Subject: Patch 7.2.215
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.215
Problem:    ml_get error when using ":vimgrep".
Solution:   Load the memfile for the hidden buffer before putting it in a
	    window.  Correct the order of splitting the window and filling
	    the window and buffer with data.
Files:	    src/fileio.c, src/proto/, src/quickfix.c, src/window.c

*** ../vim-7.2.214/src/fileio.c	2009-06-24 11:57:53.000000000 +0200
--- src/fileio.c	2009-06-24 12:53:19.000000000 +0200
*** 710,716 ****
  #ifdef UNIX
  	/* Set swap file protection bits after creating it. */
! 	if (swap_mode > 0 && curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp->mf_fname != NULL)
  	    (void)mch_setperm(curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp->mf_fname, (long)swap_mode);
--- 710,717 ----
  #ifdef UNIX
  	/* Set swap file protection bits after creating it. */
! 	if (swap_mode > 0 && curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp != NULL
! 			  && curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp->mf_fname != NULL)
  	    (void)mch_setperm(curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp->mf_fname, (long)swap_mode);
*** 8435,8443 ****
  	 * effects, insert it in a the current tab page.
  	 * Anything related to a window (e.g., setting folds) may have
  	 * unexpected results. */
! 	curwin = aucmd_win;
! 	curwin->w_buffer = buf;
  	/* Split the current window, put the aucmd_win in the upper half. */
--- 8436,8444 ----
  	 * effects, insert it in a the current tab page.
  	 * Anything related to a window (e.g., setting folds) may have
  	 * unexpected results. */
! 	aucmd_win->w_buffer = buf;
+ 	win_init_empty(aucmd_win); /* set cursor and topline to safe values */
  	/* Split the current window, put the aucmd_win in the upper half. */
*** 8448,8459 ****
  	(void)win_comp_pos();   /* recompute window positions */
  	p_ea = save_ea;
! 	/* set cursor and topline to safe values */
! 	curwin_init();
! 	curwin->w_wincol = 0;
! 	curwin->w_width = Columns;
! #endif
      curbuf = buf;
      aco->new_curwin = curwin;
--- 8449,8455 ----
  	(void)win_comp_pos();   /* recompute window positions */
  	p_ea = save_ea;
! 	curwin = aucmd_win;
      curbuf = buf;
      aco->new_curwin = curwin;
*** ../vim-7.2.214/src/proto/	2009-06-16 16:01:34.000000000 +0200
--- src/proto/	2009-06-24 12:53:13.000000000 +0200
*** 14,19 ****
--- 14,20 ----
  win_T *winframe_remove __ARGS((win_T *win, int *dirp, tabpage_T *tp));
  void close_others __ARGS((int message, int forceit));
  void curwin_init __ARGS((void));
+ void win_init_empty __ARGS((win_T *wp));
  int win_alloc_first __ARGS((void));
  void win_alloc_aucmd_win __ARGS((void));
  void win_init_size __ARGS((void));
*** ../vim-7.2.214/src/quickfix.c	2009-05-17 13:30:58.000000000 +0200
--- src/quickfix.c	2009-06-24 15:30:06.000000000 +0200
*** 3411,3424 ****
      /* Init the options. */
      buf_copy_options(newbuf, BCO_ENTER | BCO_NOHELP);
!     /* set curwin/curbuf to buf and save a few things */
!     aucmd_prepbuf(&aco, newbuf);
!     /* Need to set the filename for autocommands. */
!     (void)setfname(curbuf, fname, NULL, FALSE);
-     if (ml_open(curbuf) == OK)
-     {
  	/* Create swap file now to avoid the ATTENTION message. */
--- 3411,3425 ----
      /* Init the options. */
      buf_copy_options(newbuf, BCO_ENTER | BCO_NOHELP);
!     /* need to open the memfile before putting the buffer in a window */
!     if (ml_open(newbuf) == OK)
!     {
! 	/* set curwin/curbuf to buf and save a few things */
! 	aucmd_prepbuf(&aco, newbuf);
! 	/* Need to set the filename for autocommands. */
! 	(void)setfname(curbuf, fname, NULL, FALSE);
  	/* Create swap file now to avoid the ATTENTION message. */
*** 3441,3450 ****
  		newbuf = curbuf;
-     }
!     /* restore curwin/curbuf and a few other things */
!     aucmd_restbuf(&aco);
      if (!buf_valid(newbuf))
  	return NULL;
--- 3442,3451 ----
  		newbuf = curbuf;
! 	/* restore curwin/curbuf and a few other things */
! 	aucmd_restbuf(&aco);
!     }
      if (!buf_valid(newbuf))
  	return NULL;
*** ../vim-7.2.214/src/window.c	2009-06-16 16:01:34.000000000 +0200
--- src/window.c	2009-06-24 14:35:16.000000000 +0200
*** 2354,2366 ****
      frame_T	*frp;
      win_T	*wp;
-     clearFolding(win);
- #endif
-     /* reduce the reference count to the argument list. */
-     alist_unlink(win->w_alist);
      /* Remove the window and its frame from the tree of frames. */
      frp = win->w_frame;
      wp = winframe_remove(win, dirp, tp);
--- 2354,2359 ----
*** 2386,2394 ****
  # endif
-     while (firstwin != NULL)
- 	(void)win_free_mem(firstwin, &dummy, NULL);
  # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
      if (aucmd_win != NULL)
--- 2379,2384 ----
*** 2396,2401 ****
--- 2386,2394 ----
  	aucmd_win = NULL;
  # endif
+     while (firstwin != NULL)
+ 	(void)win_free_mem(firstwin, &dummy, NULL);
*** 3204,3230 ****
!     redraw_win_later(curwin, NOT_VALID);
!     curwin->w_lines_valid = 0;
!     curwin->w_cursor.lnum = 1;
!     curwin->w_curswant = curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
!     curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
!     curwin->w_pcmark.lnum = 1;	/* pcmark not cleared but set to line 1 */
!     curwin->w_pcmark.col = 0;
!     curwin->w_prev_pcmark.lnum = 0;
!     curwin->w_prev_pcmark.col = 0;
!     curwin->w_topline = 1;
  #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
!     curwin->w_topfill = 0;
!     curwin->w_botline = 2;
  #ifdef FEAT_FKMAP
!     if (curwin->w_p_rl)
! 	curwin->w_farsi = W_CONV + W_R_L;
! 	curwin->w_farsi = W_CONV;
--- 3197,3230 ----
!     win_init_empty(curwin);
! }
!     void
! win_init_empty(wp)
!     win_T *wp;
! {
!     redraw_win_later(wp, NOT_VALID);
!     wp->w_lines_valid = 0;
!     wp->w_cursor.lnum = 1;
!     wp->w_curswant = wp->w_cursor.col = 0;
!     wp->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
!     wp->w_pcmark.lnum = 1;	/* pcmark not cleared but set to line 1 */
!     wp->w_pcmark.col = 0;
!     wp->w_prev_pcmark.lnum = 0;
!     wp->w_prev_pcmark.col = 0;
!     wp->w_topline = 1;
  #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
!     wp->w_topfill = 0;
!     wp->w_botline = 2;
  #ifdef FEAT_FKMAP
!     if (wp->w_p_rl)
! 	wp->w_farsi = W_CONV + W_R_L;
! 	wp->w_farsi = W_CONV;
*** 4325,4330 ****
--- 4325,4337 ----
      int		i;
+     clearFolding(wp);
+ #endif
+     /* reduce the reference count to the argument list. */
+     alist_unlink(wp->w_alist);
      /* Don't execute autocommands while the window is halfway being deleted.
       * gui_mch_destroy_scrollbar() may trigger a FocusGained event. */
*** 4387,4393 ****
  #endif /* FEAT_GUI */
!     win_remove(wp, tp);
--- 4394,4403 ----
  #endif /* FEAT_GUI */
!     if (wp != aucmd_win)
! #endif
! 	win_remove(wp, tp);
*** ../vim-7.2.214/src/version.c	2009-06-24 17:04:40.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2009-06-24 17:27:38.000000000 +0200
*** 678,679 ****
--- 678,681 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     215,

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 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\        download, build and distribute --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///