Subject: patch 7.0.205
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.0.205 (after 7.0.203)
Problem:    Can't compile.
Solution:   Always include the vim_strsave_escape_csi function.
Files:	    src/getchar.c

*** ../vim-7.0.204/src/getchar.c	Tue Dec  5 21:45:20 2006
--- src/getchar.c	Tue Feb 27 23:04:38 2007
*** 4401,4407 ****
- #if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
   * Copy "p" to allocated memory, escaping K_SPECIAL and CSI so that the result
   * can be put in the typeahead buffer.
--- 4405,4410 ----
*** 4440,4446 ****
      return res;
- #endif
   * Write map commands for the current mappings to an .exrc file.
--- 4443,4448 ----
*** ../vim-7.0.204/src/version.c	Tue Feb 27 18:11:55 2007
--- src/version.c	Tue Feb 27 23:05:15 2007
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     205,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
218. Your spouse hands you a gift wrapped magnet with your PC's name
     on it and you accuse him or her of genocide.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\        download, build and distribute --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///