Subject: Patch 7.3.152
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.3.152
Problem:    Xxd does not check for errors from library functions.
Solution:   Add error checks. (Florian Zumbiehl)
Files:	    src/xxd/xxd.c

*** ../vim-7.3.151/src/xxd/xxd.c	2010-08-15 21:57:25.000000000 +0200
--- src/xxd/xxd.c	2011-04-01 18:56:11.000000000 +0200
*** 49,54 ****
--- 49,56 ----
   *	    option -b added: 01000101 binary output in normal format.
   * 16.05.00 Added VAXC changes by Stephen P. Wall
   * 16.05.00 Improved MMS file and merge for VMS by Zoltan Arpadffy
+  * 2011 March  Better error handling by Florian Zumbiehl.
+  * 2011 April  Formatting by Bram Moolenaar
   * (c) 1990-1998 by Juergen Weigert (
*** 207,214 ****
  /* Let's collect some prototypes */
  /* CodeWarrior is really picky about missing prototypes */
! static void exit_with_usage __P((char *));
! static int huntype __P((FILE *, FILE *, FILE *, char *, int, int, long));
  static void xxdline __P((FILE *, char *, int));
  #define TRY_SEEK	/* attempt to use lseek, or skip forward by reading */
--- 209,216 ----
  /* Let's collect some prototypes */
  /* CodeWarrior is really picky about missing prototypes */
! static void exit_with_usage __P((void));
! static int huntype __P((FILE *, FILE *, FILE *, int, int, long));
  static void xxdline __P((FILE *, char *, int));
  #define TRY_SEEK	/* attempt to use lseek, or skip forward by reading */
*** 223,231 ****
  #define HEX_CINCLUDE 2
  #define HEX_BITS 3		/* not hex a dump, but bits: 01111001 */
! static void
! exit_with_usage(pname)
! char *pname;
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n       %s [options] [infile [outfile]]\n", pname);
    fprintf(stderr, "    or\n       %s -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]]\n", pname);
--- 225,234 ----
  #define HEX_CINCLUDE 2
  #define HEX_BITS 3		/* not hex a dump, but bits: 01111001 */
! static char *pname;
!   static void
! exit_with_usage()
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n       %s [options] [infile [outfile]]\n", pname);
    fprintf(stderr, "    or\n       %s -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]]\n", pname);
*** 252,257 ****
--- 255,269 ----
+   static void
+ die(ret)
+   int ret;
+ {
+   fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", pname);
+   perror(NULL);
+   exit(ret);
+ }
   * Max. cols binary characters are decoded from the input stream per line.
   * Two adjacent garbage characters after evaluated data delimit valid data.
*** 259,270 ****
   * The name is historic and came from 'undo type opt h'.
! static int
! huntype(fpi, fpo, fperr, pname, cols, hextype, base_off)
! FILE *fpi, *fpo, *fperr;
! char *pname;
! int cols, hextype;
! long base_off;
    int c, ign_garb = 1, n1 = -1, n2 = 0, n3, p = cols;
    long have_off = 0, want_off = 0;
--- 271,281 ----
   * The name is historic and came from 'undo type opt h'.
!   static int
! huntype(fpi, fpo, fperr, cols, hextype, base_off)
!   FILE *fpi, *fpo, *fperr;
!   int cols, hextype;
!   long base_off;
    int c, ign_garb = 1, n1 = -1, n2 = 0, n3, p = cols;
    long have_off = 0, want_off = 0;
*** 318,324 ****
        if (base_off + want_off != have_off)
! 	  fflush(fpo);
  #ifdef TRY_SEEK
  	  c = fseek(fpo, base_off + want_off - have_off, 1);
  	  if (c >= 0)
--- 329,336 ----
        if (base_off + want_off != have_off)
! 	  if (fflush(fpo) != 0)
! 	    die(3);
  #ifdef TRY_SEEK
  	  c = fseek(fpo, base_off + want_off - have_off, 1);
  	  if (c >= 0)
*** 330,341 ****
  	      return 5;
  	  for (; have_off < base_off + want_off; have_off++)
! 	    putc(0, fpo);
        if (n2 >= 0 && n1 >= 0)
! 	  putc((n2 << 4) | n1, fpo);
  	  n1 = -1;
--- 342,355 ----
  	      return 5;
  	  for (; have_off < base_off + want_off; have_off++)
! 	    if (putc(0, fpo) == EOF)
! 	      die(3);
        if (n2 >= 0 && n1 >= 0)
! 	  if (putc((n2 << 4) | n1, fpo) == EOF)
! 	    die(3);
  	  n1 = -1;
*** 345,350 ****
--- 359,366 ----
  	      want_off = 0;
  	      while ((c = getc(fpi)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
+ 	      if (c == EOF && ferror(fpi))
+ 		die(2);
  	      ign_garb = 1;
*** 355,369 ****
  	    want_off = 0;
  	  while ((c = getc(fpi)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
  	  ign_garb = 1;
!   fflush(fpo);
  #ifdef TRY_SEEK
    fseek(fpo, 0L, 2);
!   fclose(fpo);
!   fclose(fpi);
    return 0;
--- 371,390 ----
  	    want_off = 0;
  	  while ((c = getc(fpi)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
+ 	  if (c == EOF && ferror(fpi))
+ 	    die(2);
  	  ign_garb = 1;
!   if (fflush(fpo) != 0)
!     die(3);
  #ifdef TRY_SEEK
    fseek(fpo, 0L, 2);
!   if (fclose(fpo) != 0)
!     die(3);
!   if (fclose(fpi) != 0)
!     die(2);
    return 0;
*** 379,389 ****
   * If nz is always positive, lines are never suppressed.
! static void
  xxdline(fp, l, nz)
! FILE *fp;
! char *l;
! int nz;
    static char z[LLEN+1];
    static int zero_seen = 0;
--- 400,410 ----
   * If nz is always positive, lines are never suppressed.
!   static void
  xxdline(fp, l, nz)
!   FILE *fp;
!   char *l;
!   int nz;
    static char z[LLEN+1];
    static int zero_seen = 0;
*** 398,409 ****
  	  if (nz < 0)
  	  if (zero_seen == 2)
! 	    fputs(z, fp);
  	  if (zero_seen > 2)
! 	    fputs("*\n", fp);
        if (nz >= 0 || zero_seen > 0)
! 	fputs(l, fp);
        if (nz)
  	zero_seen = 0;
--- 419,433 ----
  	  if (nz < 0)
  	  if (zero_seen == 2)
! 	    if (fputs(z, fp) == EOF)
! 	      die(3);
  	  if (zero_seen > 2)
! 	    if (fputs("*\n", fp) == EOF)
! 	      die(3);
        if (nz >= 0 || zero_seen > 0)
! 	if (fputs(l, fp) == EOF)
! 	  die(3);
        if (nz)
  	zero_seen = 0;
*** 439,448 ****
! int
  main(argc, argv)
! int argc;
! char *argv[];
    FILE *fp, *fpo;
    int c, e, p = 0, relseek = 1, negseek = 0, revert = 0;
--- 463,472 ----
!   int
  main(argc, argv)
!   int argc;
!   char *argv[];
    FILE *fp, *fpo;
    int c, e, p = 0, relseek = 1, negseek = 0, revert = 0;
*** 452,458 ****
    int grplen;		/* total chars per octet group */
    long length = -1, n = 0, seekoff = 0;
    char l[LLEN+1];
!   char *pname, *pp;
  #ifdef AMIGA
    /* This program doesn't work when started from the Workbench */
--- 476,482 ----
    int grplen;		/* total chars per octet group */
    long length = -1, n = 0, seekoff = 0;
    char l[LLEN+1];
!   char *pp;
  #ifdef AMIGA
    /* This program doesn't work when started from the Workbench */
*** 495,501 ****
  	      if (!argv[2])
! 		exit_with_usage(pname);
  	      cols = (int)strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0);
--- 519,525 ----
  	      if (!argv[2])
! 		exit_with_usage();
  	      cols = (int)strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0);
*** 508,514 ****
  	      if (!argv[2])
! 		exit_with_usage(pname);
  	      octspergrp = (int)strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0);
--- 532,538 ----
  	      if (!argv[2])
! 		exit_with_usage();
  	      octspergrp = (int)strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0);
*** 531,537 ****
  	      if (!argv[2])
! 		exit_with_usage(pname);
  #ifdef TRY_SEEK
  	      if (argv[2][0] == '+')
--- 555,561 ----
  	      if (!argv[2])
! 		exit_with_usage();
  #ifdef TRY_SEEK
  	      if (argv[2][0] == '+')
*** 550,556 ****
  	      if (!argv[2])
! 		exit_with_usage(pname);
  	      length = strtol(argv[2], (char **)NULL, 0);
--- 574,580 ----
  	      if (!argv[2])
! 		exit_with_usage();
  	      length = strtol(argv[2], (char **)NULL, 0);
*** 563,569 ****
        else if (pp[0] == '-' && pp[1])	/* unknown option */
! 	exit_with_usage(pname);
  	break;				/* not an option */
--- 587,593 ----
        else if (pp[0] == '-' && pp[1])	/* unknown option */
! 	exit_with_usage();
  	break;				/* not an option */
*** 602,608 ****
      octspergrp = cols;
    if (argc > 3)
!     exit_with_usage(pname);
    if (argc == 1 || (argv[1][0] == '-' && !argv[1][1]))
      BIN_ASSIGN(fp = stdin, !revert);
--- 626,632 ----
      octspergrp = cols;
    if (argc > 3)
!     exit_with_usage();
    if (argc == 1 || (argv[1][0] == '-' && !argv[1][1]))
      BIN_ASSIGN(fp = stdin, !revert);
*** 640,646 ****
  	  fprintf(stderr, "%s: sorry, cannot revert this type of hexdump\n", pname);
  	  return -1;
!       return huntype(fp, fpo, stderr, pname, cols, hextype,
  		negseek ? -seekoff : seekoff);
--- 664,670 ----
  	  fprintf(stderr, "%s: sorry, cannot revert this type of hexdump\n", pname);
  	  return -1;
!       return huntype(fp, fpo, stderr, cols, hextype,
  		negseek ? -seekoff : seekoff);
*** 664,670 ****
  	  long s = seekoff;
  	  while (s--)
! 	    (void)getc(fp);
--- 688,703 ----
  	  long s = seekoff;
  	  while (s--)
! 	    if (getc(fp) == EOF)
! 	      if (ferror(fp))
! 		{
! 		  die(2);
! 		}
! 	      else
! 		{
! 		  fprintf(stderr, "%s: sorry cannot seek.\n", pname);
! 		  return 4;
! 		}
*** 672,725 ****
        if (fp != stdin)
! 	  fprintf(fpo, "unsigned char %s", isdigit((int)argv[1][0]) ? "__" : "");
  	  for (e = 0; (c = argv[1][e]) != 0; e++)
! 	    putc(isalnum(c) ? c : '_', fpo);
! 	  fputs("[] = {\n", fpo);
        p = 0;
        while ((length < 0 || p < length) && (c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
! 	  fprintf(fpo, (hexx == hexxa) ? "%s0x%02x" : "%s0X%02X",
! 	    (p % cols) ? ", " : ",\n  "+2*!p,  c);
        if (p)
! 	fputs("\n};\n"+3*(fp == stdin), fpo);
        if (fp != stdin)
! 	  fprintf(fpo, "unsigned int %s", isdigit((int)argv[1][0]) ? "__" : "");
  	  for (e = 0; (c = argv[1][e]) != 0; e++)
! 	    putc(isalnum(c) ? c : '_', fpo);
! 	  fprintf(fpo, "_len = %d;\n", p);
!       fclose(fp);
!       fclose(fpo);
        return 0;
    if (hextype == HEX_POSTSCRIPT)
        p = cols;
        while ((length < 0 || n < length) && (e = getc(fp)) != EOF)
! 	  putchar(hexx[(e >> 4) & 0xf]);
! 	  putchar(hexx[(e     ) & 0xf]);
  	  if (!--p)
! 	      putchar('\n');
  	      p = cols;
        if (p < cols)
! 	putchar('\n');
!       fclose(fp);
!       fclose(fpo);
        return 0;
--- 705,779 ----
        if (fp != stdin)
! 	  if (fprintf(fpo, "unsigned char %s", isdigit((int)argv[1][0]) ? "__" : "") < 0)
! 	    die(3);
  	  for (e = 0; (c = argv[1][e]) != 0; e++)
! 	    if (putc(isalnum(c) ? c : '_', fpo) == EOF)
! 	      die(3);
! 	  if (fputs("[] = {\n", fpo) == EOF)
! 	    die(3);
        p = 0;
+       c = 0;
        while ((length < 0 || p < length) && (c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
! 	  if (fprintf(fpo, (hexx == hexxa) ? "%s0x%02x" : "%s0X%02X",
! 		(p % cols) ? ", " : ",\n  "+2*!p,  c) < 0)
! 	    die(3);
+       if (c == EOF && ferror(fp))
+ 	die(2);
        if (p)
! 	if (fputs("\n};\n" + 3 * (fp == stdin), fpo) == EOF)
! 	  die(3);
        if (fp != stdin)
! 	  if (fprintf(fpo, "unsigned int %s", isdigit((int)argv[1][0]) ? "__" : "") < 0)
! 	    die(3);
  	  for (e = 0; (c = argv[1][e]) != 0; e++)
! 	    if (putc(isalnum(c) ? c : '_', fpo) == EOF)
! 	      die(3);
! 	  if (fprintf(fpo, "_len = %d;\n", p) < 0)
! 	    die(3);
!       if (fclose(fp))
! 	die(2);
!       if (fclose(fpo))
! 	die(3);
        return 0;
    if (hextype == HEX_POSTSCRIPT)
        p = cols;
+       e = 0;
        while ((length < 0 || n < length) && (e = getc(fp)) != EOF)
! 	  if (putc(hexx[(e >> 4) & 0xf], fpo) == EOF
! 		  || putc(hexx[e & 0xf], fpo) == EOF)
! 	    die(3);
  	  if (!--p)
! 	      if (putc('\n', fpo) == EOF)
! 		die(3);
  	      p = cols;
+       if (e == EOF && ferror(fp))
+ 	die(2);
        if (p < cols)
! 	if (putc('\n', fpo) == EOF)
! 	  die(3);
!       if (fclose(fp))
! 	die(2);
!       if (fclose(fpo))
! 	die(3);
        return 0;
*** 730,735 ****
--- 784,790 ----
    else	/* hextype == HEX_BITS */
      grplen = 8 * octspergrp + 1;
+   e = 0;
    while ((length < 0 || n < length) && (e = getc(fp)) != EOF)
        if (p == 0)
*** 771,776 ****
--- 826,833 ----
  	  p = 0;
+   if (e == EOF && ferror(fp))
+     die(2);
    if (p)
        l[c = (11 + (grplen * cols - 1)/octspergrp + p)] = '\n'; l[++c] = '\0';
*** 779,785 ****
    else if (autoskip)
      xxdline(fpo, l, -1);	/* last chance to flush out suppressed lines */
!   fclose(fp);
!   fclose(fpo);
    return 0;
--- 836,846 ----
    else if (autoskip)
      xxdline(fpo, l, -1);	/* last chance to flush out suppressed lines */
!   if (fclose(fp))
!     die(2);
!   if (fclose(fpo))
!     die(3);
    return 0;
+ /* vi:set ts=8 sw=4 sts=2 cino+={2 cino+=n-2 : */
*** ../vim-7.3.151/src/version.c	2011-04-01 16:28:33.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2011-04-01 19:00:26.000000000 +0200
*** 716,717 ****
--- 716,719 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     152,

Eye have a spelling checker, it came with my PC;
It plainly marks four my revue mistakes I cannot sea.
I've run this poem threw it, I'm sure your please to no,
It's letter perfect in it's weigh, my checker tolled me sew!

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///