Subject: Patch 7.2.445
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.445
Problem:    Crash when using undo/redo and a FileChangedRO autocmd event that
	    reloads the buffer. (Dominique Pelle)
Solution:   Do not allow autocommands while performing and undo or redo.
Files:	    src/misc1.c, src/undo.c

*** ../vim-7.2.444/src/misc1.c	2010-03-23 18:22:40.000000000 +0100
--- src/misc1.c	2010-07-07 18:18:52.000000000 +0200
*** 2467,2476 ****
!  * changed() is called when something in the current buffer is changed.
   * Most often called through changed_bytes() and changed_lines(), which also
   * mark the area of the display to be redrawn.
--- 2467,2478 ----
!  * Call this function when something in the current buffer is changed.
   * Most often called through changed_bytes() and changed_lines(), which also
   * mark the area of the display to be redrawn.
+  *
+  * Careful: may trigger autocommands that reload the buffer.
*** 2536,2541 ****
--- 2538,2544 ----
   * - marks the windows on this buffer to be redisplayed
   * - marks the buffer changed by calling changed()
   * - invalidates cached values
+  * Careful: may trigger autocommands that reload the buffer.
  changed_bytes(lnum, col)
*** 2649,2654 ****
--- 2652,2658 ----
   * below the changed lines (BEFORE the change).
   * When only inserting lines, "lnum" and "lnume" are equal.
   * Takes care of calling changed() and updating b_mod_*.
+  * Careful: may trigger autocommands that reload the buffer.
  changed_lines(lnum, col, lnume, xtra)
*** 2716,2721 ****
--- 2720,2730 ----
+ /*
+  * Common code for when a change is was made.
+  * See changed_lines() for the arguments.
+  * Careful: may trigger autocommands that reload the buffer.
+  */
      static void
  changed_common(lnum, col, lnume, xtra)
      linenr_T	lnum;
*** 2966,2971 ****
--- 2975,2981 ----
   * Don't use emsg(), because it flushes the macro buffer.
   * If we have undone all changes b_changed will be FALSE, but "b_did_warn"
   * will be TRUE.
+  * Careful: may trigger autocommands that reload the buffer.
*** ../vim-7.2.444/src/undo.c	2010-05-30 16:55:17.000000000 +0200
--- src/undo.c	2010-07-07 18:14:44.000000000 +0200
*** 185,191 ****
!     void
  u_check(int newhead_may_be_NULL)
      seen_b_u_newhead = 0;
--- 185,191 ----
!     static void
  u_check(int newhead_may_be_NULL)
      seen_b_u_newhead = 0;
*** 320,325 ****
--- 320,328 ----
      return TRUE;
+ /*
+  * Common code for various ways to save text before a change.
+  */
      static int
  u_savecommon(top, bot, newbot)
      linenr_T	top, bot;
*** 374,380 ****
      size = bot - top - 1;
!      * if curbuf->b_u_synced == TRUE make a new header
      if (curbuf->b_u_synced)
--- 377,383 ----
      size = bot - top - 1;
!      * If curbuf->b_u_synced == TRUE make a new header.
      if (curbuf->b_u_synced)
*** 709,714 ****
--- 712,723 ----
  	u_oldcount = -1;
      while (count--)
+ 	/* Do the change warning now, so that it triggers FileChangedRO when
+ 	 * needed.  This may cause the file to be reloaded, that must happen
+ 	 * before we do anything, because it may change curbuf->b_u_curhead
+ 	 * and more. */
+ 	change_warning(0);
  	if (undo_undoes)
  	    if (curbuf->b_u_curhead == NULL)		/* first undo */
*** 952,959 ****
  	 * First go up the tree as much as needed.
! 	for (;;)
  	    uhp = curbuf->b_u_curhead;
  	    if (uhp == NULL)
  		uhp = curbuf->b_u_newhead;
--- 961,971 ----
  	 * First go up the tree as much as needed.
! 	while (!got_int)
+ 	    /* Do the change warning now, for the same reason as above. */
+ 	    change_warning(0);
  	    uhp = curbuf->b_u_curhead;
  	    if (uhp == NULL)
  		uhp = curbuf->b_u_newhead;
*** 970,978 ****
  	 * And now go down the tree (redo), branching off where needed.
! 	uhp = curbuf->b_u_curhead;
! 	while (uhp != NULL)
  	    /* Go back to the first branch with a mark. */
  	    while (uhp->uh_alt_prev != NULL
  					&& uhp->uh_alt_prev->uh_walk == mark)
--- 982,996 ----
  	 * And now go down the tree (redo), branching off where needed.
! 	while (!got_int)
+ 	    /* Do the change warning now, for the same reason as above. */
+ 	    change_warning(0);
+ 	    uhp = curbuf->b_u_curhead;
+ 	    if (uhp == NULL)
+ 		break;
  	    /* Go back to the first branch with a mark. */
  	    while (uhp->uh_alt_prev != NULL
  					&& uhp->uh_alt_prev->uh_walk == mark)
*** 1070,1075 ****
--- 1088,1099 ----
      int		empty_buffer;		    /* buffer became empty */
      u_header_T	*curhead = curbuf->b_u_curhead;
+     /* Don't want autocommands using the undo structures here, they are
+      * invalid till the end. */
+     block_autocmds();
+ #endif
  #ifdef U_DEBUG
*** 1099,1104 ****
--- 1123,1131 ----
  	if (top > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count || top >= bot
  				      || bot > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count + 1)
+ 	    unblock_autocmds();
+ #endif
  	    EMSG(_("E438: u_undo: line numbers wrong"));
  	    changed();		/* don't want UNCHANGED now */
*** 1304,1309 ****
--- 1331,1340 ----
      /* The timestamp can be the same for multiple changes, just use the one of
       * the undone/redone change. */
      curbuf->b_u_seq_time = curhead->uh_time;
+     unblock_autocmds();
+ #endif
  #ifdef U_DEBUG
*** ../vim-7.2.444/src/version.c	2010-06-13 02:35:41.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2010-07-07 18:18:27.000000000 +0200
*** 683,684 ****
--- 683,686 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     445,

    A KNIGHT rides into shot and hacks him to the ground.  He rides off.
    We stay for a moment on the glade.  A MIDDLE-AGED LADY in a C. & A.
    twin-set emerges from the trees and looks in horror at the body of her
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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