Patches for Vim - Vi IMproved 7.4 The files in this directory contain source code changes to fix problems in a released version of Vim. Each file also contains an explanation of the problem that is fixed, like the message that was sent to the vim-dev maillist. The best is to apply the patches in sequence. This avoids problems when a patch depends on a previous patch. Before patching, change to the top Vim directory, where the "src" and "runtime" directories are located. Depending on the version of "patch" that you use, you may have add an argument to make it patch the right file: patch -p < 7.4.001 patch -p0 < 7.4.001 After applying a patch, you need to compile Vim. There are no patches for binaries. Checksums for the patch files can be found in the file MD5SUMS. Individual patches for Vim 7.4: SIZE NAME FIXES 13179 7.4.001 'ic' doesn't work for patterns such as [a-z] 2522 7.4.002 pattern with two alternative look-behind matches doesn't match 2680 7.4.003 memory access error in Ruby syntax highlighting 7145 7.4.004 when closing a window fails ":bwipe" may hang 1391 7.4.005 "vaB" while 'virtualedit' is set selects the wrong area 1952 7.4.006 mkdir("foo/bar/", "p") gives an error message 2538 7.4.007 creating a preview window on startup messes up the screen 2176 7.4.008 new regexp engine can't be interrupted 2051 7.4.009 too easy to write a file was not decrypted (yet) 2307 7.4.010 (after 7.4.006) crash with invalid argument to mkdir() 2270 7.4.011 cannot find out if "acl" and "xpm" features are supported 6180 7.4.012 MS-Windows: resolving multi-byte shortcut does not work 2986 7.4.013 MS-Windows: File name buffer too small for utf-8 2671 7.4.014 MS-Windows: check for writing to device does not work 3135 7.4.015 MS-Windows: Detecting node type fails for multi-byte chars 5999 7.4.016 MS-Windows: File name completion has problem with Chinese 2319 7.4.017 ":help !!" does not find the "!!" tag in the help file 1400 7.4.018 when completing item becomes unselected 1948 7.4.019 file name completion fails with Chinese characters 2586 7.4.020 NFA engine matches too much with \@> 2806 7.4.021 NFA regexp: Using \ze may result in wrong end 4209 7.4.022 deadlock while exiting, because of allocating memory 1704 7.4.023 MS-Windows: warning for 64 bit type 1992 7.4.024 current user cannot always use the undo file he created 2074 7.4.025 reading before start of a string 1710 7.4.026 clang warning for int shift overflow 2815 7.4.027 valgrind error when using CTRL-X CTRL-F at start of the line 27323 7.4.028 equivalence classes are not working for multi-byte characters 1837 7.4.029 an error in a pattern is reported twice 2724 7.4.030 the -mno-cygwin argument is no longer supported by Cygwin 1748 7.4.031 ":diffoff!" resets options even when 'diff' is not set 2629 7.4.032 NFA engine does not match the NUL character 3610 7.4.033 if terminal has 20 lines test 92 and 93 overwrite input file 5336 7.4.034 using "p" in Visual block mode only changes the first line 1696 7.4.035 MS-Windows: mouse pointer flickers when going to Normal mode 7996 7.4.036 NFA engine does not capture group correctly when using \@> 4274 7.4.037 "\ze" in a sub-pattern does set the end of the match 3579 7.4.038 Using "zw" and "zg" when 'spell' is off give confusing error 6108 7.4.039 MS-Windows: < MSCV10 can't handle symlinks to a directory 2320 7.4.040 error on exit when variable holds reference to a script scope 1695 7.4.041 Visual selection does not remain after being copied over 2104 7.4.042 after ":setlocal" 'spell'/'spellang' :spelldump doesn't work 2920 7.4.043 VMS can't handle long function names 2134 7.4.044 can't build with old MSVC 3167 7.4.045 substitute() has a problem with pattern starting with "\ze". 2147 7.4.046 can't use Tcl 8.6 1685 7.4.047 input() does not work in a function invoked by a mapping 4441 7.4.048 recent clang version complains about -fno-strength-reduce 2145 7.4.049 in Ex mode substitute prompt is wrong with line numbers 2605 7.4.050 "gn" may select too much when there are two matching lines 2068 7.4.051 syntax highlighting a Yaml file causes a crash 5890 7.4.052 cursor may end up in the wrong position when auto-formatting 1251 7.4.053 test75 has a wrong header 1441 7.4.054 reading past end of the 'stl' string 4758 7.4.055 Mac: Where macros are defined depends on the system 1651 7.4.056 Mac: Compilation problem with OS X 10.9 Mavericks 7773 7.4.057 byteidx() does not work for composing characters 2094 7.4.058 warnings on 64 bit Windows 1479 7.4.059 set_last_cursor() may encounter w_buffer being NULL 3582 7.4.060 declaration has wrong return type for PyObject_SetAttrString() 4688 7.4.061 (after 7.4.056) configure check in the wrong place 2634 7.4.062 (after 7.4.061) wrong configure check for AvailabilityMacros.h 3619 7.4.063 crash when using invalid key in Python dictionary 5347 7.4.064 in Visual block mode replacing with CR does not break lines 2117 7.4.065 the character typed at the hit-enter prompt is recorded twice 9483 7.4.066 MS-Windows: swap file name wrong if colon in file name 4139 7.4.067 CTRL-\ CTRL-O moves the cursor after inserting comment leader 5093 7.4.068 cannot build Vim on Mac with non-Apple compilers 73551 7.4.069 cannot right shift comment lines starting with # 1387 7.4.070 (after 7.4.069) can't compile with tiny features 38365 7.4.071 (after 7.4.069) passing limits around too often 1748 7.4.072 crash when using Insert mode completion 11426 7.4.073 setting undolevels for one buffer changes undo in another 2054 7.4.074 when undo'ing all and making a change, undo structure is wrong 9907 7.4.075 locally setting 'undolevels' is not tested 1894 7.4.076 "cgn" does not wrap around the end of the file 2216 7.4.077 DOS installer creates shortcut without a path 3552 7.4.078 MSVC 2013 is not supported 13657 7.4.079 a script cannot detect whether 'hlsearch' highlighting is on 1873 7.4.080 (after 7.4.079) missing documentation for v:hlsearch 1659 7.4.081 (after 7.4.078) wrong logic when ANALYZE is "yes" 11034 7.4.082 using "gf" in a changed buffer suggests adding "!" 4493 7.4.083 hard to avoid adding a used pattern to the search history 5971 7.4.084 Python: interrupt not being properly discarded 3581 7.4.085 can't move cursor when inserting text in Visual block mode 4786 7.4.086 can't skip over expression when not evaluating for dict member 1770 7.4.087 compiler warning on 64 bit Windows systems 16587 7.4.088 Asian characters are always marked as spell errors 1397 7.4.089 Vim doesn't set the security context on a renamed file 7859 7.4.090 Win32: no completion if dir name contains an exclamation mark 1926 7.4.091 (after 7.4.089) missing semicolon 1697 7.4.092 (after 7.4.088) can't build small version 2993 7.4.093 configure can't use LuaJIT on ubuntu 12.04 4837 7.4.094 configure may not find that -lint is needed for gettext() 3138 7.4.095 (after 7.4.093) regexp for LuaJIT version doesn't work on BSD 2294 7.4.096 can't change directory to an UNC path 1615 7.4.097 unexpected behavior change related to 'virtualedit' 8357 7.4.098 error for line numbers out of range when using ":'<,'>del" 3122 7.4.099 append in blockwise Visual mode with "$" is wrong 3069 7.4.100 NFA regexp doesn't handle backreference correctly 2899 7.4.101 using \1 in pattern goes one line too far 2128 7.4.102 crash when interrupting "z=" 3846 7.4.103 dos installer escapes spaces in the diff command wrong 2823 7.4.104 ":help s/\_" reports an internal error 1792 7.4.105 completing a tag pattern may give an error for invalid pattern 1971 7.4.106 can't build with Ruby using Cygwin 21498 7.4.107 Python try/catch doesn't catch Vim error in vim.eval() 5478 7.4.108 "zG" and "zW" leave temp files around on MS-Windows 3775 7.4.109 ColorScheme autocommand matches with the current buffer name 3703 7.4.110 "gUgn" cannot be repeated 1709 7.4.111 memory leak in Python OptionsAssItem 1862 7.4.112 MS-Windows: defaults for 'dir' and 'bdir' do not include $TEMP 2561 7.4.113 MSVC static analysis gives warnings 3353 7.4.114 new GNU make directory change messages are different 1633 7.4.115 Zsh: expanding ~abc fails when the result contains a space 1381 7.4.116 'showcmd' does not show a typed space 8049 7.4.117 can't build with Cygwin/MingW and Perl 5.18 2394 7.4.118 redrawing status lines may causes recursive call 7060 7.4.119 Vim doesn't work well on OpenVMS 1702 7.4.120 (after 7.4.117) can't build with Perl 5.18 on Linux 1426 7.4.121 completion doesn't work for ":py3d" and ":py3f" 6071 7.4.122 Win32: :grep doesn't work when 'encoding' and ACP differ 1883 7.4.123 Win32: Getting user name does not use wide function 1730 7.4.124 Win32: Getting host name does not use wide function 1568 7.4.125 Win32: Dealing with messages may not work for multi-byte chars 1946 7.4.126 compiler warnings for "const" and incompatible types 1949 7.4.127 Perl 5.18 on Unix doesn't work 1948 7.4.128 Perl 5.18 for MSVC doesn't work 1499 7.4.129 getline(-1) returns zero 2064 7.4.130 relative line numbers mix up windows when using folds 3038 7.4.131 syncbind causes E315 errors in some situations 1559 7.4.132 (after 7.4.122) Win32: flags/inherit_handles args mixed up 2043 7.4.133 Clang warns for using NUL 1562 7.4.134 spurious space in MingW Makefile 1696 7.4.135 missing dot in MingW test Makefile 2314 7.4.136 (after 7.4.096) Windows: readonly when saving UNC path file 6184 7.4.137 cannot use IME with Windows 8 console 3391 7.4.138 (after 7.4.114) directory change messages are not recognized 2254 7.4.139 crash when using :cd in autocommand 5016 7.4.140 crash when autocommand wipes out only other buffer 2430 7.4.141 problems when building with Borland 4651 7.4.142 (after 7.4.137) on MS-Windows 8 IME input doesn't work well 6310 7.4.143 TextChangedI is not triggered. 1480 7.4.144 MingW also supports intptr_t for OPEN_OH_ARGTYPE 2513 7.4.145 getregtype() does not return zero for unknown register 2324 7.4.146 when starting Vim with "-u NONE" v:oldfiles is NULL 2583 7.4.147 cursor position wrong when using "gj" after "$" 2554 7.4.148 cannot build with Cygwin and X11 24083 7.4.149 get E685 error when assigning a function to autoload variable 2596 7.4.150 :keeppatterns is not respected for :s 37572 7.4.151 Python: slices with steps are not supported 19610 7.4.152 Python: Cannot iterate over options 6150 7.4.153 compiler warning for pointer type 5202 7.4.154 (after 7.4.149) still a problem with auto-loading 2233 7.4.155 (after 7.4.150) search offset not kept with :keeppatterns 1466 7.4.156 test file missing from distribution 1643 7.4.157 error number used twice 4006 7.4.158 pattern containing \zs not handled correctly by substitute() 3819 7.4.159 completion hangs when using the current buffer after keywords 2026 7.4.160 Win32: Crash when executing external command 2296 7.4.161 crash in Python exception handling 1395 7.4.162 running tests in shadow dir doesn't work 2083 7.4.163 (after 7.4.142) MS-Windows 7 input doesn't work properly 2050 7.4.164 problem with event handling on Windows 8 2313 7.4.165 by default, after closing a buffer changes can't be undone 1685 7.4.166 auto-loading a function for code that won't be executed 7150 7.4.167 (after 7.4.149) fixes are not tested 2549 7.4.168 can't compile with Ruby 2.1.0 1656 7.4.169 ":sleep" puts cursor in the wrong column 3474 7.4.170 some help tags don't work with ":help" 21030 7.4.171 redo does not set v:count and v:count1 9545 7.4.172 blowfish code says OFB, but it's doing CFB 2110 7.4.173 when using scrollbind the cursor can end up below last line 2945 7.4.174 compiler warnings for Python interface 5133 7.4.175 wrong fall-back to non-wide function if wide function fails 2606 7.4.176 Python: Dictionary.update() throws an unexpected error 1491 7.4.177 compiler warning for unused variable 1957 7.4.178 the J command does not update '[ and '] marks 1675 7.4.179 Compiler warning for type-punned pointer 2650 7.4.180 (after 7.4.174) older Python versions don't support %ld 1947 7.4.181 when using 'pastetoggle' the status lines are not updated 1916 7.4.182 building with mzscheme and racket does not work 1493 7.4.183 MSVC Visual Studio update not supported 5677 7.4.184 match() does not work properly with a {count} argument 1837 7.4.185 Clang gives warnings 5437 7.4.186 (after 7.4.085) Visual mode insert mode is sometimes wrong 3991 7.4.187 delete that crosses line break splits multi-byte character 19236 7.4.188 SIZEOF_LONG clashes with similar defines in header files 1429 7.4.189 compiler warning for unused argument 2139 7.4.190 compiler warning for using %lld for off_t 27520 7.4.191 can't escape a file name for shell commands without a function 1329 7.4.192 memory leak when giving E853 3561 7.4.193 typos in messages 1829 7.4.194 can't build for Android 7729 7.4.195 (after 7.4.193) Python tests fail 1651 7.4.196 tests fail on Solaris 9 and 10 34900 7.4.197 various problems on VMS 3101 7.4.198 can't build with non-threading Perl and dynamic loading 2946 7.4.199 (issue 197) ]P doesn't paste over Visual selection 1817 7.4.200 too many #ifdefs in the code 7626 7.4.201 'lispwords' is a global option 7151 7.4.202 MS-Windows: non-ASCII font names don't work 7124 7.4.203 parsing 'errorformat' is not correct 3446 7.4.204 a mapping where the second byte is 0x80 doesn't work 2953 7.4.205 ":mksession" does not handle the argument list correctly 2217 7.4.206 compiler warnings on 64 bit Windows 4843 7.4.207 cursor report sometimes not recognized causing replace mode 1112 7.4.208 Mercurial picks up files that are not distributed (empty) 1924 7.4.209 when repeating a filter command "%" and "#" are expanded 3997 7.4.210 Visual block mode + virtual edit doesn't work well with tabs 2404 7.4.211 ":lu" is abbreviation for ":lua", but it should be ":lunmap" 137444 7.4.212 #ifdefs for the +visual feature are not useful 6508 7.4.213 it's not possible to open a new buffer without a swapfile 1523 7.4.214 compilation problems on HP_nonStop (Tandem) 3488 7.4.215 ":sp foo" reloads "foo" if it is the current buffer 1922 7.4.216 compiler warnings 3225 7.4.217 "make clean" may run configure pointlessly 19321 7.4.218 it's not easy to remove duplicates from a list 2890 7.4.219 redraw too often when 'relativenumber' or 'cursorline' set 4640 7.4.220 test 105 does not work in a shadow dir 1755 7.4.221 quickfix doesn't resize on ":copen 20" 3882 7.4.222 the Ruby directory is constructed from parts 220004 7.4.223 still using an older autoconf version 7317 7.4.224 /usr/bin/grep on Solaris does not support -F 2702 7.4.225 dynamic Ruby doesn't work on Solaris 3535 7.4.226 (after 7.4.219) cursorline highlight not always redrawn 2832 7.4.227 (after 7.4.225) can't build with Ruby 1.8 6200 7.4.228 compiler warnings when building with Python 3.2 3782 7.4.229 ":let" fails when listing vars with a curly braces expression 1673 7.4.230 error when using ":options" 9286 7.4.231 an error in ":options" is not caught by the tests 3599 7.4.232 ":%s/\n//" uses a lot of memory 2222 7.4.233 escaping special chars in ":!cmd %" is inconsistent 3017 7.4.234 can't get the command that was used to start Vim 16436 7.4.235 it is not easy to get the full path of a command 5191 7.4.236 it's not that easy to check the Vim patch version 4893 7.4.237 (after 7.4.236) has() not checking for specific patch 14829 7.4.238 Vim does not support the smack library 1714 7.4.239 ":e +" does not position cursor at end of the file 1676 7.4.240 ":tjump" shows "\n" as "\\n" 12078 7.4.241 submatch() does not distinguish between a NL and a NUL 15570 7.4.242 getreg() does not distinguish between a NL and a NUL character 32738 7.4.243 cannot use setreg() to add text that includes a NUL 1807 7.4.244 (after 7.4.238) the smack feature causes stray error messages 1874 7.4.245 crash for "vim -u NONE -N -c '&&'" 3736 7.4.246 configure message for detecting smack are out of sequence 5838 7.4.247 NUL and NL mixed up when giving input to system() 13519 7.4.248 cannot distinguish between NL and NUL in output of system() 6037 7.4.249 using setreg() with a list of numbers does not work 1641 7.4.250 some test files missing from distribution 4570 7.4.251 crash when BufAdd autocommand wipes out the buffer 1446 7.4.252 critical error in GTK, removing timer twice 2643 7.4.253 crash when using external reference in syntax regexp 5407 7.4.254 smack support detection is incomplete 3397 7.4.255 configure check for smack doesn't work with all shells 2252 7.4.256 (after 7.4.248) systemlist() does not work properly 1948 7.4.257 compiler warning, possibly for mismatch in parameter name 5726 7.4.258 configure fails if $CC contains options 1554 7.4.259 warning for misplaced "const" 8693 7.4.260 no error for function name with colon or lowercase char 2863 7.4.261 an interactive :s to replace a "\n" with line break may fail 9779 7.4.262 duplicate code in regexec() 1306 7.4.263 GCC 4.8 compiler warning for hiding a declaration 5143 7.4.264 (after 7.4.260) can't define function g:Foo() 4813 7.4.265 (after 7.4.260) can't call function with "g:" in an expression 1347 7.4.266 test 62 fails 13880 7.4.267 (after 7.4.178) '[ mark is in the wrong position after "gq" 3312 7.4.268 exists() on a funcref for script-local function does not work 6283 7.4.269 CTRL-U in Insert mode does not work after using a cursor key 1947 7.4.270 comparing pointers instead of the string they point to 1457 7.4.271 compiler warning on 64 bit windows 4216 7.4.272 using just "$" does not cause an error message 2136 7.4.273 "make autoconf/reconfig" may run configure pointlessly 1522 7.4.274 check for timestamp does not always detect a changed file 1747 7.4.275 no error message when changing type of unplaced sign 8604 7.4.276 the fish shell is not supported 2243 7.4.277 using ":sign unplace *" may leave the cursor in wrong position 5402 7.4.278 list_remove() conflicts with Sun header file 18280 7.4.279 globpath() returns a string, a list would be better 3504 7.4.280 relative position of cursor not restored if session has 2 tabs 2486 7.4.281 positions are off when loading session with two tabpages 1429 7.4.282 (after 7.4.279) test 97 fails on Mac 1771 7.4.283 (after 7.4.276) compiler warning about unused variable 1727 7.4.284 setting 'langmap' in the modeline can cause trouble 1549 7.4.285 line numbers are not always updated for 'relativenumber' 1610 7.4.286 error messages are inconsistent 1394 7.4.287 patches for .hgignore don't work 1397 7.4.288 when 'spellfile' is set the screen is not redrawn 3604 7.4.289 NFA regexp with repeated backreference does not match 6261 7.4.290 a non-greedy match followed by a branch is too greedy 1650 7.4.291 compiler warning for int to pointer of different size 4141 7.4.292 pattern "a" matches accented "a" when pattern is one byte 9143 7.4.293 can't ignore composing characters in a pattern 4480 7.4.294 (after 7.4.293) test files missing from patch 5287 7.4.295 various typos, bad white space and unclear comments 1927 7.4.296 can't run tests on Solaris 2593 7.4.297 memory leak from result of get_isolated_shell_name() 1789 7.4.298 can't have a funcref start with "t:" 19202 7.4.299 when running configure twice DYNAMIC_PYTHON_DLL becomes empty 2262 7.4.300 the way config.cache is removed doesn't always work 1651 7.4.301 (after 7.4.280) scrolling problem when loading a session file 2241 7.4.302 signs don't show up after filler lines 2182 7.4.303 double-width chars on the command line sometimes truncated 1559 7.4.304 cannot always use Python with Vim 7820 7.4.305 making 'ttymouse' empty causes problems 2660 7.4.306 getchar(0) does not return Esc 4150 7.4.307 can't build without the +termresponse feature 1420 7.4.308 ":diffsplit" on empty file cursor is displayed on command line 2095 7.4.309 increasing size of lower window, upper window jumps to the top 11194 7.4.310 getpos()/setpos() don't include curswant 4740 7.4.311 can't use winrestview to only restore part of the view 6272 7.4.312 cannot know what argument list is being used for a window 10912 7.4.313 (after 7.4.310) changing return value of getpos() causes error 5875 7.4.314 completion messages can get in the way of a plugin 8020 7.4.315 (after 7.4.309) fixes for computation of topline not tested 1537 7.4.316 warning from 64-bit compiler 1434 7.4.317 crash when starting gvim, issue 230 1748 7.4.318 fg/bg color settings ignored when checking syntax attributes 1764 7.4.319 crash when putting zero bytes on the clipboard 4439 7.4.320 possible crash when an BufLeave autocommand deletes the buffer 2515 7.4.321 can't build with strawberry perl 5.20 + mingw-w64-4.9.0 3274 7.4.322 using "msgfmt" is hard coded, cannot use "gmsgfmt" 2898 7.4.323 substitute() with zero width pattern breaks multi-byte char 4631 7.4.324 in Ex mode, cyrillic characters are not handled 2070 7.4.325 incorrect display when starting GUI and setting 'laststatus' 1384 7.4.326 can't build Tiny version 4330 7.4.327 when 'verbose' is set may get E724 repeatedly 2580 7.4.328 selection of inner block is inconsistent 1945 7.4.329 window not scrolled if moving cursor and go to another window 32746 7.4.330 using regexp pattern to show a position match can be slow 1506 7.4.331 relative numbering not updated after a linewise yank 4079 7.4.332 GTK: ugly gaps when a sign icon doesn't fit exactly 2036 7.4.333 compiler warning for unused function 3295 7.4.334 (after 7.4.330) uninitialized variables, causing some problems 3313 7.4.335 no digraph for the new rouble sign 3536 7.4.336 setting 'history' to a big value causes out-of-memory errors 1589 7.4.337 can't execute command line if there was an error before 52480 7.4.338 cannot wrap lines taking indent into account 2655 7.4.339 local function is available globally 3140 7.4.340 error from sed about illegal bytes when installing Vim 6001 7.4.341 sort() doesn't handle numbers well 1988 7.4.342 clang gives warnings 1850 7.4.343 matchdelete() does not always update the right lines 5304 7.4.344 small issues related to matchaddpos() 2618 7.4.345 (after 7.4.338) indent is not updated when deleting indent 1963 7.4.346 (after 7.4.338) indent is not updated when changing 'briopt' 3209 7.4.347 test55 fails on some systems 1738 7.4.348 Using "J1" in 'cinoptions' may cause too much indent 2967 7.4.349 avoid redrawing the whole window with highlighted matches 3909 7.4.350 C-indenting for Javascript fails for a {} block inside parens 6034 7.4.351 sort() is not stable 2637 7.4.352 with 'linebreak' a Tab causes a missing line break 14437 7.4.353 'linebreak' doesn't work with the 'list' option 1891 7.4.354 compiler warning 21483 7.4.355 several problems with Javascript indenting 1247 7.4.356 mercurial does not ignore memfile_test 1654 7.4.357 after completion some characters are not redrawn 8040 7.4.358 (after 7.4.351) sort is not always stable 2942 7.4.359 if 'ttymouse' set to 'uxterm' xterm version is not requested 2461 7.4.360 pattern with "$" followed by \[vV] is not used as end-of-line 1487 7.4.361 flickering when filling the preview window for 'omnifunc' 1608 7.4.362 short length in matchaddpos() highlights until end of the line 4445 7.4.363 in Windows console typing 0xCE does not work 2425 7.4.364 no error message when the viminfo file can't be renamed 3973 7.4.365 crash when using ":botright split" when there isn't much space 1602 7.4.366 can't run the linebreak test on MS-Windows 2165 7.4.367 (after 7.4.357) other solution for redrawing after completion 2581 7.4.368 window sizes not restored properly when closing cmdline window 2331 7.4.369 using freed memory when exiting while compiled with EXITFREE 9476 7.4.370 linebreak test fails when encoding is not utf-8 1880 7.4.371 with 'linebreak' set control characters displayed wrong 5628 7.4.372 with 'winminheight' zero current window might be zero height 2668 7.4.373 compiler warning for unused argument and unused variable 2461 7.4.374 character after "fb" command sometimes not mapped 1967 7.4.375 test 63 fails when run with GUI-only Vim 1877 7.4.376 (after 7.4.367) popup menu flickers too much 4200 7.4.377 with 'equalalways' set a split may report "no room" 9720 7.4.378 title of quickfix list is not kept for setqflist(list, 'r') 1382 7.4.379 accessing freed memory after using setqflist(list, 'r') 3324 7.4.380 loading python may cause Vim to exit 1359 7.4.381 u_undo error when backspacing in Insert mode deletes 2 lines 1876 7.4.382 mapping chars may not work after typing Esc in Insert mode 1744 7.4.383 bad interaction between preview window and omnifunc 1522 7.4.384 test 102 fails when compiled with small features 2559 7.4.385 when building with tiny/small features .mo files build fails 5536 7.4.386 when splitting a window the changelist position is wrong 6083 7.4.387 "4gro" replaces one character then executes "ooo" 2972 7.4.388 with 'linebreak' set and 'list' unset Tab not counted properly 13930 7.4.389 still sometimes Vim enters Replace mode when starting up 1411 7.4.390 advancing pointer over end of a string 3316 7.4.391 no 'cul' highlight with cursor on a line with diff highlight 2701 7.4.392 not easy to detect type of command line window 53004 7.4.393 text drawing on newer MS-Windows systems is suboptimal 1890 7.4.394 (after 7.4.393) with DirectX last italic char is incomplete 2600 7.4.395 C indent wrong below an if with wrapped () followed by {} 8881 7.4.396 when 'clipboard' is "unnamed", :g/pat/d is very slow 5060 7.4.397 matchparen only uses the topmost syntax item 1533 7.4.398 (after 7.4.393) gcc error for argument of InterlockedIncrement 136047 7.4.399 crypt implementation is messy; blowfish crypt has a weakness 1848 7.4.400 list of distributed files is incomplete 8581 7.4.401 (after 7.4.399) new files missing in Makefiles 2992 7.4.402 test 72 crashes under certain conditions 4049 7.4.403 valgrind reports errors when running test 72 3009 7.4.404 Windows 64 bit compiler warnings 3787 7.4.405 screen updating is slow when using matches 2544 7.4.406 test 72 and 100 fail on MS-Windows 3126 7.4.407 Visual block insert with cursor move repeats the wrong text 9336 7.4.408 Visual block insert breaks a multi-byte character 4404 7.4.409 can't build with Perl on Fedora 20 1964 7.4.410 fold does not open after search with CmdwinLeave autocmd 3353 7.4.411 "foo bar" sorts before "foo" with sort() 2823 7.4.412 can't build on Windows XP with MSVC 3241 7.4.413 MS-Windows: inserting dead key does not always work 5384 7.4.414 cannot define a command only when it's used 2015 7.4.415 (after 7.4.414) cannot build, warning for shadowed variable 2977 7.4.416 problem with breakindent/showbreak and tabs 4376 7.4.417 minimum width used for breakindent is not set after split 1727 7.4.418 when leaving ":append" the cursor shape is like in Insert mode 3294 7.4.419 when part of a list is locked it's possible to make changes 2044 7.4.420 it's not obvious how to add a new test 3521 7.4.421 crash when searching for "\ze*" 3205 7.4.422 with conceal + linebreak some text is not displayed correctly 3565 7.4.423 expand("$shell") does not work as documented 1793 7.4.424 ml_get error when using Python to delete lines in a buffer 2453 7.4.425 when 'showbreak' is used "gj" may move to the wrong position 1333 7.4.426 README File missing from list of files 3287 7.4.427 system() typeahead may be echoed and mess up the display 2926 7.4.428 executable() may return a wrong result on MS-Windows 1384 7.4.429 build fails with fewer features 1634 7.4.430 test_listlbr fails when compiled with normal features 1599 7.4.431 compiler warning 3119 7.4.432 MS-Windows: setting 'encoding' does not convert arguments 2110 7.4.433 test 75 fails on MS-Windows 4131 7.4.434 gettabvar() is not consistent with getwinvar() and getbufvar() 1863 7.4.435 line formatting behaves differently when 'linebreak' is set 1470 7.4.436 ml_get error for autocommand that moves the cursor 3229 7.4.437 new and old regexp engine are not consistent 1372 7.4.438 cached values for 'cino' not reset for ":set all&" 1655 7.4.439 duplicate message in message history 2106 7.4.440 omni complete popup drawn incorrectly 1826 7.4.441 endless loop and other problems when 'cedit' is set to CTRL-C 2303 7.4.442 (after 7.4.434) using uninitialized variable 1539 7.4.443 error reported by ubsan when running test 72 1544 7.4.444 reversed question mark not recognized as punctuation 2549 7.4.445 clipboard may be cleared on startup 7513 7.4.446 environment for executing autocommand may not be restored 4082 7.4.447 spell files from Hunspell may generate a lot of errors 2691 7.4.448 MS-Windows: Using ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE causes problems 3740 7.4.449 can't easily close the help window 14932 7.4.450 some commands that edit another buffer don't support +cmd 1851 7.4.451 calling system() with empty input gives an error 1611 7.4.452 can't build with tiny features 1409 7.4.453 still can't build with tiny features 2495 7.4.454 CTRL-W-] does not work when using a Visual selection 5104 7.4.455 completion for :buf does not use 'wildignorecase' 12212 7.4.456 'backupcopy' is global, can't set a local value 1513 7.4.457 cannot recognize getchar() returning K_CURSORHOLD 1633 7.4.458 issue 252: Cursor moves in a zero-height window 1470 7.4.460 (after 7.4.454) can't build without the quickfix feature 2497 7.4.461 MS-Windows: When collate is on the number of copies is too high 2454 7.4.462 Setting the local value of 'backupcopy' empty gives an error 1844 7.4.463 tests 86 and 87 may hang on MS-Windows 1536 7.4.464 (after 7.4.459) compiler warning 1588 7.4.465 crash when expanding a very long string 1576 7.4.466 (after 7.4.460) CTRL-W } does not open preview window 4117 7.4.467 'linebreak' does not work well together with Visual mode 1892 7.4.469 (after 7.4.467) can't build with MSVC 4675 7.4.470 test 11 and 100 do not work properly on Windows 2350 7.4.471 MS-Windows: multi-byte printer name is displayed as ??? 1527 7.4.472 drawing "precedes" entry of 'listchar' when 'list' is not set 1554 7.4.473 cursor position incorrect with number column and 'sbr' 1293 7.4.474 AIX compiler can't handle // comment 7374 7.4.475 can't compile if Xutf8SetWMProperties() is not in X11 library 2408 7.4.476 MingW: compiling with "XPM=no" doesn't work 1666 7.4.477 ":%diffput" adds an empty line if the other file is empty 1763 7.4.478 using byte length instead of character length for 'showbreak' 3025 7.4.479 MS-Windows: The console title can be wrong 2962 7.4.480 (after 7.4.479) MS-Windows: Can't build 2035 7.4.481 (after 7.4.471) compiler warning on MS-Windows 1863 7.4.482 when 'balloonexpr' results in a list, text has a trailing NL 5345 7.4.483 a 0x80 byte is not handled correctly in abbreviations 1442 7.4.484 (after 7.4.483) compiler warning 3033 7.4.485 (after 7.4.484) abbreviations don't work 6864 7.4.486 check for writing to a yank register is wrong 5994 7.4.487 ":sign jump" may unnecessarily use another window 1394 7.4.488 test_mapping fails for some people 1610 7.4.489 cursor movement wrong when 'lbr' with a number column 6856 7.4.490 cannot specify the buffer to use for "do" and "dp" 1907 7.4.491 negative "topline" value for winrestview() has display errors 2917 7.4.492 Ctrl-O in Insert mode moves right after insert comment leader 1686 7.4.493 a TextChanged autocommand is triggered when saving a file 1968 7.4.494 cursor shape is wrong after a CompleteDone autocommand 2484 7.4.495 XPM isn't used correctly in the Cygwin Makefile 78227 7.4.496 many lines are both in Make_cyg.mak and Make_ming.mak 118187 7.4.497 NFA engine is very slow with some regexp patterns 1770 7.4.498 (after 7.4.497) typo in DOS makefile 2341 7.4.499 substitute() can be slow with long strings 1991 7.4.500 test 72 still fails once in a while 1577 7.4.501 (after 7.4.497) typo in file pattern 6672 7.4.502 language mapping also applies to mapped characters 6560 7.4.503 cannot append a list of lines to a file 2930 7.4.504 MS-Windows installer restricts install path to end in "vim" 2125 7.4.505 problem on MS-Windows file name longer than MAX_PATH bytes 1680 7.4.506 MS-Windows: Cannot open a file with 259 characters 2027 7.4.507 (after 7.4.496) building with MingW and Perl may fail 1928 7.4.508 when generating ja.sjis.po, header is not correctly adjusted 3558 7.4.509 users are not aware their encryption is weak 2508 7.4.510 "-fwrapv" argument breaks use of cproto 1938 7.4.511 generating proto for if_ruby.c uses type not defined elsewhere 3016 7.4.512 cannot generate prototypes for Win32 files and VMS 1408 7.4.513 crash because reference count is wrong for list from getreg() 1444 7.4.514 (after 7.4.492) memory access error 6056 7.4.515 in a help buffer the global 'foldmethod' is used 2134 7.4.516 issue 253: completing function name with a # does not work 1653 7.4.517 cursor may not end up in the right place on a wrapping line 1705 7.4.518 using status line height in width computations 26031 7.4.519 (after 7.4.497) crash when using syntax highlighting 1629 7.4.520 Sun PCK locale is not recognized 1687 7.4.521 when using "vep" a mark is moved to the next line 1489 7.4.522 specifying wrong buffer size for GetLongPathName() 2626 7.4.523 copy/paste no longer works is X11 server is restarted 3292 7.4.524 when using ":ownsyntax" spell checking is messed up 2460 7.4.525 map() leaks memory when there is an error in the expression 5139 7.4.526 matchstr() fails on long text 3709 7.4.527 still confusing regexp failure and NFA_TOO_EXPENSIVE 1892 7.4.528 crash when using matchadd() 7307 7.4.529 no test for what 7.4.517 fixes 147087 7.4.530 many commands take count/range that is not using line numbers 3706 7.4.531 comments about parsing an Ex command are wrong 4239 7.4.532 when using 'incsearch' "2/pattern/e" highlights first match 6017 7.4.533 ":hardcopy" leaks memory in case of errors 2827 7.4.534 warnings when compiling if_ruby.c 10090 7.4.535 (after 7.4.530) can't build with tiny features 1915 7.4.536 test 63 fails when using a black&white terminal 3897 7.4.537 value of v:hlsearch reflects an internal variable 5830 7.4.538 tests fail with small features plus Python 7422 7.4.539 (after 7.4.530) crash when computing buffer count 1802 7.4.540 (after 7.4.539) cannot build with tiny and small features 2795 7.4.541 crash when doing a range assign 28576 7.4.542 cannot specify the type of range for a user command 4114 7.4.543 (after 7.4.232) "1,3s/\n//" joins two lines instead of three 1655 7.4.544 warnings for unused arguments with a combination of features 1983 7.4.545 highlighting for multi-line matches is not correct 4044 7.4.546 repeated use of vim_snprintf() with a number 1785 7.4.547 "vit" does not select multi-byte character at the end correctly 1681 7.4.548 compilation fails with native version of MinGW-w64 6505 7.4.549 function name not recognized correctly when inside a function 4016 7.4.550 curs_rows() function is always called with 2nd argument false 5608 7.4.551 "ygn" may yank too much; Issue 295 2298 7.4.552 langmap applies to Insert mode expression mappings 14152 7.4.553 various small issues 1877 7.4.554 missing part of patch 7.4.519 1970 7.4.555 test_close_count may fail for some combination of features 2121 7.4.556 failed commands in Python interface not handled correctly 1997 7.4.557 one more small issue 1690 7.4.558 when the X server restarts Vim may get stuck 3549 7.4.559 block append inside tab is wrong when virtualedit is set 5331 7.4.560 memory leak using :wviminfo; Issue 296 3743 7.4.561 Ex range handling is wrong for buffer-local user commands 2165 7.4.562 segfault with wide screen and error in 'rulerformat' 2129 7.4.563 no test for replacing on a tab in Virtual replace mode 7046 7.4.564 FEAT_OSFILETYPE is used even though it's never defined 10949 7.4.565 some ranges are not checked to be valid 19788 7.4.566 :argdo, :bufdo, :windo and :tabdo don't take a range 1571 7.4.567 non-ascii vertical separator characters are always redrawn 2093 7.4.568 giving an error for ":0wincmd w" is a problem for some plugins 5096 7.4.569 having CTRL-C interrupt does not check the mapping mode 4492 7.4.570 building with dynamic library does not work for Ruby 2.2.0 1821 7.4.571 can't build with tiny features 6076 7.4.572 address type of :wincmd depends on the argument 2979 7.4.573 mapping CTRL-C in Visual mode doesn't work 2177 7.4.574 no error for eval('$') 16995 7.4.575 Unicode character properties are outdated 4671 7.4.576 redrawing problem with 'relativenumber' and 'linebreak' 2595 7.4.577 matching with virtual column has overhead on very long lines 1647 7.4.578 after "$" in an empty line getcurpos() returns negative number 5369 7.4.579 wrong cursor positioning when 'linebreak' set and lines wrap 1513 7.4.580 ":52wincmd v" still gives an invalid range error 1773 7.4.581 compiler warnings for uninitialized variables 3876 7.4.582 (after 7.4.577) can't match "%>80v" properly 1391 7.4.583 with tiny features test 16 may fail 2093 7.4.584 with tiny features test_command_count may fail 3336 7.4.585 range for :bdelete does not work 1324 7.4.586 parallel building of documentation html files is not reliable 7106 7.4.587 conceal does not work properly with 'linebreak' 6287 7.4.588 ":0argedit foo" puts the new argument in the second place 1927 7.4.589 MS-Windows console: Vim can't handle greek utf-8 characters 1739 7.4.590 using ctrl_x_mode as if it contains flags 1756 7.4.591 test_listlbr_utf8 fails when conceal feature is not available 1645 7.4.592 buffer with 'buftype' "nofile" is cleared on re-edit 4914 7.4.593 crash when searching for "x\{0,90000}" 3194 7.4.594 using block delete with 'breakindent' does not work properly 1533 7.4.595 the test_command_count test fails when using Japanese 1604 7.4.596 (after 7.4.592) tiny build doesn't compile 1729 7.4.597 cannot change the result of systemlist() 7175 7.4.598 ":tabdo windo echo 'hi'" causes "* register not to be changed 1503 7.4.599 out-of-memory error for complicated search pattern 14844 7.4.600 memory wasted in struct because of aligning 3684 7.4.601 it is not possible to have feedkeys() insert characters 3058 7.4.602 ":set" does not accept hex numbers as documented 6468 7.4.603 'foldcolumn' may fill the whole window 1610 7.4.604 running tests changes viminfo 10078 7.4.605 the # register cannot be restored after jumping around 1457 7.4.606 may crash when using a small window 1825 7.4.607 (after 7.4.598) compiler warnings for unused variables 5034 7.4.608 (after 7.4.598) test_eval fails without the clipboard feature 20895 7.4.609 the garbage collector can run out of stack space 2518 7.4.610 some function headers may be missing from generated .pro files 1341 7.4.611 (after 7.4.609) syntax error 3589 7.4.612 test_eval fails on Mac 6713 7.4.613 the NFA engine does not implement the 'redrawtime' time limit 1880 7.4.614 there is no test for what patch 7.4.601 fixes 4050 7.4.615 Vim hangs when freeing a lot of objects 4582 7.4.616 cannot insert a tab in front of a block 2790 7.4.617 wrong ":argdo" range does not cause an error 1337 7.4.618 (after 7.4.609) luaV_setref() is missing a return statement 1929 7.4.619 (after 7.4.618) luaV_setref() not returning the correct value 1549 7.4.620 compiler warning for uninitialized variable 1755 7.4.621 (after 7.4.619) returning 1 in the wrong function 1584 7.4.622 compiler warning for unused argument 2555 7.4.623 crash with pattern: \(\)\{80000} 5520 7.4.624 may leak memory or crash when vim_realloc() returns NULL 1976 7.4.625 possible NULL pointer dereference 2091 7.4.626 MSVC with W4 gives useless warnings 6670 7.4.627 the last screen cell is not updated 1782 7.4.628 compiler warning for variable might be clobbered by longjmp 2023 7.4.629 Coverity warning for Out-of-bounds read 2242 7.4.630 redo is wrong for insert mode completion with autocommands 1674 7.4.631 the default conceal character is a dash instead of a space 1620 7.4.632 (after 7.4.592) breaks the netrw plugin 2528 7.4.633 after 7.4.630 the problem persists 5527 7.4.634 marks are not restored after redo + undo 2039 7.4.635 fileformat set to "mac" if a file starts with a very long line 4780 7.4.636 a search with end offset gets stuck at end of file 2612 7.4.637 buffer number for autocommand is wrong 1674 7.4.638 can't build with Lua 5.3 on Windows 6808 7.4.639 combination of linebreak and conceal doesn't work well 2214 7.4.640 after joining lines in Insert mode undo does not work properly 2356 7.4.641 the tabline menu was using ":999tabnew" which is now invalid 4539 7.4.642 when using "gf" escaped spaces are not handled 6487 7.4.643 using the default file format for Mac files (Issue 77) 1597 7.4.644 Stratus VOS doesn't have sync() 3336 7.4.645 window count wrong when splitting window in BufAdd autocommand 3961 7.4.646 ":bufdo" may start at a deleted buffer 5305 7.4.647 files differ after running the tests on MS-Windows 1462 7.4.648 (after 7.4.647) tests broken on MS-Windows 1941 7.4.649 compiler complains about ignoring return value of fwrite() 5907 7.4.650 configure check may fail because the dl library is not used 1972 7.4.651 (after 7.4.582) can't match "%>80v" for multi-byte characters 12413 7.4.652 xxd lacks a few features 11064 7.4.653 Insert mode completion may have CTRL-L work like CTRL-P 5292 7.4.654 glob()/ globpath() cannot include links to non-existing files 4592 7.4.655 text deleted by "dit" depends on indent of closing tag 2854 7.4.656 (after 7.4.654) missing changes for glob() in one file 2249 7.4.657 (after 7.4.656) compiler warnings for pointer mismatch 3033 7.4.658 'formatexpr' is evaluated too often 2711 7.4.659 when 'ruler' is set the preferred column is reset (Issue 339) 2025 7.4.660 using freed memory if g:colors_name is changed 1571 7.4.661 using "0 CTRL-D" in Insert mode may have CursorHoldI interfere 6826 7.4.662 selecting text object can be wrong when 'M' is in the 'cpo' 1729 7.4.663 when using netbeans a buffer is not found in another tab 2289 7.4.664 effect of 'numberwidth' being set not immediately visible 2582 7.4.665 'linebreak' does not work properly with multi-byte characters 2470 7.4.666 there is a chance that Vim may lock up 2109 7.4.667 'colorcolumn' isn't drawn in closed fold like 'cursorcolumn' 4671 7.4.668 can't use a glob pattern as a regexp pattern 4296 7.4.669 when netbeans is active the sign column always shows up 9924 7.4.670 using 'cindent' for Javascript is less than perfect 2049 7.4.671 (after 7.4.665) warning for shadowing a variable 13937 7.4.672 shell command completion does not see local directories 1459 7.4.673 first syntax entry gets wrong sequence number zero 2019 7.4.674 (after 7.4.672) missing changes in one file 2676 7.4.675 when FileReadPost moves cursor inside line it gets moved back 6606 7.4.676 on Mac, configure can't handle non-default Python framework 3820 7.4.677 (after 7.4.676) configure fails when using python-config-dir 3797 7.4.678 when using --remote the directory may end up being wrong 2444 7.4.679 color values greater than 255 cause problems on MS-Windows 9657 7.4.680 CTRL-W in Insert mode does not work well for multi-byte chars 2327 7.4.681 MS-Windows: with minimized Vim window height is incorrect 2603 7.4.682 search and match highlighting replace cursorline highlighting 2222 7.4.683 typo in the vimtutor command 12068 7.4.684 using non-unique temp file names when running Vim in diff mode 1953 7.4.685 with illegal utf-8 chars old regexp engine may crash 3157 7.4.686 "zr" and "zm" do not take a count 9372 7.4.687 there is no way to use a different Replace cursor in terminal 1697 7.4.688 when "$" is in 'cpo' the popup menu isn't undrawn correctly 4590 7.4.689 MS-Windows: problem with diff mode when 'autochdir' is set 3392 7.4.690 memory access errors when changing indent in Ex mode 4331 7.4.691 (after 7.4.689) can't build with MzScheme 1645 7.4.692 defining SOLARIS for no good reason 2100 7.4.693 session file is not correct when there are multiple tab pages 1515 7.4.694 running tests changes the .viminfo file 2184 7.4.695 out-of-bounds read, detected by Coverity 1809 7.4.696 not freeing memory when encountering an error 1887 7.4.697 the filename used for ":profile" must be given literally 14611 7.4.698 various problems with locked and fixed lists and dictionaries 1420 7.4.699 E315 when trying to delete a fold 3529 7.4.700 fold can't be opened after ":move" 1774 7.4.701 compiler warning for using uninitialized variable 1675 7.4.702 joining an empty list does unnecessary work 1837 7.4.703 compiler warning for start_dir unused when building unittests 20231 7.4.704 invalid memory access if char search matches an illegal byte 1983 7.4.705 can't build with Ruby 2.2 2207 7.4.706 drawing error when 'laststatus' zero and a cmdline window 1623 7.4.707 undo files can have their executable bit set 20526 7.4.708 gettext() is called too often 8809 7.4.709 ":tabmove" does not work as documented 10791 7.4.710 it is not possible to make spaces visible in list mode 1437 7.4.711 (after 7.4.710) missing change in one file 1434 7.4.712 missing change in another file 1657 7.4.713 wrong condition for #ifdef 1636 7.4.714 illegal memory access when there are illegal bytes 1778 7.4.715 invalid memory access when there are illegal bytes 2272 7.4.716 ":substitute" flags are not always remembered 7430 7.4.717 ":let list += list" can change a locked list 2800 7.4.718 quickfix autocommands cannot get the current title value 1682 7.4.719 overflow when adding MAXCOL to a pointer 4211 7.4.720 can't build with Visual Studio 2015 2029 7.4.721 empty lines do not have Visual highlighting if 'list' set 3246 7.4.722 0x202f is not recognized as a non-breaking space character 7610 7.4.723 for indenting, finding the C++ baseclass can be slow 9665 7.4.724 vim icon does not show in Windows context menu (issue 249) 1569 7.4.725 ":call setreg('"', [])" reports an internal error 1442 7.4.726 (after 7.4.724) cannot build GvimExt 1709 7.4.727 (after 7.4.724) cannot build GvimExt with MingW 2037 7.4.728 can't build with some version of Visual Studio 2015 1647 7.4.729 (after 7.4.721) occasional crash with 'list' set 9012 7.4.730 when setting the crypt key text in swap file may be corrupted 5005 7.4.731 the tab menu shows "Close tab" even when it doesn't work 1472 7.4.732 the cursor line is not always updated for the "O" command 1408 7.4.733 test_listchars breaks on MS-Windows 9465 7.4.734 ml_get error when using "p" in Visual selection in last line 1514 7.4.735 wrong argument for sizeof() 2537 7.4.736 invalid memory access 1573 7.4.737 on MS-Windows vimgrep over arglist doesn't work (Issue 361) 2961 7.4.738 (after 7.4.732) can't compile without the syntax HL feature 1749 7.4.739 in a string "\U" only takes 4 digits, should be eight 2493 7.4.740 ":1quit" works like ":.quit" 5470 7.4.741 when using += with ":set" a trailing comma is not recognized 4378 7.4.742 no vertical split when loading buffer for a quickfix command 4122 7.4.743 "p" in Visual mode causes an unexpected line split 6095 7.4.744 no tests for Ruby and Perl 4813 7.4.745 entries returned by getmatches() don't work with setmatches() 2710 7.4.746 ":[count]tag" is not always working 1489 7.4.747 ":cnext" may jump to wrong column when 'virtualedit' is "all" 1459 7.4.748 (after 7.4.745) buffer overflow 44109 7.4.749 (after 7.4.741) two consecutive commas are OK for some options 3282 7.4.750 cannot build with clang 3.5 on Cygwin with perl enabled 3533 7.4.751 it is not obvious how to enable the address sanitizer 5908 7.4.752 Unicode 8.0 not supported 10679 7.4.753 appending in Visual mode with 'linebreak' set is wrong 24821 7.4.754 using CTRL-A in Visual mode does not work well 7572 7.4.755 it is not easy to count the number of characters 6051 7.4.756 can't use strawberry Perl 5.22 x64 on MS-Windows 8830 7.4.757 cannot detect the background color of a terminal 1573 7.4.758 'conceallevel' in command-line window hides first character 5370 7.4.759 building with Lua 5.3 doesn't work, symbols have changed 1596 7.4.760 spelling mistakes are not displayed after ":syn spell" 4055 7.4.761 (after 7.4.757) incomplete request-background implementation 2084 7.4.762 (after 7.4.757) comment for may_req_bg_color() is wrong 5135 7.4.763 (after 7.4.759) building with Lua 5.1 doesn't work 1553 7.4.764 (after 7.4.754) test_increment fails on MS-Windows 12311 7.4.765 (after 7.4.754) CTRL-A/CTRL-X in Visual mode do not work well 3085 7.4.766 (after 7.4.757) bg color check does not work on Tera Term 2200 7.4.767 --remote-tab-silent can fail on MS-Windows 6780 7.4.768 :diffoff only works properly once 3627 7.4.769 (after 7.4 768) behavior of :diffoff is not tested 8689 7.4.770 (after 7.4.766) different bg color response is not ignored 8368 7.4.771 search wrong when multi-byte character at the start position 3635 7.4.772 Racket 6.2 is not supported on MS-Windows 2851 7.4.773 'langmap' is used in cmdline mode when checking for mappings 7318 7.4.774 it's difficult to get info about the completed item 6711 7.4.775 it is not possible to avoid using the first item of completion 3109 7.4.776 equivalence class for 'd' does not work correctly 5822 7.4.777 the README file doesn't look nice on github 1682 7.4.778 Coverity warns for uninitialized variable 2249 7.4.779 cursor moves when using CTRL-A in line without a number 2682 7.4.780 compiler complains about uninitialized and clobbered variables 1620 7.4.781 line2byte() returns one less when 'bin' and 'noeol' are set 23839 7.4.782 still a few problems with CTRL-A and CTRL-X in Visual mode 11681 7.4.783 copy_chars() and copy_spaces() are inefficient 1746 7.4.784 using both "noinsert" and "noselect" in 'completeopt' fails 18639 7.4.785 automatically adding the missing EOL may cause problems 25332 7.4.786 it is not possible for a plugin to adjust to a changed setting 3111 7.4.787 (after 7.4.786) snprintf() isn't available everywhere 2355 7.4.788 (after 7.4.786) can't build without the crypt feature 2730 7.4.789 (after 7.4.788) using freed memory and crash 5328 7.4.790 (after 7.4.786) test fails without the autochdir feature 6313 7.4.791 the buffer list can be too long to list 27735 7.4.792 can only conceal text by defining syntax items 22823 7.4.793 can't specify when not to ring the bell 1645 7.4.794 Visual Studio 2015 is not recognized 1420 7.4.795 the 'fixeol' option is not copied to a new window 1609 7.4.796 warning from 64 bit compiler 7291 7.4.797 crash when using more command line lines than 'maxcombine' 3832 7.4.798 repeating a change in Visual mode does not work as expected 1598 7.4.799 accessing memory before an allocated block 1889 7.4.800 using freed memory when triggering CmdUndefined autocommands 2265 7.4.801 (after 7.4.769) ":diffoff" test could catch more problems 2315 7.4.802 using "A" in Visual mode with 'linebreak' set is not tested 41522 7.4.803 C indent does not support C11 raw strings 1515 7.4.804 Xxd doesn't have a license notice 1662 7.4.805 ruler shows "Bot" when there are only filler lines missing 3907 7.4.806 CTRL-A in Visual mode fails with "alpha" in 'nrformat' 3649 7.4.807 (after 7.4.798) after CTRL-V CTRL-A mode isn't updated 3304 7.4.808 on MS-Windows 10 IME input doesn't work correctly 2336 7.4.809 (after 7.4.802) duplicate test case 1825 7.4.810 sequence of commands using buffers in diff mode gives E749 2419 7.4.811 invalid memory access when using "exe 'sc'" 1927 7.4.812 Gcc sanitizer complains about using NULL pointer to memmove() 20045 7.4.813 it is not possible to save and restore character search state 1561 7.4.814 illegal memory access with "sy match a fold" 1721 7.4.815 invalid memory access when doing ":call g:" 1271 7.4.816 invalid memory access when doing ":fun X(" 1202 7.4.817 invalid memory access in file_pat_to_reg_pat() 3206 7.4.818 'linebreak' breaks c% if the last Visual selection was block 13128 7.4.819 beeping when running the tests 1841 7.4.820 invalid memory access in file_pat_to_reg_pat 2718 7.4.821 coverity reports a few problem. 19948 7.4.822 more problems reported by coverity 2528 7.4.823 cursor moves after CTRL-A on alphabetic character 1654 7.4.824 (after 7.4.813) can't compile without the multi-byte feature 2270 7.4.825 invalid memory access for ":syn keyword x a[" 1946 7.4.826 compiler warnings and errors 1795 7.4.827 not all test targets are in the Makefile 1748 7.4.828 crash when using "syn keyword x c" 1635 7.4.829 crash when clicking in beval balloon 2105 7.4.830 resetting 'encoding' when doing ":set all&" causes problems 3365 7.4.831 when error in expanding `=expr` the command is still executed 1815 7.4.832 $HOME in `=$HOME . '/.vimrc'` is expanded too early 8285 7.4.833 more side effects of ":set all&" are missing 2971 7.4.834 gettabvar() doesn't work after Vim start 3913 7.4.835 comparing utf-8 does not handle different byte sizes correctly 1306 7.4.836 accessing unitinialized memory 1478 7.4.837 compiler warning with MSVC compiler when using +sniff 1820 7.4.838 (after 7.4.833) can't compile without the crypt feature 1944 7.4.839 compiler warning on 64-bit system 1482 7.4.840 (after 7.4.829) tooltip window stays open 2380 7.4.841 can't compile without the multi-byte feature 1456 7.4.842 sending too many messages to close the balloon 2336 7.4.843 (after 7.4.835) still possible to go beyond end of a string 5956 7.4.844 when '#' is in 'isident' the is# comparator doesn't work 1720 7.4.845 compiler warning for possible loss of data 3410 7.4.846 some GitHub users don't know how to use issues 1541 7.4.847 "vi)d" may leave a character behind 2613 7.4.848 CTRL-A on hex number in Visual block mode is incorrect 11225 7.4.849 moving the cursor in Insert mode starts new undo sequence 1868 7.4.850 does not show up 11192 7.4.851 saving and restoring console buffer does not work properly 16460 7.4.852 MS-Windows console cannot input/output Unicode characters 2377 7.4.853 "zt" in diff mode does not always work properly 2145 7.4.854 missing information about runtime files 2113 7.4.855 GTK: font glitches for combining characters 2405 7.4.856 "zt" still doesn't work well with filler lines 1663 7.4.857 dragging the current tab with the mouse doesn't work properly 39395 7.4.858 it's a bit clumsy to execute a command on a list of matches 1653 7.4.859 Vim doesn't recognize all htmldjango files 18401 7.4.860 filetype detection is outdated 4357 7.4.861 (after 7.4.855) pango_shape_full() is not always available 3012 7.4.862 (after 7.4.861) still problems with pango_shape_full() 4501 7.4.863 plines_nofill() used without the diff feature 3940 7.4.864 (after 7.4.858) tiny build fails 1434 7.4.865 compiler warning for uninitialized variable 17603 7.4.866 crash when changing the 'tags' option from a remote command 1698 7.4.867 (after 7.4.866) can't build on MS-Windows 4998 7.4.868 'smarttab' is also effective when 'paste' is enabled 4534 7.4.869 MS-Windows with Intel GPU: scroll may cause text to disappear 2143 7.4.870 get into an invalid state when using getchar() in expr mapping 5367 7.4.871 Vim leaks memory when 'wildignore' filters out all matches 3694 7.4.872 not using CI services available 3729 7.4.873 (after 7.4.866) compiler warning for unused variable 2467 7.4.874 MS-Windows: size isn't right when inside another application 1459 7.4.875 not obvious how to contribute 3258 7.4.876 Windows7: using vim with msys/msys2, conhost.exe freezes 1484 7.4.877 ":find" sometimes fails 1527 7.4.878 Coverity error for clearing only one byte of struct 2727 7.4.879 can't see line numbers in nested function calls 1665 7.4.880 no build and coverage status 6097 7.4.881 (after 7.4.879) test 49 fails 1623 7.4.882 popup menu remains visible when leaving command line window 2651 7.4.883 (after 7.4.818) block-mode replace works characterwise 1293 7.4.884 Travis also builds on a tag push 2287 7.4.885 upwards search without wildcards does not always work 2908 7.4.886 (after 7.4.876) Windows7: screen flicker when using system() 1873 7.4.887 using uninitialized memory for regexp with back reference 4794 7.4.888 OptionSet autocommands are not triggered from setwinvar() 3145 7.4.889 triggering OptionSet from setwinvar() isn't tested 2032 7.4.890 build failure when using dynamic python but not python3 5013 7.4.891 indentation of array initializer is wrong 3100 7.4.892 on MS-Windows the iconv DLL may have a different name 2911 7.4.893 C indenting is wrong below a "case (foo):" 1617 7.4.894 vimrun.exe is picky about the number of spaces before -s 2169 7.4.895 cmdline completion does not work for a command with digits 2387 7.4.896 editing a URL, which netrw should handle, doesn't work 1776 7.4.897 freeze and crash when there is a sleep in a remote command 1419 7.4.898 the 'fixendofline' option is set on with ":edit" 4930 7.4.899 README file is not optimal 2100 7.4.900 (after 7.4.899) README file can still be improved 2150 7.4.901 BufLeave autocommand an corrupt undo 13294 7.4.902 problems with using the MS-Windows console 1820 7.4.903 MS-Windows: expandinig wildcards may cause bad memory access 10391 7.4.904 Vim does not provide .desktop files 8728 7.4.905 Python interface misses some functions on vim.message 2927 7.4.906 MS-Windows: viminfo file is (always) given hidden attribute 17429 7.4.907 dynamically loaded libs can only be defined at compile time 1639 7.4.908 (after 7.4.907) build error with MingW compiler 2331 7.4.909 "make install" fails 1784 7.4.910 (after 7.4.905) compiler complains about type punned pointer 1425 7.4.911 t_Ce and t_Cs are documented but not supported 2179 7.4.912 wrong indenting for C++ constructor 12094 7.4.913 no utf-8 support for the hangul input feature 1384 7.4.914 new compiler warning: logical-not-parentheses 2528 7.4.915 comma goes missing when removing from 'path' and then adding 1516 7.4.916 when running out of memory, memory may be freed twice 1529 7.4.917 compiler warning for comparing signed and unsigned 3223 7.4.918 (after 7.4.907) a digit in an option name has problems 7041 7.4.919 the dll options are not in the options window 1505 7.4.920 the rubydll option is not in the options window 1505 7.4.921 (after 7.4.906) missing proto file update 1361 7.4.922 leaking memory with ":helpt {dir-not-exists}" 2745 7.4.923 prototypes not always generated 2817 7.4.924 DEVELOPER_DIR gets reset by configure 5768 7.4.925 user may yank or put using the register being recorded in 4328 7.4.926 completing longest match doesn'thandle multi-byte chars 3376 7.4.927 Ruby crashes when there is a runtime error 1891 7.4.928 a clientserver message interrupts handling keys of a mapping 2457 7.4.929 "gv" after paste selects one char less if 'sel' is "exclusive" 2135 7.4.930 MS-Windows: Most users appear not to like the window border 1446 7.4.931 (after 7.4.929) test 94 fails on some systems 3398 7.4.932 (after 7.4.926) test_utf8 has confusing dummy command 1411 7.4.933 (after 7.4.926) crash using longest match in completion 1381 7.4.934 Appveyor also builds on a tag push 3041 7.4.935 test_utf8 fails on MS-Windows when executed with gvim 2168 7.4.936 crash when dragging with the mouse