4202a6
* Wed May 23 2012 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.8-1
Jan Safranek 4202a6
- upgrade to 1.6.8
- see
Jan Safranek 4202a6
Jan Safranek df20f8
* Mon May 21 2012 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.7-2
Jan Safranek df20f8
- Removed dependency on GeoIP on RHEL.
Jan Safranek df20f8
Jan Safranek 4ef1f1
* Tue Apr 10 2012 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.7-1
Jan Safranek 4ef1f1
- upgrade to 1.6.7
- see
Jan Safranek 4ef1f1
Jan Safranek 98f853
* Wed Mar 28 2012 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.6-1
Jan Safranek 98f853
- upgrade to 1.6.6
- see
Jan Safranek 98f853
Jan Safranek 234691
* Fri Mar  9 2012 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.5-2
Jan Safranek 234691
- fixed wireshark crashing when using combo box in import dialog (#773290)
Jan Safranek 6809a5
- added AES support into netlogon dissector
Jan Safranek 234691
Jan Safranek 7342f7
* Wed Jan 11 2012 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.5-1
Jan Safranek 7342f7
- upgrade to 1.6.5
- see
Jan Safranek 7342f7
Jan Safranek 9070e4
* Fri Dec  2 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.4-1
Jan Safranek 9070e4
- upgrade to 1.6.4
- see
Jan Safranek 9070e4
- build with c-ares and libpcap (#759305)
Jan Safranek 9070e4
- fixed display of error message boxes on startup in gnome3 (#752559)
Jan Safranek 9070e4
Jan Safranek 54caa3
* Mon Nov 14 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.3-2
Jan Safranek 54caa3
- added dependency on shadow-utils (#753293)
Jan Safranek 54caa3
- removed usermode support
Jan Safranek 54caa3
Jan Safranek f6395b
* Wed Nov  2 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.3-1
Jan Safranek f6395b
- upgrade to 1.6.3
- see
Jan Safranek f6395b
Dennis Gilmore 205928
* Wed Oct 26 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.6.2-5
Dennis Gilmore 205928
- Rebuilt for glibc bug#747377
Dennis Gilmore 205928
Jan Safranek b63d74
* Fri Oct 21 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.2-4
Jan Safranek b63d74
- updated autoconf macros and pkgconfig file in wireshark-devel to reflect
Jan Safranek b63d74
  current config.h (#746655)
Jan Safranek b63d74
Steve Dickson 4fd960
* Mon Oct 17 2011 Steve Dickson <> - 1.6.2-3
Steve Dickson 4fd960
- Fixed a regression introduce by upstream patch r38306
Steve Dickson 4fd960
    which caused v4.1 traffic not to be displayed.
Steve Dickson 4fd960
- Added v4 error status to packet detail window.
Steve Dickson 4fd960
Jan Safranek 6d1180
* Tue Sep 13 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.2-2
Jan Safranek 6d1180
- fixed spelling of the security message (#737270)
Jan Safranek 6d1180
Jan Safranek a51bdc
* Fri Sep  9 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.2-1
Jan Safranek a51bdc
- upgrade to 1.6.2
- see
Jan Safranek a51bdc
Jan Safranek 5c210b
Jan Safranek 16d607
* Thu Jul 21 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.1-1
Jan Safranek 16d607
- upgrade to 1.6.1
- see
Jan Safranek 16d607
Jan Safranek 85d4d9
* Thu Jun 16 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.0-4
Jan Safranek 85d4d9
- fixed previous incomplete fix
Jan Safranek 85d4d9
Jan Safranek ef36da
* Thu Jun 16 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.0-3
Jan Safranek ef36da
- fixed Fedora-specific message when user is not part of 'wireshark' group
Jan Safranek ef36da
  - now it does not contain '<' and '>' characters (#713545)
Jan Safranek ef36da
Jan Safranek e0d0db
* Thu Jun  9 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.0-2
Jan Safranek e0d0db
- added wspy_dissectors directory to the package
Jan Safranek e0d0db
  - other packages can add Python plugins there
Jan Safranek e0d0db
  - as side effect, removed following message:
Jan Safranek e0d0db
    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/lib64/wireshark/python/1.6.0/wspy_dissectors'
Jan Safranek e0d0db
- enabled zlib support
Jan Safranek e0d0db
Jan Safranek 04a707
* Wed Jun  8 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.6.0-1
Jan Safranek 04a707
- upgrade to 1.6.0
- see
Jan Safranek 04a707
Jan Safranek 88fc67
* Thu Jun  2 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.7-1
Jan Safranek 88fc67
- upgrade to 1.4.7
- see
Jan Safranek 88fc67
Steve Dickson 35ded6
* Thu May 19 2011 Steve Dickson <> - 1.4.6-3
Steve Dickson 35ded6
- Improved the NFS4.1 patcket dissectors 
Steve Dickson 35ded6
Christopher Aillon efe622
* Sat May 07 2011 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.4.6-2
Christopher Aillon efe622
- Update icon cache scriptlet
Christopher Aillon efe622
Jan Safranek 29617d
* Tue Apr 19 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.6-1
Jan Safranek 29617d
- upgrade to 1.4.6
- see
Jan Safranek 29617d
Jan Safranek 29617d
* Mon Apr 18 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.5-1
Jan Safranek 71a36a
- upgrade to 1.4.5
- see
Jan Safranek 71a36a
Jan Safranek b0cc94
* Sun Apr 03 2011 Cosimo Cecchi <> - 1.4.4-2
Jan Safranek b0cc94
- Use hi-res icons
Jan Safranek b0cc94
Jan Safranek b0cc94
* Thu Mar  3 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.4-1
Jan Safranek 9d6019
- upgrade to 1.4.4
- see
Jan Safranek 9d6019
Dennis Gilmore c0eaa3
* Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.4.3-3
Dennis Gilmore c0eaa3
- Rebuilt for
Dennis Gilmore c0eaa3
Jan Safranek 05869d
* Mon Jan 17 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.3-2
Jan Safranek 05869d
- create the 'wireshark' group as system, not user
Jan Safranek 05869d
- add few additional header files to -devel subpackage (#671997)
Jan Safranek 05869d
Jan Safranek 05869d
* Thu Jan 13 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.3-1
Jan Safranek 7b96f1
- upgrade to 1.4.3
- see
Jan Safranek 7b96f1
Jan Safranek ca6292
* Wed Jan  5 2011 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.2-5
Jan Safranek ca6292
- fixed buffer overflow in ENTTEC dissector (#666897)
Jan Safranek ca6292
Jan Safranek b3df85
* Wed Dec 15 2010 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.2-4
Jan Safranek b3df85
- added epan/dissectors/*.h to -devel subpackage (#662969)
Jan Safranek b3df85
Jan Safranek 42b944
* Mon Dec  6 2010 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.2-3
Jan Safranek 42b944
- fixed generation of man pages again (#635878)
Jan Safranek 42b944
Jan Safranek d45d3c
* Fri Nov 26 2010 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.2-2
Jan Safranek ca94db
- rework the Wireshark security (#657490). Remove the console helper and
Jan Safranek ca94db
  allow only members of new 'wireshark' group to capture the packets.
Jan Safranek ca94db
Jan Safranek 6fcd91
* Mon Nov 22 2010 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.2-1
Jan Safranek 6fcd91
- upgrade to 1.4.2
- see
Jan Safranek 6fcd91
Jan Safranek fd4753
* Mon Nov  1 2010 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.1-2
Jan Safranek fd4753
- temporarily disable zlib until
Jan Safranek fd4753 is resolved (#643461)
Jan Safranek b28611
* Fri Oct 22 2010 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.1-1
Jan Safranek b28611
- upgrade to 1.4.1
- see
Jan Safranek 6e286a
- Own the %%{_libdir}/wireshark dir (#644508)
Jan Safranek 6e286a
- associate *.pcap files with wireshark (#641163)
Jan Safranek b28611
Jesse Keating 3b8b62
* Wed Sep 29 2010 jkeating - 1.4.0-2
Jesse Keating 3b8b62
- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757
Jesse Keating 3b8b62
Jan Safranek 771ef2
* Fri Sep 24 2010 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.0-2
Jan Safranek 771ef2
- fixed generation of man pages (#635878)
Jan Safranek 771ef2
Jan Safranek 1bd4cb
* Tue Aug 31 2010 Jan Safranek <> - 1.4.0-1
Jan Safranek 1bd4cb
- upgrade to 1.4.0
- see
Jan Safranek 1bd4cb
Jan Safranek a078a4
* Fri Jul 30 2010 Jan Safranek <> - 1.2.10-1
Jan Safranek a078a4
- upgrade to 1.2.10
- see
Jan Safranek a078a4
Jan Safranek 84d4f4
* Fri Jul 30 2010 Jan Safranek <> - 1.2.9-4
Jan Safranek 84d4f4
- Rebuilt again for
Jan Safranek 84d4f4
Jan Šafránek 0dda79
* Thu Jul 22 2010 Jan Safranek <> - 1.2.9-3
Jan Šafránek 0dda79
- removing useless LDFLAGS (#603224)
Jan Šafránek 0dda79
Jan Šafránek 0dda79
* Thu Jul 22 2010 David Malcolm <> - 1.2.9-2
dmalcolm c2516d
- Rebuilt for
dmalcolm c2516d
Radek Vokál a459b5
* Fri Jun 11 2010 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.9-1
Radek Vokál a459b5
- upgrade to 1.2.9
- see
Radek Vokál a459b5
Radek Vokál 2df808
* Mon May 17 2010 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.8-4
Radek Vokál 2df808
- removing traling bracket from python_sitearch (#592391)
Radek Vokál 2df808
Radek Vokál 14672d
* Fri May  7 2010 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.8-3
Radek Vokál 14672d
- fix patched applied without fuzz=0
Radek Vokál 14672d
Radek Vokál 283cb9
* Thu May  6 2010 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.8-2
Radek Vokál 283cb9
- use sitearch instead of sitelib to avoid pyo and pyc conflicts
Radek Vokál 283cb9
Radek Vokál d62b0b
* Thu May  6 2010 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.8-1
Radek Vokál d62b0b
- upgrade to 1.2.8
- see
Radek Vokál d62b0b
Radek Vokál d59b99
* Tue Apr  6 2010 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.7-2
Radek Vokál d59b99
- rebuild with GeoIP support (needs to be turned on in IP protocol preferences)
Radek Vokál d59b99
Radek Vokál 708c37
* Fri Apr  2 2010 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.7-1
Radek Vokál 708c37
- upgrade to 1.2.7
- see
Radek Vokál 708c37
Radek Vokál 3eb82f
* Wed Mar 24 2010 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.6-3
Radek Vokál 3eb82f
- bring back -pie
Radek Vokál 3eb82f
Jeff Layton ddc891
* Tue Mar 16 2010 Jeff Layton <> - 1.2.6-2
Jeff Layton ddc891
- add patch to allow decode of NFSv4.0 callback channel
Jeff Layton ddc891
- add patch to allow decode of more SMB FIND_FILE infolevels
Jeff Layton ddc891
Radek Vokál 945743
* Fri Jan 29 2010 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.6-1
Radek Vokál 945743
- upgrade to 1.2.6
- see
Radek Vokál 945743
Radek Vokál 85c18b
* Wed Jan 20 2010 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.5-5
Radek Vokál 85c18b
- minor spec file tweaks for better svn checkout support (#553500)
Radek Vokál 85c18b
Radek Vokál 65c7e8
* Tue Jan 05 2010 Radek Vokál <> - 1.2.5-4
Radek Vokál 65c7e8
- init.lua is present always and not only when lua support is enabled
Radek Vokál 65c7e8
Radek Vokál f699be
* Tue Jan 05 2010 Radek Vokál <> - 1.2.5-3
Radek Vokál f699be
- fix file list, init.lua is only in -devel subpackage (#552406)
Radek Vokál f699be
Radek Vokál a57ef0
* Fri Dec 18 2009 Patrick Monnerat <> 1.2.5-2
Radek Vokál a57ef0
- Autoconf macro for plugin development.
Radek Vokál a57ef0
Radek Vokál fb8504
* Fri Dec 18 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.5-1
Radek Vokál fb8504
- upgrade to 1.2.5
- fixes security vulnaribilities, see
Radek Vokál fb8504
Radek Vokál 70a7db
* Thu Dec 17 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.4-3
Radek Vokál 70a7db
- split -devel package (#547899, #203642, #218451)
Radek Vokál 70a7db
- removing root warning dialog (#543709)
Radek Vokál 70a7db
Radek Vokál 68e7ca
* Mon Dec 14 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.4-2
- enable lua support -
Radek Vokál 68e7ca
- attempt to fix filter crash on 64bits
Radek Vokál 68e7ca
Radek Vokál 9217fd
* Wed Nov 18 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.4-1
Radek Vokál 9217fd
- upgrade to 1.2.4
Radek Vokál 9217fd
Radek Vokál 9ad2c5
* Fri Oct 30 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.3-1
Radek Vokál 9ad2c5
- upgrade to 1.2.3
Radek Vokál 9ad2c5
Radek Vokál 16bbab
* Mon Sep 21 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.2-1
Radek Vokál 16bbab
- upgrade to 1.2.2
Radek Vokál 16bbab
Radek Vokál 88c986
* Mon Sep 14 2009 Bill Nottingham <> - 1.2.1-5
Radek Vokál 88c986
- do not use portaudio in RHEL
Radek Vokál 88c986
Radek Vokál 2235e4
* Fri Aug 28 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.1-4
Radek Vokál 2235e4
- yet anohter rebuilt
Radek Vokál 2235e4
Tomáš Mráz e09f36
* Fri Aug 21 2009 Tomas Mraz <> - 1.2.1-3
Tomáš Mráz e09f36
- rebuilt with new openssl
Tomáš Mráz e09f36
Jesse Keating c1ade7
* Mon Jul 27 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.2.1-2
Jesse Keating c1ade7
- Rebuilt for
Jesse Keating c1ade7
Radek Vokál 4463b8
* Wed Jul 22 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.1
Radek Vokál 4463b8
- upgrade to 1.2.1
Radek Vokál 4463b8
Radek Vokál 963c50
* Tue Jun 16 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.2.0
Radek Vokál 963c50
- upgrade to 1.2.0
Radek Vokál 963c50
Radek Vokál b1bc8d
* Fri May 22 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.1.4-0.pre1
Radek Vokál b1bc8d
- update to latest development build
Radek Vokál b1bc8d
Radek Vokál 599c7f
* Thu Mar 26 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.1.3-1
Radek Vokál 599c7f
- upgrade to 1.1.3
Radek Vokál 599c7f
Radek Vokál a116e5
* Thu Mar 26 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.1.2-4.pre1
Radek Vokál a116e5
- fix libsmi support
Radek Vokál a116e5
Jesse Keating fd0c4a
* Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.1.2-3.pre1
Jesse Keating fd0c4a
- Rebuilt for
Jesse Keating fd0c4a
Radek Vokál 70db69
* Mon Feb 16 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.1.2-2.pre1
Radek Vokál 70db69
- add netdump support
Radek Vokál 70db69
Steve Dickson e542b9
* Sun Feb 15 2009 Steve Dickson <> - 1.1.2-1.pre1
Steve Dickson e542b9
- NFSv4.1: Add support for backchannel decoding
Steve Dickson e542b9
Radek Vokál 99484d
* Mon Jan 19 2009 Radek Vokal <> - 1.1.2-0.pre1
Radek Vokál 99484d
- upgrade to latest development release
Radek Vokál 99484d
- added support for portaudio (#480195)
Radek Vokál 99484d
Tomáš Mráz f03cfc
* Sun Jan 18 2009 Tomas Mraz <> - 1.1.1-0.pre1.2
Tomáš Mráz f03cfc
- rebuild with new openssl
Tomáš Mráz f03cfc
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 6c7382
* Sat Nov 29 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <> - 1.1.1-0.pre1.1
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 6c7382
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 6c7382
Radek Vokál 99484d
* Thu Nov 13 2008 Radek Vokál <> 1.1.1-0.pre1
Radek Vokál d23607
- upgrade to 1.1.1 development branch
Radek Vokál d23607
Radek Vokál 1a3525
* Wed Sep 10 2008 Radek Vokál <> 1.0.3-1
Radek Vokál 1a3525
- upgrade to 1.0.3
- Security-related bugs in the NCP dissector, zlib compression code, and Tektronix .rf5 file parser have been fixed.
- WPA group key decryption is now supported.
- A bug that could cause packets to be wrongly dissected as "Redback Lawful Intercept" has been fixed.
Radek Vokál 1a3525
Radek Vokál 575237
* Mon Aug 25 2008 Radek Vokál <> 1.0.2-3
Radek Vokál 575237
- fix requires for wireshark-gnome
Radek Vokál 575237
Steve Dickson 01a52d
* Thu Jul 17 2008 Steve Dickson <> 1.0.2-2
Radek Vokál 977e92
- Added patches to support NFSv4.1
Radek Vokál 977e92
Radek Vokál df2ad0
* Fri Jul 11 2008 Radek Vokál <> 1.0.2-1
Radek Vokál df2ad0
- upgrade to 1.0.2
Radek Vokál df2ad0
Radek Vokál bef587
* Tue Jul  8 2008 Radek Vokál <> 1.0.1-1
Radek Vokál bef587
- upgrade to 1.0.1
Radek Vokál bef587
Dennis Gilmore d09c0f
* Sun Jun 29 2008 Dennis Gilmore <> 1.0.0-3
- add sparc arches to -fPIE
Dennis Gilmore d09c0f
- rebuild for new gnutls
Dennis Gilmore d09c0f
Radek Vokál 6f689f
* Tue Apr  1 2008 Radek Vokál <> 1.0.0-2
Radek Vokál 6f689f
- fix BuildRequires - python, yacc, bison
Radek Vokál 6f689f
Radek Vokál 27fd80
* Tue Apr  1 2008 Radek Vokál <> 1.0.0-1
Radek Vokál 27fd80
- April Fools' day upgrade to 1.0.0
Radek Vokál 27fd80
Jesse Keating cb0f49
* Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.99.7-3
Jesse Keating cb0f49
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
Jesse Keating cb0f49
Radek Vokál f115bf
* Wed Dec 19 2007 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.7-2
Radek Vokál f115bf
- fix crash in unprivileged mode (#317681)
Radek Vokál f115bf
Radek Vokál 57c256
* Tue Dec 18 2007 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.7-1
Radek Vokál 57c256
- upgrade to 0.99.7
Radek Vokál 57c256
Radek Vokál 53bcf2
* Fri Dec  7 2007 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.7-0.pre2.1
Radek Vokál 53bcf2
- rebuilt for openssl
Radek Vokál 53bcf2
Radek Vokál bc92d5
* Mon Nov 26 2007 Radek Vokal <> 0.99.7-0.pre2
Radek Vokál bc92d5
- switch to libsmi from net-snmp
Radek Vokál bc92d5
- disable ADNS due to its lack of Ipv6 support
Radek Vokál bc92d5
- 0.99.7 prerelease 2
Radek Vokál bc92d5
Radek Vokál e301ec
* Tue Nov 20 2007 Radek Vokal <> 0.99.7-0.pre1
Radek Vokál e301ec
- upgrade to 0.99.7 pre-release
Radek Vokál e301ec
Radek Vokál 6ec0fb
* Wed Sep 19 2007 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.6-3
Radek Vokál 6ec0fb
- fixed URL
Radek Vokál 6ec0fb
Radek Vokál 9f7911
* Thu Aug 23 2007 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.6-2
Radek Vokál 9f7911
- rebuilt
Radek Vokál 9f7911
Radek Vokál 46dfdb
* Mon Jul  9 2007 Radek Vokal <> 0.99.6-1
Radek Vokál 46dfdb
- upgrade to 0.99.6 final
Radek Vokál 46dfdb
Radek Vokál 7ae600
* Fri Jun 15 2007 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.6-0.pre2
Radek Vokál 7ae600
- another pre-release
Radek Vokál 7ae600
- turn on ADNS support
Radek Vokál 7ae600
Radek Vokál 18cc0f
* Wed May 23 2007 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.6-0.pre1
Radek Vokál 18cc0f
- update to pre1 of 0.99.6 release
Radek Vokál 18cc0f
Radek Vokál 646e1c
* Mon Feb  5 2007 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.5-1
Radek Vokál 646e1c
- multiple security issues fixed (#227140)
Radek Vokál 646e1c
- CVE-2007-0459 - The TCP dissector could hang or crash while reassembling HTTP packets
Radek Vokál 646e1c
- CVE-2007-0459 - The HTTP dissector could crash.
Radek Vokál 646e1c
- CVE-2007-0457 - On some systems, the IEEE 802.11 dissector could crash.
Radek Vokál 646e1c
- CVE-2007-0456 - On some systems, the LLT dissector could crash.
Radek Vokál 646e1c
Radek Vokál e08989
* Mon Jan 15 2007 Radek Vokal <> 0.99.5-0.pre2
Radek Vokál e08989
- another 0.99.5 prerelease, fix build bug and pie flags
Radek Vokál e08989
Radek Vokál 54b7d1
* Tue Dec 12 2006 Radek Vokal <> 0.99.5-0.pre1
Radek Vokál 54b7d1
- update to 0.99.5 prerelease
Radek Vokál 54b7d1
Jeremy Katz 258f8a
* Thu Dec  7 2006 Jeremy Katz <> - 0.99.4-5
- rebuild for python 2.5
Jeremy Katz 258f8a
Radek Vokál 5742d5
* Tue Nov 28 2006 Radek Vokal <> 0.99.4-4
Radek Vokál 5742d5
- rebuilt for new libpcap and net-snmp
Radek Vokál 5742d5
Radek Vokál 91ba1b
* Thu Nov 23 2006 Radek Vokal <> 0.99.4-3
Radek Vokál 91ba1b
- add htmlview to Buildrequires to be picked up by configure scripts (#216918)
Radek Vokál 91ba1b
Radek Vokál 7fdec1
* Tue Nov  7 2006 Radek Vokal <> 0.99.4-2.fc7
- Requires: net-snmp for the list of MIB modules
Radek Vokál 7fdec1
Radek Vokál 7755bf
* Wed Nov  1 2006 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.4-1
Radek Vokál 7755bf
- upgrade to 0.99.4 final
Radek Vokál 7755bf
Radek Vokál 7a60ed
* Tue Oct 31 2006 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.4-0.pre2
Radek Vokál 7a60ed
- upgrade to 0.99.4pre2
Radek Vokál 7a60ed
Radek Vokál 7926b6
* Tue Oct 10 2006 Radek Vokal <> 0.99.4-0.pre1
Radek Vokál 7926b6
- upgrade to 0.99.4-0.pre1
Radek Vokál 7926b6
Radek Vokál 6ec5a0
* Fri Aug 25 2006 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.3-1
Radek Vokál 6ec5a0
- upgrade to 0.99.3
Radek Vokál 6ec5a0
- Wireshark 0.99.3 fixes the following vulnerabilities:
Radek Vokál 6ec5a0
- the SCSI dissector could crash. Versions affected: CVE-2006-4330
Radek Vokál 6ec5a0
- the IPsec ESP preference parser was susceptible to off-by-one errors. CVE-2006-4331
- a malformed packet could make the Q.2931 dissector use up available memory. CVE-2006-4333
Radek Vokál 6ec5a0
Radek Vokál 7ba31d
* Tue Jul 18 2006 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.2-1
Radek Vokál 7ba31d
- upgrade to 0.99.2
Radek Vokál 7ba31d
Jesse Keating c3efff
* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <> - 0.99.2-0.pre1.1
Jesse Keating c3efff
- rebuild
Jesse Keating c3efff
Radek Vokál 02c444
* Tue Jul 11 2006 Radek Vokál <> 0.99.2-0.pre1
Radek Vokál 02c444
- upgrade to 0.99.2pre1, fixes (#198242)
Radek Vokál 02c444
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
* Tue Jun 13 2006 Radek Vokal <> 0.99.1-0.pre1
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
- spec file changes
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
* Fri Jun  9 2006 Radek Vokal <> 0.99.1pre1-1
Radek Vokál 0fc81e
- initial build for Fedora Core