Subject: Patch 7.2.084
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.084
Problem:    Recursive structures are not handled properly in Python
Solution:   Keep track of references in a better way. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
Files:	    src/if_python.c

*** ../vim-7.2.083/src/if_python.c	Thu Nov 20 11:04:01 2008
--- src/if_python.c	Tue Jan 13 18:08:06 2009
*** 1151,1164 ****
      /* Check if we run into a recursive loop.  The item must be in lookupDict
       * then and we can use it again. */
!     sprintf(ptrBuf, PRINTF_DECIMAL_LONG_U, (long_u)our_tv);
!     result = PyDict_GetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf);
!     if (result != NULL)
! 	Py_INCREF(result);
!     else if (our_tv->v_type == VAR_STRING)
  	result = Py_BuildValue("s", our_tv->vval.v_string);
- 	PyDict_SetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf, result);
      else if (our_tv->v_type == VAR_NUMBER)
--- 1151,1173 ----
      /* Check if we run into a recursive loop.  The item must be in lookupDict
       * then and we can use it again. */
!     if ((our_tv->v_type == VAR_LIST && our_tv->vval.v_list != NULL)
! 	    || (our_tv->v_type == VAR_DICT && our_tv->vval.v_dict != NULL))
!     {
! 	sprintf(ptrBuf, PRINTF_DECIMAL_LONG_U,
! 	        our_tv->v_type == VAR_LIST ? (long_u)our_tv->vval.v_list
! 		                           : (long_u)our_tv->vval.v_dict);
! 	result = PyDict_GetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf);
! 	if (result != NULL)
! 	{
! 	    Py_INCREF(result);
! 	    return result;
! 	}
!     }
!     if (our_tv->v_type == VAR_STRING)
  	result = Py_BuildValue("s", our_tv->vval.v_string);
      else if (our_tv->v_type == VAR_NUMBER)
*** 1167,1173 ****
  	/* For backwards compatibility numbers are stored as strings. */
  	sprintf(buf, "%ld", (long)our_tv->vval.v_number);
  	result = Py_BuildValue("s", buf);
- 	PyDict_SetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf, result);
  # ifdef FEAT_FLOAT
      else if (our_tv->v_type == VAR_FLOAT)
--- 1176,1181 ----
*** 1176,1182 ****
  	sprintf(buf, "%f", our_tv->vval.v_float);
  	result = Py_BuildValue("s", buf);
- 	PyDict_SetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf, result);
  # endif
      else if (our_tv->v_type == VAR_LIST)
--- 1184,1189 ----
*** 1185,1194 ****
  	listitem_T	*curr;
  	result = PyList_New(0);
- 	PyDict_SetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf, result);
  	if (list != NULL)
  	    for (curr = list->lv_first; curr != NULL; curr = curr->li_next)
  		newObj = VimToPython(&curr->li_tv, depth + 1, lookupDict);
--- 1192,1202 ----
  	listitem_T	*curr;
  	result = PyList_New(0);
  	if (list != NULL)
+ 	    PyDict_SetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf, result);
  	    for (curr = list->lv_first; curr != NULL; curr = curr->li_next)
  		newObj = VimToPython(&curr->li_tv, depth + 1, lookupDict);
*** 1200,1206 ****
      else if (our_tv->v_type == VAR_DICT)
  	result = PyDict_New();
- 	PyDict_SetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf, result);
  	if (our_tv->vval.v_dict != NULL)
--- 1208,1213 ----
*** 1209,1214 ****
--- 1216,1223 ----
  	    hashitem_T	*hi;
  	    dictitem_T	*di;
+ 	    PyDict_SetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf, result);
  	    for (hi = ht->ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
  		if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
*** ../vim-7.2.083/src/version.c	Tue Jan 13 17:27:18 2009
--- src/version.c	Tue Jan 13 17:54:14 2009
*** 678,679 ****
--- 678,681 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     84,

Article in the first Free Software Magazine: "Bram Moolenaar studied electrical
engineering at the Technical University of Delft and graduated in 1985 on a
multi-processor Unix architecture."
Response by "dimator": Could the school not afford a proper stage for the

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