Subject: Patch 7.1.288
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.1.288 (after 7.1.281)
Problem:    Cscope still leaves behind temp files when using gvim.
Solution:   When getting the ECHILD error loop for a while until cscope exits.
	    (Dominique Pelle)
Files:	    if_cscope.c

*** ../vim-7.1.287/src/if_cscope.c	Sun Mar 16 16:02:47 2008
--- src/if_cscope.c	Tue Mar 25 21:34:23 2008
*** 2130,2135 ****
--- 2130,2136 ----
  #if defined(UNIX)
+ 	int waitpid_errno;
  	int pstat;
  	pid_t pid;
*** 2145,2150 ****
--- 2146,2152 ----
  	/* Block until cscope exits or until timer expires */
  	pid = waitpid(csinfo[i].pid, &pstat, 0);
+ 	waitpid_errno = errno;
  	/* cancel pending alarm if still there and restore signal */
*** 2158,2163 ****
--- 2160,2166 ----
  	for (waited = 0; waited < 40; ++waited)
  	    pid = waitpid(csinfo[i].pid, &pstat, WNOHANG);
+ 	    waitpid_errno = errno;
  	    if (pid != 0)
  		break;  /* break unless the process is still running */
  	    mch_delay(50, FALSE); /* sleep 50 ms */
*** 2170,2177 ****
  	if (pid < 0 && csinfo[i].pid > 1)
! 	    kill(csinfo[i].pid, SIGKILL);
! 	    (void)waitpid(csinfo[i].pid, &pstat, 0);
  #else  /* !UNIX */
--- 2173,2212 ----
  	if (pid < 0 && csinfo[i].pid > 1)
! # ifdef ECHILD
! 	    int alive = TRUE;
! 	    if (waitpid_errno == ECHILD)
! 	    {
! 		/*
! 		 * When using 'vim -g', vim is forked and cscope process is
! 		 * no longer a child process but a sibling.  So waitpid()
! 		 * fails with errno being ECHILD (No child processes).
! 		 * Don't send SIGKILL to cscope immediately but wait
! 		 * (polling) for it to exit normally as result of sending
! 		 * the "q" command, hence giving it a chance to clean up
! 		 * its temporary files.
! 		 */
! 		int waited;
! 		sleep(0);
! 		for (waited = 0; waited < 40; ++waited)
! 		{
! 		    /* Check whether cscope process is still alive */
! 		    if (kill(csinfo[i].pid, 0) != 0)
! 		    {
! 			alive = FALSE; /* cscope process no longer exists */
! 			break;
! 		    }
! 		    mch_delay(50, FALSE); /* sleep 50ms */
! 		}
! 	    }
! 	    if (alive)
! # endif
! 	    {
! 		kill(csinfo[i].pid, SIGKILL);
! 		(void)waitpid(csinfo[i].pid, &pstat, 0);
! 	    }
  #else  /* !UNIX */
*** ../vim-7.1.287/src/version.c	Tue Apr  1 13:10:45 2008
--- src/version.c	Tue Apr  1 14:28:42 2008
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     288,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
204. You're being audited because you mailed your tax return to the IRC.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///