Subject: Patch 7.2.253
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.253
Problem:    Netbeans interface: getLength always uses current buffer.
Solution:   Use ml_get_buf() instead of ml_get(). (Xavier de Gaye)
Files:	    src/netbeans.c

*** ../vim-7.2.252/src/netbeans.c	2009-06-24 16:49:50.000000000 +0200
--- src/netbeans.c	2009-09-11 13:40:14.000000000 +0200
*** 1499,1505 ****
  		    return FAIL;
  		first = *pos;
! 		nbdebug(("    FIRST POS: line %d, col %d\n", first.lnum, first.col));
  		pos = off2pos(buf->bufp, off+count-1);
  		if (!pos)
--- 1499,1506 ----
  		    return FAIL;
  		first = *pos;
! 		nbdebug(("    FIRST POS: line %d, col %d\n",
! 						      first.lnum, first.col));
  		pos = off2pos(buf->bufp, off+count-1);
  		if (!pos)
*** 1510,1516 ****
  		    return FAIL;
  		last = *pos;
! 		nbdebug(("    LAST POS: line %d, col %d\n", last.lnum, last.col));
  		del_from_lnum = first.lnum;
  		del_to_lnum = last.lnum;
  		doupdate = 1;
--- 1511,1518 ----
  		    return FAIL;
  		last = *pos;
! 		nbdebug(("    LAST POS: line %d, col %d\n",
! 							last.lnum, last.col));
  		del_from_lnum = first.lnum;
  		del_to_lnum = last.lnum;
  		doupdate = 1;
*** 1521,1527 ****
  		next = off2pos(buf->bufp, off + count);
  		/* Remove part of the first line. */
! 		if (first.col != 0 || (next != NULL && first.lnum == next->lnum))
  		    if (first.lnum != last.lnum
  			    || (next != NULL && first.lnum != next->lnum))
--- 1523,1530 ----
  		next = off2pos(buf->bufp, off + count);
  		/* Remove part of the first line. */
! 		if (first.col != 0
! 				|| (next != NULL && first.lnum == next->lnum))
  		    if (first.lnum != last.lnum
  			    || (next != NULL && first.lnum != next->lnum))
*** 1584,1590 ****
  			int id = buf_findsign_id(buf->bufp, (linenr_T)i);
  			if (id > 0)
! 			    nbdebug(("    Deleting sign %d on line %d\n", id, i));
  			    buf_delsign(buf->bufp, id);
--- 1587,1594 ----
  			int id = buf_findsign_id(buf->bufp, (linenr_T)i);
  			if (id > 0)
! 			    nbdebug(("    Deleting sign %d on line %d\n",
! 								      id, i));
  			    buf_delsign(buf->bufp, id);
*** 1593,1599 ****
! 		    nbdebug(("    Deleting lines %d through %d\n", del_from_lnum, del_to_lnum));
  		    curwin->w_cursor.lnum = del_from_lnum;
  		    curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
  		    del_lines(del_to_lnum - del_from_lnum + 1, FALSE);
--- 1597,1604 ----
! 		    nbdebug(("    Deleting lines %d through %d\n",
! 						 del_from_lnum, del_to_lnum));
  		    curwin->w_cursor.lnum = del_from_lnum;
  		    curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
  		    del_lines(del_to_lnum - del_from_lnum + 1, FALSE);
*** 3514,3520 ****
  	    eol_size = 1;
  	for (lnum = 1; lnum <= bufp->b_ml.ml_line_count; ++lnum)
! 	    char_count += (long)STRLEN(ml_get(lnum)) + eol_size;
  	    /* Check for a CTRL-C every 100000 characters */
  	    if (char_count > last_check)
--- 3519,3526 ----
  	    eol_size = 1;
  	for (lnum = 1; lnum <= bufp->b_ml.ml_line_count; ++lnum)
! 	    char_count += (long)STRLEN(ml_get_buf(bufp, lnum, FALSE))
! 								   + eol_size;
  	    /* Check for a CTRL-C every 100000 characters */
  	    if (char_count > last_check)
*** ../vim-7.2.252/src/version.c	2009-09-11 14:02:25.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2009-09-11 14:18:45.000000000 +0200
*** 678,679 ****
--- 678,681 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     253,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
227. You sleep next to your monitor.  Or on top of it.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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