Subject: Patch 7.3.492
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Patch 7.3.492
Problem:    Can't indent conditions separately from function arguments.
Solution:   Add the 'k' flag in 'cino. (Lech Lorens)
Files:	    runtime/doc/indent.txt, src/misc1.c, src/testdir/,

*** ../vim-7.3.491/runtime/doc/indent.txt	2011-06-26 03:16:58.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/doc/indent.txt	2012-04-05 17:12:14.000000000 +0200
*** 459,464 ****
--- 460,481 ----
  		  a_short_line(argument,    a_short_line(argument,
  			       argument);		 argument);
+ 							*cino-k*
+ 	kN    When in unclosed parentheses which follow "if", "for" or
+ 	      "while" and N is non-zero, overrides the behaviour defined by
+ 	      "(N": causes the indent to be N characters relative to the outer
+ 	      context (i.e. the line where "if", "for" or "while" is).  Has
+ 	      no effect on deeper levels of nesting.  Affects flags like "wN"
+ 	      only for the "if", "for" and "while" conditions.  If 0, defaults
+ 	      to behaviour defined by the "(N" flag.  (default: 0).
+ 		cino=(0			   cino=(0,ks >
+ 		  if (condition1	    if (condition1
+ 		      && condition2)		    && condition2)
+ 		      action();			action();
+ 		  function(argument1	    function(argument1
+ 			   && argument2);	     && argument2);
+ <
  	mN    When N is non-zero, line up a line starting with a closing
  	      parentheses with the first character of the line with the
*** 527,540 ****
  	#N    When N is non-zero recognize shell/Perl comments, starting with
! 	      '#'.  Default N is zero: don't recognizes '#' comments.  Note
  	      that lines starting with # will still be seen as preprocessor
  The defaults, spelled out in full, are:
! 			c3,C0,/0,(2s,us,U0,w0,W0,m0,j0,J0,)20,*70,#0
  Vim puts a line in column 1 if:
  - It starts with '#' (preprocessor directives), if 'cinkeys' contains '#'.
--- 546,559 ----
  	#N    When N is non-zero recognize shell/Perl comments, starting with
! 	      '#'.  Default N is zero: don't recognize '#' comments.  Note
  	      that lines starting with # will still be seen as preprocessor
  The defaults, spelled out in full, are:
! 			c3,C0,/0,(2s,us,U0,w0,W0,k0,m0,j0,J0,)20,*70,#0
  Vim puts a line in column 1 if:
  - It starts with '#' (preprocessor directives), if 'cinkeys' contains '#'.
*** ../vim-7.3.491/src/misc1.c	2012-02-29 13:49:03.000000000 +0100
--- src/misc1.c	2012-04-05 17:12:14.000000000 +0200
*** 5771,5776 ****
--- 5771,5822 ----
+  * Check whether in "p" there is an "if", "for" or "while" before offset.
+  * Return 0 if there is none.
+  * Otherwise return !0 and update "*poffset" to point to the place where the
+  * string was found.
+  */
+     static int
+ cin_is_if_for_while_before_offset(line, offset, poffset)
+     char_u *line;
+     size_t offset;
+     int    *poffset;
+ {
+     if (offset-- < 2)
+ 	return 0;
+     while (offset > 2 && vim_iswhite(line[offset]))
+ 	--offset;
+     offset -= 1;
+     if (!STRNCMP(line + offset, "if", 2))
+ 	goto probablyFound;
+     if (offset >= 1)
+     {
+ 	offset -= 1;
+ 	if (!STRNCMP(line + offset, "for", 3))
+ 	    goto probablyFound;
+ 	if (offset >= 2)
+ 	{
+ 	    offset -= 2;
+ 	    if (!STRNCMP(line + offset, "while", 5))
+ 		goto probablyFound;
+ 	}
+     }
+     return 0;
+ probablyFound:
+     if (!offset || !vim_isIDc(line[offset - 1]))
+     {
+ 	*poffset = offset;
+ 	return 1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ /*
   * Return TRUE if we are at the end of a do-while.
   *    do
   *       nothing;
*** 6124,6130 ****
   * Find the matching '(', failing if it is in a comment.
!  * Return NULL of no match found.
      static pos_T *
  find_match_paren(ind_maxparen, ind_maxcomment)	    /* XXX */
--- 6170,6176 ----
   * Find the matching '(', failing if it is in a comment.
!  * Return NULL if no match found.
      static pos_T *
  find_match_paren(ind_maxparen, ind_maxcomment)	    /* XXX */
*** 6393,6398 ****
--- 6439,6450 ----
      int ind_cpp_namespace = 0;
+     /*
+      * handle continuation lines containing conditions of if(), for() and
+      * while()
+      */
+     int ind_if_for_while = 0;
      pos_T	cur_curpos;
      int		amount;
      int		scope_amount;
*** 6437,6442 ****
--- 6489,6495 ----
      int		cont_amount = 0;    /* amount for continuation line */
      int		original_line_islabel;
      int		added_to_amount = 0;
+     int		is_if_for_while = 0;
      for (options = curbuf->b_p_cino; *options; )
*** 6509,6514 ****
--- 6562,6568 ----
  	    case 'l': ind_keep_case_label = n; break;
  	    case '#': ind_hash_comment = n; break;
  	    case 'N': ind_cpp_namespace = n; break;
+ 	    case 'k': ind_if_for_while = n; break;
  	if (*options == ',')
*** 6812,6817 ****
--- 6866,6900 ----
  	if (amount == -1)
  	    int	    ignore_paren_col = 0;
+ 	    int	    is_if_for_while = 0;
+ 	    if (ind_if_for_while)
+ 	    {
+ 		/* Look for the outermost opening parenthesis on this line
+ 		 * and check whether it belongs to an "if", "for" or "while". */
+ 		pos_T	    cursor_save = curwin->w_cursor;
+ 		pos_T	    outermost;
+ 		char_u	    *line;
+ 		int	    look_col;
+ 		trypos = &our_paren_pos;
+ 		do {
+ 		    outermost = *trypos;
+ 		    curwin->w_cursor.lnum = outermost.lnum;
+ 		    curwin->w_cursor.col = outermost.col;
+ 		    trypos = find_match_paren(ind_maxparen, ind_maxcomment);
+ 		} while (trypos && trypos->lnum == outermost.lnum);
+ 		curwin->w_cursor = cursor_save;
+ 		line = ml_get(outermost.lnum);
+ 		is_if_for_while =
+ 		    cin_is_if_for_while_before_offset(line, outermost.col,
+ 						      &outermost.col);
+ 	    }
  	    amount = skip_label(our_paren_pos.lnum, &look, ind_maxcomment);
  	    look = skipwhite(look);
*** 6836,6842 ****
  		curwin->w_cursor.lnum = save_lnum;
  		look = ml_get(our_paren_pos.lnum) + look_col;
! 	    if (theline[0] == ')' || ind_unclosed == 0
  		    || (!ind_unclosed_noignore && *look == '('
  						    && ignore_paren_col == 0))
--- 6919,6925 ----
  		curwin->w_cursor.lnum = save_lnum;
  		look = ml_get(our_paren_pos.lnum) + look_col;
! 	    if (theline[0] == ')' || (ind_unclosed == 0 && is_if_for_while == 0)
  		    || (!ind_unclosed_noignore && *look == '('
  						    && ignore_paren_col == 0))
*** 6907,6913 ****
  		/* Line up with the start of the matching paren line. */
! 	    else if (ind_unclosed == 0 || (!ind_unclosed_noignore
  				    && *look == '(' && ignore_paren_col == 0))
  		if (cur_amount != MAXCOL)
--- 6990,6997 ----
  		/* Line up with the start of the matching paren line. */
! 	    else if ((ind_unclosed == 0 && is_if_for_while == 0)
! 		     || (!ind_unclosed_noignore
  				    && *look == '(' && ignore_paren_col == 0))
  		if (cur_amount != MAXCOL)
*** 6943,6949 ****
  		    if (find_match_paren(ind_maxparen, ind_maxcomment) != NULL)
  			amount += ind_unclosed2;
! 			amount += ind_unclosed;
  		 * For a line starting with ')' use the minimum of the two
--- 7027,7038 ----
  		    if (find_match_paren(ind_maxparen, ind_maxcomment) != NULL)
  			amount += ind_unclosed2;
! 		    {
! 			if (is_if_for_while)
! 			    amount += ind_if_for_while;
! 			else
! 			    amount += ind_unclosed;
! 		    }
  		 * For a line starting with ')' use the minimum of the two
*** ../vim-7.3.491/src/testdir/	2011-12-14 20:21:29.000000000 +0100
--- src/testdir/	2012-04-05 17:12:14.000000000 +0200
*** 1574,1579 ****
--- 1574,1793 ----
+ :set cino=k2s,(0
+ 2kdd3j=][
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 	&& condition2)
+ 	action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 	&& argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 	c3))
+ 	foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 	(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (   c1
+ 	&& (      c2
+ 	|| c3))
+ 	foo;
+ 	func( c1
+ 	&& (     c2
+ 	|| c3))
+ 	foo;
+ }
+ :set cino=k2s,(s
+ 2kdd3j=][
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 	&& condition2)
+ 	action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 	&& argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 	c3))
+ 	foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 	(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (   c1
+ 	&& (      c2
+ 	|| c3))
+ 	foo;
+ 	func(   c1
+ 	&& (      c2
+ 	|| c3))
+ 	foo;
+ }
+ :set cino=k2s,(s,U1
+ 2kdd3j=][
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 	&& condition2)
+ 	action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 	&& argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 	c3))
+ 	foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 	(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (c123456789
+ 	&& (c22345
+ 	|| c3))
+ 	printf("foo\n");
+ 	c = c1 &&
+ 	(
+ 	c2 ||
+ 	c3
+ 	) && c4;
+ }
+ :set cino=k2s,(0,W4
+ 2kdd3j=][
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 	&& condition2)
+ 	action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 	&& argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 	c3))
+ 	foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 	(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (c123456789
+ 	&& (c22345
+ 	|| c3))
+ 	printf("foo\n");
+ 	if (   c1
+ 	&& (   c2
+ 	|| c3))
+ 	foo;
+ 	a_long_line(
+ 	argument,
+ 	argument);
+ 	a_short_line(argument,
+ 	argument);
+ }
+ :set cino=k2s,u2
+ 2kdd3j=][
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 	&& condition2)
+ 	action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 	&& argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 	c3))
+ 	foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 	(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (c123456789
+ 	&& (c22345
+ 	|| c3))
+ 	printf("foo\n");
+ }
+ :set cino=k2s,(0,w1
+ 2kdd3j=][
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 	&& condition2)
+ 	action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 	&& argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 	c3))
+ 	foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 	(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (c123456789
+ 	&& (c22345
+ 	|| c3))
+ 	printf("foo\n");
+ 	if (   c1
+ 	&& (      c2
+ 	|| c3))
+ 	foo;
+ 	func(   c1
+ 	&& (      c2
+ 	|| c3))
+ 	foo;
+ }
+ :set cino=k2,(s
+ 2kdd3j=][
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 	  && condition2)
+ 		action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 		&& argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 		  c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 	  (c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ }
  :set cino=N-s
*** ../vim-7.3.491/src/testdir/test3.ok	2011-12-14 20:21:29.000000000 +0100
--- src/testdir/test3.ok	2012-04-05 17:12:14.000000000 +0200
*** 1411,1416 ****
--- 1411,1602 ----
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 			&& condition2)
+ 		action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 			 && argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 				c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 			(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (   c1
+ 			&& (      c2
+ 					  || c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	func( c1
+ 		  && (     c2
+ 				   || c3))
+ 		foo;
+ }
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 			&& condition2)
+ 		action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 		&& argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 				c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 			(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (   c1
+ 			&& (      c2
+ 				|| c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	func(   c1
+ 		&& (      c2
+ 			|| c3))
+ 		foo;
+ }
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 			&& condition2)
+ 		action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 		&& argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 				c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 			(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (c123456789
+ 			&& (c22345
+ 				|| c3))
+ 		printf("foo\n");
+ 	c = c1 &&
+ 		(
+ 			c2 ||
+ 			c3
+ 		) && c4;
+ }
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 			&& condition2)
+ 		action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 			 && argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 				c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 			(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (c123456789
+ 			&& (c22345
+ 				|| c3))
+ 		printf("foo\n");
+ 	if (   c1
+ 			&& (   c2
+ 				   || c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	a_long_line(
+ 		argument,
+ 		argument);
+ 	a_short_line(argument,
+ 				 argument);
+ }
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 			&& condition2)
+ 		action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 			&& argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 			  c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 			(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (c123456789
+ 			&& (c22345
+ 			  || c3))
+ 		printf("foo\n");
+ }
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 			&& condition2)
+ 		action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 			 && argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 				c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 			(c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ 	if (c123456789
+ 			&& (c22345
+ 				|| c3))
+ 		printf("foo\n");
+ 	if (   c1
+ 			&& (      c2
+ 				|| c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	func(   c1
+ 		 && (      c2
+ 			 || c3))
+ 		foo;
+ }
+ void func(void)
+ {
+ 	if (condition1
+ 	  && condition2)
+ 		action();
+ 	function(argument1
+ 		&& argument2);
+ 	if (c1 && (c2 ||
+ 		  c3))
+ 		foo;
+ 	if (c1 &&
+ 	  (c2 || c3))
+ 	{
+ 	}
+ }
  /* valid namespaces with normal indent */
*** ../vim-7.3.491/src/version.c	2012-04-05 16:56:38.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2012-04-05 17:14:18.000000000 +0200
*** 716,717 ****
--- 716,719 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     492,

You were lucky to have a LAKE! There were a hundred and sixty of
us living in a small shoebox in the middle of the road.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///