diff --git a/7.1.125 b/7.1.125
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f202db4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.1.125
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+To: vim-dev@vim.org
+Subject: patch 7.1.125
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.1.125
+Problem:    The TermResponse autocommand event is not always triggered. (Aron
+	    Griffis)
+Solution:   When unblocking autocommands check if v:termresponse changed and
+	    trigger the event then.
+Files:	    src/buffer.c, src/diff.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/fileio.c,
+	    src/globals.h, src/misc2.c, src/proto/fileio.pro, src/window.c
+*** ../vim-7.1.124/src/buffer.c	Sun Aug 12 15:50:26 2007
+--- src/buffer.c	Wed Sep 26 20:05:38 2007
+*** 5515,5525 ****
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      if (!aucmd)		    /* Don't trigger BufDelete autocommands here. */
+! 	++autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+      close_buffer(NULL, buf, DOBUF_WIPE);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      if (!aucmd)
+! 	--autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+  }
+--- 5512,5522 ----
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      if (!aucmd)		    /* Don't trigger BufDelete autocommands here. */
+! 	block_autocmds();
+  #endif
+      close_buffer(NULL, buf, DOBUF_WIPE);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      if (!aucmd)
+! 	unblock_autocmds();
+  #endif
+  }
+*** ../vim-7.1.124/src/diff.c	Tue Feb 20 04:43:13 2007
+--- src/diff.c	Tue Sep 25 22:01:40 2007
+*** 840,850 ****
+  		    tmp_orig, tmp_new);
+  	    append_redir(cmd, p_srr, tmp_diff);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	    ++autocmd_block;	/* Avoid ShellCmdPost stuff */
+  #endif
+  	    (void)call_shell(cmd, SHELL_FILTER|SHELL_SILENT|SHELL_DOOUT);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	    --autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+  	    vim_free(cmd);
+  	}
+--- 840,850 ----
+  		    tmp_orig, tmp_new);
+  	    append_redir(cmd, p_srr, tmp_diff);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	    block_autocmds();	/* Avoid ShellCmdPost stuff */
+  #endif
+  	    (void)call_shell(cmd, SHELL_FILTER|SHELL_SILENT|SHELL_DOOUT);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	    unblock_autocmds();
+  #endif
+  	    vim_free(cmd);
+  	}
+*** 949,959 ****
+  # endif
+  		eap->arg);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	++autocmd_block;	/* Avoid ShellCmdPost stuff */
+  #endif
+  	(void)call_shell(buf, SHELL_FILTER | SHELL_COOKED);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	--autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+      }
+--- 949,959 ----
+  # endif
+  		eap->arg);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	block_autocmds();	/* Avoid ShellCmdPost stuff */
+  #endif
+  	(void)call_shell(buf, SHELL_FILTER | SHELL_COOKED);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	unblock_autocmds();
+  #endif
+      }
+*** ../vim-7.1.124/src/ex_getln.c	Thu Sep 13 18:25:08 2007
+--- src/ex_getln.c	Tue Sep 25 22:03:05 2007
+*** 5925,5931 ****
+  # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      /* Don't execute autocommands while creating the window. */
+!     ++autocmd_block;
+  # endif
+      /* don't use a new tab page */
+      cmdmod.tab = 0;
+--- 5925,5931 ----
+  # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      /* Don't execute autocommands while creating the window. */
+!     block_autocmds();
+  # endif
+      /* don't use a new tab page */
+      cmdmod.tab = 0;
+*** 5934,5939 ****
+--- 5934,5942 ----
+      if (win_split((int)p_cwh, WSP_BOT) == FAIL)
+      {
+  	beep_flush();
++ # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
++ 	unblock_autocmds();
++ # endif
+  	return K_IGNORE;
+      }
+      cmdwin_type = ccline.cmdfirstc;
+*** 5956,5962 ****
+  # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      /* Do execute autocommands for setting the filetype (load syntax). */
+!     --autocmd_block;
+  # endif
+      /* Showing the prompt may have set need_wait_return, reset it. */
+--- 5959,5965 ----
+  # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      /* Do execute autocommands for setting the filetype (load syntax). */
+!     unblock_autocmds();
+  # endif
+      /* Showing the prompt may have set need_wait_return, reset it. */
+*** 6110,6116 ****
+  # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+  	/* Don't execute autocommands while deleting the window. */
+! 	++autocmd_block;
+  # endif
+  	wp = curwin;
+  	bp = curbuf;
+--- 6113,6119 ----
+  # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+  	/* Don't execute autocommands while deleting the window. */
+! 	block_autocmds();
+  # endif
+  	wp = curwin;
+  	bp = curbuf;
+*** 6122,6128 ****
+  	win_size_restore(&winsizes);
+  # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	--autocmd_block;
+  # endif
+      }
+--- 6125,6131 ----
+  	win_size_restore(&winsizes);
+  # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	unblock_autocmds();
+  # endif
+      }
+*** ../vim-7.1.124/src/fileio.c	Sun Aug 12 15:50:26 2007
+--- src/fileio.c	Wed Sep 26 20:02:54 2007
+*** 7165,7170 ****
+--- 7187,7193 ----
+  static event_T	last_event;
+  static int	last_group;
++ static int	autocmd_blocked = 0;	/* block all autocmds */
+  /*
+   * Show the autocommands for one AutoPat.
+*** 8454,8460 ****
+       * Quickly return if there are no autocommands for this event or
+       * autocommands are blocked.
+       */
+!     if (first_autopat[(int)event] == NULL || autocmd_block > 0)
+  	goto BYPASS_AU;
+      /*
+--- 8477,8483 ----
+       * Quickly return if there are no autocommands for this event or
+       * autocommands are blocked.
+       */
+!     if (first_autopat[(int)event] == NULL || autocmd_blocked > 0)
+  	goto BYPASS_AU;
+      /*
+*** 8766,8771 ****
+--- 8789,8828 ----
+  	aubuflocal_remove(buf);
+      return retval;
++ }
++ # ifdef FEAT_EVAL
++ static char_u	*old_termresponse = NULL;
++ # endif
++ /*
++  * Block triggering autocommands until unblock_autocmd() is called.
++  * Can be used recursively, so long as it's symmetric.
++  */
++     void
++ block_autocmds()
++ {
++ # ifdef FEAT_EVAL
++     /* Remember the value of v:termresponse. */
++     if (autocmd_blocked == 0)
++ 	old_termresponse = get_vim_var_str(VV_TERMRESPONSE);
++ # endif
++     ++autocmd_blocked;
++ }
++     void
++ unblock_autocmds()
++ {
++     --autocmd_blocked;
++ # ifdef FEAT_EVAL
++     /* When v:termresponse was set while autocommands were blocked, trigger
++      * the autocommands now.  Esp. useful when executing a shell command
++      * during startup (vimdiff). */
++     if (autocmd_blocked == 0
++ 		      && get_vim_var_str(VV_TERMRESPONSE) != old_termresponse)
++ 	apply_autocmds(EVENT_TERMRESPONSE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
++ # endif
+  }
+  /*
+*** ../vim-7.1.124/src/globals.h	Tue Sep 25 17:54:41 2007
+--- src/globals.h	Tue Sep 25 22:03:39 2007
+*** 366,372 ****
+  EXTERN int	autocmd_busy INIT(= FALSE);	/* Is apply_autocmds() busy? */
+  EXTERN int	autocmd_no_enter INIT(= FALSE); /* *Enter autocmds disabled */
+  EXTERN int	autocmd_no_leave INIT(= FALSE); /* *Leave autocmds disabled */
+- EXTERN int	autocmd_block INIT(= 0);	/* block all autocmds */
+  EXTERN int	modified_was_set;		/* did ":set modified" */
+  EXTERN int	did_filetype INIT(= FALSE);	/* FileType event found */
+  EXTERN int	keep_filetype INIT(= FALSE);	/* value for did_filetype when
+--- 366,371 ----
+*** ../vim-7.1.124/src/misc2.c	Thu May 10 19:58:47 2007
+--- src/misc2.c	Tue Sep 25 22:04:39 2007
+*** 972,978 ****
+  	return;
+      entered = TRUE;
+!     ++autocmd_block;	    /* don't want to trigger autocommands here */
+  #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS
+      /* close all tabs and windows */
+--- 973,979 ----
+  	return;
+      entered = TRUE;
+!     block_autocmds();	    /* don't want to trigger autocommands here */
+  #ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS
+      /* close all tabs and windows */
+*** ../vim-7.1.124/src/proto/fileio.pro	Thu Jun 28 21:57:08 2007
+--- src/proto/fileio.pro	Wed Sep 26 20:05:02 2007
+*** 40,45 ****
+--- 41,48 ----
+  int trigger_cursorhold __ARGS((void));
+  int has_cursormoved __ARGS((void));
+  int has_cursormovedI __ARGS((void));
++ void block_autocmds __ARGS((void));
++ void unblock_autocmds __ARGS((void));
+  int has_autocmd __ARGS((event_T event, char_u *sfname, buf_T *buf));
+  char_u *get_augroup_name __ARGS((expand_T *xp, int idx));
+  char_u *set_context_in_autocmd __ARGS((expand_T *xp, char_u *arg, int doautocmd));
+*** ../vim-7.1.124/src/window.c	Tue Sep 25 14:50:19 2007
+--- src/window.c	Tue Sep 25 22:05:45 2007
+*** 1291,1297 ****
+       * Don't execute autocommands while creating the windows.  Must do that
+       * when putting the buffers in the windows.
+       */
+!     ++autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+      /* todo is number of windows left to create */
+--- 1291,1297 ----
+       * Don't execute autocommands while creating the windows.  Must do that
+       * when putting the buffers in the windows.
+       */
+!     block_autocmds();
+  #endif
+      /* todo is number of windows left to create */
+*** 1313,1319 ****
+  	}
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+!     --autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+      /* return actual number of windows */
+--- 1313,1319 ----
+  	}
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+!     unblock_autocmds();
+  #endif
+      /* return actual number of windows */
+*** 3415,3421 ****
+       * Don't execute autocommands while creating the tab pages.  Must do that
+       * when putting the buffers in the windows.
+       */
+!     ++autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+      for (todo = count - 1; todo > 0; --todo)
+--- 3415,3421 ----
+       * Don't execute autocommands while creating the tab pages.  Must do that
+       * when putting the buffers in the windows.
+       */
+!     block_autocmds();
+  #endif
+      for (todo = count - 1; todo > 0; --todo)
+*** 3423,3429 ****
+  	    break;
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+!     --autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+      /* return actual number of tab pages */
+--- 3423,3429 ----
+  	    break;
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+!     unblock_autocmds();
+  #endif
+      /* return actual number of tab pages */
+*** 4162,4168 ****
+  	/* Don't execute autocommands while the window is not properly
+  	 * initialized yet.  gui_create_scrollbar() may trigger a FocusGained
+  	 * event. */
+! 	++autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+  	/*
+  	 * link the window in the window list
+--- 4162,4168 ----
+  	/* Don't execute autocommands while the window is not properly
+  	 * initialized yet.  gui_create_scrollbar() may trigger a FocusGained
+  	 * event. */
+! 	block_autocmds();
+  #endif
+  	/*
+  	 * link the window in the window list
+*** 4207,4213 ****
+  	foldInitWin(newwin);
+  #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	--autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+  	newwin->w_match_head = NULL;
+--- 4207,4213 ----
+  	foldInitWin(newwin);
+  #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+! 	unblock_autocmds();
+  #endif
+  	newwin->w_match_head = NULL;
+*** 4232,4238 ****
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      /* Don't execute autocommands while the window is halfway being deleted.
+       * gui_mch_destroy_scrollbar() may trigger a FocusGained event. */
+!     ++autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+--- 4232,4238 ----
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      /* Don't execute autocommands while the window is halfway being deleted.
+       * gui_mch_destroy_scrollbar() may trigger a FocusGained event. */
+!     block_autocmds();
+  #endif
+*** 4295,4301 ****
+      vim_free(wp);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+!     --autocmd_block;
+  #endif
+  }
+--- 4295,4301 ----
+      vim_free(wp);
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+!     unblock_autocmds();
+  #endif
+  }
+*** ../vim-7.1.124/src/version.c	Sat Sep 29 13:15:29 2007
+--- src/version.c	Sat Sep 29 14:08:31 2007
+*** 668,669 ****
+--- 668,671 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     125,
+  /**/
+                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\        download, build and distribute -- http://www.A-A-P.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///