Subject: Patch 7.1.266
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From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.1.266
Problem:    When the version string returned by the terminal contains
	    unexpected characters, it is used as typed input. (James Vega)
Solution:   Assume the escape sequence ends in a letter.
Files:	    src/term.c

*** ../vim-7.1.265/src/term.c	Sat Sep 15 14:06:41 2007
--- src/term.c	Mon Feb 25 20:21:53 2008
*** 4050,4064 ****
  	    /* Check for xterm version string: "<Esc>[>{x};{vers};{y}c".  Also
  	     * eat other possible responses to t_RV, rxvt returns
! 	     * "<Esc>[?1;2c".  Also accept CSI instead of <Esc>[. */
  	    if (*T_CRV != NUL && ((tp[0] == ESC && tp[1] == '[' && len >= 3)
  					       || (tp[0] == CSI && len >= 2)))
  		j = 0;
  		extra = 0;
! 		for (i = 2 + (tp[0] != CSI);
! 			i < len && (VIM_ISDIGIT(tp[i])
! 			    || tp[i] == ';' || tp[i] == '.'); ++i)
  		    if (tp[i] == ';' && ++j == 1)
  			extra = atoi((char *)tp + i + 1);
  		if (i == len)
--- 4050,4066 ----
  	    /* Check for xterm version string: "<Esc>[>{x};{vers};{y}c".  Also
  	     * eat other possible responses to t_RV, rxvt returns
! 	     * "<Esc>[?1;2c".  Also accept CSI instead of <Esc>[.
! 	     * mrxvt has been reported to have "+" in the version. Assume
! 	     * the escape sequence ends with a letter or one of "{|}~". */
  	    if (*T_CRV != NUL && ((tp[0] == ESC && tp[1] == '[' && len >= 3)
  					       || (tp[0] == CSI && len >= 2)))
  		j = 0;
  		extra = 0;
! 		for (i = 2 + (tp[0] != CSI); i < len
! 				&& !(tp[i] >= '{' && tp[i] <= '~')
! 				&& !ASCII_ISALPHA(tp[i]); ++i)
  		    if (tp[i] == ';' && ++j == 1)
  			extra = atoi((char *)tp + i + 1);
  		if (i == len)
*** ../vim-7.1.265/src/version.c	Tue Feb 26 21:29:06 2008
--- src/version.c	Wed Feb 27 16:10:59 2008
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     266,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
54. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. :-)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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