To: Subject: Patch 7.2.180 Fcc: outbox From: Bram Moolenaar <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ------------ Patch 7.2.180 Problem: Some more compiler warnings when using gcc -Wextra. Solution: Add UNUSED and type casts. Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/macros.h, src/main.c, src/menu.c, src/message.c, src/misc1.c, src/mbyte.c, src/normal.c, src/option.c, src/os_unix.c, src/quickfix.c, src/screen.c, src/search.c, src/spell.c, src/syntax.c, src/tag.c, src/term.c, src/ui.c *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/buffer.c 2009-05-14 22:19:19.000000000 +0200 --- src/buffer.c 2009-05-16 22:21:41.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 2025,2037 **** * Return fnum of the found buffer. * Return < 0 for error. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ int buflist_findpat(pattern, pattern_end, unlisted, diffmode) char_u *pattern; char_u *pattern_end; /* pointer to first char after pattern */ int unlisted; /* find unlisted buffers */ ! int diffmode; /* find diff-mode buffers only */ { buf_T *buf; regprog_T *prog; --- 2025,2036 ---- * Return fnum of the found buffer. * Return < 0 for error. */ int buflist_findpat(pattern, pattern_end, unlisted, diffmode) char_u *pattern; char_u *pattern_end; /* pointer to first char after pattern */ int unlisted; /* find unlisted buffers */ ! int diffmode UNUSED; /* find diff-mode buffers only */ { buf_T *buf; regprog_T *prog; *************** *** 2539,2545 **** /* * List all know file names (for :files and :buffers command). */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void buflist_list(eap) exarg_T *eap; --- 2538,2543 ---- *************** *** 3346,3359 **** * If maxwidth is not zero, the string will be filled at any middle marker * or truncated if too long, fillchar is used for all whitespace. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ int build_stl_str_hl(wp, out, outlen, fmt, use_sandbox, fillchar, maxwidth, hltab, tabtab) win_T *wp; char_u *out; /* buffer to write into != NameBuff */ size_t outlen; /* length of out[] */ char_u *fmt; ! int use_sandbox; /* "fmt" was set insecurely, use sandbox */ int fillchar; int maxwidth; struct stl_hlrec *hltab; /* return: HL attributes (can be NULL) */ --- 3344,3356 ---- * If maxwidth is not zero, the string will be filled at any middle marker * or truncated if too long, fillchar is used for all whitespace. */ int build_stl_str_hl(wp, out, outlen, fmt, use_sandbox, fillchar, maxwidth, hltab, tabtab) win_T *wp; char_u *out; /* buffer to write into != NameBuff */ size_t outlen; /* length of out[] */ char_u *fmt; ! int use_sandbox UNUSED; /* "fmt" was set insecurely, use sandbox */ int fillchar; int maxwidth; struct stl_hlrec *hltab; /* return: HL attributes (can be NULL) */ *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/ex_cmds.c 2009-05-16 16:36:25.000000000 +0200 --- src/ex_cmds.c 2009-05-16 22:22:46.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 2255,2266 **** * * Return the string in allocated memory (NULL when out of memory). */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ char_u * viminfo_readstring(virp, off, convert) vir_T *virp; int off; /* offset for virp->vir_line */ ! int convert; /* convert the string */ { char_u *retval; char_u *s, *d; --- 2255,2265 ---- * * Return the string in allocated memory (NULL when out of memory). */ char_u * viminfo_readstring(virp, off, convert) vir_T *virp; int off; /* offset for virp->vir_line */ ! int convert UNUSED; /* convert the string */ { char_u *retval; char_u *s, *d; *************** *** 2736,2742 **** * May set eap->forceit if a dialog says it's OK to overwrite. * Return OK if it's OK, FAIL if it is not. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static int check_overwrite(eap, buf, fname, ffname, other) exarg_T *eap; --- 2735,2740 ---- *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/macros.h 2009-02-21 20:27:00.000000000 +0100 --- src/macros.h 2009-05-16 21:52:56.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 284,290 **** # define mb_cptr2len(p) (enc_utf8 ? utf_ptr2len(p) : (*mb_ptr2len)(p)) # define MB_COPY_CHAR(f, t) if (has_mbyte) mb_copy_char(&f, &t); else *t++ = *f++ ! # define MB_CHARLEN(p) (has_mbyte ? mb_charlen(p) : STRLEN(p)) # define PTR2CHAR(p) (has_mbyte ? mb_ptr2char(p) : (int)*(p)) #else # define mb_ptr_adv(p) ++p --- 284,290 ---- # define mb_cptr2len(p) (enc_utf8 ? utf_ptr2len(p) : (*mb_ptr2len)(p)) # define MB_COPY_CHAR(f, t) if (has_mbyte) mb_copy_char(&f, &t); else *t++ = *f++ ! # define MB_CHARLEN(p) (has_mbyte ? mb_charlen(p) : (int)STRLEN(p)) # define PTR2CHAR(p) (has_mbyte ? mb_ptr2char(p) : (int)*(p)) #else # define mb_ptr_adv(p) ++p *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/main.c 2008-11-28 21:26:50.000000000 +0100 --- src/main.c 2009-05-16 22:25:59.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 1505,1514 **** * * Also find the --server... arguments and --socketid and --windowid */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void early_arg_scan(parmp) ! mparm_T *parmp; { #if defined(FEAT_XCLIPBOARD) || defined(FEAT_CLIENTSERVER) \ || !defined(FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG) --- 1505,1513 ---- * * Also find the --server... arguments and --socketid and --windowid */ static void early_arg_scan(parmp) ! mparm_T *parmp UNUSED; { #if defined(FEAT_XCLIPBOARD) || defined(FEAT_CLIENTSERVER) \ || !defined(FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG) *************** *** 2380,2389 **** * Create the requested number of windows and edit buffers in them. * Also does recovery if "recoverymode" set. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void create_windows(parmp) ! mparm_T *parmp; { #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS int dorewind; --- 2379,2387 ---- * Create the requested number of windows and edit buffers in them. * Also does recovery if "recoverymode" set. */ static void create_windows(parmp) ! mparm_T *parmp UNUSED; { #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS int dorewind; *************** *** 3851,3860 **** * return an allocated string. Otherwise return "data". * "*tofree" is set to the result when it needs to be freed later. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ char_u * serverConvert(client_enc, data, tofree) ! char_u *client_enc; char_u *data; char_u **tofree; { --- 3849,3857 ---- * return an allocated string. Otherwise return "data". * "*tofree" is set to the result when it needs to be freed later. */ char_u * serverConvert(client_enc, data, tofree) ! char_u *client_enc UNUSED; char_u *data; char_u **tofree; { *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/menu.c 2009-05-16 17:29:37.000000000 +0200 --- src/menu.c 2009-05-16 22:29:31.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 2340,2349 **** * This function is also defined without the +multi_lang feature, in which * case the commands are ignored. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void ex_menutranslate(eap) ! exarg_T *eap; { #ifdef FEAT_MULTI_LANG char_u *arg = eap->arg; --- 2340,2348 ---- * This function is also defined without the +multi_lang feature, in which * case the commands are ignored. */ void ex_menutranslate(eap) ! exarg_T *eap UNUSED; { #ifdef FEAT_MULTI_LANG char_u *arg = eap->arg; *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/message.c 2009-04-22 14:42:26.000000000 +0200 --- src/message.c 2009-05-16 22:30:47.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 818,827 **** /* * ":messages" command. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void ex_messages(eap) ! exarg_T *eap; { struct msg_hist *p; char_u *s; --- 818,826 ---- /* * ":messages" command. */ void ex_messages(eap) ! exarg_T *eap UNUSED; { struct msg_hist *p; char_u *s; *************** *** 3290,3304 **** * A '&' in a button name becomes a shortcut, so each '&' should be before a * different letter. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ int do_dialog(type, title, message, buttons, dfltbutton, textfield) ! int type; ! char_u *title; char_u *message; char_u *buttons; int dfltbutton; ! char_u *textfield; /* IObuff for inputdialog(), NULL otherwise */ { int oldState; int retval = 0; --- 3289,3303 ---- * A '&' in a button name becomes a shortcut, so each '&' should be before a * different letter. */ int do_dialog(type, title, message, buttons, dfltbutton, textfield) ! int type UNUSED; ! char_u *title UNUSED; char_u *message; char_u *buttons; int dfltbutton; ! char_u *textfield UNUSED; /* IObuff for inputdialog(), NULL ! otherwise */ { int oldState; int retval = 0; *************** *** 4021,4027 **** if (*p != '%') { char *q = strchr(p + 1, '%'); ! size_t n = (q == NULL) ? STRLEN(p) : (q - p); /* Copy up to the next '%' or NUL without any changes. */ if (str_l < str_m) --- 4020,4026 ---- if (*p != '%') { char *q = strchr(p + 1, '%'); ! size_t n = (q == NULL) ? STRLEN(p) : (size_t)(q - p); /* Copy up to the next '%' or NUL without any changes. */ if (str_l < str_m) *************** *** 4268,4274 **** precision <= (size_t)0x7fffffffL ? precision : (size_t)0x7fffffffL); #endif ! str_arg_l = (q == NULL) ? precision : q - str_arg; } break; --- 4267,4274 ---- precision <= (size_t)0x7fffffffL ? precision : (size_t)0x7fffffffL); #endif ! str_arg_l = (q == NULL) ? precision ! : (size_t)(q - str_arg); } break; *************** *** 4368,4374 **** get_a_arg(arg_idx); #else # if defined(FEAT_EVAL) ! tvs != NULL ? tv_nr(tvs, &arg_idx) : # endif va_arg(ap, unsigned int); #endif --- 4368,4375 ---- get_a_arg(arg_idx); #else # if defined(FEAT_EVAL) ! tvs != NULL ? (unsigned) ! tv_nr(tvs, &arg_idx) : # endif va_arg(ap, unsigned int); #endif *************** *** 4381,4387 **** get_a_arg(arg_idx); #else # if defined(FEAT_EVAL) ! tvs != NULL ? tv_nr(tvs, &arg_idx) : # endif va_arg(ap, unsigned long int); #endif --- 4382,4389 ---- get_a_arg(arg_idx); #else # if defined(FEAT_EVAL) ! tvs != NULL ? (unsigned long) ! tv_nr(tvs, &arg_idx) : # endif va_arg(ap, unsigned long int); #endif *************** *** 4704,4710 **** size_t avail = str_m - str_l; vim_memset(str + str_l, zero_padding ? '0' : ' ', ! (size_t)pn > avail ? avail : pn); } str_l += pn; } --- 4706,4713 ---- size_t avail = str_m - str_l; vim_memset(str + str_l, zero_padding ? '0' : ' ', ! (size_t)pn > avail ? avail ! : (size_t)pn); } str_l += pn; } *************** *** 4731,4737 **** size_t avail = str_m - str_l; mch_memmove(str + str_l, str_arg, ! (size_t)zn > avail ? avail : zn); } str_l += zn; } --- 4734,4741 ---- size_t avail = str_m - str_l; mch_memmove(str + str_l, str_arg, ! (size_t)zn > avail ? avail ! : (size_t)zn); } str_l += zn; } *************** *** 4746,4752 **** size_t avail = str_m-str_l; vim_memset(str + str_l, '0', ! (size_t)zn > avail ? avail : zn); } str_l += zn; } --- 4750,4757 ---- size_t avail = str_m-str_l; vim_memset(str + str_l, '0', ! (size_t)zn > avail ? avail ! : (size_t)zn); } str_l += zn; } *************** *** 4765,4771 **** mch_memmove(str + str_l, str_arg + zero_padding_insertion_ind, ! (size_t)sn > avail ? avail : sn); } str_l += sn; } --- 4770,4776 ---- mch_memmove(str + str_l, str_arg + zero_padding_insertion_ind, ! (size_t)sn > avail ? avail : (size_t)sn); } str_l += sn; } *************** *** 4785,4791 **** size_t avail = str_m - str_l; vim_memset(str + str_l, ' ', ! (size_t)pn > avail ? avail : pn); } str_l += pn; } --- 4790,4797 ---- size_t avail = str_m - str_l; vim_memset(str + str_l, ' ', ! (size_t)pn > avail ? avail ! : (size_t)pn); } str_l += pn; } *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/misc1.c 2009-05-15 21:31:11.000000000 +0200 --- src/misc1.c 2009-05-16 21:25:34.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 4147,4156 **** /* * Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain an environment variable name. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ char_u * get_env_name(xp, idx) ! expand_T *xp; int idx; { # if defined(AMIGA) || defined(__MRC__) || defined(__SC__) --- 4147,4155 ---- /* * Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain an environment variable name. */ char_u * get_env_name(xp, idx) ! expand_T *xp UNUSED; int idx; { # if defined(AMIGA) || defined(__MRC__) || defined(__SC__) *************** *** 4742,4750 **** * If it is then restrict the search to below this line and try again. */ line = ml_get(pos->lnum); ! for (p = line; *p && (unsigned)(p - line) < pos->col; ++p) p = skip_string(p); ! if ((unsigned)(p - line) <= pos->col) break; cur_maxcomment = curwin->w_cursor.lnum - pos->lnum - 1; if (cur_maxcomment <= 0) --- 4741,4749 ---- * If it is then restrict the search to below this line and try again. */ line = ml_get(pos->lnum); ! for (p = line; *p && (colnr_T)(p - line) < pos->col; ++p) p = skip_string(p); ! if ((colnr_T)(p - line) <= pos->col) break; cur_maxcomment = curwin->w_cursor.lnum - pos->lnum - 1; if (cur_maxcomment <= 0) *************** *** 6275,6281 **** * check for that. */ if ((State & INSERT) ! && curwin->w_cursor.col < STRLEN(linecopy) && linecopy[curwin->w_cursor.col] == ')') linecopy[curwin->w_cursor.col] = NUL; --- 6274,6280 ---- * check for that. */ if ((State & INSERT) ! && curwin->w_cursor.col < (colnr_T)STRLEN(linecopy) && linecopy[curwin->w_cursor.col] == ')') linecopy[curwin->w_cursor.col] = NUL; *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/mbyte.c 2008-11-28 21:26:50.000000000 +0100 --- src/mbyte.c 2009-05-16 22:29:02.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 1015,1024 **** * Return length in bytes of character "c". * Returns 1 for a single-byte character. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ int latin_char2len(c) ! int c; { return 1; } --- 1015,1023 ---- * Return length in bytes of character "c". * Returns 1 for a single-byte character. */ int latin_char2len(c) ! int c UNUSED; { return 1; } *************** *** 1248,1257 **** * Return the number of display cells character at "*p" occupies. * This doesn't take care of unprintable characters, use ptr2cells() for that. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ int latin_ptr2cells(p) ! char_u *p; { return 1; } --- 1247,1255 ---- * Return the number of display cells character at "*p" occupies. * This doesn't take care of unprintable characters, use ptr2cells() for that. */ int latin_ptr2cells(p) ! char_u *p UNUSED; { return 1; } *************** *** 1293,1302 **** * Return the number of display cells character "c" occupies. * Only takes care of multi-byte chars, not "^C" and such. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ int latin_char2cells(c) ! int c; { return 1; } --- 1291,1299 ---- * Return the number of display cells character "c" occupies. * Only takes care of multi-byte chars, not "^C" and such. */ int latin_char2cells(c) ! int c UNUSED; { return 1; } *************** *** 1318,1328 **** * Return number of display cells for char at ScreenLines[off]. * We make sure that the offset used is less than "max_off". */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ int latin_off2cells(off, max_off) ! unsigned off; ! unsigned max_off; { return 1; } --- 1315,1324 ---- * Return number of display cells for char at ScreenLines[off]. * We make sure that the offset used is less than "max_off". */ int latin_off2cells(off, max_off) ! unsigned off UNUSED; ! unsigned max_off UNUSED; { return 1; } *************** *** 2419,2429 **** * Return offset from "p" to the first byte of the character it points into. * Returns 0 when already at the first byte of a character. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ int latin_head_off(base, p) ! char_u *base; ! char_u *p; { return 0; } --- 2415,2424 ---- * Return offset from "p" to the first byte of the character it points into. * Returns 0 when already at the first byte of a character. */ int latin_head_off(base, p) ! char_u *base UNUSED; ! char_u *p UNUSED; { return 0; } *************** *** 3131,3137 **** else s = p + 1; } ! for (i = 0; s[i] != NUL && i < sizeof(buf) - 1; ++i) { if (s[i] == '_' || s[i] == '-') buf[i] = '-'; --- 3126,3132 ---- else s = p + 1; } ! for (i = 0; s[i] != NUL && i < (int)sizeof(buf) - 1; ++i) { if (s[i] == '_' || s[i] == '-') buf[i] = '-'; *************** *** 3582,3590 **** * Callback invoked when the user finished preediting. * Put the final string into the input buffer. */ - /*ARGSUSED0*/ static void ! im_commit_cb(GtkIMContext *context, const gchar *str, gpointer data) { int slen = (int)STRLEN(str); int add_to_input = TRUE; --- 3577,3586 ---- * Callback invoked when the user finished preediting. * Put the final string into the input buffer. */ static void ! im_commit_cb(GtkIMContext *context UNUSED, ! const gchar *str, ! gpointer data UNUSED) { int slen = (int)STRLEN(str); int add_to_input = TRUE; *************** *** 3670,3678 **** /* * Callback invoked after start to the preedit. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void ! im_preedit_start_cb(GtkIMContext *context, gpointer data) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("im_preedit_start_cb()\n"); --- 3666,3673 ---- /* * Callback invoked after start to the preedit. */ static void ! im_preedit_start_cb(GtkIMContext *context UNUSED, gpointer data UNUSED) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("im_preedit_start_cb()\n"); *************** *** 3687,3695 **** /* * Callback invoked after end to the preedit. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void ! im_preedit_end_cb(GtkIMContext *context, gpointer data) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("im_preedit_end_cb()\n"); --- 3682,3689 ---- /* * Callback invoked after end to the preedit. */ static void ! im_preedit_end_cb(GtkIMContext *context UNUSED, gpointer data UNUSED) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("im_preedit_end_cb()\n"); *************** *** 3748,3756 **** * remaining input from within the "retrieve_surrounding" signal handler, this * might not be necessary. Gotta ask on vim-dev for opinions. */ - /*ARGSUSED1*/ static void ! im_preedit_changed_cb(GtkIMContext *context, gpointer data) { char *preedit_string = NULL; int cursor_index = 0; --- 3742,3749 ---- * remaining input from within the "retrieve_surrounding" signal handler, this * might not be necessary. Gotta ask on vim-dev for opinions. */ static void ! im_preedit_changed_cb(GtkIMContext *context, gpointer data UNUSED) { char *preedit_string = NULL; int cursor_index = 0; *************** *** 4616,4626 **** } } - /*ARGSUSED*/ void im_set_position(row, col) ! int row; ! int col; { xim_set_preedit(); } --- 4609,4618 ---- } } void im_set_position(row, col) ! int row UNUSED; ! int col UNUSED; { xim_set_preedit(); } *************** *** 4927,4938 **** static void xim_instantiate_cb __ARGS((Display *display, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data)); static void xim_destroy_cb __ARGS((XIM im, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data)); - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void xim_instantiate_cb(display, client_data, call_data) Display *display; ! XPointer client_data; ! XPointer call_data; { Window x11_window; Display *x11_display; --- 4919,4929 ---- static void xim_instantiate_cb __ARGS((Display *display, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data)); static void xim_destroy_cb __ARGS((XIM im, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data)); static void xim_instantiate_cb(display, client_data, call_data) Display *display; ! XPointer client_data UNUSED; ! XPointer call_data UNUSED; { Window x11_window; Display *x11_display; *************** *** 4952,4963 **** xim_instantiate_cb, NULL); } - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void xim_destroy_cb(im, client_data, call_data) ! XIM im; ! XPointer client_data; ! XPointer call_data; { Window x11_window; Display *x11_display; --- 4943,4953 ---- xim_instantiate_cb, NULL); } static void xim_destroy_cb(im, client_data, call_data) ! XIM im UNUSED; ! XPointer client_data UNUSED; ! XPointer call_data UNUSED; { Window x11_window; Display *x11_display; *************** *** 5276,5284 **** } } - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void ! preedit_start_cbproc(XIC thexic, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("xim_decide_input_style()\n"); --- 5266,5275 ---- } } static void ! preedit_start_cbproc(XIC thexic UNUSED, ! XPointer client_data UNUSED, ! XPointer call_data UNUSED) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("xim_decide_input_style()\n"); *************** *** 5310,5318 **** static GSList *key_press_event_queue = NULL; static gboolean processing_queued_event = FALSE; - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void ! preedit_draw_cbproc(XIC thexic, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data) { XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct *draw_data; XIMText *text; --- 5301,5310 ---- static GSList *key_press_event_queue = NULL; static gboolean processing_queued_event = FALSE; static void ! preedit_draw_cbproc(XIC thexic UNUSED, ! XPointer client_data UNUSED, ! XPointer call_data) { XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct *draw_data; XIMText *text; *************** *** 5451,5468 **** return -1; } - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void ! preedit_caret_cbproc(XIC thexic, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("preedit_caret_cbproc()\n"); #endif } - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void ! preedit_done_cbproc(XIC thexic, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("preedit_done_cbproc()\n"); --- 5443,5462 ---- return -1; } static void ! preedit_caret_cbproc(XIC thexic UNUSED, ! XPointer client_data UNUSED, ! XPointer call_data UNUSED) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("preedit_caret_cbproc()\n"); #endif } static void ! preedit_done_cbproc(XIC thexic UNUSED, ! XPointer client_data UNUSED, ! XPointer call_data UNUSED) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("preedit_done_cbproc()\n"); *************** *** 5501,5509 **** } } - /*ARGSUSED*/ int ! xim_queue_key_press_event(GdkEventKey *event, int down) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("xim_queue_key_press_event()\n"); --- 5495,5502 ---- } } int ! xim_queue_key_press_event(GdkEventKey *event, int down UNUSED) { #ifdef XIM_DEBUG xim_log("xim_queue_key_press_event()\n"); *************** *** 5519,5527 **** return TRUE; } - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void ! preedit_callback_setup(GdkIC *ic) { XIC xxic; XVaNestedList preedit_attr; --- 5512,5519 ---- return TRUE; } static void ! preedit_callback_setup(GdkIC *ic UNUSED) { XIC xxic; XVaNestedList preedit_attr; *************** *** 5546,5554 **** XFree(preedit_attr); } - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void ! reset_state_setup(GdkIC *ic) { #ifdef USE_X11R6_XIM /* don't change the input context when we call reset */ --- 5538,5545 ---- XFree(preedit_attr); } static void ! reset_state_setup(GdkIC *ic UNUSED) { #ifdef USE_X11R6_XIM /* don't change the input context when we call reset */ *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/normal.c 2009-05-15 21:31:11.000000000 +0200 --- src/normal.c 2009-05-16 22:31:10.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 9243,9252 **** } #ifdef FEAT_SNIFF - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void nv_sniff(cap) ! cmdarg_T *cap; { ProcessSniffRequests(); } --- 9243,9251 ---- } #ifdef FEAT_SNIFF static void nv_sniff(cap) ! cmdarg_T *cap UNUSED; { ProcessSniffRequests(); } *************** *** 9262,9271 **** #endif #ifdef FEAT_DND - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void nv_drop(cap) ! cmdarg_T *cap; { do_put('~', BACKWARD, 1L, PUT_CURSEND); } --- 9261,9269 ---- #endif #ifdef FEAT_DND static void nv_drop(cap) ! cmdarg_T *cap UNUSED; { do_put('~', BACKWARD, 1L, PUT_CURSEND); } *************** *** 9277,9283 **** * When waiting for a character for 'updatetime' K_CURSORHOLD is put in the * input buffer. "did_cursorhold" is set to avoid retriggering. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void nv_cursorhold(cap) cmdarg_T *cap; --- 9275,9280 ---- *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/option.c 2009-05-15 21:31:11.000000000 +0200 --- src/option.c 2009-05-17 12:13:52.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 387,392 **** --- 387,395 ---- char_u *def_val[2]; /* default values for variable (vi and vim) */ #ifdef FEAT_EVAL scid_T scriptID; /* script in which the option was last set */ + # define SCRIPTID_INIT , 0 + #else + # define SCRIPTID_INIT #endif }; *************** *** 477,483 **** #else (char_u *)224L, #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"antialias", "anti", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RCLR, #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(MACOS_X) (char_u *)&p_antialias, PV_NONE, --- 480,486 ---- #else (char_u *)224L, #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"antialias", "anti", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RCLR, #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(MACOS_X) (char_u *)&p_antialias, PV_NONE, *************** *** 486,520 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)FALSE} #endif ! }, {"arabic", "arab", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_ARABIC (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_ARAB, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"arabicshape", "arshape", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RCLR, #ifdef FEAT_ARABIC (char_u *)&p_arshape, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"allowrevins", "ari", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)&p_ari, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"altkeymap", "akm", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_FKMAP (char_u *)&p_altkeymap, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"ambiwidth", "ambw", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, #if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) (char_u *)&p_ambw, PV_NONE, --- 489,523 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)FALSE} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"arabic", "arab", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_ARABIC (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_ARAB, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"arabicshape", "arshape", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RCLR, #ifdef FEAT_ARABIC (char_u *)&p_arshape, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"allowrevins", "ari", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)&p_ari, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"altkeymap", "akm", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_FKMAP (char_u *)&p_altkeymap, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"ambiwidth", "ambw", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, #if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) (char_u *)&p_ambw, PV_NONE, *************** *** 523,549 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCHDIR {"autochdir", "acd", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_acd, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, #endif {"autoindent", "ai", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ai, PV_AI, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"autoprint", "ap", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"autoread", "ar", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ar, PV_AR, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"autowrite", "aw", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_aw, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"autowriteall","awa", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_awa, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"background", "bg", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&p_bg, PV_NONE, { --- 526,552 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCHDIR {"autochdir", "acd", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_acd, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, #endif {"autoindent", "ai", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ai, PV_AI, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"autoprint", "ap", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"autoread", "ar", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ar, PV_AR, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"autowrite", "aw", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_aw, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"autowriteall","awa", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_awa, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"background", "bg", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&p_bg, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 552,564 **** #else (char_u *)"light", #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"backspace", "bs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_bs, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"backup", "bk", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_bk, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"backupcopy", "bkc", P_STRING|P_VIM|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_bkc, PV_NONE, #ifdef UNIX --- 555,567 ---- #else (char_u *)"light", #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"backspace", "bs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_bs, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"backup", "bk", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_bk, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"backupcopy", "bkc", P_STRING|P_VIM|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_bkc, PV_NONE, #ifdef UNIX *************** *** 566,575 **** #else {(char_u *)"auto", (char_u *)"auto"} #endif ! }, {"backupdir", "bdir", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_bdir, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_BDIR, (char_u *)0L}}, {"backupext", "bex", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_NFNAME, (char_u *)&p_bex, PV_NONE, { --- 569,578 ---- #else {(char_u *)"auto", (char_u *)"auto"} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"backupdir", "bdir", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_bdir, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_BDIR, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"backupext", "bex", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_NFNAME, (char_u *)&p_bex, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 578,584 **** #else (char_u *)"~", #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"backupskip", "bsk", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA, #ifdef FEAT_WILDIGN (char_u *)&p_bsk, PV_NONE, --- 581,587 ---- #else (char_u *)"~", #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"backupskip", "bsk", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA, #ifdef FEAT_WILDIGN (char_u *)&p_bsk, PV_NONE, *************** *** 587,626 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, #ifdef FEAT_BEVAL {"balloondelay","bdlay",P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_bdlay, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)600L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"ballooneval", "beval",P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_NO_MKRC, (char_u *)&p_beval, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, # ifdef FEAT_EVAL {"balloonexpr", "bexpr", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_bexpr, PV_BEXPR, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, # endif #endif {"beautify", "bf", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"binary", "bin", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, (char_u *)&p_bin, PV_BIN, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"bioskey", "biosk",P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef MSDOS (char_u *)&p_biosk, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"bomb", NULL, P_BOOL|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_bomb, PV_BOMB, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"breakat", "brk", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_FLAGLIST, #ifdef FEAT_LINEBREAK (char_u *)&p_breakat, PV_NONE, --- 590,629 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, #ifdef FEAT_BEVAL {"balloondelay","bdlay",P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_bdlay, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)600L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"ballooneval", "beval",P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_NO_MKRC, (char_u *)&p_beval, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, # ifdef FEAT_EVAL {"balloonexpr", "bexpr", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_bexpr, PV_BEXPR, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, # endif #endif {"beautify", "bf", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"binary", "bin", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, (char_u *)&p_bin, PV_BIN, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"bioskey", "biosk",P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef MSDOS (char_u *)&p_biosk, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"bomb", NULL, P_BOOL|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_bomb, PV_BOMB, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"breakat", "brk", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_FLAGLIST, #ifdef FEAT_LINEBREAK (char_u *)&p_breakat, PV_NONE, *************** *** 629,635 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"browsedir", "bsdir",P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_BROWSE (char_u *)&p_bsdir, PV_NONE, --- 632,638 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"browsedir", "bsdir",P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_BROWSE (char_u *)&p_bsdir, PV_NONE, *************** *** 638,644 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"bufhidden", "bh", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB, #if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) (char_u *)&p_bh, PV_BH, --- 641,647 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"bufhidden", "bh", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB, #if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) (char_u *)&p_bh, PV_BH, *************** *** 647,657 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"buflisted", "bl", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB, (char_u *)&p_bl, PV_BL, {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} ! }, {"buftype", "bt", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB, #if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) (char_u *)&p_bt, PV_BT, --- 650,660 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"buflisted", "bl", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB, (char_u *)&p_bl, PV_BL, {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"buftype", "bt", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB, #if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) (char_u *)&p_bt, PV_BT, *************** *** 660,666 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"casemap", "cmp", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_cmp, PV_NONE, --- 663,669 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"casemap", "cmp", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_cmp, PV_NONE, *************** *** 669,675 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"cdpath", "cd", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_SEARCHPATH (char_u *)&p_cdpath, PV_NONE, --- 672,678 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cdpath", "cd", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_SEARCHPATH (char_u *)&p_cdpath, PV_NONE, *************** *** 678,684 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"cedit", NULL, P_STRING, #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN (char_u *)&p_cedit, PV_NONE, --- 681,687 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cedit", NULL, P_STRING, #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN (char_u *)&p_cedit, PV_NONE, *************** *** 687,693 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"charconvert", "ccv", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_ccv, PV_NONE, --- 690,696 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"charconvert", "ccv", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_ccv, PV_NONE, *************** *** 696,709 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"cindent", "cin", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CINDENT (char_u *)&p_cin, PV_CIN, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"cinkeys", "cink", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_CINDENT (char_u *)&p_cink, PV_CINK, --- 699,712 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cindent", "cin", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CINDENT (char_u *)&p_cin, PV_CIN, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cinkeys", "cink", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_CINDENT (char_u *)&p_cink, PV_CINK, *************** *** 712,725 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"cinoptions", "cino", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_CINDENT (char_u *)&p_cino, PV_CINO, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"cinwords", "cinw", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #if defined(FEAT_SMARTINDENT) || defined(FEAT_CINDENT) (char_u *)&p_cinw, PV_CINW, --- 715,728 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cinoptions", "cino", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_CINDENT (char_u *)&p_cino, PV_CINO, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cinwords", "cinw", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #if defined(FEAT_SMARTINDENT) || defined(FEAT_CINDENT) (char_u *)&p_cinw, PV_CINW, *************** *** 729,735 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"clipboard", "cb", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_CLIPBOARD (char_u *)&p_cb, PV_NONE, --- 732,738 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"clipboard", "cb", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_CLIPBOARD (char_u *)&p_cb, PV_NONE, *************** *** 743,762 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"cmdheight", "ch", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, (char_u *)&p_ch, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"cmdwinheight", "cwh", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN (char_u *)&p_cwh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)7L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"columns", "co", P_NUM|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&Columns, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)80L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"comments", "com", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_COMMENTS (char_u *)&p_com, PV_COM, --- 746,765 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cmdheight", "ch", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, (char_u *)&p_ch, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cmdwinheight", "cwh", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN (char_u *)&p_cwh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)7L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"columns", "co", P_NUM|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&Columns, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)80L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"comments", "com", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_COMMENTS (char_u *)&p_com, PV_COM, *************** *** 766,772 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"commentstring", "cms", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING (char_u *)&p_cms, PV_CMS, --- 769,775 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"commentstring", "cms", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING (char_u *)&p_cms, PV_CMS, *************** *** 775,786 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, /* P_PRI_MKRC isn't needed here, optval_default() * always returns TRUE for 'compatible' */ {"compatible", "cp", P_BOOL|P_RALL, (char_u *)&p_cp, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)FALSE}}, {"complete", "cpt", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_INS_EXPAND (char_u *)&p_cpt, PV_CPT, --- 778,789 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, /* P_PRI_MKRC isn't needed here, optval_default() * always returns TRUE for 'compatible' */ {"compatible", "cp", P_BOOL|P_RALL, (char_u *)&p_cp, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)FALSE} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"complete", "cpt", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_INS_EXPAND (char_u *)&p_cpt, PV_CPT, *************** *** 789,795 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"completefunc", "cfu", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_COMPL_FUNC (char_u *)&p_cfu, PV_CFU, --- 792,798 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"completefunc", "cfu", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_COMPL_FUNC (char_u *)&p_cfu, PV_CFU, *************** *** 798,804 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"completeopt", "cot", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_INS_EXPAND (char_u *)&p_cot, PV_NONE, --- 801,807 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"completeopt", "cot", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_INS_EXPAND (char_u *)&p_cot, PV_NONE, *************** *** 807,840 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"confirm", "cf", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) || defined(FEAT_CON_DIALOG) (char_u *)&p_confirm, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"conskey", "consk",P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef MSDOS (char_u *)&p_consk, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"copyindent", "ci", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_ci, PV_CI, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"cpoptions", "cpo", P_STRING|P_VIM|P_RALL|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_cpo, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)CPO_VI, (char_u *)CPO_VIM}}, {"cscopepathcomp", "cspc", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE (char_u *)&p_cspc, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"cscopeprg", "csprg", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE (char_u *)&p_csprg, PV_NONE, --- 810,844 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"confirm", "cf", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) || defined(FEAT_CON_DIALOG) (char_u *)&p_confirm, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"conskey", "consk",P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef MSDOS (char_u *)&p_consk, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"copyindent", "ci", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_ci, PV_CI, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cpoptions", "cpo", P_STRING|P_VIM|P_RALL|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_cpo, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)CPO_VI, (char_u *)CPO_VIM} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cscopepathcomp", "cspc", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE (char_u *)&p_cspc, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cscopeprg", "csprg", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE (char_u *)&p_csprg, PV_NONE, *************** *** 843,849 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"cscopequickfix", "csqf", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #if defined(FEAT_CSCOPE) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) (char_u *)&p_csqf, PV_NONE, --- 847,853 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cscopequickfix", "csqf", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #if defined(FEAT_CSCOPE) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) (char_u *)&p_csqf, PV_NONE, *************** *** 852,896 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"cscopetag", "cst", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE (char_u *)&p_cst, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"cscopetagorder", "csto", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE (char_u *)&p_csto, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"cscopeverbose", "csverb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE (char_u *)&p_csverbose, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"cursorcolumn", "cuc", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_CUC, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"cursorline", "cul", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_CUL, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"debug", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_debug, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"define", "def", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_FIND_ID (char_u *)&p_def, PV_DEF, --- 856,900 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cscopetag", "cst", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE (char_u *)&p_cst, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cscopetagorder", "csto", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE (char_u *)&p_csto, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cscopeverbose", "csverb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CSCOPE (char_u *)&p_csverbose, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cursorcolumn", "cuc", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_CUC, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"cursorline", "cul", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_CUL, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"debug", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_debug, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"define", "def", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_FIND_ID (char_u *)&p_def, PV_DEF, *************** *** 899,926 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"delcombine", "deco", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_deco, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"dictionary", "dict", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_INS_EXPAND (char_u *)&p_dict, PV_DICT, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"diff", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN|P_NOGLOB, #ifdef FEAT_DIFF (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_DIFF, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"diffexpr", "dex", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #if defined(FEAT_DIFF) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_dex, PV_NONE, --- 903,930 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"delcombine", "deco", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_deco, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"dictionary", "dict", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_INS_EXPAND (char_u *)&p_dict, PV_DICT, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"diff", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN|P_NOGLOB, #ifdef FEAT_DIFF (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_DIFF, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"diffexpr", "dex", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #if defined(FEAT_DIFF) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_dex, PV_NONE, *************** *** 929,935 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"diffopt", "dip", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_DIFF (char_u *)&p_dip, PV_NONE, --- 933,939 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"diffopt", "dip", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_DIFF (char_u *)&p_dip, PV_NONE, *************** *** 938,957 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)NULL} #endif ! }, {"digraph", "dg", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_DIGRAPHS (char_u *)&p_dg, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"directory", "dir", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_dir, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_DIR, (char_u *)0L}}, {"display", "dy", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_RALL|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_dy, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"eadirection", "ead", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_VERTSPLIT (char_u *)&p_ead, PV_NONE, --- 942,961 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)NULL} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"digraph", "dg", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_DIGRAPHS (char_u *)&p_dg, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"directory", "dir", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_dir, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_DIR, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"display", "dy", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_RALL|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_dy, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"eadirection", "ead", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_VERTSPLIT (char_u *)&p_ead, PV_NONE, *************** *** 960,969 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"edcompatible","ed", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ed, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"encoding", "enc", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_enc, PV_NONE, --- 964,973 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"edcompatible","ed", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ed, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"encoding", "enc", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_enc, PV_NONE, *************** *** 972,990 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"endofline", "eol", P_BOOL|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, (char_u *)&p_eol, PV_EOL, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"equalalways", "ea", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, (char_u *)&p_ea, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"equalprg", "ep", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_ep, PV_EP, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"errorbells", "eb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_eb, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"errorfile", "ef", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_ef, PV_NONE, --- 976,994 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"endofline", "eol", P_BOOL|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, (char_u *)&p_eol, PV_EOL, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"equalalways", "ea", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, (char_u *)&p_ea, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"equalprg", "ep", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_ep, PV_EP, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"errorbells", "eb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_eb, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"errorfile", "ef", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_ef, PV_NONE, *************** *** 993,1024 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"errorformat", "efm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_efm, PV_EFM, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_EFM, (char_u *)0L}, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"esckeys", "ek", P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_ek, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE}}, {"eventignore", "ei", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD (char_u *)&p_ei, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"expandtab", "et", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_et, PV_ET, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"exrc", "ex", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_exrc, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"fileencoding","fenc", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT|P_RBUF|P_NO_MKRC, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_fenc, PV_FENC, --- 997,1028 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"errorformat", "efm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_efm, PV_EFM, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_EFM, (char_u *)0L} #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"esckeys", "ek", P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_ek, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"eventignore", "ei", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD (char_u *)&p_ei, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"expandtab", "et", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_et, PV_ET, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"exrc", "ex", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_exrc, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"fileencoding","fenc", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT|P_RBUF|P_NO_MKRC, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_fenc, PV_FENC, *************** *** 1027,1033 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"fileencodings","fencs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_fencs, PV_NONE, --- 1031,1037 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"fileencodings","fencs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_fencs, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1036,1048 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"fileformat", "ff", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT|P_NO_MKRC, (char_u *)&p_ff, PV_FF, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_FF, (char_u *)0L}}, {"fileformats", "ffs", P_STRING|P_VIM|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_ffs, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_FFS_VI, (char_u *)DFLT_FFS_VIM}}, {"filetype", "ft", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB|P_NFNAME, #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD (char_u *)&p_ft, PV_FT, --- 1040,1053 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"fileformat", "ff", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT|P_NO_MKRC, (char_u *)&p_ff, PV_FF, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_FF, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"fileformats", "ffs", P_STRING|P_VIM|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_ffs, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_FFS_VI, (char_u *)DFLT_FFS_VIM} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"filetype", "ft", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB|P_NFNAME, #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD (char_u *)&p_ft, PV_FT, *************** *** 1051,1057 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"fillchars", "fcs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(FEAT_FOLDING) (char_u *)&p_fcs, PV_NONE, --- 1056,1062 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"fillchars", "fcs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(FEAT_FOLDING) (char_u *)&p_fcs, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1060,1086 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"fkmap", "fk", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_FKMAP (char_u *)&p_fkmap, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"flash", "fl", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING {"foldclose", "fcl", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_RWIN, (char_u *)&p_fcl, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"foldcolumn", "fdc", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDC, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"foldenable", "fen", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FEN, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"foldexpr", "fde", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, # ifdef FEAT_EVAL (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDE, --- 1065,1091 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"fkmap", "fk", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_FKMAP (char_u *)&p_fkmap, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"flash", "fl", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING {"foldclose", "fcl", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_RWIN, (char_u *)&p_fcl, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldcolumn", "fdc", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDC, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldenable", "fen", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FEN, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldexpr", "fde", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, # ifdef FEAT_EVAL (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDE, *************** *** 1089,1121 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} # endif ! }, {"foldignore", "fdi", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDI, ! {(char_u *)"#", (char_u *)NULL}}, {"foldlevel", "fdl", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDL, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"foldlevelstart","fdls", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_fdls, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)-1L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"foldmarker", "fmr", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_VI_DEF| P_RWIN|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FMR, ! {(char_u *)"{{{,}}}", (char_u *)NULL}}, {"foldmethod", "fdm", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDM, ! {(char_u *)"manual", (char_u *)NULL}}, {"foldminlines","fml", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FML, ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"foldnestmax", "fdn", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDN, ! {(char_u *)20L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"foldopen", "fdo", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_fdo, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"block,hor,mark,percent,quickfix,search,tag,undo", ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"foldtext", "fdt", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, # ifdef FEAT_EVAL (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDT, --- 1094,1127 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} # endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldignore", "fdi", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDI, ! {(char_u *)"#", (char_u *)NULL} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldlevel", "fdl", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDL, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldlevelstart","fdls", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_fdls, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)-1L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldmarker", "fmr", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_VI_DEF| P_RWIN|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FMR, ! {(char_u *)"{{{,}}}", (char_u *)NULL} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldmethod", "fdm", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDM, ! {(char_u *)"manual", (char_u *)NULL} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldminlines","fml", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FML, ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldnestmax", "fdn", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDN, ! {(char_u *)20L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldopen", "fdo", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_fdo, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"block,hor,mark,percent,quickfix,search,tag,undo", ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"foldtext", "fdt", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, # ifdef FEAT_EVAL (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_FDT, *************** *** 1124,1130 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} # endif ! }, #endif {"formatexpr", "fex", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_EVAL --- 1130,1136 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} # endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, #endif {"formatexpr", "fex", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_EVAL *************** *** 1134,1149 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"formatoptions","fo", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_fo, PV_FO, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_FO_VI, (char_u *)DFLT_FO_VIM}}, {"formatlistpat","flp", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_flp, PV_FLP, ! {(char_u *)"^\\s*\\d\\+[\\]:.)}\\t ]\\s*", (char_u *)0L}}, {"formatprg", "fp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_fp, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"fsync", "fs", P_BOOL|P_SECURE|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef HAVE_FSYNC (char_u *)&p_fs, PV_NONE, --- 1140,1157 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"formatoptions","fo", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_fo, PV_FO, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_FO_VI, (char_u *)DFLT_FO_VIM} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"formatlistpat","flp", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_flp, PV_FLP, ! {(char_u *)"^\\s*\\d\\+[\\]:.)}\\t ]\\s*", ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"formatprg", "fp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_fp, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"fsync", "fs", P_BOOL|P_SECURE|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef HAVE_FSYNC (char_u *)&p_fs, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1152,1173 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"gdefault", "gd", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_gd, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"graphic", "gr", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"grepformat", "gfm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_gefm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_GREPFORMAT, (char_u *)0L}, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"grepprg", "gp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_gp, PV_GP, --- 1160,1181 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"gdefault", "gd", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_gd, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"graphic", "gr", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"grepformat", "gfm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_gefm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_GREPFORMAT, (char_u *)0L} #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"grepprg", "gp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_gp, PV_GP, *************** *** 1185,1199 **** (char_u *)"SEARCH/NUMBERS ", # else (char_u *)"grep -n ", ! #endif ! #endif # endif ! (char_u *)0L}, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"guicursor", "gcr", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef CURSOR_SHAPE (char_u *)&p_guicursor, PV_NONE, --- 1193,1207 ---- (char_u *)"SEARCH/NUMBERS ", # else (char_u *)"grep -n ", ! # endif ! # endif # endif ! (char_u *)0L} #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"guicursor", "gcr", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef CURSOR_SHAPE (char_u *)&p_guicursor, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1208,1214 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"guifont", "gfn", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_GUI (char_u *)&p_guifont, PV_NONE, --- 1216,1222 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"guifont", "gfn", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_GUI (char_u *)&p_guifont, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1217,1223 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"guifontset", "gfs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR|P_COMMA, #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(FEAT_XFONTSET) (char_u *)&p_guifontset, PV_NONE, --- 1225,1231 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"guifontset", "gfs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR|P_COMMA, #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(FEAT_XFONTSET) (char_u *)&p_guifontset, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1226,1232 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"guifontwide", "gfw", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(FEAT_MBYTE) (char_u *)&p_guifontwide, PV_NONE, --- 1234,1240 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"guifontwide", "gfw", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(FEAT_MBYTE) (char_u *)&p_guifontwide, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1235,1248 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"guiheadroom", "ghr", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) (char_u *)&p_ghr, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)50L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"guioptions", "go", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_FLAGLIST, #if defined(FEAT_GUI) (char_u *)&p_go, PV_NONE, --- 1243,1256 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"guiheadroom", "ghr", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_X11) (char_u *)&p_ghr, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)50L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"guioptions", "go", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_FLAGLIST, #if defined(FEAT_GUI) (char_u *)&p_go, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1255,1268 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"guipty", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_GUI) (char_u *)&p_guipty, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"guitablabel", "gtl", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) (char_u *)&p_gtl, PV_NONE, --- 1263,1276 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"guipty", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_GUI) (char_u *)&p_guipty, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"guitablabel", "gtl", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) (char_u *)&p_gtl, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1271,1277 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"guitabtooltip", "gtt", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) (char_u *)&p_gtt, PV_NONE, --- 1279,1285 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"guitabtooltip", "gtt", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) (char_u *)&p_gtt, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1280,1299 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"hardtabs", "ht", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"helpfile", "hf", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_hf, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_HELPFILE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"helpheight", "hh", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_hh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)20L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"helplang", "hlg", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA, #ifdef FEAT_MULTI_LANG (char_u *)&p_hlg, PV_NONE, --- 1288,1308 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"hardtabs", "ht", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"helpfile", "hf", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_hf, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_HELPFILE, (char_u *)0L} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"helpheight", "hh", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_hh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)20L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"helplang", "hlg", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA, #ifdef FEAT_MULTI_LANG (char_u *)&p_hlg, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1302,1365 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"hidden", "hid", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_hid, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"highlight", "hl", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_hl, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)HIGHLIGHT_INIT, (char_u *)0L}}, {"history", "hi", P_NUM|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_hi, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)20L}}, {"hkmap", "hk", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)&p_hkmap, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"hkmapp", "hkp", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)&p_hkmapp, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"hlsearch", "hls", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RALL, (char_u *)&p_hls, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"icon", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_icon, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"iconstring", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_iconstring, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"ignorecase", "ic", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ic, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"imactivatekey","imak",P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_XIM) && defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) (char_u *)&p_imak, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"imcmdline", "imc", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef USE_IM_CONTROL (char_u *)&p_imcmdline, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"imdisable", "imd", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef USE_IM_CONTROL (char_u *)&p_imdisable, PV_NONE, --- 1311,1375 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"hidden", "hid", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_hid, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"highlight", "hl", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_hl, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)HIGHLIGHT_INIT, (char_u *)0L} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"history", "hi", P_NUM|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_hi, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)20L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"hkmap", "hk", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)&p_hkmap, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"hkmapp", "hkp", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)&p_hkmapp, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"hlsearch", "hls", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RALL, (char_u *)&p_hls, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"icon", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_icon, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"iconstring", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_iconstring, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"ignorecase", "ic", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ic, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"imactivatekey","imak",P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_XIM) && defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) (char_u *)&p_imak, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"imcmdline", "imc", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef USE_IM_CONTROL (char_u *)&p_imcmdline, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"imdisable", "imd", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef USE_IM_CONTROL (char_u *)&p_imdisable, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1371,1377 **** #else {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"iminsert", "imi", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_iminsert, PV_IMI, #ifdef B_IMODE_IM --- 1381,1387 ---- #else {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"iminsert", "imi", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_iminsert, PV_IMI, #ifdef B_IMODE_IM *************** *** 1379,1385 **** #else {(char_u *)B_IMODE_NONE, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"imsearch", "ims", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_imsearch, PV_IMS, #ifdef B_IMODE_IM --- 1389,1395 ---- #else {(char_u *)B_IMODE_NONE, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"imsearch", "ims", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_imsearch, PV_IMS, #ifdef B_IMODE_IM *************** *** 1387,1393 **** #else {(char_u *)B_IMODE_NONE, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"include", "inc", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_FIND_ID (char_u *)&p_inc, PV_INC, --- 1397,1403 ---- #else {(char_u *)B_IMODE_NONE, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"include", "inc", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_FIND_ID (char_u *)&p_inc, PV_INC, *************** *** 1396,1402 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"includeexpr", "inex", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_FIND_ID) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_inex, PV_INEX, --- 1406,1412 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"includeexpr", "inex", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_FIND_ID) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_inex, PV_INEX, *************** *** 1405,1414 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"incsearch", "is", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_is, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"indentexpr", "inde", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #if defined(FEAT_CINDENT) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_inde, PV_INDE, --- 1415,1424 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"incsearch", "is", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_is, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"indentexpr", "inde", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #if defined(FEAT_CINDENT) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_inde, PV_INDE, *************** *** 1417,1423 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"indentkeys", "indk", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #if defined(FEAT_CINDENT) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_indk, PV_INDK, --- 1427,1433 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"indentkeys", "indk", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #if defined(FEAT_CINDENT) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_indk, PV_INDK, *************** *** 1426,1438 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"infercase", "inf", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_inf, PV_INF, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"insertmode", "im", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_im, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"isfname", "isf", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_isf, PV_NONE, { --- 1436,1448 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"infercase", "inf", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_inf, PV_INF, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"insertmode", "im", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_im, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"isfname", "isf", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_isf, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 1455,1461 **** # endif # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"isident", "isi", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_isi, PV_NONE, { --- 1465,1471 ---- # endif # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"isident", "isi", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_isi, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 1472,1478 **** (char_u *)"@,48-57,_,192-255", # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"iskeyword", "isk", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_isk, PV_ISK, { --- 1482,1488 ---- (char_u *)"@,48-57,_,192-255", # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"iskeyword", "isk", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VIM|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_isk, PV_ISK, { *************** *** 1491,1497 **** ISK_LATIN1 # endif #endif ! }}, {"isprint", "isp", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_isp, PV_NONE, { --- 1501,1507 ---- ISK_LATIN1 # endif #endif ! } SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"isprint", "isp", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_isp, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 1507,1516 **** ISP_LATIN1, # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"joinspaces", "js", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_js, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"key", NULL, P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_NO_MKRC, #ifdef FEAT_CRYPT (char_u *)&p_key, PV_KEY, --- 1517,1526 ---- ISP_LATIN1, # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"joinspaces", "js", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_js, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"key", NULL, P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_NO_MKRC, #ifdef FEAT_CRYPT (char_u *)&p_key, PV_KEY, *************** *** 1519,1525 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"keymap", "kmp", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RBUF|P_RSTAT|P_NFNAME|P_PRI_MKRC, #ifdef FEAT_KEYMAP (char_u *)&p_keymap, PV_KMAP, --- 1529,1535 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"keymap", "kmp", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RBUF|P_RSTAT|P_NFNAME|P_PRI_MKRC, #ifdef FEAT_KEYMAP (char_u *)&p_keymap, PV_KMAP, *************** *** 1528,1541 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"keymodel", "km", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL (char_u *)&p_km, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"keywordprg", "kp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_kp, PV_KP, { --- 1538,1551 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"keymodel", "km", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL (char_u *)&p_km, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"keywordprg", "kp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_kp, PV_KP, { *************** *** 1556,1562 **** # endif #endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"langmap", "lmap", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_LANGMAP (char_u *)&p_langmap, PV_NONE, --- 1566,1572 ---- # endif #endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"langmap", "lmap", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_LANGMAP (char_u *)&p_langmap, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1565,1595 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"langmenu", "lm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_NFNAME, #if defined(FEAT_MENU) && defined(FEAT_MULTI_LANG) (char_u *)&p_lm, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"laststatus", "ls", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_ls, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"lazyredraw", "lz", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_lz, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"linebreak", "lbr", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_LINEBREAK (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_LBR, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"lines", NULL, P_NUM|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&Rows, PV_NONE, { --- 1575,1605 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"langmenu", "lm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_NFNAME, #if defined(FEAT_MENU) && defined(FEAT_MULTI_LANG) (char_u *)&p_lm, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"laststatus", "ls", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_ls, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"lazyredraw", "lz", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_lz, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"linebreak", "lbr", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_LINEBREAK (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_LBR, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"lines", NULL, P_NUM|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&Rows, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 1598,1604 **** #else (char_u *)24L, #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"linespace", "lsp", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, #ifdef FEAT_GUI (char_u *)&p_linespace, PV_NONE, --- 1608,1614 ---- #else (char_u *)24L, #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"linespace", "lsp", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, #ifdef FEAT_GUI (char_u *)&p_linespace, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1610,1623 **** #else {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"lisp", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_LISP (char_u *)&p_lisp, PV_LISP, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"lispwords", "lw", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_LISP (char_u *)&p_lispwords, PV_NONE, --- 1620,1633 ---- #else {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"lisp", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_LISP (char_u *)&p_lisp, PV_LISP, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"lispwords", "lw", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_LISP (char_u *)&p_lispwords, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1626,1649 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"list", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_LIST, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"listchars", "lcs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_lcs, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"eol:$", (char_u *)0L}}, {"loadplugins", "lpl", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_lpl, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MAC {"macatsui", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&p_macatsui, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, #endif {"magic", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_magic, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"makeef", "mef", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_mef, PV_NONE, --- 1636,1659 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"list", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_LIST, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"listchars", "lcs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_lcs, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"eol:$", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"loadplugins", "lpl", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_lpl, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, #ifdef FEAT_GUI_MAC {"macatsui", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&p_macatsui, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, #endif {"magic", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_magic, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"makeef", "mef", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_mef, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1652,1658 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"makeprg", "mp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_mp, PV_MP, --- 1662,1668 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"makeprg", "mp", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_mp, PV_MP, *************** *** 1665,1713 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"matchpairs", "mps", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_mps, PV_MPS, ! {(char_u *)"(:),{:},[:]", (char_u *)0L}}, {"matchtime", "mat", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mat, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)5L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"maxcombine", "mco", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_mco, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)2, (char_u *)0L}}, {"maxfuncdepth", "mfd", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_EVAL (char_u *)&p_mfd, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)100L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"maxmapdepth", "mmd", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mmd, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)1000L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"maxmem", "mm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_MAXMEM, (char_u *)0L}}, {"maxmempattern","mmp", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mmp, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)1000L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"maxmemtot", "mmt", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mmt, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_MAXMEMTOT, (char_u *)0L}}, {"menuitems", "mis", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_MENU (char_u *)&p_mis, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)25L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"mesg", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"mkspellmem", "msm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_EXPAND|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)&p_msm, PV_NONE, --- 1675,1726 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"matchpairs", "mps", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_mps, PV_MPS, ! {(char_u *)"(:),{:},[:]", (char_u *)0L} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"matchtime", "mat", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mat, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)5L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"maxcombine", "mco", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_mco, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)2, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"maxfuncdepth", "mfd", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_EVAL (char_u *)&p_mfd, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)100L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"maxmapdepth", "mmd", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mmd, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)1000L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"maxmem", "mm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_MAXMEM, (char_u *)0L} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"maxmempattern","mmp", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mmp, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)1000L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"maxmemtot", "mmt", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mmt, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_MAXMEMTOT, (char_u *)0L} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"menuitems", "mis", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_MENU (char_u *)&p_mis, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)25L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"mesg", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"mkspellmem", "msm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_EXPAND|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)&p_msm, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1716,1737 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"modeline", "ml", P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_ml, PV_ML, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE}}, {"modelines", "mls", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mls, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)5L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"modifiable", "ma", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB, (char_u *)&p_ma, PV_MA, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"modified", "mod", P_BOOL|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, (char_u *)&p_mod, PV_MOD, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"more", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_more, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE}}, {"mouse", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_mouse, PV_NONE, { --- 1729,1750 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"modeline", "ml", P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_ml, PV_ML, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"modelines", "mls", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mls, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)5L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"modifiable", "ma", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB, (char_u *)&p_ma, PV_MA, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"modified", "mod", P_BOOL|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, (char_u *)&p_mod, PV_MOD, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"more", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_more, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"mouse", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_mouse, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 1740,1760 **** #else (char_u *)"", #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"mousefocus", "mousef", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_GUI (char_u *)&p_mousef, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"mousehide", "mh", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_GUI (char_u *)&p_mh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"mousemodel", "mousem", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mousem, PV_NONE, { --- 1753,1773 ---- #else (char_u *)"", #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"mousefocus", "mousef", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_GUI (char_u *)&p_mousef, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"mousehide", "mh", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_GUI (char_u *)&p_mh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"mousemodel", "mousem", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mousem, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 1767,1773 **** (char_u *)"extend", # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"mouseshape", "mouses", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_MOUSESHAPE (char_u *)&p_mouseshape, PV_NONE, --- 1780,1786 ---- (char_u *)"extend", # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"mouseshape", "mouses", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_MOUSESHAPE (char_u *)&p_mouseshape, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1776,1808 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"mousetime", "mouset", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mouset, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)500L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"mzquantum", "mzq", P_NUM, #ifdef FEAT_MZSCHEME (char_u *)&p_mzq, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)100L, (char_u *)100L}}, {"novice", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"nrformats", "nf", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_nf, PV_NF, ! {(char_u *)"octal,hex", (char_u *)0L}}, {"number", "nu", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_NU, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"numberwidth", "nuw", P_NUM|P_RWIN|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_LINEBREAK (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_NUW, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)8L, (char_u *)4L}}, {"omnifunc", "ofu", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_COMPL_FUNC (char_u *)&p_ofu, PV_OFU, --- 1789,1822 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"mousetime", "mouset", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_mouset, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)500L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"mzquantum", "mzq", P_NUM, #ifdef FEAT_MZSCHEME (char_u *)&p_mzq, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)100L, (char_u *)100L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"novice", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"nrformats", "nf", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_nf, PV_NF, ! {(char_u *)"octal,hex", (char_u *)0L} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"number", "nu", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_NU, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"numberwidth", "nuw", P_NUM|P_RWIN|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_LINEBREAK (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_NUW, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)8L, (char_u *)4L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"omnifunc", "ofu", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_COMPL_FUNC (char_u *)&p_ofu, PV_OFU, *************** *** 1811,1820 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"open", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"opendevice", "odev", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(MSWIN) || defined(OS2) (char_u *)&p_odev, PV_NONE, --- 1825,1834 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"open", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"opendevice", "odev", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(MSWIN) || defined(OS2) (char_u *)&p_odev, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1822,1834 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)FALSE} ! }, {"operatorfunc", "opfunc", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_opfunc, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} }, {"optimize", "opt", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"osfiletype", "oft", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_OSFILETYPE (char_u *)&p_oft, PV_OFT, --- 1836,1848 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)FALSE} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"operatorfunc", "opfunc", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_opfunc, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"optimize", "opt", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"osfiletype", "oft", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_OSFILETYPE (char_u *)&p_oft, PV_OFT, *************** *** 1837,1853 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"paragraphs", "para", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_para, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp", ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"paste", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_PRI_MKRC, (char_u *)&p_paste, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"pastetoggle", "pt", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_pt, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"patchexpr", "pex", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #if defined(FEAT_DIFF) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_pex, PV_NONE, --- 1851,1867 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"paragraphs", "para", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_para, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)"IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp", ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"paste", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_PRI_MKRC, (char_u *)&p_paste, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"pastetoggle", "pt", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_pt, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"patchexpr", "pex", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #if defined(FEAT_DIFF) && defined(FEAT_EVAL) (char_u *)&p_pex, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1856,1865 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"patchmode", "pm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_NFNAME, (char_u *)&p_pm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"path", "pa", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_path, PV_PATH, { --- 1870,1879 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"patchmode", "pm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_NFNAME, (char_u *)&p_pm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"path", "pa", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_path, PV_PATH, { *************** *** 1872,1895 **** (char_u *)".,/usr/include,,", # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"preserveindent", "pi", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_pi, PV_PI, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"previewheight", "pvh", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) (char_u *)&p_pvh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)12L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"previewwindow", "pvw", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT|P_NOGLOB, #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_PVW, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"printdevice", "pdev", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_PRINTER (char_u *)&p_pdev, PV_NONE, --- 1886,1909 ---- (char_u *)".,/usr/include,,", # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"preserveindent", "pi", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_pi, PV_PI, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"previewheight", "pvh", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) (char_u *)&p_pvh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)12L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"previewwindow", "pvw", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT|P_NOGLOB, #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_PVW, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"printdevice", "pdev", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_PRINTER (char_u *)&p_pdev, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1898,1904 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"printencoding", "penc", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_POSTSCRIPT (char_u *)&p_penc, PV_NONE, --- 1912,1918 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"printencoding", "penc", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_POSTSCRIPT (char_u *)&p_penc, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1907,1913 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"printexpr", "pexpr", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_POSTSCRIPT (char_u *)&p_pexpr, PV_NONE, --- 1921,1927 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"printexpr", "pexpr", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_POSTSCRIPT (char_u *)&p_pexpr, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1916,1922 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"printfont", "pfn", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_PRINTER (char_u *)&p_pfn, PV_NONE, --- 1930,1936 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"printfont", "pfn", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_PRINTER (char_u *)&p_pfn, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1931,1937 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"printheader", "pheader", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_GETTEXT, #ifdef FEAT_PRINTER (char_u *)&p_header, PV_NONE, --- 1945,1951 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"printheader", "pheader", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_GETTEXT, #ifdef FEAT_PRINTER (char_u *)&p_header, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1940,1946 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"printmbcharset", "pmbcs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_POSTSCRIPT) && defined(FEAT_MBYTE) (char_u *)&p_pmcs, PV_NONE, --- 1954,1960 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"printmbcharset", "pmbcs", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_POSTSCRIPT) && defined(FEAT_MBYTE) (char_u *)&p_pmcs, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1949,1955 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"printmbfont", "pmbfn", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_POSTSCRIPT) && defined(FEAT_MBYTE) (char_u *)&p_pmfn, PV_NONE, --- 1963,1969 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"printmbfont", "pmbfn", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_POSTSCRIPT) && defined(FEAT_MBYTE) (char_u *)&p_pmfn, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1958,1964 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"printoptions", "popt", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_PRINTER (char_u *)&p_popt, PV_NONE, --- 1972,1978 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"printoptions", "popt", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_PRINTER (char_u *)&p_popt, PV_NONE, *************** *** 1967,1983 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"prompt", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_prompt, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"pumheight", "ph", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_INS_EXPAND (char_u *)&p_ph, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"quoteescape", "qe", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TEXTOBJ (char_u *)&p_qe, PV_QE, --- 1981,1997 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"prompt", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_prompt, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"pumheight", "ph", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_INS_EXPAND (char_u *)&p_ph, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"quoteescape", "qe", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TEXTOBJ (char_u *)&p_qe, PV_QE, *************** *** 1986,2032 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"readonly", "ro", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT|P_NOGLOB, (char_u *)&p_ro, PV_RO, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"redraw", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"redrawtime", "rdt", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_RELTIME (char_u *)&p_rdt, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)2000L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"remap", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_remap, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"report", NULL, P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_report, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)2L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"restorescreen", "rs", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef WIN3264 (char_u *)&p_rs, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"revins", "ri", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)&p_ri, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"rightleft", "rl", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_RL, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"rightleftcmd", "rlc", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_RLC, --- 2000,2046 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"readonly", "ro", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT|P_NOGLOB, (char_u *)&p_ro, PV_RO, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"redraw", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"redrawtime", "rdt", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_RELTIME (char_u *)&p_rdt, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)2000L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"remap", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_remap, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"report", NULL, P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_report, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)2L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"restorescreen", "rs", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef WIN3264 (char_u *)&p_rs, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"revins", "ri", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)&p_ri, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"rightleft", "rl", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_RL, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"rightleftcmd", "rlc", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_RLC, *************** *** 2035,2074 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"ruler", "ru", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_INFO (char_u *)&p_ru, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"rulerformat", "ruf", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_ALLOCED|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT (char_u *)&p_ruf, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"runtimepath", "rtp", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_EXPAND|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_rtp, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_RUNTIMEPATH, (char_u *)0L}}, {"scroll", "scr", P_NUM|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_SCROLL, ! {(char_u *)12L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"scrollbind", "scb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_SCROLLBIND (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_SCBIND, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"scrolljump", "sj", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_sj, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"scrolloff", "so", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RALL, (char_u *)&p_so, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"scrollopt", "sbo", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_SCROLLBIND (char_u *)&p_sbo, PV_NONE, --- 2049,2089 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"ruler", "ru", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_INFO (char_u *)&p_ru, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"rulerformat", "ruf", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_ALLOCED|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT (char_u *)&p_ruf, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"runtimepath", "rtp", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_EXPAND|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_rtp, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_RUNTIMEPATH, (char_u *)0L} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"scroll", "scr", P_NUM|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_SCROLL, ! {(char_u *)12L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"scrollbind", "scb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_SCROLLBIND (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_SCBIND, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"scrolljump", "sj", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_sj, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"scrolloff", "so", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RALL, (char_u *)&p_so, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"scrollopt", "sbo", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_SCROLLBIND (char_u *)&p_sbo, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2077,2103 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"sections", "sect", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_sections, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"SHNHH HUnhsh", (char_u *)0L}}, {"secure", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_secure, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"selection", "sel", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL (char_u *)&p_sel, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"inclusive", (char_u *)0L}}, {"selectmode", "slm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL (char_u *)&p_slm, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"sessionoptions", "ssop", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_SESSION (char_u *)&p_ssop, PV_NONE, --- 2092,2120 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"sections", "sect", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_sections, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"SHNHH HUnhsh", (char_u *)0L} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"secure", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_secure, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"selection", "sel", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL (char_u *)&p_sel, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"inclusive", (char_u *)0L} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"selectmode", "slm", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL (char_u *)&p_slm, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"sessionoptions", "ssop", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_SESSION (char_u *)&p_ssop, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2107,2113 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"shell", "sh", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_sh, PV_NONE, { --- 2124,2130 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shell", "sh", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_sh, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 2136,2142 **** # endif # endif #endif /* VMS */ ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"shellcmdflag","shcf", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_shcf, PV_NONE, { --- 2153,2159 ---- # endif # endif #endif /* VMS */ ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shellcmdflag","shcf", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_shcf, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 2149,2155 **** (char_u *)"-c", # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"shellpipe", "sp", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_sp, PV_NONE, --- 2166,2172 ---- (char_u *)"-c", # endif #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shellpipe", "sp", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX (char_u *)&p_sp, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2168,2197 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"shellquote", "shq", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_shq, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"shellredir", "srr", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_srr, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)">", (char_u *)0L}}, {"shellslash", "ssl", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef BACKSLASH_IN_FILENAME (char_u *)&p_ssl, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"shelltemp", "stmp", P_BOOL, (char_u *)&p_stmp, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE}}, {"shelltype", "st", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef AMIGA (char_u *)&p_st, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"shellxquote", "sxq", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_sxq, PV_NONE, { --- 2185,2214 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shellquote", "shq", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_shq, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shellredir", "srr", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_srr, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)">", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shellslash", "ssl", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef BACKSLASH_IN_FILENAME (char_u *)&p_ssl, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shelltemp", "stmp", P_BOOL, (char_u *)&p_stmp, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shelltype", "st", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef AMIGA (char_u *)&p_st, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shellxquote", "sxq", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_sxq, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 2200,2229 **** #else (char_u *)"", #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"shiftround", "sr", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_sr, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"shiftwidth", "sw", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_sw, PV_SW, ! {(char_u *)8L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"shortmess", "shm", P_STRING|P_VIM|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_shm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)"filnxtToO"}}, {"shortname", "sn", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef SHORT_FNAME (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)&p_sn, PV_SN, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"showbreak", "sbr", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, #ifdef FEAT_LINEBREAK (char_u *)&p_sbr, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"showcmd", "sc", P_BOOL|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_INFO (char_u *)&p_sc, PV_NONE, --- 2217,2247 ---- #else (char_u *)"", #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shiftround", "sr", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_sr, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shiftwidth", "sw", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_sw, PV_SW, ! {(char_u *)8L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shortmess", "shm", P_STRING|P_VIM|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_shm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)"filnxtToO"} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"shortname", "sn", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef SHORT_FNAME (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)&p_sn, PV_SN, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"showbreak", "sbr", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, #ifdef FEAT_LINEBREAK (char_u *)&p_sbr, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"showcmd", "sc", P_BOOL|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_INFO (char_u *)&p_sc, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2236,2293 **** #else (char_u *)TRUE #endif ! }}, {"showfulltag", "sft", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_sft, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"showmatch", "sm", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_sm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"showmode", "smd", P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_smd, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE}}, {"showtabline", "stal", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_stal, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"sidescroll", "ss", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ss, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"sidescrolloff", "siso", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RBUF, (char_u *)&p_siso, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"slowopen", "slow", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"smartcase", "scs", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_scs, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"smartindent", "si", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_SMARTINDENT (char_u *)&p_si, PV_SI, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"smarttab", "sta", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_sta, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"softtabstop", "sts", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_sts, PV_STS, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"sourceany", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"spell", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_SPELL, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"spellcapcheck", "spc", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RBUF, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)&p_spc, PV_SPC, --- 2254,2311 ---- #else (char_u *)TRUE #endif ! } SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"showfulltag", "sft", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_sft, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"showmatch", "sm", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_sm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"showmode", "smd", P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_smd, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"showtabline", "stal", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_stal, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"sidescroll", "ss", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ss, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"sidescrolloff", "siso", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM|P_RBUF, (char_u *)&p_siso, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"slowopen", "slow", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"smartcase", "scs", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_scs, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"smartindent", "si", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_SMARTINDENT (char_u *)&p_si, PV_SI, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"smarttab", "sta", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_sta, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"softtabstop", "sts", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_sts, PV_STS, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"sourceany", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"spell", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_SPELL, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"spellcapcheck", "spc", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RBUF, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)&p_spc, PV_SPC, *************** *** 2296,2302 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"spellfile", "spf", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE|P_COMMA, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)&p_spf, PV_SPF, --- 2314,2320 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"spellfile", "spf", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE|P_COMMA, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)&p_spf, PV_SPF, *************** *** 2305,2311 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"spelllang", "spl", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_RBUF|P_EXPAND, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)&p_spl, PV_SPL, --- 2323,2329 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"spelllang", "spl", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_RBUF|P_EXPAND, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)&p_spl, PV_SPL, *************** *** 2314,2320 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"spellsuggest", "sps", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_EXPAND|P_SECURE|P_COMMA, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)&p_sps, PV_NONE, --- 2332,2338 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"spellsuggest", "sps", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_EXPAND|P_SECURE|P_COMMA, #ifdef FEAT_SPELL (char_u *)&p_sps, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2323,2357 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"splitbelow", "sb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_sb, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"splitright", "spr", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_VERTSPLIT (char_u *)&p_spr, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"startofline", "sol", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_sol, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"statusline" ,"stl", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_ALLOCED|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT (char_u *)&p_stl, PV_STL, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"suffixes", "su", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_su, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)".bak,~,.o,.h,.info,.swp,.obj", ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"suffixesadd", "sua", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_ALLOCED|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_SEARCHPATH (char_u *)&p_sua, PV_SUA, --- 2341,2375 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"splitbelow", "sb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_sb, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"splitright", "spr", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_VERTSPLIT (char_u *)&p_spr, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"startofline", "sol", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_sol, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"statusline" ,"stl", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_ALLOCED|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT (char_u *)&p_stl, PV_STL, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"suffixes", "su", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_su, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)".bak,~,.o,.h,.info,.swp,.obj", ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"suffixesadd", "sua", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_ALLOCED|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_SEARCHPATH (char_u *)&p_sua, PV_SUA, *************** *** 2360,2375 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"swapfile", "swf", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, (char_u *)&p_swf, PV_SWF, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"swapsync", "sws", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_sws, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"fsync", (char_u *)0L}}, {"switchbuf", "swb", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_swb, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"synmaxcol", "smc", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RBUF, #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL (char_u *)&p_smc, PV_SMC, --- 2378,2393 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"swapfile", "swf", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, (char_u *)&p_swf, PV_SWF, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"swapsync", "sws", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_sws, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"fsync", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"switchbuf", "swb", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_swb, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"synmaxcol", "smc", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RBUF, #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL (char_u *)&p_smc, PV_SMC, *************** *** 2378,2384 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"syntax", "syn", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB|P_NFNAME, #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL (char_u *)&p_syn, PV_SYN, --- 2396,2402 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"syntax", "syn", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_NOGLOB|P_NFNAME, #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL (char_u *)&p_syn, PV_SYN, *************** *** 2387,2410 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"tabline", "tal", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, #ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT (char_u *)&p_tal, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"tabpagemax", "tpm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_tpm, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)10L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"tabstop", "ts", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RBUF, (char_u *)&p_ts, PV_TS, ! {(char_u *)8L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"tagbsearch", "tbs", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tbs, PV_NONE, #ifdef VMS /* binary searching doesn't appear to work on VMS */ --- 2405,2428 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"tabline", "tal", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, #ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT (char_u *)&p_tal, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"tabpagemax", "tpm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_tpm, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)10L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"tabstop", "ts", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_RBUF, (char_u *)&p_ts, PV_TS, ! {(char_u *)8L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"tagbsearch", "tbs", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tbs, PV_NONE, #ifdef VMS /* binary searching doesn't appear to work on VMS */ *************** *** 2412,2424 **** #else {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"taglength", "tl", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tl, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"tagrelative", "tr", P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_tr, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE}}, {"tags", "tag", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_tags, PV_TAGS, { --- 2430,2442 ---- #else {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"taglength", "tl", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tl, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"tagrelative", "tr", P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_tr, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)TRUE} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"tags", "tag", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_tags, PV_TAGS, { *************** *** 2427,2446 **** #else (char_u *)"./tags,tags", #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"tagstack", "tgst", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tgst, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"term", NULL, P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, (char_u *)&T_NAME, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"termbidi", "tbidi", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_ARABIC (char_u *)&p_tbidi, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"termencoding", "tenc", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_tenc, PV_NONE, --- 2445,2464 ---- #else (char_u *)"./tags,tags", #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"tagstack", "tgst", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tgst, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"term", NULL, P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, (char_u *)&T_NAME, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"termbidi", "tbidi", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_ARABIC (char_u *)&p_tbidi, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"termencoding", "tenc", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE (char_u *)&p_tenc, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2449,2461 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"terse", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_terse, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"textauto", "ta", P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_ta, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_TEXTAUTO, (char_u *)TRUE}}, {"textmode", "tx", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_NO_MKRC, (char_u *)&p_tx, PV_TX, { --- 2467,2480 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"terse", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_terse, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"textauto", "ta", P_BOOL|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_ta, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)DFLT_TEXTAUTO, (char_u *)TRUE} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"textmode", "tx", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_NO_MKRC, (char_u *)&p_tx, PV_TX, { *************** *** 2464,2503 **** #else (char_u *)FALSE, #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"textwidth", "tw", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_tw, PV_TW, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"thesaurus", "tsr", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_INS_EXPAND (char_u *)&p_tsr, PV_TSR, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"tildeop", "top", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_to, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"timeout", "to", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_timeout, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"timeoutlen", "tm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)1000L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"title", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_title, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"titlelen", NULL, P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_titlelen, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)85L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"titleold", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_GETTEXT|P_SECURE|P_NO_MKRC, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_titleold, PV_NONE, --- 2483,2522 ---- #else (char_u *)FALSE, #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"textwidth", "tw", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_tw, PV_TW, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"thesaurus", "tsr", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_INS_EXPAND (char_u *)&p_tsr, PV_TSR, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"tildeop", "top", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_to, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"timeout", "to", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_timeout, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"timeoutlen", "tm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)1000L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"title", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_title, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"titlelen", NULL, P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_titlelen, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)85L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"titleold", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_GETTEXT|P_SECURE|P_NO_MKRC, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_titleold, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2507,2555 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"titlestring", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_titlestring, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) {"toolbar", "tb", P_STRING|P_COMMA|P_VI_DEF|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_toolbar, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"icons,tooltips", (char_u *)0L}}, #endif #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) && defined(HAVE_GTK2) {"toolbariconsize", "tbis", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tbis, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"small", (char_u *)0L}}, #endif {"ttimeout", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_ttimeout, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"ttimeoutlen", "ttm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ttm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)-1L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"ttybuiltin", "tbi", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tbi, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"ttyfast", "tf", P_BOOL|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tf, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"ttymouse", "ttym", P_STRING|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_MOUSE) && (defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)) (char_u *)&p_ttym, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"ttyscroll", "tsl", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ttyscroll, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)999L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"ttytype", "tty", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, (char_u *)&T_NAME, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"undolevels", "ul", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ul, PV_NONE, { --- 2526,2575 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"titlestring", NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_TITLE (char_u *)&p_titlestring, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) {"toolbar", "tb", P_STRING|P_COMMA|P_VI_DEF|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_toolbar, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"icons,tooltips", (char_u *)0L} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, #endif #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) && defined(HAVE_GTK2) {"toolbariconsize", "tbis", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tbis, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"small", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, #endif {"ttimeout", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_ttimeout, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"ttimeoutlen", "ttm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ttm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)-1L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"ttybuiltin", "tbi", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tbi, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"ttyfast", "tf", P_BOOL|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_tf, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"ttymouse", "ttym", P_STRING|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF, #if defined(FEAT_MOUSE) && (defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)) (char_u *)&p_ttym, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"ttyscroll", "tsl", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ttyscroll, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)999L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"ttytype", "tty", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_NODEFAULT|P_NO_MKRC|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL, (char_u *)&T_NAME, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"undolevels", "ul", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ul, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 2558,2576 **** #else (char_u *)100L, #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"updatecount", "uc", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_uc, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)200L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"updatetime", "ut", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ut, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)4000L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"verbose", "vbs", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_verbose, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"verbosefile", "vfile", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_vfile, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"viewdir", "vdir", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_SESSION (char_u *)&p_vdir, PV_NONE, --- 2578,2596 ---- #else (char_u *)100L, #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"updatecount", "uc", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_uc, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)200L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"updatetime", "ut", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ut, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)4000L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"verbose", "vbs", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_verbose, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"verbosefile", "vfile", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, (char_u *)&p_vfile, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"viewdir", "vdir", P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_SESSION (char_u *)&p_vdir, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2579,2585 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"viewoptions", "vop", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_SESSION (char_u *)&p_vop, PV_NONE, --- 2599,2605 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"viewoptions", "vop", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_SESSION (char_u *)&p_vop, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2588,2594 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"viminfo", "vi", P_STRING|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_VIMINFO (char_u *)&p_viminfo, PV_NONE, --- 2608,2614 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"viminfo", "vi", P_STRING|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_SECURE, #ifdef FEAT_VIMINFO (char_u *)&p_viminfo, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2606,2612 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"virtualedit", "ve", P_STRING|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_VIRTUALEDIT (char_u *)&p_ve, PV_NONE, --- 2626,2632 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"virtualedit", "ve", P_STRING|P_COMMA|P_NODUP|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, #ifdef FEAT_VIRTUALEDIT (char_u *)&p_ve, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2615,2665 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"visualbell", "vb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_vb, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"w300", NULL, P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"w1200", NULL, P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"w9600", NULL, P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"warn", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_warn, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"weirdinvert", "wiv", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&p_wiv, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"whichwrap", "ww", P_STRING|P_VIM|P_COMMA|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_ww, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)"b,s"}}, {"wildchar", "wc", P_NUM|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_wc, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)(long)Ctrl_E, (char_u *)(long)TAB}}, {"wildcharm", "wcm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_wcm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"wildignore", "wig", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_WILDIGN (char_u *)&p_wig, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, {"wildmenu", "wmnu", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WILDMENU (char_u *)&p_wmnu, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"wildmode", "wim", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_wim, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"full", (char_u *)0L}}, {"wildoptions", "wop", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_COMPL (char_u *)&p_wop, PV_NONE, --- 2635,2686 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"visualbell", "vb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_vb, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"w300", NULL, P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"w1200", NULL, P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"w9600", NULL, P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"warn", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_warn, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"weirdinvert", "wiv", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RCLR, (char_u *)&p_wiv, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"whichwrap", "ww", P_STRING|P_VIM|P_COMMA|P_FLAGLIST, (char_u *)&p_ww, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)"b,s"} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"wildchar", "wc", P_NUM|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_wc, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)(long)Ctrl_E, (char_u *)(long)TAB} ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"wildcharm", "wcm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_wcm, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"wildignore", "wig", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, #ifdef FEAT_WILDIGN (char_u *)&p_wig, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"wildmenu", "wmnu", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WILDMENU (char_u *)&p_wmnu, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"wildmode", "wim", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP, (char_u *)&p_wim, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)"full", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"wildoptions", "wop", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_COMPL (char_u *)&p_wop, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2668,2674 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"winaltkeys", "wak", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WAK (char_u *)&p_wak, PV_NONE, --- 2689,2695 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"winaltkeys", "wak", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WAK (char_u *)&p_wak, PV_NONE, *************** *** 2677,2743 **** (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! }, {"window", "wi", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_window, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"winheight", "wh", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_wh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"winfixheight", "wfh", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_WFH, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"winfixwidth", "wfw", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_VERTSPLIT (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_WFW, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"winminheight", "wmh", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_wmh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"winminwidth", "wmw", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_VERTSPLIT (char_u *)&p_wmw, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"winwidth", "wiw", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_VERTSPLIT (char_u *)&p_wiw, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)20L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"wrap", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_WRAP, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"wrapmargin", "wm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_wm, PV_WM, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, {"wrapscan", "ws", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ws, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"write", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_write, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"writeany", "wa", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_wa, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L}}, {"writebackup", "wb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_wb, PV_NONE, { --- 2698,2764 ---- (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, {(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L} #endif ! SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"window", "wi", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_window, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"winheight", "wh", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_wh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"winfixheight", "wfh", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_WFH, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"winfixwidth", "wfw", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RSTAT, #ifdef FEAT_VERTSPLIT (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_WFW, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"winminheight", "wmh", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS (char_u *)&p_wmh, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"winminwidth", "wmw", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_VERTSPLIT (char_u *)&p_wmw, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)1L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"winwidth", "wiw", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, #ifdef FEAT_VERTSPLIT (char_u *)&p_wiw, PV_NONE, #else (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE, #endif ! {(char_u *)20L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"wrap", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN, (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_WRAP, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"wrapmargin", "wm", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_wm, PV_WM, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"wrapscan", "ws", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_ws, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"write", NULL, P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_write, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)TRUE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"writeany", "wa", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_wa, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"writebackup", "wb", P_BOOL|P_VI_DEF|P_VIM, (char_u *)&p_wb, PV_NONE, { *************** *** 2746,2760 **** #else (char_u *)FALSE, #endif ! (char_u *)0L}}, {"writedelay", "wd", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_wd, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}}, /* terminal output codes */ #define p_term(sss, vvv) {sss, NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_SECURE, \ (char_u *)&vvv, PV_NONE, \ ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}}, p_term("t_AB", T_CAB) p_term("t_AF", T_CAF) --- 2767,2781 ---- #else (char_u *)FALSE, #endif ! (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, {"writedelay", "wd", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF, (char_u *)&p_wd, PV_NONE, ! {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, /* terminal output codes */ #define p_term(sss, vvv) {sss, NULL, P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_RALL|P_SECURE, \ (char_u *)&vvv, PV_NONE, \ ! {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT}, p_term("t_AB", T_CAB) p_term("t_AF", T_CAF) *************** *** 2815,2821 **** /* terminal key codes are not in here */ ! {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, PV_NONE, {NULL, NULL}} /* end marker */ }; #define PARAM_COUNT (sizeof(options) / sizeof(struct vimoption)) --- 2836,2843 ---- /* terminal key codes are not in here */ ! /* end marker */ ! {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, PV_NONE, {NULL, NULL} SCRIPTID_INIT} }; #define PARAM_COUNT (sizeof(options) / sizeof(struct vimoption)) *************** *** 9917,9923 **** regmatch->rm_ic = ic; if (xp->xp_context != EXPAND_BOOL_SETTINGS) { ! for (match = 0; match < sizeof(names) / sizeof(char *); ++match) if (vim_regexec(regmatch, (char_u *)names[match], (colnr_T)0)) { if (loop == 0) --- 9939,9946 ---- regmatch->rm_ic = ic; if (xp->xp_context != EXPAND_BOOL_SETTINGS) { ! for (match = 0; match < (int)(sizeof(names) / sizeof(char *)); ! ++match) if (vim_regexec(regmatch, (char_u *)names[match], (colnr_T)0)) { if (loop == 0) *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/os_unix.c 2009-05-16 16:36:25.000000000 +0200 --- src/os_unix.c 2009-05-17 12:17:01.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 821,827 **** #endif #if defined(SIGINT) - /* ARGSUSED */ static RETSIGTYPE catch_sigint SIGDEFARG(sigarg) { --- 821,826 ---- *************** *** 833,839 **** #endif #if defined(SIGPWR) - /* ARGSUSED */ static RETSIGTYPE catch_sigpwr SIGDEFARG(sigarg) { --- 832,837 ---- *************** *** 853,859 **** /* * signal function for alarm(). */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static RETSIGTYPE sig_alarm SIGDEFARG(sigarg) { --- 851,856 ---- *************** *** 1087,1093 **** /* * signal handler for SIGCONT */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static RETSIGTYPE sigcont_handler SIGDEFARG(sigarg) { --- 1084,1089 ---- *************** *** 1436,1446 **** /* * Another X Error handler, just used to check for errors. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static int x_error_check(dpy, error_event) ! Display *dpy; ! XErrorEvent *error_event; { got_x_error = TRUE; return 0; --- 1432,1441 ---- /* * Another X Error handler, just used to check for errors. */ static int x_error_check(dpy, error_event) ! Display *dpy UNUSED; ! XErrorEvent *error_event UNUSED; { got_x_error = TRUE; return 0; *************** *** 1453,1467 **** */ static int x_IOerror_check __ARGS((Display *dpy)); - /* ARGSUSED */ static int x_IOerror_check(dpy) ! Display *dpy; { /* This function should not return, it causes exit(). Longjump instead. */ LONGJMP(lc_jump_env, 1); - /*NOTREACHED*/ - return 0; } # endif --- 1448,1459 ---- */ static int x_IOerror_check __ARGS((Display *dpy)); static int x_IOerror_check(dpy) ! Display *dpy UNUSED; { /* This function should not return, it causes exit(). Longjump instead. */ LONGJMP(lc_jump_env, 1); } # endif *************** *** 1470,1479 **** */ static int x_IOerror_handler __ARGS((Display *dpy)); - /* ARGSUSED */ static int x_IOerror_handler(dpy) ! Display *dpy; { xterm_dpy = NULL; x11_window = 0; --- 1462,1470 ---- */ static int x_IOerror_handler __ARGS((Display *dpy)); static int x_IOerror_handler(dpy) ! Display *dpy UNUSED; { xterm_dpy = NULL; x11_window = 0; *************** *** 1482,1489 **** /* This function should not return, it causes exit(). Longjump instead. */ LONGJMP(x_jump_env, 1); - /*NOTREACHED*/ - return 0; } #endif --- 1473,1478 ---- *************** *** 1919,1928 **** #else /* FEAT_X11 */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static int get_x11_title(test_only) ! int test_only; { return FALSE; } --- 1908,1916 ---- #else /* FEAT_X11 */ static int get_x11_title(test_only) ! int test_only UNUSED; { return FALSE; } *************** *** 2497,2507 **** * file name to remain exactly the same. * Only required for file systems where case is ignored and preserved. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void fname_case(name, len) char_u *name; ! int len; /* buffer size, only used when name gets longer */ { struct stat st; char_u *slash, *tail; --- 2485,2494 ---- * file name to remain exactly the same. * Only required for file systems where case is ignored and preserved. */ void fname_case(name, len) char_u *name; ! int len UNUSED; /* buffer size, only used when name gets longer */ { struct stat st; char_u *slash, *tail; *************** *** 5141,5147 **** #define SHELL_SPECIAL (char_u *)"\t \"&'$;<>()\\|" - /* ARGSUSED */ int mch_expand_wildcards(num_pat, pat, num_file, file, flags) int num_pat; --- 5128,5133 ---- *************** *** 6068,6074 **** /* * Gets info from sysmouse and adds special keys to input buf. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static RETSIGTYPE sig_sysmouse SIGDEFARG(sigarg) { --- 6054,6059 ---- *************** *** 6632,6642 **** * This is our chance to ask the user if they want to save, * or abort the logout */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void xsmp_handle_interaction(smc_conn, client_data) SmcConn smc_conn; ! SmPointer client_data; { cmdmod_T save_cmdmod; int cancel_shutdown = False; --- 6617,6626 ---- * This is our chance to ask the user if they want to save, * or abort the logout */ static void xsmp_handle_interaction(smc_conn, client_data) SmcConn smc_conn; ! SmPointer client_data UNUSED; { cmdmod_T save_cmdmod; int cancel_shutdown = False; *************** *** 6669,6684 **** /* * Callback that starts save-yourself. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void xsmp_handle_save_yourself(smc_conn, client_data, save_type, shutdown, interact_style, fast) SmcConn smc_conn; ! SmPointer client_data; ! int save_type; Bool shutdown; ! int interact_style; ! Bool fast; { /* Handle already being in saveyourself */ if (xsmp.save_yourself) --- 6653,6667 ---- /* * Callback that starts save-yourself. */ static void xsmp_handle_save_yourself(smc_conn, client_data, save_type, shutdown, interact_style, fast) SmcConn smc_conn; ! SmPointer client_data UNUSED; ! int save_type UNUSED; Bool shutdown; ! int interact_style UNUSED; ! Bool fast UNUSED; { /* Handle already being in saveyourself */ if (xsmp.save_yourself) *************** *** 6712,6722 **** /* * Callback to warn us of imminent death. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void xsmp_die(smc_conn, client_data) ! SmcConn smc_conn; ! SmPointer client_data; { xsmp_close(); --- 6695,6704 ---- /* * Callback to warn us of imminent death. */ static void xsmp_die(smc_conn, client_data) ! SmcConn smc_conn UNUSED; ! SmPointer client_data UNUSED; { xsmp_close(); *************** *** 6728,6738 **** /* * Callback to tell us that save-yourself has completed. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void xsmp_save_complete(smc_conn, client_data) ! SmcConn smc_conn; ! SmPointer client_data; { xsmp.save_yourself = False; } --- 6710,6719 ---- /* * Callback to tell us that save-yourself has completed. */ static void xsmp_save_complete(smc_conn, client_data) ! SmcConn smc_conn UNUSED; ! SmPointer client_data UNUSED; { xsmp.save_yourself = False; } *************** *** 6742,6752 **** * Callback to tell us that an instigated shutdown was cancelled * (maybe even by us) */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void xsmp_shutdown_cancelled(smc_conn, client_data) SmcConn smc_conn; ! SmPointer client_data; { if (xsmp.save_yourself) SmcSaveYourselfDone(smc_conn, True); --- 6723,6732 ---- * Callback to tell us that an instigated shutdown was cancelled * (maybe even by us) */ static void xsmp_shutdown_cancelled(smc_conn, client_data) SmcConn smc_conn; ! SmPointer client_data UNUSED; { if (xsmp.save_yourself) SmcSaveYourselfDone(smc_conn, True); *************** *** 6758,6770 **** /* * Callback to tell us that a new ICE connection has been established. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void xsmp_ice_connection(iceConn, clientData, opening, watchData) IceConn iceConn; ! IcePointer clientData; Bool opening; ! IcePointer *watchData; { /* Intercept creation of ICE connection fd */ if (opening) --- 6738,6749 ---- /* * Callback to tell us that a new ICE connection has been established. */ static void xsmp_ice_connection(iceConn, clientData, opening, watchData) IceConn iceConn; ! IcePointer clientData UNUSED; Bool opening; ! IcePointer *watchData UNUSED; { /* Intercept creation of ICE connection fd */ if (opening) *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/quickfix.c 2009-05-13 18:54:14.000000000 +0200 --- src/quickfix.c 2009-05-16 22:31:49.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 2240,2246 **** * ":cclose": close the window showing the list of errors. * ":lclose": close the window showing the location list */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void ex_cclose(eap) exarg_T *eap; --- 2240,2245 ---- *************** *** 3211,3217 **** break; col = regmatch.endpos[0].col + (col == regmatch.endpos[0].col); ! if (col > STRLEN(ml_get_buf(buf, lnum, FALSE))) break; } line_breakcheck(); --- 3210,3216 ---- break; col = regmatch.endpos[0].col + (col == regmatch.endpos[0].col); ! if (col > (colnr_T)STRLEN(ml_get_buf(buf, lnum, FALSE))) break; } line_breakcheck(); *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/screen.c 2009-05-13 12:46:36.000000000 +0200 --- src/screen.c 2009-05-16 21:51:13.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 270,280 **** * Note that when also inserting/deleting lines w_redraw_top and w_redraw_bot * may become invalid and the whole window will have to be redrawn. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void redrawWinline(lnum, invalid) linenr_T lnum; ! int invalid; /* window line height is invalid now */ { #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING int i; --- 270,279 ---- * Note that when also inserting/deleting lines w_redraw_top and w_redraw_bot * may become invalid and the whole window will have to be redrawn. */ void redrawWinline(lnum, invalid) linenr_T lnum; ! int invalid UNUSED; /* window line height is invalid now */ { #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING int i; *************** *** 2413,2419 **** && (lnume < bot->lnum || (lnume == bot->lnum && (bot->col - (*p_sel == 'e')) ! >= STRLEN(ml_get_buf(wp->w_buffer, lnume, FALSE))))))) { if (VIsual_mode == Ctrl_V) { --- 2412,2418 ---- && (lnume < bot->lnum || (lnume == bot->lnum && (bot->col - (*p_sel == 'e')) ! >= (colnr_T)STRLEN(ml_get_buf(wp->w_buffer, lnume, FALSE))))))) { if (VIsual_mode == Ctrl_V) { *************** *** 2549,2562 **** * * Return the number of last row the line occupies. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static int win_line(wp, lnum, startrow, endrow, nochange) win_T *wp; linenr_T lnum; int startrow; int endrow; ! int nochange; /* not updating for changed text */ { int col; /* visual column on screen */ unsigned off; /* offset in ScreenLines/ScreenAttrs */ --- 2548,2560 ---- * * Return the number of last row the line occupies. */ static int win_line(wp, lnum, startrow, endrow, nochange) win_T *wp; linenr_T lnum; int startrow; int endrow; ! int nochange UNUSED; /* not updating for changed text */ { int col; /* visual column on screen */ unsigned off; /* offset in ScreenLines/ScreenAttrs */ *************** *** 6098,6104 **** fillchar, maxwidth, hltab, tabtab); len = (int)STRLEN(buf); ! while (width < maxwidth && len < sizeof(buf) - 1) { #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE len += (*mb_char2bytes)(fillchar, buf + len); --- 6096,6102 ---- fillchar, maxwidth, hltab, tabtab); len = (int)STRLEN(buf); ! while (width < maxwidth && len < (int)sizeof(buf) - 1) { #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE len += (*mb_char2bytes)(fillchar, buf + len); *************** *** 8655,8661 **** * * Return OK for success, FAIL if the lines are not deleted. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ int screen_del_lines(off, row, line_count, end, force, wp) int off; --- 8653,8658 ---- *************** *** 8663,8669 **** int line_count; int end; int force; /* even when line_count > p_ttyscroll */ ! win_T *wp; /* NULL or window to use width from */ { int j; int i; --- 8660,8666 ---- int line_count; int end; int force; /* even when line_count > p_ttyscroll */ ! win_T *wp UNUSED; /* NULL or window to use width from */ { int j; int i; *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/search.c 2009-05-15 21:31:11.000000000 +0200 --- src/search.c 2009-05-16 22:33:05.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 4527,4538 **** * Find identifiers or defines in included files. * if p_ic && (compl_cont_status & CONT_SOL) then ptr must be in lowercase. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void find_pattern_in_path(ptr, dir, len, whole, skip_comments, type, count, action, start_lnum, end_lnum) char_u *ptr; /* pointer to search pattern */ ! int dir; /* direction of expansion */ int len; /* length of search pattern */ int whole; /* match whole words only */ int skip_comments; /* don't match inside comments */ --- 4527,4537 ---- * Find identifiers or defines in included files. * if p_ic && (compl_cont_status & CONT_SOL) then ptr must be in lowercase. */ void find_pattern_in_path(ptr, dir, len, whole, skip_comments, type, count, action, start_lnum, end_lnum) char_u *ptr; /* pointer to search pattern */ ! int dir UNUSED; /* direction of expansion */ int len; /* length of search pattern */ int whole; /* match whole words only */ int skip_comments; /* don't match inside comments */ *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/spell.c 2009-05-13 18:54:14.000000000 +0200 --- src/spell.c 2009-05-16 22:10:19.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 950,957 **** */ #ifndef FEAT_MBYTE /* Non-multi-byte implementation. */ ! # define SPELL_TOFOLD(c) ((c) < 256 ? spelltab.st_fold[c] : (c)) ! # define SPELL_TOUPPER(c) ((c) < 256 ? spelltab.st_upper[c] : (c)) # define SPELL_ISUPPER(c) ((c) < 256 ? spelltab.st_isu[c] : FALSE) #else # if defined(HAVE_WCHAR_H) --- 950,957 ---- */ #ifndef FEAT_MBYTE /* Non-multi-byte implementation. */ ! # define SPELL_TOFOLD(c) ((c) < 256 ? (int)spelltab.st_fold[c] : (c)) ! # define SPELL_TOUPPER(c) ((c) < 256 ? (int)spelltab.st_upper[c] : (c)) # define SPELL_ISUPPER(c) ((c) < 256 ? spelltab.st_isu[c] : FALSE) #else # if defined(HAVE_WCHAR_H) *************** *** 962,979 **** * the "w" library function for characters above 255 if available. */ # ifdef HAVE_TOWLOWER # define SPELL_TOFOLD(c) (enc_utf8 && (c) >= 128 ? utf_fold(c) \ ! : (c) < 256 ? spelltab.st_fold[c] : towlower(c)) # else # define SPELL_TOFOLD(c) (enc_utf8 && (c) >= 128 ? utf_fold(c) \ ! : (c) < 256 ? spelltab.st_fold[c] : (c)) # endif # ifdef HAVE_TOWUPPER # define SPELL_TOUPPER(c) (enc_utf8 && (c) >= 128 ? utf_toupper(c) \ ! : (c) < 256 ? spelltab.st_upper[c] : towupper(c)) # else # define SPELL_TOUPPER(c) (enc_utf8 && (c) >= 128 ? utf_toupper(c) \ ! : (c) < 256 ? spelltab.st_upper[c] : (c)) # endif # ifdef HAVE_ISWUPPER --- 962,979 ---- * the "w" library function for characters above 255 if available. */ # ifdef HAVE_TOWLOWER # define SPELL_TOFOLD(c) (enc_utf8 && (c) >= 128 ? utf_fold(c) \ ! : (c) < 256 ? (int)spelltab.st_fold[c] : (int)towlower(c)) # else # define SPELL_TOFOLD(c) (enc_utf8 && (c) >= 128 ? utf_fold(c) \ ! : (c) < 256 ? (int)spelltab.st_fold[c] : (c)) # endif # ifdef HAVE_TOWUPPER # define SPELL_TOUPPER(c) (enc_utf8 && (c) >= 128 ? utf_toupper(c) \ ! : (c) < 256 ? (int)spelltab.st_upper[c] : (int)towupper(c)) # else # define SPELL_TOUPPER(c) (enc_utf8 && (c) >= 128 ? utf_toupper(c) \ ! : (c) < 256 ? (int)spelltab.st_upper[c] : (c)) # endif # ifdef HAVE_ISWUPPER *************** *** 8052,8058 **** /* time_t can be up to 8 bytes in size, more than long_u, thus we * can't use put_bytes() here. */ for (i = 7; i >= 0; --i) ! if (i + 1 > sizeof(time_t)) /* ">>" doesn't work well when shifting more bits than avail */ putc(0, fd); else --- 8052,8058 ---- /* time_t can be up to 8 bytes in size, more than long_u, thus we * can't use put_bytes() here. */ for (i = 7; i >= 0; --i) ! if (i + 1 > (int)sizeof(time_t)) /* ">>" doesn't work well when shifting more bits than avail */ putc(0, fd); else *************** *** 10541,10550 **** /* * ":spellrepall" */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void ex_spellrepall(eap) ! exarg_T *eap; { pos_T pos = curwin->w_cursor; char_u *frompat; --- 10541,10549 ---- /* * ":spellrepall" */ void ex_spellrepall(eap) ! exarg_T *eap UNUSED; { pos_T pos = curwin->w_cursor; char_u *frompat; *************** *** 15604,15613 **** /* * ":spellinfo" */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void ex_spellinfo(eap) ! exarg_T *eap; { int lpi; langp_T *lp; --- 15603,15611 ---- /* * ":spellinfo" */ void ex_spellinfo(eap) ! exarg_T *eap UNUSED; { int lpi; langp_T *lp; *************** *** 16153,16159 **** */ int expand_spelling(lnum, pat, matchp) ! linenr_T lnum; char_u *pat; char_u ***matchp; { --- 16151,16157 ---- */ int expand_spelling(lnum, pat, matchp) ! linenr_T lnum UNUSED; char_u *pat; char_u ***matchp; { *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/syntax.c 2008-08-09 19:37:33.000000000 +0200 --- src/syntax.c 2009-05-16 22:14:19.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 3224,3234 **** /* * Handle ":syntax case" command. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static void syn_cmd_case(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing; /* not used */ { char_u *arg = eap->arg; char_u *next; --- 3224,3233 ---- /* * Handle ":syntax case" command. */ static void syn_cmd_case(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing UNUSED; { char_u *arg = eap->arg; char_u *next; *************** *** 3249,3259 **** /* * Handle ":syntax spell" command. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static void syn_cmd_spell(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing; /* not used */ { char_u *arg = eap->arg; char_u *next; --- 3248,3257 ---- /* * Handle ":syntax spell" command. */ static void syn_cmd_spell(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing UNUSED; { char_u *arg = eap->arg; char_u *next; *************** *** 3517,3527 **** /* * Handle ":syntax on" command. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static void syn_cmd_on(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing; /* not used */ { syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "syntax"); } --- 3515,3524 ---- /* * Handle ":syntax on" command. */ static void syn_cmd_on(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing UNUSED; { syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "syntax"); } *************** *** 3529,3539 **** /* * Handle ":syntax enable" command. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static void syn_cmd_enable(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing; /* not used */ { set_internal_string_var((char_u *)"syntax_cmd", (char_u *)"enable"); syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "syntax"); --- 3526,3535 ---- /* * Handle ":syntax enable" command. */ static void syn_cmd_enable(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing UNUSED; { set_internal_string_var((char_u *)"syntax_cmd", (char_u *)"enable"); syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "syntax"); *************** *** 3543,3553 **** /* * Handle ":syntax reset" command. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static void syn_cmd_reset(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing; /* not used */ { eap->nextcmd = check_nextcmd(eap->arg); if (!eap->skip) --- 3539,3548 ---- /* * Handle ":syntax reset" command. */ static void syn_cmd_reset(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing UNUSED; { eap->nextcmd = check_nextcmd(eap->arg); if (!eap->skip) *************** *** 3561,3571 **** /* * Handle ":syntax manual" command. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static void syn_cmd_manual(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing; /* not used */ { syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "manual"); } --- 3556,3565 ---- /* * Handle ":syntax manual" command. */ static void syn_cmd_manual(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing UNUSED; { syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "manual"); } *************** *** 3573,3583 **** /* * Handle ":syntax off" command. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static void syn_cmd_off(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing; /* not used */ { syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "nosyntax"); } --- 3567,3576 ---- /* * Handle ":syntax off" command. */ static void syn_cmd_off(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing UNUSED; { syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "nosyntax"); } *************** *** 4461,4471 **** /* * Handle ":syntax include [@{group-name}] filename" command. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static void syn_cmd_include(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing; /* not used */ { char_u *arg = eap->arg; int sgl_id = 1; --- 4454,4463 ---- /* * Handle ":syntax include [@{group-name}] filename" command. */ static void syn_cmd_include(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing UNUSED; { char_u *arg = eap->arg; int sgl_id = 1; *************** *** 4532,4542 **** /* * Handle ":syntax keyword {group-name} [{option}] keyword .." command. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static void syn_cmd_keyword(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing; /* not used */ { char_u *arg = eap->arg; char_u *group_name_end; --- 4524,4533 ---- /* * Handle ":syntax keyword {group-name} [{option}] keyword .." command. */ static void syn_cmd_keyword(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing UNUSED; { char_u *arg = eap->arg; char_u *group_name_end; *************** *** 5275,5285 **** * Handle ":syntax cluster {cluster-name} [contains={groupname},..] * [add={groupname},..] [remove={groupname},..]". */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static void syn_cmd_cluster(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing; /* not used */ { char_u *arg = eap->arg; char_u *group_name_end; --- 5266,5275 ---- * Handle ":syntax cluster {cluster-name} [contains={groupname},..] * [add={groupname},..] [remove={groupname},..]". */ static void syn_cmd_cluster(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing UNUSED; { char_u *arg = eap->arg; char_u *group_name_end; *************** *** 5464,5474 **** /* * Handle ":syntax sync .." command. */ - /* ARGSUSED */ static void syn_cmd_sync(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing; /* not used */ { char_u *arg_start = eap->arg; char_u *arg_end; --- 5454,5463 ---- /* * Handle ":syntax sync .." command. */ static void syn_cmd_sync(eap, syncing) exarg_T *eap; ! int syncing UNUSED; { char_u *arg_start = eap->arg; char_u *arg_end; *************** *** 6099,6108 **** * Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain the list syntax names for * expansion. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ char_u * get_syntax_name(xp, idx) ! expand_T *xp; int idx; { if (expand_what == EXP_SUBCMD) --- 6088,6096 ---- * Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain the list syntax names for * expansion. */ char_u * get_syntax_name(xp, idx) ! expand_T *xp UNUSED; int idx; { if (expand_what == EXP_SUBCMD) *************** *** 7744,7757 **** /* * Get the font or fontset for one highlight group. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ static void hl_do_font(idx, arg, do_normal, do_menu, do_tooltip) int idx; char_u *arg; ! int do_normal; /* set normal font */ ! int do_menu; /* set menu font */ ! int do_tooltip; /* set tooltip font */ { # ifdef FEAT_XFONTSET /* If 'guifontset' is not empty, first try using the name as a --- 7732,7744 ---- /* * Get the font or fontset for one highlight group. */ static void hl_do_font(idx, arg, do_normal, do_menu, do_tooltip) int idx; char_u *arg; ! int do_normal; /* set normal font */ ! int do_menu UNUSED; /* set menu font */ ! int do_tooltip UNUSED; /* set tooltip font */ { # ifdef FEAT_XFONTSET /* If 'guifontset' is not empty, first try using the name as a *************** *** 9150,9159 **** * Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain the list of group names. * Also used for synIDattr() function. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ char_u * get_highlight_name(xp, idx) ! expand_T *xp; int idx; { #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_COMPL --- 9137,9145 ---- * Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain the list of group names. * Also used for synIDattr() function. */ char_u * get_highlight_name(xp, idx) ! expand_T *xp UNUSED; int idx; { #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_COMPL *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/tag.c 2009-05-15 21:31:11.000000000 +0200 --- src/tag.c 2009-05-16 22:16:31.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 100,106 **** * Tag for preview window is remembered separately, to avoid messing up the * normal tagstack. */ ! static taggy_T ptag_entry = {NULL}; #endif /* --- 100,106 ---- * Tag for preview window is remembered separately, to avoid messing up the * normal tagstack. */ ! static taggy_T ptag_entry = {NULL, {INIT_POS_T(0, 0, 0), 0}, 0, 0}; #endif /* *************** *** 3791,3797 **** --end; } len = (int)(end - start); ! if (len > sizeof(buf) - 1) len = sizeof(buf) - 1; vim_strncpy(buf, start, len); } --- 3791,3797 ---- --end; } len = (int)(end - start); ! if (len > (int)sizeof(buf) - 1) len = sizeof(buf) - 1; vim_strncpy(buf, start, len); } *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/term.c 2009-01-22 18:32:55.000000000 +0100 --- src/term.c 2009-05-16 22:18:08.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 2906,2912 **** int i; int shift; ! for (i = 1; i <= sizeof(long_u); i++) { shift = 8 * (sizeof(long_u) - i); dst[i - 1] = (char_u) ((val >> shift) & 0xff); --- 2906,2912 ---- int i; int shift; ! for (i = 1; i <= (int)sizeof(long_u); i++) { shift = 8 * (sizeof(long_u) - i); dst[i - 1] = (char_u) ((val >> shift) & 0xff); *************** *** 2937,2943 **** len = get_bytes_from_buf(buf, bytes, (int)sizeof(long_u)); if (len != -1) { ! for (i = 0; i < sizeof(long_u); i++) { shift = 8 * (sizeof(long_u) - 1 - i); *val += (long_u)bytes[i] << shift; --- 2937,2943 ---- len = get_bytes_from_buf(buf, bytes, (int)sizeof(long_u)); if (len != -1) { ! for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(long_u); i++) { shift = 8 * (sizeof(long_u) - 1 - i); *val += (long_u)bytes[i] << shift; *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/ui.c 2008-11-28 21:26:50.000000000 +0100 --- src/ui.c 2009-05-16 22:33:55.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 320,329 **** * The gui_set_shellsize() or mch_set_shellsize() function will try to set the * new size. If this is not possible, it will adjust Rows and Columns. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void ui_set_shellsize(mustset) ! int mustset; /* set by the user */ { #ifdef FEAT_GUI if (gui.in_use) --- 320,328 ---- * The gui_set_shellsize() or mch_set_shellsize() function will try to set the * new size. If this is not possible, it will adjust Rows and Columns. */ void ui_set_shellsize(mustset) ! int mustset UNUSED; /* set by the user */ { #ifdef FEAT_GUI if (gui.in_use) *************** *** 1127,1136 **** * available for pasting. * When "both" is TRUE also copy to the '+' register. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void clip_copy_modeless_selection(both) ! int both; { char_u *buffer; char_u *bufp; --- 1126,1134 ---- * available for pasting. * When "both" is TRUE also copy to the '+' register. */ void clip_copy_modeless_selection(both) ! int both UNUSED; { char_u *buffer; char_u *bufp; *************** *** 1701,1710 **** return (int)maxlen; } - /*ARGSUSED*/ void fill_input_buf(exit_on_error) ! int exit_on_error; { #if defined(UNIX) || defined(OS2) || defined(VMS) || defined(MACOS_X_UNIX) int len; --- 1699,1707 ---- return (int)maxlen; } void fill_input_buf(exit_on_error) ! int exit_on_error UNUSED; { #if defined(UNIX) || defined(OS2) || defined(VMS) || defined(MACOS_X_UNIX) int len; *************** *** 1992,2002 **** static void clip_x11_request_selection_cb __ARGS((Widget, XtPointer, Atom *, Atom *, XtPointer, long_u *, int *)); - /* ARGSUSED */ static void clip_x11_request_selection_cb(w, success, sel_atom, type, value, length, format) ! Widget w; XtPointer success; Atom *sel_atom; Atom *type; --- 1989,1998 ---- static void clip_x11_request_selection_cb __ARGS((Widget, XtPointer, Atom *, Atom *, XtPointer, long_u *, int *)); static void clip_x11_request_selection_cb(w, success, sel_atom, type, value, length, format) ! Widget w UNUSED; XtPointer success; Atom *sel_atom; Atom *type; *************** *** 2202,2211 **** static Boolean clip_x11_convert_selection_cb __ARGS((Widget, Atom *, Atom *, Atom *, XtPointer *, long_u *, int *)); - /* ARGSUSED */ static Boolean clip_x11_convert_selection_cb(w, sel_atom, target, type, value, length, format) ! Widget w; Atom *sel_atom; Atom *target; Atom *type; --- 2198,2206 ---- static Boolean clip_x11_convert_selection_cb __ARGS((Widget, Atom *, Atom *, Atom *, XtPointer *, long_u *, int *)); static Boolean clip_x11_convert_selection_cb(w, sel_atom, target, type, value, length, format) ! Widget w UNUSED; Atom *sel_atom; Atom *target; Atom *type; *************** *** 2332,2341 **** static void clip_x11_lose_ownership_cb __ARGS((Widget, Atom *)); - /* ARGSUSED */ static void clip_x11_lose_ownership_cb(w, sel_atom) ! Widget w; Atom *sel_atom; { if (*sel_atom == clip_plus.sel_atom) --- 2327,2335 ---- static void clip_x11_lose_ownership_cb __ARGS((Widget, Atom *)); static void clip_x11_lose_ownership_cb(w, sel_atom) ! Widget w UNUSED; Atom *sel_atom; { if (*sel_atom == clip_plus.sel_atom) *************** *** 2368,2377 **** * Send the current selection to the clipboard. Do nothing for X because we * will fill in the selection only when requested by another app. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ void clip_x11_set_selection(cbd) ! VimClipboard *cbd; { } #endif --- 2362,2370 ---- * Send the current selection to the clipboard. Do nothing for X because we * will fill in the selection only when requested by another app. */ void clip_x11_set_selection(cbd) ! VimClipboard *cbd UNUSED; { } #endif *************** *** 2922,2932 **** * Find the window at screen position "*rowp" and "*colp". The positions are * updated to become relative to the top-left of the window. */ - /*ARGSUSED*/ win_T * mouse_find_win(rowp, colp) int *rowp; ! int *colp; { frame_T *fp; --- 2915,2924 ---- * Find the window at screen position "*rowp" and "*colp". The positions are * updated to become relative to the top-left of the window. */ win_T * mouse_find_win(rowp, colp) int *rowp; ! int *colp UNUSED; { frame_T *fp; *** ../vim-7.2.179/src/version.c 2009-05-16 21:16:12.000000000 +0200 --- src/version.c 2009-05-17 13:06:38.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 678,679 **** --- 678,681 ---- { /* Add new patch number below this line */ + /**/ + 180, /**/ -- Wi n0t trei a h0liday in Sweden thi yer? "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\ /// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\ \\\ download, build and distribute -- /// \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///