Subject: patch 7.1.058
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Patch 7.1.058
Problem:    When 'rightleft' is set the completion menu is positioned wrong.
	    (Baha-Eddine MOKADEM)
Solution:   Fix the completion menu. (Martin Toft)
Files:	    src/popupmnu.c, src/proto/, src/search.c

*** ../vim-7.1.057/src/popupmnu.c	Thu Jun 28 21:23:52 2007
--- src/popupmnu.c	Wed Aug  1 15:43:06 2007
*** 75,81 ****
      row = curwin->w_cline_row + W_WINROW(curwin);
      height = curwin->w_cline_height;
-     col = curwin->w_wcol + W_WINCOL(curwin) - curwin->w_leftcol;
      if (firstwin->w_p_pvw)
  	top_clear = firstwin->w_height;
--- 75,80 ----
*** 167,172 ****
--- 166,180 ----
      pum_base_width = max_width;
      pum_kind_width = kind_width;
+     /* Calculate column */
+     if (curwin->w_p_rl)
+ 	col = W_WINCOL(curwin) + W_WIDTH(curwin) - curwin->w_wcol -
+ 							curwin->w_leftcol - 1;
+     else
+ #endif
+ 	col = W_WINCOL(curwin) + curwin->w_wcol - curwin->w_leftcol;
      /* if there are more items than room we need a scrollbar */
      if (pum_height < size)
*** 179,189 ****
      if (def_width < max_width)
  	def_width = max_width;
!     if (col < Columns - PUM_DEF_WIDTH || col < Columns - max_width)
  	/* align pum column with "col" */
  	pum_col = col;
! 	pum_width = Columns - pum_col - pum_scrollbar;
  	if (pum_width > max_width + kind_width + extra_width + 1
  						 && pum_width > PUM_DEF_WIDTH)
--- 187,209 ----
      if (def_width < max_width)
  	def_width = max_width;
!     if (((col < Columns - PUM_DEF_WIDTH || col < Columns - max_width)
! 		&& !curwin->w_p_rl)
! 	    || (curwin->w_p_rl && (col > PUM_DEF_WIDTH || col > max_width)
! #endif
!        ))
  	/* align pum column with "col" */
  	pum_col = col;
! 	if (curwin->w_p_rl)
! 	    pum_width = pum_col - pum_scrollbar + 1;
! 	else
! #endif
! 	    pum_width = Columns - pum_col - pum_scrollbar;
  	if (pum_width > max_width + kind_width + extra_width + 1
  						 && pum_width > PUM_DEF_WIDTH)
*** 195,208 ****
      else if (Columns < def_width)
  	/* not enough room, will use what we have */
! 	pum_col = 0;
  	pum_width = Columns - 1;
  	if (max_width > PUM_DEF_WIDTH)
  	    max_width = PUM_DEF_WIDTH;	/* truncate */
! 	pum_col = Columns - max_width;
  	pum_width = max_width - pum_scrollbar;
--- 215,238 ----
      else if (Columns < def_width)
  	/* not enough room, will use what we have */
! 	if (curwin->w_p_rl)
! 	    pum_col = Columns - 1;
! 	else
! #endif
! 	    pum_col = 0;
  	pum_width = Columns - 1;
  	if (max_width > PUM_DEF_WIDTH)
  	    max_width = PUM_DEF_WIDTH;	/* truncate */
! 	if (curwin->w_p_rl)
! 	    pum_col = max_width - 1;
! 	else
! #endif
! 	    pum_col = Columns - max_width;
  	pum_width = max_width - pum_scrollbar;
*** 255,262 ****
  	attr = (idx == pum_selected) ? attr_select : attr_norm;
  	/* prepend a space if there is room */
! 	if (pum_col > 0)
! 	    screen_putchar(' ', row, pum_col - 1, attr);
  	/* Display each entry, use two spaces for a Tab.
  	 * Do this 3 times: For the main text, kind and extra info */
--- 285,300 ----
  	attr = (idx == pum_selected) ? attr_select : attr_norm;
  	/* prepend a space if there is room */
! 	if (curwin->w_p_rl)
! 	{
! 	    if (pum_col < W_WINCOL(curwin) + W_WIDTH(curwin) - 1)
! 		screen_putchar(' ', row, pum_col + 1, attr);
! 	}
! 	else
! #endif
! 	    if (pum_col > 0)
! 		screen_putchar(' ', row, pum_col - 1, attr);
  	/* Display each entry, use two spaces for a Tab.
  	 * Do this 3 times: For the main text, kind and extra info */
*** 282,307 ****
  			/* Display the text that fits or comes before a Tab.
  			 * First convert it to printable characters. */
! 			char_u *st;
! 			int  saved = *p;
  			*p = NUL;
  			st = transstr(s);
  			*p = saved;
! 			if (st != NULL)
! 			    screen_puts_len(st, (int)STRLEN(st), row, col,
! 			    vim_free(st);
- 			col += width;
  			if (*p != TAB)
  			/* Display two spaces for a Tab. */
! 			screen_puts_len((char_u *)"  ", 2, row, col, attr);
! 			col += 2;
  			totwidth += 2;
  			s = NULL;	    /* start text at next char */
  			width = 0;
--- 320,386 ----
  			/* Display the text that fits or comes before a Tab.
  			 * First convert it to printable characters. */
! 			char_u	*st;
! 			int	saved = *p;
  			*p = NUL;
  			st = transstr(s);
  			*p = saved;
! 			if (curwin->w_p_rl)
! 			    if (st != NULL)
! 			    {
! 				char_u	*rt = reverse_text(st);
! 				char_u	*rt_saved = rt;
! 				int	len, j;
! 				if (rt != NULL)
! 				{
! 				    len = STRLEN(rt);
! 				    if (len > pum_width)
! 				    {
! 					for (j = pum_width; j < len; ++j)
! 					    mb_ptr_adv(rt);
! 					len = pum_width;
! 				    }
! 				    screen_puts_len(rt, len, row,
! 							col - len + 1, attr);
! 				    vim_free(rt_saved);
! 				}
! 				vim_free(st);
! 			    }
! 			    col -= width;
! 			}
! 			else
! #endif
! 			{
! 			    if (st != NULL)
! 			    {
! 				screen_puts_len(st, (int)STRLEN(st), row, col,
! 				vim_free(st);
! 			    }
! 			    col += width;
  			if (*p != TAB)
  			/* Display two spaces for a Tab. */
! 			if (curwin->w_p_rl)
! 			{
! 			    screen_puts_len((char_u *)"  ", 2, row, col - 1,
! 									attr);
! 			    col -= 2;
! 			}
! 			else
! #endif
! 			{
! 			    screen_puts_len((char_u *)"  ", 2, row, col, attr);
! 			    col += 2;
! 			}
  			totwidth += 2;
  			s = NULL;	    /* start text at next char */
  			width = 0;
*** 322,338 ****
  					  && pum_array[idx].pum_extra == NULL)
  		    || pum_base_width + n >= pum_width)
! 	    screen_fill(row, row + 1, col, pum_col + pum_base_width + n,
  							      ' ', ' ', attr);
! 	    col = pum_col + pum_base_width + n;
  	    totwidth = pum_base_width + n;
! 	screen_fill(row, row + 1, col, pum_col + pum_width, ' ', ' ', attr);
  	if (pum_scrollbar > 0)
! 	    screen_putchar(' ', row, pum_col + pum_width,
! 		    i >= thumb_pos && i < thumb_pos + thumb_heigth
  						  ? attr_thumb : attr_scroll);
--- 401,444 ----
  					  && pum_array[idx].pum_extra == NULL)
  		    || pum_base_width + n >= pum_width)
! 	    if (curwin->w_p_rl)
! 	    {
! 		screen_fill(row, row + 1, pum_col - pum_base_width - n + 1,
! 						    col + 1, ' ', ' ', attr);
! 		col = pum_col - pum_base_width - n + 1;
! 	    }
! 	    else
! #endif
! 	    {
! 		screen_fill(row, row + 1, col, pum_col + pum_base_width + n,
  							      ' ', ' ', attr);
! 		col = pum_col + pum_base_width + n;
! 	    }
  	    totwidth = pum_base_width + n;
! 	if (curwin->w_p_rl)
! 	    screen_fill(row, row + 1, pum_col - pum_width + 1, col + 1, ' ',
! 								    ' ', attr);
! 	else
! #endif
! 	    screen_fill(row, row + 1, col, pum_col + pum_width, ' ', ' ',
! 									attr);
  	if (pum_scrollbar > 0)
! 	{
! 	    if (curwin->w_p_rl)
! 		screen_putchar(' ', row, pum_col - pum_width,
! 			i >= thumb_pos && i < thumb_pos + thumb_heigth
  						  ? attr_thumb : attr_scroll);
+ 	    else
+ #endif
+ 		screen_putchar(' ', row, pum_col + pum_width,
+ 			i >= thumb_pos && i < thumb_pos + thumb_heigth
+ 						  ? attr_thumb : attr_scroll);
+ 	}
*** ../vim-7.1.057/src/proto/	Sat May  5 20:20:36 2007
--- src/proto/	Wed Aug  1 12:41:25 2007
*** 1,6 ****
--- 1,7 ----
  /* search.c */
  int search_regcomp __ARGS((char_u *pat, int pat_save, int pat_use, int options, regmmatch_T *regmatch));
  char_u *get_search_pat __ARGS((void));
+ char_u *reverse_text __ARGS((char_u *s));
  void save_search_patterns __ARGS((void));
  void restore_search_patterns __ARGS((void));
  void free_search_patterns __ARGS((void));
*** ../vim-7.1.057/src/search.c	Tue Jul 10 13:27:46 2007
--- src/search.c	Wed Aug  1 12:39:22 2007
*** 101,107 ****
  static char_u	    *mr_pattern = NULL;	/* pattern used by search_regcomp() */
  static int	    mr_pattern_alloced = FALSE; /* mr_pattern was allocated */
- static char_u	    *reverse_text __ARGS((char_u *s));
  #ifdef FEAT_FIND_ID
--- 101,106 ----
*** 228,239 ****
      return mr_pattern;
   * Reverse text into allocated memory.
   * Returns the allocated string, NULL when out of memory.
!     static char_u *
      char_u *s;
--- 227,238 ----
      return mr_pattern;
! #if defined(FEAT_RIGHTLEFT) || defined(PROTO)
   * Reverse text into allocated memory.
   * Returns the allocated string, NULL when out of memory.
!     char_u *
      char_u *s;
*** 1898,1904 ****
!     /* This is just guessing: when 'rightleft' is set, search for a maching
       * paren/brace in the other direction. */
      if (curwin->w_p_rl && vim_strchr((char_u *)"()[]{}<>", initc) != NULL)
  	backwards = !backwards;
--- 1897,1903 ----
!     /* This is just guessing: when 'rightleft' is set, search for a matching
       * paren/brace in the other direction. */
      if (curwin->w_p_rl && vim_strchr((char_u *)"()[]{}<>", initc) != NULL)
  	backwards = !backwards;
*** ../vim-7.1.057/src/version.c	Wed Aug  8 21:41:19 2007
--- src/version.c	Wed Aug  8 22:44:49 2007
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     58,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
99. The hum of a cooling fan and the click of keys is comforting to you.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///