Subject: Patch 7.3.603
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.3.603
Problem:    It is possible to add replace builtin functions by calling
	    extend() on g:.
Solution:   Add a flag to a dict to indicate it is a scope.  Check for
	    existing functions. (ZyX)
Files:	    src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/proto/, src/structs.h,
	    src/testdir/, src/testdir/test34.ok, src/window.c

*** ../vim-7.3.602/src/buffer.c	2012-07-10 15:18:18.000000000 +0200
--- src/buffer.c	2012-07-16 16:52:58.000000000 +0200
*** 1747,1753 ****
      buf->b_wininfo->wi_win = curwin;
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
!     init_var_dict(&buf->b_vars, &buf->b_bufvar);    /* init b: variables */
  #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
--- 1747,1754 ----
      buf->b_wininfo->wi_win = curwin;
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
!     /* init b: variables */
!     init_var_dict(&buf->b_vars, &buf->b_bufvar, VAR_SCOPE);
  #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
*** ../vim-7.3.602/src/eval.c	2012-07-10 13:41:09.000000000 +0200
--- src/eval.c	2012-07-16 17:18:11.000000000 +0200
*** 850,857 ****
      int		    i;
      struct vimvar   *p;
!     init_var_dict(&globvardict, &globvars_var);
!     init_var_dict(&vimvardict, &vimvars_var);
      vimvardict.dv_lock = VAR_FIXED;
--- 850,857 ----
      int		    i;
      struct vimvar   *p;
!     init_var_dict(&globvardict, &globvars_var, VAR_DEF_SCOPE);
!     init_var_dict(&vimvardict, &vimvars_var, VAR_SCOPE);
      vimvardict.dv_lock = VAR_FIXED;
*** 2725,2738 ****
  	    lp->ll_dict = lp->ll_tv->vval.v_dict;
  	    lp->ll_di = dict_find(lp->ll_dict, key, len);
! 	    /* When assigning to g: check that a function and variable name is
! 	     * valid. */
! 	    if (rettv != NULL && lp->ll_dict == &globvardict)
! 		if (rettv->v_type == VAR_FUNC
  			       && var_check_func_name(key, lp->ll_di == NULL))
! 		    return NULL;
! 		if (!valid_varname(key))
  		    return NULL;
--- 2725,2750 ----
  	    lp->ll_dict = lp->ll_tv->vval.v_dict;
  	    lp->ll_di = dict_find(lp->ll_dict, key, len);
! 	    /* When assigning to a scope dictionary check that a function and
! 	     * variable name is valid (only variable name unless it is l: or
! 	     * g: dictionary). Disallow overwriting a builtin function. */
! 	    if (rettv != NULL && lp->ll_dict->dv_scope != 0)
! 		int prevval;
! 		int wrong;
! 		if (len != -1)
! 		{
! 		    prevval = key[len];
! 		    key[len] = NUL;
! 		}
! 		wrong = (lp->ll_dict->dv_scope == VAR_DEF_SCOPE
! 			       && rettv->v_type == VAR_FUNC
  			       && var_check_func_name(key, lp->ll_di == NULL))
! 			|| !valid_varname(key);
! 		if (len != -1)
! 		    key[len] = prevval;
! 		if (wrong)
  		    return NULL;
*** 6951,6957 ****
      d = (dict_T *)alloc(sizeof(dict_T));
      if (d != NULL)
! 	/* Add the list to the list of dicts for garbage collection. */
  	if (first_dict != NULL)
  	    first_dict->dv_used_prev = d;
  	d->dv_used_next = first_dict;
--- 6963,6969 ----
      d = (dict_T *)alloc(sizeof(dict_T));
      if (d != NULL)
! 	/* Add the dict to the list of dicts for garbage collection. */
  	if (first_dict != NULL)
  	    first_dict->dv_used_prev = d;
  	d->dv_used_next = first_dict;
*** 6960,6965 ****
--- 6972,6978 ----
  	d->dv_lock = 0;
+ 	d->dv_scope = 0;
  	d->dv_refcount = 0;
  	d->dv_copyID = 0;
*** 10203,10208 ****
--- 10216,10234 ----
  		    di1 = dict_find(d1, hi2->hi_key, -1);
+ 		    if (d1->dv_scope != 0)
+ 		    {
+ 			/* Disallow replacing a builtin function in l: and g:.
+ 			 * Check the key to be valid when adding to any
+ 			 * scope. */
+ 		        if (d1->dv_scope == VAR_DEF_SCOPE
+ 				&& HI2DI(hi2)->di_tv.v_type == VAR_FUNC
+ 				&& var_check_func_name(hi2->hi_key,
+ 								 di1 == NULL))
+ 			    break;
+ 			if (!valid_varname(hi2->hi_key))
+ 			    break;
+ 		    }
  		    if (di1 == NULL)
  			di1 = dictitem_copy(HI2DI(hi2));
*** 20027,20033 ****
  	    sv = SCRIPT_SV(ga_scripts.ga_len + 1) =
  		(scriptvar_T *)alloc_clear(sizeof(scriptvar_T));
! 	    init_var_dict(&sv->sv_dict, &sv->sv_var);
--- 20053,20059 ----
  	    sv = SCRIPT_SV(ga_scripts.ga_len + 1) =
  		(scriptvar_T *)alloc_clear(sizeof(scriptvar_T));
! 	    init_var_dict(&sv->sv_dict, &sv->sv_var, VAR_SCOPE);
*** 20038,20049 ****
   * point to it.
! init_var_dict(dict, dict_var)
      dict_T	*dict;
      dictitem_T	*dict_var;
      dict->dv_lock = 0;
      dict->dv_refcount = DO_NOT_FREE_CNT;
      dict->dv_copyID = 0;
      dict_var->di_tv.vval.v_dict = dict;
--- 20064,20077 ----
   * point to it.
! init_var_dict(dict, dict_var, scope)
      dict_T	*dict;
      dictitem_T	*dict_var;
+     int		scope;
      dict->dv_lock = 0;
+     dict->dv_scope = scope;
      dict->dv_refcount = DO_NOT_FREE_CNT;
      dict->dv_copyID = 0;
      dict_var->di_tv.vval.v_dict = dict;
*** 22304,22310 ****
       * Init l: variables.
!     init_var_dict(&fc->l_vars, &fc->l_vars_var);
      if (selfdict != NULL)
  	/* Set l:self to "selfdict".  Use "name" to avoid a warning from
--- 22332,22338 ----
       * Init l: variables.
!     init_var_dict(&fc->l_vars, &fc->l_vars_var, VAR_DEF_SCOPE);
      if (selfdict != NULL)
  	/* Set l:self to "selfdict".  Use "name" to avoid a warning from
*** 22325,22331 ****
       * Set a:0 to "argcount".
       * Set a:000 to a list with room for the "..." arguments.
!     init_var_dict(&fc->l_avars, &fc->l_avars_var);
      add_nr_var(&fc->l_avars, &fc->fixvar[fixvar_idx++].var, "0",
  				(varnumber_T)(argcount - fp->uf_args.ga_len));
      /* Use "name" to avoid a warning from some compiler that checks the
--- 22353,22359 ----
       * Set a:0 to "argcount".
       * Set a:000 to a list with room for the "..." arguments.
!     init_var_dict(&fc->l_avars, &fc->l_avars_var, VAR_SCOPE);
      add_nr_var(&fc->l_avars, &fc->fixvar[fixvar_idx++].var, "0",
  				(varnumber_T)(argcount - fp->uf_args.ga_len));
      /* Use "name" to avoid a warning from some compiler that checks the
*** ../vim-7.3.602/src/proto/	2012-06-29 12:54:32.000000000 +0200
--- src/proto/	2012-07-16 16:55:16.000000000 +0200
*** 93,99 ****
  char_u *get_tv_string_chk __ARGS((typval_T *varp));
  char_u *get_var_value __ARGS((char_u *name));
  void new_script_vars __ARGS((scid_T id));
! void init_var_dict __ARGS((dict_T *dict, dictitem_T *dict_var));
  void vars_clear __ARGS((hashtab_T *ht));
  void copy_tv __ARGS((typval_T *from, typval_T *to));
  void ex_echo __ARGS((exarg_T *eap));
--- 93,99 ----
  char_u *get_tv_string_chk __ARGS((typval_T *varp));
  char_u *get_var_value __ARGS((char_u *name));
  void new_script_vars __ARGS((scid_T id));
! void init_var_dict __ARGS((dict_T *dict, dictitem_T *dict_var, int scope));
  void vars_clear __ARGS((hashtab_T *ht));
  void copy_tv __ARGS((typval_T *from, typval_T *to));
  void ex_echo __ARGS((exarg_T *eap));
*** ../vim-7.3.602/src/structs.h	2012-06-06 19:02:40.000000000 +0200
--- src/structs.h	2012-07-16 16:56:43.000000000 +0200
*** 1106,1111 ****
--- 1106,1116 ----
  #define VAR_DICT    5	/* "v_dict" is used */
  #define VAR_FLOAT   6	/* "v_float" is used */
+ /* Values for "dv_scope". */
+ #define VAR_SCOPE     1	/* a:, v:, s:, etc. scope dictionaries */
+ #define VAR_DEF_SCOPE 2	/* l:, g: scope dictionaries: here funcrefs are not
+ 			   allowed to mask existing functions */
  /* Values for "v_lock". */
  #define VAR_LOCKED  1	/* locked with lock(), can use unlock() */
  #define VAR_FIXED   2	/* locked forever */
*** 1181,1186 ****
--- 1186,1192 ----
      int		dv_copyID;	/* ID used by deepcopy() */
      dict_T	*dv_copydict;	/* copied dict used by deepcopy() */
      char	dv_lock;	/* zero, VAR_LOCKED, VAR_FIXED */
+     char	dv_scope;	/* zero, VAR_SCOPE, VAR_DEF_SCOPE */
      dict_T	*dv_used_next;	/* next dict in used dicts list */
      dict_T	*dv_used_prev;	/* previous dict in used dicts list */
*** ../vim-7.3.602/src/testdir/	2010-08-15 21:57:29.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/	2012-07-16 16:51:29.000000000 +0200
*** 1,5 ****
--- 1,6 ----
  Test for user functions.
  Also test an <expr> mapping calling a function.
+ Also test that a builtin function cannot be replaced.
  :so small.vim
*** 58,64 ****
! [(one again:$-5,$w! test.out
  :delfunc Table
  :delfunc Compute
  :delfunc Expr1
--- 59,68 ----
! [(one again:call append(line('$'), max([1, 2, 3]))
! :call extend(g:, {'max': function('min')})
! :call append(line('$'), max([1, 2, 3]))
! :$-7,$w! test.out
  :delfunc Table
  :delfunc Compute
  :delfunc Expr1
*** ../vim-7.3.602/src/testdir/test34.ok	2011-10-12 22:02:07.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/test34.ok	2012-07-16 16:43:15.000000000 +0200
*** 4,6 ****
--- 4,8 ----
  1. one
  2. two
  1. one again
+ 3
+ 3
*** ../vim-7.3.602/src/window.c	2012-07-06 18:27:34.000000000 +0200
--- src/window.c	2012-07-16 16:53:45.000000000 +0200
*** 3468,3474 ****
  # endif
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
  	/* init t: variables */
! 	init_var_dict(&tp->tp_vars, &tp->tp_winvar);
  	tp->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
--- 3468,3474 ----
  # endif
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
  	/* init t: variables */
! 	init_var_dict(&tp->tp_vars, &tp->tp_winvar, VAR_SCOPE);
  	tp->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
*** 4410,4416 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
  	/* init w: variables */
! 	init_var_dict(&new_wp->w_vars, &new_wp->w_winvar);
--- 4410,4416 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
  	/* init w: variables */
! 	init_var_dict(&new_wp->w_vars, &new_wp->w_winvar, VAR_SCOPE);
*** ../vim-7.3.602/src/version.c	2012-07-16 17:27:57.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2012-07-16 17:29:06.000000000 +0200
*** 716,717 ****
--- 716,719 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     603,

Birthdays are healthy.  The more you have them, the longer you live.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///