diff --git a/7.4.212 b/7.4.212
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bc98eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.4.212
@@ -0,0 +1,5720 @@
+To: vim_dev@googlegroups.com
+Subject: Patch 7.4.212
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.4.212 (after 7.4.200)
+Problem:    Now that the +visual feature is always enabled the #ifdefs for it
+	    are not useful.
+Solution:   Remove the checks for FEAT_VISUAL.
+Files:	    src/buffer.c, src/charset.c, src/edit.c, src/eval.c,
+	    src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/fold.c, src/getchar.c,
+	    src/gui.c, src/gui_mac.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/main.c, src/mark.c,
+	    src/menu.c, src/misc2.c, src/move.c, src/netbeans.c, src/normal.c,
+	    src/ops.c, src/option.c, src/os_msdos.c, src/os_qnx.c,
+	    src/quickfix.c, src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/screen.c,
+	    src/search.c, src/spell.c, src/syntax.c, src/term.c, src/ui.c,
+	    src/undo.c, src/version.c, src/window.c, src/feature.h,
+	    src/globals.h, src/option.h, src/os_win32.h, src/structs.h
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/buffer.c	2014-03-12 18:55:52.100906804 +0100
+--- src/buffer.c	2014-03-23 13:01:39.843144050 +0100
+*** 1432,1441 ****
+  	curwin->w_alt_fnum = curbuf->b_fnum; /* remember alternate file */
+      buflist_altfpos(curwin);			 /* remember curpos */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* Don't restart Select mode after switching to another buffer. */
+      VIsual_reselect = FALSE;
+- #endif
+      /* close_windows() or apply_autocmds() may change curbuf */
+      prevbuf = curbuf;
+--- 1432,1439 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/charset.c	2013-02-06 16:20:01.000000000 +0100
+--- src/charset.c	2014-03-23 13:02:19.467144657 +0100
+*** 1380,1389 ****
+  		&& (State & NORMAL)
+  		&& !wp->w_p_list
+  		&& !virtual_active()
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		&& !(VIsual_active
+! 				   && (*p_sel == 'e' || ltoreq(*pos, VIsual)))
+! #endif
+  		)
+  	    *cursor = vcol + incr - 1;	    /* cursor at end */
+  	else
+--- 1380,1386 ----
+  		&& (State & NORMAL)
+  		&& !wp->w_p_list
+  		&& !virtual_active()
+! 		&& !(VIsual_active && (*p_sel == 'e' || ltoreq(*pos, VIsual)))
+  		)
+  	    *cursor = vcol + incr - 1;	    /* cursor at end */
+  	else
+*** 1463,1469 ****
+  }
+  #endif
+- #if defined(FEAT_VISUAL) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+   * Get the leftmost and rightmost virtual column of pos1 and pos2.
+   * Used for Visual block mode.
+--- 1460,1465 ----
+*** 1500,1506 ****
+      else
+  	*right = to1;
+  }
+- #endif
+  /*
+   * skipwhite: skip over ' ' and '\t'.
+--- 1496,1501 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/edit.c	2014-02-22 23:03:48.712901208 +0100
+--- src/edit.c	2014-03-23 13:03:11.951145462 +0100
+*** 220,228 ****
+  static void ins_ctrl_ __ARGS((void));
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  static int ins_start_select __ARGS((int c));
+- #endif
+  static void ins_insert __ARGS((int replaceState));
+  static void ins_ctrl_o __ARGS((void));
+  static void ins_shift __ARGS((int c, int lastc));
+--- 220,226 ----
+*** 932,938 ****
+  	    }
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	/*
+  	 * If 'keymodel' contains "startsel", may start selection.  If it
+  	 * does, a CTRL-O and c will be stuffed, we need to get these
+--- 930,935 ----
+*** 940,946 ****
+  	 */
+  	if (ins_start_select(c))
+  	    continue;
+- #endif
+  	/*
+  	 * The big switch to handle a character in insert mode.
+--- 937,942 ----
+*** 6900,6906 ****
+  	    else if (cc != NUL)
+  		++curwin->w_cursor.col;	/* put cursor back on the NUL */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    /* <C-S-Right> may have started Visual mode, adjust the position for
+  	     * deleted characters. */
+  	    if (VIsual_active && VIsual.lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
+--- 6896,6901 ----
+*** 6910,6921 ****
+  		if (VIsual.col > len)
+  		{
+  		    VIsual.col = len;
+  		    VIsual.coladd = 0;
+! # endif
+  		}
+  	    }
+- #endif
+  	}
+      }
+      did_ai = FALSE;
+--- 6905,6915 ----
+  		if (VIsual.col > len)
+  		{
+  		    VIsual.col = len;
+  		    VIsual.coladd = 0;
+! #endif
+  		}
+  	    }
+  	}
+      }
+      did_ai = FALSE;
+*** 8112,8120 ****
+      int		need_redraw = FALSE;
+      int		regname;
+      int		literally = 0;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      int		vis_active = VIsual_active;
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * If we are going to wait for a character, show a '"'.
+--- 8106,8112 ----
+*** 8218,8228 ****
+      if (need_redraw || stuff_empty())
+  	edit_unputchar();
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* Disallow starting Visual mode here, would get a weird mode. */
+      if (!vis_active && VIsual_active)
+  	end_visual_mode();
+- #endif
+  }
+  /*
+--- 8210,8218 ----
+*** 8419,8429 ****
+  #endif
+  	       )
+  	    && (restart_edit == NUL
+! 		   || (gchar_cursor() == NUL
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		       && !VIsual_active
+! #endif
+! 		      ))
+  	    && !revins_on
+  #endif
+--- 8409,8415 ----
+  #endif
+  	       )
+  	    && (restart_edit == NUL
+! 		   || (gchar_cursor() == NUL && !VIsual_active))
+  	    && !revins_on
+  #endif
+*** 8525,8531 ****
+  }
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  /*
+   * If 'keymodel' contains "startsel", may start selection.
+   * Returns TRUE when a CTRL-O and other keys stuffed.
+--- 8511,8516 ----
+*** 8581,8587 ****
+  	}
+      return FALSE;
+  }
+- #endif
+  /*
+   * <Insert> key in Insert mode: toggle insert/replace mode.
+--- 8566,8571 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/eval.c	2014-02-24 03:31:55.816738026 +0100
+--- src/eval.c	2014-03-23 13:03:56.419146143 +0100
+*** 11833,11844 ****
+      {
+  	case MLINE: buf[0] = 'V'; break;
+  	case MCHAR: buf[0] = 'v'; break;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	case MBLOCK:
+  		buf[0] = Ctrl_V;
+  		sprintf((char *)buf + 1, "%ld", reglen + 1);
+  		break;
+- #endif
+      }
+      rettv->v_type = VAR_STRING;
+      rettv->vval.v_string = vim_strsave(buf);
+--- 11833,11842 ----
+*** 12552,12560 ****
+  	"virtualedit",
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	"visual",
+- #endif
+  	"visualextra",
+  #endif
+--- 12550,12556 ----
+*** 14397,14403 ****
+      buf[1] = NUL;
+      buf[2] = NUL;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	if (VIsual_select)
+--- 14393,14398 ----
+*** 14405,14413 ****
+  	else
+  	    buf[0] = VIsual_mode;
+      }
+!     else
+! #endif
+! 	if (State == HITRETURN || State == ASKMORE || State == SETWSIZE
+  		|| State == CONFIRM)
+      {
+  	buf[0] = 'r';
+--- 14400,14406 ----
+  	else
+  	    buf[0] = VIsual_mode;
+      }
+!     else if (State == HITRETURN || State == ASKMORE || State == SETWSIZE
+  		|| State == CONFIRM)
+      {
+  	buf[0] = 'r';
+*** 16756,16762 ****
+  		case 'V': case 'l':	/* line-wise selection */
+  		    yank_type = MLINE;
+  		    break;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		case 'b': case Ctrl_V:	/* block-wise selection */
+  		    yank_type = MBLOCK;
+  		    if (VIM_ISDIGIT(stropt[1]))
+--- 16749,16754 ----
+*** 16766,16772 ****
+  			--stropt;
+  		    }
+  		    break;
+- #endif
+  	    }
+      }
+--- 16758,16763 ----
+*** 18769,18775 ****
+      typval_T	*argvars UNUSED;
+      typval_T	*rettv UNUSED;
+  {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      char_u	str[2];
+      rettv->v_type = VAR_STRING;
+--- 18760,18765 ----
+*** 18780,18786 ****
+      /* A non-zero number or non-empty string argument: reset mode. */
+      if (non_zero_arg(&argvars[0]))
+  	curbuf->b_visual_mode_eval = NUL;
+- #endif
+  }
+  /*
+--- 18770,18775 ----
+*** 19154,19167 ****
+  	return NULL;
+      if (name[0] == '.')				/* cursor */
+  	return &curwin->w_cursor;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (name[0] == 'v' && name[1] == NUL)	/* Visual start */
+      {
+  	if (VIsual_active)
+  	    return &VIsual;
+  	return &curwin->w_cursor;
+      }
+- #endif
+      if (name[0] == '\'')			/* mark */
+      {
+  	pp = getmark_buf_fnum(curbuf, name[1], FALSE, fnum);
+--- 19143,19154 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/ex_cmds.c	2014-03-19 17:41:20.390105580 +0100
+--- src/ex_cmds.c	2014-03-23 13:04:09.359146341 +0100
+*** 3274,3286 ****
+  	goto theend;
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /*
+       * End Visual mode before switching to another buffer, so the text can be
+       * copied into the GUI selection buffer.
+       */
+      reset_VIsual();
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      if ((command != NULL || newlnum > (linenr_T)0)
+--- 3274,3284 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/ex_docmd.c	2014-03-12 21:28:09.481046816 +0100
+--- src/ex_docmd.c	2014-03-23 13:04:47.975146933 +0100
+*** 8577,8586 ****
+  	beginline(BL_SOL | BL_FIX);
+      }
+- #if defined(FEAT_VISUAL)
+      if (VIsual_active)
+  	end_visual_mode();
+- #endif
+      switch (eap->cmdidx)
+      {
+--- 8577,8584 ----
+*** 8991,9001 ****
+      RedrawingDisabled = 0;
+      p_lz = FALSE;
+      update_topline();
+!     update_screen(eap->forceit ? CLEAR :
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 	    VIsual_active ? INVERTED :
+! #endif
+! 	    0);
+  #ifdef FEAT_TITLE
+      if (need_maketitle)
+  	maketitle();
+--- 8989,8995 ----
+      RedrawingDisabled = 0;
+      p_lz = FALSE;
+      update_topline();
+!     update_screen(eap->forceit ? CLEAR : VIsual_active ? INVERTED : 0);
+  #ifdef FEAT_TITLE
+      if (need_maketitle)
+  	maketitle();
+*** 9030,9040 ****
+  	status_redraw_all();
+      else
+  	status_redraw_curbuf();
+!     update_screen(
+! # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 	    VIsual_active ? INVERTED :
+! # endif
+! 	    0);
+      RedrawingDisabled = r;
+      p_lz = p;
+      out_flush();
+--- 9024,9030 ----
+  	status_redraw_all();
+      else
+  	status_redraw_curbuf();
+!     update_screen(VIsual_active ? INVERTED : 0);
+      RedrawingDisabled = r;
+      p_lz = p;
+      out_flush();
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/fold.c	2013-11-05 07:12:59.000000000 +0100
+--- src/fold.c	2014-03-23 13:05:14.775147344 +0100
+*** 430,440 ****
+      }
+      if (done == DONE_NOTHING)
+  	EMSG(_(e_nofold));
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* Force a redraw to remove the Visual highlighting. */
+      if (had_visual)
+  	redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+- #endif
+  }
+  /* openFold() {{{2 */
+--- 430,438 ----
+*** 807,817 ****
+      if (!did_one)
+      {
+  	EMSG(_(e_nofold));
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	/* Force a redraw to remove the Visual highlighting. */
+  	if (had_visual)
+  	    redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+- #endif
+      }
+      else
+  	/* Deleting markers may make cursor column invalid. */
+--- 805,813 ----
+*** 1065,1071 ****
+  }
+  /* foldAdjustVisual() {{{2 */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  /*
+   * Adjust the Visual area to include any fold at the start or end completely.
+   */
+--- 1061,1066 ----
+*** 1103,1109 ****
+  #endif
+      }
+  }
+- #endif
+  /* cursor_foldstart() {{{2 */
+  /*
+--- 1098,1103 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/getchar.c	2014-03-12 20:17:47.748982126 +0100
+--- src/getchar.c	2014-03-23 13:05:45.383147813 +0100
+*** 870,876 ****
+  	c = read_redo(FALSE, old_redo);
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (c == 'v')   /* redo Visual */
+      {
+  	VIsual = curwin->w_cursor;
+--- 870,875 ----
+*** 880,886 ****
+  	redo_VIsual_busy = TRUE;
+  	c = read_redo(FALSE, old_redo);
+      }
+- #endif
+      /* try to enter the count (in place of a previous count) */
+      if (count)
+--- 879,884 ----
+*** 1162,1168 ****
+      return typebuf.tb_maplen == 0;
+  }
+- #if defined(FEAT_VISUAL) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+   * Return the number of characters that are mapped (or not typed).
+   */
+--- 1160,1165 ----
+*** 1171,1177 ****
+  {
+      return typebuf.tb_maplen;
+  }
+- #endif
+  /*
+   * remove "len" characters from typebuf.tb_buf[typebuf.tb_off + offset]
+--- 1168,1173 ----
+*** 2443,2449 ****
+  				idx = get_menu_index(current_menu, local_State);
+  				if (idx != MENU_INDEX_INVALID)
+  				{
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  				    /*
+  				     * In Select mode and a Visual mode menu
+  				     * is used:  Switch to Visual mode
+--- 2439,2444 ----
+*** 2457,2463 ****
+  					(void)ins_typebuf(K_SELECT_STRING,
+  						  REMAP_NONE, 0, TRUE, FALSE);
+  				    }
+- # endif
+  				    ins_typebuf(current_menu->strings[idx],
+  						current_menu->noremap[idx],
+  						0, TRUE,
+--- 2452,2457 ----
+*** 2516,2522 ****
+  			    break;
+  			}
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  			/*
+  			 * In Select mode and a Visual mode mapping is used:
+  			 * Switch to Visual mode temporarily.  Append K_SELECT
+--- 2510,2515 ----
+*** 2529,2535 ****
+  			    (void)ins_typebuf(K_SELECT_STRING, REMAP_NONE,
+  							      0, TRUE, FALSE);
+  			}
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+  			/* Copy the values from *mp that are used, because
+--- 2522,2527 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/gui.c	2013-06-30 17:41:48.000000000 +0200
+--- src/gui.c	2014-03-23 13:05:57.623148000 +0100
+*** 3132,3142 ****
+       */
+      if (!mouse_has(checkfor) || checkfor == MOUSE_COMMAND)
+      {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	/* Don't do modeless selection in Visual mode. */
+  	if (checkfor != MOUSE_NONEF && VIsual_active && (State & NORMAL))
+  	    return;
+- #endif
+  	/*
+  	 * When 'mousemodel' is "popup", shift-left is translated to right.
+--- 3132,3140 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/gui_mac.c	2013-05-06 04:06:04.000000000 +0200
+--- src/gui_mac.c	2014-03-23 13:06:30.143148498 +0100
+*** 1068,1078 ****
+      }
+   */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      reset_VIsual();
+- #endif
+      fnames = new_fnames_from_AEDesc(&theList, &numFiles, &error);
+      if (error)
+--- 1068,1074 ----
+*** 1142,1148 ****
+      /* Update the screen display */
+      update_screen(NOT_VALID);
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* Select the text if possible */
+      if (gotPosition)
+      {
+--- 1138,1144 ----
+      /* Update the screen display */
+      update_screen(NOT_VALID);
+      /* Select the text if possible */
+      if (gotPosition)
+      {
+*** 1160,1166 ****
+  	    VIsual.col = 0;
+  	}
+      }
+! #endif
+      setcursor();
+      out_flush();
+--- 1156,1162 ----
+  	    VIsual.col = 0;
+  	}
+      }
+      setcursor();
+      out_flush();
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/gui_w48.c	2014-03-19 12:37:18.537826062 +0100
+--- src/gui_w48.c	2014-03-23 13:06:44.959148725 +0100
+*** 3708,3716 ****
+      DragQueryPoint(hDrop, &pt);
+      MapWindowPoints(s_hwnd, s_textArea, &pt, 1);
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      reset_VIsual();
+- # endif
+      fnames = (char_u **)alloc(cFiles * sizeof(char_u *));
+--- 3708,3714 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/main.c	2014-01-14 12:57:00.000000000 +0100
+--- src/main.c	2014-03-23 13:07:21.771149289 +0100
+*** 1057,1065 ****
+      if (!cmdwin && !noexmode && SETJMP(x_jump_env))
+      {
+  	State = NORMAL;
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	VIsual_active = FALSE;
+- # endif
+  	got_int = TRUE;
+  	need_wait_return = FALSE;
+  	global_busy = FALSE;
+--- 1057,1063 ----
+*** 1096,1106 ****
+  		check_timestamps(FALSE);
+  	    if (need_wait_return)	/* if wait_return still needed ... */
+  		wait_return(FALSE);	/* ... call it now */
+! 	    if (need_start_insertmode && goto_im()
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		    && !VIsual_active
+! #endif
+! 		    )
+  	    {
+  		need_start_insertmode = FALSE;
+  		stuffReadbuff((char_u *)"i");	/* start insert mode next */
+--- 1094,1100 ----
+  		check_timestamps(FALSE);
+  	    if (need_wait_return)	/* if wait_return still needed ... */
+  		wait_return(FALSE);	/* ... call it now */
+! 	    if (need_start_insertmode && goto_im() && !VIsual_active)
+  	    {
+  		need_start_insertmode = FALSE;
+  		stuffReadbuff((char_u *)"i");	/* start insert mode next */
+*** 1202,1208 ****
+  		diff_need_scrollbind = FALSE;
+  	    }
+  #endif
+! #if defined(FEAT_FOLDING) && defined(FEAT_VISUAL)
+  	    /* Include a closed fold completely in the Visual area. */
+  	    foldAdjustVisual();
+  #endif
+--- 1196,1202 ----
+  		diff_need_scrollbind = FALSE;
+  	    }
+  #endif
+! #if defined(FEAT_FOLDING)
+  	    /* Include a closed fold completely in the Visual area. */
+  	    foldAdjustVisual();
+  #endif
+*** 1228,1239 ****
+  	    update_topline();
+  	    validate_cursor();
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    if (VIsual_active)
+  		update_curbuf(INVERTED);/* update inverted part */
+! 	    else
+! #endif
+! 		if (must_redraw)
+  		update_screen(0);
+  	    else if (redraw_cmdline || clear_cmdline)
+  		showmode();
+--- 1222,1230 ----
+  	    update_topline();
+  	    validate_cursor();
+  	    if (VIsual_active)
+  		update_curbuf(INVERTED);/* update inverted part */
+! 	    else if (must_redraw)
+  		update_screen(0);
+  	    else if (redraw_cmdline || clear_cmdline)
+  		showmode();
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/mark.c	2013-11-03 00:20:46.000000000 +0100
+--- src/mark.c	2014-03-23 13:08:03.011149921 +0100
+*** 98,104 ****
+  	return OK;
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (c == '<' || c == '>')
+      {
+  	if (c == '<')
+--- 98,103 ----
+*** 110,116 ****
+  	    curbuf->b_visual.vi_mode = 'v';
+  	return OK;
+      }
+- #endif
+  #ifndef EBCDIC
+      if (c > 'z')	    /* some islower() and isupper() cannot handle
+--- 109,114 ----
+*** 340,348 ****
+      int		*fnum;
+  {
+      pos_T		*posp;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      pos_T		*startp, *endp;
+- #endif
+      static pos_T	pos_copy;
+      posp = NULL;
+--- 338,344 ----
+*** 403,409 ****
+  	curwin->w_cursor = pos;
+  	listcmd_busy = slcb;
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      else if (c == '<' || c == '>')	/* start/end of visual area */
+      {
+  	startp = &buf->b_visual.vi_start;
+--- 399,404 ----
+*** 428,434 ****
+  #endif
+  	}
+      }
+- #endif
+      else if (ASCII_ISLOWER(c))		/* normal named mark */
+      {
+  	posp = &(buf->b_namedm[c - 'a']);
+--- 423,428 ----
+*** 757,766 ****
+      show_one_mark(']', arg, &curbuf->b_op_end, NULL, TRUE);
+      show_one_mark('^', arg, &curbuf->b_last_insert, NULL, TRUE);
+      show_one_mark('.', arg, &curbuf->b_last_change, NULL, TRUE);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      show_one_mark('<', arg, &curbuf->b_visual.vi_start, NULL, TRUE);
+      show_one_mark('>', arg, &curbuf->b_visual.vi_end, NULL, TRUE);
+- #endif
+      show_one_mark(-1, arg, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
+  }
+--- 751,758 ----
+*** 892,901 ****
+  		    case '.': curbuf->b_last_change.lnum = 0; break;
+  		    case '[': curbuf->b_op_start.lnum    = 0; break;
+  		    case ']': curbuf->b_op_end.lnum      = 0; break;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		    case '<': curbuf->b_visual.vi_start.lnum = 0; break;
+  		    case '>': curbuf->b_visual.vi_end.lnum   = 0; break;
+- #endif
+  		    case ' ': break;
+  		    default:  EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), p);
+  			      return;
+--- 884,891 ----
+*** 1085,1095 ****
+  	    one_adjust_nodel(&(curbuf->b_changelist[i].lnum));
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	/* Visual area */
+  	one_adjust_nodel(&(curbuf->b_visual.vi_start.lnum));
+  	one_adjust_nodel(&(curbuf->b_visual.vi_end.lnum));
+- #endif
+  	/* quickfix marks */
+--- 1075,1083 ----
+*** 1136,1149 ****
+  		    if (win->w_tagstack[i].fmark.fnum == fnum)
+  			one_adjust_nodel(&(win->w_tagstack[i].fmark.mark.lnum));
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    /* the displayed Visual area */
+  	    if (win->w_old_cursor_lnum != 0)
+  	    {
+  		one_adjust_nodel(&(win->w_old_cursor_lnum));
+  		one_adjust_nodel(&(win->w_old_visual_lnum));
+  	    }
+- #endif
+  	    /* topline and cursor position for windows with the same buffer
+  	     * other than the current window */
+--- 1124,1135 ----
+*** 1260,1270 ****
+  	col_adjust(&(curbuf->b_changelist[i]));
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* Visual area */
+      col_adjust(&(curbuf->b_visual.vi_start));
+      col_adjust(&(curbuf->b_visual.vi_end));
+- #endif
+      /* previous context mark */
+      col_adjust(&(curwin->w_pcmark));
+--- 1246,1254 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/menu.c	2011-04-11 15:17:21.000000000 +0200
+--- src/menu.c	2014-03-23 13:08:19.091150168 +0100
+*** 1640,1646 ****
+      else if (state & CMDLINE)
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      else if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	if (VIsual_select)
+--- 1640,1645 ----
+*** 1648,1654 ****
+  	else
+  	    idx = MENU_INDEX_VISUAL;
+      }
+- #endif
+      else if (state == HITRETURN || state == ASKMORE)
+      else if (finish_op)
+--- 1647,1652 ----
+*** 1811,1824 ****
+      static int
+  get_menu_mode()
+  {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	if (VIsual_select)
+  	    return MENU_INDEX_SELECT;
+      }
+- #endif
+      if (State & INSERT)
+      if ((State & CMDLINE) || State == ASKMORE || State == HITRETURN)
+--- 1809,1820 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/misc2.c	2014-02-23 23:38:58.824760280 +0100
+--- src/misc2.c	2014-03-23 13:08:56.927150748 +0100
+*** 31,39 ****
+      if (virtual_op != MAYBE)
+  	return virtual_op;
+      return (ve_flags == VE_ALL
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    || ((ve_flags & VE_BLOCK) && VIsual_active && VIsual_mode == Ctrl_V)
+- # endif
+  	    || ((ve_flags & VE_INSERT) && (State & INSERT)));
+  }
+--- 31,37 ----
+*** 149,157 ****
+      one_more = (State & INSERT)
+  		    || restart_edit != NUL
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		    || (VIsual_active && *p_sel != 'o')
+- #endif
+  		    || ((ve_flags & VE_ONEMORE) && wcol < MAXCOL)
+  #endif
+--- 147,153 ----
+*** 570,578 ****
+  	 * - in Visual mode and 'selection' isn't "old"
+  	 * - 'virtualedit' is set */
+  	if ((State & INSERT) || restart_edit
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		|| (VIsual_active && *p_sel != 'o')
+- #endif
+  		|| (ve_flags & VE_ONEMORE)
+  #endif
+--- 566,572 ----
+*** 627,635 ****
+  adjust_cursor_col()
+  {
+      if (curwin->w_cursor.col > 0
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    && (!VIsual_active || *p_sel == 'o')
+- # endif
+  	    && gchar_cursor() == NUL)
+  	--curwin->w_cursor.col;
+  }
+--- 621,627 ----
+*** 3290,3306 ****
+  {
+      if (State & NORMAL)
+      {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (VIsual_active)
+  	{
+  	    if (VIsual_select)
+  		return SELECTMODE;
+  	    return VISUAL;
+  	}
+! 	else
+! #endif
+! 	    if (finish_op)
+! 		return OP_PENDING;
+      }
+      return State;
+  }
+--- 3282,3295 ----
+  {
+      if (State & NORMAL)
+      {
+  	if (VIsual_active)
+  	{
+  	    if (VIsual_select)
+  		return SELECTMODE;
+  	    return VISUAL;
+  	}
+! 	else if (finish_op)
+! 	    return OP_PENDING;
+      }
+      return State;
+  }
+*** 3738,3744 ****
+      }
+      if (finish_op)
+  	return SHAPE_IDX_O;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	if (*p_sel == 'e')
+--- 3727,3732 ----
+*** 3746,3752 ****
+  	else
+  	    return SHAPE_IDX_V;
+      }
+- #endif
+      return SHAPE_IDX_N;
+  }
+  #endif
+--- 3734,3739 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/move.c	2014-02-11 18:58:05.102320947 +0100
+--- src/move.c	2014-03-23 13:09:16.535151048 +0100
+*** 2857,2873 ****
+      win_T	*old_curwin = curwin;
+      buf_T	*old_curbuf = curbuf;
+      int		restart_edit_save;
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      int		old_VIsual_select = VIsual_select;
+      int		old_VIsual_active = VIsual_active;
+- # endif
+      /*
+       * loop through the cursorbound windows
+       */
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      VIsual_select = VIsual_active = 0;
+- # endif
+      for (curwin = firstwin; curwin; curwin = curwin->w_next)
+      {
+  	curbuf = curwin->w_buffer;
+--- 2857,2869 ----
+*** 2916,2925 ****
+      /*
+       * reset current-window
+       */
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      VIsual_select = old_VIsual_select;
+      VIsual_active = old_VIsual_active;
+- # endif
+      curwin = old_curwin;
+      curbuf = old_curbuf;
+  }
+--- 2912,2919 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/netbeans.c	2012-06-20 19:56:18.000000000 +0200
+--- src/netbeans.c	2014-03-23 13:09:29.163151241 +0100
+*** 2232,2242 ****
+  	    nb_set_curbuf(buf->bufp);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    /* Don't want Visual mode now. */
+  	    if (VIsual_active)
+  		end_visual_mode();
+- #endif
+  #ifdef NBDEBUG
+  	    s = args;
+  #endif
+--- 2232,2240 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/normal.c	2014-03-12 17:41:59.128838878 +0100
+--- src/normal.c	2014-03-23 15:07:40.435259900 +0100
+*** 14,20 ****
+  #include "vim.h"
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  /*
+   * The Visual area is remembered for reselection.
+   */
+--- 14,19 ----
+*** 24,30 ****
+  static int	VIsual_mode_orig = NUL;		/* saved Visual mode */
+  static int	restart_VIsual_select = 0;
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+  static void	set_vcount_ca __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap, int *set_prevcount));
+--- 23,28 ----
+*** 37,43 ****
+  static int	find_command __ARGS((int cmdchar));
+  static void	op_colon __ARGS((oparg_T *oap));
+  static void	op_function __ARGS((oparg_T *oap));
+! #if defined(FEAT_MOUSE) && defined(FEAT_VISUAL)
+  static void	find_start_of_word __ARGS((pos_T *));
+  static void	find_end_of_word __ARGS((pos_T *));
+  static int	get_mouse_class __ARGS((char_u *p));
+--- 35,41 ----
+  static int	find_command __ARGS((int cmdchar));
+  static void	op_colon __ARGS((oparg_T *oap));
+  static void	op_function __ARGS((oparg_T *oap));
+! #if defined(FEAT_MOUSE)
+  static void	find_start_of_word __ARGS((pos_T *));
+  static void	find_end_of_word __ARGS((pos_T *));
+  static int	get_mouse_class __ARGS((char_u *p));
+*** 48,56 ****
+  static int	checkclearopq __ARGS((oparg_T *oap));
+  static void	clearop __ARGS((oparg_T *oap));
+  static void	clearopbeep __ARGS((oparg_T *oap));
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  static void	unshift_special __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_INFO
+  static void	del_from_showcmd __ARGS((int));
+  #endif
+--- 46,52 ----
+*** 117,141 ****
+  static void	nv_vreplace __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  static void	v_swap_corners __ARGS((int cmdchar));
+- #endif
+  static void	nv_replace __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	n_swapchar __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	nv_cursormark __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap, int flag, pos_T *pos));
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  static void	v_visop __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+- #endif
+  static void	nv_subst __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	nv_abbrev __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	nv_optrans __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	nv_gomark __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	nv_pcmark __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	nv_regname __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  static void	nv_visual __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	n_start_visual_mode __ARGS((int c));
+- #endif
+  static void	nv_window __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	nv_suspend __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	nv_g_cmd __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+--- 113,131 ----
+*** 155,165 ****
+  static void	nv_wordcmd __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	nv_beginline __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	adjust_cursor __ARGS((oparg_T *oap));
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  static void	adjust_for_sel __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static int	unadjust_for_sel __ARGS((void));
+  static void	nv_select __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+- #endif
+  static void	nv_goto __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	nv_normal __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));
+  static void	nv_esc __ARGS((cmdarg_T *oap));
+--- 145,153 ----
+*** 248,271 ****
+      {Ctrl_N,	nv_down,	NV_STS,			FALSE},
+      {Ctrl_O,	nv_ctrlo,	0,			0},
+      {Ctrl_P,	nv_up,		NV_STS,			FALSE},
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      {Ctrl_Q,	nv_visual,	0,			FALSE},
+- #else
+-     {Ctrl_Q,	nv_ignore,	0,			0},
+- #endif
+      {Ctrl_R,	nv_redo,	0,			0},
+      {Ctrl_S,	nv_ignore,	0,			0},
+      {Ctrl_T,	nv_tagpop,	NV_NCW,			0},
+      {Ctrl_U,	nv_halfpage,	0,			0},
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      {Ctrl_V,	nv_visual,	0,			FALSE},
+      {'V',	nv_visual,	0,			FALSE},
+      {'v',	nv_visual,	0,			FALSE},
+- #else
+-     {Ctrl_V,	nv_error,	0,			0},
+-     {'V',	nv_error,	0,			0},
+-     {'v',	nv_error,	0,			0},
+- #endif
+      {Ctrl_W,	nv_window,	0,			0},
+      {Ctrl_X,	nv_addsub,	0,			0},
+      {Ctrl_Y,	nv_scroll_line,	0,			FALSE},
+--- 236,249 ----
+*** 427,435 ****
+      {K_HELP,	nv_help,	NV_NCW,			0},
+      {K_F1,	nv_help,	NV_NCW,			0},
+      {K_XF1,	nv_help,	NV_NCW,			0},
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      {K_SELECT,	nv_select,	0,			0},
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
+      {K_VER_SCROLLBAR, nv_ver_scrollbar, 0,		0},
+      {K_HOR_SCROLLBAR, nv_hor_scrollbar, 0,		0},
+--- 405,411 ----
+*** 579,589 ****
+  #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_INFO
+      int		need_flushbuf;		/* need to call out_flush() */
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      pos_T	old_pos;		/* cursor position before command */
+      int		mapped_len;
+      static int	old_mapped_len = 0;
+- #endif
+      int		idx;
+  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+      int		set_prevcount = FALSE;
+--- 555,563 ----
+*** 643,651 ****
+      }
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      mapped_len = typebuf_maplen();
+- #endif
+      State = NORMAL_BUSY;
+--- 617,623 ----
+*** 666,672 ****
+      c = safe_vgetc();
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /*
+       * If a mapping was started in Visual or Select mode, remember the length
+       * of the mapping.  This is used below to not return to Insert mode for as
+--- 638,643 ----
+*** 677,688 ****
+      else if (old_mapped_len
+  		|| (VIsual_active && mapped_len == 0 && typebuf_maplen() > 0))
+  	old_mapped_len = typebuf_maplen();
+- #endif
+      if (c == NUL)
+  	c = K_ZERO;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /*
+       * In Select mode, typed text replaces the selection.
+       */
+--- 648,657 ----
+*** 703,718 ****
+  	msg_nowait = TRUE;	/* don't delay going to insert mode */
+  	old_mapped_len = 0;	/* do go to Insert mode */
+      }
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_INFO
+      need_flushbuf = add_to_showcmd(c);
+  #endif
+  getcount:
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (!(VIsual_active && VIsual_select))
+- #endif
+      {
+  	/*
+  	 * Handle a count before a command and compute ca.count0.
+--- 672,684 ----
+*** 856,862 ****
+  	goto normal_end;
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /*
+       * In Visual/Select mode, a few keys are handled in a special way.
+       */
+--- 822,827 ----
+*** 892,898 ****
+  	    }
+  	}
+      }
+- #endif
+      if (curwin->w_p_rl && KeyTyped && !KeyStuffed
+--- 857,862 ----
+*** 930,940 ****
+  		    && !Recording
+  		    && !Exec_reg)
+  		|| ((ca.cmdchar == 'a' || ca.cmdchar == 'i')
+! 		    && (oap->op_type != OP_NOP
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 			|| VIsual_active
+! #endif
+! 		       ))))
+      {
+  	int	*cp;
+  	int	repl = FALSE;	/* get character for replace mode */
+--- 894,900 ----
+  		    && !Recording
+  		    && !Exec_reg)
+  		|| ((ca.cmdchar == 'a' || ca.cmdchar == 'i')
+! 		    && (oap->op_type != OP_NOP || VIsual_active))))
+      {
+  	int	*cp;
+  	int	repl = FALSE;	/* get character for replace mode */
+*** 1168,1174 ****
+  	msg_col = 0;
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      old_pos = curwin->w_cursor;		/* remember where cursor was */
+      /* When 'keymodel' contains "startsel" some keys start Select/Visual
+--- 1128,1133 ----
+*** 1188,1194 ****
+  	    mod_mask &= ~MOD_MASK_SHIFT;
+  	}
+      }
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * Execute the command!
+--- 1147,1152 ----
+*** 1220,1231 ****
+  #endif
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* Get the length of mapped chars again after typing a count, second
+       * character or "z333<cr>". */
+      if (old_mapped_len > 0)
+  	old_mapped_len = typebuf_maplen();
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * If an operation is pending, handle it...
+--- 1178,1187 ----
+*** 1247,1257 ****
+      if (       ((p_smd
+  		    && msg_silent == 0
+  		    && (restart_edit != 0
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  			|| (VIsual_active
+  			    && old_pos.lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum
+  			    && old_pos.col == curwin->w_cursor.col)
+- #endif
+  		       )
+  		    && (clear_cmdline
+  			|| redraw_cmdline)
+--- 1203,1211 ----
+*** 1259,1267 ****
+  		    && !msg_nowait
+  		    && KeyTyped)
+  		|| (restart_edit != 0
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		    && !VIsual_active
+- #endif
+  		    && (msg_scroll
+  			|| emsg_on_display)))
+  	    && oap->regname == 0
+--- 1213,1219 ----
+*** 1368,1403 ****
+       * May switch from Visual to Select mode after CTRL-O command.
+       */
+      if (       oap->op_type == OP_NOP
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    && ((restart_edit != 0 && !VIsual_active && old_mapped_len == 0)
+  		|| restart_VIsual_select == 1)
+- #else
+- 	    && restart_edit != 0
+- #endif
+  	    && !(ca.retval & CA_COMMAND_BUSY)
+  	    && stuff_empty()
+  	    && oap->regname == 0)
+      {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (restart_VIsual_select == 1)
+  	{
+  	    VIsual_select = TRUE;
+  	    showmode();
+  	    restart_VIsual_select = 0;
+  	}
+! #endif
+! 	if (restart_edit != 0
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		&& !VIsual_active && old_mapped_len == 0
+! #endif
+! 		)
+  	    (void)edit(restart_edit, FALSE, 1L);
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (restart_VIsual_select == 2)
+  	restart_VIsual_select = 1;
+- #endif
+      /* Save count before an operator for next time. */
+      opcount = ca.opcount;
+--- 1320,1343 ----
+       * May switch from Visual to Select mode after CTRL-O command.
+       */
+      if (       oap->op_type == OP_NOP
+  	    && ((restart_edit != 0 && !VIsual_active && old_mapped_len == 0)
+  		|| restart_VIsual_select == 1)
+  	    && !(ca.retval & CA_COMMAND_BUSY)
+  	    && stuff_empty()
+  	    && oap->regname == 0)
+      {
+  	if (restart_VIsual_select == 1)
+  	{
+  	    VIsual_select = TRUE;
+  	    showmode();
+  	    restart_VIsual_select = 0;
+  	}
+! 	if (restart_edit != 0 && !VIsual_active && old_mapped_len == 0)
+  	    (void)edit(restart_edit, FALSE, 1L);
+      }
+      if (restart_VIsual_select == 2)
+  	restart_VIsual_select = 1;
+      /* Save count before an operator for next time. */
+      opcount = ca.opcount;
+*** 1437,1451 ****
+      int		empty_region_error;
+      int		restart_edit_save;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* The visual area is remembered for redo */
+      static int	    redo_VIsual_mode = NUL; /* 'v', 'V', or Ctrl-V */
+      static linenr_T redo_VIsual_line_count; /* number of lines */
+      static colnr_T  redo_VIsual_vcol;	    /* number of cols or end column */
+      static long	    redo_VIsual_count;	    /* count for Visual operator */
+      int		    include_line_break = FALSE;
+- # endif
+  #endif
+  #if defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD)
+--- 1377,1389 ----
+      int		empty_region_error;
+      int		restart_edit_save;
+      /* The visual area is remembered for redo */
+      static int	    redo_VIsual_mode = NUL; /* 'v', 'V', or Ctrl-V */
+      static linenr_T redo_VIsual_line_count; /* number of lines */
+      static colnr_T  redo_VIsual_vcol;	    /* number of cols or end column */
+      static long	    redo_VIsual_count;	    /* count for Visual operator */
+      int		    include_line_break = FALSE;
+  #endif
+  #if defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD)
+*** 1459,1468 ****
+      if ((clip_star.available || clip_plus.available)
+  	    && oap->op_type != OP_NOP
+  	    && !gui_yank
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    && VIsual_active
+  	    && !redo_VIsual_busy
+- # endif
+  	    && oap->regname == 0)
+  	clip_auto_select();
+  #endif
+--- 1397,1404 ----
+*** 1471,1483 ****
+      /*
+       * If an operation is pending, handle it...
+       */
+!     if ((finish_op
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		|| VIsual_active
+! #endif
+! 		) && oap->op_type != OP_NOP)
+      {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	oap->is_VIsual = VIsual_active;
+  	if (oap->motion_force == 'V')
+  	    oap->motion_type = MLINE;
+--- 1407,1414 ----
+      /*
+       * If an operation is pending, handle it...
+       */
+!     if ((finish_op || VIsual_active) && oap->op_type != OP_NOP)
+      {
+  	oap->is_VIsual = VIsual_active;
+  	if (oap->motion_force == 'V')
+  	    oap->motion_type = MLINE;
+*** 1501,1517 ****
+  	    VIsual_select = FALSE;
+  	    VIsual_reselect = FALSE;
+  	}
+- #endif
+  	/* Only redo yank when 'y' flag is in 'cpoptions'. */
+  	/* Never redo "zf" (define fold). */
+  	if ((vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_YANK) != NULL || oap->op_type != OP_YANK)
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		&& ((!VIsual_active || oap->motion_force)
+  		    /* Also redo Operator-pending Visual mode mappings */
+  		    || (VIsual_active && cap->cmdchar == ':'
+  						 && oap->op_type != OP_COLON))
+- #endif
+  		&& cap->cmdchar != 'D'
+  #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+  		&& oap->op_type != OP_FOLD
+--- 1432,1445 ----
+*** 1554,1560 ****
+  	    }
+  	}
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (redo_VIsual_busy)
+  	{
+  	    /* Redo of an operation on a Visual area. Use the same size from
+--- 1482,1487 ----
+*** 1639,1645 ****
+  	    if (VIsual_mode == 'V')
+  		oap->start.col = 0;
+  	}
+- #endif /* FEAT_VISUAL */
+  	/*
+  	 * Set oap->start to the first position of the operated text, oap->end
+--- 1566,1571 ----
+*** 1690,1696 ****
+  	virtual_op = virtual_active();
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (VIsual_active || redo_VIsual_busy)
+  	{
+  	    if (VIsual_mode == Ctrl_V)	/* block mode */
+--- 1616,1621 ----
+*** 1826,1834 ****
+  	    {
+  		oap->motion_type = MCHAR;
+  		if (VIsual_mode != Ctrl_V && *ml_get_pos(&(oap->end)) == NUL
+  			&& (include_line_break || !virtual_op)
+! # endif
+  			)
+  		{
+  		    oap->inclusive = FALSE;
+--- 1751,1759 ----
+  	    {
+  		oap->motion_type = MCHAR;
+  		if (VIsual_mode != Ctrl_V && *ml_get_pos(&(oap->end)) == NUL
+  			&& (include_line_break || !virtual_op)
+! #endif
+  			)
+  		{
+  		    oap->inclusive = FALSE;
+*** 1840,1848 ****
+  			{
+  			    ++oap->end.lnum;
+  			    oap->end.col = 0;
+  			    oap->end.coladd = 0;
+! # endif
+  			    ++oap->line_count;
+  			}
+  			else
+--- 1765,1773 ----
+  			{
+  			    ++oap->end.lnum;
+  			    oap->end.col = 0;
+  			    oap->end.coladd = 0;
+! #endif
+  			    ++oap->line_count;
+  			}
+  			else
+*** 1868,1877 ****
+  	    if (!gui_yank)
+  	    {
+  		VIsual_active = FALSE;
+! # ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
+  		setmouse();
+  		mouse_dragging = 0;
+! # endif
+  		if (mode_displayed)
+  		    clear_cmdline = TRUE;   /* unshow visual mode later */
+  #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_INFO
+--- 1793,1802 ----
+  	    if (!gui_yank)
+  	    {
+  		VIsual_active = FALSE;
+! #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
+  		setmouse();
+  		mouse_dragging = 0;
+! #endif
+  		if (mode_displayed)
+  		    clear_cmdline = TRUE;   /* unshow visual mode later */
+  #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_INFO
+*** 1886,1892 ****
+  		    redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+  	    }
+  	}
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+  	/* Include the trailing byte of a multi-byte char. */
+--- 1811,1816 ----
+*** 1921,1936 ****
+  	empty_region_error = (oap->empty
+  				&& vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_EMPTYREGION) != NULL);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	/* Force a redraw when operating on an empty Visual region, when
+  	 * 'modifiable is off or creating a fold. */
+  	if (oap->is_VIsual && (oap->empty || !curbuf->b_p_ma
+! # ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+  		    || oap->op_type == OP_FOLD
+! # endif
+  		    ))
+  	    redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+- #endif
+  	/*
+  	 * If the end of an operator is in column one while oap->motion_type
+--- 1845,1858 ----
+  	empty_region_error = (oap->empty
+  				&& vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_EMPTYREGION) != NULL);
+  	/* Force a redraw when operating on an empty Visual region, when
+  	 * 'modifiable is off or creating a fold. */
+  	if (oap->is_VIsual && (oap->empty || !curbuf->b_p_ma
+! #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+  		    || oap->op_type == OP_FOLD
+! #endif
+  		    ))
+  	    redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+  	/*
+  	 * If the end of an operator is in column one while oap->motion_type
+*** 1943,1952 ****
+  		&& oap->inclusive == FALSE
+  		&& !(cap->retval & CA_NO_ADJ_OP_END)
+  		&& oap->end.col == 0
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		&& (!oap->is_VIsual || *p_sel == 'o')
+  		&& !oap->block_mode
+- #endif
+  		&& oap->line_count > 1)
+  	{
+  	    oap->end_adjusted = TRUE;	    /* remember that we did this */
+--- 1865,1872 ----
+*** 1971,1981 ****
+  	{
+  	case OP_LSHIFT:
+  	case OP_RSHIFT:
+! 	    op_shift(oap, TRUE,
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		    oap->is_VIsual ? (int)cap->count1 :
+! #endif
+! 		    1);
+  	    auto_format(FALSE, TRUE);
+  	    break;
+--- 1891,1897 ----
+  	{
+  	case OP_LSHIFT:
+  	case OP_RSHIFT:
+! 	    op_shift(oap, TRUE, oap->is_VIsual ? (int)cap->count1 : 1);
+  	    auto_format(FALSE, TRUE);
+  	    break;
+*** 1988,2002 ****
+  		beep_flush();
+  	    else
+  	    {
+! 		(void)do_join(oap->line_count, oap->op_type == OP_JOIN, TRUE, TRUE);
+  		auto_format(FALSE, TRUE);
+  	    }
+  	    break;
+  	case OP_DELETE:
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    VIsual_reselect = FALSE;	    /* don't reselect now */
+- #endif
+  	    if (empty_region_error)
+  	    {
+  		vim_beep();
+--- 1904,1917 ----
+  		beep_flush();
+  	    else
+  	    {
+! 		(void)do_join(oap->line_count, oap->op_type == OP_JOIN,
+! 								  TRUE, TRUE);
+  		auto_format(FALSE, TRUE);
+  	    }
+  	    break;
+  	case OP_DELETE:
+  	    VIsual_reselect = FALSE;	    /* don't reselect now */
+  	    if (empty_region_error)
+  	    {
+  		vim_beep();
+*** 2026,2034 ****
+  	    break;
+  	case OP_CHANGE:
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    VIsual_reselect = FALSE;	    /* don't reselect now */
+- #endif
+  	    if (empty_region_error)
+  	    {
+  		vim_beep();
+--- 1941,1947 ----
+*** 2126,2134 ****
+  	case OP_INSERT:
+  	case OP_APPEND:
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    VIsual_reselect = FALSE;	/* don't reselect now */
+- #endif
+  	    if (empty_region_error)
+  	    {
+--- 2039,2045 ----
+*** 2158,2166 ****
+  	    break;
+  	case OP_REPLACE:
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    VIsual_reselect = FALSE;	/* don't reselect now */
+- #endif
+  	    if (empty_region_error)
+  #endif
+--- 2069,2075 ----
+*** 2220,2228 ****
+  	{
+  	    curwin->w_cursor = old_cursor;
+  	}
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	oap->block_mode = FALSE;
+- #endif
+  	clearop(oap);
+      }
+  }
+--- 2129,2135 ----
+*** 2235,2245 ****
+      oparg_T	*oap;
+  {
+      stuffcharReadbuff(':');
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (oap->is_VIsual)
+  	stuffReadbuff((char_u *)"'<,'>");
+      else
+- #endif
+      {
+  	/*
+  	 * Make the range look nice, so it can be repeated.
+--- 2142,2150 ----
+*** 2404,2417 ****
+      pos_T	save_cursor;
+  #endif
+      win_T	*old_curwin = curwin;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      static pos_T orig_cursor;
+      colnr_T	leftcol, rightcol;
+      pos_T	end_visual;
+      int		diff;
+      int		old_active = VIsual_active;
+      int		old_mode = VIsual_mode;
+- #endif
+      int		regname;
+  #if defined(FEAT_FOLDING)
+--- 2309,2320 ----
+*** 2432,2446 ****
+  	if (!gui.in_use)
+  #endif
+  	{
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    if (VIsual_active)
+  	    {
+  		if (!mouse_has(MOUSE_VISUAL))
+  		    return FALSE;
+  	    }
+! 	    else
+! #endif
+! 		if (State == NORMAL && !mouse_has(MOUSE_NORMAL))
+  		return FALSE;
+  	}
+--- 2335,2346 ----
+  	if (!gui.in_use)
+  #endif
+  	{
+  	    if (VIsual_active)
+  	    {
+  		if (!mouse_has(MOUSE_VISUAL))
+  		    return FALSE;
+  	    }
+! 	    else if (State == NORMAL && !mouse_has(MOUSE_NORMAL))
+  		return FALSE;
+  	}
+*** 2509,2522 ****
+  	}
+      }
+- #ifndef FEAT_VISUAL
+-     /*
+-      * ALT is only used for starting/extending Visual mode.
+-      */
+-     if ((mod_mask & MOD_MASK_ALT))
+- 	return FALSE;
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * CTRL right mouse button does CTRL-T
+       */
+--- 2409,2414 ----
+*** 2586,2592 ****
+  		return FALSE;
+  	    }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    /*
+  	     * If visual was active, yank the highlighted text and put it
+  	     * before the mouse pointer position.
+--- 2478,2483 ----
+*** 2607,2613 ****
+  		do_always = TRUE;	/* ignore 'mouse' setting next time */
+  		return FALSE;
+  	    }
+- #endif
+  	    /*
+  	     * The rest is below jump_to_mouse()
+  	     */
+--- 2498,2503 ----
+*** 2761,2767 ****
+  		{
+  		    /* First set the cursor position before showing the popup
+  		     * menu. */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		    if (VIsual_active)
+  		    {
+  			pos_T    m_pos;
+--- 2651,2656 ----
+*** 2800,2815 ****
+  		    }
+  		    else
+  			jump_flags = MOUSE_MAY_STOP_VIS;
+- #endif
+  		}
+  		if (jump_flags)
+  		{
+  		    jump_flags = jump_to_mouse(jump_flags, NULL, which_button);
+! 		    update_curbuf(
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 			    VIsual_active ? INVERTED :
+! #endif
+! 			    VALID);
+  		    setcursor();
+  		    out_flush();    /* Update before showing popup menu */
+  		}
+--- 2689,2699 ----
+  		    }
+  		    else
+  			jump_flags = MOUSE_MAY_STOP_VIS;
+  		}
+  		if (jump_flags)
+  		{
+  		    jump_flags = jump_to_mouse(jump_flags, NULL, which_button);
+! 		    update_curbuf(VIsual_active ? INVERTED : VALID);
+  		    setcursor();
+  		    out_flush();    /* Update before showing popup menu */
+  		}
+*** 2832,2838 ****
+  	}
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if ((State & (NORMAL | INSERT))
+  			    && !(mod_mask & (MOD_MASK_SHIFT | MOD_MASK_CTRL)))
+      {
+--- 2716,2721 ----
+*** 2872,2878 ****
+  		jump_flags |= MOUSE_MAY_VIS;
+  	}
+      }
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * If an operator is pending, ignore all drags and releases until the
+--- 2755,2760 ----
+*** 2941,2947 ****
+      }
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* Set global flag that we are extending the Visual area with mouse
+       * dragging; temporarily minimize 'scrolloff'. */
+      if (VIsual_active && is_drag && p_so)
+--- 2823,2828 ----
+*** 3040,3046 ****
+       */
+      else if ((State & INSERT) && VIsual_active)
+  	stuffcharReadbuff(Ctrl_O);
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * Middle mouse click: Put text before cursor.
+--- 2921,2926 ----
+*** 3118,3128 ****
+       */
+      else if ((mod_mask & MOD_MASK_SHIFT))
+      {
+! 	if (State & INSERT
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		|| (VIsual_active && VIsual_select)
+! #endif
+! 		)
+  	    stuffcharReadbuff(Ctrl_O);
+  	if (which_button == MOUSE_LEFT)
+  	    stuffcharReadbuff('*');
+--- 2998,3004 ----
+       */
+      else if ((mod_mask & MOD_MASK_SHIFT))
+      {
+! 	if ((State & INSERT) || (VIsual_active && VIsual_select))
+  	    stuffcharReadbuff(Ctrl_O);
+  	if (which_button == MOUSE_LEFT)
+  	    stuffcharReadbuff('*');
+*** 3153,3159 ****
+  # endif
+      }
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      else if ((mod_mask & MOD_MASK_MULTI_CLICK) && (State & (NORMAL | INSERT))
+  	     && mouse_has(MOUSE_VISUAL))
+      {
+--- 3029,3034 ----
+*** 3267,3278 ****
+  	    || (VIsual_active && p_smd && msg_silent == 0
+  				 && (!old_active || VIsual_mode != old_mode)))
+  	redraw_cmdline = TRUE;
+- #endif
+      return moved;
+  }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  /*
+   * Move "pos" back to the start of the word it's in.
+   */
+--- 3142,3151 ----
+*** 3372,3381 ****
+  	return 1;
+      return c;
+  }
+- #endif /* FEAT_VISUAL */
+  #endif /* FEAT_MOUSE */
+- #if defined(FEAT_VISUAL) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+   * Check if  highlighting for visual mode is possible, give a warning message
+   * if not.
+--- 3245,3252 ----
+*** 3468,3474 ****
+  	VIsual_reselect = FALSE;
+      }
+  }
+- #endif /* FEAT_VISUAL */
+  #if defined(FEAT_BEVAL)
+  static int find_is_eval_item __ARGS((char_u *ptr, int *colp, int *nbp, int dir));
+--- 3339,3344 ----
+*** 3802,3812 ****
+  checkclearopq(oap)
+      oparg_T	*oap;
+  {
+!     if (oap->op_type == OP_NOP
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 	    && !VIsual_active
+! #endif
+! 	    )
+  	return FALSE;
+      clearopbeep(oap);
+      return TRUE;
+--- 3672,3678 ----
+  checkclearopq(oap)
+      oparg_T	*oap;
+  {
+!     if (oap->op_type == OP_NOP && !VIsual_active)
+  	return FALSE;
+      clearopbeep(oap);
+      return TRUE;
+*** 3830,3836 ****
+      beep_flush();
+  }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  /*
+   * Remove the shift modifier from a special key.
+   */
+--- 3696,3701 ----
+*** 3849,3866 ****
+      }
+      cap->cmdchar = simplify_key(cap->cmdchar, &mod_mask);
+  }
+- #endif
+  #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_INFO) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+   * Routines for displaying a partly typed command
+   */
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL	/* need room for size of Visual area */
+! # define SHOWCMD_BUFLEN SHOWCMD_COLS + 1 + 30
+! #else
+! #endif
+  static char_u	showcmd_buf[SHOWCMD_BUFLEN];
+  static char_u	old_showcmd_buf[SHOWCMD_BUFLEN];  /* For push_showcmd() */
+  static int	showcmd_is_clear = TRUE;
+--- 3714,3726 ----
+      }
+      cap->cmdchar = simplify_key(cap->cmdchar, &mod_mask);
+  }
+  #if defined(FEAT_CMDL_INFO) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+   * Routines for displaying a partly typed command
+   */
+  static char_u	showcmd_buf[SHOWCMD_BUFLEN];
+  static char_u	old_showcmd_buf[SHOWCMD_BUFLEN];  /* For push_showcmd() */
+  static int	showcmd_is_clear = TRUE;
+*** 3874,3880 ****
+      if (!p_sc)
+  	return;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active && !char_avail())
+      {
+  	int		cursor_bot = lt(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor);
+--- 3734,3739 ----
+*** 3960,3966 ****
+  	showcmd_visual = TRUE;
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+      {
+  	showcmd_buf[0] = NUL;
+  	showcmd_visual = FALSE;
+--- 3819,3824 ----
+*** 4203,4212 ****
+      int		want_hor;
+      win_T	*old_curwin = curwin;
+      buf_T	*old_curbuf = curbuf;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      int		old_VIsual_select = VIsual_select;
+      int		old_VIsual_active = VIsual_active;
+- #endif
+      colnr_T	tgt_leftcol = curwin->w_leftcol;
+      long	topline;
+      long	y;
+--- 4061,4068 ----
+*** 4223,4231 ****
+      /*
+       * loop through the scrollbound windows and scroll accordingly
+       */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      VIsual_select = VIsual_active = 0;
+- #endif
+      for (curwin = firstwin; curwin; curwin = curwin->w_next)
+      {
+  	curbuf = curwin->w_buffer;
+--- 4079,4085 ----
+*** 4280,4289 ****
+      /*
+       * reset current-window
+       */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      VIsual_select = old_VIsual_select;
+      VIsual_active = old_VIsual_active;
+- #endif
+      curwin = old_curwin;
+      curbuf = old_curbuf;
+  }
+--- 4134,4141 ----
+*** 5239,5249 ****
+  		    if (checkclearop(cap->oap))
+  			break;
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		    if (VIsual_active && get_visual_text(cap, &ptr, &len)
+  								      == FAIL)
+  			return;
+- # endif
+  		    if (ptr == NULL)
+  		    {
+  			pos_T	pos = curwin->w_cursor;
+--- 5091,5099 ----
+*** 5411,5422 ****
+      /*
+       * Ignore 'Q' in Visual mode, just give a beep.
+       */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+  	vim_beep();
+!     else
+! #endif
+! 	if (!checkclearop(cap->oap))
+  	do_exmode(FALSE);
+  }
+--- 5261,5269 ----
+      /*
+       * Ignore 'Q' in Visual mode, just give a beep.
+       */
+      if (VIsual_active)
+  	vim_beep();
+!     else if (!checkclearop(cap->oap))
+  	do_exmode(FALSE);
+  }
+*** 5430,5440 ****
+      int	    old_p_im;
+      int	    cmd_result;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+  	nv_operator(cap);
+      else
+- #endif
+      {
+  	if (cap->oap->op_type != OP_NOP)
+  	{
+--- 5277,5285 ----
+*** 5494,5508 ****
+  nv_ctrlg(cap)
+      cmdarg_T *cap;
+  {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)	/* toggle Selection/Visual mode */
+      {
+  	VIsual_select = !VIsual_select;
+  	showmode();
+      }
+!     else
+! #endif
+! 	if (!checkclearop(cap->oap))
+  	/* print full name if count given or :cd used */
+  	fileinfo((int)cap->count0, FALSE, TRUE);
+  }
+--- 5339,5350 ----
+  nv_ctrlg(cap)
+      cmdarg_T *cap;
+  {
+      if (VIsual_active)	/* toggle Selection/Visual mode */
+      {
+  	VIsual_select = !VIsual_select;
+  	showmode();
+      }
+!     else if (!checkclearop(cap->oap))
+  	/* print full name if count given or :cd used */
+  	fileinfo((int)cap->count0, FALSE, TRUE);
+  }
+*** 5514,5527 ****
+  nv_ctrlh(cap)
+      cmdarg_T *cap;
+  {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active && VIsual_select)
+      {
+  	cap->cmdchar = 'x';	/* BS key behaves like 'x' in Select mode */
+  	v_visop(cap);
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+  	nv_left(cap);
+  }
+--- 5356,5367 ----
+*** 5558,5564 ****
+  nv_ctrlo(cap)
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active && VIsual_select)
+      {
+  	VIsual_select = FALSE;
+--- 5398,5403 ----
+*** 5566,5572 ****
+  	restart_VIsual_select = 2;	/* restart Select mode later */
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+      {
+  	cap->count1 = -cap->count1;
+  	nv_pcmark(cap);
+--- 5405,5410 ----
+*** 5675,5684 ****
+       */
+      if (cmdchar == ']' || cmdchar == Ctrl_RSB || cmdchar == 'K')
+      {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (VIsual_active && get_visual_text(cap, &ptr, &n) == FAIL)
+  	    return;
+- #endif
+  	if (checkclearopq(cap->oap))
+  	    return;
+      }
+--- 5513,5520 ----
+*** 5872,5878 ****
+      vim_free(buf);
+  }
+- #if defined(FEAT_VISUAL) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+   * Get visually selected text, within one line only.
+   * Returns FAIL if more than one line selected.
+--- 5708,5713 ----
+*** 5917,5923 ****
+      reset_VIsual_and_resel();
+      return OK;
+  }
+- #endif
+  /*
+   * CTRL-T: backwards in tag stack
+--- 5752,5757 ----
+*** 6040,6050 ****
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+      long	n;
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+!     int		PAST_LINE;
+! #else
+! # define PAST_LINE 0
+! #endif
+      if (mod_mask & (MOD_MASK_SHIFT | MOD_MASK_CTRL))
+      {
+--- 5874,5880 ----
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+      long	n;
+!     int		past_line;
+      if (mod_mask & (MOD_MASK_SHIFT | MOD_MASK_CTRL))
+      {
+*** 6057,6081 ****
+      cap->oap->motion_type = MCHAR;
+      cap->oap->inclusive = FALSE;
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+!     PAST_LINE = (VIsual_active && *p_sel != 'o');
+      /*
+!      * In virtual mode, there's no such thing as "PAST_LINE", as lines are
+!      * (theoretically) infinitely long.
+       */
+      if (virtual_active())
+! 	PAST_LINE = 0;
+! # endif
+  #endif
+      for (n = cap->count1; n > 0; --n)
+      {
+! 	if ((!PAST_LINE && oneright() == FAIL)
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		|| (PAST_LINE && *ml_get_cursor() == NUL)
+! #endif
+  		)
+  	{
+  	    /*
+--- 5887,5907 ----
+      cap->oap->motion_type = MCHAR;
+      cap->oap->inclusive = FALSE;
+!     past_line = (VIsual_active && *p_sel != 'o');
+      /*
+!      * In virtual edit mode, there's no such thing as "past_line", as lines
+!      * are (theoretically) infinitely long.
+       */
+      if (virtual_active())
+! 	past_line = 0;
+  #endif
+      for (n = cap->count1; n > 0; --n)
+      {
+! 	if ((!past_line && oneright() == FAIL)
+! 		|| (past_line && *ml_get_cursor() == NUL)
+  		)
+  	{
+  	    /*
+*** 6123,6148 ****
+  	    }
+  	    break;
+  	}
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 	else if (PAST_LINE)
+  	{
+  	    curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
+  	    if (virtual_active())
+  		oneright();
+  	    else
+! # endif
+  	    {
+! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+  		if (has_mbyte)
+  		    curwin->w_cursor.col +=
+  					 (*mb_ptr2len)(ml_get_cursor());
+  		else
+! # endif
+  		    ++curwin->w_cursor.col;
+  	    }
+  	}
+- #endif
+      }
+  #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+      if (n != cap->count1 && (fdo_flags & FDO_HOR) && KeyTyped
+--- 5949,5972 ----
+  	    }
+  	    break;
+  	}
+! 	else if (past_line)
+  	{
+  	    curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
+  	    if (virtual_active())
+  		oneright();
+  	    else
+! #endif
+  	    {
+! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+  		if (has_mbyte)
+  		    curwin->w_cursor.col +=
+  					 (*mb_ptr2len)(ml_get_cursor());
+  		else
+! #endif
+  		    ++curwin->w_cursor.col;
+  	    }
+  	}
+      }
+  #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+      if (n != cap->count1 && (fdo_flags & FDO_HOR) && KeyTyped
+*** 6503,6511 ****
+  	else
+  	    curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	adjust_for_sel(cap);
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+  	if ((fdo_flags & FDO_HOR) && KeyTyped && cap->oap->op_type == OP_NOP)
+  	    foldOpenCursor();
+--- 6327,6333 ----
+*** 6754,6760 ****
+  	    int	    dir = (cap->cmdchar == ']' && cap->nchar == 'p')
+  							 ? FORWARD : BACKWARD;
+  	    int	    regname = cap->oap->regname;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    int	    was_visual = VIsual_active;
+  	    int	    line_count = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
+  	    pos_T   start, end;
+--- 6576,6581 ----
+*** 6766,6779 ****
+  		end =  equalpos(start,VIsual) ? curwin->w_cursor : VIsual;
+  		curwin->w_cursor = (dir == BACKWARD ? start : end);
+  	    }
+- #endif
+  	    adjust_clip_reg(&regname);
+  # endif
+  	    prep_redo_cmd(cap);
+  	    do_put(regname, dir, cap->count1, PUT_FIXINDENT);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    if (was_visual)
+  	    {
+  		VIsual = start;
+--- 6587,6598 ----
+*** 6802,6808 ****
+  		    redraw_later(SOME_VALID);
+  		}
+  	    }
+- #endif
+  	}
+      }
+--- 6621,6626 ----
+*** 6936,6944 ****
+  	    curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    adjust_for_sel(cap);
+- #endif
+  	}
+      }
+  #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+--- 6754,6760 ----
+*** 7027,7037 ****
+  nv_undo(cap)
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+!     if (cap->oap->op_type == OP_LOWER
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 	    || VIsual_active
+! #endif
+! 	    )
+      {
+  	/* translate "<Visual>u" to "<Visual>gu" and "guu" to "gugu" */
+  	cap->cmdchar = 'g';
+--- 6843,6849 ----
+  nv_undo(cap)
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+!     if (cap->oap->op_type == OP_LOWER || VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	/* translate "<Visual>u" to "<Visual>gu" and "guu" to "gugu" */
+  	cap->cmdchar = 'g';
+*** 7089,7095 ****
+  	return;
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* Visual mode "r" */
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+--- 6901,6906 ----
+*** 7105,7111 ****
+  	nv_operator(cap);
+  	return;
+      }
+- #endif
+      /* Break tabs, etc. */
+--- 6916,6921 ----
+*** 7273,7279 ****
+      }
+  }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  /*
+   * 'o': Exchange start and end of Visual area.
+   * 'O': same, but in block mode exchange left and right corners.
+--- 7083,7088 ----
+*** 7326,7332 ****
+  	curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
+      }
+  }
+- #endif /* FEAT_VISUAL */
+  /*
+   * "R" (cap->arg is FALSE) and "gR" (cap->arg is TRUE).
+--- 7135,7140 ----
+*** 7335,7341 ****
+  nv_Replace(cap)
+      cmdarg_T	    *cap;
+  {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)		/* "R" is replace lines */
+      {
+  	cap->cmdchar = 'c';
+--- 7143,7148 ----
+*** 7344,7352 ****
+  	VIsual_mode = 'V';
+  	nv_operator(cap);
+      }
+!     else
+! #endif
+! 	if (!checkclearopq(cap->oap))
+      {
+  	if (!curbuf->b_p_ma)
+  	    EMSG(_(e_modifiable));
+--- 7151,7157 ----
+  	VIsual_mode = 'V';
+  	nv_operator(cap);
+      }
+!     else if (!checkclearopq(cap->oap))
+      {
+  	if (!curbuf->b_p_ma)
+  	    EMSG(_(e_modifiable));
+*** 7369,7384 ****
+  nv_vreplace(cap)
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	cap->cmdchar = 'r';
+  	cap->nchar = cap->extra_char;
+  	nv_replace(cap);	/* Do same as "r" in Visual mode for now */
+      }
+!     else
+! # endif
+! 	if (!checkclearopq(cap->oap))
+      {
+  	if (!curbuf->b_p_ma)
+  	    EMSG(_(e_modifiable));
+--- 7174,7186 ----
+  nv_vreplace(cap)
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	cap->cmdchar = 'r';
+  	cap->nchar = cap->extra_char;
+  	nv_replace(cap);	/* Do same as "r" in Visual mode for now */
+      }
+!     else if (!checkclearopq(cap->oap))
+      {
+  	if (!curbuf->b_p_ma)
+  	    EMSG(_(e_modifiable));
+*** 7525,7531 ****
+      curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
+  }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  /*
+   * Handle commands that are operators in Visual mode.
+   */
+--- 7327,7332 ----
+*** 7550,7556 ****
+      cap->cmdchar = *(vim_strchr(trans, cap->cmdchar) + 1);
+      nv_operator(cap);
+  }
+- #endif
+  /*
+   * "s" and "S" commands.
+--- 7351,7356 ----
+*** 7559,7565 ****
+  nv_subst(cap)
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)	/* "vs" and "vS" are the same as "vc" */
+      {
+  	if (cap->cmdchar == 'S')
+--- 7359,7364 ----
+*** 7571,7577 ****
+  	nv_operator(cap);
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+  	nv_optrans(cap);
+  }
+--- 7370,7375 ----
+*** 7585,7596 ****
+      if (cap->cmdchar == K_DEL || cap->cmdchar == K_KDEL)
+  	cap->cmdchar = 'x';		/* DEL key behaves like 'x' */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* in Visual mode these commands are operators */
+      if (VIsual_active)
+  	v_visop(cap);
+      else
+- #endif
+  	nv_optrans(cap);
+  }
+--- 7383,7392 ----
+*** 7758,7764 ****
+  	clearopbeep(cap->oap);
+  }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  /*
+   * Handle "v", "V" and "CTRL-V" commands.
+   * Also for "gh", "gH" and "g^H" commands: Always start Select mode, cap->arg
+--- 7554,7559 ----
+*** 7950,7956 ****
+      }
+  }
+- #endif /* FEAT_VISUAL */
+  /*
+   * CTRL-W: Window commands
+--- 7745,7750 ----
+*** 7975,7984 ****
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+      clearop(cap->oap);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+  	end_visual_mode();		/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+      do_cmdline_cmd((char_u *)"st");
+  }
+--- 7769,7776 ----
+*** 7990,7998 ****
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+      oparg_T	*oap = cap->oap;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      pos_T	tpos;
+- #endif
+      int		i;
+      int		flag = FALSE;
+--- 7782,7788 ----
+*** 8025,8031 ****
+  	do_cmdline_cmd((char_u *)"%s//~/&");
+  	break;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /*
+       * "gv": Reselect the previous Visual area.  If Visual already active,
+       *	     exchange previous and current Visual area.
+--- 7815,7820 ----
+*** 8126,8132 ****
+  	cap->arg = TRUE;
+  	nv_visual(cap);
+  	break;
+- #endif /* FEAT_VISUAL */
+      /* "gn", "gN" visually select next/previous search match
+       * "gn" selects next match
+--- 7915,7920 ----
+*** 8134,8142 ****
+       */
+      case 'N':
+      case 'n':
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (!current_search(cap->count1, cap->nchar == 'n'))
+- #endif
+  	    clearopbeep(oap);
+  	break;
+--- 7922,7928 ----
+*** 8258,8266 ****
+  				    && vim_iswhite(ptr[curwin->w_cursor.col]))
+  		--curwin->w_cursor.col;
+  	    curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    adjust_for_sel(cap);
+- #endif
+  	}
+  	break;
+--- 8044,8050 ----
+*** 8657,8667 ****
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+      /* In Visual mode and typing "gUU" triggers an operator */
+!     if (cap->oap->op_type == OP_UPPER
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 	    || VIsual_active
+! #endif
+! 	    )
+      {
+  	/* translate "gUU" to "gUgU" */
+  	cap->cmdchar = 'g';
+--- 8441,8447 ----
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+      /* In Visual mode and typing "gUU" triggers an operator */
+!     if (cap->oap->op_type == OP_UPPER || VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	/* translate "gUU" to "gUgU" */
+  	cap->cmdchar = 'g';
+*** 8683,8693 ****
+  nv_tilde(cap)
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+!     if (!p_to
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 	    && !VIsual_active
+! #endif
+! 	    && cap->oap->op_type != OP_TILDE)
+  	n_swapchar(cap);
+      else
+  	nv_operator(cap);
+--- 8463,8469 ----
+  nv_tilde(cap)
+      cmdarg_T	*cap;
+  {
+!     if (!p_to && !VIsual_active && cap->oap->op_type != OP_TILDE)
+  	n_swapchar(cap);
+      else
+  	nv_operator(cap);
+*** 8906,8914 ****
+  	clearopbeep(cap->oap);
+      else
+      {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	adjust_for_sel(cap);
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+  	if ((fdo_flags & FDO_HOR) && KeyTyped && cap->oap->op_type == OP_NOP)
+  	    foldOpenCursor();
+--- 8682,8688 ----
+*** 8931,8939 ****
+       * - 'virtualedit' is not "all" and not "onemore".
+       */
+      if (curwin->w_cursor.col > 0 && gchar_cursor() == NUL
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		&& (!VIsual_active || *p_sel == 'o')
+- #endif
+  		&& !virtual_active() && (ve_flags & VE_ONEMORE) == 0
+  #endif
+--- 8705,8711 ----
+*** 8968,8974 ****
+  			       one-character line). */
+  }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  /*
+   * In exclusive Visual mode, may include the last character.
+   */
+--- 8740,8745 ----
+*** 8979,8989 ****
+      if (VIsual_active && cap->oap->inclusive && *p_sel == 'e'
+  	    && gchar_cursor() != NUL && lt(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor))
+      {
+! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+  	if (has_mbyte)
+  	    inc_cursor();
+  	else
+! # endif
+  	    ++curwin->w_cursor.col;
+  	cap->oap->inclusive = FALSE;
+      }
+--- 8750,8760 ----
+      if (VIsual_active && cap->oap->inclusive && *p_sel == 'e'
+  	    && gchar_cursor() != NUL && lt(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor))
+      {
+! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+  	if (has_mbyte)
+  	    inc_cursor();
+  	else
+! #endif
+  	    ++curwin->w_cursor.col;
+  	cap->oap->inclusive = FALSE;
+      }
+*** 9044,9050 ****
+      }
+  }
+- #endif
+  /*
+   * "G", "gg", CTRL-END, CTRL-HOME.
+--- 8815,8820 ----
+*** 9095,9107 ****
+  	if (cmdwin_type != 0)
+  	    cmdwin_result = Ctrl_C;
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (VIsual_active)
+  	{
+  	    end_visual_mode();		/* stop Visual */
+  	    redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+  	}
+- #endif
+  	/* CTRL-\ CTRL-G restarts Insert mode when 'insertmode' is set. */
+  	if (cap->nchar == Ctrl_G && p_im)
+  	    restart_edit = 'a';
+--- 8865,8875 ----
+*** 9132,9140 ****
+  #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN
+  		&& cmdwin_type == 0
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		&& !VIsual_active
+- #endif
+  		&& no_reason)
+  	    MSG(_("Type  :quit<Enter>  to exit Vim"));
+--- 8900,8906 ----
+*** 9152,9158 ****
+  #endif
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	end_visual_mode();	/* stop Visual */
+--- 8918,8923 ----
+*** 9160,9169 ****
+  	curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
+  	redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+      }
+!     else
+! #endif
+! 	if (no_reason)
+! 	    vim_beep();
+      clearop(cap->oap);
+      /* A CTRL-C is often used at the start of a menu.  When 'insertmode' is
+--- 8925,8932 ----
+  	curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
+  	redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+      }
+!     else if (no_reason)
+! 	vim_beep();
+      clearop(cap->oap);
+      /* A CTRL-C is often used at the start of a menu.  When 'insertmode' is
+*** 9187,9206 ****
+      if (cap->cmdchar == K_INS || cap->cmdchar == K_KINS)
+  	cap->cmdchar = 'i';
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* in Visual mode "A" and "I" are an operator */
+      if (VIsual_active && (cap->cmdchar == 'A' || cap->cmdchar == 'I'))
+  	v_visop(cap);
+      /* in Visual mode and after an operator "a" and "i" are for text objects */
+!     else
+! #endif
+! 	if ((cap->cmdchar == 'a' || cap->cmdchar == 'i')
+! 	    && (cap->oap->op_type != OP_NOP
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		|| VIsual_active
+! #endif
+! 		))
+      {
+  #ifdef FEAT_TEXTOBJ
+  	nv_object(cap);
+--- 8950,8962 ----
+      if (cap->cmdchar == K_INS || cap->cmdchar == K_KINS)
+  	cap->cmdchar = 'i';
+      /* in Visual mode "A" and "I" are an operator */
+      if (VIsual_active && (cap->cmdchar == 'A' || cap->cmdchar == 'I'))
+  	v_visop(cap);
+      /* in Visual mode and after an operator "a" and "i" are for text objects */
+!     else if ((cap->cmdchar == 'a' || cap->cmdchar == 'i')
+! 	    && (cap->oap->op_type != OP_NOP || VIsual_active))
+      {
+  #ifdef FEAT_TEXTOBJ
+  	nv_object(cap);
+*** 9467,9478 ****
+  nv_join(cap)
+      cmdarg_T *cap;
+  {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)	/* join the visual lines */
+  	nv_operator(cap);
+!     else
+! #endif
+! 	if (!checkclearop(cap->oap))
+      {
+  	if (cap->count0 <= 1)
+  	    cap->count0 = 2;	    /* default for join is two lines! */
+--- 9223,9231 ----
+  nv_join(cap)
+      cmdarg_T *cap;
+  {
+      if (VIsual_active)	/* join the visual lines */
+  	nv_operator(cap);
+!     else if (!checkclearop(cap->oap))
+      {
+  	if (cap->count0 <= 1)
+  	    cap->count0 = 2;	    /* default for join is two lines! */
+*** 9495,9506 ****
+  nv_put(cap)
+      cmdarg_T  *cap;
+  {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      int		regname = 0;
+      void	*reg1 = NULL, *reg2 = NULL;
+      int		empty = FALSE;
+      int		was_visual = FALSE;
+- #endif
+      int		dir;
+      int		flags = 0;
+--- 9248,9257 ----
+*** 9526,9532 ****
+  	if (cap->cmdchar == 'g')
+  	    flags |= PUT_CURSEND;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (VIsual_active)
+  	{
+  	    /* Putting in Visual mode: The put text replaces the selected
+--- 9277,9282 ----
+*** 9536,9549 ****
+  	     */
+  	    was_visual = TRUE;
+  	    regname = cap->oap->regname;
+  	    adjust_clip_reg(&regname);
+! # endif
+  	   if (regname == 0 || regname == '"'
+  				     || VIM_ISDIGIT(regname) || regname == '-'
+  		    || (clip_unnamed && (regname == '*' || regname == '+'))
+! # endif
+  		    )
+  	    {
+--- 9286,9299 ----
+  	     */
+  	    was_visual = TRUE;
+  	    regname = cap->oap->regname;
+  	    adjust_clip_reg(&regname);
+! #endif
+  	   if (regname == 0 || regname == '"'
+  				     || VIM_ISDIGIT(regname) || regname == '-'
+  		    || (clip_unnamed && (regname == '*' || regname == '+'))
+! #endif
+  		    )
+  	    {
+*** 9591,9600 ****
+  	    /* May have been reset in do_put(). */
+  	    VIsual_active = TRUE;
+  	}
+- #endif
+  	do_put(cap->oap->regname, dir, cap->count1, flags);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	/* If a register was saved, put it back now. */
+  	if (reg2 != NULL)
+  	    put_register(regname, reg2);
+--- 9341,9348 ----
+*** 9621,9627 ****
+  		coladvance((colnr_T)MAXCOL);
+  	    }
+  	}
+- #endif
+  	auto_format(FALSE, TRUE);
+      }
+  }
+--- 9369,9374 ----
+*** 9642,9652 ****
+      }
+      else
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)  /* switch start and end of visual */
+  	v_swap_corners(cap->cmdchar);
+      else
+- #endif
+  	n_opencmd(cap);
+  }
+--- 9389,9397 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/ops.c	2014-03-19 18:57:27.730175565 +0100
+--- src/ops.c	2014-03-23 15:08:16.095260447 +0100
+*** 57,65 ****
+      char_u	**y_array;	/* pointer to array of line pointers */
+      linenr_T	y_size;		/* number of lines in y_array */
+      char_u	y_type;		/* MLINE, MCHAR or MBLOCK */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      colnr_T	y_width;	/* only set if y_type == MBLOCK */
+- #endif
+  } y_regs[NUM_REGISTERS];
+  static struct yankreg	*y_current;	    /* ptr to current yankreg */
+--- 57,63 ----
+*** 107,123 ****
+  static int	yank_copy_line __ARGS((struct block_def *bd, long y_idx));
+  static void	copy_yank_reg __ARGS((struct yankreg *reg));
+- # if defined(FEAT_VISUAL) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
+  static void	may_set_selection __ARGS((void));
+- # endif
+  #endif
+  static void	dis_msg __ARGS((char_u *p, int skip_esc));
+  #if defined(FEAT_COMMENTS) || defined(PROTO)
+  static char_u	*skip_comment __ARGS((char_u *line, int process, int include_space, int *is_comment));
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  static void	block_prep __ARGS((oparg_T *oap, struct block_def *, linenr_T, int));
+- #endif
+  #if defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
+  static void	str_to_reg __ARGS((struct yankreg *y_ptr, int type, char_u *str, long len, long blocklen));
+  #endif
+--- 105,117 ----
+*** 187,193 ****
+      return i;
+  }
+- #if defined(FEAT_VISUAL) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+   * Return TRUE if operator "op" always works on whole lines.
+   */
+--- 181,186 ----
+*** 197,203 ****
+  {
+      return opchars[op][2];
+  }
+- #endif
+  /*
+   * Get first operator command character.
+--- 190,195 ----
+*** 232,249 ****
+      long	    i;
+      int		    first_char;
+      char_u	    *s;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      int		    block_col = 0;
+- #endif
+      if (u_save((linenr_T)(oap->start.lnum - 1),
+  				       (linenr_T)(oap->end.lnum + 1)) == FAIL)
+  	return;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (oap->block_mode)
+  	block_col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
+- #endif
+      for (i = oap->line_count; --i >= 0; )
+      {
+--- 224,237 ----
+*** 272,286 ****
+      foldOpenCursor();
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (oap->block_mode)
+      {
+  	curwin->w_cursor.lnum = oap->start.lnum;
+  	curwin->w_cursor.col = block_col;
+      }
+!     else
+! #endif
+! 	if (curs_top)	    /* put cursor on first line, for ">>" */
+      {
+  	curwin->w_cursor.lnum = oap->start.lnum;
+  	beginline(BL_SOL | BL_FIX);   /* shift_line() may have set cursor.col */
+--- 260,271 ----
+      foldOpenCursor();
+  #endif
+      if (oap->block_mode)
+      {
+  	curwin->w_cursor.lnum = oap->start.lnum;
+  	curwin->w_cursor.col = block_col;
+      }
+!     else if (curs_top)	    /* put cursor on first line, for ">>" */
+      {
+  	curwin->w_cursor.lnum = oap->start.lnum;
+  	beginline(BL_SOL | BL_FIX);   /* shift_line() may have set cursor.col */
+*** 733,746 ****
+       * there is no change still need to remove the Visual highlighting. */
+      if (last_changed != 0)
+  	changed_lines(first_changed, 0,
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		oap->is_VIsual ? start_lnum + oap->line_count :
+- #endif
+  		last_changed + 1, 0L);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      else if (oap->is_VIsual)
+  	redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+- #endif
+      if (oap->line_count > p_report)
+      {
+--- 718,727 ----
+*** 948,954 ****
+  }
+  #endif
+- #if defined(FEAT_VISUAL) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+   * Obtain the contents of a "normal" register. The register is made empty.
+   * The returned pointer has allocated memory, use put_register() later.
+--- 929,934 ----
+*** 1016,1025 ****
+      *y_current = *(struct yankreg *)reg;
+      vim_free(reg);
+      /* Send text written to clipboard register to the clipboard. */
+      may_set_selection();
+! # endif
+  }
+      void
+--- 996,1005 ----
+      *y_current = *(struct yankreg *)reg;
+      vim_free(reg);
+      /* Send text written to clipboard register to the clipboard. */
+      may_set_selection();
+! #endif
+  }
+      void
+*** 1034,1040 ****
+      vim_free(reg);
+      *y_current = tmp;
+  }
+- #endif
+  #if defined(FEAT_MOUSE) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+--- 1014,1019 ----
+*** 1634,1643 ****
+      int			n;
+      linenr_T		lnum;
+      char_u		*ptr;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      char_u		*newp, *oldp;
+      struct block_def	bd;
+- #endif
+      linenr_T		old_lcount = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
+      int			did_yank = FALSE;
+      int			orig_regname = oap->regname;
+--- 1613,1620 ----
+*** 1670,1679 ****
+       * delete linewise.  Don't do this for the change command or Visual mode.
+       */
+      if (       oap->motion_type == MCHAR
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    && !oap->is_VIsual
+  	    && !oap->block_mode
+- #endif
+  	    && oap->line_count > 1
+  	    && oap->motion_force == NUL
+  	    && oap->op_type == OP_DELETE)
+--- 1647,1654 ----
+*** 1787,1793 ****
+  	}
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /*
+       * block mode delete
+       */
+--- 1762,1767 ----
+*** 1838,1846 ****
+  						       oap->end.lnum + 1, 0L);
+  	oap->line_count = 0;	    /* no lines deleted */
+      }
+!     else
+! #endif
+! 	if (oap->motion_type == MLINE)
+      {
+  	if (oap->op_type == OP_CHANGE)
+  	{
+--- 1812,1818 ----
+  						       oap->end.lnum + 1, 0L);
+  	oap->line_count = 0;	    /* no lines deleted */
+      }
+!     else if (oap->motion_type == MLINE)
+      {
+  	if (oap->op_type == OP_CHANGE)
+  	{
+*** 1924,1936 ****
+  		return FAIL;
+  	    /* if 'cpoptions' contains '$', display '$' at end of change */
+! 	    if (	   vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_DOLLAR) != NULL
+  		    && oap->op_type == OP_CHANGE
+  		    && oap->end.lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		    && !oap->is_VIsual
+! #endif
+! 		    )
+  		display_dollar(oap->end.col - !oap->inclusive);
+  	    n = oap->end.col - oap->start.col + 1 - !oap->inclusive;
+--- 1896,1905 ----
+  		return FAIL;
+  	    /* if 'cpoptions' contains '$', display '$' at end of change */
+! 	    if (       vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_DOLLAR) != NULL
+  		    && oap->op_type == OP_CHANGE
+  		    && oap->end.lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum
+! 		    && !oap->is_VIsual)
+  		display_dollar(oap->end.col - !oap->inclusive);
+  	    n = oap->end.col - oap->start.col + 1 - !oap->inclusive;
+*** 1967,1977 ****
+  	    }
+  	    else
+  	    {
+! 		(void)del_bytes((long)n, !virtual_op, oap->op_type == OP_DELETE
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 				    && !oap->is_VIsual
+! #endif
+! 							);
+  	    }
+  	}
+  	else				/* delete characters between lines */
+--- 1936,1943 ----
+  	    }
+  	    else
+  	    {
+! 		(void)del_bytes((long)n, !virtual_op,
+! 				oap->op_type == OP_DELETE && !oap->is_VIsual);
+  	    }
+  	}
+  	else				/* delete characters between lines */
+*** 2008,2018 ****
+  	    {
+  		/* delete from start of line until op_end */
+  		curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
+! 		(void)del_bytes((long)n, !virtual_op, oap->op_type == OP_DELETE
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 					&& !oap->is_VIsual
+! #endif
+! 							    );
+  		curwin->w_cursor = curpos;	/* restore curwin->w_cursor */
+  	    }
+  	    if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
+--- 1974,1981 ----
+  	    {
+  		/* delete from start of line until op_end */
+  		curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
+! 		(void)del_bytes((long)n, !virtual_op,
+! 				oap->op_type == OP_DELETE && !oap->is_VIsual);
+  		curwin->w_cursor = curpos;	/* restore curwin->w_cursor */
+  	    }
+  	    if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
+*** 2025,2038 ****
+  setmarks:
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (oap->block_mode)
+      {
+  	curbuf->b_op_end.lnum = oap->end.lnum;
+  	curbuf->b_op_end.col = oap->start.col;
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+  	curbuf->b_op_end = oap->start;
+      curbuf->b_op_start = oap->start;
+--- 1988,1999 ----
+*** 2318,2326 ****
+      oparg_T	*oap;
+  {
+      pos_T		pos;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      struct block_def	bd;
+- #endif
+      int			did_change = FALSE;
+      if (u_save((linenr_T)(oap->start.lnum - 1),
+--- 2279,2285 ----
+*** 2328,2334 ****
+  	return;
+      pos = oap->start;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (oap->block_mode)		    /* Visual block mode */
+      {
+  	for (; pos.lnum <= oap->end.lnum; ++pos.lnum)
+--- 2287,2292 ----
+*** 2340,2346 ****
+  	    one_change = swapchars(oap->op_type, &pos, bd.textlen);
+  	    did_change |= one_change;
+  	    if (netbeans_active() && one_change)
+  	    {
+  		char_u *ptr = ml_get_buf(curbuf, pos.lnum, FALSE);
+--- 2298,2304 ----
+  	    one_change = swapchars(oap->op_type, &pos, bd.textlen);
+  	    did_change |= one_change;
+  	    if (netbeans_active() && one_change)
+  	    {
+  		char_u *ptr = ml_get_buf(curbuf, pos.lnum, FALSE);
+*** 2350,2362 ****
+  		netbeans_inserted(curbuf, pos.lnum, bd.textcol,
+  						&ptr[bd.textcol], bd.textlen);
+  	    }
+! # endif
+  	}
+  	if (did_change)
+  	    changed_lines(oap->start.lnum, 0, oap->end.lnum + 1, 0L);
+      }
+      else				    /* not block mode */
+- #endif
+      {
+  	if (oap->motion_type == MLINE)
+  	{
+--- 2308,2319 ----
+  		netbeans_inserted(curbuf, pos.lnum, bd.textcol,
+  						&ptr[bd.textcol], bd.textlen);
+  	    }
+! #endif
+  	}
+  	if (did_change)
+  	    changed_lines(oap->start.lnum, 0, oap->end.lnum + 1, 0L);
+      }
+      else				    /* not block mode */
+      {
+  	if (oap->motion_type == MLINE)
+  	{
+*** 2412,2422 ****
+  	}
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (!did_change && oap->is_VIsual)
+  	/* No change: need to remove the Visual selection */
+  	redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * Set '[ and '] marks.
+--- 2369,2377 ----
+*** 3018,3027 ****
+      if (       oap->motion_type == MCHAR
+  	    && oap->start.col == 0
+  	    && !oap->inclusive
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    && (!oap->is_VIsual || *p_sel == 'o')
+  	    && !oap->block_mode
+- #endif
+  	    && oap->end.col == 0
+  	    && yanklines > 1)
+      {
+--- 2973,2980 ----
+*** 3032,3040 ****
+      y_current->y_size = yanklines;
+      y_current->y_type = yanktype;   /* set the yank register type */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      y_current->y_width = 0;
+- #endif
+      y_current->y_array = (char_u **)lalloc_clear((long_u)(sizeof(char_u *) *
+  							    yanklines), TRUE);
+--- 2985,2991 ----
+*** 3047,3053 ****
+      y_idx = 0;
+      lnum = oap->start.lnum;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (oap->block_mode)
+      {
+  	/* Visual block mode */
+--- 2998,3003 ----
+*** 3057,3075 ****
+  	if (curwin->w_curswant == MAXCOL && y_current->y_width > 0)
+  	    y_current->y_width--;
+      }
+- #endif
+      for ( ; lnum <= yankendlnum; lnum++, y_idx++)
+      {
+  	switch (y_current->y_type)
+  	{
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    case MBLOCK:
+  		block_prep(oap, &bd, lnum, FALSE);
+  		if (yank_copy_line(&bd, y_idx) == FAIL)
+  		    goto fail;
+  		break;
+- #endif
+  	    case MLINE:
+  		if ((y_current->y_array[y_idx] =
+--- 3007,3022 ----
+*** 3206,3214 ****
+      if (mess)			/* Display message about yank? */
+      {
+  	if (yanktype == MCHAR
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		&& !oap->block_mode
+- #endif
+  		&& yanklines == 1)
+  	    yanklines = 0;
+  	/* Some versions of Vi use ">=" here, some don't...  */
+--- 3153,3159 ----
+*** 3218,3234 ****
+  	    update_topline_redraw();
+  	    if (yanklines == 1)
+  	    {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		if (oap->block_mode)
+  		    MSG(_("block of 1 line yanked"));
+  		else
+- #endif
+  		    MSG(_("1 line yanked"));
+  	    }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    else if (oap->block_mode)
+  		smsg((char_u *)_("block of %ld lines yanked"), yanklines);
+- #endif
+  	    else
+  		smsg((char_u *)_("%ld lines yanked"), yanklines);
+  	}
+--- 3163,3175 ----
+*** 3239,3249 ****
+       */
+      curbuf->b_op_start = oap->start;
+      curbuf->b_op_end = oap->end;
+!     if (yanktype == MLINE
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		&& !oap->block_mode
+! #endif
+!        )
+      {
+  	curbuf->b_op_start.col = 0;
+  	curbuf->b_op_end.col = MAXCOL;
+--- 3180,3186 ----
+       */
+      curbuf->b_op_start = oap->start;
+      curbuf->b_op_end = oap->end;
+!     if (yanktype == MLINE && !oap->block_mode)
+      {
+  	curbuf->b_op_start.col = 0;
+  	curbuf->b_op_end.col = MAXCOL;
+*** 3380,3386 ****
+      long	i;			/* index in y_array[] */
+      int		y_type;
+      long	y_size;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      int		oldlen;
+      long	y_width = 0;
+      colnr_T	vcol;
+--- 3317,3322 ----
+*** 3388,3394 ****
+      int		incr = 0;
+      long	j;
+      struct block_def bd;
+- #endif
+      char_u	**y_array = NULL;
+      long	nr_lines = 0;
+      pos_T	new_cursor;
+--- 3324,3329 ----
+*** 3497,3510 ****
+  	get_yank_register(regname, FALSE);
+  	y_type = y_current->y_type;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	y_width = y_current->y_width;
+- #endif
+  	y_size = y_current->y_size;
+  	y_array = y_current->y_array;
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (y_type == MLINE)
+      {
+  	if (flags & PUT_LINE_SPLIT)
+--- 3432,3442 ----
+*** 3535,3541 ****
+  	curbuf->b_op_start = curwin->w_cursor;	/* default for '[ mark */
+  	curbuf->b_op_end = curwin->w_cursor;	/* default for '] mark */
+      }
+- #endif
+      if (flags & PUT_LINE)	/* :put command or "p" in Visual line mode. */
+  	y_type = MLINE;
+--- 3467,3472 ----
+*** 3547,3553 ****
+  	goto end;
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (y_type == MBLOCK)
+      {
+  	lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum + y_size + 1;
+--- 3478,3483 ----
+*** 3556,3564 ****
+  	if (u_save(curwin->w_cursor.lnum - 1, lnum) == FAIL)
+  	    goto end;
+      }
+!     else
+! #endif
+! 	if (y_type == MLINE)
+      {
+  	lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
+  #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+--- 3486,3492 ----
+  	if (u_save(curwin->w_cursor.lnum - 1, lnum) == FAIL)
+  	    goto end;
+      }
+!     else if (y_type == MLINE)
+      {
+  	lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
+  #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+*** 3610,3616 ****
+      lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
+      col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /*
+       * Block mode
+       */
+--- 3538,3543 ----
+*** 3792,3798 ****
+  	    curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum;
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+      {
+  	/*
+  	 * Character or Line mode
+--- 3719,3724 ----
+*** 3866,3882 ****
+  			curwin->w_cursor.col += (colnr_T)(totlen - 1);
+  		    }
+  		}
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		if (VIsual_active)
+  		    lnum++;
+! #endif
+! 	    } while (
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		    VIsual_active && lnum <= curbuf->b_visual.vi_end.lnum
+! #else
+! 		    FALSE /* stop after 1 paste */
+! #endif
+! 		    );
+  	    curbuf->b_op_end = curwin->w_cursor;
+  	    /* For "CTRL-O p" in Insert mode, put cursor after last char */
+--- 3792,3800 ----
+  			curwin->w_cursor.col += (colnr_T)(totlen - 1);
+  		    }
+  		}
+  		if (VIsual_active)
+  		    lnum++;
+! 	    } while (VIsual_active && lnum <= curbuf->b_visual.vi_end.lnum);
+  	    curbuf->b_op_end = curwin->w_cursor;
+  	    /* For "CTRL-O p" in Insert mode, put cursor after last char */
+*** 4038,4046 ****
+      if (regname == '=')
+  	vim_free(y_array);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      VIsual_active = FALSE;
+- #endif
+      /* If the cursor is past the end of the line put it at the end. */
+      adjust_cursor_eol();
+--- 3956,3962 ----
+*** 4729,4739 ****
+  	return;
+      curwin->w_cursor = oap->start;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (oap->is_VIsual)
+  	/* When there is no change: need to remove the Visual selection */
+  	redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+- #endif
+      /* Set '[ mark at the start of the formatted area */
+      curbuf->b_op_start = oap->start;
+--- 4645,4653 ----
+*** 4765,4771 ****
+  	saved_cursor.lnum = 0;
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (oap->is_VIsual)
+      {
+  	win_T	*wp;
+--- 4679,4684 ----
+*** 4783,4789 ****
+  	    }
+  	}
+      }
+- #endif
+  }
+  #if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
+--- 4696,4701 ----
+*** 4794,4804 ****
+  op_formatexpr(oap)
+      oparg_T	*oap;
+  {
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (oap->is_VIsual)
+  	/* When there is no change: need to remove the Visual selection */
+  	redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
+- # endif
+      if (fex_format(oap->start.lnum, oap->line_count, NUL) != 0)
+  	/* As documented: when 'formatexpr' returns non-zero fall back to
+--- 4706,4714 ----
+*** 5238,5244 ****
+      return FALSE;
+  }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  /*
+   * prepare a few things for block mode yank/delete/tilde
+   *
+--- 5148,5153 ----
+*** 5397,5403 ****
+      bdp->textcol = (colnr_T) (pstart - line);
+      bdp->textstart = pstart;
+  }
+- #endif /* FEAT_VISUAL */
+  static void reverse_line __ARGS((char_u *s));
+--- 5306,5311 ----
+*** 5748,5766 ****
+  	str = skipwhite(skiptowhite(str));
+  	if (STRNCMP(str, "CHAR", 4) == 0)
+  	    y_current->y_type = MCHAR;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	else if (STRNCMP(str, "BLOCK", 5) == 0)
+  	    y_current->y_type = MBLOCK;
+- #endif
+  	else
+  	    y_current->y_type = MLINE;
+  	/* get the block width; if it's missing we get a zero, which is OK */
+  	str = skipwhite(skiptowhite(str));
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	y_current->y_width = getdigits(&str);
+- #else
+- 	(void)getdigits(&str);
+- #endif
+      }
+      while (!(eof = viminfo_readline(virp))
+--- 5656,5668 ----
+*** 5868,5878 ****
+  	    case MCHAR:
+  		type = (char_u *)"CHAR";
+  		break;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    case MBLOCK:
+  		type = (char_u *)"BLOCK";
+  		break;
+- #endif
+  	    default:
+  		sprintf((char *)IObuff, _("E574: Unknown register type %d"),
+  							    y_regs[i].y_type);
+--- 5770,5778 ----
+*** 5886,5898 ****
+  	fprintf(fp, "\"%c", c);
+  	if (c == execreg_lastc)
+  	    fprintf(fp, "@");
+! 	fprintf(fp, "\t%s\t%d\n", type,
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		    (int)y_regs[i].y_width
+! #else
+! 		    0
+! #endif
+! 		    );
+  	/* If max_num_lines < 0, then we save ALL the lines in the register */
+  	if (max_num_lines > 0 && num_lines > max_num_lines)
+--- 5786,5792 ----
+  	fprintf(fp, "\"%c", c);
+  	if (c == execreg_lastc)
+  	    fprintf(fp, "@");
+! 	fprintf(fp, "\t%s\t%d\n", type, (int)y_regs[i].y_width);
+  	/* If max_num_lines < 0, then we save ALL the lines in the register */
+  	if (max_num_lines > 0 && num_lines > max_num_lines)
+*** 6039,6048 ****
+  {
+      struct yankreg *old_y_previous, *old_y_current;
+      pos_T	old_cursor;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      pos_T	old_visual;
+      int		old_visual_mode;
+- #endif
+      colnr_T	old_curswant;
+      int		old_set_curswant;
+      pos_T	old_op_start, old_op_end;
+--- 5933,5940 ----
+*** 6063,6072 ****
+  	old_set_curswant = curwin->w_set_curswant;
+  	old_op_start = curbuf->b_op_start;
+  	old_op_end = curbuf->b_op_end;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	old_visual = VIsual;
+  	old_visual_mode = VIsual_mode;
+- #endif
+  	clear_oparg(&oa);
+  	oa.regname = (cbd == &clip_plus ? '+' : '*');
+  	oa.op_type = OP_YANK;
+--- 5955,5962 ----
+*** 6084,6093 ****
+  	curwin->w_set_curswant = old_set_curswant;
+  	curbuf->b_op_start = old_op_start;
+  	curbuf->b_op_end = old_op_end;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	VIsual = old_visual;
+  	VIsual_mode = old_visual_mode;
+- #endif
+      }
+      else
+      {
+--- 5974,5981 ----
+*** 6190,6196 ****
+  }
+- # if defined(FEAT_VISUAL) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
+  /*
+   * If we have written to a clipboard register, send the text to the clipboard.
+   */
+--- 6078,6083 ----
+*** 6208,6214 ****
+  	clip_gen_set_selection(&clip_plus);
+      }
+  }
+- # endif
+  #endif /* FEAT_CLIPBOARD || PROTO */
+--- 6095,6100 ----
+*** 6273,6282 ****
+      if (y_current->y_array != NULL)
+      {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (reglen != NULL && y_current->y_type == MBLOCK)
+  	    *reglen = y_current->y_width;
+- #endif
+  	return y_current->y_type;
+      }
+      return MAUTO;
+--- 6159,6166 ----
+*** 6454,6464 ****
+      get_yank_register(name, TRUE);
+      if (!y_append && !must_append)
+  	free_yank_all();
+- #ifndef FEAT_VISUAL
+-     /* Just in case - make sure we don't use MBLOCK */
+-     if (yank_type == MBLOCK)
+- 	yank_type = MAUTO;
+- #endif
+      str_to_reg(y_current, yank_type, str, len, block_len);
+--- 6338,6343 ----
+*** 6496,6504 ****
+      int		append = FALSE;		/* append to last line in register */
+      char_u	*s;
+      char_u	**pp;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      long	maxlen;
+- #endif
+      if (y_ptr->y_array == NULL)		/* NULL means empty register */
+  	y_ptr->y_size = 0;
+--- 6375,6381 ----
+*** 6539,6547 ****
+  	pp[lnum] = y_ptr->y_array[lnum];
+      vim_free(y_ptr->y_array);
+      y_ptr->y_array = pp;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      maxlen = 0;
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * Find the end of each line and save it into the array.
+--- 6416,6422 ----
+*** 6552,6561 ****
+  	    if (str[i] == '\n')
+  		break;
+  	i -= start;			/* i is now length of line */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (i > maxlen)
+  	    maxlen = i;
+- #endif
+  	if (append)
+  	{
+  	    --lnum;
+--- 6427,6434 ----
+*** 6585,6596 ****
+      }
+      y_ptr->y_type = type;
+      y_ptr->y_size = lnum;
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (type == MBLOCK)
+  	y_ptr->y_width = (blocklen < 0 ? maxlen - 1 : blocklen);
+      else
+  	y_ptr->y_width = 0;
+- # endif
+  }
+  #endif /* FEAT_CLIPBOARD || FEAT_EVAL || PROTO */
+--- 6458,6467 ----
+*** 6684,6695 ****
+      long	word_count_cursor = 0;
+      int		eol_size;
+      long	last_check = 100000L;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      long	line_count_selected = 0;
+      pos_T	min_pos, max_pos;
+      oparg_T	oparg;
+      struct block_def	bd;
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * Compute the length of the file in characters.
+--- 6555,6564 ----
+*** 6705,6711 ****
+  	else
+  	    eol_size = 1;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (VIsual_active)
+  	{
+  	    if (lt(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor))
+--- 6574,6579 ----
+*** 6749,6755 ****
+  	    }
+  	    line_count_selected = max_pos.lnum - min_pos.lnum + 1;
+  	}
+- #endif
+  	for (lnum = 1; lnum <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count; ++lnum)
+  	{
+--- 6617,6622 ----
+*** 6762,6768 ****
+  		last_check = byte_count + 100000L;
+  	    }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    /* Do extra processing for VIsual mode. */
+  	    if (VIsual_active
+  		    && lnum >= min_pos.lnum && lnum <= max_pos.lnum)
+--- 6629,6634 ----
+*** 6773,6785 ****
+  		switch (VIsual_mode)
+  		{
+  		    case Ctrl_V:
+  			virtual_op = virtual_active();
+! # endif
+  			block_prep(&oparg, &bd, lnum, 0);
+  			virtual_op = MAYBE;
+! # endif
+  			s = bd.textstart;
+  			len = (long)bd.textlen;
+  			break;
+--- 6639,6651 ----
+  		switch (VIsual_mode)
+  		{
+  		    case Ctrl_V:
+  			virtual_op = virtual_active();
+! #endif
+  			block_prep(&oparg, &bd, lnum, 0);
+  			virtual_op = MAYBE;
+! #endif
+  			s = bd.textstart;
+  			len = (long)bd.textlen;
+  			break;
+*** 6811,6817 ****
+  		}
+  	    }
+  	    else
+- #endif
+  	    {
+  		/* In non-visual mode, check for the line the cursor is on */
+  		if (lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
+--- 6677,6682 ----
+*** 6833,6839 ****
+  	if (!curbuf->b_p_eol && curbuf->b_p_bin)
+  	    byte_count -= eol_size;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (VIsual_active)
+  	{
+  	    if (VIsual_mode == Ctrl_V && curwin->w_curswant < MAXCOL)
+--- 6698,6703 ----
+*** 6864,6870 ****
+  			byte_count_cursor, byte_count);
+  	}
+  	else
+- #endif
+  	{
+  	    p = ml_get_curline();
+  	    validate_virtcol();
+--- 6728,6733 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/option.c	2014-03-12 18:55:52.100906804 +0100
+--- src/option.c	2014-03-23 13:28:12.359168452 +0100
+*** 1629,1639 ****
+  #endif
+  			    SCRIPTID_INIT},
+      {"keymodel",    "km",   P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP,
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  			    (char_u *)&p_km, PV_NONE,
+- #else
+- 			    (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE,
+- #endif
+  			    {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT},
+      {"keywordprg",  "kp",   P_STRING|P_EXPAND|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE,
+  			    (char_u *)&p_kp, PV_KP,
+--- 1629,1635 ----
+*** 2190,2208 ****
+  			    (char_u *)&p_secure, PV_NONE,
+  			    {(char_u *)FALSE, (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT},
+      {"selection",   "sel",  P_STRING|P_VI_DEF,
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  			    (char_u *)&p_sel, PV_NONE,
+- #else
+- 			    (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE,
+- #endif
+  			    {(char_u *)"inclusive", (char_u *)0L}
+  			    SCRIPTID_INIT},
+      {"selectmode",  "slm",  P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP,
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  			    (char_u *)&p_slm, PV_NONE,
+- #else
+- 			    (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE,
+- #endif
+  			    {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L} SCRIPTID_INIT},
+      {"sessionoptions", "ssop", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_COMMA|P_NODUP,
+  #ifdef FEAT_SESSION
+--- 2186,2196 ----
+*** 2979,2991 ****
+  static char *(p_wak_values[]) = {"yes", "menu", "no", NULL};
+  #endif
+  static char *(p_mousem_values[]) = {"extend", "popup", "popup_setpos", "mac", NULL};
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  static char *(p_sel_values[]) = {"inclusive", "exclusive", "old", NULL};
+  static char *(p_slm_values[]) = {"mouse", "key", "cmd", NULL};
+- #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  static char *(p_km_values[]) = {"startsel", "stopsel", NULL};
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_BROWSE
+  static char *(p_bsdir_values[]) = {"current", "last", "buffer", NULL};
+  #endif
+--- 2967,2975 ----
+*** 6578,6584 ****
+      }
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* 'selection' */
+      else if (varp == &p_sel)
+      {
+--- 6562,6567 ----
+*** 6593,6599 ****
+  	if (check_opt_strings(p_slm, p_slm_values, TRUE) != OK)
+  	    errmsg = e_invarg;
+      }
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_BROWSE
+      /* 'browsedir' */
+--- 6576,6581 ----
+*** 6605,6611 ****
+      }
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* 'keymodel' */
+      else if (varp == &p_km)
+      {
+--- 6587,6592 ----
+*** 6617,6623 ****
+  	    km_startsel = (vim_strchr(p_km, 'a') != NULL);
+  	}
+      }
+- #endif
+      /* 'mousemodel' */
+      else if (varp == &p_mousem)
+--- 6598,6603 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/os_msdos.c	2013-05-06 04:06:04.000000000 +0200
+--- src/os_msdos.c	2014-03-23 13:28:24.855168644 +0100
+*** 2270,2278 ****
+  		default:
+  		case 'L':	type = MLINE;	break;
+  		case 'C':	type = MCHAR;	break;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		case 'B':	type = MBLOCK;	break;
+- #endif
+  	    }
+  	}
+--- 2270,2276 ----
+*** 2799,2807 ****
+  	    default:
+  	    case MLINE:	    clip_sel_type = "L";	break;
+  	    case MCHAR:	    clip_sel_type = "C";	break;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    case MBLOCK:    clip_sel_type = "B";	break;
+- #endif
+  	}
+  	movedata(
+--- 2797,2803 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/os_qnx.c	2011-09-21 19:48:08.000000000 +0200
+--- src/os_qnx.c	2014-03-23 13:28:38.815168858 +0100
+*** 78,86 ****
+  		default: /* fallthrough to line type */
+  		case 'L': type = MLINE; break;
+  		case 'C': type = MCHAR; break;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		case 'B': type = MBLOCK; break;
+- #endif
+  	    }
+  	    is_type_set = TRUE;
+  	}
+--- 78,84 ----
+*** 143,151 ****
+  		default: /* fallthrough to MLINE */
+  		case MLINE:	*vim_clip = 'L'; break;
+  		case MCHAR:	*vim_clip = 'C'; break;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		case MBLOCK:	*vim_clip = 'B'; break;
+- #endif
+  	    }
+  	    vim_strncpy(text_clip, str, len);
+--- 141,147 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/quickfix.c	2014-03-12 19:41:37.096948866 +0100
+--- src/quickfix.c	2014-03-23 13:28:50.907169043 +0100
+*** 2347,2355 ****
+      else
+  	height = QF_WINHEIGHT;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      reset_VIsual_and_resel();			/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
+      need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
+  #endif
+--- 2347,2353 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/regexp.c	2013-11-21 17:12:55.000000000 +0100
+--- src/regexp.c	2014-03-23 13:29:14.495169404 +0100
+*** 4179,4187 ****
+  			    - (*mb_head_off)(regline, reginput - 1), reg_buf);
+      return -1;
+  }
+  #endif
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  static int reg_match_visual __ARGS((void));
+  /*
+--- 4179,4186 ----
+  			    - (*mb_head_off)(regline, reginput - 1), reg_buf);
+      return -1;
+  }
+  #endif
+  static int reg_match_visual __ARGS((void));
+  /*
+*** 4258,4264 ****
+      }
+      return TRUE;
+  }
+- #endif
+  #define ADVANCE_REGINPUT() mb_ptr_adv(reginput)
+--- 4257,4262 ----
+*** 4440,4448 ****
+  	    break;
+  	  case RE_VISUAL:
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	    if (!reg_match_visual())
+- #endif
+  		status = RA_NOMATCH;
+  	    break;
+--- 4438,4444 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/regexp_nfa.c	2013-11-28 14:20:11.000000000 +0100
+--- src/regexp_nfa.c	2014-03-23 13:29:31.367169663 +0100
+*** 6403,6416 ****
+  		break;
+  	    case NFA_VISUAL:
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		result = reg_match_visual();
+  		if (result)
+  		{
+  		    add_here = TRUE;
+  		    add_state = t->state->out;
+  		}
+- #endif
+  		break;
+  	    case NFA_MOPEN1:
+--- 6403,6414 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/screen.c	2013-12-11 15:51:54.000000000 +0100
+--- src/screen.c	2014-03-23 13:32:10.787172106 +0100
+*** 446,453 ****
+  #endif
+  }
+- #if defined(FEAT_RUBY) || defined(FEAT_PERL) || defined(FEAT_VISUAL) || \
+-     (defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD) && defined(FEAT_X11)) || defined(PROTO)
+  /*
+   * update all windows that are editing the current buffer
+   */
+--- 446,451 ----
+*** 458,464 ****
+      redraw_curbuf_later(type);
+      update_screen(type);
+  }
+- #endif
+  /*
+   * update_screen()
+--- 456,461 ----
+*** 596,609 ****
+  		    && curwin->w_botfill == curwin->w_old_botfill
+  #endif
+  		    && curwin->w_topline == curwin->w_lines[0].wl_lnum)
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		|| (type == INVERTED
+  		    && VIsual_active
+  		    && curwin->w_old_cursor_lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum
+  		    && curwin->w_old_visual_mode == VIsual_mode
+  		    && (curwin->w_valid & VALID_VIRTCOL)
+  		    && curwin->w_old_curswant == curwin->w_curswant)
+- #endif
+  		))
+  	curwin->w_redr_type = type;
+--- 593,604 ----
+*** 1030,1039 ****
+  				   updating.  0 when no mid area updating. */
+      int		bot_start = 999;/* first row of the bot area that needs
+  				   updating.  999 when no bot area updating */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      int		scrolled_down = FALSE;	/* TRUE when scrolled down when
+  					   w_topline got smaller a bit */
+- #endif
+      matchitem_T *cur;		/* points to the match list */
+      int		top_to_mod = FALSE;    /* redraw above mod_top */
+--- 1025,1032 ----
+*** 1354,1362 ****
+  			    /* Need to update rows that are new, stop at the
+  			     * first one that scrolled down. */
+  			    top_end = i;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  			    scrolled_down = TRUE;
+- #endif
+  			    /* Move the entries that were scrolled, disable
+  			     * the entries for the lines to be redrawn. */
+--- 1347,1353 ----
+*** 1513,1519 ****
+  	type = NOT_VALID;
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* check if we are updating or removing the inverted part */
+      if ((VIsual_active && buf == curwin->w_buffer)
+  	    || (wp->w_old_cursor_lnum != 0 && type != NOT_VALID))
+--- 1504,1509 ----
+*** 1708,1714 ****
+  	wp->w_old_visual_lnum = 0;
+  	wp->w_old_visual_col = 0;
+      }
+- #endif /* FEAT_VISUAL */
+  #if defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) || defined(FEAT_SEARCH_EXTRA)
+      /* reset got_int, otherwise regexp won't work */
+--- 1698,1703 ----
+*** 2670,2676 ****
+       * 6. set highlighting for the Visual area an other text.
+       * If all folded lines are in the Visual area, highlight the line.
+       */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active && wp->w_buffer == curwin->w_buffer)
+      {
+  	if (ltoreq(curwin->w_cursor, VIsual))
+--- 2659,2664 ----
+*** 2718,2724 ****
+  	    }
+  	}
+      }
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
+      /* Show 'cursorcolumn' in the fold line. */
+--- 2706,2711 ----
+*** 2876,2885 ****
+      int		fromcol, tocol;		/* start/end of inverting */
+      int		fromcol_prev = -2;	/* start of inverting after cursor */
+      int		noinvcur = FALSE;	/* don't invert the cursor */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      pos_T	*top, *bot;
+      int		lnum_in_visual_area = FALSE;
+- #endif
+      pos_T	pos;
+      long	v;
+--- 2863,2870 ----
+*** 3090,3096 ****
+       */
+      fromcol = -10;
+      tocol = MAXCOL;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active && wp->w_buffer == curwin->w_buffer)
+      {
+  					/* Visual is after curwin->w_cursor */
+--- 3075,3080 ----
+*** 3183,3191 ****
+      /*
+       * handle 'incsearch' and ":s///c" highlighting
+       */
+!     else
+! #endif /* FEAT_VISUAL */
+! 	if (highlight_match
+  	    && wp == curwin
+  	    && lnum >= curwin->w_cursor.lnum
+  	    && lnum <= curwin->w_cursor.lnum + search_match_lines)
+--- 3167,3173 ----
+      /*
+       * handle 'incsearch' and ":s///c" highlighting
+       */
+!     else if (highlight_match
+  	    && wp == curwin
+  	    && lnum >= curwin->w_cursor.lnum
+  	    && lnum <= curwin->w_cursor.lnum + search_match_lines)
+*** 3324,3330 ****
+  	    mb_ptr_adv(ptr);
+  	}
+- #if defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) || defined(FEAT_VIRTUALEDIT) || defined(FEAT_VISUAL)
+  	/* When:
+  	 * - 'cuc' is set, or
+  	 * - 'colorcolumn' is set, or
+--- 3306,3311 ----
+*** 3333,3359 ****
+  	 * the end of the line may be before the start of the displayed part.
+  	 */
+  	if (vcol < v && (
+! # ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
+! 	     wp->w_p_cuc
+! 	     || draw_color_col
+! #  if defined(FEAT_VIRTUALEDIT) || defined(FEAT_VISUAL)
+! 	     ||
+! #  endif
+! # endif
+! 	     virtual_active()
+! #  ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 	     ||
+! #  endif
+! # endif
+! # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 	     (VIsual_active && wp->w_buffer == curwin->w_buffer)
+! # endif
+! 	     ))
+  	{
+  	    vcol = v;
+  	}
+- #endif
+  	/* Handle a character that's not completely on the screen: Put ptr at
+  	 * that character but skip the first few screen characters. */
+--- 3314,3329 ----
+  	 * the end of the line may be before the start of the displayed part.
+  	 */
+  	if (vcol < v && (
+! #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
+! 	     wp->w_p_cuc || draw_color_col ||
+! #endif
+! 	     virtual_active() ||
+! #endif
+! 	     (VIsual_active && wp->w_buffer == curwin->w_buffer)))
+  	{
+  	    vcol = v;
+  	}
+  	/* Handle a character that's not completely on the screen: Put ptr at
+  	 * that character but skip the first few screen characters. */
+*** 4500,4508 ****
+  			&& ((wp->w_p_list && lcs_eol > 0)
+  			    || ((fromcol >= 0 || fromcol_prev >= 0)
+  				&& tocol > vcol
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  				&& VIsual_mode != Ctrl_V
+- #endif
+  				&& (
+  				    wp->w_p_rl ? (col >= 0) :
+--- 4470,4476 ----
+*** 4854,4864 ****
+  #endif
+  	    if (lcs_eol == lcs_eol_one
+  		    && ((area_attr != 0 && vcol == fromcol
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  			    && (VIsual_mode != Ctrl_V
+  				|| lnum == VIsual.lnum
+  				|| lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
+- #endif
+  			    && c == NUL)
+  			/* highlight 'hlsearch' match at end of line */
+--- 4822,4830 ----
+*** 9659,9668 ****
+      do_mode = ((p_smd && msg_silent == 0)
+  	    && ((State & INSERT)
+  		|| restart_edit
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		|| VIsual_active
+! #endif
+! 		));
+      if (do_mode || Recording)
+      {
+  	/*
+--- 9625,9631 ----
+      do_mode = ((p_smd && msg_silent == 0)
+  	    && ((State & INSERT)
+  		|| restart_edit
+! 		|| VIsual_active));
+      if (do_mode || Recording)
+      {
+  	/*
+*** 9790,9796 ****
+  		if ((State & INSERT) && p_paste)
+  		    MSG_PUTS_ATTR(_(" (paste)"), attr);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		if (VIsual_active)
+  		{
+  		    char *p;
+--- 9753,9758 ----
+*** 9810,9816 ****
+  		    }
+  		    MSG_PUTS_ATTR(_(p), attr);
+  		}
+- #endif
+  		MSG_PUTS_ATTR(" --", attr);
+  	    }
+--- 9772,9777 ----
+*** 9839,9849 ****
+  	msg_clr_cmdline();
+  #ifdef FEAT_CMDL_INFO
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* In Visual mode the size of the selected area must be redrawn. */
+      if (VIsual_active)
+  	clear_showcmd();
+- # endif
+      /* If the last window has no status line, the ruler is after the mode
+       * message and must be redrawn */
+--- 9800,9808 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/search.c	2014-01-14 21:31:30.000000000 +0100
+--- src/search.c	2014-03-23 13:34:46.351174489 +0100
+*** 506,512 ****
+  #endif
+  /*
+!  * lowest level search function.
+   * Search for 'count'th occurrence of pattern 'pat' in direction 'dir'.
+   * Start at position 'pos' and return the found position in 'pos'.
+   *
+--- 506,512 ----
+  #endif
+  /*
+!  * Lowest level search function.
+   * Search for 'count'th occurrence of pattern 'pat' in direction 'dir'.
+   * Start at position 'pos' and return the found position in 'pos'.
+   *
+*** 3198,3204 ****
+      cls_bigword = bigword;
+      clearpos(&start_pos);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* Correct cursor when 'selection' is exclusive */
+      if (VIsual_active && *p_sel == 'e' && lt(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor))
+  	dec_cursor();
+--- 3198,3203 ----
+*** 3208,3214 ****
+       * character, select the word and/or white space under the cursor.
+       */
+      if (!VIsual_active || equalpos(curwin->w_cursor, VIsual))
+- #endif
+      {
+  	/*
+  	 * Go to start of current word or white space.
+--- 3207,3212 ----
+*** 3245,3251 ****
+  		include_white = TRUE;
+  	}
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (VIsual_active)
+  	{
+  	    /* should do something when inclusive == FALSE ! */
+--- 3243,3248 ----
+*** 3253,3259 ****
+  	    redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);	/* update the inversion */
+  	}
+  	else
+- #endif
+  	{
+  	    oap->start = start_pos;
+  	    oap->motion_type = MCHAR;
+--- 3250,3255 ----
+*** 3267,3273 ****
+      while (count > 0)
+      {
+  	inclusive = TRUE;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (VIsual_active && lt(curwin->w_cursor, VIsual))
+  	{
+  	    /*
+--- 3263,3268 ----
+*** 3288,3294 ****
+  	    }
+  	}
+  	else
+- #endif
+  	{
+  	    /*
+  	     * Move cursor forward one word and/or white area.
+--- 3283,3288 ----
+*** 3334,3351 ****
+  	    back_in_line();
+  	    if (cls() == 0 && curwin->w_cursor.col > 0)
+  	    {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		if (VIsual_active)
+  		    VIsual = curwin->w_cursor;
+  		else
+- #endif
+  		    oap->start = curwin->w_cursor;
+  	    }
+  	}
+  	curwin->w_cursor = pos;	/* put cursor back at end */
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	if (*p_sel == 'e' && inclusive && ltoreq(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor))
+--- 3328,3342 ----
+*** 3357,3363 ****
+  	}
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+  	oap->inclusive = inclusive;
+      return OK;
+--- 3348,3353 ----
+*** 3384,3390 ****
+      pos = start_pos;
+      findsent(FORWARD, 1L);	/* Find start of next sentence. */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /*
+       * When the Visual area is bigger than one character: Extend it.
+       */
+--- 3374,3379 ----
+*** 3471,3477 ****
+  	}
+  	return OK;
+      }
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * If the cursor started on a blank, check if it is just before the start
+--- 3460,3465 ----
+*** 3521,3527 ****
+  	    find_first_blank(&start_pos);
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	/* Avoid getting stuck with "is" on a single space before a sentence. */
+--- 3509,3514 ----
+*** 3534,3540 ****
+  	redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);	/* update the inversion */
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+      {
+  	/* include a newline after the sentence, if there is one */
+  	if (incl(&curwin->w_cursor) == -1)
+--- 3521,3526 ----
+*** 3574,3582 ****
+      /*
+       * If we start on '(', '{', ')', '}', etc., use the whole block inclusive.
+       */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (!VIsual_active || equalpos(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor))
+- #endif
+      {
+  	setpcmark();
+  	if (what == '{')		/* ignore indent */
+--- 3560,3566 ----
+*** 3587,3593 ****
+  	    /* cursor on '(' or '{', move cursor just after it */
+  	    ++curwin->w_cursor.col;
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      else if (lt(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor))
+      {
+  	old_start = VIsual;
+--- 3571,3576 ----
+*** 3595,3601 ****
+      }
+      else
+  	old_end = VIsual;
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * Search backwards for unclosed '(', '{', etc..
+--- 3578,3583 ----
+*** 3641,3647 ****
+  		if (decl(&curwin->w_cursor) != 0)
+  		    break;
+  	    }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	/*
+  	 * In Visual mode, when the resulting area is not bigger than what we
+  	 * started with, extend it to the next block, and then exclude again.
+--- 3623,3628 ----
+*** 3666,3676 ****
+  	    curwin->w_cursor = *end_pos;
+  	}
+  	else
+- #endif
+  	    break;
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	if (*p_sel == 'e')
+--- 3647,3655 ----
+*** 3683,3689 ****
+  	showmode();
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+      {
+  	oap->start = start_pos;
+  	oap->motion_type = MCHAR;
+--- 3662,3667 ----
+*** 3807,3823 ****
+      old_pos = curwin->w_cursor;
+      old_end = curwin->w_cursor;		    /* remember where we started */
+      old_start = old_end;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (!VIsual_active || *p_sel == 'e')
+- #endif
+  	decl(&old_end);			    /* old_end is inclusive */
+      /*
+       * If we start on "<aaa>" select that block.
+       */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (!VIsual_active || equalpos(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor))
+- #endif
+      {
+  	setpcmark();
+--- 3785,3797 ----
+*** 3843,3849 ****
+  	    old_end = curwin->w_cursor;
+  	}
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      else if (lt(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor))
+      {
+  	old_start = VIsual;
+--- 3817,3822 ----
+*** 3851,3857 ****
+      }
+      else
+  	old_end = VIsual;
+- #endif
+  again:
+      /*
+--- 3824,3829 ----
+*** 3951,3957 ****
+  	}
+      }
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	/* If the end is before the start there is no text between tags, select
+--- 3923,3928 ----
+*** 3966,3972 ****
+  	showmode();
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+      {
+  	oap->start = start_pos;
+  	oap->motion_type = MCHAR;
+--- 3937,3942 ----
+*** 4010,4016 ****
+      start_lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /*
+       * When visual area is more than one line: extend it.
+       */
+--- 3980,3985 ----
+*** 4064,4070 ****
+  	curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
+  	return retval;
+      }
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * First move back to the start_lnum of the paragraph or white lines
+--- 4033,4038 ----
+*** 4136,4142 ****
+  	while (start_lnum > 1 && linewhite(start_lnum - 1))
+  	    --start_lnum;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	/* Problem: when doing "Vipipip" nothing happens in a single white
+--- 4104,4109 ----
+*** 4149,4155 ****
+  	showmode();
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+      {
+  	oap->start.lnum = start_lnum;
+  	oap->start.col = 0;
+--- 4116,4121 ----
+*** 4247,4253 ****
+      int		col_end;
+      int		col_start = curwin->w_cursor.col;
+      int		inclusive = FALSE;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      int		vis_empty = TRUE;	/* Visual selection <= 1 char */
+      int		vis_bef_curs = FALSE;	/* Visual starts before cursor */
+      int		inside_quotes = FALSE;	/* Looks like "i'" done before */
+--- 4213,4218 ----
+*** 4331,4347 ****
+  	}
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+!     if (line[col_start] == quotechar
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 	    || !vis_empty
+! #endif
+! 	    )
+      {
+  	int	first_col = col_start;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (!vis_empty)
+  	{
+  	    if (vis_bef_curs)
+--- 4296,4306 ----
+  	}
+      }
+      else
+!     if (line[col_start] == quotechar || !vis_empty)
+      {
+  	int	first_col = col_start;
+  	if (!vis_empty)
+  	{
+  	    if (vis_bef_curs)
+*** 4349,4355 ****
+  	    else
+  		first_col = find_prev_quote(line, col_start, quotechar, NULL);
+  	}
+! #endif
+  	/* The cursor is on a quote, we don't know if it's the opening or
+  	 * closing quote.  Search from the start of the line to find out.
+  	 * Also do this when there is a Visual area, a' may leave the cursor
+--- 4308,4314 ----
+  	    else
+  		first_col = find_prev_quote(line, col_start, quotechar, NULL);
+  	}
+  	/* The cursor is on a quote, we don't know if it's the opening or
+  	 * closing quote.  Search from the start of the line to find out.
+  	 * Also do this when there is a Visual area, a' may leave the cursor
+*** 4406,4419 ****
+      /* Set start position.  After vi" another i" must include the ".
+       * For v2i" include the quotes. */
+!     if (!include && count < 2
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 	    && (vis_empty || !inside_quotes)
+! #endif
+! 	    )
+  	++col_start;
+      curwin->w_cursor.col = col_start;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	/* Set the start of the Visual area when the Visual area was empty, we
+--- 4365,4373 ----
+      /* Set start position.  After vi" another i" must include the ".
+       * For v2i" include the quotes. */
+!     if (!include && count < 2 && (vis_empty || !inside_quotes))
+  	++col_start;
+      curwin->w_cursor.col = col_start;
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	/* Set the start of the Visual area when the Visual area was empty, we
+*** 4433,4439 ****
+  	}
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+      {
+  	oap->start = curwin->w_cursor;
+  	oap->motion_type = MCHAR;
+--- 4387,4392 ----
+*** 4441,4454 ****
+      /* Set end position. */
+      curwin->w_cursor.col = col_end;
+!     if ((include || count > 1
+! #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+! 		/* After vi" another i" must include the ". */
+  		|| (!vis_empty && inside_quotes)
+- #endif
+  	) && inc_cursor() == 2)
+  	inclusive = TRUE;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	if (vis_empty || vis_bef_curs)
+--- 4394,4403 ----
+      /* Set end position. */
+      curwin->w_cursor.col = col_end;
+!     if ((include || count > 1 /* After vi" another i" must include the ". */
+  		|| (!vis_empty && inside_quotes)
+  	) && inc_cursor() == 2)
+  	inclusive = TRUE;
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	if (vis_empty || vis_bef_curs)
+*** 4480,4486 ****
+  	}
+      }
+      else
+- #endif
+      {
+  	/* Set inclusive and other oap's flags. */
+  	oap->inclusive = inclusive;
+--- 4429,4434 ----
+*** 4491,4497 ****
+  #endif /* FEAT_TEXTOBJ */
+- #if defined(FEAT_VISUAL) || defined(PROTO)
+  static int is_one_char __ARGS((char_u *pattern));
+  /*
+--- 4439,4444 ----
+*** 4690,4696 ****
+      vim_regfree(regmatch.regprog);
+      return result;
+  }
+- #endif /* FEAT_VISUAL */
+  #if defined(FEAT_LISP) || defined(FEAT_CINDENT) || defined(FEAT_TEXTOBJ) \
+  	|| defined(PROTO)
+--- 4637,4642 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/spell.c	2014-03-08 16:13:39.123462070 +0100
+--- src/spell.c	2014-03-23 13:35:15.195174931 +0100
+*** 10191,10197 ****
+      if (no_spell_checking(curwin))
+  	return;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	/* Use the Visually selected text as the bad word.  But reject
+--- 10191,10196 ----
+*** 10209,10218 ****
+  	++badlen;
+  	end_visual_mode();
+      }
+!     else
+! #endif
+! 	/* Find the start of the badly spelled word. */
+! 	if (spell_move_to(curwin, FORWARD, TRUE, TRUE, NULL) == 0
+  	    || curwin->w_cursor.col > prev_cursor.col)
+      {
+  	/* No bad word or it starts after the cursor: use the word under the
+--- 10208,10215 ----
+  	++badlen;
+  	end_visual_mode();
+      }
+!     /* Find the start of the badly spelled word. */
+!     else if (spell_move_to(curwin, FORWARD, TRUE, TRUE, NULL) == 0
+  	    || curwin->w_cursor.col > prev_cursor.col)
+      {
+  	/* No bad word or it starts after the cursor: use the word under the
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/syntax.c	2013-11-28 18:53:47.000000000 +0100
+--- src/syntax.c	2014-03-23 13:35:30.379175164 +0100
+*** 6837,6846 ****
+  	CENT("SignColumn term=standout ctermbg=Grey ctermfg=DarkBlue",
+  	     "SignColumn term=standout ctermbg=Grey ctermfg=DarkBlue guibg=Grey guifg=DarkBlue"),
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	CENT("Visual term=reverse",
+  	     "Visual term=reverse guibg=LightGrey"),
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
+  	CENT("DiffAdd term=bold ctermbg=LightBlue",
+  	     "DiffAdd term=bold ctermbg=LightBlue guibg=LightBlue"),
+--- 6837,6844 ----
+*** 6927,6936 ****
+  	CENT("SignColumn term=standout ctermbg=DarkGrey ctermfg=Cyan",
+  	     "SignColumn term=standout ctermbg=DarkGrey ctermfg=Cyan guibg=Grey guifg=Cyan"),
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	CENT("Visual term=reverse",
+  	     "Visual term=reverse guibg=DarkGrey"),
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
+  	CENT("DiffAdd term=bold ctermbg=DarkBlue",
+  	     "DiffAdd term=bold ctermbg=DarkBlue guibg=DarkBlue"),
+--- 6925,6932 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/term.c	2014-03-19 14:01:53.153903819 +0100
+--- src/term.c	2014-03-23 13:35:43.519175365 +0100
+*** 3456,3467 ****
+  	return;
+      }
+- #  ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+  	checkfor = MOUSE_VISUAL;
+!     else
+! #  endif
+! 	if (State == HITRETURN || State == ASKMORE || State == SETWSIZE)
+  	checkfor = MOUSE_RETURN;
+      else if (State & INSERT)
+  	checkfor = MOUSE_INSERT;
+--- 3456,3464 ----
+  	return;
+      }
+      if (VIsual_active)
+  	checkfor = MOUSE_VISUAL;
+!     else if (State == HITRETURN || State == ASKMORE || State == SETWSIZE)
+  	checkfor = MOUSE_RETURN;
+      else if (State & INSERT)
+  	checkfor = MOUSE_INSERT;
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/ui.c	2013-07-13 20:57:08.000000000 +0200
+--- src/ui.c	2014-03-23 13:36:15.459175855 +0100
+*** 2610,2622 ****
+  	if (on_sep_line)
+  	    return IN_SEP_LINE;
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	if (flags & MOUSE_MAY_STOP_VIS)
+  	{
+  	    end_visual_mode();
+  	    redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);	/* delete the inversion */
+  	}
+- #endif
+  #if defined(FEAT_CMDWIN) && defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD)
+  	/* Continue a modeless selection in another window. */
+  	if (cmdwin_type != 0 && row < W_WINROW(curwin))
+--- 2610,2620 ----
+*** 2686,2717 ****
+  	}
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	/* Before jumping to another buffer, or moving the cursor for a left
+  	 * click, stop Visual mode. */
+  	if (VIsual_active
+  		&& (wp->w_buffer != curwin->w_buffer
+  		    || (!on_status_line
+  			&& !on_sep_line
+! # endif
+! # ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+  			&& (
+! #  ifdef FEAT_RIGHTLEFT
+  			    wp->w_p_rl ? col < W_WIDTH(wp) - wp->w_p_fdc :
+! #  endif
+  			    col >= wp->w_p_fdc
+! #  ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN
+  				  + (cmdwin_type == 0 && wp == curwin ? 0 : 1)
+- #  endif
+- 			    )
+  # endif
+  			&& (flags & MOUSE_MAY_STOP_VIS))))
+  	{
+  	    end_visual_mode();
+  	    redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);	/* delete the inversion */
+  	}
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN
+  	if (cmdwin_type != 0 && wp != curwin)
+  	{
+--- 2684,2713 ----
+  	}
+  #endif
+  	/* Before jumping to another buffer, or moving the cursor for a left
+  	 * click, stop Visual mode. */
+  	if (VIsual_active
+  		&& (wp->w_buffer != curwin->w_buffer
+  		    || (!on_status_line
+  			&& !on_sep_line
+! #endif
+! #ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+  			&& (
+  			    wp->w_p_rl ? col < W_WIDTH(wp) - wp->w_p_fdc :
+! # endif
+  			    col >= wp->w_p_fdc
+! # ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN
+  				  + (cmdwin_type == 0 && wp == curwin ? 0 : 1)
+  # endif
++ 			    )
++ #endif
+  			&& (flags & MOUSE_MAY_STOP_VIS))))
+  	{
+  	    end_visual_mode();
+  	    redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);	/* delete the inversion */
+  	}
+  #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN
+  	if (cmdwin_type != 0 && wp != curwin)
+  	{
+*** 2801,2814 ****
+  #endif
+      else /* keep_window_focus must be TRUE */
+      {
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	/* before moving the cursor for a left click, stop Visual mode */
+  	if (flags & MOUSE_MAY_STOP_VIS)
+  	{
+  	    end_visual_mode();
+  	    redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);	/* delete the inversion */
+  	}
+- #endif
+  #if defined(FEAT_CMDWIN) && defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD)
+  	/* Continue a modeless selection in another window. */
+--- 2797,2808 ----
+*** 2933,2939 ****
+      if (mouse_comp_pos(curwin, &row, &col, &curwin->w_cursor.lnum))
+  	mouse_past_bottom = TRUE;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* Start Visual mode before coladvance(), for when 'sel' != "old" */
+      if ((flags & MOUSE_MAY_VIS) && !VIsual_active)
+      {
+--- 2927,2932 ----
+*** 2947,2953 ****
+  	if (p_smd && msg_silent == 0)
+  	    redraw_cmdline = TRUE;	/* show visual mode later */
+      }
+- #endif
+      curwin->w_curswant = col;
+      curwin->w_set_curswant = FALSE;	/* May still have been TRUE */
+--- 2940,2945 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/undo.c	2014-03-12 16:51:35.060792541 +0100
+--- src/undo.c	2014-03-23 13:37:05.435176620 +0100
+*** 532,540 ****
+  	/* save named marks and Visual marks for undo */
+  	mch_memmove(uhp->uh_namedm, curbuf->b_namedm, sizeof(pos_T) * NMARKS);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	uhp->uh_visual = curbuf->b_visual;
+- #endif
+  	curbuf->b_u_newhead = uhp;
+  	if (curbuf->b_u_oldhead == NULL)
+--- 532,538 ----
+*** 1014,1029 ****
+      /* Assume NMARKS will stay the same. */
+      for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; ++i)
+  	serialize_pos(uhp->uh_namedm[i], fp);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      serialize_visualinfo(&uhp->uh_visual, fp);
+- #else
+-     {
+- 	visualinfo_T info;
+- 	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(visualinfo_T));
+- 	serialize_visualinfo(&info, fp);
+-     }
+- #endif
+      put_time(fp, uhp->uh_time);
+      /* Optional fields. */
+--- 1012,1018 ----
+*** 1082,1095 ****
+      uhp->uh_flags = get2c(fp);
+      for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; ++i)
+  	unserialize_pos(&uhp->uh_namedm[i], fp);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      unserialize_visualinfo(&uhp->uh_visual, fp);
+- #else
+-     {
+- 	visualinfo_T info;
+- 	unserialize_visualinfo(&info, fp);
+-     }
+- #endif
+      uhp->uh_time = get8ctime(fp);
+      /* Optional fields. */
+--- 1071,1077 ----
+*** 2406,2414 ****
+      int		old_flags;
+      int		new_flags;
+      pos_T	namedm[NMARKS];
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      visualinfo_T visualinfo;
+- #endif
+      int		empty_buffer;		    /* buffer became empty */
+      u_header_T	*curhead = curbuf->b_u_curhead;
+--- 2388,2394 ----
+*** 2430,2438 ****
+       * save marks before undo/redo
+       */
+      mch_memmove(namedm, curbuf->b_namedm, sizeof(pos_T) * NMARKS);
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      visualinfo = curbuf->b_visual;
+- #endif
+      curbuf->b_op_start.lnum = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
+      curbuf->b_op_start.col = 0;
+      curbuf->b_op_end.lnum = 0;
+--- 2410,2416 ----
+*** 2602,2614 ****
+  	    curbuf->b_namedm[i] = curhead->uh_namedm[i];
+  	    curhead->uh_namedm[i] = namedm[i];
+  	}
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (curhead->uh_visual.vi_start.lnum != 0)
+      {
+  	curbuf->b_visual = curhead->uh_visual;
+  	curhead->uh_visual = visualinfo;
+      }
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * If the cursor is only off by one line, put it at the same position as
+--- 2580,2590 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/version.c	2014-03-22 13:29:57.693846167 +0100
+--- src/version.c	2014-03-23 15:01:49.719254526 +0100
+*** 642,656 ****
+  #else
+  	"-virtualedit",
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  	"+visual",
+  	"+visualextra",
+- # else
+- 	"-visualextra",
+- # endif
+  #else
+! 	"-visual",
+  #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_VIMINFO
+  	"+viminfo",
+--- 642,652 ----
+  #else
+  	"-virtualedit",
+  #endif
+  	"+visual",
+  	"+visualextra",
+  #else
+! 	"-visualextra",
+  #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_VIMINFO
+  	"+viminfo",
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/window.c	2014-01-10 15:53:09.000000000 +0100
+--- src/window.c	2014-03-23 13:38:17.767177729 +0100
+*** 130,138 ****
+      case Ctrl_S:
+      case 's':
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  		/* When splitting the quickfix window open a new buffer in it,
+  		 * don't replicate the quickfix buffer. */
+--- 130,136 ----
+*** 150,158 ****
+      case Ctrl_V:
+      case 'v':
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- # endif
+  # ifdef FEAT_QUICKFIX
+  		/* When splitting the quickfix window open a new buffer in it,
+  		 * don't replicate the quickfix buffer. */
+--- 148,154 ----
+*** 170,178 ****
+      case Ctrl_HAT:
+      case '^':
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  		STRCPY(cbuf, "split #");
+  		if (Prenum)
+  		    vim_snprintf((char *)cbuf + 7, sizeof(cbuf) - 7,
+--- 166,172 ----
+*** 184,192 ****
+      case Ctrl_N:
+      case 'n':
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  newwindow:
+  #endif
+--- 178,184 ----
+*** 206,223 ****
+  /* quit current window */
+      case Ctrl_Q:
+      case 'q':
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  		do_cmdline_cmd((char_u *)"quit");
+  		break;
+  /* close current window */
+      case Ctrl_C:
+      case 'c':
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  		do_cmdline_cmd((char_u *)"close");
+  		break;
+--- 198,211 ----
+*** 226,234 ****
+      case Ctrl_Z:
+      case 'z':
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  		do_cmdline_cmd((char_u *)"pclose");
+  		break;
+--- 214,220 ----
+*** 248,256 ****
+      case Ctrl_O:
+      case 'o':
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  		do_cmdline_cmd((char_u *)"only");
+  		break;
+--- 234,240 ----
+*** 399,416 ****
+      case Ctrl_R:
+      case 'r':
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  		win_rotate(FALSE, (int)Prenum1);    /* downwards */
+  		break;
+  /* rotate windows upwards */
+      case 'R':
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  		win_rotate(TRUE, (int)Prenum1);	    /* upwards */
+  		break;
+--- 383,396 ----
+*** 499,507 ****
+      case ']':
+      case Ctrl_RSB:
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  		reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  		if (Prenum)
+  		    postponed_split = Prenum;
+  		else
+--- 479,485 ----
+*** 612,620 ****
+  #endif
+  		    case ']':
+  		    case Ctrl_RSB:
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  			reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  			if (Prenum)
+  			    postponed_split = Prenum;
+  			else
+--- 590,596 ----
+*** 3726,3734 ****
+  {
+      tabpage_T	*tp = curtab;
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+      if (trigger_leave_autocmds)
+      {
+--- 3702,3708 ----
+*** 4029,4040 ****
+  	return;
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (wp->w_buffer != curbuf)
+  	reset_VIsual_and_resel();
+      else if (VIsual_active)
+  	wp->w_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
+      need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
+--- 4003,4012 ----
+*** 6037,6043 ****
+      long	count;
+      linenr_T	*file_lnum;
+  {
+- # ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      if (VIsual_active)
+      {
+  	int	len;
+--- 6009,6014 ----
+*** 6048,6054 ****
+  	return find_file_name_in_path(ptr, len,
+  		     FNAME_MESS|FNAME_EXP|FNAME_REL, count, curbuf->b_ffname);
+      }
+- # endif
+      return file_name_at_cursor(FNAME_MESS|FNAME_HYP|FNAME_EXP|FNAME_REL, count,
+  			       file_lnum);
+--- 6019,6024 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/feature.h	2014-03-12 17:56:42.960852421 +0100
+--- src/feature.h	2014-03-23 13:39:02.003178407 +0100
+*** 214,220 ****
+   * +visual		Visual mode - now always included.
+   * +visualextra		Extra features for Visual mode (mostly block operators).
+   */
+- #define FEAT_VISUAL
+  #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
+  #endif
+--- 214,219 ----
+*** 1138,1150 ****
+  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
+  # ifndef FEAT_CLIPBOARD
+  #  define FEAT_CLIPBOARD
+- #  ifndef FEAT_VISUAL
+- #   define FEAT_VISUAL
+- #  endif
+  # endif
+  #endif
+! #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(FEAT_VISUAL) \
+  	&& (defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)) \
+  	&& defined(WANT_X11) && defined(HAVE_X11)
+--- 1137,1146 ----
+  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
+  # ifndef FEAT_CLIPBOARD
+  #  define FEAT_CLIPBOARD
+  # endif
+  #endif
+! #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) \
+  	&& (defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)) \
+  	&& defined(WANT_X11) && defined(HAVE_X11)
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/globals.h	2014-02-22 23:03:48.712901208 +0100
+--- src/globals.h	2014-03-23 13:39:17.407178643 +0100
+*** 662,668 ****
+  				/* set to TRUE when "-s" commandline argument
+  				 * used for ex */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  EXTERN pos_T	VIsual;		/* start position of active Visual selection */
+  EXTERN int	VIsual_active INIT(= FALSE);
+  				/* whether Visual mode is active */
+--- 662,667 ----
+*** 677,683 ****
+  EXTERN int	redo_VIsual_busy INIT(= FALSE);
+  				/* TRUE when redoing Visual */
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
+  /*
+--- 676,681 ----
+*** 1178,1188 ****
+  EXTERN int	fill_diff INIT(= '-');
+  #endif
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  /* Whether 'keymodel' contains "stopsel" and "startsel". */
+  EXTERN int	km_stopsel INIT(= FALSE);
+  EXTERN int	km_startsel INIT(= FALSE);
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN
+  EXTERN int	cedit_key INIT(= -1);	/* key value of 'cedit' option */
+--- 1176,1184 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/option.h	2014-03-12 18:55:52.104906804 +0100
+--- src/option.h	2014-03-23 13:39:30.991178851 +0100
+*** 572,580 ****
+  EXTERN char_u	*p_isp;		/* 'isprint' */
+  EXTERN int	p_js;		/* 'joinspaces' */
+  EXTERN char_u	*p_kp;		/* 'keywordprg' */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  EXTERN char_u	*p_km;		/* 'keymodel' */
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_LANGMAP
+  EXTERN char_u	*p_langmap;	/* 'langmap'*/
+  #endif
+--- 572,578 ----
+*** 681,690 ****
+  #endif
+  EXTERN char_u	*p_sections;	/* 'sections' */
+  EXTERN int	p_secure;	/* 'secure' */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+  EXTERN char_u	*p_sel;		/* 'selection' */
+  EXTERN char_u	*p_slm;		/* 'selectmode' */
+- #endif
+  #ifdef FEAT_SESSION
+  EXTERN char_u	*p_ssop;	/* 'sessionoptions' */
+  EXTERN unsigned	ssop_flags;
+--- 679,686 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/os_win32.h	2013-09-25 19:13:32.000000000 +0200
+--- src/os_win32.h	2014-03-23 13:39:49.819179139 +0100
+*** 68,74 ****
+  #endif
+  #define USE_FNAME_CASE		/* adjust case of file names */
+! #if !defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD) && defined(FEAT_VISUAL) && defined(FEAT_MOUSE)
+  # define FEAT_CLIPBOARD		/* include clipboard support */
+  #endif
+  #if defined(__DATE__) && defined(__TIME__)
+--- 68,74 ----
+  #endif
+  #define USE_FNAME_CASE		/* adjust case of file names */
+! #if !defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD) && defined(FEAT_MOUSE)
+  # define FEAT_CLIPBOARD		/* include clipboard support */
+  #endif
+  #if defined(__DATE__) && defined(__TIME__)
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/structs.h	2014-03-12 18:55:52.104906804 +0100
+--- src/structs.h	2014-03-23 13:40:19.175179589 +0100
+*** 346,354 ****
+  #endif
+      int		uh_flags;	/* see below */
+      pos_T	uh_namedm[NMARKS];	/* marks before undo/after redo */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      visualinfo_T uh_visual;	/* Visual areas before undo/after redo */
+- #endif
+      time_t	uh_time;	/* timestamp when the change was made */
+      long	uh_save_nr;	/* set when the file was saved after the
+  				   changes in this block */
+--- 346,352 ----
+*** 1406,1417 ****
+      pos_T	b_namedm[NMARKS]; /* current named marks (mark.c) */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /* These variables are set when VIsual_active becomes FALSE */
+      visualinfo_T b_visual;
+! # ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+      int		b_visual_mode_eval;  /* b_visual.vi_mode for visualmode() */
+- # endif
+  #endif
+      pos_T	b_last_cursor;	/* cursor position when last unloading this
+--- 1404,1413 ----
+      pos_T	b_namedm[NMARKS]; /* current named marks (mark.c) */
+      /* These variables are set when VIsual_active becomes FALSE */
+      visualinfo_T b_visual;
+! #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+      int		b_visual_mode_eval;  /* b_visual.vi_mode for visualmode() */
+  #endif
+      pos_T	b_last_cursor;	/* cursor position when last unloading this
+*** 1980,1986 ****
+  				       time through cursupdate() to the
+  				       current virtual column */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      /*
+       * the next six are used to update the visual part
+       */
+--- 1976,1981 ----
+*** 1991,1997 ****
+      linenr_T	w_old_visual_lnum;  /* last known start of visual part */
+      colnr_T	w_old_visual_col;   /* last known start of visual part */
+      colnr_T	w_old_curswant;	    /* last known value of Curswant */
+- #endif
+      /*
+       * "w_topline", "w_leftcol" and "w_skipcol" specify the offsets for
+--- 1986,1991 ----
+*** 2293,2302 ****
+  				   (inclusive) */
+      int		empty;		/* op_start and op_end the same (only used by
+  				   do_change()) */
+- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
+      int		is_VIsual;	/* operator on Visual area */
+      int		block_mode;	/* current operator is Visual block mode */
+- #endif
+      colnr_T	start_vcol;	/* start col for block mode operator */
+      colnr_T	end_vcol;	/* end col for block mode operator */
+  #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
+--- 2287,2294 ----
+*** ../vim-7.4.211/src/version.c	2014-03-22 13:29:57.693846167 +0100
+--- src/version.c	2014-03-23 15:01:49.719254526 +0100
+*** 740,741 ****
+--- 736,739 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     212,
+  /**/
+If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
+When your hammer is C++, everything begins to look like a thumb.
+			-- Steve Hoflich, comp.lang.c++
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\  an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///