diff --git a/7.1.081 b/7.1.081
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85b7bbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.1.081
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+To: vim-dev@vim.org
+Subject: patch 7.1.081
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.1.081
+Problem:    Command line completion for a shell command: "cat </tmp/file<Tab>"
+	    doesn't work.
+Solution:   Start the file name at any character that can't be in a file name.
+	    (Martin Toft)
+Files:	    src/ex_docmd.c
+*** ../vim-7.1.080/src/ex_docmd.c	Tue Aug 14 22:54:00 2007
+--- src/ex_docmd.c	Sat Aug 18 14:58:53 2007
+*** 3281,3319 ****
+      if (ea.argt & XFILE)
+      {
+! 	int in_quote = FALSE;
+! 	char_u *bow = NULL;	/* Beginning of word */
+  	/*
+  	 * Allow spaces within back-quotes to count as part of the argument
+  	 * being expanded.
+  	 */
+  	xp->xp_pattern = skipwhite(arg);
+! 	for (p = xp->xp_pattern; *p; )
+  	{
+! 	    if (*p == '\\' && p[1] != NUL)
+  		++p;
+! 	    else if (vim_iswhite(*p) && (!(ea.argt & NOSPC) || usefilter))
+  #else
+! 	    else if (vim_iswhite(*p))
+  #endif
+  	    {
+! 		p = skipwhite(p);
+  		if (in_quote)
+  		    bow = p;
+  		else
+  		    xp->xp_pattern = p;
+! 		--p;
+! 	    }
+! 	    else if (*p == '`')
+! 	    {
+! 		if (!in_quote)
+! 		{
+! 		    xp->xp_pattern = p;
+! 		    bow = p + 1;
+! 		}
+! 		in_quote = !in_quote;
+  	    }
+  	    mb_ptr_adv(p);
+  	}
+--- 3281,3344 ----
+      if (ea.argt & XFILE)
+      {
+! 	int	c;
+! 	int	in_quote = FALSE;
+! 	char_u	*bow = NULL;	/* Beginning of word */
+  	/*
+  	 * Allow spaces within back-quotes to count as part of the argument
+  	 * being expanded.
+  	 */
+  	xp->xp_pattern = skipwhite(arg);
+! 	p = xp->xp_pattern;
+! 	while (*p != NUL)
+  	{
+! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+! 	    if (has_mbyte)
+! 		c = mb_ptr2char(p);
+! 	    else
+! #endif
+! 		c = *p;
+! 	    if (c == '\\' && p[1] != NUL)
+  		++p;
++ 	    else if (c == '`')
++ 	    {
++ 		if (!in_quote)
++ 		{
++ 		    xp->xp_pattern = p;
++ 		    bow = p + 1;
++ 		}
++ 		in_quote = !in_quote;
++ 	    }
+! 	    else if (!vim_isfilec(c) && (!(ea.argt & NOSPC) || usefilter))
+  #else
+! 	    else if (!vim_isfilec(c))
+  #endif
+  	    {
+! 		while (*p != NUL)
+! 		{
+! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+! 		    if (has_mbyte)
+! 			c = mb_ptr2char(p);
+! 		    else
+! #endif
+! 			c = *p;
+! 		    if (c == '`' || vim_isfilec(c))
+! 			break;
+! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+! 		    if (has_mbyte)
+! 			len = (*mb_ptr2len)(p);
+! 		    else
+! #endif
+! 			len = 1;
+! 		    mb_ptr_adv(p);
+! 		}
+  		if (in_quote)
+  		    bow = p;
+  		else
+  		    xp->xp_pattern = p;
+! 		p -= len;
+  	    }
+  	    mb_ptr_adv(p);
+  	}
+*** ../vim-7.1.080/src/version.c	Sat Aug 18 16:59:43 2007
+--- src/version.c	Sat Aug 18 17:45:54 2007
+*** 668,669 ****
+--- 668,671 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     81,
+  /**/
+hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
+194. Your business cards contain your e-mail and home page address.
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\        download, build and distribute -- http://www.A-A-P.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///