Subject: Patch 7.2.042
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.042
Problem:    When using winrestview() in a BufWinEnter autocommand the window
	    is scrolled anyway. (Matt Zyzik)
Solution:   Don't recompute topline when above 'scrolloff' from the bottom.
	    Don't always put the cursor halfway when entering a buffer.  Add
Files:	    src/buffer.c, src/move.c, src/structs.h

*** ../vim-7.2.041/src/buffer.c	Sat Nov 15 14:10:23 2008
--- src/buffer.c	Sat Nov 15 14:58:52 2008
*** 1401,1406 ****
--- 1401,1409 ----
      curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
      curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
+     curwin->w_topline_was_set = FALSE;
+ #endif
      /* Make sure the buffer is loaded. */
      if (curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL)	/* need to load the file */
*** 1440,1446 ****
!     if (curwin->w_topline == 1)		/* when autocmds didn't change it */
  	scroll_cursor_halfway(FALSE);	/* redisplay at correct position */
--- 1443,1450 ----
! 	/* when autocmds didn't change it */
!     if (curwin->w_topline == 1 && !curwin->w_topline_was_set)
  	scroll_cursor_halfway(FALSE);	/* redisplay at correct position */
*** ../vim-7.2.041/src/move.c	Sun Jul 13 19:25:23 2008
--- src/move.c	Sat Nov 15 14:56:47 2008
*** 280,297 ****
  	if (curwin->w_botline <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
! 	    if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curwin->w_botline
! 		    && ((long)curwin->w_cursor.lnum
  					     >= (long)curwin->w_botline - p_so
  			|| hasAnyFolding(curwin)
! 	    {
  		lineoff_T	loff;
! 		/* Cursor is above botline, check if there are 'scrolloff'
! 		 * window lines below the cursor.  If not, need to scroll. */
  		n = curwin->w_empty_rows;
  		loff.lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
--- 280,299 ----
  	if (curwin->w_botline <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
! 	    if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curwin->w_botline)
! 	    {
! 	      if (((long)curwin->w_cursor.lnum
  					     >= (long)curwin->w_botline - p_so
  			|| hasAnyFolding(curwin)
! 	      {
  		lineoff_T	loff;
! 		/* Cursor is (a few lines) above botline, check if there are
! 		 * 'scrolloff' window lines below the cursor.  If not, need to
! 		 * scroll. */
  		n = curwin->w_empty_rows;
  		loff.lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
*** 317,322 ****
--- 319,328 ----
  		if (n >= p_so)
  		    /* sufficient context, no need to scroll */
  		    check_botline = FALSE;
+ 	      }
+ 	      else
+ 		  /* sufficient context, no need to scroll */
+ 		  check_botline = FALSE;
  	    if (check_botline)
*** 509,514 ****
--- 515,523 ----
      /* Approximate the value of w_botline */
      wp->w_botline += lnum - wp->w_topline;
      wp->w_topline = lnum;
+     wp->w_topline_was_set = TRUE;
+ #endif
  #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
      wp->w_topfill = 0;
*** ../vim-7.2.041/src/structs.h	Sun Nov  9 13:43:25 2008
--- src/structs.h	Sat Nov 15 14:56:42 2008
*** 1784,1793 ****
!      * The next three specify the offsets for displaying the buffer:
      linenr_T	w_topline;	    /* buffer line number of the line at the
  				       top of the window */
  #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
      int		w_topfill;	    /* number of filler lines above w_topline */
      int		w_old_topfill;	    /* w_topfill at last redraw */
--- 1784,1798 ----
!      * "w_topline", "w_leftcol" and "w_skipcol" specify the offsets for
!      * displaying the buffer.
      linenr_T	w_topline;	    /* buffer line number of the line at the
  				       top of the window */
+     char	w_topline_was_set;  /* flag set to TRUE when topline is set,
+ 				       e.g. by winrestview() */
+ #endif
  #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
      int		w_topfill;	    /* number of filler lines above w_topline */
      int		w_old_topfill;	    /* w_topfill at last redraw */
*** ../vim-7.2.041/src/version.c	Sat Nov 15 14:10:23 2008
--- src/version.c	Sat Nov 15 16:01:29 2008
*** 678,679 ****
--- 678,681 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     42,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
261. You find diskettes in your pockets when doing laundry.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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