Subject: Patch 7.1.292
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.1.292
Problem:    When using a pattern with "\@<=" the submatches can be wrong.
	    (Brett Stahlman)
Solution:   Save the submatches when attempting a look-behind match.
Files:	    src/regexp.c

*** ../vim-7.1.291/src/regexp.c	Sat Jan 19 15:55:51 2008
--- src/regexp.c	Tue Apr  1 18:15:47 2008
*** 3039,3044 ****
--- 3039,3053 ----
      } se_u;
  } save_se_T;
+ /* used for BEHIND and NOBEHIND matching */
+ typedef struct regbehind_S
+ {
+     regsave_T	save_after;
+     regsave_T	save_behind;
+     save_se_T   save_start[NSUBEXP];
+     save_se_T   save_end[NSUBEXP];
+ } regbehind_T;
  static char_u	*reg_getline __ARGS((linenr_T lnum));
  static long	vim_regexec_both __ARGS((char_u *line, colnr_T col, proftime_T *tm));
  static long	regtry __ARGS((regprog_T *prog, colnr_T col));
*** 3046,3051 ****
--- 3055,3062 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
  static void	cleanup_zsubexpr __ARGS((void));
+ static void	save_subexpr __ARGS((regbehind_T *bp));
+ static void	restore_subexpr __ARGS((regbehind_T *bp));
  static void	reg_nextline __ARGS((void));
  static void	reg_save __ARGS((regsave_T *save, garray_T *gap));
  static void	reg_restore __ARGS((regsave_T *save, garray_T *gap));
*** 3166,3184 ****
  	save_se_T  sesave;
  	regsave_T  regsave;
      } rs_un;			/* room for saving reginput */
!     short	rs_no;		/* submatch nr */
  } regitem_T;
  static regitem_T *regstack_push __ARGS((regstate_T state, char_u *scan));
  static void regstack_pop __ARGS((char_u **scan));
- /* used for BEHIND and NOBEHIND matching */
- typedef struct regbehind_S
- {
-     regsave_T	save_after;
-     regsave_T	save_behind;
- } regbehind_T;
  /* used for STAR, PLUS and BRACE_SIMPLE matching */
  typedef struct regstar_S
--- 3177,3188 ----
  	save_se_T  sesave;
  	regsave_T  regsave;
      } rs_un;			/* room for saving reginput */
!     short	rs_no;		/* submatch nr or BEHIND/NOBEHIND */
  } regitem_T;
  static regitem_T *regstack_push __ARGS((regstate_T state, char_u *scan));
  static void regstack_pop __ARGS((char_u **scan));
  /* used for STAR, PLUS and BRACE_SIMPLE matching */
  typedef struct regstar_S
*** 4888,4893 ****
--- 4892,4901 ----
  		    status = RA_FAIL;
+ 		    /* Need to save the subexpr to be able to restore them
+ 		     * when there is a match but we don't use it. */
+ 		    save_subexpr(((regbehind_T *)rp) - 1);
  		    rp->rs_no = op;
  		    reg_save(&rp->rs_un.regsave, &backpos);
  		    /* First try if what follows matches.  If it does then we
*** 5118,5132 ****
  		    reg_restore(&(((regbehind_T *)rp) - 1)->save_after,
! 		    /* But we didn't want a match. */
  		    status = RA_NOMATCH;
  		regstack.ga_len -= sizeof(regbehind_T);
! 		/* No match: Go back one character.  May go to previous
! 		 * line once. */
  		no = OK;
  		if (REG_MULTI)
--- 5126,5145 ----
  		    reg_restore(&(((regbehind_T *)rp) - 1)->save_after,
! 		{
! 		    /* But we didn't want a match.  Need to restore the
! 		     * subexpr, because what follows matched, so they have
! 		     * been set. */
  		    status = RA_NOMATCH;
+ 		    restore_subexpr(((regbehind_T *)rp) - 1);
+ 		}
  		regstack.ga_len -= sizeof(regbehind_T);
! 		/* No match or a match that doesn't end where we want it: Go
! 		 * back one character.  May go to previous line once. */
  		no = OK;
  		if (REG_MULTI)
*** 5160,5165 ****
--- 5173,5185 ----
  		    /* Advanced, prepare for finding match again. */
  		    reg_restore(&rp->rs_un.regsave, &backpos);
  		    scan = OPERAND(rp->rs_scan);
+ 		    if (status == RA_MATCH)
+ 		    {
+ 			/* We did match, so subexpr may have been changed,
+ 			 * need to restore them for the next try. */
+ 			status = RA_NOMATCH;
+ 			restore_subexpr(((regbehind_T *)rp) - 1);
+ 		    }
*** 5172,5178 ****
  			status = RA_MATCH;
! 			status = RA_NOMATCH;
  		    regstack.ga_len -= sizeof(regbehind_T);
--- 5192,5207 ----
  			status = RA_MATCH;
! 		    {
! 			/* We do want a proper match.  Need to restore the
! 			 * subexpr if we had a match, because they may have
! 			 * been set. */
! 			if (status == RA_MATCH)
! 			{
! 			    status = RA_NOMATCH;
! 			    restore_subexpr(((regbehind_T *)rp) - 1);
! 			}
! 		    }
  		    regstack.ga_len -= sizeof(regbehind_T);
*** 5820,5825 ****
--- 5849,5903 ----
+  * Save the current subexpr to "bp", so that they can be restored
+  * later by restore_subexpr().
+  */
+     static void
+ save_subexpr(bp)
+     regbehind_T *bp;
+ {
+     int i;
+     for (i = 0; i < NSUBEXP; ++i)
+     {
+ 	if (REG_MULTI)
+ 	{
+ 	    bp->save_start[i].se_u.pos = reg_startpos[i];
+ 	    bp->save_end[i].se_u.pos = reg_endpos[i];
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 	    bp->save_start[i].se_u.ptr = reg_startp[i];
+ 	    bp->save_end[i].se_u.ptr = reg_endp[i];
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ /*
+  * Restore the subexpr from "bp".
+  */
+     static void
+ restore_subexpr(bp)
+     regbehind_T *bp;
+ {
+     int i;
+     for (i = 0; i < NSUBEXP; ++i)
+     {
+ 	if (REG_MULTI)
+ 	{
+ 	    reg_startpos[i] = bp->save_start[i].se_u.pos;
+ 	    reg_endpos[i] = bp->save_end[i].se_u.pos;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 	    reg_startp[i] = bp->save_start[i].se_u.ptr;
+ 	    reg_endp[i] = bp->save_end[i].se_u.ptr;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ /*
   * Advance reglnum, regline and reginput to the next line.
      static void
*** ../vim-7.1.291/src/version.c	Tue Apr  1 20:58:23 2008
--- src/version.c	Wed Apr  9 12:12:33 2008
*** 668,669 ****
--- 673,676 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     292,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
259. When you enter your name in the AltaVista search engine, the top ten
     matches do indeed refer to you.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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