diff --git a/7.3.696 b/7.3.696
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9084022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.3.696
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+To: vim_dev@googlegroups.com
+Subject: Patch 7.3.696
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.3.696
+Problem:    Message about added spell language can be wrong.
+Solution:   Give correct message. Add g:menutrans_set_lang_to to allow for
+            translation. (Jiri Sedlak)
+Files:      runtime/menu.vim
+*** ../vim-7.3.695/runtime/menu.vim	2010-08-15 21:57:11.000000000 +0200
+--- runtime/menu.vim	2012-10-21 01:17:27.000000000 +0200
+*** 434,439 ****
+--- 434,443 ----
+        let enc = &enc
+      endif
++     if !exists("g:menutrans_set_lang_to")
++       let g:menutrans_set_lang_to = 'Set language to'
++     endif
+      let found = 0
+      let s = globpath(&rtp, "spell/*." . enc . ".spl")
+      if s != ""
+*** 441,448 ****
+        for f in split(s, "\n")
+  	let nm = substitute(f, '.*spell[/\\]\(..\)\.[^/\\]*\.spl', '\1', "")
+  	if nm != "en" && nm !~ '/'
+  	  let found += 1
+! 	  let menuname = '&Tools.&Spelling.Set\ language\ to\ "' . nm . '"'
+  	  exe 'an 40.335.' . n . ' ' . menuname . ' :set spl=' . nm . ' spell<CR>'
+  	  let s:undo_spellang += ['aun ' . menuname]
+  	endif
+--- 445,453 ----
+        for f in split(s, "\n")
+  	let nm = substitute(f, '.*spell[/\\]\(..\)\.[^/\\]*\.spl', '\1', "")
+  	if nm != "en" && nm !~ '/'
++           let _nm = nm
+  	  let found += 1
+! 	  let menuname = '&Tools.&Spelling.' . escape(g:menutrans_set_lang_to, "\\. \t|") . '\ "' . nm . '"'
+  	  exe 'an 40.335.' . n . ' ' . menuname . ' :set spl=' . nm . ' spell<CR>'
+  	  let s:undo_spellang += ['aun ' . menuname]
+  	endif
+*** 452,458 ****
+      if found == 0
+        echomsg "Could not find other spell files"
+      elseif found == 1
+!       echomsg "Found spell file " . nm
+      else
+        echomsg "Found " . found . " more spell files"
+      endif
+--- 457,463 ----
+      if found == 0
+        echomsg "Could not find other spell files"
+      elseif found == 1
+!       echomsg "Found spell file " . _nm
+      else
+        echomsg "Found " . found . " more spell files"
+      endif
+*** ../vim-7.3.695/src/version.c	2012-10-21 00:58:34.000000000 +0200
+--- src/version.c	2012-10-21 01:15:00.000000000 +0200
+*** 721,722 ****
+--- 721,724 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     696,
+  /**/
+BEDEVERE:        And what do you burn, apart from witches?
+BEDEVERE:        So why do witches burn?
+SECOND VILLAGER: (pianissimo) ... Because they're made of wood...?
+                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\  an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///