Subject: Patch 7.2.026
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.026 (after 7.2.010)
Problem:    "K" doesn't use the length of the identifier but uses the rest of
	    the line.
Solution:   Copy the desired number of characters first.
Files:	    src/normal.c

*** ../vim-7.2.025/src/normal.c	Thu Oct  2 22:55:17 2008
--- src/normal.c	Sat Nov  1 13:41:03 2008
*** 183,188 ****
--- 183,190 ----
  static void	nv_cursorhold __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+ static char *e_noident = N_("E349: No identifier under cursor");
   * Function to be called for a Normal or Visual mode command.
   * The argument is a cmdarg_T.
*** 3510,3516 ****
  	if (find_type & FIND_STRING)
  	    EMSG(_("E348: No string under cursor"));
! 	    EMSG(_("E349: No identifier under cursor"));
  	return 0;
      ptr += col;
--- 3512,3518 ----
  	if (find_type & FIND_STRING)
  	    EMSG(_("E348: No string under cursor"));
! 	    EMSG(_(e_noident));
  	return 0;
      ptr += col;
*** 5472,5479 ****
  		/* An external command will probably use an argument starting
  		 * with "-" as an option.  To avoid trouble we skip the "-". */
! 		while (*ptr == '-')
  		/* When a count is given, turn it into a range.  Is this
  		 * really what we want? */
--- 5474,5490 ----
  		/* An external command will probably use an argument starting
  		 * with "-" as an option.  To avoid trouble we skip the "-". */
! 		while (*ptr == '-' && n > 0)
! 		{
+ 		    --n;
+ 		}
+ 		if (n == 0)
+ 		{
+ 		    EMSG(_(e_noident));	 /* found dashes only */
+ 		    vim_free(buf);
+ 		    return;
+ 		}
  		/* When a count is given, turn it into a range.  Is this
  		 * really what we want? */
*** 5520,5526 ****
--- 5531,5539 ----
      if (cmdchar == 'K' && !kp_help)
  	/* Escape the argument properly for a shell command */
+ 	ptr = vim_strnsave(ptr, n);
  	p = vim_strsave_shellescape(ptr, TRUE);
+ 	vim_free(ptr);
  	if (p == NULL)
*** ../vim-7.2.025/src/version.c	Thu Oct  2 22:55:17 2008
--- src/version.c	Sat Nov  1 13:50:53 2008
*** 678,679 ****
--- 678,681 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     26,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
161. You get up before the sun rises to check your e-mail, and you
     find yourself in the very same chair long after the sun has set.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///