Subject: Patch 7.0.135
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Patch 7.0.135
Problem:    Crash when garbage collecting list or dict with loop.
Solution:   Don't use DEL_REFCOUNT but don't recurse into Lists and
	    Dictionaries when freeing them in the garbage collector.
	    Also add allocated Dictionaries to the list of Dictionaries to
	    avoid leaking memory.
Files:	    src/eval.c, src/proto/, src/tag.c

*** ../vim-7.0.134/src/eval.c	Sun Oct 15 15:10:08 2006
--- src/eval.c	Sun Oct 15 22:30:09 2006
*** 191,198 ****
  #define FC_RANGE    2		/* function accepts range */
  #define FC_DICT	    4		/* Dict function, uses "self" */
- #define DEL_REFCOUNT	999999	/* list/dict is being deleted */
   * All user-defined functions are found in this hashtable.
--- 191,196 ----
*** 435,441 ****
  static void set_ref_in_list __ARGS((list_T *l, int copyID));
  static void set_ref_in_item __ARGS((typval_T *tv, int copyID));
  static void dict_unref __ARGS((dict_T *d));
! static void dict_free __ARGS((dict_T *d));
  static dictitem_T *dictitem_alloc __ARGS((char_u *key));
  static dictitem_T *dictitem_copy __ARGS((dictitem_T *org));
  static void dictitem_remove __ARGS((dict_T *dict, dictitem_T *item));
--- 433,439 ----
  static void set_ref_in_list __ARGS((list_T *l, int copyID));
  static void set_ref_in_item __ARGS((typval_T *tv, int copyID));
  static void dict_unref __ARGS((dict_T *d));
! static void dict_free __ARGS((dict_T *d, int recurse));
  static dictitem_T *dictitem_alloc __ARGS((char_u *key));
  static dictitem_T *dictitem_copy __ARGS((dictitem_T *org));
  static void dictitem_remove __ARGS((dict_T *dict, dictitem_T *item));
*** 4899,4905 ****
  			if (list_append_tv(l, &item->li_tv) == FAIL)
! 			    list_free(l);
  			    return FAIL;
  			item = item->li_next;
--- 4897,4903 ----
  			if (list_append_tv(l, &item->li_tv) == FAIL)
! 			    list_free(l, TRUE);
  			    return FAIL;
  			item = item->li_next;
*** 5299,5305 ****
  	EMSG2(_("E697: Missing end of List ']': %s"), *arg);
  	if (evaluate)
! 	    list_free(l);
  	return FAIL;
--- 5297,5303 ----
  	EMSG2(_("E697: Missing end of List ']': %s"), *arg);
  	if (evaluate)
! 	    list_free(l, TRUE);
  	return FAIL;
*** 5363,5370 ****
      list_T *l;
!     if (l != NULL && l->lv_refcount != DEL_REFCOUNT && --l->lv_refcount <= 0)
! 	list_free(l);
--- 5361,5368 ----
      list_T *l;
!     if (l != NULL && --l->lv_refcount <= 0)
! 	list_free(l, TRUE);
*** 5372,5385 ****
   * Ignores the reference count.
! list_free(l)
!     list_T *l;
      listitem_T *item;
-     /* Avoid that recursive reference to the list frees us again. */
-     l->lv_refcount = DEL_REFCOUNT;
      /* Remove the list from the list of lists for garbage collection. */
      if (l->lv_used_prev == NULL)
  	first_list = l->lv_used_next;
--- 5370,5381 ----
   * Ignores the reference count.
! list_free(l, recurse)
!     list_T  *l;
!     int	    recurse;	/* Free Lists and Dictionaries recursively. */
      listitem_T *item;
      /* Remove the list from the list of lists for garbage collection. */
      if (l->lv_used_prev == NULL)
  	first_list = l->lv_used_next;
*** 5392,5398 ****
  	/* Remove the item before deleting it. */
  	l->lv_first = item->li_next;
! 	listitem_free(item);
--- 5388,5397 ----
  	/* Remove the item before deleting it. */
  	l->lv_first = item->li_next;
! 	if (recurse || (item->li_tv.v_type != VAR_LIST
! 					   && item->li_tv.v_type != VAR_DICT))
! 	    clear_tv(&item->li_tv);
! 	vim_free(item);
*** 6113,6119 ****
      for (dd = first_dict; dd != NULL; )
  	if (dd->dv_copyID != copyID)
! 	    dict_free(dd);
  	    did_free = TRUE;
  	    /* restart, next dict may also have been freed */
--- 6118,6127 ----
      for (dd = first_dict; dd != NULL; )
  	if (dd->dv_copyID != copyID)
! 	    /* Free the Dictionary and ordinary items it contains, but don't
! 	     * recurse into Lists and Dictionaries, they will be in the list
! 	     * of dicts or list of lists. */
! 	    dict_free(dd, FALSE);
  	    did_free = TRUE;
  	    /* restart, next dict may also have been freed */
*** 6130,6136 ****
      for (ll = first_list; ll != NULL; )
  	if (ll->lv_copyID != copyID && ll->lv_watch == NULL)
! 	    list_free(ll);
  	    did_free = TRUE;
  	    /* restart, next list may also have been freed */
--- 6138,6147 ----
      for (ll = first_list; ll != NULL; )
  	if (ll->lv_copyID != copyID && ll->lv_watch == NULL)
! 	    /* Free the List and ordinary items it contains, but don't recurse
! 	     * into Lists and Dictionaries, they will be in the list of dicts
! 	     * or list of lists. */
! 	    list_free(ll, FALSE);
  	    did_free = TRUE;
  	    /* restart, next list may also have been freed */
*** 6223,6233 ****
      d = (dict_T *)alloc(sizeof(dict_T));
      if (d != NULL)
! 	/* Add the list to the hashtable for garbage collection. */
  	if (first_dict != NULL)
  	    first_dict->dv_used_prev = d;
  	d->dv_used_next = first_dict;
  	d->dv_used_prev = NULL;
  	d->dv_lock = 0;
--- 6234,6245 ----
      d = (dict_T *)alloc(sizeof(dict_T));
      if (d != NULL)
! 	/* Add the list to the list of dicts for garbage collection. */
  	if (first_dict != NULL)
  	    first_dict->dv_used_prev = d;
  	d->dv_used_next = first_dict;
  	d->dv_used_prev = NULL;
+ 	first_dict = d;
  	d->dv_lock = 0;
*** 6245,6252 ****
      dict_T *d;
!     if (d != NULL && d->dv_refcount != DEL_REFCOUNT && --d->dv_refcount <= 0)
! 	dict_free(d);
--- 6257,6264 ----
      dict_T *d;
!     if (d != NULL && --d->dv_refcount <= 0)
! 	dict_free(d, TRUE);
*** 6254,6269 ****
   * Ignores the reference count.
      static void
! dict_free(d)
!     dict_T *d;
      int		todo;
      hashitem_T	*hi;
      dictitem_T	*di;
-     /* Avoid that recursive reference to the dict frees us again. */
-     d->dv_refcount = DEL_REFCOUNT;
      /* Remove the dict from the list of dicts for garbage collection. */
      if (d->dv_used_prev == NULL)
  	first_dict = d->dv_used_next;
--- 6266,6279 ----
   * Ignores the reference count.
      static void
! dict_free(d, recurse)
!     dict_T  *d;
!     int	    recurse;	/* Free Lists and Dictionaries recursively. */
      int		todo;
      hashitem_T	*hi;
      dictitem_T	*di;
      /* Remove the dict from the list of dicts for garbage collection. */
      if (d->dv_used_prev == NULL)
  	first_dict = d->dv_used_next;
*** 6283,6289 ****
  	     * something recursive causing trouble. */
  	    di = HI2DI(hi);
  	    hash_remove(&d->dv_hashtab, hi);
! 	    dictitem_free(di);
--- 6293,6302 ----
  	     * something recursive causing trouble. */
  	    di = HI2DI(hi);
  	    hash_remove(&d->dv_hashtab, hi);
! 	    if (recurse || (di->di_tv.v_type != VAR_LIST
! 					     && di->di_tv.v_type != VAR_DICT))
! 		clear_tv(&di->di_tv);
! 	    vim_free(di);
*** 6734,6740 ****
  	EMSG2(_("E723: Missing end of Dictionary '}': %s"), *arg);
  	if (evaluate)
! 	    dict_free(d);
  	return FAIL;
--- 6747,6753 ----
  	EMSG2(_("E723: Missing end of Dictionary '}': %s"), *arg);
  	if (evaluate)
! 	    dict_free(d, TRUE);
  	return FAIL;
*** ../vim-7.0.134/src/proto/	Fri Mar 24 23:16:28 2006
--- src/proto/	Sun Oct 15 22:08:11 2006
*** 44,50 ****
  extern char_u *get_user_var_name __ARGS((expand_T *xp, int idx));
  extern list_T *list_alloc __ARGS((void));
  extern void list_unref __ARGS((list_T *l));
! extern void list_free __ARGS((list_T *l));
  extern dictitem_T *dict_lookup __ARGS((hashitem_T *hi));
  extern int list_append_dict __ARGS((list_T *list, dict_T *dict));
  extern int garbage_collect __ARGS((void));
--- 44,50 ----
  extern char_u *get_user_var_name __ARGS((expand_T *xp, int idx));
  extern list_T *list_alloc __ARGS((void));
  extern void list_unref __ARGS((list_T *l));
! extern void list_free __ARGS((list_T *l, int recurse));
  extern dictitem_T *dict_lookup __ARGS((hashitem_T *hi));
  extern int list_append_dict __ARGS((list_T *list, dict_T *dict));
  extern int garbage_collect __ARGS((void));
*** ../vim-7.0.134/src/tag.c	Sun Sep 10 13:56:06 2006
--- src/tag.c	Sun Oct 15 21:44:56 2006
*** 911,917 ****
  		set_errorlist(curwin, list, ' ');
! 		list_free(list);
  		cur_match = 0;		/* Jump to the first tag */
--- 911,917 ----
  		set_errorlist(curwin, list, ' ');
! 		list_free(list, TRUE);
  		cur_match = 0;		/* Jump to the first tag */
*** ../vim-7.0.134/src/version.c	Sun Oct 15 15:10:08 2006
--- src/version.c	Sun Oct 15 22:01:53 2006
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     135,

Well, you come from nothing, you go back to nothing...  What have you
lost?  Nothing!
				-- Monty Python: The life of Brian

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///