Patches for Vim - Vi IMproved 7.3

The files in this directory contain source code changes to fix
problems in released versions of Vim.  Each file also contains an
explanation of the problem that is fixed, like the message that
was sent to the vim-dev maillist.

The best is to apply the patches in sequence.  This avoids problems
when a patch depends on a previous patch.  If you did not unpack the
extra archive, you may want to skip patches marked with "(extra)".
Similarly for the "lang" archive.  Or ignore errors for missing files.

Before patching, change to the top Vim directory, where the "src"
and "runtime" directories are located.
Depending on the version of "patch" that you use, you may have add
an argument to make it patch the right file:
        patch -p < 7.3.001
        patch -p0 < 7.3.001

After applying a patch, you need to compile Vim.  There are no
patches for binaries.

Checksums for the patch files can be found in the file MD5.

These patches were edited after their original submission to avoid patch to
fail.  The original files are available with "orig." prepended:
 22565  7.3.202  cannot influence the indent inside a namespace
  5725  7.3.203  MS-Windows: Can't run external command without console window
 10891  7.3.223  MingW cross compilation doesn't work with tiny feat.

Individual patches for Vim 7.3:

  1720  7.3.001  ":find" completion does not always shorten match properly
  1610  7.3.002  ":find" completion didn't work halfway an environment variable
  1299  7.3.003  crash with specific BufWritePost autocmd
  1300  7.3.004  crash when using very long regexp
  2747  7.3.005  crash when using undotree()
  2987  7.3.006  can't build some multi-byte code with C89
  4442  7.3.007  Python code redefines "buffer", re-implements a grow-array
 11982  7.3.008  'cursorbind' is kept in places where 'scrollbind' is reset
  3197  7.3.009  Win32: Crash when using a bad argument for strftime()
  5466  7.3.010  Mac GUI: Missing break statements
  8811  7.3.011  X11 clipboard doesn't work in GUI, after :sh selection fails
  2127  7.3.012  problems building with MingW
  5979  7.3.013  dynamic loading with Ruby doesn't work for 1.9.2
  2497  7.3.014  "a" in Ex mode with backslash at end of line doesn't work
  2223  7.3.015  a test is using an error message that no longer exists
  7448  7.3.016  netbeans interface doesn't work under Athena
  4314  7.3.017  errors reported by smatch
  2488  7.3.018  (after 7.3.012) missing argument to windres in MingW makefiles
  1577  7.3.019  ":nbstart" can fail silently
  3696  7.3.020  cursor position wrong when joining lines and 'fo' contains "a"
  2145  7.3.021  Mac: Boolean redefined when building with X11
  1750  7.3.022  when opening a new window 'spellcapcheck' is cleared
  2086  7.3.023  external program may hang when it tries to write to the tty
  3222  7.3.024  named signs do not use a negative number as intended
  3412  7.3.025  ":mksession" does not escape file name properly
  1848  7.3.026  CTRL-] in a help file doesn't always work
  2668  7.3.027  MS-Windows: Opening a file on a network share is very slow
  5065  7.3.028  (after 7.3.024) signs don't show up
  4623  7.3.029  ":sort n" sorts lines without a number as number zero
 12512  7.3.030  cannot store Dict and List in viminfo file
  3620  7.3.031  can't pass the X window ID to another application
 21839  7.3.032  maparg() doesn't return the flags, e.g., <buffer>, <script>
  1395  7.3.033  (after 7.3.032) can't build without FEAT_LOCALMAP
 12987  7.3.034  Win32: may load .dll from wrong directory
  1882  7.3.035  (after 7.3.034) stray semicolon
  1946  7.3.036  Win32 GUI: different dialog font when building without menus
  4147  7.3.037  compiler warnings for loss of data
  2638  7.3.038  v:windowid isn't set for MS-Windows
  2567  7.3.039  crash when using skk.vim plugin
  1627  7.3.040  go past end of string when comparing while ignoring case
  1857  7.3.041  compiler warning for mediumVersion
  1915  7.3.042  no spell highlighting when re-using an empty buffer
 14836  7.3.043  can't load Ruby dynamically on Unix
  1857  7.3.044  preview window too high when opened by the popup menu
  1739  7.3.045  compiler warning for uninitialized variable
  2126  7.3.046  can't build Ruby on MS-Windows
  6058  7.3.047  (after 7.3.032) missing makefile updates for test 75
  3410  7.3.048  ":earlier 1f" doesn't work after loading undo file
 19335  7.3.049  PLT has rebranded their Scheme to Racket
  6138  7.3.050  the link script is clumsy, should use --as-needed
  3305  7.3.051  crash when $PATH is empty
 10719  7.3.052  various errors when 'completefunc' opens a new window
  2948  7.3.053  complete() function doesn't reset complete direction
  3354  7.3.054  can define a user command for :Print, but it doesn't work
 10470  7.3.055  endless loop when recursively comparing lists and dicts
 17935  7.3.056  "getline" argument in do_cmdline() shadows global
  1980  7.3.057  segfault with command line abbreviation
  4735  7.3.058  error "code converter not found" when loading Ruby script
  3226  7.3.059  Netbeans: Problem with recursive messages for Athena/Motif
  5326  7.3.060  Netbeans: crash when socket is disconnected unexpectedly
  3307  7.3.061  remote ":drop" does not respect 'autochdir'
 23639  7.3.062  Python has problems when installed in an unusual directory
  2250  7.3.063  Win32: Running a filter command makes Vim lose focus
  2493  7.3.064  Win32: ":dis +" shows nothing, but "+p does insert text
  3389  7.3.065  can't get current line number in a source file
  2852  7.3.066  crash when changing to another window during :vimgrep command
  2315  7.3.067  Ruby: Init_prelude is not always available
  1550  7.3.068  using freed memory on ":saveas" if autocommand sets 'acd'
  1618  7.3.069  GTK: pressing Enter in inputdialog() doesn't work like OK
  1604  7.3.070  can set environment variables in the sandbox
  2095  7.3.071  cursor binding not reset when editing another file
  9432  7.3.072  can't complete file names while ignoring case
  2466  7.3.073  double free memory when netbeans command follows DETACH
  7659  7.3.074  can't use the "+ register like "* for yank and put
  3872  7.3.075  (after 7.3.072) also use 'wildignorecase' in expand()
  5538  7.3.076  Clang warnings for dead code
  3099  7.3.077  when updating swapfile crypt fails there is no error message
  1565  7.3.078  warning for unused variable
  1377  7.3.079  duplicate lines in MSVC makefile
  6011  7.3.080  spelling doesn't work on VMS
  2257  7.3.081  non-printable characters in 'statusline' cause trouble
  1634  7.3.082  leaking file descriptor when netbeans hostname doesn't exist
  9996  7.3.083  when a read() or write() is interrupted by a signal it fails
  3508  7.3.084  after window split the new one scrolls with cursor at top
  8843  7.3.085  (after 7.3.083) inconsistency with preproc symbols
  4005  7.3.086  v:count has value of previous command in expression mapping
  4349  7.3.087  (after 7.3.083) missing include for errno.h
  4868  7.3.088  Ruby can't load Gems sometimes, may cause a crash
  1550  7.3.089  compiler warning on 64 bit MS-Windows
  2377  7.3.090  wrong help text for Cscope
  9421  7.3.091  "vim -w foo" writes key codes for removed escape sequences
  1678  7.3.092  resizing the window when exiting
  5483  7.3.093  new DLL dependencies in MingW with gcc 4.5.0
  2167  7.3.094  using abs() requires type cast to int
  1999  7.3.095  Win32: In Chinese tear-off menu doesn't work
  2767  7.3.096  can't interrupt "gvim -nb", leak file descriptor on errro
  1760  7.3.097  ":call" inside "if 0" gives error for dict function
  1712  7.3.098  ignored error may still cause status line to be disabled
  1628  7.3.099  crash when splitting a window with zero height
  1497  7.3.100  when using ":normal" v:count isn't set
  2449  7.3.101  ino_t defined with wrong size in Ruby and Lua interfaces
 23045  7.3.102  Ex command typed at reload prompt is ignored
  4500  7.3.103  changing 'ff', then using ":w" in empty file sets 'mod'
  1428  7.3.104  conceal: using Tab for cchar causes problems
  1539  7.3.105  can't get the value of "b:changedtick" with getbufvar()
  1650  7.3.106  other window scrolls if both 'scrollbind' and 'cursorbind' set
  1986  7.3.107  year in :undolist can be confusing
  3425  7.3.108  useless check for NULL when calling vim_free()
  7203  7.3.109  processing new Esperanto spell file fails and crashes Vim
  2122  7.3.110  the "nbsp" item in 'listchars' isn't used for ":list"
  4010  7.3.111  :normal command in 'statusline' causes the cursor to move
  1978  7.3.112  setting 'statusline' to "%!'asdf%' reads uninitialized memory
  1838  7.3.113  Windows: Fall back directory for creating temp file is wrong
  1568  7.3.114  potential problem using 'verbosefile' uninitialized
  1645  7.3.115  Vim can crash when tmpnam() returns NULL
  1788  7.3.116  'cursorline' too short with concealed chars and 'list' set
  3835  7.3.117  build failed when --as-needed excludes ncurses
  2283  7.3.118  Ruby uses SIGVTALARM which makes Vim exit
  1637  7.3.119  (after 7.3.114) build problem on Mac
  2597  7.3.120  message for existing swap file does not fit in 25 lines
  1721  7.3.121  crash when using complicated 'statusline'
  3936  7.3.122  having src/auto/ in the distribution causes problems
  1954  7.3.123  ml_get error when 'conceallevel' is set
  6777  7.3.124  EOL may be missing from written file
  2672  7.3.125  MSVC: quote in link argument causes trouble
  1652  7.3.126  compiler warning for signed pointer
  1747  7.3.127  compiler complains about comma after last enum item
  1706  7.3.128  another compiler warning for signed pointer
  6608  7.3.129  using integer like a boolean
  1908  7.3.130  clipboard_event_time misplaced in #ifdef
  1280  7.3.131  including errno.h too often
  2648  7.3.132  C++ style comments
  3169  7.3.133  when using encryption it's not clear what method was used
  1470  7.3.134  drag-n-drop doesn't work in KDE Dolphin
  2678  7.3.135  inconsistency: last substitute pattern isn't used for search
  1653  7.3.136  duplicate include of assert.h
  2881  7.3.137  when 'lazyredraw' is set the screen may not be updated
  2399  7.3.138  ":com" changes the multi-byte text of :echo
  3685  7.3.139  (after 7.3.137) can't read ":ver" output when 'lazyredraw' set
  1797  7.3.140  crash when 'cursorline' and 'list' both set
  2968  7.3.141  when a key code is not set get a confusing error message
  2593  7.3.142  Python stdout doesn't have flush(), causing an import to fail
 45956  7.3.143  memfile insufficiently tested; inefficient with many blocks
  2387  7.3.144  crash with ":python help(dir)"
  2400  7.3.145  (after 7.3.144) can't build with Python dynamically loading
  6571  7.3.146  can assign to dict member with invalid name
  1575  7.3.147  (after 7.3.143) can't build on HP-UX
  7615  7.3.148  huge number of syntax items or clusters causes hang or crash
  2205  7.3.149  the cursor disappears after the 'setDot' netbeans command
  2960  7.3.150  readline() does not return the last line when NL is missing
  2077  7.3.151  with "unnamedplus" in 'clipboard' selection also copied to "*
 14784  7.3.152  xxd does not check for errors of library functions
  1775  7.3.153  compiler warning for ambiguous else, missing prototype in xxd
  3570  7.3.154  (after 7.3.148) can't compile with tiny features
  8459  7.3.155  crash when using map(), filter(), remove(), extend() on v:
  2727  7.3.156  Tty names possibly left unterminated
  1583  7.3.157  superfluous assignment
  1497  7.3.158  might use uninitialized memory in C indenting
  1587  7.3.159  using uninitialized pointer when out of memory
 13647  7.3.160  unsafe string copying
 43528  7.3.161  items on the stack may be too big
  2564  7.3.162  no error message assigning to a list with index out of range
  2016  7.3.163  the default 'shellpipe' doesn't recognize "mksh" and "pdksh"
  4014  7.3.164  C-indenting doesn't recognize some function declarations
  1558  7.3.165  ":find" completion does not escape spaces in directory name
  1765  7.3.166  buffer on the stack may be too big
  2932  7.3.167  when using internal grep QuickFixCmdPost is not triggered
  2019  7.3.168  CR in second argument of input() causes problems
  3659  7.3.169  freeing memory already freed, warning from code analyzer
  2429  7.3.170  VMS: test77 missing from Makefile
  4511  7.3.171  confusing message from ":yank" when no clipboard support
  8382  7.3.172  MS-Windows: rename() might delete a file
  2429  7.3.173  ":cwindow" may open a window when the quickfix list is empty
  4618  7.3.174  when Exuberant ctags binary is exctags it's not found
  1482  7.3.175  ":new" may result in wrong 'colorcolumn' highlighting
  6968  7.3.176  Ruby linking doesn't work properly on Mac OS X
  2814  7.3.177  MS-Windows: mkdir() works wrong when 'encoding' is "utf-8"
  4019  7.3.178  C-indent doesn't handle code right after { correctly
  2144  7.3.179  C-indent doesn't handle colon in string correctly
  8439  7.3.180  better matching end part of 'comments' not used after middle
  4509  7.3.181  display update error when repeating insert of CTRL-V / digraph
  1684  7.3.182  (after 7.3.180) unused variable compiler warning
  3761  7.3.183  when Exuberant ctags binary is exuberant-ctags it's not found
  2532  7.3.184  static code analysis errors in riscOS
  2570  7.3.185  ":windo g/pattern/q" reports wrong number of lines
  1713  7.3.186  v:register wrong when 'clipboard' contains "unnamed"
173872  7.3.187  the RISC OS port is not being maintained, remove it
  7901  7.3.188  some more RISC OS files to be removed
  1476  7.3.189  (after 7.3.186) build fails without +clipboard
  1462  7.3.190  "containedin" syntax argument may make highlighting be wrong
 13294  7.3.191  still some RISC OS stuff to remove
  1701  7.3.192  command ":s/ \?/ /g" splits multi-byte characters into bytes
  1998  7.3.193  in the command line window ":close" doesn't work properly
  1397  7.3.194  "!mkdir a | ln -s a b", resolve("b/") doesn't result in "a/"
  4951  7.3.195  "} else" causes following lines to be indented too much
  7478  7.3.196  can't intercept a character that is going to be inserted
  2367  7.3.197  get E42 error when a QuickfixCmdPost event removes all errors
 12240  7.3.198  there is no completion for ":lang"
  1857  7.3.199  MS-Windows: Compilation problem of OLE with MingW compiler
  2213  7.3.200  (after 7.3.198) CTRL-D doesn't complete :lang
  3303  7.3.201  (after 7.3.195) still bad indenting after "} else"
 21467  7.3.202  (fixed) cannot influence the indent inside a namespace
  3199  7.3.203  (fixed) MS-Windows: Can't run ext. cmd without console window
  1588  7.3.204  (after 7.3.201) compiler warning
  2430  7.3.205  syntax "extend" doesn't work correctly
  1617  7.3.206  64bit MS-Windows compiler warning
  1603  7.3.207  can't compile with MSVC with pentium4 and 64 bit
  1597  7.3.208  early terminated if statement in Mac code
  2886  7.3.209  MSVC Install instructions point to wrong batch file
  5906  7.3.210  can't always find the file when using cscope
  1730  7.3.211  (after 7.3.210) compiler warning
 11261  7.3.212  with Python 3.2 ":py3" fails
  2985  7.3.213  javascript object literal is not indented correctly
  1615  7.3.214  the text displayed by ":z-" isn't exactly like old Vi
  2079  7.3.215  (after 7.3.210) wrong file names in previous patch
  9055  7.3.216  when recovering a file a range of lines is missing
  1916  7.3.217  inside an "if" a ":wincmd" causes problems
  4735  7.3.218  (after 7.3.212) tiny configuration problem with Python 3
  3087  7.3.219  can't compile with GTK on Mac
 37536  7.3.220  various Python 3 problems
  8061  7.3.221  text from clipboard is not consistently handled as linewise
  2214  7.3.222  warning for building GvimExt
 10890  7.3.223  (fixed) MingW cross compilation doesn't work with tiny feat.
  5522  7.3.224  can't pass dict to sort function
 18841  7.3.225  "\n" in a substitute() inside ":s" not handled correctly
  1838  7.3.226  on a 64 bit system "syn sync fromstart" is very slow
  3430  7.3.227  after 7.3.221) Mac OS doesn't have the linewise clipboard fix
  1390  7.3.228  "2gj" does not always move to the correct position
  1645  7.3.229  fork() makes Mac gvim crash when build with CoreFoundation
  2295  7.3.230  ":wundo" and ":rundo" don't unescape their argument
  5151  7.3.231  runtime file patches failed for 7.3.202 and 7.3.203
  2324  7.3.232  Python doesn't compile without +multi_byte
  2476  7.3.233  ":scriptnames" and ":breaklist" show long file names
  5209  7.3.234  with GTK menu may be popping down
 11651  7.3.235  ";" gets stuck on a "t" command, it's not useful
  2994  7.3.236  (after 7.3.232) Python 3 doesn't compile without +multi_byte
  7267  7.3.237  filetype completion doesn't work on Windows
  1599  7.3.238  compiler warning for conversion
  8837  7.3.239  Python corrects cursor column without using 'virtualedit'
 22002  7.3.240  external commands can't use pipes on MS-Windows
  2115  7.3.241  CTRL-R CTRL-W on command line may insert only part of word
  2070  7.3.242  illegal memory access in after_pathsep()
  1652  7.3.243  illegal memory access in readline()
  1537  7.3.244  MS-Windows: Build problem with old compiler
  4115  7.3.245  Python 3.2 libraries not correctly detected
  1927  7.3.246  Repeating "f4" in "4444" skips one 4
  2825  7.3.247  tests change users viminfo file; no test for patch 7.3.246
  4825  7.3.248  PC Install instructions missing install instructions
  3283  7.3.249  wrong indenting for array initializer
  3509  7.3.250  Python: Errors in Unicode characters not handled nicely
  5229  7.3.251  "gH<Del>" deletes current line, except when it's the last line
  1220  7.3.252  (after 7.3.247) tests fail
 16588  7.3.253  "echo 'abc' > ''" returns 0 or 1, depending on 'ignorecase'
  1369  7.3.254  coladd not reset for ":call" command
  2839  7.3.255  Windows: error when editing a file with invalid wildcard
  5982  7.3.256  Javascript indenting not sufficiently tested
  3310  7.3.257  not all completions are available to user commands
  2128  7.3.258  MS-Windows: can't disable edit with existing vim menu entries
 21799  7.3.259  equivalence classes only work for latin characters
  2138  7.3.260  CursorHold triggers on an incomplete mapping
  2969  7.3.261  G++ error message errornously recognized as error
 30045  7.3.262  Photon code style doesn't match Vim style
  4291  7.3.263  Perl and Tcl have a few code style problems
  5190  7.3.264  tags file not find when current dir name contains wildcards
  4017  7.3.265  storing search pattern in history without separator check
  1677  7.3.266  in Gvim with iBus typing space in Insert mode doesn't work
  1784  7.3.267  Ruby on Mac OS X 10.7 may crash
  2093  7.3.268  Vim freezes when executing an external command with zsh
  2871  7.3.269  'shellcmdflag' only works with one flag
  1514  7.3.270  illegal memory access
 12980  7.3.271  code not following Vim coding style
  1545  7.3.272  ":put =list" does not add empty line for trailing empty item
  3544  7.3.273  a BOM in an error file is seen as text
  1791  7.3.274  with concealed characters tabs do not have the right size
  2872  7.3.275  MS-Windows: screen flicker when using a black background
  4279  7.3.276  GvimExt sets $LANG in the wrong way
  9130  7.3.277  MS-Windows: some characters do not show in dialogs
  2098  7.3.278  passing the file name to open in VisVim doesn't work
  3769  7.3.279  GTK: opening new tab may cause gvim window to be too big
  5024  7.3.280  ":lmake" does not update the quickfix window title
  3803  7.3.281  after expand('%:8') the current buffer name is changed
  1915  7.3.282  text displayed incorrect when using input() + :echo in a loop
  3387  7.3.283  multi-byte text in an expression mapping gets messed up
  5785  7.3.284  str2special() doesn't handle multi-byte chars properly
  3983  7.3.285  (after 7.3.284) mapping <char-123> does not work
  2682  7.3.286  crash when using "zd" on a large number of folds
  2829  7.3.287  can't compile with MSVC and tiny options
  2545  7.3.288  has('python') may give an error message
  1763  7.3.289  complete function isn't called when the leader changed
  2494  7.3.290  if BufWriteCmd autocmd resets 'modified' undo state is wrong
  4345  7.3.291  configure doesn't work properly with Python3
  1940  7.3.292  crash with fold markers and visual block that goes to EOL
  2390  7.3.293  MSVC compiler has a problem with non-ASCII characters
  1978  7.3.294  (after 7.3.289) patch 289 causes more problems than it solves
  3455  7.3.295  when filtering text Vim may not read all the output
  5673  7.3.296  zombie process may remain when writing to external command
  5101  7.3.297  can't load Perl 5.14 dynamically
  6312  7.3.298  built-in colors are different from rgb.txt
 12218  7.3.299  source code not in Vim style
  2281  7.3.300  Python doesn't parse multi-byte argument correctly
  2901  7.3.301  Tab inserted when 'expandtab' and 'copyindent' are set
  2107  7.3.302  (after 7.3.301) test 19 fails without 'smartindent' and +eval
  1726  7.3.303  (after 7.3.296) compilation error
  3125  7.3.304  strawberry Perl doesn't work on MS-Windows
  1763  7.3.305  display scrolls up when auto-loading a function
  6330  7.3.306  unexpected GUI resize may cause a crash
  5383  7.3.307  Python 3 does not support slice assignment
  6788  7.3.308  writing to 'verbosefile' has problems, e.g. for :highlight
  3536  7.3.309  (after 7.3.307) warnings for pointer types
 92586  7.3.310  source code not in Vim style
 11313  7.3.311  complete function isn't called when the leader changed
  1815  7.3.312  (after 7.3.306) can't compile with tiny features
  2141  7.3.313  (after 7.3.307) warning compiling with dynamic Python 3
  1740  7.3.314  (after 7.3.304) missing parenthesis
 13684  7.3.315  opening a window before forking causes problems for GTK
  1499  7.3.316  (after 7.3.306) crash if 'colorcolumn' set and closing buffer
  3918  7.3.317  Lua: debug.debug() may hang
  2662  7.3.318  "C" on the last line deletes that line if it's blank
  4573  7.3.319  redobuff doesn't always include completion leader changes
  3363  7.3.320  0xa0 character in sourced file is hard to spot
  7855  7.3.321  code not following Vim style
  1585  7.3.322  #ifdef for PDP_RETVAL doesn't work, INT_PTR can be a typedef
  3022  7.3.323  the default 'efm' does not ignore some "included from" lines
  1676  7.3.324  (after 7.3.237) completion for ":compiler" shows color schemes
  1901  7.3.325  a duplicated function argument gives an internal error
  8244  7.3.326  MingW 4.6 no longer supports the -mno-cygwin option
  1902  7.3.327  when jumping to a help tag a closed fold doesn't open
  1487  7.3.328  wrapping command line displays wrong multi-byte cursor
  2337  7.3.329  error when skipping over dict function inside :for
  1340  7.3.330  state not properly restored when longjmp() is invoked
  1815  7.3.331  "vit" gets confused when one tag name starts contains another
  4994  7.3.332  indent after "public:" is not increased in C++ code
  7688  7.3.333  "." repeats a Visual delete by byte size instead of characters
  1710  7.3.334  latest MingW complains about XSUBPP referencing itself
  1532  7.3.335  changing 'imdisable' in Insert mode takes effect only later
 30156  7.3.336  encoding in tags file causes trouble (NOW IN LATIN1)
  1876  7.3.337  no screen update after resizing xterm until character typed
  2851  7.3.338  using getchar() in an expression mapping doesn't work well
  1762  7.3.339  "make shadow" doesn't link all test files
  1887  7.3.340  when 'verbosefile' is set ftplugof.vim can give an error
  9335  7.3.341  translated and local help files are not listed in help.*
  3079  7.3.342  code not in Vim style
  6949  7.3.343  no mouse support for urxvt
  3131  7.3.344  problem with GUI startup related to XInitThreads
  1395  7.3.345  window title not updated when switching language with ":lang"
  5238  7.3.346  it's hard to test netbeans commands
  1689  7.3.347  dropped text is HTML although "html" is not in 'clipboard'
  1634  7.3.348  "call range(1, 947948399)" causes a crash
  2793  7.3.349  opening swapfile loops forever when out of memory in startup
  1525  7.3.350  block of code after ":lua << EOF" may not work
  1453  7.3.351  text formatting uses insert start position when it should not
  3276  7.3.352  when completing functions script-local functions come first
  4245  7.3.353  (after 7.3.343) missing urxvt patch for term.c
  2182  7.3.354  ":set backspace+=eol" doesn't work when 'backspace' is 2
  1683  7.3.355  GTK warnings when using netrw.vim
  2453  7.3.356  using "o" with 'cindent' set may freeze Vim
  1511  7.3.357  compiler warning in MS-Windows console build
  1994  7.3.358  (after 7.3.353) mouse support doesn't work properly
  1727  7.3.359  command line completion shows dict functions
  2183  7.3.360  interrupting autoload function load may cause a crash
  1733  7.3.361  accessing memory after it is freed when EXITFREE is defined
  1828  7.3.362  ml_get error when using ":g" with folded lines
  2914  7.3.363  C indenting is wrong after #endif followed by a semicolon
  1924  7.3.364  (after 7.3.353) can't compile on HP-UX
  3451  7.3.365  crash when using a large Unicode character with syntax highl.
  2192  7.3.366  a tags file with an extremely long name causes errors
  1650  7.3.367  :wundo and :rundo use a wrong checksum
  4734  7.3.368  gcc complains about redefining _FORTIFY_SOURCE
  1452  7.3.369  get an error message when using --help and compiled with Gnome
  1766  7.3.370  compiler warns for unused variable in Lua interface
  2155  7.3.371  crash in autocomplete
  1603  7.3.372  command line mapping to <Up> doesn't work for file completion
  2464  7.3.373  (after 7.3.366) infinite loop in tags file with long name
  1670  7.3.374  ++encoding is not recognized
  1716  7.3.375  duplicate return statement
  1817  7.3.376  Win32: Toolbar repainting not always right
 12178  7.3.377  no support for bitwise AND, OR, XOR and invert
  2773  7.3.378  configure fails when cross-compiling
  2257  7.3.379  C-indenting wrong for static enum
  7825  7.3.380  C-indenting wrong for function header
  7960  7.3.381  configure can't be told to stop when a language is unavailable
  4585  7.3.382  (after 7.3.376) IME characters are inserted twice
  1489  7.3.383  for EBCDIC pound sign is defined as 't'
  1869  7.3.384  mapping CTRL-K breaks CTRL-X CTRL-K for dictionary completion
  2220  7.3.385  with expression mapping cursor may end up in the wrong place
  1577  7.3.386  test 83 fails when iconv does not support cp932
  1708  7.3.387  (after 7.3.386) test 83 may fail for some encodings
  1378  7.3.388  crash on exit when EXITFREE is defined and using tiny features
  2117  7.3.389  after typing at a prompt the "MORE" message appears too soon
  4295  7.3.390  using NULL buffer pointer in a window
  1520  7.3.391  can't check if the XPM_W32 feature is enabled
  3505  7.3.392  setting 'undofile' does not trigger reading the undo file
  4803  7.3.393  Win32: When resizing Vim it may be moved to another monitor
  1866  7.3.394  screen messed up when placing a mark while starting up
  3012  7.3.395  (after 7.3.251) "dv?bar" deletes too much and breaks undo
  1598  7.3.396  operator can become linewise after forcing it characterwise
  6186  7.3.397  ":helpgrep" does not work when 'encoding' is not utf-8
  1928  7.3.398  jumping to wrong location after creating 10 location lists
  4052  7.3.399  ":cd" doesn't work when the path contains wildcards
 44950  7.3.400  compiler warnings for shadowed variables
  5138  7.3.401  couple more compiler warning for shadowed variables
  2006  7.3.402  line of text redrawn while at the more prompt
  2976  7.3.403  ":helpgrep" does not trigger QuickFixCmd* autocommands
  2638  7.3.404  using refresh "always" in a complete function breaks redo
  3074  7.3.405  xterm may delete the urxvt mouse termcap code
  2830  7.3.406  Win32: multi-byte characters in b:browsefilter broken
  7268  7.3.407  ":12verbose call F()" duplicates text while trying to truncate
  1446  7.3.408  (after 7.3.406) missing declaration breaks compilation
  1565  7.3.409  the license in pty.c is unclear
  1396  7.3.410  compiler error for // comment
  1775  7.3.411  pasting in Visual mode using the "" register does not work
  1502  7.3.412  storing a float in a session file has an additional '&'
  2770  7.3.413  compiler warnings on MS-Windows
  2304  7.3.414  using CTRL-A on "000" drops the leading zero
  1727  7.3.415  (after 7.3.359) function completion stops after a dictionary
  1687  7.3.416  (after 7.3.415) compiler warning for pointer type
  1460  7.3.417  (after 7.3.395) test 43 fails with a tiny build
  1705  7.3.418  get an error message when a user complete function returns -1
  2376  7.3.419  DBCS encoding in a user command does not always work
  2202  7.3.420  "it" and "at" don't work properly with a dash in the tag name
  2161  7.3.421  get E832 when setting 'undofile' in vimrc
  3076  7.3.422  Python 3 does not have __members__
  4733  7.3.423  small mistakes in comments, proto and indent
  2210  7.3.424  Win16 version missing some functions
  2572  7.3.425  (after 7.3.265) search history lines are duplicated
  8345  7.3.426  with '$' in 'cpoptions' $ is not displayed in the first column
 10278  7.3.427  readfile() can be slow with long lines
  2881  7.3.428  Win32: an xpm file without a mask crashes Vim
  5441  7.3.429  with 'E' in 'cpoptions' redo wrong after "c0" in first column
  2949  7.3.430  conf filetype detection may end up in the wrong augroup
  8810  7.3.431  fetching a key at a prompt may be confused by escape sequences
  6926  7.3.432  ACLs are not supported for ZFS or NFSv4 on Solaris
  2538  7.3.433  using continued lines in a Vim script can be slow
  6194  7.3.434  using join() can be slow
  1864  7.3.435  compiler warning for unused variable
  3128  7.3.436  compiler warnings for types on Windows
  2282  7.3.437  looping inside FOR_ALL_TAB_WINDOWS even when already done
  4305  7.3.438  there is no way to avoid ":doautoall" reading modelines
  2487  7.3.439  compiler warnings to size casts in Perl interface
  5664  7.3.440  Vim does not support UTF8_STRING for the X selection
  9578  7.3.441  newer versions of MzScheme require earlier initialisation
  5445  7.3.442  (after 7.3.438) still read modelines for ":doautocmd"
  8329  7.3.443  MS-Windows: 'shcf' and 'sxq' defaults are not very good
  3159  7.3.444  ":all!" and ":sall!" give error E477
  6224  7.3.445  (after 7.3.443) can't properly escape commands for cmd.exe
  5338  7.3.446  (after 7.3.445) external command with special char doesnt work
 10262  7.3.447  (after 7.3.446) External commands with "start" do not work
  5192  7.3.448  (after 7.3.447) Win32: Still a problem with "!start /b"
 15177  7.3.449  crash when a BufWinLeave autocmd closes the only other window
  2359  7.3.450  (after 7.3.448) Win32: Still a problem with "!start /b"
 10656  7.3.451  Tcl doesn't work on 64 bit MS-Windows
  2329  7.3.452  undo broken when pasting close to the last line
  1718  7.3.453  pasting in the command line is slow
  2299  7.3.454  re-allocating memory slows Vim down
  1891  7.3.455  using many continuation lines can be slow
 10445  7.3.456  ":tab drop file" handling doesn't work well
  2123  7.3.457  message translation dir not set when setting $VIMRUNTIME later
  1532  7.3.458  crash when calling smsg() during startup
  2196  7.3.459  compiler warnings for types on Windows
  2785  7.3.460  Win32: UPX does not compress 64 bit binaries
  6734  7.3.461  InsertCharPre event not always triggered
  5129  7.3.462  when using ":loadview" folds may be closed unexpectedly
  1774  7.3.463  cursor moved after using ":s///c"
  1969  7.3.464  compiler warning for sprintf
 14135  7.3.465  cannot get file name with newline from glob()
  1606  7.3.466  ml_get error when replacing several selected lines
  1526  7.3.467  cursor position wrong at command line when using input method
  4775  7.3.468  for some compilers the error file is not easily readable
  1557  7.3.469  compiler warning for unused argument
  1892  7.3.470  test 62 fails when compiled without GUI and X11
  2817  7.3.471  can't abort listing placed signs
  2792  7.3.472  crash when using ":redraw" in a BufEnter autocmd
  2119  7.3.473  'cursorbind' does not work correctly with 'virtualedit' "all"
  1682  7.3.474  gcc 4 build with Perl fails
  3670  7.3.475  in terminal with few colors omnicomplete menu is hard to see
  1874  7.3.476  backspacing in a Visual block selection causes problems.
  1725  7.3.477  scrolling back at the more prompt shows the wrong text
  1354  7.3.478  memory leak when the ':rv!' command reads a dict or list
  6622  7.3.479  'cursorline' line number highlighting can't be set separately
  6208  7.3.480  when using ":qa" priority of changed buffers could be better
  1945  7.3.481  changing 'virtualedit' in an operator function does not work
  1827  7.3.482  with 'cursorbind' set moving up/down does not keep the column
  3003  7.3.483  (after 7.3.477) more prompt shows up too ofte.
  2206  7.3.484  "vim --help" does not mention -E and --echo-wid
  1677  7.3.485  LDFLAGS isn't passed on to building xxd
  1803  7.3.486  build error with mingw64 on Windows 7
 19665  7.3.487  column position is reset unnecessarily when setting an option
  1458  7.3.488  ":help!" in a help file does not work as documented
  2783  7.3.489  Insert mode CTRL-] does not expand abbr. from a mapping
 74085  7.3.490  Lua interface: Member confusion, missing luaeval()
  7738  7.3.491  no tests for Lua
 14093  7.3.492  can't indent conditions separately from function arguments
  1565  7.3.493  (after 7.3.492) two unused variables
  6811  7.3.494  (after 7.3.491) can't build with Lua 9.1 or dynamic Lua
  3559  7.3.495  (after 7.3.492) compiler warnings
  2262  7.3.496  MS-DOS: tests fail when "diff" trips over line separators
  1606  7.3.497  crash when doing ":python print", compiled with gcc -O2
  2021  7.3.498  the behavior of "- register changes depending on 'clipboard'
  2561  7.3.499  may wait for the wrong child process to terminate
  1414  7.3.500  Ming makefile unconditionally sets WINVER
  1761  7.3.501  error for "flush" not being defined when using Ruby command
  2010  7.3.502  Netbeans insert halfway a line actually appends to the line
  1288  7.3.503  (after 7.3.501) warning for unused argument
  2602  7.3.504  commands in help files are not highlighted
  3376  7.3.505  test 11 fails on MS-Windows in some versions
  3040  7.3.506  GTK gives an error when selecting a non-existent file
  5241  7.3.507  overwriting existing file without question from file dialog
  2838  7.3.508  default for v:register is not set
  8621  7.3.509  'autochdir' causes :vimgrep to fail
  1462  7.3.510  test 77 fails on Solaris 7
  1563  7.3.511  crash when using FileReadCmd autocmd that does :e {file}
  2049  7.3.512  undofile() returns a useless name when passed an empty string
  3925  7.3.513  cannot use CTRL-E and CTRL-Y with "r"
  7792  7.3.514  no completion for :history command
  2073  7.3.515  'wildignorecase' only applies to the last part of the path
  2784  7.3.516  extend(o, o) may crash Vim
  1718  7.3.517  crash when using "vipvv"
  1976  7.3.518  ":helptags" cannot find tag when 'encoding' is double-byte
  1894  7.3.519  completefunction cannot indicate end of completion mode
  4238  7.3.520  Gvim starts up slow on Unbuntu 12.04
  3388  7.3.521  spell checking may crash when using multi-byte characters
  1885  7.3.522  crash in vim_realloc() when using MEM_PROFILE
  3493  7.3.523  ":diffupdate" doesn't check for files changed elsewhere
  1271  7.3.524  missing comma in version.c
  1884  7.3.525  compiler warning on 64 bit MS-Windows
  1950  7.3.526  confusing indenting for #ifdef
  4408  7.3.527  clang complains about non-ASCII characters in a string
  5919  7.3.528  crash when closing last window in a tab
  2439  7.3.529  using a count before "v" and "V" does not work
  1559  7.3.530  (after 7.3.520) gvim does not work when 'guioptions' has "f"
  1546  7.3.531  (after 7.3.530) GUI does not work on MS-Windows
  1685  7.3.532  compiler warning from Clang
  1323  7.3.533  memory leak when writing undo file
  2944  7.3.534  (after 7.3.461) autoindent fails with InsertCharPre autocmd
  8436  7.3.535  many #ifdefs for MB_MAXBYTES
  2014  7.3.536  German sharp s is not seen as a word character
  1352  7.3.537  unecessary call to init_spell_chartab()
  9735  7.3.538  'efm' does not handle Tabs in pointer lines
  1625  7.3.539  redraw multi-byte char on command line does not work properly
  1658  7.3.540  cursor is left on the text instead of the command line
 31063  7.3.541  when joining lines comment leaders need to be removed manually
  2240  7.3.542  (after 7.3.506) function is sometimes unused
  1632  7.3.543  the cursor is in the wrong line after using ":copen"
  3088  7.3.544  no autocommand for :quit before deciding to exit
 10435  7.3.545  autocommands may close a window that is already being closed
  1628  7.3.546  weird line break
  1661  7.3.547  (after 7.3.541) compiler warning for uninitialized variable
  1552  7.3.548  compiler warning on 64 bit Windows
  2957  7.3.549  in 'cinoptions' "0s" is interpreted as one shiftwidth
  4392  7.3.550  (after 7.3.541) with "j" in 'fo' a list leader is not removed
 13725  7.3.551  on :tablose a TabEnter autocommand is triggered too early
 17001  7.3.552  inside comments formatting does not use the "2" flag in 'fo'
  2515  7.3.553  text displayed one cell off if 'listchars' contains "precedes"
  1660  7.3.554  compiler warning for unused argument
  7968  7.3.555  building on IBM z/OS fails
  2194  7.3.556  compiler warnings on 64 bit Windows
  2958  7.3.557  crash when an autocommand wipes out a buffer when it is hidden
  2956  7.3.558  (after 7.3.552) memory access error
  3483  7.3.559  home_replace() does not work with 8.3 filename
  1551  7.3.560  get an error for a locked argument in extend()
  1511  7.3.561  refresh: always in a complete function breaks the "." command
  1659  7.3.562  ":profdel" works when the +profile feature is disabled
  2742  7.3.563  (after 7.3.557) can't build with tiny features
  1785  7.3.564  (after 7.3.559) warning for pointer conversion
  1806  7.3.565  can't generate proto file for Python 3
  2363  7.3.566  (after 7.3.561) redo works incorrectly without refresh:always
  1739  7.3.567  missing copyright notice
  3890  7.3.568  bad indents for #ifdefs
133265  7.3.569  evaluating Vim expression in Python is insufficient
  4659  7.3.570  ":vimgrep" does not obey 'wildignore'
  3915  7.3.571  duplicated condition
  1915  7.3.572  duplicate statement in if and else
  1419  7.3.573  using array index before bounds checking
  2491  7.3.574  a CTRL-L character is not pasted on the search command line
  1586  7.3.575  "ygt" tries to yank instead of giving an error
  7301  7.3.576  formatting of lists inside comments is not right yet
  6542  7.3.577  size of memory does not fit in 32 bit unsigned
  2025  7.3.578  misplaced declaration.
  7644  7.3.579  (after 7.3.569) can't compile with Python 2.5
  1517  7.3.580  warning on 64 bit MS-Windows
  4236  7.3.581  problems compiling with Python
  1342  7.3.582  missing pieces in test OK file
  3125  7.3.583  PyObject_NextNotImplemented is not defined before Python 2.7
  4088  7.3.584  PyCObject is not always defined
  1696  7.3.585  calling changed_bytes() too often
  3055  7.3.586  MEMORYSTATUSEX not defined when compiling with Cygwin or MingW
  2248  7.3.587  compiler warning for local var shadowing global var
  2464  7.3.588  crash on NULL pointer
  1974  7.3.589  crash when $HOME is not set
  1804  7.3.590  the '< and '> marks cannot be set directly
  5247  7.3.591  can only move to a tab by absolute number
  3343  7.3.592  Vim on GTK does not support g:browsefilter
  2237  7.3.593  no easy way to decide if b:browsefilter will work
  4873  7.3.594  the X command server sends an empty reply for as-keys requests
  3921  7.3.595  the X command server responds slowly
  4967  7.3.596  can't remove all signs for a file or buffer
 21669  7.3.597  'clipboard' "autoselect" only applies to the * register
  2635  7.3.598  cannot act upon end of insert mode completion
  3042  7.3.599  (after 7.3.597) missing change in one file
  1572  7.3.600  <f-args> is not expanded properly with DBCS encoding
  1492  7.3.601  bad code style
  1532  7.3.602  missing files in distribution
 11248  7.3.603  it is possible to add or replace builtin functions
  1861  7.3.604  inputdialog() doesn't use the cancel argument in the console
  2334  7.3.605  MS-Windows: Can't compile with older compilers
  2522  7.3.606  CTRL-P completion has a problem with multi-byte characters
  2139  7.3.607  with 8 color terminal selected menu item is black on black
  3847  7.3.608  winrestview() does not always restore the view correctly
  5843  7.3.609  file names in :checkpath! output are garbled
 12106  7.3.610  cannot operate on the text that a search pattern matches
  1895  7.3.611  can't use Vim dictionary as self argument in Python
  2081  7.3.612  auto formatting messes up text when 'fo' contains "2"
  6886  7.3.613  including Python's config.c in the build causes trouble
  5747  7.3.614  number arg gets turned into number while it should be string
  2915  7.3.615  completion does not recognized escaped spaces
  1289  7.3.616  (after 7.3.610) can't compile without +visual
  1781  7.3.617  (after 7.3.615) hang on completion
 10033  7.3.618  (after 7.3.616) still doesn't compile with small features
  1583  7.3.619  when executing a shell command Vim may become slow to respond
  4897  7.3.620  building with recent Ruby on Win32 doesn't work
  2259  7.3.621  compiler warnings on 64 bit windows
  1867  7.3.622  XPM library for Win32 can't be found
  2426  7.3.623  Perl 5.14 commands crash Vim on MS-Windows
  1800  7.3.624  when cancelling input() it returns the third argument
  4327  7.3.625  "gn" does not handle zero-width matches correctly
  1500  7.3.626  Python interface doesn't build with Python 2.4 or older
  2803  7.3.627  expression not evaluated when using "n" flag with ":s"
  1802  7.3.628  ":open!" results in a confusing error message
 12019  7.3.629  there is no way to make 'shiftwidth' follow 'tabstop'
  1487  7.3.630  "|" does not behave correctly when 'virtualedit' is set
 10100  7.3.631  cannot complete user names
 14770  7.3.632  cannot select beyond 222 columns with the mouse in xterm
  2238  7.3.633  selection remains highlighted after selecting another text
  1884  7.3.634  Month/Day format for undo is confusing
  1586  7.3.635  system call during startup sets 'lines' to a wrong value
  4539  7.3.636  (after 7.3.625) "gn" fails for some zero-width matches
  3117  7.3.637  cannot catch error caused by a foldopen when there is no fold
  1783  7.3.638  unecessary redraw of the previous character
 31440  7.3.639  it's not easy to build Vim on Windows with XPM support
455297  7.3.640  binary files for 7.3.639
  2219  7.3.641  ":mkview" uses ":normal" instead of ":normal!" for folds
  1810  7.3.642  segfault with specific autocommands
  2060  7.3.643  MS-Windows: 'lines' is wrong when starting up maximized
  1925  7.3.644  dead code for BeOS GUI
  2910  7.3.645  no tests for patch 7.3.625 and 7.3.637
  2353  7.3.646  undo file unusable after reloading a buffer
  5213  7.3.647  "gnd" doesn't work correctly in Visual mode
  3831  7.3.648  crash when using a very long file name
  2256  7.3.649  with 'clipboard' set to "unnamed" small deletes go to "1
  1679  7.3.650  Completing ":help \{-" gives error and messes up command line
  3120  7.3.651  Completing ":help \{-" gives error message
  2304  7.3.652  workaround for Python crash isn't perfect
  7986  7.3.653  lacking XPM support for MingW, 32 and 64 objects mixed up
  3301  7.3.654  creating Vim dictionary from Python an empty key might be used
 88812  7.3.655  64 bit MingW xpm .a file is missing
  3106  7.3.656  internal error in :pyeval
  6680  7.3.657  Python bindings silently truncate string values containing NUL
  4244  7.3.658  NUL bytes truncate strings when converted from Python
  6242  7.3.659  recent Python changes are not tested
  1448  7.3.660  ":help !" jumps to help for ":!"
  5339  7.3.661  (after 7.3.652) SEGV in Python code
  3126  7.3.662  can't build Ruby interface with Ruby 1.9.3
  1498  7.3.663  end of color scheme name not clear in E185
  2171  7.3.664  buffer overflow in unescaping multi-byte characters
  2414  7.3.665  MSVC 11 is not supported
  3195  7.3.666  Win32.mak can't be found
  3213  7.3.667  unused variables in Perl interface
  2763  7.3.668  loading Perl dynamically still uses static library
  4757  7.3.669  when building with Cygwin loading Python dynamically fails
  2318  7.3.670  tiny memory leak when throwing exception in Python
  8213  7.3.671  more Python code can be shared between Python 2 and 3
 22436  7.3.672  not possible to lock/unlock lists in Python interface
  1967  7.3.673  "gN" while 'selection' is "exclusive" misses one character
 10873  7.3.674  can't compile with Lua/dyn on Cygwin
  1597  7.3.675  accessing uninitialized memory with a very long file name
  2721  7.3.676  Ruby compilation on Windows 32 bit doesn't work
  8428  7.3.677  buf_spname() is used inconsistently
  2887  7.3.678  Ruby .so name may not be correct
 11455  7.3.679  Ruby detection uses Config, newer Ruby versions use RbConfig
  2190  7.3.680  some files missing in the list of distributed files
  2014  7.3.681  list of distributed files picks up backup files
  1791  7.3.682  (after 7.3.677) compiler complains about incompatible types
  2578  7.3.683  ":python" may crash when vimbindeval() returns None
  4714  7.3.684  "make test" does not delete lua.vim
  1827  7.3.685  no test for what patch 7.3.673 fixes
  2226  7.3.686  cannot use CTRL-\ e mapping when entering an expression
  1386  7.3.687  test 16 fails when $DISPLAY is not set
  5283  7.3.688  Python 3.3 is not supported
  2266  7.3.689  MzScheme and Lua may use a NULL string
  1806  7.3.690  crash with directory name equal to maximum path length
  1910  7.3.691  state specific to the Python thread is discarded
  1598  7.3.692  can't build GTK version with GTK 2.0
  5071  7.3.693  can't make 'softtabstop' follow 'shiftwidth'
  4631  7.3.694  'shiftwidth' is not so easy to use in indent files
  3710  7.3.695  balloon cannot show multi-byte text
  2994  7.3.696  message about added spell language can be wrong
  6108  7.3.697  leaking resources when setting GUI font
  2742  7.3.698  Python 3 does not preserve state beween commands
  2522  7.3.699  manually set 'ttymouse' is overruled by automatic detection
  2214  7.3.700  cannot detect URXVT and SGR mouse support
  2616  7.3.701  MS-Windows: Crash with stack overflow when setting 'encoding'
  1352  7.3.702  nmake from VS6 service pack 6 is not recognized
  3326  7.3.703  when 'undofile' is reset the hash is computed unnecessarily
  2906  7.3.704  repeating "cgn" does not always work correctly
  2581  7.3.705  mouse features are not in alphabetical order
  1638  7.3.706  (after 7.3.697) can't build Motif version
  4088  7.3.707  (after 7.3.701) library name with non-latin characters fails
  3001  7.3.708  filler lines above the first line may be hidden
  1513  7.3.709  compiler warning for unused argument
  1685  7.3.710  (after 7.3.704) "fn" is broken
  7579  7.3.711  (after 7.3.688) vim.current.buffer is not available
  1474  7.3.712  nmake from VS2010 SP1 is not recognized
  3513  7.3.713  printf() can only align to bytes, not characters
  2296  7.3.714  :setlocal and :setglobal do not work in the sandbox
  8244  7.3.715  crash when calling setloclist() in BufUnload autocmd
  1857  7.3.716  error on exit when using Python 3
  1581  7.3.717  when changing font size only MS-Windows limits window size
  1559  7.3.718  when re-using the current buffer the buffer-local options stay
 18500  7.3.719  cannot run new version of cproto
 11303  7.3.720  proto files are outdated
  1624  7.3.721  Ruby interface defines local functions globally
  2244  7.3.722  Perl flags may contain "-g", which breaks "make proto"
  7337  7.3.723  various tiny problem.
  2294  7.3.724  building with Ruby and Tcl on MS-Windows 64 bit does not work
  2064  7.3.725  :aboveleft and :belowright have no effect on :copen
  1900  7.3.726  typos and duplicate info in README
  1405  7.3.727  can't always find Win32.mak when building GvimExt
  7176  7.3.728  cannot compile with MzScheme interface on Ubuntu 12.10
  1763  7.3.729  building with Ruby fails on some systems
  2575  7.3.730  crash in PHP file when using syntastic
  2188  7.3.731  Py3Init_vim() is exported uneccessarily
  3772  7.3.732  compiler warnings for function arguments
  2735  7.3.733  tests fail when including MzScheme
  3680  7.3.734  cannot put help files in a sub-directory
  3694  7.3.735  cannot build Ruby 1.9 with MingW or Cygwin
  7558  7.3.736  file name completion in input() escapes white space
  1380  7.3.737  when using do_cmdline() recursively did_endif is not reset
  5106  7.3.738  (after 7.3.730) unused function argument
  2326  7.3.739  computing number of lines may have an integer overflow
  4818  7.3.740  IOC tool complains about undefined behavior for int
  1576  7.3.741  (after 7.3.737) tiny build fails
  1302  7.3.742  leaking memory when :vimgrep restores the directory
  1773  7.3.743  (after 7.3.741) tiny build still fails
  1467  7.3.744  64 bit compiler warning
  2697  7.3.745  automatically setting 'ttymouse' doesn't work
  2902  7.3.746  memory leaks when using location lists
  2285  7.3.747  tab alignment does not work when characters are concealed
 14505  7.3.748  no tests for conceal mode
  1675  7.3.749  cannot build Python interface without multi-byte feature
  3050  7.3.750  the justify macro does not always work correctly
  3267  7.3.751  test 61 is flaky, it fails once in a while
  2410  7.3.752  test 49 script file doesn't fold properly
  3777  7.3.753  ":q" twice does not work when there is a QuitPre autocommand
  1488  7.3.754  latest nmake is not recognized
  5332  7.3.755  autoconf doesn't find Python 3 if it's called "python"
  2957  7.3.756  a location list can get a wrong count in :lvimgrep
  1549  7.3.757  issue 96: access freed memory if put command triggers autocmd
  3173  7.3.758  matchit plugin does not handle space in #ifdef
  3080  7.3.759  MS-Windows: Updating tabline is slow when there are many tabs
  3055  7.3.760  dv_ deletes the white space before the line
  2828  7.3.761  in Visual mode a "-p does not work
  1798  7.3.762  (after 7.3.759) on some systems the tabline is not redraw.
  2044  7.3.763  jumping to a mark does not open fold if it is in the same line
  4060  7.3.764  not all message translation files are installed
  3254  7.3.765  segfault when doing "cclose" on BufUnload in a python function
  2865  7.3.766  ":help cpo-*" jumps to the wrong place
  4437  7.3.767  (Win32) The _errno used for iconv may be the wrong one
  1979  7.3.768  settabvar() and setwinvar() may move the cursor
  9748  7.3.769  'matchpairs' does not work with multi-byte characters
  3912  7.3.770  vim.h indentation is inconsistent
  2074  7.3.771  (after 7.3.769) uninitialized variable
  1539  7.3.772  cursor at wrong location after doing %s/x/y/c
  1496  7.3.773  (after 7.3.767) crash when OriginalFirstThunk is zero
  2567  7.3.774  tiny GUI version misses console dialog feature
  2761  7.3.775  Cygwin and Mingw builds miss dependency on gui_w48.c
 12411  7.3.776  ml_get error when searching, caused by curwin/curbuf mismatch
  2035  7.3.777  when building with Gnome locale gets reset
  1664  7.3.778  compiler error for adding up two pointers
  4570  7.3.779  backwards search lands in wrong place when on a multibyte char
  6443  7.3.780  char2nr() and nr2char() always use 'encoding'
  5262  7.3.781  drawing with 'guifontwide' can be slow
  4964  7.3.782  Windows: IME composition may use a wrong font
  1329  7.3.783  crash when mark is not set
  1914  7.3.784  (after 7.3.781) error when 'guifontwide' has a comma
  3145  7.3.785  (after 7.3.776) crash with specific use of search pattern
  2928  7.3.786  Python threads don't run in the background (issue 103)
  4304  7.3.787  with 'relativenumber' can't see the absolute line number
  1481  7.3.788  when only using patches build fails on missing nl.po
  5078  7.3.789  (after 7.3.776) "\k" in regexp does not work in other window
  1727  7.3.790  after reloading a buffer the modelines are not processed
 61514  7.3.791  MzScheme interface doesn't work propely
  4000  7.3.792  ":substitute" works differently without confirmation
  1768  7.3.793  (after 7.3.792) new :substutite behavior is not tested
  1999  7.3.794  tiny build fails
  5967  7.3.795  MzScheme does not build with tiny features
  3027  7.3.796  "/[^\n]" does match at a line break
  2040  7.3.797  (after 7.3.792) compiler warning for size_t to int conversion
  3208  7.3.798  (after 7.3.791) MzScheme: circular list works wrong
  1666  7.3.799  the color column is not correct when entering a buffer
  2085  7.3.800  the " mark is not adjusted when inserting lines
  2053  7.3.801  ":window set nu?" displays the cursor line
  1426  7.3.802  no error when setting 'isk' to a value ending in a comma
  2523  7.3.803  (after 7.3.792) ":s/a/b/gc" is a no-op when typing 'q'
  1373  7.3.804  (after 7.3.799) compiler warning for tiny build
  3434  7.3.805  Lua version 5.2 is not detected properly on Arch Linux
  4287  7.3.806  compiler warnings in Perl code when using Visual studio 2012
  1620  7.3.807  popup menu does not work properly in some situations
  8219  7.3.808  Python threads still do not work properly
  1609  7.3.809  the dosinst.c program has a buffer overflow
  8532  7.3.810  'relativenumber is reset unexpectedly
  1867  7.3.811  useless termresponse parsing for SGR mouse
  2481  7.3.812  when 'indentexpr' moves the cursor "curswant" not restored
  2028  7.3.813  the CompleteDone event is not always triggered
  4425  7.3.814  Win32 console: problem if 'enc' differs from current codepage
  4694  7.3.815  building with Cygwin and Ruby doesn't work
 12480  7.3.816  can't compute a hash
  1567  7.3.817  test 89 fails with tiny and small features
  4236  7.3.818  when test 40 fails it may leave files behind
 16345  7.3.819  (CORRECTED) compiling without +eval and Python isn't working
  3295  7.3.820  errors when building with small features and Lua, Perl or Ruby
  2199  7.3.821  build with OLE and Cygwin is broken
  4013  7.3.822  (after 7.3.799) crash when accessing freed buffer
  2051  7.3.823  (after 7.3.821) building with Cygwin: '-lsupc++' is not needed
  1566  7.3.824  can redefine builtin functions
  4540  7.3.825  with Python errors are not always clear
  3807  7.3.826  list of features in :version output is hard to read
  3112  7.3.827  (after 7.3.825) Python tests fail
  4780  7.3.828  mappings are not aware of wildmenu mode
  2664  7.3.829  'showmatch' shows wrong match and may scroll the screen
  2841  7.3.830  :mksession confuses bytes and characters when placing cursor
 20653  7.3.831  clumsy to handle the situation that a variable does not exist
  1830  7.3.832  compiler warning
  2985  7.3.833  In the terminal scroll wheel always scrolls the active window
  2556  7.3.834  Ruby 2.0 has a few API changes
  1755  7.3.835  "xxd -i" fails on an empty file
 59985  7.3.836  clipboard does not work on Win32 when compiled with Cygwin
  2221  7.3.837  empty lines in :version output when 'columns' is 320
 11057  7.3.838  (after 7.3.830) insufficient testing for mksession
  2012  7.3.839  some files missing in the list of distributed files
  1652  7.3.840 "\@<!" in regexp does not work correctly with cp932
  2073  7.3.841  parse error in "cond ? one : two" expression with a subscript
  1724  7.3.842  compiler warning
  3883  7.3.843  (after 7.3.841) missing test file changes
  5894  7.3.844  enum is not indented correctly with "public" etc
  2057  7.3.845  (after 7.3.844) enum indenting is not tested
  1442  7.3.846  missing proto file, listing a non-existing proto file
  1546  7.3.847  test 55 fails when messages are translated
  4475  7.3.848  can't build with Ruby 2.0 when using MinGW x64 or MSVC10
  1773  7.3.849  ":g//" gives "Pattern not found error" with E486
  2719  7.3.850  ":vimgrep //" matches everywhere
  2264  7.3.851  empty pattern with :sort incorrect without previous pattern
  3376  7.3.852  system() breaks clipboard text
  2711  7.3.853  "ra" does not replace all chars on multi-byte chars > 1 line
  1630  7.3.854  after BS in insert mode completion current entry is wrong
  1831  7.3.855  compiler warnings
  8587  7.3.856  system() garbles multi-byte clipboard contents
  2763  7.3.857  QuitPre autocommand event does not trigger for :qa and :wq
  4120  7.3.858  "gv" selects the wrong area after some operators
  9955  7.3.859  'ambiwidth' must be set by the user
  2602  7.3.860  in --remote-expr try/catch does not work
  4494  7.3.861  ":setlocal number" clears global value of 'relativenumber'
  5831  7.3.862  dragging the status line can be slow
  3025  7.3.863  (after 7.3.859) 'ambiwidth' detection for ANSI terminal
  1516  7.3.864  (after 7.3.862) can't build without the mouse feature
  2015  7.3.865  (after 7.3.862) mouse position can be wrong
  4745  7.3.866  not serving the X selection during system() isn't nice
  9641  7.3.867  matchparen does not update match when using auto-indenting
  2567  7.3.868  empty line at hit-return prompt with few lines of text
 11112  7.3.869  bufwinnr() matches buffers in other tabs
  6562  7.3.870  compiler warnings when using MingW 4.5.3
  2741  7.3.871  search('^$', 'c') does not use empty match under the cursor
 14914  7.3.872  on some systems file name case is always ignored
  5967  7.3.873  cannot easily use :s to make title case
  3480  7.3.874  comparing file names does not handle multi-byte chars properly
  1865  7.3.875  (after 7.3.866) build problem with a combination of features
  2182  7.3.876  #if indents are off
  3069  7.3.877  (after 7.3.871) forward searching with search() is broken
  3124  7.3.878  'fileignorecase' is missing in options window and quickref
  2792  7.3.879  aborting an ex command does not abort a pending operator
  7907  7.3.880  new viminfo history lines may be replacd with old lines
  2849  7.3.881  Python list does not work correctly
  1714  7.3.882  CursorHold may trigger after receiving the termresponse
  2350  7.3.883  (after 7.3.880) can't build with some combination of features
  2150  7.3.884  compiler warning for variable shadowing another
  2408  7.3.885  double free for list and dict in Lua
  2567  7.3.886  can't build with multi-byte on Solaris 10
  9601  7.3.887  no tests for Visual mode operators, what 7.3.879 fixes
  3933  7.3.888  filename completion with 'fic' does not work for multi-byte
  2040  7.3.889  can't build with Ruby 2.0 on a 64 bit system
  1563  7.3.890  test 79 fails on Windows
  3761  7.3.891  merging viminfo history doesn't work well
  7984  7.3.892  (after 7.3.891) still merging problems for viminfo history
 19606  7.3.893  crash when using b:, w: or t: after closing the buffer etc.
  2219  7.3.894  using wrong RUBY_VER causing Ruby build to break
  5927  7.3.895  valgrind error in test 91
  5208  7.3.896  memory leaks in Lua interface
  4487  7.3.897  configure doesn't always find the shared library
  7367  7.3.898  memory leak reported by valgrind in test 91
  2116  7.3.899  #if indents are off
  1639  7.3.900  not obvious that some mouse features are mutual-exclusive
  2748  7.3.901  outdated comment, ugly condition
  1345  7.3.902  tabline not updated when deleting last buffer in other tab
  1827  7.3.903  (after 7.3.892) crash on exit writing viminfo
  1465  7.3.904  (after 7.3.893) using memory freed by the garbage collector
  1394  7.3.905  (after 7.3.903) crash when writing viminfo
  1796  7.3.906  the "sleep .2" for running tests does not work on Solaris
  5559  7.3.907  Python uses IndexError when a dict key is not found
  1307  7.3.908  possible crash when using a list in Python
 57917  7.3.909  duplicate Python code
  2955  7.3.910  Python code in #ifdef branches with only minor differences
 11651  7.3.911  Python: Access to Vim variables is not so easy
  1673  7.3.912  typing ":" at hit-enter dialog fails if the a file changed
  2166  7.3.913  (after 7.3.905) still a crash when writing viminfo
  1966  7.3.914  ~/.viminfo is messed up when running tests
  1461  7.3.915  next encoding in 'fencs' is not used if error at the end
  3213  7.3.916  using freed memory when pasting with the mouse (Issue 130)
  2504  7.3.917  when a path ends in backslash appending a comma fails
  2634  7.3.918  repeating Ex command after using Visual motion does not work
  1777  7.3.919  (after 7.3.788) empty nl.po file does not work with old msgfmt
  1578  7.3.920  compiler warning for size_t to int
  1840  7.3.921  trying to create a fontset handle when 'guifontset' is not set
  2073  7.3.922  no test for what 7.3.918 fixes
  3123  7.3.923  configure check for X11 header files fails on Solaris
 44449  7.3.924  Python interface can't easily access options
 99193  7.3.925  typos in source code and build files
 26424  7.3.926  triggering autocommands is wrong for :tabclose et al.
  4329  7.3.927  missing combining characters when putting text in a register
  2141  7.3.928  (after 7.3.924) can't build with strict C compiler
  4270  7.3.929  (after 7.3.924) unused variable, not freeing unused string
  1375  7.3.930  MSVC 2012 update is not recognized
  1915  7.3.931  no completion for :xmap and :smap
  1388  7.3.932  compiler warning for uninitialized variable
  4739  7.3.933  Ruby on Mac crashes due to GC failure
  2023  7.3.934  E381 and E380 make the user think nothing happened
  3655  7.3.935  (after 7.3.933) Ruby init stack differs on 64 bit systems
 23271  7.3.936  (after 7.3.935) Ruby missing piece for static 64 bit linking
 16512  7.3.937  more can be shared between Python 2 and 3
  4418  7.3.938  Python: not so easy to get the window number
  2053  7.3.939  Using Py_BuildValue is inefficient sometimes
  3030  7.3.940  Python: Can't get position of window
 32095  7.3.941  Python: Stuff in if_py_both.h is ordered badly
  5470  7.3.942  Python: SEGV in Buffer functions
  6867  7.3.943  Python: Negative indices were failing
  2283  7.3.944  external program receives the termrespone
 16738  7.3.945  Python: List of buffers is not very useful
  3029  7.3.946  sometimes keys starting with <Esc>[ ar not working
 17613  7.3.947  Python: No iterator for vim.list and vim.bufferlist
 11841  7.3.948  cannot build with Python 2.2
 25668  7.3.949  Python: no easy access to tabpages
  5750  7.3.950  Python: Stack trace printer can't handle messages
 15906  7.3.951  Python exceptions have problems
  5245  7.3.952  Python: It's not easy to change window/buffer/tabpage
  3924  7.3.953  Python: string exceptions are deprecated
  2374  7.3.954  No check if PyObject_IsTrue fails
 12291  7.3.955  Python: Not enough tests
  5261  7.3.956  Python vim.bindeval() causes SIGABRT
  9959  7.3.957  Python does not have a "do" command like Perl or Lua
  1772  7.3.958  Python: Iteration destructor not set
  2058  7.3.959  (after 7.3.957) missing error number
  1366  7.3.960  compiler warning for unused variable
  3054  7.3.961  tests 86 and 87 fail when using another language than English
  8389  7.3.962  Python tests are not portable
 18867  7.3.963  setting curbuf without curwin causes trouble
 13179  7.3.964  Python: not so easy to access tab pages
  8088  7.3.965  Python garbage collection not working properly
 10038  7.3.966  there is ":py3do" but no ":pydo"
  3304  7.3.967  (after 7.3.965) build fails on Mac OSX
  2100  7.3.968  multi-byte support is only available with "big" features
  1603  7.3.969  can't built with Python 3 and without Python 2
182647  7.3.970  (fixed) pattern matching is slow, include the NFA engine
  4337  7.3.971  no support for VS2012 static code analysis
  3720  7.3.972  cursor not restored properly after InsertEnter autocommand
  3881  7.3.973  (after 7.3.970) compiler warnings, crash on startup
  4775  7.3.974  can't build with ruby 1.8.5
  2301  7.3.975  (after 7.3.970) crash in regexp parsing
  2254  7.3.976  (after 7.3.970) can't build with HP-UX
  7028  7.3.977  compiler warnings, white space, uncommented for testing
  4535  7.3.978  regexp debug logs don't have a good name
  2268  7.3.979  complex NFA regexp doesn't work
  3597  7.3.980  regexp logs contain garbage; character classes don't work
  3105  7.3.981  old regexp engine fails on \i, \I, \f and \F with mbyte chars
  2800  7.3.982  \p does not work on multi-byte chars in new regexp engine
  2675  7.3.983  uneccessary temp variable
  1706  7.3.984  Visual mapping using CTRL-G works differently from Insert mode
  1691  7.3.985  GTK vim not started as gvim has WM_CLASS property wrong
  2113  7.3.986  test 95 doesn't pass when 'encoding' isn't utf-8
  6338  7.3.987  no easy to run an individual test; test 64 may fail
  1552  7.3.988  new regexp engine is slow
  1944  7.3.989  new regexp engine compares negative numbers to character
  7487  7.3.990  memory leak in new regexp engine
 18482  7.3.991  more can be shared between python 2 and 3
 70337  7.3.992  Python: Too many type casts
  7832  7.3.993  (after 7.3.992) later patch does things slightly differently
  7845  7.3.994  Python: using magic constants
 13902  7.3.995  Python: Module initialization is duplicated
 14039  7.3.996  Python: Can't check types of what is returned by bindeval()
 23712  7.3.997  Vim and Python exceptions are different
 11177  7.3.998  Python: garbage collection issues
  4683  7.3.999  new regexp engine sets curbuf temporarily
  1637  7.3.1000  (whoa!) typo in char value causes out of bounds access
  1651  7.3.1001  duplicate condition in if
  4012  7.3.1002  valgrind errors for Python interface
 11873  7.3.1003  Python interface does not compile with Python 2.2
 10551  7.3.1004  Python: no error when option could not be set