diff --git a/7.1.256 b/7.1.256
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d9bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.1.256
@@ -0,0 +1,1808 @@
+To: vim-dev@vim.org
+Subject: Patch 7.1.256
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.1.256
+Problem:    findfile() also returns directories.
+Solution:   Cleanup the code for finding files and directories in a list of
+            directories.  Remove the ugly global ff_search_ctx.
+Files:      src/eval.c, src/misc2.c, src/vim.h, src/tag.c
+*** ../vim-7.1.255/src/eval.c	Wed Feb 13 12:41:30 2008
+--- src/eval.c	Wed Feb 20 11:08:21 2008
+*** 9203,9215 ****
+      rettv->vval.v_number = filewritable(get_tv_string(&argvars[0]));
+  }
+! static void findfilendir __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv, int dir));
+      static void
+! findfilendir(argvars, rettv, dir)
+      typval_T	*argvars;
+      typval_T	*rettv;
+!     int		dir;
+  {
+      char_u	*fname;
+--- 9205,9217 ----
+      rettv->vval.v_number = filewritable(get_tv_string(&argvars[0]));
+  }
+! static void findfilendir __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv, int find_what));
+      static void
+! findfilendir(argvars, rettv, find_what)
+      typval_T	*argvars;
+      typval_T	*rettv;
+!     int		find_what;
+  {
+      char_u	*fname;
+*** 9254,9261 ****
+  		vim_free(fresult);
+  	    fresult = find_file_in_path_option(first ? fname : NULL,
+  					       first ? (int)STRLEN(fname) : 0,
+! 					0, first, path, dir, curbuf->b_ffname,
+! 					dir ? (char_u *)"" : curbuf->b_p_sua);
+  	    first = FALSE;
+  	    if (fresult != NULL && rettv->v_type == VAR_LIST)
+--- 9256,9266 ----
+  		vim_free(fresult);
+  	    fresult = find_file_in_path_option(first ? fname : NULL,
+  					       first ? (int)STRLEN(fname) : 0,
+! 					0, first, path,
+! 					find_what,
+! 					curbuf->b_ffname,
+! 					find_what == FINDFILE_DIR
+! 					    ? (char_u *)"" : curbuf->b_p_sua);
+  	    first = FALSE;
+  	    if (fresult != NULL && rettv->v_type == VAR_LIST)
+*** 9445,9451 ****
+      typval_T	*argvars;
+      typval_T	*rettv;
+  {
+!     findfilendir(argvars, rettv, TRUE);
+  }
+  /*
+--- 9450,9456 ----
+      typval_T	*argvars;
+      typval_T	*rettv;
+  {
+!     findfilendir(argvars, rettv, FINDFILE_DIR);
+  }
+  /*
+*** 9456,9462 ****
+      typval_T	*argvars;
+      typval_T	*rettv;
+  {
+!     findfilendir(argvars, rettv, FALSE);
+  }
+  /*
+--- 9461,9467 ----
+      typval_T	*argvars;
+      typval_T	*rettv;
+  {
+!     findfilendir(argvars, rettv, FINDFILE_FILE);
+  }
+  /*
+*** ../vim-7.1.255/src/misc2.c	Fri Jan  4 21:25:01 2008
+--- src/misc2.c	Wed Feb 13 17:19:21 2008
+*** 3777,3785 ****
+      char_u		ffs_filearray_cur;   /* needed for partly handled dirs */
+      /* to store status of partly handled directories
+!      * 0: we work the on this directory for the first time
+       * 1: this directory was partly searched in an earlier step
+!     */
+      int			ffs_stage;
+      /* How deep are we in the directory tree?
+--- 3778,3786 ----
+      char_u		ffs_filearray_cur;   /* needed for partly handled dirs */
+      /* to store status of partly handled directories
+!      * 0: we work on this directory for the first time
+       * 1: this directory was partly searched in an earlier step
+!      */
+      int			ffs_stage;
+      /* How deep are we in the directory tree?
+*** 3848,3853 ****
+--- 3849,3855 ----
+   * Set the default maximum depth.
+   */
+  #define FF_MAX_STAR_STAR_EXPAND ((char_u)30)
+  /*
+   * The search context:
+   *   ffsc_stack_ptr:	the stack for the dirs to search
+*** 3862,3868 ****
+   *   ffsc_wc_path:	the part of the given path containing wildcards
+   *   ffsc_level:	how many levels of dirs to search downwards
+   *   ffsc_stopdirs_v:	array of stop directories for upward search
+!  *   ffsc_need_dir:	TRUE if we search for a directory
+   */
+  typedef struct ff_search_ctx_T
+  {
+--- 3864,3870 ----
+   *   ffsc_wc_path:	the part of the given path containing wildcards
+   *   ffsc_level:	how many levels of dirs to search downwards
+   *   ffsc_stopdirs_v:	array of stop directories for upward search
+   */
+  typedef struct ff_search_ctx_T
+  {
+*** 3879,3889 ****
+       int			ffsc_level;
+       char_u			**ffsc_stopdirs_v;
+  #endif
+!      int			ffsc_need_dir;
+  } ff_search_ctx_T;
+- static ff_search_ctx_T *ff_search_ctx = NULL;
+  /* locally needed functions */
+  static int ff_check_visited __ARGS((ff_visited_T **, char_u *, char_u *));
+--- 3881,3889 ----
+       int			ffsc_level;
+       char_u			**ffsc_stopdirs_v;
+  #endif
+!      int			ffsc_find_what;
+  } ff_search_ctx_T;
+  /* locally needed functions */
+  static int ff_check_visited __ARGS((ff_visited_T **, char_u *, char_u *));
+*** 3897,3906 ****
+  static int ff_wc_equal __ARGS((char_u *s1, char_u *s2));
+  #endif
+! static void ff_push __ARGS((ff_stack_T *));
+! static ff_stack_T * ff_pop __ARGS((void));
+! static void ff_clear __ARGS((void));
+! static void ff_free_stack_element __ARGS((ff_stack_T *));
+  static ff_stack_T *ff_create_stack_element __ARGS((char_u *, char_u *, int, int));
+  #else
+--- 3897,3906 ----
+  static int ff_wc_equal __ARGS((char_u *s1, char_u *s2));
+  #endif
+! static void ff_push __ARGS((ff_search_ctx_T *search_ctx, ff_stack_T *stack_ptr));
+! static ff_stack_T *ff_pop __ARGS((ff_search_ctx_T *search_ctx));
+! static void ff_clear __ARGS((ff_search_ctx_T *search_ctx));
+! static void ff_free_stack_element __ARGS((ff_stack_T *stack_ptr));
+  static ff_stack_T *ff_create_stack_element __ARGS((char_u *, char_u *, int, int));
+  #else
+*** 3961,3966 ****
+--- 3961,3969 ----
+   * not related to restricts given to the '**' wildcard. If 'level' is 100
+   * and you use '**200' vim_findfile() will stop after 100 levels.
+   *
++  * 'filename' cannot contain wildcards!  It is used as-is, no backslashes to
++  * escape special characters.
++  *
+   * If 'stopdirs' is not NULL and nothing is found downward, the search is
+   * restarted on the next higher directory level. This is repeated until the
+   * start-directory of a search is contained in 'stopdirs'. 'stopdirs' has the
+*** 3980,4053 ****
+   * The list of visited files/dirs can also be cleared with the function
+   * vim_findfile_free_visited().
+   *
+!  * Set the parameter 'need_dir' to TRUE if you want to search for a directory
+!  * instead of a file.
+   *
+   * A search context returned by a previous call to vim_findfile_init() can be
+!  * passed in the parameter 'search_ctx'. This context is than reused and
+!  * reinitialized with the new parameters. The list of already viseted
+   * directories from this context is only deleted if the parameter
+!  * 'free_visited' is true. Be aware that the passed search_context is freed if
+!  * the reinitialization fails.
+   *
+!  * If you don't have a search context from a previous call 'search_ctx' must be
+!  * NULL.
+   *
+   * This function silently ignores a few errors, vim_findfile() will have
+   * limited functionality then.
+   */
+      void *
+! vim_findfile_init(path, filename, stopdirs, level, free_visited, need_dir,
+! 						search_ctx, tagfile, rel_fname)
+      char_u	*path;
+      char_u	*filename;
+      char_u	*stopdirs;
+      int		level;
+      int		free_visited;
+!     int		need_dir;
+!     void	*search_ctx;
+      int		tagfile;
+      char_u	*rel_fname;	/* file name to use for "." */
+  {
+!     char_u	*wc_part;
+  #endif
+!     ff_stack_T	*sptr;
+      /* If a search context is given by the caller, reuse it, else allocate a
+       * new one.
+       */
+!     if (search_ctx != NULL)
+! 	ff_search_ctx = search_ctx;
+      else
+      {
+! 	ff_search_ctx = (ff_search_ctx_T*)alloc(
+! 					   (unsigned)sizeof(ff_search_ctx_T));
+! 	if (ff_search_ctx == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+! 	memset(ff_search_ctx, 0, sizeof(ff_search_ctx_T));
+      }
+      /* clear the search context, but NOT the visited lists */
+!     ff_clear();
+      /* clear visited list if wanted */
+      if (free_visited == TRUE)
+! 	vim_findfile_free_visited(ff_search_ctx);
+      else
+      {
+  	/* Reuse old visited lists. Get the visited list for the given
+  	 * filename. If no list for the current filename exists, creates a new
+! 	 * one.
+! 	 */
+! 	ff_search_ctx->ffsc_visited_list = ff_get_visited_list(filename,
+! 				     &ff_search_ctx->ffsc_visited_lists_list);
+! 	if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_visited_list == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+! 	ff_search_ctx->ffsc_dir_visited_list = ff_get_visited_list(filename,
+! 				 &ff_search_ctx->ffsc_dir_visited_lists_list);
+! 	if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_dir_visited_list == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+      }
+--- 3983,4056 ----
+   * The list of visited files/dirs can also be cleared with the function
+   * vim_findfile_free_visited().
+   *
+!  * Set the parameter 'find_what' to FINDFILE_DIR if you want to search for
+!  * directories only, FINDFILE_FILE for files only, FINDFILE_BOTH for both.
+   *
+   * A search context returned by a previous call to vim_findfile_init() can be
+!  * passed in the parameter "search_ctx_arg".  This context is reused and
+!  * reinitialized with the new parameters.  The list of already visited
+   * directories from this context is only deleted if the parameter
+!  * "free_visited" is true.  Be aware that the passed "search_ctx_arg" is freed
+!  * if the reinitialization fails.
+   *
+!  * If you don't have a search context from a previous call "search_ctx_arg"
+!  * must be NULL.
+   *
+   * This function silently ignores a few errors, vim_findfile() will have
+   * limited functionality then.
+   */
+      void *
+! vim_findfile_init(path, filename, stopdirs, level, free_visited, find_what,
+! 					   search_ctx_arg, tagfile, rel_fname)
+      char_u	*path;
+      char_u	*filename;
+      char_u	*stopdirs;
+      int		level;
+      int		free_visited;
+!     int		find_what;
+!     void	*search_ctx_arg;
+      int		tagfile;
+      char_u	*rel_fname;	/* file name to use for "." */
+  {
+!     char_u		*wc_part;
+  #endif
+!     ff_stack_T		*sptr;
+!     ff_search_ctx_T	*search_ctx;
+      /* If a search context is given by the caller, reuse it, else allocate a
+       * new one.
+       */
+!     if (search_ctx_arg != NULL)
+! 	search_ctx = search_ctx_arg;
+      else
+      {
+! 	search_ctx = (ff_search_ctx_T*)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(ff_search_ctx_T));
+! 	if (search_ctx == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+! 	memset(search_ctx, 0, sizeof(ff_search_ctx_T));
+      }
++     search_ctx->ffsc_find_what = find_what;
+      /* clear the search context, but NOT the visited lists */
+!     ff_clear(search_ctx);
+      /* clear visited list if wanted */
+      if (free_visited == TRUE)
+! 	vim_findfile_free_visited(search_ctx);
+      else
+      {
+  	/* Reuse old visited lists. Get the visited list for the given
+  	 * filename. If no list for the current filename exists, creates a new
+! 	 * one. */
+! 	search_ctx->ffsc_visited_list = ff_get_visited_list(filename,
+! 					&search_ctx->ffsc_visited_lists_list);
+! 	if (search_ctx->ffsc_visited_list == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+! 	search_ctx->ffsc_dir_visited_list = ff_get_visited_list(filename,
+! 				    &search_ctx->ffsc_dir_visited_lists_list);
+! 	if (search_ctx->ffsc_dir_visited_list == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+      }
+*** 4071,4082 ****
+  	{
+  	    /* Make the start dir an absolute path name. */
+  	    vim_strncpy(ff_expand_buffer, rel_fname, len);
+! 	    ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir = FullName_save(ff_expand_buffer,
+! 								       FALSE);
+  	}
+  	else
+! 	    ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir = vim_strnsave(rel_fname, len);
+! 	if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+  	if (*++path != NUL)
+  	    ++path;
+--- 4074,4084 ----
+  	{
+  	    /* Make the start dir an absolute path name. */
+  	    vim_strncpy(ff_expand_buffer, rel_fname, len);
+! 	    search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir = FullName_save(ff_expand_buffer, FALSE);
+  	}
+  	else
+! 	    search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir = vim_strnsave(rel_fname, len);
+! 	if (search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+  	if (*++path != NUL)
+  	    ++path;
+*** 4101,4108 ****
+  	if (mch_dirname(ff_expand_buffer, MAXPATHL) == FAIL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+! 	ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir = vim_strsave(ff_expand_buffer);
+! 	if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+--- 4103,4110 ----
+  	if (mch_dirname(ff_expand_buffer, MAXPATHL) == FAIL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+! 	search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir = vim_strsave(ff_expand_buffer);
+! 	if (search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+*** 4110,4117 ****
+  	 * directory (but not for "//machine/dir").  Only use the drive name. */
+  	if ((*path == '/' || *path == '\\')
+  		&& path[1] != path[0]
+! 		&& ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir[1] == ':')
+! 	    ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir[2] = NUL;
+  #endif
+      }
+--- 4112,4119 ----
+  	 * directory (but not for "//machine/dir").  Only use the drive name. */
+  	if ((*path == '/' || *path == '\\')
+  		&& path[1] != path[0]
+! 		&& search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir[1] == ':')
+! 	    search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir[2] = NUL;
+  #endif
+      }
+*** 4121,4127 ****
+       * If this fails (mem allocation), there is no upward search at all or a
+       * stop directory is not recognized -> continue silently.
+       * If stopdirs just contains a ";" or is empty,
+!      * ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v will only contain a  NULL pointer. This
+       * is handled as unlimited upward search.  See function
+       * ff_path_in_stoplist() for details.
+       */
+--- 4123,4129 ----
+       * If this fails (mem allocation), there is no upward search at all or a
+       * stop directory is not recognized -> continue silently.
+       * If stopdirs just contains a ";" or is empty,
+!      * search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v will only contain a  NULL pointer. This
+       * is handled as unlimited upward search.  See function
+       * ff_path_in_stoplist() for details.
+       */
+*** 4134,4143 ****
+  	    walker++;
+  	dircount = 1;
+! 	ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v =
+! 	    (char_u **)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(char_u *));
+! 	if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v != NULL)
+  	{
+  	    do
+  	    {
+--- 4136,4145 ----
+  	    walker++;
+  	dircount = 1;
+! 	search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v =
+! 				 (char_u **)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(char_u *));
+! 	if (search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v != NULL)
+  	{
+  	    do
+  	    {
+*** 4145,4181 ****
+  		void	*ptr;
+  		helper = walker;
+! 		ptr = vim_realloc(ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v,
+  					   (dircount + 1) * sizeof(char_u *));
+  		if (ptr)
+! 		    ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v = ptr;
+  		else
+  		    /* ignore, keep what we have and continue */
+  		    break;
+  		walker = vim_strchr(walker, ';');
+  		if (walker)
+  		{
+! 		    ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v[dircount-1] =
+! 			vim_strnsave(helper, (int)(walker - helper));
+  		    walker++;
+  		}
+  		else
+  		    /* this might be "", which means ascent till top
+  		     * of directory tree.
+  		     */
+! 		    ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v[dircount-1] =
+! 			vim_strsave(helper);
+  		dircount++;
+  	    } while (walker != NULL);
+! 	    ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v[dircount-1] = NULL;
+  	}
+      }
+  #endif
+!     ff_search_ctx->ffsc_level = level;
+      /* split into:
+       *  -fix path
+--- 4147,4183 ----
+  		void	*ptr;
+  		helper = walker;
+! 		ptr = vim_realloc(search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v,
+  					   (dircount + 1) * sizeof(char_u *));
+  		if (ptr)
+! 		    search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v = ptr;
+  		else
+  		    /* ignore, keep what we have and continue */
+  		    break;
+  		walker = vim_strchr(walker, ';');
+  		if (walker)
+  		{
+! 		    search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v[dircount-1] =
+! 				 vim_strnsave(helper, (int)(walker - helper));
+  		    walker++;
+  		}
+  		else
+  		    /* this might be "", which means ascent till top
+  		     * of directory tree.
+  		     */
+! 		    search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v[dircount-1] =
+! 							  vim_strsave(helper);
+  		dircount++;
+  	    } while (walker != NULL);
+! 	    search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v[dircount-1] = NULL;
+  	}
+      }
+  #endif
+!     search_ctx->ffsc_level = level;
+      /* split into:
+       *  -fix path
+*** 4189,4196 ****
+  	char	*errpt;
+  	/* save the fix part of the path */
+! 	ff_search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path = vim_strnsave(path,
+! 						       (int)(wc_part - path));
+  	/*
+  	 * copy wc_path and add restricts to the '**' wildcard.
+--- 4191,4197 ----
+  	char	*errpt;
+  	/* save the fix part of the path */
+! 	search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path = vim_strnsave(path, (int)(wc_part - path));
+  	/*
+  	 * copy wc_path and add restricts to the '**' wildcard.
+*** 4229,4275 ****
+  		ff_expand_buffer[len++] = *wc_part++;
+  	}
+  	ff_expand_buffer[len] = NUL;
+! 	ff_search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path = vim_strsave(ff_expand_buffer);
+! 	if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+      }
+      else
+  #endif
+! 	ff_search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path = vim_strsave(path);
+!     if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir == NULL)
+      {
+  	/* store the fix part as startdir.
+  	 * This is needed if the parameter path is fully qualified.
+  	 */
+! 	ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir = vim_strsave(ff_search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path);
+! 	if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir)
+! 	    ff_search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path[0] = NUL;
+      }
+      /* create an absolute path */
+!     STRCPY(ff_expand_buffer, ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir);
+      add_pathsep(ff_expand_buffer);
+!     STRCAT(ff_expand_buffer, ff_search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path);
+      add_pathsep(ff_expand_buffer);
+      sptr = ff_create_stack_element(ff_expand_buffer,
+! 	    ff_search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path,
+  #endif
+  	    level, 0);
+      if (sptr == NULL)
+  	goto error_return;
+!     ff_push(sptr);
+!     ff_search_ctx->ffsc_file_to_search = vim_strsave(filename);
+!     if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_file_to_search == NULL)
+  	goto error_return;
+!     return ff_search_ctx;
+  error_return:
+      /*
+--- 4230,4276 ----
+  		ff_expand_buffer[len++] = *wc_part++;
+  	}
+  	ff_expand_buffer[len] = NUL;
+! 	search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path = vim_strsave(ff_expand_buffer);
+! 	if (search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path == NULL)
+  	    goto error_return;
+      }
+      else
+  #endif
+! 	search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path = vim_strsave(path);
+!     if (search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir == NULL)
+      {
+  	/* store the fix part as startdir.
+  	 * This is needed if the parameter path is fully qualified.
+  	 */
+! 	search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir = vim_strsave(search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path);
+! 	if (search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir)
+! 	    search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path[0] = NUL;
+      }
+      /* create an absolute path */
+!     STRCPY(ff_expand_buffer, search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir);
+      add_pathsep(ff_expand_buffer);
+!     STRCAT(ff_expand_buffer, search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path);
+      add_pathsep(ff_expand_buffer);
+      sptr = ff_create_stack_element(ff_expand_buffer,
+! 	    search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path,
+  #endif
+  	    level, 0);
+      if (sptr == NULL)
+  	goto error_return;
+!     ff_push(search_ctx, sptr);
+!     search_ctx->ffsc_file_to_search = vim_strsave(filename);
+!     if (search_ctx->ffsc_file_to_search == NULL)
+  	goto error_return;
+!     return search_ctx;
+  error_return:
+      /*
+*** 4277,4283 ****
+       * Even when the caller gave us a (perhaps valid) context we free it here,
+       * as we might have already destroyed it.
+       */
+!     vim_findfile_cleanup(ff_search_ctx);
+      return NULL;
+  }
+--- 4278,4284 ----
+       * Even when the caller gave us a (perhaps valid) context we free it here,
+       * as we might have already destroyed it.
+       */
+!     vim_findfile_cleanup(search_ctx);
+      return NULL;
+  }
+*** 4314,4320 ****
+  }
+  #endif
+! /* Clean up the given search context. Can handle a NULL pointer */
+      void
+  vim_findfile_cleanup(ctx)
+      void	*ctx;
+--- 4315,4323 ----
+  }
+  #endif
+! /*
+!  * Clean up the given search context. Can handle a NULL pointer.
+!  */
+      void
+  vim_findfile_cleanup(ctx)
+      void	*ctx;
+*** 4322,4333 ****
+      if (ctx == NULL)
+  	return;
+-     ff_search_ctx = ctx;
+      vim_findfile_free_visited(ctx);
+!     ff_clear();
+      vim_free(ctx);
+-     ff_search_ctx = NULL;
+  }
+  /*
+--- 4325,4333 ----
+      if (ctx == NULL)
+  	return;
+      vim_findfile_free_visited(ctx);
+!     ff_clear(ctx);
+      vim_free(ctx);
+  }
+  /*
+*** 4343,4357 ****
+   * top of the list).
+   */
+      char_u *
+! vim_findfile(search_ctx)
+!     void	*search_ctx;
+  {
+      char_u	*file_path;
+      char_u	*rest_of_wildcards;
+      char_u	*path_end = NULL;
+  #endif
+!     ff_stack_T	*ctx;
+  #if defined(FEAT_SEARCHPATH) || defined(FEAT_PATH_EXTRA)
+      int		len;
+  #endif
+--- 4343,4357 ----
+   * top of the list).
+   */
+      char_u *
+! vim_findfile(search_ctx_arg)
+!     void	*search_ctx_arg;
+  {
+      char_u	*file_path;
+      char_u	*rest_of_wildcards;
+      char_u	*path_end = NULL;
+  #endif
+!     ff_stack_T	*stackp;
+  #if defined(FEAT_SEARCHPATH) || defined(FEAT_PATH_EXTRA)
+      int		len;
+  #endif
+*** 4360,4370 ****
+      char_u	*suf;
+  #endif
+!     if (search_ctx == NULL)
+  	return NULL;
+!     ff_search_ctx = (ff_search_ctx_T*)search_ctx;
+      /*
+       * filepath is used as buffer for various actions and as the storage to
+--- 4360,4371 ----
+      char_u	*suf;
+  #endif
++     ff_search_ctx_T *search_ctx;
+!     if (search_ctx_arg == NULL)
+  	return NULL;
+!     search_ctx = (ff_search_ctx_T *)search_ctx_arg;
+      /*
+       * filepath is used as buffer for various actions and as the storage to
+*** 4375,4382 ****
+      /* store the end of the start dir -- needed for upward search */
+!     if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir != NULL)
+! 	path_end = &ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir[STRLEN(ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir)];
+  #endif
+--- 4376,4384 ----
+      /* store the end of the start dir -- needed for upward search */
+!     if (search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir != NULL)
+! 	path_end = &search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir[
+! 					  STRLEN(search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir)];
+  #endif
+*** 4393,4400 ****
+  		break;
+  	    /* get directory to work on from stack */
+! 	    ctx = ff_pop();
+! 	    if (ctx == NULL)
+  		break;
+  	    /*
+--- 4395,4402 ----
+  		break;
+  	    /* get directory to work on from stack */
+! 	    stackp = ff_pop(search_ctx);
+! 	    if (stackp == NULL)
+  		break;
+  	    /*
+*** 4414,4427 ****
+  	     *  /etc/rc.d/init.d is linked to /etc/rc.d -> endless loop)
+  	     *
+  	     * This check is only needed for directories we work on for the
+! 	     * first time (hence ctx->ff_filearray == NULL)
+  	     */
+! 	    if (ctx->ffs_filearray == NULL
+! 		    && ff_check_visited(&ff_search_ctx->ffsc_dir_visited_list
+  							  ->ffvl_visited_list,
+! 			ctx->ffs_fix_path
+! 			, ctx->ffs_wc_path
+  #endif
+  			) == FAIL)
+  	    {
+--- 4416,4429 ----
+  	     *  /etc/rc.d/init.d is linked to /etc/rc.d -> endless loop)
+  	     *
+  	     * This check is only needed for directories we work on for the
+! 	     * first time (hence stackp->ff_filearray == NULL)
+  	     */
+! 	    if (stackp->ffs_filearray == NULL
+! 		    && ff_check_visited(&search_ctx->ffsc_dir_visited_list
+  							  ->ffvl_visited_list,
+! 			stackp->ffs_fix_path
+! 			, stackp->ffs_wc_path
+  #endif
+  			) == FAIL)
+  	    {
+*** 4430,4442 ****
+  		{
+  		    verbose_enter_scroll();
+  		    smsg((char_u *)"Already Searched: %s (%s)",
+! 					   ctx->ffs_fix_path, ctx->ffs_wc_path);
+  		    /* don't overwrite this either */
+  		    msg_puts((char_u *)"\n");
+  		    verbose_leave_scroll();
+  		}
+  #endif
+! 		ff_free_stack_element(ctx);
+  		continue;
+  	    }
+  #ifdef FF_VERBOSE
+--- 4432,4444 ----
+  		{
+  		    verbose_enter_scroll();
+  		    smsg((char_u *)"Already Searched: %s (%s)",
+! 				   stackp->ffs_fix_path, stackp->ffs_wc_path);
+  		    /* don't overwrite this either */
+  		    msg_puts((char_u *)"\n");
+  		    verbose_leave_scroll();
+  		}
+  #endif
+! 		ff_free_stack_element(stackp);
+  		continue;
+  	    }
+  #ifdef FF_VERBOSE
+*** 4444,4450 ****
+  	    {
+  		verbose_enter_scroll();
+  		smsg((char_u *)"Searching: %s (%s)",
+! 					 ctx->ffs_fix_path, ctx->ffs_wc_path);
+  		/* don't overwrite this either */
+  		msg_puts((char_u *)"\n");
+  		verbose_leave_scroll();
+--- 4446,4452 ----
+  	    {
+  		verbose_enter_scroll();
+  		smsg((char_u *)"Searching: %s (%s)",
+! 				   stackp->ffs_fix_path, stackp->ffs_wc_path);
+  		/* don't overwrite this either */
+  		msg_puts((char_u *)"\n");
+  		verbose_leave_scroll();
+*** 4452,4460 ****
+  #endif
+  	    /* check depth */
+! 	    if (ctx->ffs_level <= 0)
+  	    {
+! 		ff_free_stack_element(ctx);
+  		continue;
+  	    }
+--- 4454,4462 ----
+  #endif
+  	    /* check depth */
+! 	    if (stackp->ffs_level <= 0)
+  	    {
+! 		ff_free_stack_element(stackp);
+  		continue;
+  	    }
+*** 4466,4472 ****
+  	     * and all possible expands are returned in one array. We use this
+  	     * to handle the expansion of '**' into an empty string.
+  	     */
+! 	    if (ctx->ffs_filearray == NULL)
+  	    {
+  		char_u *dirptrs[2];
+--- 4468,4474 ----
+  	     * and all possible expands are returned in one array. We use this
+  	     * to handle the expansion of '**' into an empty string.
+  	     */
+! 	    if (stackp->ffs_filearray == NULL)
+  	    {
+  		char_u *dirptrs[2];
+*** 4477,4495 ****
+  		dirptrs[1] = NULL;
+  		/* if we have a start dir copy it in */
+! 		if (!vim_isAbsName(ctx->ffs_fix_path)
+! 			&& ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir)
+  		{
+! 		    STRCPY(file_path, ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir);
+  		    add_pathsep(file_path);
+  		}
+  		/* append the fix part of the search path */
+! 		STRCAT(file_path, ctx->ffs_fix_path);
+  		add_pathsep(file_path);
+! 		rest_of_wildcards = ctx->ffs_wc_path;
+  		if (*rest_of_wildcards != NUL)
+  		{
+  		    len = (int)STRLEN(file_path);
+--- 4479,4497 ----
+  		dirptrs[1] = NULL;
+  		/* if we have a start dir copy it in */
+! 		if (!vim_isAbsName(stackp->ffs_fix_path)
+! 						&& search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir)
+  		{
+! 		    STRCPY(file_path, search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir);
+  		    add_pathsep(file_path);
+  		}
+  		/* append the fix part of the search path */
+! 		STRCAT(file_path, stackp->ffs_fix_path);
+  		add_pathsep(file_path);
+! 		rest_of_wildcards = stackp->ffs_wc_path;
+  		if (*rest_of_wildcards != NUL)
+  		{
+  		    len = (int)STRLEN(file_path);
+*** 4516,4526 ****
+  			else
+  			    rest_of_wildcards += 3;
+! 			if (ctx->ffs_star_star_empty == 0)
+  			{
+  			    /* if not done before, expand '**' to empty */
+! 			    ctx->ffs_star_star_empty = 1;
+! 			    dirptrs[1] = ctx->ffs_fix_path;
+  			}
+  		    }
+--- 4518,4528 ----
+  			else
+  			    rest_of_wildcards += 3;
+! 			if (stackp->ffs_star_star_empty == 0)
+  			{
+  			    /* if not done before, expand '**' to empty */
+! 			    stackp->ffs_star_star_empty = 1;
+! 			    dirptrs[1] = stackp->ffs_fix_path;
+  			}
+  		    }
+*** 4547,4576 ****
+  		 */
+  		if (path_with_url(dirptrs[0]))
+  		{
+! 		    ctx->ffs_filearray = (char_u **)
+  					      alloc((unsigned)sizeof(char *));
+! 		    if (ctx->ffs_filearray != NULL
+! 			    && (ctx->ffs_filearray[0]
+  				= vim_strsave(dirptrs[0])) != NULL)
+! 			ctx->ffs_filearray_size = 1;
+  		    else
+! 			ctx->ffs_filearray_size = 0;
+  		}
+  		else
+  		    expand_wildcards((dirptrs[1] == NULL) ? 1 : 2, dirptrs,
+! 			    &ctx->ffs_filearray_size,
+! 			    &ctx->ffs_filearray,
+! 		ctx->ffs_filearray_cur = 0;
+! 		ctx->ffs_stage = 0;
+  	    }
+  	    else
+! 		rest_of_wildcards = &ctx->ffs_wc_path[STRLEN(ctx->ffs_wc_path)];
+  #endif
+! 	    if (ctx->ffs_stage == 0)
+  	    {
+  		/* this is the first time we work on this directory */
+--- 4549,4579 ----
+  		 */
+  		if (path_with_url(dirptrs[0]))
+  		{
+! 		    stackp->ffs_filearray = (char_u **)
+  					      alloc((unsigned)sizeof(char *));
+! 		    if (stackp->ffs_filearray != NULL
+! 			    && (stackp->ffs_filearray[0]
+  				= vim_strsave(dirptrs[0])) != NULL)
+! 			stackp->ffs_filearray_size = 1;
+  		    else
+! 			stackp->ffs_filearray_size = 0;
+  		}
+  		else
+  		    expand_wildcards((dirptrs[1] == NULL) ? 1 : 2, dirptrs,
+! 			    &stackp->ffs_filearray_size,
+! 			    &stackp->ffs_filearray,
+! 		stackp->ffs_filearray_cur = 0;
+! 		stackp->ffs_stage = 0;
+  	    }
+  	    else
+! 		rest_of_wildcards = &stackp->ffs_wc_path[
+! 						 STRLEN(stackp->ffs_wc_path)];
+  #endif
+! 	    if (stackp->ffs_stage == 0)
+  	    {
+  		/* this is the first time we work on this directory */
+*** 4581,4598 ****
+  		     * we don't have further wildcards to expand, so we have to
+  		     * check for the final file now
+  		     */
+! 		    for (i = ctx->ffs_filearray_cur;
+! 					     i < ctx->ffs_filearray_size; ++i)
+  		    {
+! 			if (!path_with_url(ctx->ffs_filearray[i])
+! 					 && !mch_isdir(ctx->ffs_filearray[i]))
+  			    continue;   /* not a directory */
+  			/* prepare the filename to be checked for existance
+  			 * below */
+! 			STRCPY(file_path, ctx->ffs_filearray[i]);
+  			add_pathsep(file_path);
+! 			STRCAT(file_path, ff_search_ctx->ffsc_file_to_search);
+  			/*
+  			 * Try without extra suffix and then with suffixes
+--- 4584,4601 ----
+  		     * we don't have further wildcards to expand, so we have to
+  		     * check for the final file now
+  		     */
+! 		    for (i = stackp->ffs_filearray_cur;
+! 					  i < stackp->ffs_filearray_size; ++i)
+  		    {
+! 			if (!path_with_url(stackp->ffs_filearray[i])
+! 				      && !mch_isdir(stackp->ffs_filearray[i]))
+  			    continue;   /* not a directory */
+  			/* prepare the filename to be checked for existance
+  			 * below */
+! 			STRCPY(file_path, stackp->ffs_filearray[i]);
+  			add_pathsep(file_path);
+! 			STRCAT(file_path, search_ctx->ffsc_file_to_search);
+  			/*
+  			 * Try without extra suffix and then with suffixes
+*** 4606,4617 ****
+  			{
+  			    /* if file exists and we didn't already find it */
+  			    if ((path_with_url(file_path)
+! 					|| (mch_getperm(file_path) >= 0
+! 					    && (!ff_search_ctx->ffsc_need_dir
+! 						|| mch_isdir(file_path))))
+  #ifndef FF_VERBOSE
+  				    && (ff_check_visited(
+! 					    &ff_search_ctx->ffsc_visited_list->ffvl_visited_list,
+  					    file_path
+  					    , (char_u *)""
+--- 4609,4623 ----
+  			{
+  			    /* if file exists and we didn't already find it */
+  			    if ((path_with_url(file_path)
+! 				  || (mch_getperm(file_path) >= 0
+! 				      && (search_ctx->ffsc_find_what
+! 							      == FINDFILE_BOTH
+! 					  || ((search_ctx->ffsc_find_what
+! 							      == FINDFILE_DIR)
+! 						   == mch_isdir(file_path)))))
+  #ifndef FF_VERBOSE
+  				    && (ff_check_visited(
+! 					    &search_ctx->ffsc_visited_list->ffvl_visited_list,
+  					    file_path
+  					    , (char_u *)""
+*** 4622,4628 ****
+  			    {
+  #ifdef FF_VERBOSE
+  				if (ff_check_visited(
+! 					    &ff_search_ctx->ffsc_visited_list->ffvl_visited_list,
+  					    file_path
+  					    , (char_u *)""
+--- 4628,4634 ----
+  			    {
+  #ifdef FF_VERBOSE
+  				if (ff_check_visited(
+! 					    &search_ctx->ffsc_visited_list->ffvl_visited_list,
+  					    file_path
+  					    , (char_u *)""
+*** 4643,4650 ****
+  #endif
+  				/* push dir to examine rest of subdirs later */
+! 				ctx->ffs_filearray_cur = i + 1;
+! 				ff_push(ctx);
+  				simplify_filename(file_path);
+  				if (mch_dirname(ff_expand_buffer, MAXPATHL)
+--- 4649,4656 ----
+  #endif
+  				/* push dir to examine rest of subdirs later */
+! 				stackp->ffs_filearray_cur = i + 1;
+! 				ff_push(search_ctx, stackp);
+  				simplify_filename(file_path);
+  				if (mch_dirname(ff_expand_buffer, MAXPATHL)
+*** 4686,4704 ****
+  		     * still wildcards left, push the directories for further
+  		     * search
+  		     */
+! 		    for (i = ctx->ffs_filearray_cur;
+! 					     i < ctx->ffs_filearray_size; ++i)
+  		    {
+! 			if (!mch_isdir(ctx->ffs_filearray[i]))
+  			    continue;	/* not a directory */
+! 			ff_push(ff_create_stack_element(ctx->ffs_filearray[i],
+! 				      rest_of_wildcards, ctx->ffs_level - 1, 0));
+  		    }
+  		}
+  #endif
+! 		ctx->ffs_filearray_cur = 0;
+! 		ctx->ffs_stage = 1;
+  	    }
+--- 4692,4713 ----
+  		     * still wildcards left, push the directories for further
+  		     * search
+  		     */
+! 		    for (i = stackp->ffs_filearray_cur;
+! 					  i < stackp->ffs_filearray_size; ++i)
+  		    {
+! 			if (!mch_isdir(stackp->ffs_filearray[i]))
+  			    continue;	/* not a directory */
+! 			ff_push(search_ctx,
+! 				ff_create_stack_element(
+! 						     stackp->ffs_filearray[i],
+! 						     rest_of_wildcards,
+! 						     stackp->ffs_level - 1, 0));
+  		    }
+  		}
+  #endif
+! 		stackp->ffs_filearray_cur = 0;
+! 		stackp->ffs_stage = 1;
+  	    }
+*** 4706,4728 ****
+  	     * if wildcards contains '**' we have to descent till we reach the
+  	     * leaves of the directory tree.
+  	     */
+! 	    if (STRNCMP(ctx->ffs_wc_path, "**", 2) == 0)
+  	    {
+! 		for (i = ctx->ffs_filearray_cur;
+! 					     i < ctx->ffs_filearray_size; ++i)
+  		{
+! 		    if (fnamecmp(ctx->ffs_filearray[i], ctx->ffs_fix_path) == 0)
+  			continue; /* don't repush same directory */
+! 		    if (!mch_isdir(ctx->ffs_filearray[i]))
+  			continue;   /* not a directory */
+! 		    ff_push(ff_create_stack_element(ctx->ffs_filearray[i],
+! 				ctx->ffs_wc_path, ctx->ffs_level - 1, 1));
+  		}
+  	    }
+  #endif
+  	    /* we are done with the current directory */
+! 	    ff_free_stack_element(ctx);
+  	}
+--- 4715,4739 ----
+  	     * if wildcards contains '**' we have to descent till we reach the
+  	     * leaves of the directory tree.
+  	     */
+! 	    if (STRNCMP(stackp->ffs_wc_path, "**", 2) == 0)
+  	    {
+! 		for (i = stackp->ffs_filearray_cur;
+! 					  i < stackp->ffs_filearray_size; ++i)
+  		{
+! 		    if (fnamecmp(stackp->ffs_filearray[i],
+! 						   stackp->ffs_fix_path) == 0)
+  			continue; /* don't repush same directory */
+! 		    if (!mch_isdir(stackp->ffs_filearray[i]))
+  			continue;   /* not a directory */
+! 		    ff_push(search_ctx,
+! 			    ff_create_stack_element(stackp->ffs_filearray[i],
+! 				stackp->ffs_wc_path, stackp->ffs_level - 1, 1));
+  		}
+  	    }
+  #endif
+  	    /* we are done with the current directory */
+! 	    ff_free_stack_element(stackp);
+  	}
+*** 4730,4769 ****
+  	/* If we reached this, we didn't find anything downwards.
+  	 * Let's check if we should do an upward search.
+  	 */
+! 	if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir
+! 		&& ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v != NULL && !got_int)
+  	{
+  	    ff_stack_T  *sptr;
+  	    /* is the last starting directory in the stop list? */
+! 	    if (ff_path_in_stoplist(ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir,
+! 		       (int)(path_end - ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir),
+! 		       ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v) == TRUE)
+  		break;
+  	    /* cut of last dir */
+! 	    while (path_end > ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir
+! 		    && vim_ispathsep(*path_end))
+  		path_end--;
+! 	    while (path_end > ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir
+! 		    && !vim_ispathsep(path_end[-1]))
+  		path_end--;
+  	    *path_end = 0;
+  	    path_end--;
+! 	    if (*ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir == 0)
+  		break;
+! 	    STRCPY(file_path, ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir);
+  	    add_pathsep(file_path);
+! 	    STRCAT(file_path, ff_search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path);
+  	    /* create a new stack entry */
+  	    sptr = ff_create_stack_element(file_path,
+! 		    ff_search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path, ff_search_ctx->ffsc_level, 0);
+  	    if (sptr == NULL)
+  		break;
+! 	    ff_push(sptr);
+  	}
+  	else
+  	    break;
+--- 4741,4780 ----
+  	/* If we reached this, we didn't find anything downwards.
+  	 * Let's check if we should do an upward search.
+  	 */
+! 	if (search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir
+! 		&& search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v != NULL && !got_int)
+  	{
+  	    ff_stack_T  *sptr;
+  	    /* is the last starting directory in the stop list? */
+! 	    if (ff_path_in_stoplist(search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir,
+! 		       (int)(path_end - search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir),
+! 		       search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v) == TRUE)
+  		break;
+  	    /* cut of last dir */
+! 	    while (path_end > search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir
+! 						  && vim_ispathsep(*path_end))
+  		path_end--;
+! 	    while (path_end > search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir
+! 					      && !vim_ispathsep(path_end[-1]))
+  		path_end--;
+  	    *path_end = 0;
+  	    path_end--;
+! 	    if (*search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir == 0)
+  		break;
+! 	    STRCPY(file_path, search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir);
+  	    add_pathsep(file_path);
+! 	    STRCAT(file_path, search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path);
+  	    /* create a new stack entry */
+  	    sptr = ff_create_stack_element(file_path,
+! 		    search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path, search_ctx->ffsc_level, 0);
+  	    if (sptr == NULL)
+  		break;
+! 	    ff_push(search_ctx, sptr);
+  	}
+  	else
+  	    break;
+*** 4779,4794 ****
+   * Can handle it if the passed search_context is NULL;
+   */
+      void
+! vim_findfile_free_visited(search_ctx)
+!     void	*search_ctx;
+  {
+!     if (search_ctx == NULL)
+! 	return;
+!     ff_search_ctx = (ff_search_ctx_T *)search_ctx;
+!     vim_findfile_free_visited_list(&ff_search_ctx->ffsc_visited_lists_list);
+!     vim_findfile_free_visited_list(&ff_search_ctx->ffsc_dir_visited_lists_list);
+  }
+      static void
+--- 4790,4806 ----
+   * Can handle it if the passed search_context is NULL;
+   */
+      void
+! vim_findfile_free_visited(search_ctx_arg)
+!     void	*search_ctx_arg;
+  {
+!     ff_search_ctx_T *search_ctx;
+!     if (search_ctx_arg == NULL)
+! 	return;
+!     search_ctx = (ff_search_ctx_T *)search_ctx_arg;
+!     vim_findfile_free_visited_list(&search_ctx->ffsc_visited_lists_list);
+!     vim_findfile_free_visited_list(&search_ctx->ffsc_dir_visited_lists_list);
+  }
+      static void
+*** 5103,5135 ****
+  }
+  /*
+!  * push a dir on the directory stack
+   */
+      static void
+! ff_push(ctx)
+!     ff_stack_T *ctx;
+  {
+      /* check for NULL pointer, not to return an error to the user, but
+       * to prevent a crash */
+!     if (ctx != NULL)
+      {
+! 	ctx->ffs_prev   = ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr;
+! 	ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr = ctx;
+      }
+  }
+  /*
+!  * pop a dir from the directory stack
+!  * returns NULL if stack is empty
+   */
+      static ff_stack_T *
+! ff_pop()
+  {
+      ff_stack_T  *sptr;
+!     sptr = ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr;
+!     if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr != NULL)
+! 	ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr = ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr->ffs_prev;
+      return sptr;
+  }
+--- 5115,5149 ----
+  }
+  /*
+!  * Push a dir on the directory stack.
+   */
+      static void
+! ff_push(search_ctx, stack_ptr)
+!     ff_search_ctx_T *search_ctx;
+!     ff_stack_T	    *stack_ptr;
+  {
+      /* check for NULL pointer, not to return an error to the user, but
+       * to prevent a crash */
+!     if (stack_ptr != NULL)
+      {
+! 	stack_ptr->ffs_prev = search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr;
+! 	search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr = stack_ptr;
+      }
+  }
+  /*
+!  * Pop a dir from the directory stack.
+!  * Returns NULL if stack is empty.
+   */
+      static ff_stack_T *
+! ff_pop(search_ctx)
+!     ff_search_ctx_T *search_ctx;
+  {
+      ff_stack_T  *sptr;
+!     sptr = search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr;
+!     if (search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr != NULL)
+! 	search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr = search_ctx->ffsc_stack_ptr->ffs_prev;
+      return sptr;
+  }
+*** 5138,5199 ****
+   * free the given stack element
+   */
+      static void
+! ff_free_stack_element(ctx)
+!     ff_stack_T  *ctx;
+  {
+      /* vim_free handles possible NULL pointers */
+!     vim_free(ctx->ffs_fix_path);
+!     vim_free(ctx->ffs_wc_path);
+  #endif
+!     if (ctx->ffs_filearray != NULL)
+! 	FreeWild(ctx->ffs_filearray_size, ctx->ffs_filearray);
+!     vim_free(ctx);
+  }
+  /*
+!  * clear the search context
+   */
+      static void
+! ff_clear()
+  {
+      ff_stack_T   *sptr;
+      /* clear up stack */
+!     while ((sptr = ff_pop()) != NULL)
+  	ff_free_stack_element(sptr);
+!     vim_free(ff_search_ctx->ffsc_file_to_search);
+!     vim_free(ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir);
+!     vim_free(ff_search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path);
+!     vim_free(ff_search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path);
+  #endif
+!     if (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v != NULL)
+      {
+  	int  i = 0;
+! 	while (ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v[i] != NULL)
+  	{
+! 	    vim_free(ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v[i]);
+  	    i++;
+  	}
+! 	vim_free(ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v);
+      }
+!     ff_search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v = NULL;
+  #endif
+      /* reset everything */
+!     ff_search_ctx->ffsc_file_to_search	= NULL;
+!     ff_search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir	= NULL;
+!     ff_search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path	= NULL;
+!     ff_search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path		= NULL;
+!     ff_search_ctx->ffsc_level		= 0;
+  #endif
+  }
+--- 5152,5214 ----
+   * free the given stack element
+   */
+      static void
+! ff_free_stack_element(stack_ptr)
+!     ff_stack_T  *stack_ptr;
+  {
+      /* vim_free handles possible NULL pointers */
+!     vim_free(stack_ptr->ffs_fix_path);
+!     vim_free(stack_ptr->ffs_wc_path);
+  #endif
+!     if (stack_ptr->ffs_filearray != NULL)
+! 	FreeWild(stack_ptr->ffs_filearray_size, stack_ptr->ffs_filearray);
+!     vim_free(stack_ptr);
+  }
+  /*
+!  * Clear the search context, but NOT the visited list.
+   */
+      static void
+! ff_clear(search_ctx)
+!     ff_search_ctx_T *search_ctx;
+  {
+      ff_stack_T   *sptr;
+      /* clear up stack */
+!     while ((sptr = ff_pop(search_ctx)) != NULL)
+  	ff_free_stack_element(sptr);
+!     vim_free(search_ctx->ffsc_file_to_search);
+!     vim_free(search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir);
+!     vim_free(search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path);
+!     vim_free(search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path);
+  #endif
+!     if (search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v != NULL)
+      {
+  	int  i = 0;
+! 	while (search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v[i] != NULL)
+  	{
+! 	    vim_free(search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v[i]);
+  	    i++;
+  	}
+! 	vim_free(search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v);
+      }
+!     search_ctx->ffsc_stopdirs_v = NULL;
+  #endif
+      /* reset everything */
+!     search_ctx->ffsc_file_to_search = NULL;
+!     search_ctx->ffsc_start_dir = NULL;
+!     search_ctx->ffsc_fix_path = NULL;
+!     search_ctx->ffsc_wc_path = NULL;
+!     search_ctx->ffsc_level = 0;
+  #endif
+  }
+*** 5242,5248 ****
+  #if defined(FEAT_SEARCHPATH) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+!  * Find the file name "ptr[len]" in the path.
+   *
+   * On the first call set the parameter 'first' to TRUE to initialize
+   * the search.  For repeating calls to FALSE.
+--- 5257,5263 ----
+  #if defined(FEAT_SEARCHPATH) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+!  * Find the file name "ptr[len]" in the path.  Also finds directory names.
+   *
+   * On the first call set the parameter 'first' to TRUE to initialize
+   * the search.  For repeating calls to FALSE.
+*** 5276,5282 ****
+  {
+      return find_file_in_path_option(ptr, len, options, first,
+  	    *curbuf->b_p_path == NUL ? p_path : curbuf->b_p_path,
+! 	    FALSE, rel_fname, curbuf->b_p_sua);
+  }
+  static char_u	*ff_file_to_find = NULL;
+--- 5291,5297 ----
+  {
+      return find_file_in_path_option(ptr, len, options, first,
+  	    *curbuf->b_p_path == NUL ? p_path : curbuf->b_p_path,
+! 	    FINDFILE_BOTH, rel_fname, curbuf->b_p_sua);
+  }
+  static char_u	*ff_file_to_find = NULL;
+*** 5309,5325 ****
+      char_u	*rel_fname;	/* file name searching relative to */
+  {
+      return find_file_in_path_option(ptr, len, options, TRUE, p_cdpath,
+! 					       TRUE, rel_fname, (char_u *)"");
+  }
+      char_u *
+! find_file_in_path_option(ptr, len, options, first, path_option, need_dir, rel_fname, suffixes)
+      char_u	*ptr;		/* file name */
+      int		len;		/* length of file name */
+      int		options;
+      int		first;		/* use count'th matching file name */
+      char_u	*path_option;	/* p_path or p_cdpath */
+!     int		need_dir;	/* looking for directory name */
+      char_u	*rel_fname;	/* file name we are looking relative to. */
+      char_u	*suffixes;	/* list of suffixes, 'suffixesadd' option */
+  {
+--- 5324,5340 ----
+      char_u	*rel_fname;	/* file name searching relative to */
+  {
+      return find_file_in_path_option(ptr, len, options, TRUE, p_cdpath,
+! 				       FINDFILE_DIR, rel_fname, (char_u *)"");
+  }
+      char_u *
+! find_file_in_path_option(ptr, len, options, first, path_option, find_what, rel_fname, suffixes)
+      char_u	*ptr;		/* file name */
+      int		len;		/* length of file name */
+      int		options;
+      int		first;		/* use count'th matching file name */
+      char_u	*path_option;	/* p_path or p_cdpath */
+!     int		find_what;	/* FINDFILE_FILE, _DIR or _BOTH */
+      char_u	*rel_fname;	/* file name we are looking relative to. */
+      char_u	*suffixes;	/* list of suffixes, 'suffixesadd' option */
+  {
+*** 5421,5432 ****
+  #ifdef DJGPP
+  			    /* "C:" by itself will fail for mch_getperm(),
+  			     * assume it's always valid. */
+! 			    (need_dir && NameBuff[0] != NUL
+  				  && NameBuff[1] == ':'
+  				  && NameBuff[2] == NUL) ||
+  #endif
+  			    (mch_getperm(NameBuff) >= 0
+! 				       && (!need_dir || mch_isdir(NameBuff))))
+  		    {
+  			file_name = vim_strsave(NameBuff);
+  			goto theend;
+--- 5436,5449 ----
+  #ifdef DJGPP
+  			    /* "C:" by itself will fail for mch_getperm(),
+  			     * assume it's always valid. */
+! 			    (find_what != FINDFILE_FILE && NameBuff[0] != NUL
+  				  && NameBuff[1] == ':'
+  				  && NameBuff[2] == NUL) ||
+  #endif
+  			    (mch_getperm(NameBuff) >= 0
+! 			     && (find_what == FINDFILE_BOTH
+! 				 || ((find_what == FINDFILE_DIR)
+! 						    == mch_isdir(NameBuff)))))
+  		    {
+  			file_name = vim_strsave(NameBuff);
+  			goto theend;
+*** 5457,5465 ****
+  	{
+  	    if (did_findfile_init)
+  	    {
+- 		ff_search_ctx->ffsc_need_dir = need_dir;
+  		file_name = vim_findfile(fdip_search_ctx);
+- 		ff_search_ctx->ffsc_need_dir = FALSE;
+  		if (file_name != NULL)
+  		    break;
+--- 5474,5480 ----
+*** 5492,5498 ****
+  		r_ptr = NULL;
+  #endif
+  		fdip_search_ctx = vim_findfile_init(buf, ff_file_to_find,
+! 					    r_ptr, 100, FALSE, TRUE,
+  					   fdip_search_ctx, FALSE, rel_fname);
+  		if (fdip_search_ctx != NULL)
+  		    did_findfile_init = TRUE;
+--- 5507,5513 ----
+  		r_ptr = NULL;
+  #endif
+  		fdip_search_ctx = vim_findfile_init(buf, ff_file_to_find,
+! 					    r_ptr, 100, FALSE, find_what,
+  					   fdip_search_ctx, FALSE, rel_fname);
+  		if (fdip_search_ctx != NULL)
+  		    did_findfile_init = TRUE;
+*** 5504,5510 ****
+      {
+  	if (first == TRUE)
+  	{
+! 	    if (need_dir)
+  		EMSG2(_("E344: Can't find directory \"%s\" in cdpath"),
+  			ff_file_to_find);
+  	    else
+--- 5519,5525 ----
+      {
+  	if (first == TRUE)
+  	{
+! 	    if (find_what == FINDFILE_DIR)
+  		EMSG2(_("E344: Can't find directory \"%s\" in cdpath"),
+  			ff_file_to_find);
+  	    else
+*** 5513,5519 ****
+  	}
+  	else
+  	{
+! 	    if (need_dir)
+  		EMSG2(_("E346: No more directory \"%s\" found in cdpath"),
+  			ff_file_to_find);
+  	    else
+--- 5528,5534 ----
+  	}
+  	else
+  	{
+! 	    if (find_what == FINDFILE_DIR)
+  		EMSG2(_("E346: No more directory \"%s\" found in cdpath"),
+  			ff_file_to_find);
+  	    else
+*** ../vim-7.1.255/src/vim.h	Sat Jan 19 15:55:51 2008
+--- src/vim.h	Tue Jan 22 22:35:16 2008
+*** 721,726 ****
+--- 721,731 ----
+  /* Note: mostly EW_NOTFOUND and EW_SILENT are mutually exclusive: EW_NOTFOUND
+   * is used when executing commands and EW_SILENT for interactive expanding. */
++ /* Flags for find_file_*() functions. */
++ #define FINDFILE_FILE	0	/* only files */
++ #define FINDFILE_DIR	1	/* only directories */
++ #define FINDFILE_BOTH	2	/* files and directories */
+  # define W_WINCOL(wp)	(wp->w_wincol)
+  # define W_WIDTH(wp)	(wp->w_width)
+*** ../vim-7.1.255/src/tag.c	Sat Jan 19 15:55:51 2008
+--- src/tag.c	Wed Feb 13 18:02:32 2008
+*** 2669,2676 ****
+  	    tnp->tn_search_ctx = vim_findfile_init(buf, filename,
+  		    r_ptr, 100,
+! 		    FALSE, /* don't free visited list */
+! 		    FALSE, /* we search for a file */
+  		    tnp->tn_search_ctx, TRUE, curbuf->b_ffname);
+  	    if (tnp->tn_search_ctx != NULL)
+  		tnp->tn_did_filefind_init = TRUE;
+--- 2669,2676 ----
+  	    tnp->tn_search_ctx = vim_findfile_init(buf, filename,
+  		    r_ptr, 100,
+! 		    FALSE,         /* don't free visited list */
+! 		    FINDFILE_FILE, /* we search for a file */
+  		    tnp->tn_search_ctx, TRUE, curbuf->b_ffname);
+  	    if (tnp->tn_search_ctx != NULL)
+  		tnp->tn_did_filefind_init = TRUE;
+*** 2691,2696 ****
+--- 2691,2697 ----
+  {
+      vim_free(tnp->tn_tags);
+      vim_findfile_cleanup(tnp->tn_search_ctx);
++     tnp->tn_search_ctx = NULL;
+      ga_clear_strings(&tag_fnames);
+  }
+*** ../vim-7.1.255/src/version.c	Wed Feb 20 11:27:59 2008
+--- src/version.c	Wed Feb 20 12:09:54 2008
+*** 668,669 ****
+--- 668,671 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     256,
+  /**/
+hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
+38. You wake up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom and stop and check your e-mail
+    on the way back to bed.
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\        download, build and distribute -- http://www.A-A-P.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///