Subject: Patch 7.1.240
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.1.240
Problem:    When "gUe" turns a German sharp s into SS the operation stops
            before the end of the word.  Latin2 has the same sharp s but it's
            not changed to SS there.
Solution:   Make sure all the characters are operated upon.  Detect the sharp
            s in latin2.  Also fixes that changing case of a multi-byte
            character that changes the byte cound doesn't always work.
Files:      src/ops.c

*** ../vim-7.1.239/src/ops.c	Wed Jan 16 20:01:14 2008
--- src/ops.c	Tue Jan 22 16:00:07 2008
*** 2184,2189 ****
--- 2184,2191 ----
+ static int swapchars __ARGS((int op_type, pos_T *pos, int length));
   * Handle the (non-standard vi) tilde operator.  Also for "gu", "gU" and "g?".
*** 2194,2202 ****
      pos_T		pos;
  #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
      struct block_def	bd;
-     int			todo;
!     int			did_change = 0;
      if (u_save((linenr_T)(oap->start.lnum - 1),
  				       (linenr_T)(oap->end.lnum + 1)) == FAIL)
--- 2196,2203 ----
      pos_T		pos;
  #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
      struct block_def	bd;
!     int			did_change;
      if (u_save((linenr_T)(oap->start.lnum - 1),
  				       (linenr_T)(oap->end.lnum + 1)) == FAIL)
*** 2210,2225 ****
  	    block_prep(oap, &bd, pos.lnum, FALSE);
  	    pos.col = bd.textcol;
! 	    for (todo = bd.textlen; todo > 0; --todo)
! 	    {
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
! 		if (has_mbyte)
! 		    todo -= (*mb_ptr2len)(ml_get_pos(&pos)) - 1;
! # endif
! 		did_change |= swapchar(oap->op_type, &pos);
! 		if (inc(&pos) == -1)	    /* at end of file */
! 		    break;
! 	    }
  	    if (usingNetbeans && did_change)
--- 2211,2218 ----
  	    block_prep(oap, &bd, pos.lnum, FALSE);
  	    pos.col = bd.textcol;
! 	    did_change = swapchars(oap->op_type, &pos, bd.textlen);
  	    if (usingNetbeans && did_change)
*** 2249,2261 ****
  	else if (!oap->inclusive)
! 	while (ltoreq(pos, oap->end))
! 	{
! 	    did_change |= swapchar(oap->op_type, &pos);
! 	    if (inc(&pos) == -1)    /* at end of file */
! 		break;
! 	}
  	if (did_change)
  	    changed_lines(oap->start.lnum, oap->start.col, oap->end.lnum + 1,
--- 2242,2248 ----
  	else if (!oap->inclusive)
! 	did_change = swapchars(oap->op_type, &pos, oap->end.col - pos.col + 1);
  	if (did_change)
  	    changed_lines(oap->start.lnum, oap->start.col, oap->end.lnum + 1,
*** 2309,2314 ****
--- 2296,2337 ----
+  * Invoke swapchar() on "length" bytes at position "pos".
+  * "pos" is advanced to just after the changed characters.
+  * "length" is rounded up to include the whole last multi-byte character.
+  * Also works correctly when the number of bytes changes.
+  * Returns TRUE if some character was changed.
+  */
+     static int
+ swapchars(op_type, pos, length)
+     int		op_type;
+     pos_T	*pos;
+     int		length;
+ {
+     int todo;
+     int	did_change = 0;
+     for (todo = length; todo > 0; --todo)
+     {
+ # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+ 	int pos_col = pos->col;
+ 	if (has_mbyte)
+ 	    /* we're counting bytes, not characters */
+ 	    todo -= (*mb_ptr2len)(ml_get_pos(pos)) - 1;
+ # endif
+ 	did_change |= swapchar(op_type, pos);
+ # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+ 	/* Changing German sharp s to SS increases the column. */
+ 	todo += pos->col - pos_col;
+ # endif
+ 	if (inc(pos) == -1)    /* at end of file */
+ 	    break;
+     }
+     return did_change;
+ }
+ /*
   * If op_type == OP_UPPER: make uppercase,
   * if op_type == OP_LOWER: make lowercase,
   * if op_type == OP_ROT13: do rot13 encoding,
*** 2330,2336 ****
  	return FALSE;
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!     if (op_type == OP_UPPER && enc_latin1like && c == 0xdf)
  	pos_T   sp = curwin->w_cursor;
--- 2353,2360 ----
  	return FALSE;
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!     if (op_type == OP_UPPER && c == 0xdf
! 		      && (enc_latin1like || STRCMP(p_enc, "iso-8859-2") == 0))
  	pos_T   sp = curwin->w_cursor;
*** ../vim-7.1.239/src/version.c	Tue Jan 22 12:44:03 2008
--- src/version.c	Tue Jan 22 15:36:36 2008
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     240,

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