Subject: patch 7.1.068
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From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.1.068
Problem:    When 'equalalways' is set and splitting a window, it's possible
	    that another small window gets bigger.
Solution:   Only equalize window sizes when after a split the windows are
	    smaller than another window. (Martin Toft)
Files:	    runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/windows.txt, src/window.c

*** ../vim-7.1.067/runtime/doc/options.txt	Sat May 12 16:27:04 2007
--- runtime/doc/options.txt	Sat Aug 11 17:25:38 2007
*** 1,4 ****
! *options.txt*	For Vim version 7.1.  Last change: 2007 May 11
  		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL	  by Bram Moolenaar
--- 1,4 ----
! *options.txt*	For Vim version 7.1.  Last change: 2007 Aug 10
  		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL	  by Bram Moolenaar
*** 2415,2422 ****
  	When mixing vertically and horizontally split windows, a minimal size
  	is computed and some windows may be larger if there is room.  The
  	'eadirection' option tells in which direction the size is affected.
! 	Changing the height of a window can be avoided by setting
! 	'winfixheight'.
  						*'equalprg'* *'ep'*
  'equalprg' 'ep'		string	(default "")
--- 2418,2425 ----
  	When mixing vertically and horizontally split windows, a minimal size
  	is computed and some windows may be larger if there is room.  The
  	'eadirection' option tells in which direction the size is affected.
! 	Changing the height and width of a window can be avoided by setting
! 	'winfixheight' and 'winfixwidth', respectively.
  						*'equalprg'* *'ep'*
  'equalprg' 'ep'		string	(default "")
*** ../vim-7.1.067/runtime/doc/windows.txt	Sat May 12 16:42:48 2007
--- runtime/doc/windows.txt	Sat Aug 11 17:25:38 2007
*** 132,138 ****
  		the same file.  Make new window N high (default is to use half
  		the height of the current window).  Reduces the current window
  		height to create room (and others, if the 'equalalways' option
! 		is set and 'eadirection' isn't "hor").
  		Note: CTRL-S does not work on all terminals and might block
  		further input, use CTRL-Q to get going again.
  		Also see |++opt| and |+cmd|.
--- 132,139 ----
  		the same file.  Make new window N high (default is to use half
  		the height of the current window).  Reduces the current window
  		height to create room (and others, if the 'equalalways' option
! 		is set, 'eadirection' isn't "hor", and one of them is higher
! 		than the current or the new window).
  		Note: CTRL-S does not work on all terminals and might block
  		further input, use CTRL-Q to get going again.
  		Also see |++opt| and |+cmd|.
*** 140,148 ****
  CTRL-W v						*CTRL-W_v*
  :[N]vs[plit] [++opt] [+cmd] [file]			*:vs* *:vsplit*
! 		Like |:split|, but split vertically.  If 'equalalways' is set
! 		and 'eadirection' isn't "ver" the windows will be spread out
! 		horizontally, unless a width was specified.
  		Note: In other places CTRL-Q does the same as CTRL-V, but here
  		it doesn't!
--- 141,153 ----
  CTRL-W v						*CTRL-W_v*
  :[N]vs[plit] [++opt] [+cmd] [file]			*:vs* *:vsplit*
! 		Like |:split|, but split vertically.  The windows will be
! 		spread out horizontally if
! 		1. a width was not specified,
! 		2. 'equalalways' is set,
! 		3. 'eadirection' isn't "ver", and
! 		4. one of the other windows are wider than the current or new
! 		   window.
  		Note: In other places CTRL-Q does the same as CTRL-V, but here
  		it doesn't!
*** ../vim-7.1.067/src/window.c	Sat Aug 11 13:37:36 2007
--- src/window.c	Sat Aug 11 17:25:38 2007
*** 733,739 ****
      if (flags & WSP_VERT)
  	layout = FR_ROW;
- 	do_equal = (p_ea && new_size == 0 && *p_ead != 'v');
  	 * Check if we are able to split the current window and compute its
--- 733,738 ----
*** 770,785 ****
  	 * instead, if possible. */
  	if (oldwin->w_p_wfw)
  	    win_setwidth_win(oldwin->w_width + new_size, oldwin);
  	layout = FR_COL;
- 	do_equal = (p_ea && new_size == 0
- 		&& *p_ead != 'h'
- #endif
- 		);
  	 * Check if we are able to split the current window and compute its
--- 769,799 ----
  	 * instead, if possible. */
  	if (oldwin->w_p_wfw)
  	    win_setwidth_win(oldwin->w_width + new_size, oldwin);
+ 	/* Only make all windows the same width if one of them (except oldwin)
+ 	 * is wider than one of the split windows. */
+ 	if (!do_equal && p_ea && size == 0 && *p_ead != 'v'
+ 	   && oldwin->w_frame->fr_parent != NULL)
+ 	{
+ 	    frp = oldwin->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child;
+ 	    while (frp != NULL)
+ 	    {
+ 		if (frp->fr_win != oldwin && frp->fr_win != NULL
+ 			&& (frp->fr_win->w_width > new_size
+ 			    || frp->fr_win->w_width > oldwin->w_width
+ 						   - new_size - STATUS_HEIGHT))
+ 		{
+ 		    do_equal = TRUE;
+ 		    break;
+ 		}
+ 		frp = frp->fr_next;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
  	layout = FR_COL;
  	 * Check if we are able to split the current window and compute its
*** 831,836 ****
--- 845,873 ----
  	    oldwin_height = oldwin->w_height;
  	    if (need_status)
  		oldwin_height -= STATUS_HEIGHT;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Only make all windows the same height if one of them (except oldwin)
+ 	 * is higher than one of the split windows. */
+ 	if (!do_equal && p_ea && size == 0
+ 		&& *p_ead != 'h'
+ #endif
+ 	   && oldwin->w_frame->fr_parent != NULL)
+ 	{
+ 	    frp = oldwin->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child;
+ 	    while (frp != NULL)
+ 	    {
+ 		if (frp->fr_win != oldwin && frp->fr_win != NULL
+ 			&& (frp->fr_win->w_height > new_size
+ 			    || frp->fr_win->w_height > oldwin_height - new_size
+ 							      - STATUS_HEIGHT))
+ 		{
+ 		    do_equal = TRUE;
+ 		    break;
+ 		}
+ 		frp = frp->fr_next;
+ 	    }
*** ../vim-7.1.067/src/version.c	Sun Aug 12 16:38:03 2007
--- src/version.c	Sun Aug 12 16:51:36 2007
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     68,

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 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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