Subject: Patch 7.4.601
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.4.601
Problem:    It is not possible to have feedkeys() insert characters.
Solution:   Add the 'i' flag.
Files:	    src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt

*** ../vim-7.4.600/src/eval.c	2015-01-27 13:49:27.883049396 +0100
--- src/eval.c	2015-01-27 15:13:01.928187370 +0100
*** 10500,10505 ****
--- 10500,10506 ----
      typval_T    *rettv UNUSED;
      int		remap = TRUE;
+     int		insert = FALSE;
      char_u	*keys, *flags;
      char_u	nbuf[NUMBUFLEN];
      int		typed = FALSE;
*** 10524,10529 ****
--- 10525,10531 ----
  		    case 'n': remap = FALSE; break;
  		    case 'm': remap = TRUE; break;
  		    case 't': typed = TRUE; break;
+ 		    case 'i': insert = TRUE; break;
*** 10534,10540 ****
  	if (keys_esc != NULL)
  	    ins_typebuf(keys_esc, (remap ? REMAP_YES : REMAP_NONE),
! 					       typebuf.tb_len, !typed, FALSE);
  	    if (vgetc_busy)
  		typebuf_was_filled = TRUE;
--- 10536,10542 ----
  	if (keys_esc != NULL)
  	    ins_typebuf(keys_esc, (remap ? REMAP_YES : REMAP_NONE),
! 				  insert ? 0 : typebuf.tb_len, !typed, FALSE);
  	    if (vgetc_busy)
  		typebuf_was_filled = TRUE;
*** ../vim-7.4.600/runtime/doc/eval.txt	2014-11-27 19:14:45.080940970 +0100
--- runtime/doc/eval.txt	2015-01-27 15:12:52.908285780 +0100
*** 2957,2965 ****
  feedkeys({string} [, {mode}])				*feedkeys()*
  		Characters in {string} are queued for processing as if they
! 		come from a mapping or were typed by the user.	They are added
! 		to the end of the typeahead buffer, thus if a mapping is still
! 		being executed these characters come after them.
  		The function does not wait for processing of keys contained in
  		To include special keys into {string}, use double-quotes
--- 2965,2976 ----
  feedkeys({string} [, {mode}])				*feedkeys()*
  		Characters in {string} are queued for processing as if they
! 		come from a mapping or were typed by the user.
! 		By default the string is added to the end of the typeahead
! 		buffer, thus if a mapping is still being executed the
! 		characters come after them.  Use the 'i' flag to insert before
! 		other characters, they will be executed next, before any
! 		characters from a mapping.
  		The function does not wait for processing of keys contained in
  		To include special keys into {string}, use double-quotes
*** 2973,2978 ****
--- 2984,2990 ----
  		't'	Handle keys as if typed; otherwise they are handled as
  			if coming from a mapping.  This matters for undo,
  			opening folds, etc.
+ 		'i'	Insert the string instead of appending (see above).
  		Return value is always 0.
  filereadable({file})					*filereadable()*
*** ../vim-7.4.600/src/version.c	2015-01-27 14:54:07.944583588 +0100
--- src/version.c	2015-01-27 15:15:35.290514092 +0100
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     601,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
127. You bring your laptop and cellular phone to church.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///