Subject: Patch 7.3.1170
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.3.1170
Problem:    Patch 7.3.1058 breaks backwards compatibility, not possible to use
	    a function reference as a string. (lilydjwg)
Solution:   Instead of translating the function name only translate "s:".
Files:	    src/eval.c

*** ../vim-7.3.1169/src/eval.c	2013-06-11 18:40:06.000000000 +0200
--- src/eval.c	2013-06-12 13:31:26.000000000 +0200
*** 10962,10986 ****
      typval_T	*rettv;
      char_u	*s;
-     char_u	*name = NULL;
      s = get_tv_string(&argvars[0]);
      if (s == NULL || *s == NUL || VIM_ISDIGIT(*s))
  	EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), s);
!     /* Don't check an autoload name for existence here, but still expand it 
!      * checking for validity */
!     else if ((name = get_expanded_name(s, vim_strchr(s, AUTOLOAD_CHAR) == NULL))
! 									== NULL)
  	EMSG2(_("E700: Unknown function: %s"), s);
! 	if (name == NULL)
! 	    /* Autoload function, need to copy string */
! 	    rettv->vval.v_string = vim_strsave(s);
! 	    /* Function found by get_expanded_name, string allocated by 
! 	     * trans_function_name: no need to copy */
! 	    rettv->vval.v_string = name;
  	rettv->v_type = VAR_FUNC;
--- 10962,10994 ----
      typval_T	*rettv;
      char_u	*s;
      s = get_tv_string(&argvars[0]);
      if (s == NULL || *s == NUL || VIM_ISDIGIT(*s))
  	EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), s);
!     /* Don't check an autoload name for existence here. */
!     else if (vim_strchr(s, AUTOLOAD_CHAR) == NULL && !function_exists(s))
  	EMSG2(_("E700: Unknown function: %s"), s);
! 	if (STRNCMP(s, "s:", 2) == 0)
! 	{
! 	    char	sid_buf[25];
! 	    /* Expand s: into <SNR>nr_, so that the function can also be
! 	     * called from another script. Using trans_function_name() would
! 	     * also work, but some plugins depend on the name being printable
! 	     * text. */
! 	    sprintf(sid_buf, "<SNR>%ld_", (long)current_SID);
! 	    rettv->vval.v_string = alloc(STRLEN(sid_buf) + STRLEN(s + 2) + 1);
! 	    if (rettv->vval.v_string != NULL)
! 	    {
! 		STRCPY(rettv->vval.v_string, sid_buf);
! 		STRCAT(rettv->vval.v_string, s + 2);
! 	    }
! 	}
! 	    rettv->vval.v_string = vim_strsave(s);
  	rettv->v_type = VAR_FUNC;
*** ../vim-7.3.1169/src/version.c	2013-06-11 22:44:03.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2013-06-12 13:36:11.000000000 +0200
*** 730,731 ****
--- 730,733 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1170,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
165. You have a web page burned into your glasses

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///