Subject: Patch 7.3.448
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.3.448 (after 7.3.447)
Problem:    Win32: Still a problem with "!start /b".
Solution:   Escape only '|'. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
Files:	    src/os_win32.c

*** ../vim-7.3.447/src/os_win32.c	2012-02-21 21:22:40.000000000 +0100
--- src/os_win32.c	2012-02-22 13:06:55.000000000 +0100
*** 3933,3939 ****
  	/* we use "command" or "cmd" to start the shell; slow but easy */
! 	char_u *cmdbase = cmd;
  	/* Skip a leading ", ( and "(. */
  	if (*cmdbase == '"' )
--- 3933,3941 ----
  	/* we use "command" or "cmd" to start the shell; slow but easy */
! 	char_u	*newcmd = NULL;
! 	char_u	*cmdbase = cmd;
! 	long_u	cmdlen;
  	/* Skip a leading ", ( and "(. */
  	if (*cmdbase == '"' )
*** 3971,3982 ****
  		flags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW;
  		si.hStdInput = CreateFile("\\\\.\\NUL",	// File name
! 		    GENERIC_READ,				// Access flags
  		    0,					// Share flags
! 		    NULL,					// Security att.
! 		    OPEN_EXISTING,				// Open flags
! 		    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,			// File att.
! 		    NULL);					// Temp file
  		si.hStdOutput = si.hStdInput;
  		si.hStdError = si.hStdInput;
--- 3973,3984 ----
  		flags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW;
  		si.hStdInput = CreateFile("\\\\.\\NUL",	// File name
! 		    GENERIC_READ,			// Access flags
  		    0,					// Share flags
! 		    NULL,				// Security att.
! 		    OPEN_EXISTING,			// Open flags
! 		    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,		// File att.
! 		    NULL);				// Temp file
  		si.hStdOutput = si.hStdInput;
  		si.hStdError = si.hStdInput;
*** 3993,4004 ****
  		    *--p = NUL;
! 	     * Unescape characters in shellxescape. This is workaround for
! 	     * /b option. Only redirect character should be unescaped.
! 	    unescape_shellxquote(cmdbase,
! 			(flags & CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) ? p_sxe : "<>");
  	     * Now, start the command as a process, so that it doesn't
--- 3995,4030 ----
  		    *--p = NUL;
+ 	    newcmd = cmdbase;
+ 	    unescape_shellxquote(cmdbase, p_sxe);
! 	     * If creating new console, arguments are passed to the
! 	     * 'cmd.exe' as-is. If it's not, arguments are not treated
! 	     * correctly for current 'cmd.exe'. So unescape characters in
! 	     * shellxescape except '|' for avoiding to be treated as
! 	     * argument to them. Pass the arguments to sub-shell.
! 	    if (flags != CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)
! 	    {
! 		char_u	*subcmd;
! 		char_u	*cmd_shell = default_shell();
! 		subcmd = vim_strsave_escaped_ext(cmdbase, "|", '^', FALSE);
! 		if (subcmd != NULL)
! 		{
! 		    /* make "cmd.exe /c arguments" */
! 		    cmdlen = STRLEN(cmd_shell) + STRLEN(subcmd) + 5;
! 		    vim_free(subcmd);
! 		    newcmd = lalloc(cmdlen, TRUE);
! 		    if (newcmd != NULL)
! 			vim_snprintf((char *)newcmd, cmdlen, "%s /c %s",
! 						       default_shell, subcmd);
! 		    else
! 			newcmd = cmdbase;
! 		}
! 	    }
  	     * Now, start the command as a process, so that it doesn't
*** 4006,4012 ****
  	     * files if we exit before the spawned process
  	    if (CreateProcess(NULL,		// Executable name
! 		    cmdbase,			// Command to execute
  		    NULL,			// Process security attributes
  		    NULL,			// Thread security attributes
  		    FALSE,			// Inherit handles
--- 4032,4038 ----
  	     * files if we exit before the spawned process
  	    if (CreateProcess(NULL,		// Executable name
! 		    newcmd,			// Command to execute
  		    NULL,			// Process security attributes
  		    NULL,			// Thread security attributes
  		    FALSE,			// Inherit handles
*** 4023,4028 ****
--- 4049,4058 ----
  		EMSG(_("E371: Command not found"));
+ 	    if (newcmd != cmdbase)
+ 		vim_free(newcmd);
  	    if (si.hStdInput != NULL)
  		/* Close the handle to \\.\NUL */
*** 4034,4041 ****
! 	    char_u *newcmd;
! 	    long_u cmdlen =  (
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
  		(allowPiping && !p_stmp ? 0 : STRLEN(vimrun_path)) +
--- 4064,4070 ----
! 	    cmdlen = (
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
  		(allowPiping && !p_stmp ? 0 : STRLEN(vimrun_path)) +
*** ../vim-7.3.447/src/version.c	2012-02-21 21:22:40.000000000 +0100
--- src/version.c	2012-02-22 13:02:15.000000000 +0100
*** 716,717 ****
--- 716,719 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     448,

From "know your smileys":
 ~#:-(	I just washed my hair, and I can't do nuthin' with it.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///