Subject: patch 7.1.086
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From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.1.086
Problem:    Crash when using specific Python syntax highlighting.  (Quirk)
Solution:   Check for a negative index, coming from a keyword match at the
	    start of a line from a saved state.
Files:	    src/syntax.c

*** ../vim-7.1.085/src/syntax.c	Tue Aug 14 23:06:51 2007
--- src/syntax.c	Tue Aug 21 17:13:51 2007
*** 279,285 ****
  typedef struct state_item
!     int		si_idx;			/* index of syntax pattern */
      int		si_id;			/* highlight group ID for keywords */
      int		si_trans_id;		/* idem, transparancy removed */
      int		si_m_lnum;		/* lnum of the match */
--- 279,286 ----
  typedef struct state_item
!     int		si_idx;			/* index of syntax pattern or
! 					   KEYWORD_IDX */
      int		si_id;			/* highlight group ID for keywords */
      int		si_trans_id;		/* idem, transparancy removed */
      int		si_m_lnum;		/* lnum of the match */
*** 837,845 ****
  			    current_lnum = end_lnum;
! 			spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[cur_si->si_idx]);
! 			found_flags = spp->sp_flags;
! 			found_match_idx = spp->sp_sync_idx;
  			found_current_lnum = current_lnum;
  			found_current_col = current_col;
  			found_m_endpos = cur_si->si_m_endpos;
--- 838,855 ----
  			    current_lnum = end_lnum;
! 			if (cur_si->si_idx < 0)
! 			{
! 			    /* Cannot happen? */
! 			    found_flags = 0;
! 			    found_match_idx = KEYWORD_IDX;
! 			}
! 			else
! 			{
! 			    spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[cur_si->si_idx]);
! 			    found_flags = spp->sp_flags;
! 			    found_match_idx = spp->sp_sync_idx;
! 			}
  			found_current_lnum = current_lnum;
  			found_current_col = current_col;
  			found_m_endpos = cur_si->si_m_endpos;
*** 2533,2538 ****
--- 2543,2552 ----
      stateitem_T	*sip = &CUR_STATE(idx);
      synpat_T	*spp;
+     /* This should not happen... */
+     if (sip->si_idx < 0)
+ 	return;
      spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[sip->si_idx]);
      if (sip->si_flags & HL_MATCH)
  	sip->si_id = spp->sp_syn_match_id;
*** 2648,2653 ****
--- 2662,2671 ----
      lpos_T	end_endpos;
      int		end_idx;
+     /* return quickly for a keyword */
+     if (sip->si_idx < 0)
+ 	return;
      /* Don't update when it's already done.  Can be a match of an end pattern
       * that started in a previous line.  Watch out: can also be a "keepend"
       * from a containing item. */
*** 2759,2764 ****
--- 2777,2786 ----
      lpos_T	pos;
      char_u	*line;
      int		had_match = FALSE;
+     /* just in case we are invoked for a keyword */
+     if (idx < 0)
+ 	return;
       * Check for being called with a START pattern.
*** ../vim-7.1.085/src/version.c	Tue Aug 21 15:28:32 2007
--- src/version.c	Tue Aug 21 17:21:06 2007
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     86,

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 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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