Subject: Patch 7.3.074
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.3.074
Problem:    Can't use the "+ register like "* for yank and put.
Solution:   Add "unnamedplus" to the 'clipboard' option. (Ivan Krasilnikov)
Files:	    runtime/doc/options.txt, src/eval.c, src/globals.h, src/ops.c,

*** ../vim-7.3.073/runtime/doc/options.txt	2010-12-02 16:01:23.000000000 +0100
--- runtime/doc/options.txt	2010-12-02 21:22:48.000000000 +0100
*** 1434,1439 ****
--- 1434,1448 ----
  			explicitly accessed using the "* notation.  Also see
+ 	unnamedplus	A variant of "unnamed" flag which uses the clipboard
+ 			register '+' (|quoteplus|) instead of register '*' for
+ 			all operations except yank.  Yank shall copy the text
+ 			into register '+' and also into '*' when "unnamed" is
+ 			included.
+ 			Only available with the |+x11| feature.
+ 			Availability can be checked with: >
+ 				if has('unnamedplus')
+ <
  	autoselect	Works like the 'a' flag in 'guioptions': If present,
  			then whenever Visual mode is started, or the Visual
  			area extended, Vim tries to become the owner of the
*** ../vim-7.3.073/src/eval.c	2010-12-02 14:47:56.000000000 +0100
--- src/eval.c	2010-12-02 17:30:23.000000000 +0100
*** 12135,12140 ****
--- 12139,12147 ----
+ #if defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD) && defined(FEAT_X11)
+ 	"unnamedplus",
+ #endif
  #ifdef FEAT_USR_CMDS
  	"user-commands",    /* was accidentally included in 5.4 */
*** ../vim-7.3.073/src/globals.h	2010-11-24 14:28:53.000000000 +0100
--- src/globals.h	2010-12-02 20:07:42.000000000 +0100
*** 512,518 ****
  #  define clip_plus clip_star	/* there is only one clipboard */
  #  define ONE_CLIPBOARD
  # endif
! EXTERN int	clip_unnamed INIT(= FALSE);
  EXTERN int	clip_autoselect INIT(= FALSE);
  EXTERN int	clip_autoselectml INIT(= FALSE);
  EXTERN int	clip_html INIT(= FALSE);
--- 512,522 ----
  #  define clip_plus clip_star	/* there is only one clipboard */
  #  define ONE_CLIPBOARD
  # endif
! #define CLIP_UNNAMED      1
! EXTERN int	clip_unnamed INIT(= 0); /* above two values or'ed */
  EXTERN int	clip_autoselect INIT(= FALSE);
  EXTERN int	clip_autoselectml INIT(= FALSE);
  EXTERN int	clip_html INIT(= FALSE);
*** ../vim-7.3.073/src/ops.c	2010-11-24 14:28:53.000000000 +0100
--- src/ops.c	2010-12-02 21:33:04.000000000 +0100
*** 1584,1592 ****
      int		*rp;
!     /* If no reg. specified, and "unnamed" is in 'clipboard', use '*' reg. */
!     if (*rp == 0 && clip_unnamed)
! 	*rp = '*';
      if (!clip_star.available && *rp == '*')
  	*rp = 0;
      if (!clip_plus.available && *rp == '+')
--- 1584,1594 ----
      int		*rp;
!     /* If no reg. specified, and "unnamed" or "unnamedplus" is in 'clipboard',
!      * use '*' or '+' reg, respectively. "unnamedplus" prevails. */
!     if (*rp == 0 && clip_unnamed != 0)
! 	*rp = ((clip_unnamed & CLIP_UNNAMED_PLUS) && clip_plus.available)
! 								  ? '+' : '*';
      if (!clip_star.available && *rp == '*')
  	*rp = 0;
      if (!clip_plus.available && *rp == '+')
*** 2842,2847 ****
--- 2844,2850 ----
      char_u		*p;
      char_u		*pnew;
      struct block_def	bd;
+     int			did_star = FALSE;
  				    /* check for read-only register */
      if (oap->regname != 0 && !valid_yank_reg(oap->regname, TRUE))
*** 3115,3121 ****
      if (clip_star.available
  	    && (curr == &(y_regs[STAR_REGISTER])
! 		|| (!deleting && oap->regname == 0 && clip_unnamed)))
  	if (curr != &(y_regs[STAR_REGISTER]))
  	    /* Copy the text from register 0 to the clipboard register. */
--- 3118,3125 ----
      if (clip_star.available
  	    && (curr == &(y_regs[STAR_REGISTER])
! 		|| (!deleting && oap->regname == 0
! 					   && (clip_unnamed & CLIP_UNNAMED))))
  	if (curr != &(y_regs[STAR_REGISTER]))
  	    /* Copy the text from register 0 to the clipboard register. */
*** 3123,3128 ****
--- 3127,3133 ----
+ 	did_star = TRUE;
  # ifdef FEAT_X11
*** 3130,3141 ****
       * If we were yanking to the '+' register, send result to selection.
       * Also copy to the '*' register, in case auto-select is off.
!     else if (clip_plus.available && curr == &(y_regs[PLUS_REGISTER]))
  	/* No need to copy to * register upon 'unnamed' now - see below */
! 	if (!clip_isautosel())
--- 3135,3153 ----
       * If we were yanking to the '+' register, send result to selection.
       * Also copy to the '*' register, in case auto-select is off.
!     if (clip_plus.available
! 	    && (curr == &(y_regs[PLUS_REGISTER])
! 		|| (!deleting && oap->regname == 0
! 				      && (clip_unnamed & CLIP_UNNAMED_PLUS))))
+ 	if (curr != &(y_regs[PLUS_REGISTER]))
+ 	    /* Copy the text from register 0 to the clipboard register. */
+ 	    copy_yank_reg(&(y_regs[PLUS_REGISTER]));
  	/* No need to copy to * register upon 'unnamed' now - see below */
! 	if (!clip_isautosel() && !did_star)
*** ../vim-7.3.073/src/option.c	2010-12-02 16:01:23.000000000 +0100
--- src/option.c	2010-12-02 21:41:32.000000000 +0100
*** 7307,7313 ****
      static char_u *
!     int		new_unnamed = FALSE;
      int		new_autoselect = FALSE;
      int		new_autoselectml = FALSE;
      int		new_html = FALSE;
--- 7307,7313 ----
      static char_u *
!     int		new_unnamed = 0;
      int		new_autoselect = FALSE;
      int		new_autoselectml = FALSE;
      int		new_html = FALSE;
*** 7319,7327 ****
  	if (STRNCMP(p, "unnamed", 7) == 0 && (p[7] == ',' || p[7] == NUL))
! 	    new_unnamed = TRUE;
  	    p += 7;
  	else if (STRNCMP(p, "autoselect", 10) == 0
  					&& (p[10] == ',' || p[10] == NUL))
--- 7319,7333 ----
  	if (STRNCMP(p, "unnamed", 7) == 0 && (p[7] == ',' || p[7] == NUL))
! 	    new_unnamed |= CLIP_UNNAMED;
  	    p += 7;
+         else if (STRNCMP(p, "unnamedplus", 11) == 0
+ 					    && (p[11] == ',' || p[11] == NUL))
+ 	{
+ 	    new_unnamed |= CLIP_UNNAMED_PLUS;
+ 	    p += 11;
+ 	}
  	else if (STRNCMP(p, "autoselect", 10) == 0
  					&& (p[10] == ',' || p[10] == NUL))
*** ../vim-7.3.073/src/version.c	2010-12-02 17:09:48.000000000 +0100
--- src/version.c	2010-12-02 21:34:40.000000000 +0100
*** 716,717 ****
--- 716,719 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     74,

The budget process was invented by an alien race of sadistic beings who
resemble large cats.
				(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///