Subject: Patch 7.1.182
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.1.182
Problem:    When using tab pages and an argument list the session file may
	    contain wrong "next" commands. (Alexander Bluem)
Solution:   Use "argu" commands and only when needed.
Files:	    src/ex_docmd.c

*** ../vim-7.1.181/src/ex_docmd.c	Sun Dec  9 19:37:37 2007
--- src/ex_docmd.c	Mon Dec 31 18:24:16 2007
*** 372,378 ****
  static char_u	*arg_all __ARGS((void));
  static int	makeopens __ARGS((FILE *fd, char_u *dirnow));
! static int	put_view __ARGS((FILE *fd, win_T *wp, int add_edit, unsigned *flagp));
  static void	ex_loadview __ARGS((exarg_T *eap));
  static char_u	*get_view_file __ARGS((int c));
  static int	did_lcd;	/* whether ":lcd" was produced for a session */
--- 372,378 ----
  static char_u	*arg_all __ARGS((void));
  static int	makeopens __ARGS((FILE *fd, char_u *dirnow));
! static int	put_view __ARGS((FILE *fd, win_T *wp, int add_edit, unsigned *flagp, int current_arg_idx));
  static void	ex_loadview __ARGS((exarg_T *eap));
  static char_u	*get_view_file __ARGS((int c));
  static int	did_lcd;	/* whether ":lcd" was produced for a session */
*** 8762,8768 ****
! 		failed |= (put_view(fd, curwin, !using_vdir, flagp) == FAIL);
  	    if (put_line(fd, "let &so = s:so_save | let &siso = s:siso_save")
  								      == FAIL)
--- 8762,8769 ----
! 		failed |= (put_view(fd, curwin, !using_vdir, flagp,
! 								 -1) == FAIL);
  	    if (put_line(fd, "let &so = s:so_save | let &siso = s:siso_save")
  								      == FAIL)
*** 9761,9766 ****
--- 9762,9769 ----
      int		tabnr;
      win_T	*tab_firstwin;
      frame_T	*tab_topframe;
+     int		cur_arg_idx = 0;
+     int		next_arg_idx;
      if (ssop_flags & SSOP_BUFFERS)
  	only_save_windows = FALSE;		/* Save ALL buffers */
*** 9976,9987 ****
  	    if (!ses_do_win(wp))
! 	    if (put_view(fd, wp, wp != edited_win, &ssop_flags) == FAIL)
  		return FAIL;
  	    if (nr > 1 && put_line(fd, "wincmd w") == FAIL)
  		return FAIL;
  	 * Restore cursor to the current window if it's not the first one.
--- 9979,9997 ----
  	    if (!ses_do_win(wp))
! 	    if (put_view(fd, wp, wp != edited_win, &ssop_flags,
! 							 cur_arg_idx) == FAIL)
  		return FAIL;
  	    if (nr > 1 && put_line(fd, "wincmd w") == FAIL)
  		return FAIL;
+ 	    next_arg_idx = wp->w_arg_idx;
+ 	/* The argument index in the first tab page is zero, need to set it in
+ 	 * each window.  For further tab pages it's the window where we do
+ 	 * "tabedit". */
+ 	cur_arg_idx = next_arg_idx;
  	 * Restore cursor to the current window if it's not the first one.
*** 10190,10200 ****
   * Caller must make sure 'scrolloff' is zero.
      static int
! put_view(fd, wp, add_edit, flagp)
      FILE	*fd;
      win_T	*wp;
      int		add_edit;	/* add ":edit" command to view */
      unsigned	*flagp;		/* vop_flags or ssop_flags */
      win_T	*save_curwin;
      int		f;
--- 10200,10212 ----
   * Caller must make sure 'scrolloff' is zero.
      static int
! put_view(fd, wp, add_edit, flagp, current_arg_idx)
      FILE	*fd;
      win_T	*wp;
      int		add_edit;	/* add ":edit" command to view */
      unsigned	*flagp;		/* vop_flags or ssop_flags */
+     int		current_arg_idx; /* current argument index of the window, use
+ 				  * -1 if unknown */
      win_T	*save_curwin;
      int		f;
*** 10224,10233 ****
      /* Only when part of a session: restore the argument index.  Some
       * arguments may have been deleted, check if the index is valid. */
!     if (wp->w_arg_idx != 0 && wp->w_arg_idx <= WARGCOUNT(wp)
  						      && flagp == &ssop_flags)
! 	if (fprintf(fd, "%ldnext", (long)wp->w_arg_idx) < 0
  		|| put_eol(fd) == FAIL)
  	    return FAIL;
  	did_next = TRUE;
--- 10236,10245 ----
      /* Only when part of a session: restore the argument index.  Some
       * arguments may have been deleted, check if the index is valid. */
!     if (wp->w_arg_idx != current_arg_idx && wp->w_arg_idx <= WARGCOUNT(wp)
  						      && flagp == &ssop_flags)
! 	if (fprintf(fd, "%ldargu", (long)wp->w_arg_idx + 1) < 0
  		|| put_eol(fd) == FAIL)
  	    return FAIL;
  	did_next = TRUE;
*** ../vim-7.1.181/src/version.c	Wed Jan  2 13:58:17 2008
--- src/version.c	Wed Jan  2 15:10:01 2008
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     182,

You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a 
septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, 
clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for 
fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, our Dad
would thrash us to sleep with his belt!

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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