Subject: Patch 7.2.077
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.077 (after 7.2.076)
Problem:    rename(from, to) doesn't work if "from" and "to" differ only in
	    case on a system that ignores case in file names.
Solution:   Go through another file name.
Files:	    src/fileio.c

*** ../vim-7.2.076/src/fileio.c	Tue Dec 30 16:15:16 2008
--- src/fileio.c	Wed Dec 31 14:59:59 2008
*** 6106,6117 ****
  #ifdef HAVE_ACL
      vim_acl_T	acl;		/* ACL from original file */
!      * When the names are identical, there is nothing to do.
      if (fnamecmp(from, to) == 0)
! 	return 0;
       * Fail if the "from" file doesn't exist.  Avoids that "to" is deleted.
--- 6106,6129 ----
  #ifdef HAVE_ACL
      vim_acl_T	acl;		/* ACL from original file */
+ #if defined(UNIX) || defined(CASE_INSENSITIVE_FILENAME)
+     int		use_tmp_file = FALSE;
+ #endif
!      * When the names are identical, there is nothing to do.  When they refer
!      * to the same file (ignoring case and slash/backslash differences) but
!      * the file name differs we need to go through a temp file.
      if (fnamecmp(from, to) == 0)
!     {
! 	if (STRCMP(gettail(from), gettail(to)) != 0)
! 	    use_tmp_file = TRUE;
! 	else
! #endif
! 	    return 0;
!     }
       * Fail if the "from" file doesn't exist.  Avoids that "to" is deleted.
*** 6122,6128 ****
  #ifdef UNIX
  	struct stat	st_to;
- 	char		tempname[MAXPATHL + 1];
  	/* It's possible for the source and destination to be the same file.
  	 * This happens when "from" and "to" differ in case and are on a FAT32
--- 6134,6139 ----
*** 6130,6162 ****
  	if (mch_stat((char *)to, &st_to) >= 0
  		&& st.st_dev == st_to.st_dev
  		&& st.st_ino == st_to.st_ino)
! 	    /* Find a name that doesn't exist and is in the same directory.
! 	     * Move "from" to "tempname" and then to "to". */
! 	    if (STRLEN(from) >= MAXPATHL - 5)
! 		return -1;
! 	    STRCPY(tempname, from);
! 	    for (n = 123; n < 99999; ++n)
! 		sprintf(gettail(tempname), "%d", n);
! 		if (mch_stat(tempname, &st_to) < 0)
! 		    if (mch_rename((char *)from, tempname) == 0)
! 		    {
! 			if (mch_rename(tempname, (char *)to) == 0)
! 			    return 0;
! 			/* Strange, the second step failed.  Try moving the
! 			 * file back and return failure. */
! 			mch_rename(tempname, (char *)from);
! 			return -1;
! 		    }
! 		    /* If it fails for one temp name it will most likely fail
! 		     * for any temp name, give up. */
  		    return -1;
- 	    return -1;
--- 6141,6182 ----
  	if (mch_stat((char *)to, &st_to) >= 0
  		&& st.st_dev == st_to.st_dev
  		&& st.st_ino == st_to.st_ino)
+ 	    use_tmp_file = TRUE;
+     }
+ #endif
+ #if defined(UNIX) || defined(CASE_INSENSITIVE_FILENAME)
+     if (use_tmp_file)
+     {
+ 	char	tempname[MAXPATHL + 1];
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Find a name that doesn't exist and is in the same directory.
+ 	 * Rename "from" to "tempname" and then rename "tempname" to "to".
+ 	 */
+ 	if (STRLEN(from) >= MAXPATHL - 5)
+ 	    return -1;
+ 	STRCPY(tempname, from);
+ 	for (n = 123; n < 99999; ++n)
! 	    sprintf((char *)gettail((char_u *)tempname), "%d", n);
! 	    if (mch_stat(tempname, &st) < 0)
! 		if (mch_rename((char *)from, tempname) == 0)
! 		    if (mch_rename(tempname, (char *)to) == 0)
! 			return 0;
! 		    /* Strange, the second step failed.  Try moving the
! 		     * file back and return failure. */
! 		    mch_rename(tempname, (char *)from);
  		    return -1;
+ 		/* If it fails for one temp name it will most likely fail
+ 		 * for any temp name, give up. */
+ 		return -1;
+ 	return -1;
*** ../vim-7.2.076/src/version.c	Tue Dec 30 16:15:16 2008
--- src/version.c	Wed Dec 31 16:19:29 2008
*** 678,679 ****
--- 678,681 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     77,

We apologise again for the fault in the subtitles.  Those responsible for
sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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