Subject: Patch 7.3.052
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Patch 7.3.052
Problem:    When 'completefunc' opens a new window all kinds of errors follow.
	    (Xavier Deguillard)
Solution:   When 'completefunc' goes to another window or buffer and when it
	    deletes text abort completion.  Add a test for 'completefunc'.
Files:	    src/edit.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
	    src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
	    src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
	    src/testdir/, src/testdir/test76.ok

*** ../vim-7.3.051/src/edit.c	2010-08-15 21:57:25.000000000 +0200
--- src/edit.c	2010-11-10 16:50:12.000000000 +0100
*** 58,63 ****
--- 58,67 ----
  static char e_hitend[] = N_("Hit end of paragraph");
+ static char e_complwin[] = N_("E839: Completion function changed window");
+ static char e_compldel[] = N_("E840: Completion function deleted text");
+ #endif
   * Structure used to store one match for insert completion.
*** 3833,3838 ****
--- 3837,3844 ----
      char_u	*args[2];
      char_u	*funcname;
      pos_T	pos;
+     win_T	*curwin_save;
+     buf_T	*curbuf_save;
      funcname = (type == CTRL_X_FUNCTION) ? curbuf->b_p_cfu : curbuf->b_p_ofu;
      if (*funcname == NUL)
*** 3843,3855 ****
      args[1] = base;
      pos = curwin->w_cursor;
      matchlist = call_func_retlist(funcname, 2, args, FALSE);
      curwin->w_cursor = pos;	/* restore the cursor position */
!     if (matchlist == NULL)
! 	return;
!     ins_compl_add_list(matchlist);
!     list_unref(matchlist);
  #endif /* FEAT_COMPL_FUNC */
--- 3849,3875 ----
      args[1] = base;
      pos = curwin->w_cursor;
+     curwin_save = curwin;
+     curbuf_save = curbuf;
      matchlist = call_func_retlist(funcname, 2, args, FALSE);
+     if (curwin_save != curwin || curbuf_save != curbuf)
+     {
+ 	EMSG(_(e_complwin));
+ 	goto theend;
+     }
      curwin->w_cursor = pos;	/* restore the cursor position */
!     check_cursor();
!     if (!equalpos(curwin->w_cursor, pos))
!     {
! 	EMSG(_(e_compldel));
! 	goto theend;
!     }
!     if (matchlist != NULL)
! 	ins_compl_add_list(matchlist);
! theend:
!     if (matchlist != NULL)
! 	list_unref(matchlist);
  #endif /* FEAT_COMPL_FUNC */
*** 4994,4999 ****
--- 5014,5021 ----
  	    int		col;
  	    char_u	*funcname;
  	    pos_T	pos;
+ 	    win_T	*curwin_save;
+ 	    buf_T	*curbuf_save;
  	    /* Call 'completefunc' or 'omnifunc' and get pattern length as a
  	     * string */
*** 5009,5016 ****
--- 5031,5051 ----
  	    args[0] = (char_u *)"1";
  	    args[1] = NULL;
  	    pos = curwin->w_cursor;
+ 	    curwin_save = curwin;
+ 	    curbuf_save = curbuf;
  	    col = call_func_retnr(funcname, 2, args, FALSE);
+ 	    if (curwin_save != curwin || curbuf_save != curbuf)
+ 	    {
+ 		EMSG(_(e_complwin));
+ 		return FAIL;
+ 	    }
  	    curwin->w_cursor = pos;	/* restore the cursor position */
+ 	    check_cursor();
+ 	    if (!equalpos(curwin->w_cursor, pos))
+ 	    {
+ 		EMSG(_(e_compldel));
+ 		return FAIL;
+ 	    }
  	    if (col < 0)
  		col = curs_col;
*** ../vim-7.3.051/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak	2010-10-27 18:36:32.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak	2010-11-10 15:48:30.000000000 +0100
*** 27,33 ****
  		test56.out test57.out test58.out test59.out test60.out \
  		test61.out test62.out test63.out test64.out test65.out \
  		test66.out test67.out test68.out test69.out test70.out \
! 		test71.out test72.out test73.out test74.out test75.out
  .SUFFIXES: .in .out
--- 27,34 ----
  		test56.out test57.out test58.out test59.out test60.out \
  		test61.out test62.out test63.out test64.out test65.out \
  		test66.out test67.out test68.out test69.out test70.out \
! 		test71.out test72.out test73.out test74.out test75.out \
! 		test76.out
  .SUFFIXES: .in .out
*** 122,124 ****
--- 123,126 ----
+ test76.out:
*** ../vim-7.3.051/src/testdir/Make_dos.mak	2010-10-27 18:36:32.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/Make_dos.mak	2010-11-10 15:48:38.000000000 +0100
*** 28,34 ****
  		test37.out test38.out test39.out test40.out test41.out \
  		test42.out test52.out test65.out test66.out test67.out \
  		test68.out test69.out test71.out test72.out test73.out \
! 		test74.out test75.out
  SCRIPTS32 =	test50.out test70.out
--- 28,34 ----
  		test37.out test38.out test39.out test40.out test41.out \
  		test42.out test52.out test65.out test66.out test67.out \
  		test68.out test69.out test71.out test72.out test73.out \
! 		test74.out test75.out test76.out
  SCRIPTS32 =	test50.out test70.out
*** ../vim-7.3.051/src/testdir/Make_ming.mak	2010-10-27 18:36:32.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/Make_ming.mak	2010-11-10 15:48:53.000000000 +0100
*** 48,54 ****
  		test37.out test38.out test39.out test40.out test41.out \
  		test42.out test52.out test65.out test66.out test67.out \
  		test68.out test69.out test71.out test72.out test73.out \
! 		test74.out test75.out
  SCRIPTS32 =	test50.out test70.out
--- 48,54 ----
  		test37.out test38.out test39.out test40.out test41.out \
  		test42.out test52.out test65.out test66.out test67.out \
  		test68.out test69.out test71.out test72.out test73.out \
! 		test74.out test75.out test76.out
  SCRIPTS32 =	test50.out test70.out
*** ../vim-7.3.051/src/testdir/Make_os2.mak	2010-10-27 18:36:32.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/Make_os2.mak	2010-11-10 15:49:10.000000000 +0100
*** 27,33 ****
  		test56.out test57.out test58.out test59.out test60.out \
  		test61.out test62.out test63.out test64.out test65.out \
  		test66.out test67.out test68.out test69.out test70.out \
! 		test71.out test72.out test73.out test74.out test75.out
  .SUFFIXES: .in .out
--- 27,34 ----
  		test56.out test57.out test58.out test59.out test60.out \
  		test61.out test62.out test63.out test64.out test65.out \
  		test66.out test67.out test68.out test69.out test70.out \
! 		test71.out test72.out test73.out test74.out test75.out \
! 		test76.out
  .SUFFIXES: .in .out
*** ../vim-7.3.051/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms	2010-10-27 18:36:32.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/Make_vms.mms	2010-11-10 15:49:32.000000000 +0100
*** 4,10 ****
  # Authors:	Zoltan Arpadffy, <>
  #		Sandor Kopanyi,  <>
! # Last change:  2010 Oct 20
  # This has been tested on VMS 6.2 to 8.3 on DEC Alpha, VAX and IA64.
  # Edit the lines in the Configuration section below to select.
--- 4,10 ----
  # Authors:	Zoltan Arpadffy, <>
  #		Sandor Kopanyi,  <>
! # Last change:  2010 Nov 10
  # This has been tested on VMS 6.2 to 8.3 on DEC Alpha, VAX and IA64.
  # Edit the lines in the Configuration section below to select.
*** 74,80 ****
  	 test56.out test57.out test60.out \
  	 test61.out test62.out test63.out test64.out test65.out \
  	 test66.out test67.out test68.out test69.out \
! 	 test71.out test72.out test74.out test75.out
  # Known problems:
  # Test 30: a problem around mac format - unknown reason
--- 74,80 ----
  	 test56.out test57.out test60.out \
  	 test61.out test62.out test63.out test64.out test65.out \
  	 test66.out test67.out test68.out test69.out \
! 	 test71.out test72.out test74.out test75.out test76.out
  # Known problems:
  # Test 30: a problem around mac format - unknown reason
*** ../vim-7.3.051/src/testdir/Makefile	2010-10-27 18:36:32.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/Makefile	2010-11-10 15:47:32.000000000 +0100
*** 25,31 ****
  		test59.out test60.out test61.out test62.out test63.out \
  		test64.out test65.out test66.out test67.out test68.out \
  		test69.out test70.out test71.out test72.out test73.out \
! 		test74.out test75.out
  SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
--- 25,31 ----
  		test59.out test60.out test61.out test62.out test63.out \
  		test64.out test65.out test66.out test67.out test68.out \
  		test69.out test70.out test71.out test72.out test73.out \
! 		test74.out test75.out test76.out
  SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
*** ../vim-7.3.051/src/testdir/	2010-11-10 16:51:45.000000000 +0100
--- src/testdir/	2010-11-10 16:38:45.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,46 ----
+ Tests for completefunc/omnifunc. vim: set ft=vim :
+ :"Test that nothing happens if the 'completefunc' opens
+ :"a new window (no completion, no crash)
+ :so small.vim
+ :function! DummyCompleteOne(findstart, base)
+ :  if a:findstart
+ :    return 0
+ :  else
+ :    wincmd n
+ :    return ['onedef', 'oneDEF']
+ :  endif
+ :endfunction
+ :setlocal completefunc=DummyCompleteOne
+ /^one
+ A:q!
+ :function! DummyCompleteTwo(findstart, base)
+ :  if a:findstart
+ :    wincmd n
+ :    return 0
+ :  else
+ :    return ['twodef', 'twoDEF']
+ :  endif
+ :endfunction
+ :setlocal completefunc=DummyCompleteTwo
+ /^two
+ A:q!
+ :"Test that 'completefunc' works when it's OK.
+ :function! DummyCompleteThree(findstart, base)
+ :  if a:findstart
+ :    return 0
+ :  else
+ :    return ['threedef', 'threeDEF']
+ :  endif
+ :endfunction
+ :setlocal completefunc=DummyCompleteThree
+ /^three
+ A:/^+++/,/^three/w! test.out
+ :qa!
+ +++
+ one
+ two
+ three
*** ../vim-7.3.051/src/testdir/test76.ok	2010-11-10 16:51:45.000000000 +0100
--- src/testdir/test76.ok	2010-11-10 16:38:58.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,4 ----
+ +++
+ two
+ threeDEF
*** ../vim-7.3.051/src/version.c	2010-11-10 15:37:00.000000000 +0100
--- src/version.c	2010-11-10 16:40:29.000000000 +0100
*** 716,717 ****
--- 716,719 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     52,

BRIDGEKEEPER: What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
ARTHUR:       What do you mean?  An African or European swallow?
BRIDGEKEEPER: Er ...  I don't know that ... Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh!
   BRIDGEKEEPER is cast into the gorge.
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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