bc22e6 |
From 082e7194605e99f0e50f8909fcaf10adee747cc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
bc22e6 |
From: Tomas Hozza <thozza@redhat.com>
bc22e6 |
Date: Fri, 5 May 2017 13:46:11 +0200
bc22e6 |
Subject: [PATCH] Fix client/server synchronization in
bc22e6 |
Test-proxied-https-auth.px test
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
Combination of upstream commits vithout adding support for Valgrind:
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
Signed-off-by: Tomas Hozza <thozza@redhat.com>
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
tests/Test-proxied-https-auth.px | 82 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
bc22e6 |
1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
diff --git a/tests/Test-proxied-https-auth.px b/tests/Test-proxied-https-auth.px
bc22e6 |
index 1de5357..e1a6c44 100755
bc22e6 |
--- a/tests/Test-proxied-https-auth.px
bc22e6 |
+++ b/tests/Test-proxied-https-auth.px
bc22e6 |
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
bc22e6 |
#!/usr/bin/env perl
bc22e6 |
+# Simulate a tunneling proxy to a HTTPS URL that needs authentication.
bc22e6 |
+# Use two connections (Connection: close)
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
use strict;
bc22e6 |
use warnings;
bc22e6 |
@@ -39,31 +41,33 @@ sub get_request {
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
sub do_server {
bc22e6 |
- my $alrm = alarm 10;
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
+ my ($synch_callback) = @_;
bc22e6 |
my $s = $SOCKET;
bc22e6 |
my $conn;
bc22e6 |
my $rqst;
bc22e6 |
my $rspn;
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
+ my %options = (
bc22e6 |
+ SSL_server => 1,
bc22e6 |
+ SSL_passwd_cb => sub { return "Hello"; });
bc22e6 |
+ $options{SSL_cert_file} = $cert_path if ($cert_path);
bc22e6 |
+ $options{SSL_key_file} = $key_path if ($key_path);
bc22e6 |
+ my @options = %options;
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
+ # sync with the parent
bc22e6 |
+ $synch_callback->();
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
+ # Simulate a HTTPS proxy server with tunneling.
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
for my $expect_inner_auth (0, 1) {
bc22e6 |
$conn = $s->accept;
bc22e6 |
$rqst = $conn->get_request;
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
- # TODO: expect no auth the first time, request it, expect it the second
bc22e6 |
- # time.
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
die "Method not CONNECT\n" if ($rqst->method ne 'CONNECT');
bc22e6 |
$rspn = HTTP::Response->new(200, 'OK');
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
- my %options = (
bc22e6 |
- SSL_server => 1,
bc22e6 |
- SSL_passwd_cb => sub { return "Hello"; });
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
- $options{SSL_cert_file} = $cert_path if ($cert_path);
bc22e6 |
- $options{SSL_key_file} = $key_path if ($key_path);
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
- my @options = %options;
bc22e6 |
+ # Now switch from plain to SSL (for simulating a transparent tunnel
bc22e6 |
+ # to an HTTPS server).
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
$conn = IO::Socket::SSL->new_from_fd($conn->fileno, @options)
bc22e6 |
or die "Couldn't initiate SSL";
bc22e6 |
@@ -74,14 +78,10 @@ sub do_server {
bc22e6 |
unless ($expect_inner_auth) {
bc22e6 |
die "Early proxied auth\n" if $rqst->header('Authorization');
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
- # TODO: handle non-persistent connection here.
bc22e6 |
$rspn = HTTP::Response->new(401, 'Unauthorized', [
bc22e6 |
'WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic realm="gondor"',
bc22e6 |
Connection => 'close'
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
- $rspn->protocol('HTTP/1.0');
bc22e6 |
- print $rspn->as_string;
bc22e6 |
- print $conn $rspn->as_string;
bc22e6 |
} else {
bc22e6 |
die "No proxied auth\n" unless $rqst->header('Authorization');
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
@@ -89,41 +89,55 @@ sub do_server {
bc22e6 |
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
bc22e6 |
'Connection' => 'close',
bc22e6 |
], "foobarbaz\n");
bc22e6 |
- $rspn->protocol('HTTP/1.0');
bc22e6 |
- print "=====\n";
bc22e6 |
- print $rspn->as_string;
bc22e6 |
- print "\n=====\n";
bc22e6 |
- print $conn $rspn->as_string;
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
+ $rspn->protocol('HTTP/1.0');
bc22e6 |
+ print STDERR "=====\n";
bc22e6 |
+ print STDERR $rspn->as_string;
bc22e6 |
+ print STDERR "\n=====\n";
bc22e6 |
+ print $conn $rspn->as_string;
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
undef $conn;
bc22e6 |
undef $s;
bc22e6 |
- alarm $alrm;
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
sub fork_server {
bc22e6 |
- my $pid = fork;
bc22e6 |
- die "Couldn't fork" if ($pid < 0);
bc22e6 |
- return $pid if $pid;
bc22e6 |
+ pipe(FROM_CHILD, TO_PARENT) or die "Cannot create pipe!";
bc22e6 |
+ select((select(TO_PARENT), $| = 1)[0]);
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
+ my $pid = fork();
bc22e6 |
+ if ($pid < 0) {
bc22e6 |
+ die "Cannot fork";
bc22e6 |
+ } elsif ($pid == 0) {
bc22e6 |
+ # child
bc22e6 |
+ close FROM_CHILD;
bc22e6 |
+ do_server(sub { print TO_PARENT "SYNC\n"; close TO_PARENT });
bc22e6 |
+ exit 0;
bc22e6 |
+ } else {
bc22e6 |
+ # parent
bc22e6 |
+ close TO_PARENT;
bc22e6 |
+ chomp(my $line = <FROM_CHILD>);
bc22e6 |
+ close FROM_CHILD;
bc22e6 |
+ }
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
- &do_server;
bc22e6 |
- exit;
bc22e6 |
+ return $pid;
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
-system ('rm -f needs-auth.txt');
bc22e6 |
+unlink "needs-auth.txt";
bc22e6 |
my $pid = &fork_server;
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
-sleep 1;
bc22e6 |
my $cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --user=fiddle-dee-dee"
bc22e6 |
. " --password=Dodgson -e https_proxy=localhost:{{port}}"
bc22e6 |
. " --no-check-certificate"
bc22e6 |
. " https://no.such.domain/needs-auth.txt";
bc22e6 |
$cmdline =~ s/{{port}}/$SOCKET->sockport()/e;
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
-my $code = system($cmdline);
bc22e6 |
-system ('rm -f needs-auth.txt');
bc22e6 |
+my $code = system($cmdline . " 2>&1") >> 8;
bc22e6 |
+unlink "needs-auth.txt";
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
warn "Got code: $code\n" if $code;
bc22e6 |
kill ('TERM', $pid);
bc22e6 |
-exit ($code >> 8);
bc22e6 |
+exit ($code != 0);
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |
bc22e6 |