# KH: Modified as it collides with the runtime-update patch

To: vim-dev@vim.org
Subject: patch 7.0.187
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
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Patch 7.0.187
Problem:    Can't source a remote script properly.
Solution:   Add the SourceCmd event. (Charles Campbell)
Files:	    runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/fileio.c, src/vim.h

diff -urN runtime/doc/autocmd.txt runtime/doc/autocmd.txt.new
--- runtime/doc/autocmd.txt	2006-09-08 17:26:31.000000000 -0400
+++ runtime/doc/autocmd.txt	2007-01-23 06:17:46.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*autocmd.txt*   For Vim version 7.0.  Last change: 2006 Aug 29
+*autocmd.txt*   For Vim version 7.0.  Last change: 2007 Jan 16
 		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -279,6 +279,7 @@
 |FuncUndefined|		a user function is used but it isn't defined
 |SpellFileMissing|	a spell file is used but it can't be found
 |SourcePre|		before sourcing a Vim script
+|SourceCmd|		before sourcing a Vim script |Cmd-event|
 |VimResized|		after the Vim window size changed
 |FocusGained|		Vim got input focus
@@ -695,10 +696,16 @@
 SourcePre			Before sourcing a Vim script. |:source|
 				<afile> is the name of the file being sourced.
+							*SourceCmd*
+SourceCmd			When sourcing a Vim script. |:source|
+				<afile> is the name of the file being sourced.
+				The autocommand must source this file.
+				|Cmd-event|
 SpellFileMissing		When trying to load a spell checking file and
-				it can't be found.  <amatch> is the language,
-				'encoding' also matters.  See
+				it can't be found.  The pattern is matched
+				against the language.  <amatch> is the
+				language, 'encoding' also matters.  See
 StdinReadPost			After reading from the stdin into the buffer,
@@ -1224,8 +1231,8 @@
 When using one of the "*Cmd" events, the matching autocommands are expected to
-do the file reading or writing.  This can be used when working with a special
-kind of file, for example on a remote system.
+do the file reading, writing or sourcing.  This can be used when working with
+a special kind of file, for example on a remote system.
 CAREFUL: If you use these events in a wrong way, it may have the effect of
 making it impossible to read or write the matching files!  Make sure you test
 your autocommands properly.  Best is to use a pattern that will never match a
@@ -1238,9 +1245,10 @@
 original file isn't needed for recovery.  You might want to do this only when
 you expect the file to be modified.
-The |v:cmdarg| variable holds the "++enc=" and "++ff=" argument that are
-effective.  These should be used for the command that reads/writes the file.
-The |v:cmdbang| variable is one when "!" was used, zero otherwise.
+For file read and write commands the |v:cmdarg| variable holds the "++enc="
+and "++ff=" argument that are effective.  These should be used for the command
+that reads/writes the file.  The |v:cmdbang| variable is one when "!" was
+used, zero otherwise.
 See the $VIMRUNTIME/plugin/netrw.vim for examples.
*** ../vim-7.0.186/src/ex_cmds2.c	Tue Aug 29 17:28:56 2006
--- src/ex_cmds2.c	Tue Jan 16 18:30:40 2007
*** 2811,2816 ****
--- 2811,2827 ----
+     /* Apply SourceCmd autocommands, they should get the file and source it. */
+     if (has_autocmd(EVENT_SOURCECMD, fname_exp, NULL)
+ 	    && apply_autocmds(EVENT_SOURCECMD, fname_exp, fname_exp,
+ 							       FALSE, curbuf))
+ # ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ 	return aborting() ? FAIL : OK;
+ # else
+ 	return OK;
+ # endif
+     /* Apply SourcePre autocommands, they may get the file. */
      apply_autocmds(EVENT_SOURCEPRE, fname_exp, fname_exp, FALSE, curbuf);
*** ../vim-7.0.186/src/fileio.c	Tue Jan  9 15:43:39 2007
--- src/fileio.c	Tue Jan 16 18:23:35 2007
*** 7019,7024 ****
--- 7020,7026 ----
      {"ShellCmdPost",	EVENT_SHELLCMDPOST},
      {"ShellFilterPost",	EVENT_SHELLFILTERPOST},
      {"SourcePre",	EVENT_SOURCEPRE},
+     {"SourceCmd",	EVENT_SOURCECMD},
      {"StdinReadPost",	EVENT_STDINREADPOST},
      {"StdinReadPre",	EVENT_STDINREADPRE},
*** ../vim-7.0.186/src/vim.h	Wed Nov  1 15:31:02 2006
--- src/vim.h	Tue Jan 16 18:22:28 2007
*** 1102,1108 ****
      EVENT_COLORSCHEME,		/* after loading a colorscheme */
      EVENT_FILEAPPENDPOST,	/* after appending to a file */
      EVENT_FILEAPPENDPRE,	/* before appending to a file */
!     EVENT_FILEAPPENDCMD,	/* appende to a file using command */
      EVENT_FILECHANGEDSHELL,	/* after shell command that changed file */
      EVENT_FILECHANGEDSHELLPOST,	/* after (not) reloading changed file */
      EVENT_FILECHANGEDRO,	/* before first change to read-only file */
--- 1102,1108 ----
      EVENT_COLORSCHEME,		/* after loading a colorscheme */
      EVENT_FILEAPPENDPOST,	/* after appending to a file */
      EVENT_FILEAPPENDPRE,	/* before appending to a file */
!     EVENT_FILEAPPENDCMD,	/* append to a file using command */
      EVENT_FILECHANGEDSHELL,	/* after shell command that changed file */
      EVENT_FILECHANGEDSHELLPOST,	/* after (not) reloading changed file */
      EVENT_FILECHANGEDRO,	/* before first change to read-only file */
*** 1147,1152 ****
--- 1147,1153 ----
      EVENT_REMOTEREPLY,		/* upon string reception from a remote vim */
      EVENT_SWAPEXISTS,		/* found existing swap file */
      EVENT_SOURCEPRE,		/* before sourcing a Vim script */
+     EVENT_SOURCECMD,		/* sourcing a Vim script using command */
      EVENT_SPELLFILEMISSING,	/* spell file missing */
      EVENT_CURSORMOVED,		/* cursor was moved */
      EVENT_CURSORMOVEDI,		/* cursor was moved in Insert mode */
*** ../vim-7.0.186/src/version.c	Tue Jan 16 16:00:38 2007
--- src/version.c	Tue Jan 16 20:37:23 2007
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     187,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
29. Your phone bill comes to your doorstep in a box.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///