diff --git a/7.4.813 b/7.4.813
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f05962e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.4.813
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+To: vim_dev@googlegroups.com
+Subject: Patch 7.4.813
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.4.813
+Problem:    It is not possible to save and restore character search state.
+Solution:   Add getcharsearch() and setcharsearch().  (James McCoy)
+Files:      runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/proto/search.pro,
+            src/search.c, src/testdir/test_charsearch.in,
+            src/testdir/test_charsearch.ok, src/testdir/Makefile,
+            src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+            src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+            src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/runtime/doc/eval.txt	2015-07-21 15:48:13.581518028 +0200
+--- runtime/doc/eval.txt	2015-08-11 13:32:31.643435417 +0200
+*** 1820,1828 ****
+  				any	variable {varname} in buffer {expr}
+  getchar( [expr])		Number	get one character from the user
+  getcharmod( )			Number	modifiers for the last typed character
+  getcmdline()			String	return the current command-line
+  getcmdpos()			Number	return cursor position in command-line
+! getcmdtype()			String	return the current command-line type
+  getcurpos()			List	position of the cursor
+  getcwd()			String	the current working directory
+  getfontname( [{name}])		String	name of font being used
+--- 1822,1832 ----
+  				any	variable {varname} in buffer {expr}
+  getchar( [expr])		Number	get one character from the user
+  getcharmod( )			Number	modifiers for the last typed character
++ getcharsearch()			Dict	last character search
+  getcmdline()			String	return the current command-line
+  getcmdpos()			Number	return cursor position in command-line
+! getcmdtype()			String	return current command-line type
+! getcmdwintype()			String	return current command-line window type
+  getcurpos()			List	position of the cursor
+  getcwd()			String	the current working directory
+  getfontname( [{name}])		String	name of font being used
+*** 1968,1973 ****
+--- 1972,1978 ----
+  				Number	send reply string
+  serverlist()			String	get a list of available servers
+  setbufvar( {expr}, {varname}, {val})	set {varname} in buffer {expr} to {val}
++ setcharsearch( {dict})		Dict	set character search from {dict}
+  setcmdpos( {pos})		Number	set cursor position in command-line
+  setline( {lnum}, {line})	Number	set line {lnum} to {line}
+  setloclist( {nr}, {list}[, {action}])
+*** 3334,3339 ****
+--- 3363,3388 ----
+  		character itself are obtained.	Thus Shift-a results in "A"
+  		without a modifier.
++ getcharsearch()						*getcharsearch()*
++ 		Return the current character search information as a {dict}
++ 		with the following entries:
++ 		    char	character previously used for a character
++ 				search (|t|, |f|, |T|, or |F|); empty string
++ 				if no character search has been performed
++ 		    forward	direction of character search; 1 for forward,
++ 				0 for backward
++ 		    until	type of character search; 1 for a |t| or |T|
++ 				character search, 0 for an |f| or |F|
++ 				character search
++ 		This can be useful to always have |;| and |,| search
++ 		forward/backward regardless of the direction of the previous
++ 		character search: >
++ 			:nnoremap <expr> ; getcharsearch().forward ? ';' : ','
++ 			:nnoremap <expr> , getcharsearch().forward ? ',' : ';'
++ <		Also see |setcharsearch()|.
+  getcmdline()						*getcmdline()*
+  		Return the current command-line.  Only works when the command
+  		line is being edited, thus requires use of |c_CTRL-\_e| or
+*** 5356,5361 ****
+--- 5419,5444 ----
+  			:call setbufvar("todo", "myvar", "foobar")
+  <		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
++ setcharsearch()						*setcharsearch()*
++ 		Set the current character search information to {dict},
++ 		which contains one or more of the following entries:
++ 		    char	character which will be used for a subsequent
++ 				|,| or |;| command; an empty string clears the
++ 				character search
++ 		    forward	direction of character search; 1 for forward,
++ 				0 for backward
++ 		    until	type of character search; 1 for a |t| or |T|
++ 				character search, 0 for an |f| or |F|
++ 				character search
++ 		This can be useful to save/restore a user's character search
++ 		from a script: >
++ 			:let prevsearch = getcharsearch()
++ 			:" Perform a command which clobbers user's search
++ 			:call setcharsearch(prevsearch)
++ <		Also see |getcharsearch()|.
+  setcmdpos({pos})					*setcmdpos()*
+  		Set the cursor position in the command line to byte position
+  		{pos}.	The first position is 1.
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/eval.c	2015-07-21 15:48:13.585517990 +0200
+--- src/eval.c	2015-08-11 13:34:03.374392656 +0200
+*** 555,560 ****
+--- 555,561 ----
+  static void f_getbufvar __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+  static void f_getchar __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+  static void f_getcharmod __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
++ static void f_getcharsearch __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+  static void f_getcmdline __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+  static void f_getcmdpos __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+  static void f_getcmdtype __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+*** 688,693 ****
+--- 689,695 ----
+  static void f_server2client __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+  static void f_serverlist __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+  static void f_setbufvar __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
++ static void f_setcharsearch __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+  static void f_setcmdpos __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+  static void f_setline __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+  static void f_setloclist __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+*** 8149,8154 ****
+--- 8151,8157 ----
+      {"getbufvar",	2, 3, f_getbufvar},
+      {"getchar",		0, 1, f_getchar},
+      {"getcharmod",	0, 0, f_getcharmod},
++     {"getcharsearch",	0, 0, f_getcharsearch},
+      {"getcmdline",	0, 0, f_getcmdline},
+      {"getcmdpos",	0, 0, f_getcmdpos},
+      {"getcmdtype",	0, 0, f_getcmdtype},
+*** 8285,8290 ****
+--- 8288,8294 ----
+      {"server2client",	2, 2, f_server2client},
+      {"serverlist",	0, 0, f_serverlist},
+      {"setbufvar",	3, 3, f_setbufvar},
++     {"setcharsearch",	1, 1, f_setcharsearch},
+      {"setcmdpos",	1, 1, f_setcmdpos},
+      {"setline",		2, 2, f_setline},
+      {"setloclist",	2, 3, f_setloclist},
+*** 11664,11669 ****
+--- 11668,11691 ----
+  }
+  /*
++  * "getcharsearch()" function
++  */
++     static void
++ f_getcharsearch(argvars, rettv)
++     typval_T	*argvars UNUSED;
++     typval_T	*rettv;
++ {
++     if (rettv_dict_alloc(rettv) != FAIL)
++     {
++ 	dict_T *dict = rettv->vval.v_dict;
++ 	dict_add_nr_str(dict, "char", 0L, last_csearch());
++ 	dict_add_nr_str(dict, "forward", last_csearch_forward(), NULL);
++ 	dict_add_nr_str(dict, "until", last_csearch_until(), NULL);
++     }
++ }
++ /*
+   * "getcmdline()" function
+   */
+      static void
+*** 17004,17009 ****
+--- 17026,17073 ----
+      }
+  }
++     static void
++ f_setcharsearch(argvars, rettv)
++     typval_T	*argvars;
++     typval_T	*rettv UNUSED;
++ {
++     dict_T	*d;
++     dictitem_T	*di;
++     char_u	*csearch;
++     if (argvars[0].v_type != VAR_DICT)
++     {
++ 	EMSG(_(e_dictreq));
++ 	return;
++     }
++     if ((d = argvars[0].vval.v_dict) != NULL)
++     {
++ 	csearch = get_dict_string(d, (char_u *)"char", FALSE);
++ 	if (csearch != NULL)
++ 	{
++ 	    if (enc_utf8)
++ 	    {
++ 		int pcc[MAX_MCO];
++ 		int c = utfc_ptr2char(csearch, pcc);
++ 		set_last_csearch(c, csearch, utfc_ptr2len(csearch));
++ 	    }
++ 	    else
++ 		set_last_csearch(mb_ptr2char(csearch),
++ 						csearch, mb_ptr2len(csearch));
++ 	}
++ 	di = dict_find(d, (char_u *)"forward", -1);
++ 	if (di != NULL)
++ 	    set_csearch_direction(get_tv_number(&di->di_tv)
++ 							? FORWARD : BACKWARD);
++ 	di = dict_find(d, (char_u *)"until", -1);
++ 	if (di != NULL)
++ 	    set_csearch_until(!!get_tv_number(&di->di_tv));
++     }
++ }
+  /*
+   * "setcmdpos()" function
+   */
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/proto/search.pro	2014-12-13 03:17:07.465046539 +0100
+--- src/proto/search.pro	2015-08-11 13:32:31.651435327 +0200
+*** 8,13 ****
+--- 8,19 ----
+  void free_search_patterns __ARGS((void));
+  int ignorecase __ARGS((char_u *pat));
+  int pat_has_uppercase __ARGS((char_u *pat));
++ char_u *last_csearch __ARGS((void));
++ int last_csearch_forward __ARGS((void));
++ int last_csearch_until __ARGS((void));
++ void set_last_csearch __ARGS((int c, char_u *s, int len));
++ void set_csearch_direction __ARGS((int cdir));
++ void set_csearch_until __ARGS((int t_cmd));
+  char_u *last_search_pat __ARGS((void));
+  void reset_search_dir __ARGS((void));
+  void set_last_search_pat __ARGS((char_u *s, int idx, int magic, int setlast));
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/search.c	2015-07-28 21:17:31.518069428 +0200
+--- src/search.c	2015-08-11 14:05:25.425003350 +0200
+*** 89,94 ****
+--- 89,102 ----
+  static int last_idx = 0;	/* index in spats[] for RE_LAST */
++ static char_u lastc[2] = {NUL, NUL};	/* last character searched for */
++ static int lastcdir = FORWARD;		/* last direction of character search */
++ static int last_t_cmd = TRUE;		/* last search t_cmd */
++ #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
++ static char_u	lastc_bytes[MB_MAXBYTES + 1];
++ static int	lastc_bytelen = 1;	/* >1 for multi-byte char */
++ #endif
+  #if defined(FEAT_AUTOCMD) || defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
+  /* copy of spats[], for keeping the search patterns while executing autocmds */
+  static struct spat  saved_spats[2];
+*** 378,384 ****
+  }
+  /*
+!  * Return TRUE if patter "pat" has an uppercase character.
+   */
+      int
+  pat_has_uppercase(pat)
+--- 386,392 ----
+  }
+  /*
+!  * Return TRUE if pattern "pat" has an uppercase character.
+   */
+      int
+  pat_has_uppercase(pat)
+*** 419,424 ****
+--- 427,484 ----
+  }
+      char_u *
++ last_csearch()
++ {
++ #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
++     return lastc_bytes;
++ #else
++     return lastc;
++ #endif
++ }
++     int
++ last_csearch_forward()
++ {
++     return lastcdir == FORWARD;
++ }
++     int
++ last_csearch_until()
++ {
++     return last_t_cmd == TRUE;
++ }
++     void
++ set_last_csearch(c, s, len)
++     int		c;
++     char_u	*s;
++     int		len;
++ {
++     *lastc = c;
++ #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
++     lastc_bytelen = len;
++     if (len)
++ 	memcpy(lastc_bytes, s, len);
++     else
++ 	vim_memset(lastc_bytes, 0, sizeof(lastc_bytes));
++ #endif
++ }
++     void
++ set_csearch_direction(cdir)
++     int cdir;
++ {
++     lastcdir = cdir;
++ }
++     void
++ set_csearch_until(t_cmd)
++     int t_cmd;
++ {
++     last_t_cmd = t_cmd;
++ }
++     char_u *
+  last_search_pat()
+  {
+      return spats[last_idx].pat;
+*** 1559,1605 ****
+      int			c = cap->nchar;	/* char to search for */
+      int			dir = cap->arg;	/* TRUE for searching forward */
+      long		count = cap->count1;	/* repeat count */
+-     static int		lastc = NUL;	/* last character searched for */
+-     static int		lastcdir;	/* last direction of character search */
+-     static int		last_t_cmd;	/* last search t_cmd */
+      int			col;
+      char_u		*p;
+      int			len;
+      int			stop = TRUE;
+- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+-     static char_u	bytes[MB_MAXBYTES + 1];
+-     static int		bytelen = 1;	/* >1 for multi-byte char */
+- #endif
+      if (c != NUL)	/* normal search: remember args for repeat */
+      {
+  	if (!KeyStuffed)    /* don't remember when redoing */
+  	{
+! 	    lastc = c;
+! 	    lastcdir = dir;
+! 	    last_t_cmd = t_cmd;
+  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+! 	    bytelen = (*mb_char2bytes)(c, bytes);
+  	    if (cap->ncharC1 != 0)
+  	    {
+! 		bytelen += (*mb_char2bytes)(cap->ncharC1, bytes + bytelen);
+  		if (cap->ncharC2 != 0)
+! 		    bytelen += (*mb_char2bytes)(cap->ncharC2, bytes + bytelen);
+  	    }
+  #endif
+  	}
+      }
+      else		/* repeat previous search */
+      {
+! 	if (lastc == NUL)
+  	    return FAIL;
+  	if (dir)	/* repeat in opposite direction */
+  	    dir = -lastcdir;
+  	else
+  	    dir = lastcdir;
+  	t_cmd = last_t_cmd;
+! 	c = lastc;
+! 	/* For multi-byte re-use last bytes[] and bytelen. */
+  	/* Force a move of at least one char, so ";" and "," will move the
+  	 * cursor, even if the cursor is right in front of char we are looking
+--- 1619,1660 ----
+      int			c = cap->nchar;	/* char to search for */
+      int			dir = cap->arg;	/* TRUE for searching forward */
+      long		count = cap->count1;	/* repeat count */
+      int			col;
+      char_u		*p;
+      int			len;
+      int			stop = TRUE;
+      if (c != NUL)	/* normal search: remember args for repeat */
+      {
+  	if (!KeyStuffed)    /* don't remember when redoing */
+  	{
+! 	    *lastc = c;
+! 	    set_csearch_direction(dir);
+! 	    set_csearch_until(t_cmd);
+  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+! 	    lastc_bytelen = (*mb_char2bytes)(c, lastc_bytes);
+  	    if (cap->ncharC1 != 0)
+  	    {
+! 		lastc_bytelen += (*mb_char2bytes)(cap->ncharC1,
+! 			lastc_bytes + lastc_bytelen);
+  		if (cap->ncharC2 != 0)
+! 		    lastc_bytelen += (*mb_char2bytes)(cap->ncharC2,
+! 			    lastc_bytes + lastc_bytelen);
+  	    }
+  #endif
+  	}
+      }
+      else		/* repeat previous search */
+      {
+! 	if (*lastc == NUL)
+  	    return FAIL;
+  	if (dir)	/* repeat in opposite direction */
+  	    dir = -lastcdir;
+  	else
+  	    dir = lastcdir;
+  	t_cmd = last_t_cmd;
+! 	c = *lastc;
+! 	/* For multi-byte re-use last lastc_bytes[] and lastc_bytelen. */
+  	/* Force a move of at least one char, so ";" and "," will move the
+  	 * cursor, even if the cursor is right in front of char we are looking
+*** 1636,1649 ****
+  			return FAIL;
+  		    col -= (*mb_head_off)(p, p + col - 1) + 1;
+  		}
+! 		if (bytelen == 1)
+  		{
+  		    if (p[col] == c && stop)
+  			break;
+  		}
+  		else
+  		{
+! 		    if (vim_memcmp(p + col, bytes, bytelen) == 0 && stop)
+  			break;
+  		}
+  		stop = TRUE;
+--- 1691,1704 ----
+  			return FAIL;
+  		    col -= (*mb_head_off)(p, p + col - 1) + 1;
+  		}
+! 		if (lastc_bytelen == 1)
+  		{
+  		    if (p[col] == c && stop)
+  			break;
+  		}
+  		else
+  		{
+! 		    if (vim_memcmp(p + col, lastc_bytes, lastc_bytelen) == 0 && stop)
+  			break;
+  		}
+  		stop = TRUE;
+*** 1671,1678 ****
+  	if (has_mbyte)
+  	{
+  	    if (dir < 0)
+! 		/* Landed on the search char which is bytelen long */
+! 		col += bytelen - 1;
+  	    else
+  		/* To previous char, which may be multi-byte. */
+  		col -= (*mb_head_off)(p, p + col);
+--- 1726,1733 ----
+  	if (has_mbyte)
+  	{
+  	    if (dir < 0)
+! 		/* Landed on the search char which is lastc_bytelen long */
+! 		col += lastc_bytelen - 1;
+  	    else
+  		/* To previous char, which may be multi-byte. */
+  		col -= (*mb_head_off)(p, p + col);
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/testdir/test_charsearch.in	2015-08-11 14:22:29.713361737 +0200
+--- src/testdir/test_charsearch.in	2015-08-11 14:12:34.048131520 +0200
+*** 0 ****
+--- 1,25 ----
++ Test for character searches
++ :so small.vim
++ :" check that "fe" and ";" work
++ /^X
++ ylfep;;p,,p:
++ :" check that save/restore works
++ /^Y
++ ylfep:let csave = getcharsearch()
++ fip:call setcharsearch(csave)
++ ;p;p:
++ :" check that setcharsearch() changes the settins.
++ /^Z
++ ylfep:call setcharsearch({'char': 'k'})
++ ;p:call setcharsearch({'forward': 0})
++ $;p:call setcharseearch({'until'}: 1})
++ ;;p:
++ :/^X/,$w! test.out
++ :qa!
++ Xabcdefghijkemnopqretuvwxyz
++ Yabcdefghijkemnopqretuvwxyz
++ Zabcdefghijkemnokqretkvwxyz
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/testdir/test_charsearch.ok	2015-08-11 14:22:29.717361691 +0200
+--- src/testdir/test_charsearch.ok	2015-08-11 13:59:20.253153843 +0200
+*** 0 ****
+--- 1,3 ----
++ XabcdeXfghijkeXmnopqreXtuvwxyz
++ YabcdeYfghiYjkeYmnopqreYtuvwxyz
++ ZabcdeZfghijkZemnokZqretkZvwxyz
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/testdir/Makefile	2015-07-21 15:48:13.593517912 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Makefile	2015-08-11 13:46:04.386197622 +0200
+*** 39,44 ****
+--- 39,45 ----
+  		test_autoformat_join.out \
+  		test_breakindent.out \
+  		test_changelist.out \
++ 		test_charsearch.out \
+  		test_close_count.out \
+  		test_command_count.out \
+  		test_erasebackword.out \
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak	2015-07-21 15:48:13.589517950 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak	2015-08-11 13:45:21.702682710 +0200
+*** 42,47 ****
+--- 42,48 ----
+  		test_autoformat_join.out \
+  		test_breakindent.out \
+  		test_changelist.out \
++ 		test_charsearch.out \
+  		test_close_count.out \
+  		test_command_count.out \
+  		test_erasebackword.out \
+*** 194,199 ****
+--- 195,201 ----
+  test_autoformat_join.out: test_autoformat_join.in
+  test_breakindent.out: test_breakindent.in
+  test_changelist.out: test_changelist.in
++ test_charsearch.out: test_charsearch.in
+  test_close_count.out: test_close_count.in
+  test_command_count.out: test_command_count.in
+  test_erasebackword.out: test_erasebackword.in
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/testdir/Make_dos.mak	2015-07-21 15:48:13.589517950 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Make_dos.mak	2015-08-11 13:45:29.306596293 +0200
+*** 41,46 ****
+--- 41,47 ----
+  		test_autoformat_join.out \
+  		test_breakindent.out \
+  		test_changelist.out \
++ 		test_charsearch.out \
+  		test_close_count.out \
+  		test_command_count.out \
+  		test_erasebackword.out \
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/testdir/Make_ming.mak	2015-07-21 15:48:13.589517950 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Make_ming.mak	2015-08-11 13:45:35.742523150 +0200
+*** 63,68 ****
+--- 63,69 ----
+  		test_autoformat_join.out \
+  		test_breakindent.out \
+  		test_changelist.out \
++ 		test_charsearch.out \
+  		test_close_count.out \
+  		test_command_count.out \
+  		test_erasebackword.out \
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/testdir/Make_os2.mak	2015-07-21 15:48:13.593517912 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Make_os2.mak	2015-08-11 14:23:59.096345955 +0200
+*** 43,48 ****
+--- 43,49 ----
+  		test_autoformat_join.out \
+  		test_breakindent.out \
+  		test_changelist.out \
++ 		test_charsearch.out \
+  		test_close_count.out \
+  		test_command_count.out \
+  		test_erasebackword.out \
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms	2015-07-21 15:48:13.593517912 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Make_vms.mms	2015-08-11 14:24:20.772099626 +0200
+*** 4,10 ****
+  # Authors:	Zoltan Arpadffy, <arpadffy@polarhome.com>
+  #		Sandor Kopanyi,  <sandor.kopanyi@mailbox.hu>
+  #
+! # Last change:  2015 Jul 17
+  #
+  # This has been tested on VMS 6.2 to 8.3 on DEC Alpha, VAX and IA64.
+  # Edit the lines in the Configuration section below to select.
+--- 4,10 ----
+  # Authors:	Zoltan Arpadffy, <arpadffy@polarhome.com>
+  #		Sandor Kopanyi,  <sandor.kopanyi@mailbox.hu>
+  #
+! # Last change:  2015 Aug 11
+  #
+  # This has been tested on VMS 6.2 to 8.3 on DEC Alpha, VAX and IA64.
+  # Edit the lines in the Configuration section below to select.
+*** 102,107 ****
+--- 102,108 ----
+  	 test_autoformat_join.out \
+  	 test_breakindent.out \
+  	 test_changelist.out \
++ 	 test_charsearch.out \
+  	 test_close_count.out \
+  	 test_command_count.out \
+  	 test_erasebackword.out \
+*** ../vim-7.4.812/src/version.c	2015-08-08 18:23:41.219566256 +0200
+--- src/version.c	2015-08-11 13:22:49.398054460 +0200
+*** 743,744 ****
+--- 743,746 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     813,
+  /**/
+`When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to
+ its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are
+ forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression no matter how
+ holy the motives' -- Robert A Heinlein, "If this goes on --"
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\  an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///