Subject: Patch 7.4.833
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Patch 7.4.833
Problem:    More side effects of ":set all&" are missing. (Björn Linse)
Solution:   Call didset_options() and add didset_options2() to collect more
            side effects to take care of.  Still not everything...
Files:      src/option.c

*** ../vim-7.4.832/src/option.c	2015-08-25 12:56:22.618312165 +0200
--- src/option.c	2015-08-25 15:29:31.402326593 +0200
*** 3079,3084 ****
--- 3079,3085 ----
  static char_u *option_expand __ARGS((int opt_idx, char_u *val));
  static void didset_options __ARGS((void));
+ static void didset_options2 __ARGS((void));
  static void check_string_option __ARGS((char_u **pp));
  #if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
  static long_u *insecure_flag __ARGS((int opt_idx, int opt_flags));
*** 3096,3101 ****
--- 3097,3103 ----
  static char_u *check_clipboard_option __ARGS((void));
  #ifdef FEAT_SPELL
+ static char_u *did_set_spell_option __ARGS((int is_spellfile));
  static char_u *compile_cap_prog __ARGS((synblock_T *synblock));
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
*** 3376,3392 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_SPELL
!     /* Use the current chartab for the generic chartab. */
-     /*
-      * initialize the table for 'breakat'.
-      */
-     fill_breakat_flags();
- #endif
       * Expand environment variables and things like "~" for the defaults.
       * If option_expand() returns non-NULL the variable is expanded.  This can
--- 3378,3388 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_SPELL
!     /* Use the current chartab for the generic chartab. This is not in
!      * didset_options() because it only depends on 'encoding'. */
       * Expand environment variables and things like "~" for the defaults.
       * If option_expand() returns non-NULL the variable is expanded.  This can
*** 3418,3431 ****
-     /* Initialize the highlight_attr[] table. */
-     highlight_changed();
      save_file_ff(curbuf);	/* Buffer is unchanged */
-     /* Parse default for 'wildmode'  */
-     check_opt_wim();
  #if defined(FEAT_ARABIC)
      /* Detect use of mlterm.
       * Mlterm is a terminal emulator akin to xterm that has some special
--- 3414,3421 ----
*** 3437,3451 ****
  	set_option_value((char_u *)"tbidi", 1L, NULL, 0);
! #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(FEAT_FOLDING)
!     /* Parse default for 'fillchars'. */
!     (void)set_chars_option(&p_fcs);
! #endif
!     /* Parse default for 'clipboard' */
!     (void)check_clipboard_option();
! #endif
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
  # if defined(WIN3264) && defined(FEAT_GETTEXT)
--- 3427,3433 ----
  	set_option_value((char_u *)"tbidi", 1L, NULL, 0);
!     didset_options2();
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
  # if defined(WIN3264) && defined(FEAT_GETTEXT)
*** 3670,3676 ****
      for (i = 0; !istermoption(&options[i]); i++)
  	if (!(options[i].flags & P_NODEFAULT)
! 		&& (opt_flags == 0 || options[i].var != (char_u *)&p_enc))
  	    set_option_default(i, opt_flags, p_cp);
--- 3652,3661 ----
      for (i = 0; !istermoption(&options[i]); i++)
  	if (!(options[i].flags & P_NODEFAULT)
! 		&& (opt_flags == 0
! 		    || (options[i].var != (char_u *)&p_enc
! 			&& options[i].var != (char_u *)&p_cm
! 			&& options[i].var != (char_u *)&p_key)))
  	    set_option_default(i, opt_flags, p_cp);
*** 4206,4211 ****
--- 4191,4198 ----
  		/* Only for :set command set global value of local options. */
  		set_options_default(OPT_FREE | opt_flags);
+ 		didset_options();
+ 		didset_options2();
*** 5348,5353 ****
--- 5335,5341 ----
+     (void)did_set_spell_option(TRUE);
  #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)
      (void)opt_strings_flags(p_toolbar, p_toolbar_values, &toolbar_flags, TRUE);
*** 5362,5367 ****
--- 5350,5384 ----
+     /* initialize the table for 'breakat'. */
+     fill_breakat_flags();
+ #endif
+ }
+ /*
+  * More side effects of setting options.
+  */
+     static void
+ didset_options2()
+ {
+     /* Initialize the highlight_attr[] table. */
+     (void)highlight_changed();
+     /* Parse default for 'wildmode'  */
+     check_opt_wim();
+     (void)set_chars_option(&p_lcs);
+ #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(FEAT_FOLDING)
+     /* Parse default for 'fillchars'. */
+     (void)set_chars_option(&p_fcs);
+ #endif
+     /* Parse default for 'clipboard' */
+     (void)check_clipboard_option();
+ #endif
*** 6794,6821 ****
      else if (varp == &(curwin->w_s->b_p_spl)
  	    || varp == &(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf))
! 	win_T	    *wp;
! 	int	    l;
! 	if (varp == &(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf))
! 	{
! 	    l = (int)STRLEN(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf);
! 	    if (l > 0 && (l < 4 || STRCMP(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf + l - 4,
! 								".add") != 0))
! 		errmsg = e_invarg;
! 	}
! 	if (errmsg == NULL)
! 	{
! 	    FOR_ALL_WINDOWS(wp)
! 		if (wp->w_buffer == curbuf && wp->w_p_spell)
! 		{
! 		    errmsg = did_set_spelllang(wp);
! # ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS
! 		    break;
! # endif
! 		}
! 	}
      /* When 'spellcapcheck' is set compile the regexp program. */
      else if (varp == &(curwin->w_s->b_p_spc))
--- 6811,6817 ----
      else if (varp == &(curwin->w_s->b_p_spl)
  	    || varp == &(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf))
! 	errmsg = did_set_spell_option(varp == &(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf));
      /* When 'spellcapcheck' is set compile the regexp program. */
      else if (varp == &(curwin->w_s->b_p_spc))
*** 7687,7692 ****
--- 7683,7718 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_SPELL
+     static char_u *
+ did_set_spell_option(is_spellfile)
+     int		is_spellfile;
+ {
+     char_u  *errmsg = NULL;
+     win_T   *wp;
+     int	    l;
+     if (is_spellfile)
+     {
+ 	l = (int)STRLEN(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf);
+ 	if (l > 0 && (l < 4
+ 			|| STRCMP(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf + l - 4, ".add") != 0))
+ 	    errmsg = e_invarg;
+     }
+     if (errmsg == NULL)
+     {
+ 	    if (wp->w_buffer == curbuf && wp->w_p_spell)
+ 	    {
+ 		errmsg = did_set_spelllang(wp);
+ # ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS
+ 		break;
+ # endif
+ 	    }
+     }
+     return errmsg;
+ }
   * Set curbuf->b_cap_prog to the regexp program for 'spellcapcheck'.
   * Return error message when failed, NULL when OK.
*** 11741,11746 ****
--- 11767,11773 ----
  	    if (!(options[opt_idx].flags & (P_WAS_SET|P_VI_DEF)))
  		set_option_default(opt_idx, OPT_FREE, FALSE);
+ 	didset_options2();
      if (fname != NULL)
*** 11829,11834 ****
--- 11856,11862 ----
  		|| (!(options[opt_idx].flags & P_VI_DEF) && !p_cp))
  	    set_option_default(opt_idx, OPT_FREE, p_cp);
+     didset_options2();
*** ../vim-7.4.832/src/version.c	2015-08-25 14:21:14.013470670 +0200
--- src/version.c	2015-08-25 14:47:04.281087542 +0200
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     833,

You can be stopped by the police for biking over 65 miles per hour.
You are not allowed to walk across a street on your hands.
		[real standing laws in Connecticut, United States of America]

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///